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Postwar Home Expenditures
Los Angeles, Dec.3-Surveys made by the FHA throughout the nation indicate large expenditures for repair and modernization by home owners during the first tweh',: months after wartime restrictions are lifted, according to John E. McGovern, director, Southern California district FHA.
"New construction will require a reasonable time to be restored, even under the most favorable conditions," said Mr. McGovern. "The acquisition of land, manufacture of raw materials, price adjustments and general personal adjustments will be necessary and require time. A vast overnight construction revival may not be expected, but rather a revival of construction at a gradually increasing volume over a period of years.
"FIfA's surveys disclose the character of land, subdivisions, and lots available. The estimated needs for newly constructed units extend over a period of years, until a resumption of normal building activity is reached.
"House design is not expected to be revolutionized. Custom and tradition do not easily break down. The familiar cottage, the picket fence, the fireplace, are not easily replaced with some new, strange type of house.
"Price rang'e, initially, can be expected in the middle and upper-middle brackets, since that type represents the first casualty of the war. The bulk of demand in later years will be in middle and lou'er brackets."
Christmas Fellowship Fund
"Shares of Happiness" in the Christmas Fellowship Fund of the East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club are selling freely as in former years. They are $1.50 each and no limit is placed on the number any firm or individual may subscribe for.
The Fund is administered by a disbursement committee, and many a story could be told of the kind deeds performed by this committee from year to year.
Checks should be sent to J. B. Wood, E. K. Wood Lurnber Co., 2111 Frederick Street, Oakland 6, Calif.
Only Hcrdwood Plywood Plant in Northern Cclilornicr
Davis Hardwood Company operates the only hardlvood plywood plant in Northern California at their hard'rvood yard, Bay and N{ason Streets, San Francisco.
The greater part of the output of Birch and Oak plywood is used in the manufacture of Douglas planes.
James Davis is manager of Davis Hardwood
Another Young Lumberman
Dick Mussallem, salesman for Smith Lumber Co., Sarr Francisco, has been passing out the cigars in celebration of tlre birth of a baby boy, October 15. This makes two boys and two girls in Dick's family.
Back From Mexico
P. B. (Phil) Gilbert, sales Co., North Bend, Ore., was his way back from a business Mexican points.
manager, Coos Bay Logging in San Francisco recently on trip to Mexico City and other
So. Yellow Pine and Certain Hardwoods Placed Under Allocation Control
Washington, D. C., Dec. 2.-southern yellow pine an'l certain hardrn'oods were placed under strict allocation control today by the War Production Board. Action is taken by Conservation Order M-361 covering Southern yellorv pine, and M-364, covering the following hardwoods : Oak, ash, hickory, 1'ellow birch, hard maple, rock elm, and beech. Shingles, lath and railroad cross ties of all the species affected are exempted from the provisions of the Orders. M-361 and M-364 are designed to conserve supplies of these woods {or direct and indirect war uses to prevent their use for nonessential purposes.
Provisions of both orders are substantially the same. Prrlducers are permitted to sell only (1) to the Central Procuring Agency of the U. S. Corps of Engineers and colrtractors and others designated by it; (2) to other Feder:rl Agencies, Lend Lease, and their contractors and suppliers, and (3) upon specific authorization by WPB.
A producer, as defined in the order. means a sawmill which processes 25 per cent or more of the lumber it receives. Mills producing less than 10,000 board feet per average S-hour day during the second half of 1943, or currently producing less than this amount per day are exempted. Retail sales by yards and by mills in areas not served by retail yards are permittecl u'ithout restriction so also are sales from one producer to another.
In addition to these controls, the orders frovide .that WPB may allocate specific quantities or percetrtages of the restricted lumber to specified persons or for specified rlses, control deliveries without regard to preference ratings. clirect or prohibit production, and take Qther allocation ac' tion necessary to fill lvar and essential civilian requirements.
Total production of Southern yellow pine and the specified hardwoods is affected by the orders.
M-361 and M-364 are effective January 1,1944, but lumber in transit on that date may be delivered to its ultimate destination.
East Bay Hoo-Hoo Christmas Party
Wm. Chatham, Jr., iq charge of arrangements for the big Christmas Party of East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39, announces that a big attendance is expected at this afrair, which will be'held in the Leamington Bowl, Hotel l-eamington, Oakland, on Friday evening, December 17.
Dinner will be served at 6:39.
Heads Wcr Chest Publicity Committee
Charles Devlin, advertising manager of the Douglas Fir Plywood Association, Tacoma, is chairman of the public relations committee of the Tacoma War Chest carnpaign.
He is a-ssisted by Winston McCallum of the publicity department of the Douglas Fir Plywood Association, and Lloyd Thorpe of the public relations department of Weyerhaeuser Timber Co,, Tacoma.