3 minute read
Cafifornia Hardwood Situation in 1941 and Prospects for 1942
By LeRoy fI. Stcnton President, E. I. Stcnton & Son, Los Angeles
The hardwood situation in California has been considerably brightened by the defense program.
Scarcity of steel has increased the demand for hardwood lumber in the building of truck bodies, and heavy hardwood timbers have supplanted metal in shipbuilding plants and other defense industries in many r,vays. Considerable Philippine hardwood has been used for planking and frames for smaller defense crafts, such as motor torpedo boats, landing boats, and coastal patrol craft. Long timbers have been imported from South America as well as the Philippines for use as keels, chines, and sheers. There has been a considerable improvement in demand for hardwoods this year from the furniture manufacturing industry which has been going at high speed during 194I. Alder and Maple from our own Pacific Coast forests have been used up to the available supply on account of extremely high prices for Southern Gum, and Philippine }fahogany has also played a prominent part in filling the needs of our local furniture factories.
Hardwood is being used more and more for interior paneling, even in the smaller type of homes, in the form of thin solid panels manufactured from Philippine Mahogany, and also in the so-called "character marked" hardwoods. This type of paneling is within the reach of the builder of most modestly-priced homes.
Prospects for the hardwood business in California for 1942 arc somewhat uncertain, due to the war situation. Ilome building will be curtailed, but to offset this demands from defense industries should take up some of the slack.
Sincere Hotiiiay Greetings
We wcnt our cuatomers to &now lhct we cppre- cicte the businegs they bave cccorded ue during l94l-a record yecr with production recrching 190 Million Feetl
The huge ccrpccity qnd modera lcrcilities ol our Toledo, Oregon mills hqve enqbled us to meet the denqads ol Ncrtioncl Delense cnd our regulcr trcde WITHOUT SACNIHCING THf,T WELL XNOWN
We will be even better equipped to tsle care ol your ordere i! 1942 crad hope thct you will lqvor ue with your inquirier.
All lohuon Luabcr ir KILN DRIED crd f,cil Shipnells areStored aad Locdcd Uader Cover. fhc Trodc llork of qUAIITY IUTIIEER
Dnawn more closely together than ever, by the ties of real fellowship, we wish to extend to our many friends a wish which comes from deep within our hearts
Mary bought a little Bond, And slipped it in her soclq "Tis safer there, by far," guoth she, "Than under key and lock."
When Mary bought that little Bond, And stowed it in her stocking, The interest that investment drew, Was really rather shocking.
Mary bought a little. Bond, And hid it in her lisle; She bought a second, third, and fourth, And nowshe's got a pile.
If Mary.keeps on buying Bonds, And stowing them in lisle, To cover her deformities, Long skirts will be in style.
Home, the center of civilization ! Home, the bulwark of constitutional government t Home, the ark of safety to happiness, virtue, and Christianity! Home, the haven of rest in old age, where the higher elements of better manhood can be taught rising generations by the splendid example of settled citizenship ! Every man should own his home ! (By
Janies Stephen Hogg, immortal governor of Texas.)
Pleasant Printing
"May I print a kiss on your cheek?" he asked, She nodded her sweet permission. Then they went to pressAnd i rather guessThey printed a large edition.
When I Am Gone
When f am gone, I wonder if You'll go the same old ways, And sing and laugh through happy hours, As in the olden days; When you and I, as sweethearts, trod Moonlit field and heather, I wonder if you'll sing the songs We long have sung together? And if your dreams will be of me, Or will you gaily go, Another way, without a care-? (Deep in my heart, I know.)
frate Church Woman-"Why don't you arrest that nudist colony that is disgracing this neighborhood?"
Sheriff (Something of a wag): "I would, but it's awful hard to get anything on them."
By Sidney Lanier
Into the woods my Master went, Clean forspent, forspent.
Into the woods my Master came, Forspent with love and shame.
But the olives they were not blind to Him; The little grey leaves were kind to Him; The thorn tree had a mind to Him; When into the woods He came.
Out of the woods my Master went, And He was well content.
Out of the woods My Master came, Content with death and shame.
When Death and Shame would woo Him last; T'was on a tree they slew Him last; When out of the woods He came'.