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frtuxiln'x Grtfiiwx HtLL & MORTON, tNC.



Santa Clara Yard Has Attractive New Office Buildins

This progressive concern is owned by M. J. Enos and Mike Dominick. who started business in Santa Clara in 1924 and moved to the present site one year later. The yard handles a full line of lumber and building materials and has a mill that manufactures a general line of millwork.

The office and display room is 30 by 40 feet. The visitor steps onto a beautifully polished Oak floor from the entrance door. This display contains four grades of Oak flooring and occupies one-third of the floor space, with the rest in Fir.

Knotty Pine is used on the lower six feet of the walls and above that Celotex insulating plank, with 16" Celotex tile on the ceiling. The counter top is Presdwood.

In the private office the walls are paneled in various hard- woods including Oak, Gum, Walnut, Jenisero, Ash, and ribbon grain Philippine Mahogany. The wainscoting is Jenisero. The flooring is Oak plank, four, six and eight-inch.

The estimating room has knotty pine wainscoting with Fir panels above. The yard office has solid Redwood paneling to the ceiling.

Large windows give plenty of daylight and fluorescent lighting is used throughout. The thermostatic heating system heats the building at small cost due to the fact that it is fully insulated. Pioneer insulation was used instead of sheathing in the walls. There is a full basement which will be used partly for storage.

A new storage shed at the rear is 28 by 60 feet.

\M"'rr" been q huntin' and q fishin' , , . ltot sorne venison and a couple oI elk, too, by golly. Ccrught some trout and the biggest one didnt get crwcry. Trcmped the hills, bucked the snow, Iell in the creek smelled the camp fire cnd the bccon. \ll/'e've 'et good, slept good and hcd a swell time.

I ou lumbermen have mcrde our plecsures possible crnd our year most plecrscrnt. We sincerely crpprecicrte your mcny lcrvors crnd wish you a very, very

Merry Ghristmrs and A Happy New Year

(Bill and tlohn Sarnpson)

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