2 minute read

1937 Should be an Advertising Year

By Jack Dionne

fncreased taxation should wield a powerful lever in making 1937 a. grand advertising year. Increased corpotation taxes, inc'teased business taxes, increased individual taxes, and the surplus profits tax, should all join together to help the adr,ertising business.

For years advertising has been at low tide; almost all advertising. Because advettising coots rrror€/r and people and firms had to ecoaromize to meet the exigencies of the depression. Now, those concerns that f,nd themselves making profits, likewise face the absolute certainty of having a large part of those profits removed from their cash registers by ttre taxation route. No one can escape.

But advertising is a vety, vety legitimate item in the cost of doing businqss. ft is more than pro6able t{rat in 1937 money can be spent for intelligent advertising with less actual COST to the advertiser than has ever been the case befote. Sorne of the advetising cost is cetain to be sub'tracted from the taxation total.

Fences can be rebuilt, names can be renewed in the public mind, products can be publi&d, trade-marks cen be driven into the public consciousness, services can be emblazoned, and innumerabh other worthwhile servic.es can be performed for people with something to sell, with money that would otherwise take the tax route. Lorser net incorrre means lower tax rate.

And it isn't exactly taking it from the Government. The people to whom the advertising money is gaid will build THEIR business, create their profits, and in turn earn money which the Government can collect taxes from. Vithout doubt innumerable corporations, feeling that thrift is to be pendized over the tax route, will seek means of putting some of their profits in circulation. Vhat better route than that of useful advertising?

The business magazines in general, have suffered desperately through dre depression The first thing the business concem did when depression set in was to quit advertising. And now that the tidJ has turned, the business magazines are hoping for a share of returning profits; and that share must come through advertising.

The busine.$ magazinec have a right to expect-{s well as hopethat having fought, bled and well. nigh died with the industries they served through the dark days, their pages may once again be filled with that life-giving commodity, ADVERTISING.

And patticularly so since present economic conditions, coupled with the mile-high tax giant that confronts all industry and business, furnishes the inteltigent reasons previously mentioned why advertising should bulge in 1937.

lumber dealers will make money next yearsome more than others. Thirty-five hundred Veyerhaeuser

4-SQUARE dealers will have a head start-because they are geared to e system of selling that works hard and fast-a plan that has pushed price competition to the bottom of the list of selling appeals and gives intelligent lumber merchandising an opportunity to function effectively.

The Veyerhaeuser 4-SQUARE Franchise is extremely valuable. To a trade-marked line of improved lumber possessing square, smooth ends in exact lengths it adds comprehensive, intefiigent, forceful selling programs. Veyerhaeuser merchandising lifts lumber from the unnamed ranks of uninteresting staples to the level of other identified, trademarked products.

In 1937, Veyerhaeuser will release a new series of sales producing printed plans. Vhen you see these selling helps, you'll agree that the lumber dealer will make more money next year-some more than others.

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