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Horne oI todcry cnd tomorrow; it is one oI the cll-plywood, prelcbriccted houees. While erected oI mqsa produciion" ahopbuilt Bectiona lor speed cnd economy, it hcr obviour cppecrcnco vqluec. Delense needs hcve boosted prelcbricction into a lull-lledged industry destined to hcve vcst irnport<rnce in port-emergency conrtrudion.
The parade of new uses for Douglas fir plywood-slorved temporarily during l94l while the industry expanded production capacity to cope with government and private demands-is destined to take up in full stride again in 1942.
Year-end indications are that during the next 12 months almost every type industry in every part of the nation will rely upon the big, rigid wood and glue panels to do new jobs for them. The nation's factories today are called upon to do the double job of maintaining regular supplies and providing for defense; these tasks demand new techniques, new materials. Plywood, which combines many of the qualities of both steel and wood, is proving the answer to the new production problems.
It is not surprising that the operators of both big and little plants are looking more and more to fir plywood to aid in production. For up until five years ago nearly all the fir plywood manufactured went into so-called industrial uses; since that time utilization of the material for construction of homes and buildings has overshadowed the other applications.
Production Peak
There are other significant factors in the plywood picture as 7942 turns up on the calendar. Here are some of the components: l. Production capacity lor 1942 will total two billion square feet. This is in excess of three times the 1938 production; output for the new year would be enough for 400,000 all-plywood, five-room houses if the entire production were used for that single purpose.
2. Prefabrication, rushed to maturity as the greatest single development in the building field during the past year, undoubtedly will continue to grow in importance as it stands as the only answer to defense housing needs. Refinements in prefabrication methods will be effected. and prefabrication with plywood will continue to dominate this new industry because the inherent qualities of the panels contribute to the system of factory-formed house sections.
3. Farmers are expected te demand vast quantities of the panels for construction of new buildings and improve deteriorated structures. With war and emergency demands