1 minute read


"May God speed the day when the horr.res and fircsides of free and liberated peoples everywherc Inav bc forever relieved from the terror of desecration by hirelings of brutal aggressors, temporarily se lf -inflate d by visions of world domination."

'l'ltit. .1,,,1.t 1t -11'1)t)! \r,ttlL,l qL ltllr'lllitll ()l tllt' lttttrl,t t irrrltt.tt\ (ill ;l i;rtL'ittl ,l;Lr itt I )L l,rlr1 1'. li){r. I lt .l,r,rl ,tt ;r :ilrlr,\ 1,1;r1i,,r-tlr. .t1l'l Ittttrl('rl l,r ;r il iL rr,llr lll;t:: Il 1rr'rr t,lt'. llt'llitrl tt':tcltt',1 1ll| 1t,,\\itlll! ll),,llllll1 r'l lrt. l,,lrq :rn,l f:rilitItt] t':tt'ttr. \l,,1li,i;rl r.r'1)t(':(lrlltlitL',rl lll( ('(,lllr tt-r ltt lorcrl lrrtil.jrr.t 1,1(:t lllirl 1,, lrirrr. i,,r'lti- ()t-!;ttiirirli,)tl ,,1'llLi;rl irtl<l,,irlt',lq:r"rrl.l -( trt,' - tr;ralilrr'r'ttt1,r 1rt'tiot tttL,l i,, lrt'l1r irirr llrc rr:rr'. llt';ri'it1,llrl tlrt'"\l l'r'rrr;rrrl i r ,, lr.rrt r,rir't'. rr itlr q1,)\\ nr! ('()1rrl( l;rl('('. lltrl t rrlt'rl rr itlL tlr'

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