The Bulldog Bulletin Issue 3: February 2015

Page 1

How to Get the Score LOV E A dv i ce From How M uch Do You K now A bout M r. Roe You Want on the SA T, Sereni ty and Grumpy A CT... pg. 5 pg. 9 and M r. Bock ? pg. 6

Seni ors Ref l ect on Col l ege A ppl i cati on Process By W illiam Teav As the college application pr ocess w inds dow n for our senior s, the Bulldog Bulletin set out to captur e the know ledge acquir ed fr om our fir st gr aduating class. To accom plish this, w e r eached out to thr ee senior s and asked them to descr ibe their exper ience and pr ovide advice. W ithout fur ther ado, her e ar e the students and their stor ies.

Student #1: Jeff (accepted into San Diego State and CSU Long Beach) How was your college application exper ience?

Febr uar y 23, 2015 Volum e 1, Issue 3 2thebulldogbulletin@gm

TV Dance Show M akes Stop in San Jose By Syd Do Was it the fluent a la secondĂŠ tur ns that star ted the r ipple of aw e in the audience or the painfully shar p penchĂŠ that stabbed the cr ow d?s expectations? No m atter w hat it w as, the per for m ance w as beyond phenom enal. It is one thing to see Tr avis Wall?s chor eogr aphy, for him to br eak dance bar r ier s of binar y gender r oles on So You Think You Can Dance, but to see it in per son w as liter ally the m ost em otional thing I have ever seen-- w ith an exception of death by ter m inal cancer. So You Think You Can Dance is a television ser ies that consist of eleven seasons of talented dancer s all acr oss Am er ica, com peting for the title of Am er ica?s best; at the end of ever y season they hold a tour of the top ten for the view er s to get up close and per sonal m eeting them . This gave m e to pr ecious oppor tunity to see my favor ite dance piece per for m ed r ight in fr ont of my eyes. The beautiful Ryan and Dan cover of W ind Beneath M y W ings echoed in the auditor ium , and the dr ips of sw eat w er e pur ely evident on stage fr om the am ount of effor t put into it. I could r ecall seeing the pain in the dancer s faces descr ibing the r aw em otion Tr avis intended in the chor eogr aphy. M y favor ite dancer for this season w as alw ays Ricky Ubeda (season eleven?s w inner ) since day one-- and I got to adm it, it w as definitely the hazel eyes and thick bear d that caught my attention, but he w as m or e than dr eam bae, he w as beyond talented w ith extensions I never knew a m an could even do. But dur ing the

Dance continued on page 2

M y college application pr ocess actually went quite smoothly! M y par ents signed me up for a college counselor and they wer e extr emely helpful! Sr. Car r illo was also a huge help, as he made sur e I submitted all of my r equir ed mater ials on time. For me, per sonally, the pr ocess was easy. The most difficult par t is obviously the essays, because who likes essays, am I r ight? W hat did you look for in a college? I did not look specifically for size, because a per son like me could fit into a small or lar ge college. Spor ts was also a consider ation, but education is definitely mor e impor tant. Almost ever y school offer s intr amur al spor ts, anyways. Since I am inter ested in a mar keting major, the quality of a business school was definitely the most impor tant. Over all, I think location is one of the most impor tant factor s. It's wher e you'r e going to spend four year s of your life, after all, so I picked colleges in cities I knew I'd love. W hat do you wish you had done differ ently dur ing the application pr ocess? I am ver y glad with how my pr ocess went, I wouldn't do anything differ ently. I can give advice, if anybody wants to seek me out. I will gladly give any advice and shar e stor ies! Any other advice for futur e college applicants? Apply for r egular decision! Ear ly is not wor th it. W ith r egular, you have mor e benefits! - You'r e likely to r eceive mor e financial aid if accepted. - You have a lot mor e time to get essays done. - If you do submit your app ear ly, then you'r e one of the fir st applications the college r eads!

College continued on page 3

Senior s: Phylicia Sanchez, Gabby Rich, and Jeff Har es (Jeff Har es).



Heartoscopes By The Seer

Im ages by M eaghan Allen

Jour nalism Club Bulldog Bulletin Advisor : M s. Beaven Club Leader s Haley Kim and W illiam Teav Volum e 1, Issue 3 Febr uar y 2015 Wr iter s M eaghan Allen W illiam Baker Syd Do Ben Gilm or e Haley Kim Em ily Kobayashi Vianet Or ozco W illiam Teav Nate Tibbles Photogr apher s Alyssa M ar tinez W illiam Baker Ar tists M onica Hale Nadia Tor ibio Copy Editor s Lead: W illiam Teav Seem a Azad Anina Hitt Natalie Nunez Iveth Resendiz Layout Editor s Lead: Haley Kim M eaghan Allen W illiam Baker Azr a Hill Vianet Or ozco Club M em ber s Ger ar do Delgado, Joseph M aille, Nicholas Nguyen, Dillon Par dini, Sidr a Rashid, Gabr iela Rios, Ian Tor r es, Santi Villalobos Logo by Nadia Tor ibio and M eaghan Allen Jour nalism m eets ever y Wednesday @lunch in Room 1219.

Dance show at Dow ntow n San Jose Civic Center, to my sur pr ise he w as not the star. In my opinion, Tanisha Belnap (eighth place) stole the w hole .2

Love is in the air (and the futur e!) this m onth. Read your hor oscope to find out if your r om ance w ill soar, or if these w ings ar e flying a little too close to the sun.

Aries M arch 21 - April 19 Rom ance is in the w or ks for you this m onth. If you?ve got an inter est, see about pur suing them !pur If suing not, then m aybe ther e?s som eone w ith their eye on you!

Gemini M ay 21 - June 20 Any dates you go on this m onth w ill be pr etty neutr al. Pleasant, per haps, but nothing exciting. You could change this, though, if you put in enough effor t.

Leo July 23 - August 22 M ight w anna skim p on the r om ance this m onth, for your sake and your par tner 's. This is gonna be a r eally aw kw ar d m onth for you.

Libra September 23 - October 22 M ight be feeling som e new feelings about one of your fr iends, r omantic feelings. It?s pr obably best not to go after it though, not until you think about it and w ait a w hile to be sur e.

Sagittarius November 22 - December 21 Sor r y, r eader. Not to put a dam per on anything but, let?s just say that ice cr eam w ill be your fr iend this m onth. No specific r eason.

Aquarius January 20 - February 18 You?r e pr obably r eally confused about your feelings r ight now, and that?s alr ight.

Taurus April 20 - M ay 20 Love m ight not be your for te. And that?s okay! M ight not w ant to expect too m any dates this m onth, though.

Cancer June 21 - July 22 Don?t w or r y about finding your significant other, because you ar e m uch too significant for that! Take som e ?you?tim e. Get a m assage, w atch a m ovie, play a spor t. Be your ow n Valentine.

Virgo August 23 - September 22 Go out ther e and get ?em ! Venus is in your house today, and tis the season to go after your dr eam s and your eye candy!

Scorpio October 23 - November 21 Love?s over r ated anyw ay. Just hang w ith som e fr iends, and don?t str ess about all that fluff. You?ve got m or e im por tant things to w or r y about. Like that over due playlist. M ight w anna give your PLP som e love, huh?

Capricorn December 22 - January 19 Get r eady to hop aboar d the r om ance tr ain! That special som eone you?ve been dr ooling over ? They?r e sw ooning, too. This is a gr eat tim e to tell them .

Pisces February 19 - M arch 20 You m ight be concer ned that your inter est doesn?t r ecipr ocate the feeling, but

Do w hat feels com for table. Other s m ight tr y to they do! Don?t w or r y about taking things so get your attention, but tr y to keep a stable slow, and just m ake your m ove. Your head and m ake decisions that w ill keep you significant other w ill gr eatly appr eciate it. happy. per for m ance that night. I noticed that dur ing the w hole show she filled in for a m ajor ity of the r outines, I pr esum e som e of the dancer s w er e still in their tw o w eek hiatus. But no com plaints for the decision to let Tanisha dance because it r eally show cased her capabilities for a jazz dancer. Not only did I get to see the per for m er s dance their hear ts out, but I m et them all backstage. I never r ealized how shor t a m ajor ity of them w er e-2thebulldogbulletin@gm

television r eally does m ake you look taller. Over all this w hole show case of season eleven w as am azing and w as a differ ent exper ience to w itness the r outines in per son ver sus behind the television scr een. I w ould r ecom m end this per for m ance to anyone w ho has a job or even a ?sugar daddy? to go because the tickets ar e extr aor dinar ily pr icy, but w ell spent nonetheless.

College Location is definitely one of the things you have to consider. Four year s of your life will be spent ther e, so you better enjoy it. Don't pick a college because it has the hottest guys or gir ls. I know that's what I wanted to do, but no matter wher e you go ther e will be attr active humans of the opposite sex to talk to! Go for the colleges with good inter nships and study abr oad pr ogr ams. W hen it's time to apply for a job, inter nships ar e such a big bonus, and study abr oad is just an amazing exper ience to have under your belt.


Student #2: Gabby (accepted into Cleveland State, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, and Humboldt State)

(en.w ikipedia.or g)

How was your college application exper ience? I just kinda star ted r esear ching colleges... College Boar d was a pr etty good star t. I talked to a r elative about wher e they went and what they liked. Ther e wasn't necessar ily anything that was par ticular ly easy. It was difficult to answer all the wr iting supplements for pr ivate colleges! W hat did you look for in a college? A medium to lar ge size... I wanted to find a football team. I also wanted to make sur e they had good pr e-medical pr ogr ams or at least good life science pr ogr ams. I kind of wanted a lar ge ur ban setting. I liked schools with a lot of gr een! W hat do you wish you had done differ ently dur ing the application pr ocess? I wish I had r esear ched mor e colleges and spent mor e time on wr iting supplements. Any other advice for futur e college applicants? Star t r esear ching colleges like way befor e you think you need to. It's kind of fun; it just takes a long time.

(w w w.stm ar

Student #3: Phylicia (accepted into Saint M ary's College of California, Seattle Pacific University, St. John's University and Corban University) How was your college application exper ience? M y exper ience with college applications r equir ed a gr eat deal of time management skills; it was str essful. W hat did you look for in a college?


(w w

Size, location, major s offer ed, 4-year univer sities, and vegan food on campus. W hat do you wish you had done differ ently dur ing the application pr ocess? I wish I would've finished all of them ear lier on in the pr ocess. Any other advice for futur e college applicants? W hatever you do, don't pr ocr astinate. * * * If you w ould like to know m or e insider tips on college applications, feel fr ee to ask a senior or a teacher. Applying to college m ight seem far aw ay, but if you star t now (yes now ) then the pr ocess w ill be m uch sm oother and less str essful.* * *

(William Baker )

VIBE w as founded dur ing Sum m it San Jose?s inaugur al year w ith the intent of pr oviding students w ith an avenue to use and develop their m usical skills. It star ted out as an idea dur ing the fir st cam ping tr ip evolving into one of Sum m it?s oldest clubs. We play a var iety of genr es fr om r ock , pop, to jazz, utilizing instr um ents such as guitar, piano, tr um pet, dr um s, singer s and bass. M em ber s typically com e in playing par ticular ly one genr e, but discover a new one that peaks their inter est. If you play an instr um ent or sing and you w ant to have fun w ith other s w ith sim ilar skills, please feel fr ee to join by em ailing w m itps.or g, or just com e to one of our m eetings Fr iday after school in r oom 1219.



Rollerblades of Glory CLUB FEA TURE By W illiam Teav The stor y of the r oller hockey team is a stor y of tr ial and tr ium ph. The team ?s fir st season w as char acter ized by double digit blow out losses as the fledgling team str uggled to com pete against m or e established team s. The Bulldogs finished their fir st season w ith a 1-9 r ecor d (lone w in due to for feit). Because all team s m ade the playoffs, the Bulldogs had one m or e chance, this tim e against top-seeded Sobr ato (9-1 r ecor d). In a per for m ance unseen befor e, the Bulldogs kept the scor e close but ultim ately lost. The near -m ir acle playoff gam e w as a m or ale booster, but the second season (M ar ch -

The Roller Hockey Team (W illiam Teav).

M ay 2014) ended no differ ently. Another 1-9 finish gave the Bulldogs a fir st-r ound m atchup w ith the top-seeded school. This tim e, the Bulldogs had an even tougher opponent-- Pioneer. Pioneer ?s per fect 10-0 season included 11-0, 15-0, and 14-1 r outs of the Bulldogs. How ever, the Bulldogs w ould not be r outed again and kept the gam e w ithin r each, only losing 3-5. Their best gam e yet, the Bulldogs concluded the 2013-14 cam paign w ith high hopes looking for w ar d. The Bulldogs began the 2014-15 cam paign w ith their W inter season (Novem ber 2014 - Febr uar y 2015). Despite a r usty star t, the Bulldogs soon br oke thr ough. W ith under tw o m inutes r em aining, the Bulldogs br oke a 7-7 tie against St. Law r ence to captur e their fir st-ever victor y. It took tw enty-four attem pts but it only m ade the w in sw eeter. The follow ing gam e, the Bulldogs str uck again, over com ing num er ous tw o-goal deficits to 10-8 w in over Sobr ato. Tw o gam es later, they blanked St. Law r ence 7-0. The Bulldogs finished the season w ith a 3-7 r ecor d and faced St. Law r ence for the fir st r ound of the playoffs. Incidentally, the tw o team s had m et a w eek ear lier, w ith St. Law r ence snatching a 6-2 w in. Now, both team s w er e poised for one final show dow n. The Bulldogs avenged the pr ior w eek?s loss w ith, ir onically, a 6-2 w in. How ever, ther e w as little tim e to celebr ate. Sobr ato, w hose 8-2 season r ecor d gave them a fir st-r ound bye, w as w aiting. Even though Sobr ato w on, the Bulldogs had a gr eat day. The Spr ing 2015 season has begun and the Bulldogs ar e r ight back in the m idst of the action. Catch Bulldogs hockey at the Silver Cr eek Spor tsplex (gam e dates r eleased later ) and if you w ant to join for the Spr ing 2015 season, speak w ith M r. Lee.

M OV I E REV I EW Th e Spongeb ob M ov i e: Sponge Out of Water


By Ben Gilm or e For a m ovie that is based off of an incr edibly popular ser ies like Spongebob Squar epants, view er s can be categor ized into tw o basic sections: Those w ho w atched the show, and those w ho did not. As som eone w ho w atched the show, I w as pr ivileged to be able to go w ith som eone w ho had not, in or der to get a tr uly fair r eview. Going into the theatr e, I w as per sonally excited to see the flick , because I hear d that the or iginal w r iter s of the show r etur ned to w r ite for this m ovie, so the hum or w ould be m uch closer to w hat I r em em ber loving at a younger age. M y fr iend and I got our seats, and w e w er e both in for a ver y pleasant sur pr ise; m ost of the m ovie is in fact in 2D, the opposite of w hat som eone w ould think just by seeing the tr ailer. Per sonally, the m ovie blew my expectations out of the w ater (pun totally intended) w ith the quality of the com edy and stor ytelling. The plot is com pelling enough, w ithout being over ly com plex (it is aim ed at little kids after all), and ther e w er e sever al m om ents in w hich I actually laughed out loud, w hich is quite uncom m on for m e. M y fr iend, w ho had not w atched m uch of the show, if any at all, had also enjoyed the film , although less so than I had. Ther e w er e, how ever, a few


(ar ).

com plaints that both of us had w ith the m ovie. One, the voice acting w as subpar, but that is to be expected fr om Spongebob, it w as never know n for its phenom enal voice acting. Tw o, ther e ar e sever al plot holes in the m ovie, especially if you w er e to look at the ser ies as a w hole. Thr ee, the par t of the m ovie in w hich the char acter s go onto land is sever ely lacking in decent jokes. Thankfully, it did not last ver y long and quickly w ent into another section of the stor y. Finally, the ending seem ed ver y r ushed and didn?t end satisfactor ily, at least for the tw o of us. Despite this, I think this m ovie w as ver y clever and a gr eat addition to the Spongebob fr anchise. I w ould r ecom m end w atching this m ovie in r egular 2D, as the 3D w as not at all necessar y, or just w aiting until it com es out on DVD and Blu-r ay.


CLUB LEADERS!!! Want some promotion for your club? Send in your club advertisements/flyers to be published into upcoming issues! Request an interview to be featured in upcoming issues! Email

w ith the subject "Club Business."

THE PULP Rev i ew i ng th e j ui ci est stori es dow n to th e pul p.

Fall in Love with a Book this M onth

By Em ily Kobayashi In the m onth of Febr uar y, it is said that love is in the air. Her e ar e four r om ance novels to r ead. The Selection by Kier a Cass - Although this book is on the high end of super ficiality (think ?The Bachelor ? but in book for m at), it?s a quick r ead w ith char acter s that w ill m ake you w ant to ask for m or e. Am er ica, the pr otagonist, is chosen to be par t of the Selection, w hich is a chance to becom e a pr incess by m ar r ying Pr ince M axon. And by the w ay, w atch out for that love tr iangle betw een Am er ica, M axon, and Am er ica?s pr evious boyfr iend, Aspen. Although the diction in this book m ay not have been the best, the plot m oved quickly enough to keep m e engaged in this stor y. Elea nor a nd Pa r k by Rainbow Rowell - This is my favor ite couple out of these four books because of the r elatability of the char acter s. Eleanor, a plum p gir l w ith an odd w ar dr obe, m eets Par k , an Asian kid, on the bus. Par k lets Eleanor sit w ith him w hen no one else w ould. Fr om ther e, Eleanor and Par k bonded over com ics and m ix tapes, eventually for m ing a r elationship I couldn?t help but love. M y only m inor issue w ith the book is that it?s told fr om tw o per spectives, Eleanor and Par k?s, but Rainbow Row ell still does a gr eat job piecing the stor y together. Fa llen by Laur en Kate - W hen Luce m eets Daniel they have an instant connection, even though Daniel flipped her off. Eventually, Luce lear ns m or e about Daniel, and Daniel becom es fr iendlier than he w as at fir st. Then, Luce r ealizes that Daniel is a ?fallen angel? and that he and Luce ar e soulm ates. I liked the stor y until the ?fallen angel? aspect of the book began. The char acter s w er e not the best developed, and my favor ite char acter unfor tunately died. Or igin by Jessica Khour y - Pia is im m or tal. Bor n and r aised in Little Cam , a sm all com m unity of scientists deep w ithin a jungle, Pia has not been m or e than a few steps outside its w alls. Her r elatives sur r ound her, all scientists w or king on cr eating the per fect r ace-- her. W hen Pia escapes into the for est outside the w all of her enclosur e and m eets Eio fr om a neighbor ing village, her per spective on her life is for ever changed. The char acter s w er e str ong. I believed their actions and the r elationship r elationship betw een Pia and Eio and their r elationship did not com pletely dom inate the book . This book w as definitely headed tow ar ds science fiction, but I enjoyed that aspect of it. If you?r e looking for a r om ance book , tr y one of these. You m ight like it! The Selection, Eleanor and Park, Fallen, Origin



The Season of Test Taking By Haley Kim


Just as the cold chill and bluster y w inds of w inter slow ly begin to fade aw ay, in com es a new season: the season of standar dizing testing. For All the tests you need to know . (A higher score is better). Rainier junior s, spr ingtim e w ill be filled w ith flow er s, http://sat.collegeboar d.or g/ - Adm inister ed by College Boar d sunshine, and pr epar ation for standar dized tests. m ultiple tim es a year After taking the PSAT--the pr elim inar y (i.e. - Thr ee m ain par ts of cr itical r eading, shor ter ) SAT-- in October, m any Rainier junior s ar e m athem atics, and w r iting (including now pr epar ing for the SAT, ACT, and soon the AP tests an essay) in nine sections and totals (and possibly the SAT Subject Tests). The notor ious about four hour s college standar dized tests ar e just one cr ucial par t of - Scor e Range: 200-800 per section, full the college application package. ?I think it is so test out of 2400 (section ar e added) im por tant because it gives us as a school and you as a - Know n for testing a student?s student a pictur e of w hat your str engths and ar eas of r easoning and logic (gr ) gr ow th ar e, how those com par e w ith other students - Adm inister ed by the ACT m ultiple ar ound the countr y,? explained M r. Bock , Rainier ?s http://w w w.actstudent.or g/ tim es a year vice pr incipal. - Four m ain par ts of w r iting, Evidently, m any Rainier students ar e star ting to m athem atics, r eading, and science feel the pr essur e to com par e and com pete w ith other (including an essay) in four lar ge students and them selves. ?I w ould say ther e is a lot of sections and totals about thr ee hour s pr essur e? I?m star ting to feel the effects of it,? - Scor e Range: 1-36, full test out of 36 adm itted junior Gabby Rios. (section scor es ar e aver aged) Junior Savannah Weaver also agr eed. ?It?s a - Know n to have m or e content-based w ay of taking aw ay individualism , that w ay they can questions (en.w ikipedia.or g) com par e people.? Weaver is taking the SAT, ACT, thr ee - Adm inister ed by College Boar d SAT Subject tests (M ath II, Biology, US Histor y), and http://sat.collegeboar d.or g/ m ultiple tim es a year thr ee AP tests (English Language, US Histor y, and about-tests/sat-subject-tests - One hour full m ultiple choice tests in Calculus). ?Studying equals pain,? she said. specific subjects (har der level m ath, Yet M r. Bock said that w hile test scor es w er e sciences, languages) im por tant, they w er en?t necessar ily the most - Show colleges subjects you ar e im por tant. ?I w ish people didn?t feel that m uch inter ested in pr essur e... Scor es ar e usually not the m ost im por tant,? - Scor e Range: 200-800 said M r. Bock . - Good scor es can pass for cr edits at M r. Lee, Rainier ?s pr ecalculus teacher, agr eed. som e colleges ( ) ?I think you have to look at the full body of w or k [on https://apstudent. - Adm inister ed by College Boar d once an application]. How ever, I do think your test scor es a year acr oss all schools nationw ide give a good snapshot [on] how w ell you do under collegeboar d.or g/hom e - A ?college level? test pr essur e, how w ell you study for a test, and I think - Scor e Range: 1-5 you get som e sense of your academ ic content - Good scor es (usually a 4 or 5) can know ledge.? pass for cr edits for gener al The daunting w or ld of standar dized testing m ay education cour ses at som e colleges seem intim idating for m any. For tunately, the Bulldog Bulletin has com piled som e tips to help ease the (apstudent.collegeboar d.or g) tr ansition into this im por tant step tow ar ds college.

Testi ng Ti ps PRA CTI CE

Want some adv i ce f rom th e ex peri enced? Here are some ti ps f rom students and teach ers.

do?? That?s a sign of good pr epar ation.? - M r. Lee (w ho has scor ed an 800)

- ?Pr actice, pr actice, pr actice. It?s about doing enough pr oblem s w her e they all star t looking the sam e to you. It?s just Start Earl y applying to differ ent w or ds or - ?It?s never, ever, ever too ear ly to star t differ ent num ber s? - M r. Lee studying? - Savannah Weaver (junior ) - I F YOU WANT AN 800: ?The - ?I star ted studying, thinking about it, differ ence betw een an 800 and 780 is sophom or e year.? - M r. Lee how m uch pr actice you have done and - ?Studying the night befor e doesn?t how w ell you have m em or ized the w or k . Been ther e, done that, nuh uh.? pr oblem s on the test. W hat I m ean by Ana Wallace (senior ) that is w hen you get an 800 on the test, the w ay you know you pr epar ed Seek Out Hel p enough [is] you?r e asking your self not - ?I got the books and I am doing fr ee w hat I got w r ong, but ?how w ell did I pr ep-- super helpful. [Ther e ar e] a lot



of Gr oupons for test pr ep that cost a couple hundr ed for like, 20 dollar s.? - Savannah Weaver

Don?t Negl ect Yoursel f - ?M ake sur e you eat a good br eakfast and get a good night?s sleep the night befor e.? - M r. Bock

Stay Posi ti v e - ?It?s im por tant to do w ell and tr y har d. Keep a positive attitude, you can do it!? - M r. Bock

Good Luck !

By M eaghan Allen

Sereni ty and Grumpy W hat is lechuga? G: How w ould I answ er that w ithout the ur ge to dr ow n in new ly m ade concr ete? S: W hy w ould you w aste a question on this? This guy is giving my fr iend some ser ious mixed signals like hugging, cheek kissing, and lots of I love yous but he also says to other people that they don?t feel anything for each other, so what should she do in or der to figur e out what's going on?

Pick up a Cr osswor d in M s. Beaven's Room (1219)!

G: If he is doing that w ith other people, then w hy bother ? S: If he is acting that w ay tow ar ds other people (hugging, check kissing, etc..) then don?t r ead too m uch into it. If he is not giving your fr iend special attention then he pr obably doesn?t feel som e sor t of w ay tow ar ds her. If he w ants to m ake a m ove, he w ill go for it.

W ill I always be for ever alone? G: Tw o w or ds for you. Lor d Jesus. You?r e never alone. #godsquad S: No. I think if you w ant som eone and tr y you?ll get som eone eventually... Don't just sit ar ound and w ait for it to happen if you w ant it now. (But under stand that I am a hypocr ite.)

Hav e a q uesti on? Go to ti nyurl .com/ sereni tyandgrumpy

January 9th, 2015

Club Fair

Pictur es and Collage By W illiam Baker

Check out all of Rainier's clubs at 2thebulldogbulletin@gm


WHERE ARE THEY NOW? M r. La Torra By Haley Kim We all w onder w hat our for m er teacher s ar e doing. Ar e they still teaching? Have they gr ow n a bear d? Do they still think about us? Welcom e to W her e Ar e They Now, w her e w e catch up w ith som e of our depar ted teacher s! M r. La Tor r a taught Wor ld Histor y for 10th gr ader s fr om 2012-2014, and now teaches at Shasta, a Sum m it sister school, in Daly City. Read on to find out m or e about his exciting sum m er ahead, life at Shasta, and m or e! How have you been? Anything you would like to update the Rainier community on? Could be per sonal or school r elated. Good, good. Super busy as alw ays. Enjoying things. Nothing r eally new. Teaching the sam e thing. M ost people know I left San Jose. I w ant to be closer to my gir lfr iend, now my fiance, and I am getting m ar r ied this sum m er. We hope to go to Thailand for our honeym oon. Still teaching the sam e cour se up her e, at Shasta. For the cour se, w e have a new pr oject. It is called the Genius Pr oject. It is a tim e for people to explor e w hat they ar e passionate about, to contr ibute to their com m unity. They have ideally an hour a w eek-- call it a ?genius hour ?-- to use on som ething they car e about, [and] docum ent and pr ocess on w hat they ar e tr ying to achieve. It is r eally sor t of a w ay for people to get good at the self dir ected lear ning cycle. [It?s] pr etty open. Som e people ar e com ing up w ith a new after school club, som e ar e figur ing out a fundr aising oppor tunity, how ar e they going to fulfill a need at their com m unity gr oup. Ther e?s a w ide var iety. How does Shasta compar e to Rainier ? (Campus, students, vibe, etc) The biggest differ ence is cam pus. We ar e in an office building. Ther e is only one teacher w ho has a full set of w alls. You w ill hear the other class at the sam e tim e; it r eally pushes students? ability to focus [but] space is m or e flexible as a r esult. It?s a sm aller com m unity, it?s only the second year. The w eather isn?t as nice. Do you have a lot of student clubs or activities?

M r. La Tor r a and his fiance (M r. La Tor r a).


Yeah. All the spor ts you could think of-- basketball, volleyball, softball, soccer, cr oss countr y. Ther e?s student gover nm ent, other clubs that have to do w ith science, film . Ther e ar en?t as m any as Rainier, but also not having Tahom a near by, not having that par tner school m akes a big differ ence because the exper ience is that they ar e so isolated. Nobody gets w hat their school is [w hen they ar e talking to their fr iends]. Any wor ds of wisdom or advice to Rainier students? That?s a r eally good question. Um ? hm m . I w ould say r eally value the com m unity that you have been able to build. Just the fact that you ar e a sm all school r eally helps w ith that. Recognize too, how m uch you senior s, how m uch change you have been thr ough. How m uch m or e r esilient-- you know w hen you ar e setting goals and being am bitious-- [you ar e]. You have alr eady dem onstr ated you can do a lot, w hether that is Justin dying [or ] being on a r eally cr appy cam pus last year. The fact that you all stayed thr ough that and still ar e r elatively positive. Value and honor and tr easur e the com m unity you have, r ecognizing how m uch str ength it has given you and use that level of per sever ance to pr opel you take to on new challenges.

Think you can captur e M r. Roe?s evasive sm ile in a fleeting m om ent? Send in good quality, CLEAR photos of M r. Roe sm iling* , and the best pictur es w ill be featur ed in upcom ing issues (you w ill also w in a pr ize)! Bonus points for teeth.

Congr ats to Jeff Har es! See M s. Beaven to claim your pr ize. Send your photos to 2thebulldogbulletin@gm w ith the subject ?Elusive Roe.?

Send in r equests for teacher to catch up w ith to 2thebulldogbulletin@gm . Stuck w ith an essay? Need som eone to r evise your w r iting? Then stop by the Wr iting Center ! The Wr iting Center is back in M ar ch and r eady to help you out. Fr om Thur sdays after school to Fr iday m or nings, the Wr iting Center is r eady to help you gr ow. Need m or e? You can also r equest a per sonal tutor for the r est of the year. Em ail M r. Avar ca (eavar ca@sum m itps.or g) for m or e info.

I ntroduci ng th e Wri ti ng Center!

* Unr etouched photos w ill be given significant pr efer ence.



Shout-Outs THE PULP Rev i ew i ng th e j ui ci est stori es dow n to th e pul p. Galápagos Intrigues Like No Other

Shout out to Fanny for 4 w eeks of puro parti. I' d like to give a shoutout to M r. Griffin for helping me calm dow n and pass an assessment. I had just failed it for the 8th time, and I w as mad, but he helped me calm dow n and told me w hat I needed to study and w hy. I passed it on my 9th try! M r. Griffin is da real M VP. Know someone w ho helped you out? Think someone totally deserves some recognition for a project or accomplishing a playlist? Send in your Shout-Outs! Students, teachers, and faculty can send in shout-outs to other people in the Rainier community. You can specify if you w ant to remain anonymous. Send in your shout-outs to

For th ose w h o are doi ng th e Spri ng sports, w e w i sh you al l th e best. So get ready and start stretch i ng. Bul l dogs, l et?s not f orget to support our f el l ow ath l etes, i f th ere i s a game, go to i t. Sh ow some spi ri t and be proud of bei ng i n Rai ni er, Go Bul l dogs! By Vianet Or ozco

By Nate Tibbles I had never r ead Kur t Vonnegut. I had hear d the nam e and I knew that he w as a legend, but I had never actually r ead him . Ther e w as an im per ative to r ead his w or ks, but the books that w er e alw ays touted w er e Slaughter house-Five, Br eakfast of Champions and Cat?s Cr adle. I had only hear d of his book Galápagos after I had sear ched for a book set in the fam ous ar chipelago, and saw his nam e next to one of the titles. And even w ith Vonnegut?s r eputation pr eceding it, I w as not disappointed. It should be stated that this book is unique. W hile I have yet to actually r ead Vonnegut?s other w or ks, I can state that this book is differ ent than anything I have r ead pr ior. The book follow s a gr oup of people as they ar e about to em bar k on a cr uise to the fam ous Galápagos Islands. As they ar e w aiting to em bar k on this cr uise, the w or ld ar ound them is on the br ink of destr oying itself by w ay of ar m ed conflict. Sur e enough, chaos br eaks out w her e the pr otagonists of the stor y ar e staying, and they ar e for ced to r eact. W hile the cor e plot of the stor y m ay not seem entir ely unique, it is not the m ost inter esting aspect of the book . W hat sets this book apar t ar e the unique them es and the odd w ay the stor y is pr esented to the r eader. Vonnegut chooses not to have the stor y nar r ated by M ar y Hepbur n, Jam es Wait, or any of the other char acter s destined to take par t in the afor em entioned cr uise, but instead chooses to have the stor y be nar r ated by the ghost of Leon Tr otsky Tr out, son of r ecur r ing Vonnegut char acter Kilgor e Tr out. Leon Tr out w as a w ar veter an w ho later helped to build the cr uise ship that is used in the stor y. Rather than have Leon Tr out nar r ate the stor y as it happens, he does so a m illion year s after the events took place. This pr ovides an intr iguing point of view that can best be descr ibed as ?fir st per son alm ost-om niscient?. Leon Tr out has w atched the hum an r ace evolve, and that is all that m akes the char acter s of this stor y r elevant. As these char acter s r etur n to the islands that allow ed Char les Dar w in to devise the theor y of evolution, they w ill also com e to have m or e influence over the evolution of the hum an r ace than any hum ans befor e them . Evolution is one of the key them es in Galápagos, and it is utilized in a ver y unique w ay. Them es like these ar e w hat m akes the stor y differ ent. It is not about people tr ying to sur vive a global w ar ; it is about evolution, the hum an r ace, and how our gr eatest advantages can be our gr eatest undoing. Galápagos is near ly im possible to descr ibe, and, for the sam e r easons, im possible to evaluate. I can har dly sum m ar ize the plot out of fear that I m ay accidentally r eveal som ething that should be discover ed w hile r eading. It is har d to discer n w hat is a ?big r eveal? and w hat w as appar ent all along. Galápagos is far fr om str aightfor w ar d, but one thing I know for sur e is that I enjoyed r eading it. I r ecom m end that anybody looking for an odd look at the hum an r ace and an odd look at w hat w e m ay becom e, to r ead Galápagos. This book thr ow s convention to the w ind and is differ ent fr om anything I have ever r ead, and I think that alone m akes it w or th r eading.



Teach er Feature: M r. Roe & M r. Bock By Vianet Or ozco


M r. Roe's Response

M r. Bock's Response

W hat college did you go to? Was that your dr eam college? W hy or w hy not?

?I w ent to Boston Univer sity for under gr ad. I w ouldn't call it my dr eam college, didn't r eally have one. I didn't feel that str ong of all of them . I choose Boston for financial aid.?

?I w ent to Yale Univer sity, I didn?t have a dr eam college. I w as ver y thr illed to go ther e. I w anted to go som ew her e that w as differ ent. I gr ew up in Chicago, and w anted to tr y another [state].?

Do you r egr et doing/not doing som ething in college? W hy or w hy not?

?No, I dont r egr et anything, I had m ultiple w or k study jobs. M ade m oney and I m et a lot of people. Gr ades w er en't that good fir st sem ester. I got good gr ades in high school, fir st sem ester in college I got bad gr ades. I felt that it?s im por tant to keep up w ith w or k , im por tant life lesson. [It's] fr ustr ating to get low gr ades.?

?I w ished I lear ned sooner how to advocate to myself. In college I needed to lear n how to cr eate oppor tunities for myself. Would have been gr eat to have that sooner.?

Can you tell m e som ething out of the or dinar y you've done?

?I have dr iven thr ough 44 states, I?ve ?10 year s ago, I used to w or k for Obam a done a lot of r oad tr ips acr oss the US.? befor e he w as pr esident. He w as a state senator in Illinois. He is a ver y nice guy. Ver y thoughtful. Ver y polite."

W hy did you think of becom ing a teacher ?

?I decided to be a teacher w hile I w as in high school. Not 100% sur e, I w ent to college and had an oppor tunity to do a fellow ship w her e I m oved to New Yor k . That w as the big decision m ade, agr eeing to teach for 5 yr s.?

?I studied chem istr y and political science. I thought that w as going to be m e doing [som ething] ser ious since I liked helping other people [like] science. I found myself helping other people under stand.?

W hat is som ething you ar e ter r ified to do in public?

"Sm ile."

"Dance, dance."

Som e advice for the fir st gr aduating class of Rainier :

?You'r e never done lear ning anything. Alw ays lear n m or e w henever you'r e studying. Be thinking m or e about how your lear ning to m ake your self m or e better and focus. Be thinking about lear ning in a ver y pr oductive w ay. Second, your not done once college is over, you have to keep gr ow ing and lear ning. Keep pushing your self.?

?Fir st advice is Congr atulations, second is have confidence in your self and w or k har d because you can dot it but it w on't be easy.?



ter r ified


Think it w as fun to put together this issue of the Bulldog Bulletin? W ELL IT SURE WAS! Still, w e have plenty of r oom for m or e students to help w r ite, photogr aph, edit, and layout our upcom ing issues! Com e join us!

Jour nalism meets ever y Wednesday* @ Lunch in Room 1219 (M s. Beaven?s r oom). Email to get added to the list!

Questi ons, comments, concerns, h opes, dreams, aspi rati ons? A nsw er our surv ey at bulletinissue3 or emai l 2th eb ul l dogbul l eti n@gmai l .com to v oi ce your opi ni on and you may be f eatured i n th e nex t i ssue! * no m eetings dur ing Expeditions



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