4 minute read
iilmr ttbr,,ttfr {lab
'I'hor lrc i;tltercrl, slurrrperl his liic's hiehest tr-irrrr.rph. I). J. (ialrill u'crrt lronru tri hinr a nrcrrror\' ":rs st:rirrlt.ss t."
se lltclr throrrglr t lrt. gt'rrr,r':rr-rrr "is lrut llrc lt'rrgtlrt'nt'rl particrrlarl.r' true in tlrc clLst' rttsiness orgarriz:r1ion lrc. llrrl Itis life's u'ork, tlrc \\'cstclrr of l-os r\ngelcs, n';rs inrlcc<l ir"lll :l lt)otlg<1 l,r.girrrrirra it Sl'ou rt ur)til it \\'ir: r,n(, ,,i ;lllct('r ilr llre entit'(. lirt i, 'n. ,l-cs:r\\' in srrrprisirrg iaslrion thc oppolttrnitics tirrrl olriig-:Lliorrs tlr;rt l,rorncrl lLlrcad [c,r' sttch a lrusine ss, :trrrl n ilhorrt :r tlrorrglrt to llrc sevt'rrtr--oclrl vears th:1t cron ttcrl lris ltc:rtl n itlr silve r, lrc lt'tl lris ot'gatrizutiot't abruptl-r' alrortl-f:rct' in :r tr-:rrrsitiorr ironr its halritttal Pcacctitnc lrursuils, 1o lrccorrrc:Lrr :Lll orrt irrstrruntrt of n-ar. -'\ncl so ivc'll did lrc pl:Ln rrrrrl so crrtrgt'ticlrll,r irrrrl l)rircticall\' dicl his org:Lnization i,,llou llrlouglr u ith his ..1..- ,1-.'.:.- .'.-:.-^...lrliltl1. shor-t tirrrc tltc clr:rngr. \\:rs tnil(l(,, l,l'lll:. tll(tl lll (tll lll\l( ;Lnrl \\'cstet'n \\'ils n'raking such.ull,r-i.irrg rt'cor-tls in Pt'r iornt:trtcc :Lnrl proclttction of n oo<ls ior u'lrr', tlt:r1 tlrt' ll:rlilinrc (.orlrrrission of the Federal (rovcrnrut'nt g:r\'(' l.irrlrlic t'cc,rgnition to the c-rcclle nce of tl'reir pcrior-n):rircr lr-r' :rn :rlrl ing tlrcnr thc N{aritirrre "\1", l'hich tlrel ri'e re orrc of thc llr-sl irr llrt'rurti,)n t{) l'('cli\c. r (',,rrtirrrtc,l orr l':Lge -12.; corner ol the yqrd ond q seq lumber,
The M:ore
It took two pictures to show the Iront ol the lMestern plcnt, iffu d
Oiiiciol U. S. Ncvy photobv Hitchcock, compliments "Seq." 45-loot picket boot neoring completion dt the Robert V, Stoots Co, yord ot llewport Harbor.
(( onlirtrreri irrinr
I'lgc -ll1 ll rr:Ls rlttt'irrg iltt' ce rcrlon_\ it11('n(ling titt' lrrrlrlic l)r'(.s('ll 1:ttion oi tluLt lllst a\\:rr(l tllrt ,\lr. (;tltill': lrr':u'1 [:rilt'rl lrlrrr, :nr(l hc l)assc(l irst:Lntl_r irto 1llLl irlrrtr,t't;lli1\ ilr rvlriclt lrtt so rle votttl,r' lrclicvc<1. .\rtrl n ir, ) ;lt'(, \\ (. 1() sit\ tlral thlLt trl)t'1ll)t cn(ling oi lris rrst'itr1 liic rr;r) r()l llrr' :ot'l tlr;rt IIr. (':rlrill uoLrlrl lurrc clrost'rr: "(;i\t' rrrt' lriglr rrrior, ;Lrrrl lc1 it lherr lrc nigJrt," tlrt'liot't s:rirl.
-flris stor-,r' is rr littcr lo r-t'l;Ltt' -,,ltt'llrirrg ,ri tltt. ru(l(l(^n r:h;urgr: ir-t,nr 1rr':Lt'c t() \\:u' tlt;rt \\'t':1('r'rr I l;u'(l\\'()(,rl rnnrlt ttnrltr tlrc r:rtirl;urt't' r,i .\lr'. ('lrlrill; lrriu it \\ir:i (lolt'; ult;r1 lur. l,r'cn :Lcc,rnrlrlislrt'tl ; :rrrrl lrol, rcgalrile ss oI tlre lriss rii i1s lt':rrlt'r-, llrr' \\'cstclrr I llrt-rln,r,,,l ()r'gali,/-trtir,l llils g()r(' ()r 1() gl'(':llcl tlrirgs ir tlrt'l)iLS1 t\\'('l\c ln()n1h:i,;ll1 1,J;rl. still lrig!t'r';rrrrl lrt't1r'r'thirrgs iol tltr irrrrrrr'rli;rl('l'll1tlr-('. lrstr';ril,,i .1lLcl<irg in its clTolts ;r[tcr llrr rlt'trt]r,,i llrr' clrit'i. tlrt' \\'t's1t'rr u;n- l'rLclril(' lrirs gont' [,)]-\\ rr-(l ilrst('l' 1lr;rtt t'rt't- l,t i,)i'('; \\lriclr is 1,r',,rcl l)-\' 1ll(' itLcl llrlr1 r,rr .furr' ) l. 1') l.l, llrt' \l:Lritirrt' ( ,,rrrrrissior lrrr lrt'rlcrl it lLr rrrl,liti,,rr;rl st:Ll i,)r- i15'\l" fllrc' i,rr cortlilttt'rl Prorlut'1ion ;rt'lrit'r't'1n('lll.
.\rrrl rttnror- hlr. it tlrrrL still glt';r1('r' r('\\;rr'(15 i,r' r'rt't'1r. 1i, in;rl nrclil ;u-c c( )lnnr!.
\\'t'slr;rll 1tr)l irtl('nti)1 to t-t'llr1t'lrr llri:. it()r'\ tlrt'1r:rst lri:Iot'r' oI t]rc \\'t:tt'rtt I lrrr-rlu..rl I-rrrllrcr' ( {}n)l):nl_\'. Strilrcc it to rcc:rll llrc i;rt't tlurt ir l()0(, |) .l (;Llrill. r't't't'rrtlr' :rrli\c(1 irt,rrr I)crrrct-, ulrct't lrL lr;rrl l,t'r'r in llrc rvlrolt-salt: ]lrrrln'oorl lttrnlrcr'lrttsirtt's.. ('rrr(' t(, l,,r: \11{('l('s ;trrl lrougltl :r) iirlercst in ;r :rrrrll, slr-rrgglirrq lrrnrlrt t' r':Llrl. rrlriclr lrc lrrocterlcrl 1ti lruilrl ul). I'-\'crturLll-r'lrc:rcrltrir-crl ()\\-lrcrshil) oi tlrr lrttsincss. I Ic irrrrrrt'rli;Ltcl-r' lrcg;in ir se:rrch ,,f llrt' rvor-lrl [, )]' c()rrr('r'('i;rl llLt'rlrr,rritls to stt1rlr1_r tltc grorr irg ;Lrrr1 \;rrit(l lttrtlrcr' ,lt'tu:rrrl ir S,,utltt't'r ( :rliiornirr. -l-ltt' lrt'st hrLt'clrr',,,)(l: \\'('r'('lrr,,ttqlrl it-,rrr tlrt'rlistlLnt iot'c.ts oi lllt' ( )r-icrt ;rrrl otlrt'r l)iu'ts ()i llrc nollrl, :rnc'l iLrlrlctl tr) :r slll)l)lJ' ,,i :rll tlrt rr:t'irrl .\nrt'r'ir';ur rr,orls. In tlrc ('iu-l-\' ('lir\ s 1'lttrou ttcrl irl(l ()l)r'r':tt('rl :L lr:Llrluootl srt\\'rllill (l()\\'ll itt 1.t.,. .\rrgclt'. Il;rr-lrcl rr lrt'r-t' thcr' :;:tu'crl n1) tlr(' l,rgs ;Lnrl titrlrcr'. tlr;Lt tlre_r'lrlorrght in ironr :Ll1 poirrts oI llrc ('()llll)iISS.
O$icicl U, S. Ncvy pbotr Hitchcoctc'. 136-loot mine aw€sp€ra under coutructiou ct Hubbcrd's Souih Coast Co,, Newport Hcrbbr. Complimeats "Sec,"
From a small acorn a lllighty lumber yarcl ancl service station grew. A completc planing mil1 r,vas installed; a big battery of six dry kilns; a veneer mill ; a green bending oak unit; facilities of every modern sort for preparing their varied lumber stocks for market.
They got into the business of furnishing lumber for ships and aircraft long ago. In 1925 tvhen a fleet of Douglas planes startled the civilized rvorld by flying in a group all the way round the world, the lurnber that t'ent into those planes was furnishecl by the Western Hardrvood l-umber Company. They furnished mahogany and walnut for the propellers; oak and mahogany for the pontoons; spruce for the wings and fuselage. They have been continuously in the aircraft lumber business in a steadily increasing way ever since. Also they have been continuouslv furnishing more and more lumlter and tim,bers for ship and boat ltuilclitg. When the second World War started it found the Western Hardwood Lumber Company doing a tremendous business with the users and consumers of harclrvood and specialty soft'rvood lrrmber throughout Southern California, serving the furniture trade, the varied irrdustrial trade, the retail lumber dealer trade, and every other line of business that used hardwoods and specialty softrvoods. The yard and plant had grown to tremendous proportions. Lt the rnanv sheds ancl giant yard were to be founcl thd congregated specialty $'oods still obtainable throughout the \\'orld.
The nerv rvar found D. J. Cahill still acting as general overseer of t1-re affairs of the company, and Frank J. Connolly, Vice President and (leneral Manager, capably handling the burdens of the cletailecl management of so largc and varied a business, as he has been doing for many years. They put their heads together, those trvo, :rnd deCided to go to war. As has already been stated, thev foresaw not only the unlimited possibilities but like.rvise the obligations rvhich this greatest of all wars was bringing like an avalanche upon the lumler inclustrv, and they rlccidecl to wait not a minute, but to preparc thentsclves for active participation in the industrial battle that rv:rs conriug.
How rvell thev dicl so is attested by the fact that todav their business is 100 per cent war, and 93 per cent of everything they sell moves on AAI ratings. They began eariy in 1940 to build a stock pile of lunrber and hardu'ood timbers based on war requirements. Today they have corrsiclerably more lumber in stock than they have ever ha<l at any previous time in their history. On their foresight and accomplishment in securing this great accun-rnlation o[
(Continued on Page 44)