Korchma en summer 2017 preview pages

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Summer 2017 | № 6 (165)

More news and photos at www.tarasbulba.ru korchma@tarasbulba.ru Project manager – Yuri Beloyvan












Summer Produce on Your Table

Hot Season:

Korchma Recommends: Hurry Up and Enjoy the Summer!

The Globe in Your Pocket: Argentina: A Smiling Country with a Sun on Its Flag

Our History:

Ivan Kozhedub: A Peasant’s Son Who Became an Ace Wi-Fi in all restaurants

24/7 food delivery and hotline: www.tarasbulba.ru

8 (495) 780-77-44


2 | culinary

Summer Produce on Your Table At last comes the time we dreamt about all those dark winter months. Summer is a wonder time of vacations, trips to the sea, riverside, or country house. It regales us with plenty of fruit, vegetables, and berries – this is the time to stock up on vitamins for the rest of the year. And even though the summer heat might sometimes get unbearable, you can still survive it comfortably if you change your habits just a bit: spend more time outside, drink more water, eat lighter food, binge on greens, vegetables, and fruit. You’d better forget the fatty and heavy foods until winter. Among the refreshing and nourishing meals in the summer are vegetable salads, cold soups (okroshka, beetroot soup, tarator, gazpacho), green borsht, ragout, etc. It’s advisable to cut down on meat and stick to lean veal, turkey, or chicken breast. You can follow the example of hot Mediterranean countries and eat more fish and seafood combined with vegetables and g r e e n s . Lettuce, sorrel, nettle, parsley, dill, coriander, and spinach in various combinations

will enrich your menu and will replenish it with vitamins, minerals, dietary fibers, and other nutrients. For example, spinach is rich in folic acid, which is necessary for the growth of red blood cells. Fresh cucumbers are the best summer vegetable. They consist of 90 percent water, and they are rich in calcium, vitamin C, and mineral salts. They can be added to salads, cold soups, and served as a side dish for meat, fish, and other favorite dishes. Bell pepper is an honorable guests on the summer table. It is especially rich in vitamin C, and also contains vitamins В1, В2, В9, Р, РР, and carotene. Thanks to its high content of potassium mineral salts, as well as calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, fluorine, ferrum and other elements, it is good for anemia, a compromised immune system, early hair loss, osteoporosis. It stimulates secretion of the stomach acid and satiates thirst. Bell pepper and other vegetables should be minimally thermally processed so that they can preserve more of their precious nutrients. An ideal summer meal combining the healthiest and the tastiest products is a salad. But it’s better to dress it not with mayonnaise but with fat-free yogurt, fresh cream, vegetable oil, or citrus juice. Add just a tiny bit of salt because it has an effect of keeping liquid in your body, thus causing edema. By adding spices and herbs you can create an interesting taste. Another symbol of the summer is okroshka. It’s refreshing

and nourishing. To get the most benefit out of it, okroshka should be cooked on homemade kvass, kefir, whey, or lean chicken broth by adding a bit of sour cream. Instead of meat or sausage, you can add brynza cheese or smoked cheese into this soup. It’s an unusual, healthy, but most of all delicious meal! Porridges don’t lose their positions even in the summer. They can be sweet (with berries, fruit, dried fruit, and honey) or non-sweet (with cheese, vegetables, nuts). In any way, they are a nice element of a balanced diet, because cereals contain many substances indispensable for the human body: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and ferments. Porridge is a perfect breakfast and will keep you satiated till lunch and you won’t be tempted to snack on something fast and unhealthy. But if you do need a snack, opt for an apple, banana, fruit and berry smoothie, sorbet (fruit ice). Such a snack will help you satiate your hunger, won’t create heaviness in your stomach, and will energize you with vitamins. A thing to avoid, however, is a fat ice cream and sweet soda drinks. The latter contain too much sugar or aspartame (artificial sweetener). Even though the aspartame contains zero calories, it has methanol, the amount of which increases with temperature. But even an ice-cold soda contains dangerous elements (e.g., sodium benzoate, etc.)

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It’s much healthier to refresh yourself with fresh juice, fruit infusion, compote, homemade lemonade, or kvass. They have natural ingredients, a nice and energizing taste. Another good remedy for thirst is green tea without sugar. But of course, don’t forget non-carbonated mineral water because summer is the time when you especially need a lot of liquids. The ancient science on healthy life – Ayurveda – recommends beer as a summer drink. According to Ayurveda, each season has its own special taste. The taste of summer is bitter. It means that in this season, it is especially good to eat and drink as many bitter products as possible. They stimulate heart work, blood vessels, and the intestines. It is thought that the bitter taste is the best at satiating thirst and bringing refreshment. However, don’t overdo it with the beer because it is still alcohol. Feel free to binge on grapefruit juice or bitter herbs in cold soups as they add a refreshing flavor and healthy effect. Other produce with a bitter taste that can be added to salads are radish, onion, garlic, wormwood, and dandelion. Ayurveda also recommends other vegetables for the summer menu: cucumbers, tomatoes, beetroot, early potato, cabbage. Also cucurbits crops: squash, zucchini, scallop, pumpkin. Squash is especially popular in our region. They are perfectly digested. They contain vitamins C and A, important microelements, potassium, calcium, ferrum, magnesium. Squash removes harmful substances and toxins from our bodies. It provides fast satiation but does not cause heaviness, which is especially important in the summer time. Squash is used to cook casseroles and purees. They can be stewed, roasted, and fried – in all these cases the taste and nutritious value will be excellent. According to the Indian system of eating, other useful summer foods include chicken, mutton, and from among byproducts heart. The best way to eat

the meat is with mustard or horseradish, which in the hot weather can also prevent food poisoning. Try to avoid eating meat and spicy and heavy meals right before going to sleep. It won’t have enough time to digest, will leave you with a heavy feeling, and will make you thirsty. You can prepare a light vegetable salad dressed with lemon juice for dinner. During the day, try also to stick to light meals containing lots of water.

And of course, during the hot summer days it is nice and good to eat outside in the shade. It improves your appetite, it makes the meals taste and smell better, and it will make your food digest faster. You are welcome to experience home comfort and all the benefits of eating outside at the verandas of the Korchma Taras Bulba restaurants. Text by Olga SINIUGINA

w w w. t a ra s bu lba . ru

открылись В РЕСТОРАНАХ ПО АДРЕСАМ: Метро Новокузнецкая, ул. Пятницкая, дом 14 Метро Боровицкая, ул. Моховая, дом 8, стр. 1 Метро Новые Черемушки, ул. Наметкина, дом 13Г Метро Парк культуры, Смоленская, Смоленский бульвар, дом 12/19 Метро Ленинский проспект, Ленинский проспект, 37 Метро Бауманская, ул. Бакунинская, дом 23/41 Метро Алексеевская, ул. Бочкова, 3 Метро Аэропорт, Ленинградский пр-т, 64

приятного аппетита на свежем воздухе!

Метро Цветной Бульвар, ул. Садовая-Самотечная, д.13/14 Метро Авиамоторная, ул. Красноказарменная, 6 г. Одинцово, Можайское шоссе,122.

4 | culinary

Water, you have no taste, no color, no scent, you can’t be described, you can only be admired without understanding what you are. You are indispensable to life, you are life itself. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The Truth is in Wine, Health is in Water It would be difficult to overestimate the meaning of water for human beings and all living creatures on Earth. The importance of water to life was understood by people in ancient times. Water was worshipped and idolized. The ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Thales of Miletus thought that everything was born from water and returns to water in the end, that water was the beginning and the end of the Universe. In our days, it has been proved that a human body consists 2/3 of water and we need to replenish its stock by drinking at least two liters per day. It is especially imperative in the summer heat. Why is it so important to drink water? First of all, water is the main vehicle of nutrients to all cells in our body. It takes part in all chemical reactions. It serves metabolic processes, it removes toxins, boosts our immune system, stimulates brain work and the nervous system, improves digestion, promotes plasticity of ligaments, makes our skin and hair healthier. Besides, water plays a thermoregulation role in our body and helps us shed those few extra kilos. The Country of the Rising Sun known for its centenarians and nontraditional medicine has developed a simple and effective water treatment. Its effect was later acknowledged by the Medical Association of Japan. The method consists in drinking four glasses (200 ml each) of water right after waking up in the morning. Then you can brush your teeth and take a shower. You are allowed to eat and drink

only 45 minutes later. After breakfast you need to restrain from eating and drinking for two hours. To make water tastier and more efficient, you can add into your water a piece of lemon that is rich in vitamin C and potassium. This treatment is known to help various diseases: headaches, heart conditions, kidney diseases, asthmatic bronchitis, diabetes, gastritis, and many others. How can this healing effect be explained? People’s blood after waking up is denser due to a shortage of water, and so they need to drink water first thing in the morning. If we immediately start the morning with coffee and sandwiches, our blood becomes even thicker because the human body uses water to digest the food. In addition to that, both coffee and tea are diuretics. It means that the body starts removing through the kidneys more liquid than we took in. As a result, we get a chronic water shortage, constantly thick blood, problems with the large intestine, and so on. That’s why it is so vital to drink water before eating for better digestion and harmonious work of the entire body. Right after breakfast, try to wait

some time before the next intake on food or drinks for the nutrients to be absorbed. Water is at its healthiest when you drink it on an empty stomach or between meals. However, during a meal, the Chinese and Japanese say it is better to drink hot tea. This helps to dilute and digest the fats contained in food without harming your health and figure. But is all water equally healthy? Depending on its chemical composition and state it exhibits different qualities. Scientists are ambivalent about boiling water. On the one hand, it kills harmful bacteria and neutralizes chemical additives. As a result, the water gets milder and tastier. On the other hand, it changes the water’s structure and eliminates several precious characteristics. In other words, the water turns “dead” and useless for a human being. Some experts say that boiling produces salts, which after getting into a human body can provoke edemas, arthritis, and even kidney stones. However, if you can’t get away from the

thermal processing, it is recommended to boil drinking water no more than once and no longer than 10 minutes. Especially delicious, pure, and naturally healthy water, due to its natural origin and absence of thermal processing, is spring water. It flows from the deep interior of the Earth and, when passing though the soil, is naturally purified at the same time preserving its natural qualities and structure. Spring water is characterized by its balanced content and high oxygen content. It is thought to be a “live” water and does not require boiling or filtering. But as environmental pollution can affect the quality of spring water, it is mandatory to drink water only from approved and clean sources. As this water is known for losing its taste and healthy effect quite fast, it is not recommended to store it for more than a week. Mineral water enriched with biologically active substances, valuable salts, and microelements has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. Its healthy characteristics depend in its chemical composition. For example, water rich in sulphates improves liver and gallbladder work. Chloride water

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Our always fresh Kamorinskaya water can be bought in all of our chain’s restaurants or can be ordered on Korchma’s website: www. tarasbulba.ru Price: 0.5 liters - 30 rubles 1 liter (in glass) - 60 rubles 5 liters - 50 rubles normalizes the digestive system and stimulates metabolism. Alkaline water helps in treating gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, gout and colitis, as well as obesity. However, if you drink mineral water for medicinal purposes, ask your doctor to prescribe you one considering all its advantages and disadvantages, counterindications and possible side effects. It might seem that the effect of water on a human body is obvious, so why don’t we all take it as a rule to drink two liters of water daily? Regular water might seem plain and taste-


less. Can it be replaced with other drinks? Fruit and vegetable juices diluted with water can partially satisfy our water intake needs, but they also contain calories. And for the absorption of drinks containing milk and sugar we need plain water. Tea, coffee, and alcohol are diuretics. So after consuming them we need water to replenish. So, whether you like it or not, nothing can replace water! You can learn to drink more water if you try the following steps: Carry around a bottle of plain water whose taste you enjoy.



mineralization 1-2 g/l chemical composition of water Sodium+potassium (Na+ K+) Chlorides (Cl) Sulphates Hydrogen carbonates Calcium Magnesium

mg/l 4.5 3.5 4.6 95 77.2 20.67

Drink a glass of water 15 minutes before a meal – it will replenish the water loss in your body and also will slightly satiate your appetite and will prevent you from eating too much. Drink water, not tea or coffee, during your work breaks. Add lemon juice in water for a better taste and a more healthy effect. It’s not only important to drink good quality water but also to cook with it because it effects the taste and nutritious qualities of the dishes. We, at Korchma, understand it better than anything, and that is why in our cook-

ing we only use the natural mineral water Kamorinskaya. It has a pleasant natural taste and a balanced content of salts and minerals. It is extracted from an artesian well at the depth of 60 meters in the village of Kamorino, Ryazan region. It is then bottled at our private bottling line on the Kazachye farm. This makes us a 100% sure in the quality of our water. We also want to point out that on the 22nd of every month, all of our restaurants celebrate Water Day. Interesting thematic tricks await our guests! Text by Olga SINIUGINA

6 | History

June June 1st – Birthday of Korchma in New York June 4th – Trinity Day. Pentecost June 5th – Whit Monday June 7th – Third Finding of the Head of John the Baptist June 12th to July 11th – St. Peter’s Fast June 12th – Russia Day June 22nd – Remembrance and Mourning Day July 22nd – Birthday of Korchma on Bakuninskaya St. June 25th – Slavic Unity Day June 27th – Youth Day in Russia June 28th – Constitution Day in Ukraine

“Courage without stamina is a blank shot!” Ivan Kozhedub

July July 7th – Nativity of St. John the Baptist July 12th – St. Apostles Peter and Paul July 21st – Feast of the Icon of Kazan July 24th – Birthday of Korchma on Nametkina St. July 28th – Day of St. Prince Volodymyr, Equal to the Apostles, the Evangelizer of Rus’

August August 2nd – Elijah’s Day August 14th – the Honey Savior August 14th to August 27th – Assumption Fast August 18th – Birthday of Korchma on Lenin Avenue August 19th – Transfiguration of Christ August 19th – the Apple Savior August 22nd – Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation August 24th – Independence Day in Ukraine August 28th – Assumption of Our Lady August 29th – the Bread Savior August 30th – Birthday of Korchma on Shmit Alley

7 july

Ivan Kozhedub: A Peasant’s Son Who Became an Ace He was the top scoring fighter pilot of Soviet aviation and during WWII he shot down 62 enemy planes. These figures are official and welldocumented. Rumor has it, though, that the list of the Ukrainian pilot’s air victories is much longer. Interestingly, the ace’s life did not always have a pristine reputation. For example, the Soviet hero-to-be was sent to the frontline straight from the cooler. Allegedly, he was sent there for his love of card games. When he was being processed to go to the front, Ivan said to the chief: “You are going to hear about me!” The reply was quite skeptical: “Go ahead, the Germans will skin you there.” On the anniversary of the legendary pilot’s birth, we are publishing the story of his prolific life. Cow phobia, dreams of painting, and first fascination with aviation

Nativity of St. John the Baptist Korchma Chain Holidays Celebrate with Us Every Month 1st – Gogol’s Day 5th – Cheese Day 8th – Women’s Day 9th – Victory Day 10th –Borscht Day 13th – Day of Kindness 14th – Varenyky Day 21st – Pancake Day 22nd – Water Day 23rd – Men’s Day 24th – Mother’s Day 29th – Salo Day

Ivan Kozhedub was born June 8, 1920, in a village in the Sumy region of Ukraine. He was the youngest child in the family; he had an older sister Motria, and brothers Sashko, Hryhoriy, and Yakiv. Ever since he was a child, Ivan had a fear of fires, cows, and horses; he also reacted very emotionally to scary stories read to him at night by his parents. From an early age the boy got accustomed to doing numerous household chores. Although he was his mother’s pet, he helped in the field and around the house. Since he was five, despite his wife’s protestations, his father made him guard the orchard all day long. As a young man he was fond of sports. He performed complex exercises on the chin-up bar and weight lifted. As a result, he developed a brilliant vestibular system, stamina, and willfulness. His father, though, wanted his son to become an artist. Ivan himself used to dream about the Arts Academy, the once alma mater of Taras Shevchen-

ko. But his fate decided otherwise. After school Kozhedub enrolled in a technical college and simultaneously attended a local aviation club. Such clubs were springing up all around the country and were extremely popular among young people. At first, he kept his aviation hobby a secret and no one at home knew anything about it. No wonder, because when he once told his dad that he wanted to learn to fly, his father replied: “What’s the use of chasing storks in the sky?” A peasant who became an air instructor World War II was imminent and the entire gigantic country was in the process of getting ready for it. At that time, Ivan was a student at Chuhuiv Military Air School and graduated right on the eve of the war. But he was not allowed to go to the front right away. As the school’s top student, he remained as an instructor. He taught others to fight even though he had never seen a single enemy’s plane with his

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own eyes. The former peasant learned the technical characteristics and capacities of the Luftwaffe aircraft from newspaper clippings. But stuffy academic rooms were not for Ivan. He dreamed of flying and kept bombarding his commanders with reports volunteering to go into action. Even more so because every single day he would read in newspapers status reports from the battlefields with his friends, former cadets, or instructors as heroes. But every time, he would receive the same response from the commanding officer: “Your duty is to train pilots for the Red Army. The front is suffering great losses.” His first fight experience and his first Hero’s Star In 1943, after numerous pleas, Ivan Kozhedub was finally sent to the frontline. His first flight was a failure. The only thing that saved him from certain death was “an armored back” in the cockpit. An enemy’s Messer dented his plane with bullets like a colander. But this setback didn’t ruin the Ukrainian pilot’s determination. He managed to land the plane on the air field, and on the second day of the Kursk Battle, on July 6, 1943, he shot down his first German plane – a Junkers fighter Ju-87. The following day, he shot another one, two days

later two more planes. He never became a sad statistic: 90 percent of young pilots died and were shot in their first couple of air fights. After a month of fighting Ivan Kozhedub received his fist award, the Red Flag Medal, and less than a year later a 24-year-old captain was decorated with an honorable Star of the Hero. It turned out, it was only his first Star. By the end of the war the pilot had received two more of them and became one of three people in the Soviet Union to be awarded such a high order three times. Flying with closed eyes The story goes that despite the awards and admiration from the Party leadership, Ivan Kozhedub remained a timid boy. He is associated with flying the La-5 plane, and later the La-7. He loved his plane and often, when no one was watching, he would secretly kiss the machine. He was a virtuoso on this plane and he could fly it with his eyes closed. He never ascribed himself victories achieved in a group fight – he preferred to grant them to younger pilots. He also never added a plane to his score unless he personally saw it hit the ground. He never even reported this to the commanding officer. As a result, the real number of the planes he took down might have been much higher than the official statistics.

Interesting facts: • The pilot had a small superstition. Before every flight, he would talk with his plane as if it were a human being, and would pet it on the hull. • Besides the pilots Kozhedub and Pokryshkin, there was only one person who was thrice named the Hero of the USSR – Marshall Budionnyi. Only Brezhnev and Zhukov were decorated with it four times. • Kozhedub was too shy to sing – but he could masterfully dance the hopak. • During the Korean War he commanded the 324th Air Fight Division that shot down 217 American planes. By that time, Kozhedub mastered the jet MiG-15.

Cool Brews: Draft Beer in the USSR Imagine – the sun, heat, and incredible thirst. You stop on the street near a cool metal barrel and for just a few cents get a mug of good fresh beer! A few big gulps and you’ve completely forgotten about your thirst. Today such an image exists only in our imagination, but back in 1960-80s this was all a reality! During this period in the Soviet Union, beer culture took off, and with it the so-called beer kiosks. The older generation remembers how on virtually all major streets were barrels, from which the frothy drink was sold to everyone. This is despite the fact that before the 70s this alcoholic drink was not held at a very high esteem in the Soviet Union. According to statistics, the average Soviet citizen drank only 12-15 liters of beer per year (compared with 7-8 liters of vodka). Eventually, several large breweries were built in the Soviet Union. As a result, consumption of vodka was reduced, while the consumption of beer increased. It was sold in glass containers and on draft, the latter of which had an especially high demand. First, draft beer was appreciated for its freshness, because it never sat long. However, truth be told often the «freshness» was due to sourness. Also the beer was mercilessly diluted with water. And it was done twice: first the driver of the beer wagon, and then by the seller in a kiosk. Because of this, those who worked with beer were considered rich people. Some of them went to work in their own cars, and before putting on their work clothes, took off imported suits and shoes. To buy the brew on tap Soviet citizens often had to stand in long queues. Moreover, they had to come with their own glasses, as plastic bottles were not available at that time. Mostly they came with glass jars of different sizes, but sometimes even with small aluminum pails. The customers stood in line proudly carrying their goods in nets, and this was the best advertisement for the beer kiosks because it meant only one thing–fresh beer was sold here and one must hurry on over before it’s sold out.

8 | Travelling

Argentina: A Smiling Country with a Sun on Its Flag It was an ordinary day in Lviv. Depressing rain fell along with freezing snow. Wet shoes, apathy, large portions of coffee that had no effect and the depressing realization that it would be like this until around May. Perhaps all of the above is what finally made me buy a ticket to an unknown, mysterious, but one hundred percent sunny country. I decided to fly to Argentina. Of course, there were many other reasons. It was a longtime dream of mine to visit the southern hemisphere, and one of my good friends had long ago invited me to visit. But it was on that snowy and rainy day that it was as if someone said to me, «Go ahead! Buy the ticket! It will be great!» It was definitely the right decision. The following days when I would wake up and outside see Lviv’s weather again greet me with gray mist, I looked in the mirror and said to myself, «Man, you’re the best! Today you are one day closer to a tour of a country with a sun on the flag!» Amigo, here no one’s in a hurry! Like most Ukrainians I knew little about Argentina. My stereotypes were quite superficial. Like that there people do nothing except dance, drink

wine, and eat meat. But the biggest cliché is that since this is a Latin American country there is poverty and little civilization... And so came the day that I departed from a snowy Kyiv. And in less than a day I landed in Buenos Aires. The first things that etched in to my consciousness was cool and positive people. They are not as artificial as their «neighbors from the northern hemisphere» with their eternal: “Hello! How are you! Bye-bye.” The Argentines are direct and sincere. They are relaxed, not in a hurry, and do not sweat the small stuff. Perhaps this is due to the warm climate, or the large Italian diaspora that lives there. But this fact came to my liking, and I think this is the most important thing to learn from them. Very often when I was irritated and in a hurry, they told me “tranqilo amigo!” which means «Be calm my friend.»

Fiery speeches and kisses on both cheeks The next thing that struck me was the local gastronomy, the food and the cult of consumption. It is indeed a whole ritual, in a positive sense. When meeting, without exception, Argentines kiss both cheeks. The old, small, police officers, or nuns. Everyone. I cannot even imagine that at home officials – whether religious or state – could behave so directly, simply, and sincerely. They also eat and talk a lot. At all meals that I attended – with families, at restaurants or simple eateries – I observed the indispensable ritual of communication. Before each meal comes an oratorical prelude where everyone calmly but with Italian gestures “hablar,” that is, talks to one another. It happens before, during and after eating and drinking. And compared with our feasts, it’s wonderful. The cult of meat and applause for the asadora! And, of course, food. Namely, meat and its quantity. Wooooow!!! «Asado» – a pile of roasted meat that is served only by man bearing the proud title «asador.» When all have tasted and rated the work of art, people begin to loudly and gratefully applaud the asador! I will not describe the amount

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of meat I saw eaten. I will say only that for dinner they consume as much as we do during the Christmas holidays. There were days when meat was served for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and when I asked for a bowl of soup, they laughed and said: «In Ukraine you will eat soup and borscht, but here meat!» Hummingbird, «la cucaracha» and giant cockroaches I was also impressed by the architecture, both in the capital and the provinces. The center of Buenos Aires was built by Parisian architects, so it is a cross between Barcelona and Paris. In smaller towns or villages, you will never see the huge gray and tasteless private houses like ours. There are neat onestory homes and the impression that the designers thought also of the surrounding landscaping. Another reason why you should visit Argentina is the gorgeous nature. Thousands of miles outside of the car we were accompanied by endless grassy steppes and prairies, on which for four seasons cows graze. Above them fly tiny hummingbirds, shimmering with all colors. Also in Argentina live «la cucaracha,» Spanish cockroaches, which are the size of a human palm, and ostriches that run alongside the cars on the road’s shoulders. Crocodiles, tarantulas, and road signs warning people about the danger of cheetah attacks. All this and much more comprises Argentina, or at least the provinces I was lucky enough to visit.

Iguazu Falls – one of the seven wonders of the world And the culmination of all the emotions and all that I saw was one of the seven wonders of the world – the Iguazu Falls. The name comes from Guarani, the language of the indigenous population, and means «Big Water.» Indeed – a cascade o f waterfalls with a height of a 30-story building and a width of 2.5 kilometers, located in the middle of the jungle in a national park on the border with Brazil. When First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt first saw Iguaza Falls, she reportedly exclaimed, «Poor Niagara! This makes Niagara look like a kitchen faucet.» For tourists there are bridges with transparent nets located near, under, and over the waterfalls. They can also take a boat directly under the powerful jets of the water, as we did. This gives a real sense of the gigantic power of the element that falls above you with unprecedented roar, throwing into the abyss many tons of water. The highest waterfall cascade is generally Garganta del Diablo – the Devil’s mouth. All this must be seen. At least once in a lifetime for sure. Borscht with yams and the Ukrainian Diaspora Argentina is an unusual country. And this it owes to its people, including a large Ukrainian diaspora. In particular, in the province of Misiones I tried borscht with yams, dumplings with sardines, and potato pancakes with mandoca. People at gatherings asked me to sing the song “Chervona Ruta.” They excitedly asked if I was

from the Ukraine which they heard so much about Sometimes on Sunday, I felt as though in Lviv, where people strolled on the street after Sunday mass. “I came here with my father in July 39,” says Mr. Vasyl. “In two months my mother and sister were supposed to arrive. Were supposed to... but it was too late. Because the Second World War began. My father died here, my mother there. Only when Ukraine became independent, in 1991, did I visit my native village. I recognized my sister immediately. We just sat and cried for several hours...” I listened to this story, like it was a script for a Hollywood movie. I had goosebumps, I could not say a word nor could I believe that the people in front of me had such different fates. Some

of them are fourth generation and are fluent in Ukrainian! This is another paradox between us and them. I was ashamed to hear from them that when they visited the capital of Ukraine, they could not understand their language. The last evening in a restaurant we sat next to a couple with two children who ordered only one pizza. Perhaps they didn’t have enough money. While eating it, they sat for more than an hour and just talked, in no hurry. And so these moments are perhaps the best practices to bring from the good country where people know how to enjoy life and not worry over little problems. In a country where on the flag is depicted a sun, and when you look closer it looks as though it is smiling and enjoying life. Text and photos by Hryhoriy Prystay


Korchma Recommends: Hurry Up and Enjoy the Summer! When we spend the entire year working eight hours a day and then lying on the couch after work and watching TV, we look forward to the summer and a vacation, to the sea and the sunshine. Any city dweller is in dire need of an active holiday! How can we get the most from the summer days? How can we relieve the tension and improve our health? There’s so much that could be achieved in three months. Damn the stress In order to survive until vacation and be fit enough to explore something new and exciting, rather than just lying dead on the beach, you need to skillfully distribute your workload in the office. Try to complete all important and urgent tasks before lunch. Leave the less important stuff for the afternoon. Make a plan for a day and stick to it, because it will make you feel more confident and won’t make you feel like “I won’t survive to see the holiday.” Leave work on time – leave your evening for relaxation and hobbies. It will protect you from psychological overloads. The best way to get fit for an active vacation is to finally start running in the mornings. It will en-

ergize you and improve your mood. And while on vacation, when climbing mountains or swimming, you will appreciate your own perfect physical form. Opening the beach season You are finally on the beach! But don’t be in a hurry to jump into the water. A sharp difference in temperatures might cause an angiospasm. Wait around for about 15 minutes to get used to the beach microclimate, and then go into the water and swim to your heart’s content. It’s best to swim in warm weather (23 degrees and higher). Don’t get too cold, don’t spend half a day in the water. Take breaks between swimming. And every time you get out of the water, dry yourself with a towel.

Don’t dive in unfamiliar places! You can hurt yourself against rocks or snags. Wait an hour between meals and swimming. Don’t overeat before going for a swim or right after it. The best time for the beach (swimming and sunbathing) is before 11 a.m. and after 4 p.m. Afternoon sun can be very dangerous. Secrets for a perfect suntan Suntanning makes your skin dry, so make sure you moisten it well with creams and lotions before and after going to the beach. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen 20-30 minutes before going out into the sun. Reapply it on the beach every two hours. In the first vacation days, use a sunscreen with SPF no lower than 30. Then

Juicy and sweet! Season of melons and watermelons at Korchma.



Season at Korchma



you can slowly move to one with a lower protection. Change your body position often, turn to the sun with your back, your belly, or your sides. This lowers the risk of getting a sunburn, and will make your suntan even. Don’t forget about a hat and sunglasses – you don’t want to get a sun stroke or wrinkles under your eyes. Don’t fall asleep in the sun: overheating and a sunburn is too high a price for such a relation. Summer in a basket One of the most valuable gifts from the summer are fresh and juicy berries. They please your eyes with their bright colors, your taste buds with their delicious flavor, and improve your health with vitamins. Strawberries are the first fruit of the early summer. They bring us a generous portion of vitamin C, antioxidants, and phenols, as well as manganese and potassium. These elements help you resist various inflammations, heart and vessel conditions, and they lower the risk of cancer. Strawberries are also good for your joints. Raspberries are rich in apple acid, wine acid, salicylic, and other types of acid. Raspberry is a natural aspirin. It widens your vessels and lowers your body temperature, and so it is good when you have a cold. It contains glucose, fructose, tannins, and pectin. It is also rich in salts of potassium, copper, vitamin C, carotene and essential oils. This berry improves digestion and re-

moves toxins from your body. And copper contained in raspberry heightens your mood. Black currant is a real treasure chest of vitamins (C, В1, В2, В6, В9, D, Е, К, Р, А). It contains pectin, sugar, organic acids, tannins, essential oils, salts of phosphorus, ferrum and potassium. Black currant refreshes you, widens your blood vessels, improves metabolism and appetite. It is used as haematogenic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and diaphoretic medicine. Blueberries give us vitamins РР, С, В1, В2, organic acids, ferrum, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and others. They also contain carotenoids, tannins and anthocyans. It’s the anthocyans that make blueberries so good for your eyes. Its properties improve blood flow to the retina, regenerates destroyed parts of tissue, and restores eyesight. This berry is also a source

of antioxidants and so it is good for blood vessels and heart conditions, and lowers risks of cancer. It also helps fight urinary tract infections and Alzheimer’s disease. Blackberry is raspberry’s dark sister – a source of vitamins А, С, Е, K, and folic acid, as well as calcium and manganese. This berry has an astringent effect, and so it good for diarrhea. By its healing qualities it is similar to the raspberry and even surpasses it. For example, the anti-oxidants contained in this darkpurple fruit more actively fight against free radicals known to cause cancer. Blackberries are also good for diabetes. All the summer berries are equally beneficial for your health. You can get the maximum benefit if you consume 2 or 3 different berries daily. It is a delicious and nice medicine against illnesses and a bad mood. Text by Maria KRASNA

12 | traditions

Festival of the Savior: Honey, Apple, Walnut… Customs and Traditions of the Most Exuberant Feasts of the Season The last month of summer is the time of three interesting summer feasts where both folk and Christian traditions are intertwined. These are the Honey, the Apple, and the Walnut Festivals of the Savior, each of which celebrates our Lord Jesus Christ. They are characterized not only by their romantic names, but have also long been the most favorite among the peasants because they are most closely associated with household and agricultural work and with harvesting. It’s no wonder because August is the most bountiful summer month. It provides people with aromatic and healing honey, juicy apples and pears, and rye and wheat that will eventually turn into a golden bread and sweet pastries. Our story is about how the Festival of the Savior is celebrated and the numerous beliefs developed by the Slavs surrounding this holiday. August 14th The Honey Savior The Honey Savior or as popularly known, Makovey, is celebrated every year on August 14. This day is the beginning of Spasivka – a fast lasting two weeks and ending on August 28. For the Makovey holiday people take to church for blessing poppy pods, water, and colorful bunches of field flowers consisting of mint, thyme, and marigold. The flowers have to be decorated with large poppy pods. Next year these poppy seeds will be

planted in the garden, and the dry flowers will be plated into girls’ braids “to prevent hair loss.” Poppy has always had a sacral meaning for the Slavs. They used to sprinkle poppy seeds around the household to ward off all evil. The water blessed on this day is valued just as high as the water blessed on Candlemas and is thought to have healing powers against all diseases. The first Festival of the Savior is called Honey because this is the beginning of honey collection from beehives. All the beekeepers should have their honey blessed to get an even better harvest the next year. August 19th The Apple Savior The second, the Apple Savior, is celebrated on August 19, and is thought to be a warm predecessor of fall. According to the Orthodox calendar, this Festival of the Savior coincides with one of the greatest Christian holidays – the Transfiguration of Christ. People take apples, pears, honey, and spikelet wreaths to be blessed. According to folk belief, you weren’t allowed to eat any fruit except for cucumbers before the blessing of fruit and vegetables. People believed that the apples blessed on Transfiguration have a special power. By biting into such an apple and making a wish you could be sure that it would come true. You also had to share these blessed

apples with the sick and the poor. The more generous you are to such people, the kinder God will be to your deceased relatives. August 29th The Walnut Savior The third Festival of the Savior is called the Bread or the Walnut Savior. This is the day when walnuts start to ripen and people start gathering and consuming them. They also take them to church to be blessed. According to folk belief, if the walnut harvest is rich it means next year’s wheat harvest will be just as good. The holiday also has an alternative name, the Bread Savior, because it marks the end of the crops harvest and traditionally good hosts would bake their first loaf from the flour of this year’s harvest. The bread is taken to church to be blessed and then shared with the entire family. In some places, there is a custom of wrapping the remains of the first loaf in a cloth and putting it behind an icon. This is the way of welcoming welfare into the house and protecting the family from hunger.

prizes: 1st prize:

5,000 rubles 2nd prize:

3,000 rubles 3rd prize:

2,000 rubles We started organizing a monthly photo contest. The conditions are quite simple. You just have to take an interesting picture in any of our restaurants and post in on social media with the hashtag #korchmatarasbulbakonkurs with a geolocation. Your profile should be

open and the picture needs to show that it was taken in a Korchma. Winners will be selected every month. The more likes you get, the better your chances are. Participants who gain the most votes will get valuable prizes and their pictures will be published in our newspaper.

menu | 13


Ho memade sweet s c o ok e d by ou r b a k er s

H CARROT CAKE A soft spiced carrot sponge cake with apples, walnuts, and with layers of tender mascarpone cheese. This is the cake that is worth trying at least once, and perhaps it will also become one of your favorite ones. H NUT CAKE A soft, delicate, spongy nut biscuit, which is soaked in melting-in-your-mouth curd cream with nut butter. PigEON MilK CAKE Ingredients: sponge cake and soufflé with the caramelized milk. The cake is glazed with natural chocolate, which will be appreciated by chocolate lovers. POPPy CAKE wiTh wild BERRiEs A poppy sponge cake with a layer of delicate cream and wild berries, which include blueberries, currants, raspberries, strawberries, cherries! - a real pleasure. REd VElVET CAKE Aerated and soaked cakes melting in your mouth with butter curd cream and a cherry insert. Perfect in everything. H “MEdOViK” CAKE A well-liked, very delicate and spongy cake with a stunning aroma of buckwheat honey, soaked in butter cream. N “KiEVsKy” CAKE A symbol of the city of Kiev, a real holiday of taste. “sMETANNiK” CAKE Chocolate cakes soaked in delicious sour cream N “MOsCOw” CAKE Native, favorite since childhood condensed milk and hazelnuts, crispy meringue and tender jelly is an amazing combination that will surprise everyone. N H BlACKBERRy-ANd-NUTs ROll A ChERRy PiE





135 g 220 ₽

110 g 255 ₽


150 g 160 ₽



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150 g 250 ₽




350 600 350 600 350 600 350 600 350 600 350 600 300


125 g 190 ₽


100 g 250 ₽

100 g 290 ₽ 100 g 180 ₽ 100 g 295 ₽

100 g 230 ₽ 90 g 130 ₽



45 90 ₽ 100 90 ₽ 150 130 ₽ 150 140 ₽ 150 170 ₽




90 ₽ 160 ₽ 110 ₽ 190 ₽ 130 ₽ 230 ₽ 140 ₽ 250 ₽ 130 ₽ 230 ₽ 180 ₽ 300 ₽ 180 ₽


JAM: walnut / cornel berry / cherry / fig / white cherry / apricot /raspberry

HONEY: melilot / esparcet/linden and raspberry / buckwheat HONEY FROM OUR OWN bEEYARD


6 30

70 ₽ 40 ₽


70 ₽


60 ₽

Korchma Taras Bulba is proudly using “Kamorinskaya” spring water at all stages of cooking as well as products are delivered on an everyday basis from “Korchma” farm, Cheese factory, and Bakery.

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14 | menu

ÂŤTaras BulbaÂť chain of restaurants we present a CD of Ukrainian classical music in modern arrangements from Bulba Press.

The exclusive new disc will be available for sale in our restaurants! Find time in your life for our music!

menu | 15

We h av e o n l y f r es h a n d s a v o r y n ew s !

www.bulbanews.ru Bulba NEWS has its own website now

We offer only fresh and savory news! Share the news in social networks, and leave your comments. Send your news to: bulbanews.ru@gmail.com EVERYBODY READS US!

The newspaper office is open for cooperation! Call us at 968-665-12-17 or write to: bulbanews.ru@gmail.com

Раньше я любил лето, но потом понял, что лето может быть в любое время года, были бы деньги… Теперь я люблю деньги. Сейчас самое главное, чтобы ИЮЛЬ был в курсе, что он – лето! Купил себе на лето солнцезащитные очки. В СанктПетербурге таких людей называют оптимистами. Женщина готовится к лету: покупает кремы, несколько купальников, летние платья, туфли, босоножки, шорты, шляпки. Мужчина – постриг ногти на ногах, все, готов красавец! – Дорогой, хочу покраситься летом в рыжий. – Зачем? – Хочу что-нибудь оригинальное сделать с головой. – Почитай книгу.

Caution! Reading books may change you! Change for the better with us.

4 4 7 7 0 8 (495) 7

Ukrainian cuisine – made with love! Restaurants’ location:

MOSCOW, Aviamotornaya metro station, 6 Krasnokazarmennaya St., (499) 763 5741

г.Москва, ул. Пятницкая 14

Avtozavodskaya metro station,

тел.: 8 (915) 222-15-18 (495) 953-7153, 951-3760

6 Velozavodskaya St., (499) 764 1532

Akademicheskaya metro station,

16/10 Profsoyuznaya St., (499) 125 0877

Alekseyavskaya metro station, 3 Bochkova St., (495) 616 6754

Airport metro station,

64 Leningradskiy Prospekt St., (499) 151 9011

Baumanskaya metro station,


23/41 Bakuninskaya St., +7 (495) 956 55 81

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Borovitskaya metro station,

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Leninskiy Prospekt metro station,

37 Leninskiy Prospect St., (495) 954 6466

Maryino metro station,

163/1 Lublinskaya St., 8 (495) 349 78 09

Novokuznetskaya metro station,


14 Pyatnitskaya St., (495) 953 7153


Novye Cheryomushki metro station, Nametkina St., 13 г, (495) 331 4211

Smolenskaya metro station,


12 Smolenskiy Avenue. St., 24-hour, (499) 246 6902

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13/14 K2 Sadovaya-Samotechnaya St., (495) 694 0056

Chekhovskaya metro station,

30/7 Petrovka St., (495) 694 6082

Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station,



6 Borovskoye Road, (495) 980 2051

Vystavochnaya metro station, of 1905 year,

27 Shmitovskiy Passage, 24-hour, (499) 256-4660

The town of Odintsovo


122 Mozhayskoye Shosse 8 (925) 166-16-18

Look for the book

of the Korchma

in all restaurnts

“Taras Bulba” chain!

KIEV, “Teatralnaya”, “Zolotye Vorota”,“Kreschatik” metro station, 2-4/7 Pushkinskaya St.,+38 (044) 270-7248

www.bulbapress.ru Certificate of registration PI № FS 77 – 19940. Circulation is 5 000 copies.

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