Wh ere A re th e Seni ors Goi ng?!
Get Ex ci ted f or Summer of Summi t!
pg. 7
Your Gui de to Summer: Book s, Fash i on, & M ore
pg. 8
pg. 6, 9, 10
M arv el 's Ci nemati c Uni v erse
By Ben Gilm or e
Seeing as M ar vel?s Avengers 2: Age of Ultron r ecently cam e to the big scr een and w as a box office hit, and as this w ill be my last ar ticle for Rainier ?s new spaper, it only m akes sense that I look over M ar vel?s Cinem atic Univer se (w hich w ill be called M CU in this ar ticle) as a w hole. M CU star ted w ith the fir st Iron M an film on M ay 2nd, 2008, over 7 year s ago (gosh I?m old). It w as, of cour se, a sm ash hit am ong the both the m oviegoer s and the cr itics. We w er e then intr oduced to The Incredible Hulk (2008), Thor (2011), Captain America (2011), and the r est of the team that w ould eventually m ake up The Avengers (2012), The Guardians of the Galaxy (2015), and the next upcom ing m ovie w ill intr oduce us to a new addition to the team on July 17th, 2015 w ith Ant M an. How ever, ther e have also r ecently been TV ser ies that should be added to this list, including Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Agent Carter, and Netflix?s Daredevil. Alm ost ever y single one of these w or ks have been incr edibly successful, and M CU is not looking to be stopping telling the stor ies of the
June 5, 2015 Volum e 1, Issue 5 2thebulldogbulletin@gm ail.com
M ar vel continued on page 3
The Expeditions Exhibition Photos by Haley Kim and W Illiam , Collage by W illiam Baker
By Haley Kim , Sidr a Rashid, and W illiam Teav On a chilly M ay evening, students, par ents, and teacher s m ingled ar ound Rainier ?s cam pus as they celebr ated all the har d w or k students accom plished in this year ?s Expeditions. The Expeditions Exhibitions, an annual event held at the end of the year, show cases students' final pr ojects fr om their Expeditions classes. This year, classes r anged fr om Dr am a to Com puter Science to Psychology to Inter nship. Final pr ojects included ar t pieces (AP Studio Ar t and M s. Elba?s class), pr esentation boar ds (Psychology, Hum an Sexuality, and Inter nships), per for m ances (Dr am a), and m or e. In Psychology (1205), visitor s w er e asked to fill out shor t assessm ent sheets for each pr esentation they saw. A steady str eam of visitor s flow ed in thr oughout the night. Pr ojects included ever ything fr om pr ocr astination and sleep to w hy people ask questions or have nightm ar es.
Expeditions continued on page 9 2thebulldogbulletin@gm ail.com
Jour nalism Club Bulldog Bulletin
Do y ou not k now y our pl ans f or Summer ? Cons ul t y our f r i endl y nei ghbor hood news paper and f i nd out what t he nex t 3 mont hs of y our l i f e i s goi ng t o l ook l i k e!
Advisor : M s. Beaven Club Leader s Haley Kim and W illiam Teav Volum e 1, Issue 5 June 2015 Wr iter s M eaghan Allen Ben Gilm or e Haley Kim Em ily Kobayashi Judith M ontejano Vianet Or ozco Natalie Nunez Dillon Par dini Sidr a Rashid Iveth Resendiz W illiam Teav Nate Tibbles Photogr apher s Alyssa M ar tinez W illiam Baker Ar tists M onica Hale Nadia Tor ibio Copy Editor s Lead: W illiam Teav Seem a Azad Anina Hitt Judith M ontejano Natalie Nunez Iveth Resendiz Layout Editor s Lead: Haley Kim M eaghan Allen W illiam Baker Azr a Hill Vianet Or ozco Podcast - The Bar k Ben Gilm or e Dillon Par dini Santi Villalobos Club M em ber s Ger ar do Delgado, Joseph M aille, Nicholas Nguyen, Gabr iela Rios, Ian Tor r es Logo by Nadia Tor ibio and M eaghan Allen
Ari es: You?ll be hanging out in a pool this sum m er. W hose pool? W ho know s! W ho car es? Tau r u s: Tr y doing som ething hands-on for your sum m er ! Get your hands on an inter nship, or m aybe tr y star ting up your ow n business.
Gem i n i : I?m seeing a lot of beaches in your futur e. Don?t for get the sunscr een, lest you star t looking a bit m or e like a lobster ! Can cer : Your fr iends ar e gonna dr ag you ar ound, pr obably. Cue the ster eotypical teen r oad tr ip! Leo: Sum m er is going to be a gr eat bonding oppor tunity for you and your pets. Take your dog on a w alk , play w ith your cat, do... som ething w ith your fish. Vi r go: ?Tis the season for car nivals and state fair s! Enter the fun house, and br ing a fr iend. Li br a: Spor ts ar e a gr eat option all sum m er ! Keep your self active thr ough sw im m ing, lacr osse, baseball, anything! Scor pi o: You?r e pr obably just going to study a w hole bunch. Hopefully fr iends, fun, and Sum m er sun w on?t inter r upt your noble pur suits. Sagi t t ar i u s: Take a hike! No, liter ally! Sum m er is a gr eat tim e to tr ek into the gr eat outdoor s. Capr i cor n : Shopping seem s to be a good idea for the sum m er. Lots of sales and coupons w ill be com ing your w ay. Aqu ar i u s: Keep calm over the sum m er as you push your self to gr ow. Utilize the br eak to hone new skills. Pi sces: You?r e going to spend a lot of tim e w ith your closest fr iends. Enjoy the br eak fr om school w hile it lasts!
Jour nalism m eets ever y Wednesday @lunch in Room 1219.
2thebulldogbulletin@gm ail.com
M ar vel M ar vel Com ics. One of the biggest str engths of M CU is also one of its lar gest w eaknesses; they ar e for the m ost par t r etelling the stor ies of the com ics. On one hand, it m akes it m uch har der to cr aft a plot that w ill not be w ell r eceived by audiences, as they have had a sor t of test r un w ith the com ic itself. On the other hand, deviating fr om these stor ies often cause anger am ong fans w ho have alr eady r ead the or iginal telling of the stor y, and the fact that these ar e stor ies that anyone can get spoiled for them thr ough the inter net takes aw ay a lot of the sur pr ise that an or iginal stor y w ould give to an audience. That being said, often tim es the sm all changes m ade to m ovie plots can add quite a bit of new flavor to an other w ise str aight r ecount of the com ic ver sion of events.
Sereni ty and Grumpy ADVICE COLUM N I f you h ad a year t o eat a door , h ow w ou l d you do it?
Gr u m p y : Fir st I w ould use a knife and stab it a m illion tim es so I can see all the splinter s as br ight as day. Then I w ould take your body and for ce your against the shar p door and beat you senselessly against it. Then w ithout hesitation all the splinter s I m ade w ould cover your body fr om head to toe. W hat How ever, som e changes ar e not near ly as w elcom e as other s, next you w onder ? I w ill eat you w ith the com ponents especially w hen it com es to the lack of diver sity in M CU. Ther e have of the door inside of you. That is how I w ould eat a yet to be any w om en of color (unless you count the gr een one in door. Guardians of the Galaxy) in pr om inent r oles in any M ar vel m ovies, the M axim off tw ins, or iginally Jew ish-Rom anis w ho w er e the childr en of Sereni t y: ...W hy on ear th w ould I eat a door ? W hat Holocaust sur vivor s, w er e m ade w hite and suppor ter s of Hydr a, a is ther e to gain, splinter s? Ther e?s like no pr ize either Neo-Nazi or ganization, and Haw keye being deaf has never once been so I don't need to even think of a plan to eat it.. m entioned in M CU. All of these ar e ver y r easonable com plaints, and I Com e on people! You w asted your question on that?? w ould per sonally love to see a lar ger am ount of diver sity in any I f you w er e t o com m i t a ser i ou s cr i m e, w h at ar e upcom ing m ovies. som e of you r t i ps? A com m on analogy hear d w hen discussing com ic books is that G: Not tell you anything. Because in a cour t of law, super her oes ar e the United States? equivalent of Gr eek and Rom an anything I say can and w ill be used against m e. mythology; a vast ar r ay of char acter s w ith abilities beyond hum an com pr ehension and an entir e w or ld to w or k w ithin. The or iginal S: Tip One: DON'T COM M IT A CRIM E IN THE FIRST appeal of super her oes w as its sim plicity: Good ver sus evil, w ith the PLACE her o saving the day and saving the com m on per son. Over the year s, w e have had to add to this for m ula to m ake it m or e inter esting, but it is still the sam e at the cor e. We still w ant the her o to w in, w e still w ant an epic stor y w ith inter esting char acter s, and in this r espect, M CU is definitely deliver ing.
M arv el ?s Ci nemati c Uni v erse:
(abc.go.com ).
(scr eenr ant.com ).
Ov eral l : 8/ 10
G: Yep.
S: Uhm ,.. you w ould fill out your ow n applications... cuz you still need to apply to your college. I'm sur e ther e w ill be essays for you to w r ite as w ell. And scholar ships to hunt dow n. And loans to accept. And AP Tests to study for. And m aintaining your GPA to even get accepted to your college. Have Fun! Som et i m es m y m om can be r eal l y m ean t o m e an d I don 't r eal l y k n ow h ow t o deal w i t h i t . Sh e m ai n l y cal l s m e n am es an d u n der m i n es m y r el at i on sh i p w i t h m y boyf r i en d. Hopef u l l y you can gi ve m e som e adv i ce on deal i n g w i t h i t .
M ov i es: 7.5/ 10 TV Sh ow s: 8.5/ 10
I 'm n ot goi n g t o col l ege h er e i n t h e US w h at do I do f or m y sen i or year w h i l e ever yon e i s f i l l i n g ou t t h ei r appl i cat i on s?
G: Say my favor ite line, ?At least I am not a cr ack w hor e, be gr ateful for m e and my choices.?
S: See if ther e?s any w ay you can talk to her about how you?r e feeling. If that?s not the case then I hope you have som e good fr iends for that m or al suppor t. Realize that you ar e your ow n per son and that its up to you on how to handle the situation. Don't take ever ything to hear t sw eetie. W h at do you do w h en you can 't get t h e boot y? G: Netflix. Get a job. Cr y over tuition.
S: I?m w ith Gr um py on this one. Netflix, fudgepops, and fr iends ar e a gr eat substitute. You can?t get the booty but it doesn?t m ean you can?t w atch the booty. I s i t t r u e t h at M r . Avar ca sh ow s h ow m u ch h e l oves you by h ow m u ch h e yel l s at you ?? G: Oh that w as yelling?
S: 100% TRUE 2thebulldogbulletin@gm ail.com
M ak er M adness By W illiam Teav
Know n as ?The Gr eatest Show and Tell on Ear th,? the M aker Fair e has captivated, enthr alled, and captur ed our im aginations ever y year for the last decade. For tw o days in M ay, the San M ateo Event Center tr ansfor m s into a w or ld of w acky cr afts and fun technology. This year w as a special year - the tenth year of the M aker Fair e. For this special occasion, the event ar ea w as divided into ten zones.
Z one One: Located at the South Gate and m ostly open space, this ar ea featur ed the San Fr ancisco Bazaar, a congr egation of independent cr after s. Am ong the w eir d item s for sale w er e ar t pieces featur ing flies and t-shir ts decor ated w ith im ages of deep sea m onster s. Also her e is the Cyclecide bike r iding ar ea, w her e attendees r ode highly-m odified, funny-looking bikes (at their ow n r isk , as stated by a w ar ning sign.)
Z one Tw o: Know n as the Expo Hall, this building w as jam -packed w ith a lot of gadgets and tech toys. Ther e w er e r obots contr olled by Ar duino and Raspber r y Pi. Ther e w er e booths m anned by NASA and HP. One of the biggest attr actions w as Gam e of Dr ones, an aer ial dr one com petition. Although the air acr obatics w er e stunning, nothing enter tained the cr ow d m or e than one-ver sus-one dr one com bat.
Z one Th ree: They called it the ?Dar k Room .? It indeed w as dar k but var ious light and electr onic displays, fr om m ood-r eading tr ees, Tesla coil m usic, and the fir st-ever video gam es illum inated the building. Hidden in the dar kness w er e tw o air cannons w hich spooked unsuspecting spectator s. Had enough of the dar kness? Ther e w as a r oom w ith 3D lenses and 3D TVs. Need m or e dar kness? A m ini-haunted house aw aits.
Z one Four: Like Steam punk? Vendor s sold them ed clothing her e and even hosted a m acabr e puppet show. Other attr actions included car dboar d r obot suits and a high-five challenge.
Z one Fi v e: A line of car s w er e ar r anged along this zone (Delor eans w er e pr esent.) In addition, ther e w as the Star tup Pavilion, w hich allow ed star tups to r each the m asses. One star tup in par ticular sold a zer o-em ission m otor ized scooter. Ther e w as also a m assive Coke and M entos dem onstr ation.
Z one Si x : Ever w onder ed w hat a r em ote-contr olled battleship skir m ish w ould look like? The Wester n War ship Com bat Club hosted sever al dem onstr ations at the Battlepond, a m akeshift pool sur r ounded by high glass bar r ier s. Fr om the safety of the glass (along w ith pr ecautionar y safety goggles,) spectator s w er e able to w atch a fast-paced battle betw een the Allied and Axis pow er s.
Z one Sev en: Lockpicking tutor ials w er e held her e. It w as quite popular because ther e w er e no seats untaken.
Z one Ei gh t: The Hom egr ow n Village set up shop her e. Full of healthy, natur al, and sustainable foods and dr inks, this ar ea r esem bled a high-end far m er s?m ar ket.
Z one Ni ne: The elusive m uffin people of Acm e M uffineer ing w er e found her e.
Z one Ten: Per haps one of the lar gest non-r etail congr egations of 3D pr inter s. Ther e w er e m odels of differ ent shapes and sizes. Som e w er e the size of a m icr ow ave w hile other s w er e the size of an old com puter m onitor. Som e pr inted w ith plastic w hile other s used m etal, w ood, chocolate, and even pancake batter.
Photos and Collage by W illiam Baker
The M aker Fair e is an annual tr adition for people w ho love the new est and w eir dest inventions. If you w ant to exper ience this exciting extr avaganza, m ar k your calendar s for M ay 2016! 2thebulldogbulletin@gm ail.com
FEATURE ON THE CREATIVE WRITING EXHIBITION By Nate Tibbles It is no exagger ation to claim that the exhibition for M s. Fer nandez?s Cr eative Wr iting Class w as a little differ ent. After having pr esented at the College Readiness Exhibition, I w as acclim ated to a calm , collected envir onm ent filled w ith students speaking about their pr ospective colleges. This w as not the best w ay to pr epar e for w hat w as to com e. Befor e the exhibition began, those of us fr ee to help set up w er e in the classr oom . M ost of our classm ates w er e w ith M s. Fer nandez, conducting their dr am a per for m ance in the basketball cour ts. That left the r est of us to tur n their m akeup/dr essing r oom into a pr esentable par ty. The setup w as quick enough. We cleaned the floor, set up a sm all food table, and r ear r anged the desks. We w er e, at best, am ateur s w hen it cam e to feng shui, but w e w er e alr eady w ell on our w ay to having the r oom com plete by the tim e M s. Fer nandez ar r ived.
W ith som e dir ection fr om our teacher, w e finished putting the r oom together. It w as tim e to allow par ents in. We coaxed sever al fam ilies into the r oom w ithin a few m inutes. M ost w er e ther e because they had a r elative in the class, but it is fully possible that a few w er e ther e just to escape the cold. As w e sat par ents dow n, we intr oduced them to the assor ted excer pts of student w or k . Each par ent w as asked to fill out a r eview and subm it it to us for use in our gr and, end-of-the-year class pr oject. The thing that tr uly set this exhibition apar t w as not the fact w e had to set it up quickly or because w e had a bunch of par ty snacks w aiting for any visitor s, but by the fact that w e w er e not just celebr ating the end of Expeditions, but the publishing of our book .
As par ents left their r eview s, collected their com plem entar y bookm ar ks and food, and left the r oom , m any of us w er e able to stay, talk , and help clean up the r oom once again. We did all w e could to leave M s. Tr an?s r oom in adequate condition, but you?d have to ask her
w hether w e succeeded in that r egar d; I had to leave a bit pr em atur ely. W hen I left, I w as not sur e how I felt about the Exhibition. It felt a bit scatter br ained, m ainly because it w as, but that w as far fr om the point. It felt a bit m essy, but w r iter s have never been r enow ned for neatness. It felt a bit odd, but I w as glad to be a par t of it.
Ci nco de M ayo Festi v i ti es M A Y 5, 2015
Photos by John Gundayao and Collage by W illiam Baker
An Ex pedi ti ons Ex peri ence
all of our tim e w as devoted to our w or ks? com pletion. Now, w e w er e r eady to celebr ate our success.
It w as announced to us ear ly in the year that our class-pr oduct w ould be an anthology of student w or k com piled for sale on Am azon. Dur ing the last tw o w eeks of Expeditions, near ly 2thebulldogbulletin@gm ail.com
17 THINGS TO M AKE SURE THIS SUM M ER IS NOT LIKE THE REST! By Judith M ontejano, Natalie Nunez, and Iveth Resendiz 1. Go to the beach! If you can't dr ive, take Bus 17 and for only $5 it w ill take you to Santa Cr uz. 2. Volunteer. Find a place to volunteer -- not only w ill this m ake you feel better, but it w ill also give you som ething to w r ite about for your college apps. 3. Disconnect fr om technology and go on a hike w ith your fr iends. 4. Play Tw ister but w ith an extr a tw ist! Add paint to each color cir cle and w atch as things get m essy... 5. Stay at hom e, invite fr iends and have a movie night; just because it's br eak doesn't m ean you have to be out and about ever yday. 6. Have a pool party! If you don't have one, I'm sur e one of your fr iends or a fam ily m em ber does, and if you still don't have one just invite fr iends over and have a w ater balloon fight!! 7. Have a cam pfir e and camp out in your backyar d... or just use the gr ill! Roast hot dogs on sticks, pop popcor n, and finish off w ith s'm or es. 8. Have an epic sleepover in your backyar d, under the star s. Invite fr iends over, plan out fun gam es, w atch m ovies, and m ost im por tantly have plenty of food!!! 9. Have som e you time. Buy som e bath pr oducts, r un your self a bath, light up a good scented candle, and r ead a good book . 10. Best of all, turn up!! M ake sur e you go to at least one fun event or concer t or som ething! You do w ant to m ake it a m em or able sum m er !!! 11. Watch the sunrise/sunset. 12. Do som ething sim ple and old fashioned: go to the drive-ins instead of a theater. It's nice outside, w hy be indoor s? 13. Visit a college and see w hat college is the best fit for you (it's never too ear ly to do this). 14. Have a group date and possibly ask out that special som eone that you've been cr ushing on the entir e school year. Rem em ber people alw ays r egr et the chances they didn't take. 15. Sign up and go on a color run or any r un for a good cause. 16. Go on a mini roadtrip; pick a destination and blast your m usic on the w ay ther e! 17. M ake a memory jar. Ever y tim e you do som ething fun or m em or able, w r ite it dow n so you can look back and see all the exciting things that you did.
Wanna tak e a break f rom al l th i s readi ng? Stop and tak e a l i sten to Th e Bark : Epi sode 2, w h ere students di scuss th e new I ndi ana Law , Ch i l dh ood f ears, and th e Questi on of th e Day!
2thebulldogbulletin@gm ail.com
Wh ere A re Th ey Goi ng? by M eaghan Allen As the school year r olls to an end, it com es the tim e for the Rainier com m unity to com e to ter m s w ith the fact that our beloved senior s ar e going off to college. But befor e the diplom as ar e passed out and the r egalia is tossed, the Bulldog Bulletin is featur ing this exclusive look at w her e ever y gr aduate is planning to attend in the Fall! As you can see, m ost of our Bulldogs w ill be studying on the West Coast, w ith the exception of Syr acuse Univer sity in NY and St. Edw ar ds Univer sity in TX.
See th e w h ol e map at ti nyurl .com/ byeb yebul l dogs
2thebulldogbulletin@gm ail.com
Get Ex ci ted f or Summer of Summi t! INSIDE SCOOP By Haley Kim For m ost students, having to go back to school for the sum m er seem s like a bor e, a chor e, or snor e. But for over 1,300 students in the Sum m it school system , they w ill be r etur ning to take par t in this year ?s Sum m er of Sum m it. Featur ing over 40 classes r anging fr om college pr epar ation to Design a Ted Talk to Sum m it Am bassador s, students of all backgr ounds and inter ests w ill have fun and be challenged.
Pri nt Out Your Copy at ti nyurl .com/ j unecrossw ord
Tiffany Tr an, a Rainier fr eshm an, is excited to spend tim e w ith her fr iends and per use the w ide var iety of cour ses. ?I chose photogr aphy as one of my cour ses because I love how photogr aphy br ings out differ ent per spectives. Depending on w hich angle w e take the pictur e, that's how w e see it,? she w r ote in an em ail. For four w eeks this sum m er, students w ill be on cam pus fr om 9 to 1:30 w ith a fr ee lunch star ting at 1 and optional PLT after 1:30. W hile students w ill get to exper ience fun, elective style cour ses like Visual Ar ts, photogr aphy and film m aking, and fitness challenges, they can also build off their academ ic inter ests w ith cour ses like M aster s of M ath, Inter nships, or Read-a-Thon. Additionally, students w ho w ant to build better study or per sonal habits can take M oody M onday or Peer Tutor Suppor t. ?We w anted to cr eate cour ses that pr ovide som e fun, and that students w ould be r eally inter ested in, that w er en?t necessar ily academ ic. We also w anted ones that w er e planning and getting to know how you kind of or ganize your ow n self, so ther e?s som e habit of success cour ses, and then ther e?s som e pr oject based cour ses,? said Dr. M ar tin, the Sum m er of Sum m it Pr ogr am Coor dinator. ?We kinda thought, let?s look at the student as a w hole, and all the differ ent pieces that w ould help them and suppor t them to becom e w ell r ounded individuals.? The Sum m er of Sum m it teacher s w ill be both new and r etur ning teacher s, said Dr. M ar tin. Over 200 teacher s-including pr incipals, new Sum m it teacher s, and Teach for Am er ica cor ps m em ber s-- w ill be leading Sum m it?s ?sum m er cam p.? ?It?s going to be r eally fun. It?s going to be super fun. It?s going to be m or e r elaxed, it?s not going to be like r egular school,? said Dr. M ar tin. ?Ther e w ill be a lot of new students com ing in that people w ill get to know, but honestly the cour ses ar e built so that students can engage, feel that they have a say in som ething, that they can pur sue their passions, and ther e?s a w hole bunch of cour ses that they w ouldn?t necessar ily take.? One such cour se is M ake a Fr iend, a class Dr. M ar tin her self said she w ould take. Based on National Public Radio?s Stor yCor ps, students w ill connect, shar e, and r ecor d per sonal stor ies w ith one another. ?So you?r e kinda getting to know a little bit about each other, thr ough stor ytelling,? explained Dr. M ar tin. W hile r egistr ation for cour ses has now passed, don?t feel discour aged if you didn?t sign up! Sum m er of Sum m it w ill continue next sum m er. As for w hat you can do dur ing the r est of your sum m er, Dr. M ar tin said, ?I w ant [you] to take a br eak , to r elax over the sum m er, to r echar ge a little bit. But at the sam e tim e, continue to r ead, continue to lear n som e of the skills that [you] did m aybe in or ganizing or how to handle situations, pr acticing it over the sum m er so that [you]can use it and im plem ent it into the fall.?
2thebulldogbulletin@gm ail.com
THE PULP Rev i ew i ng th e j ui ci est stori es dow n to th e pul p. A Little Something Different... For Summer Reading By Em ily Kobayashi A Little Something Differ ent - Ever yone can see that Lea and Gabe w er e m eant to be, w hy can they see it? Wr itten fr om the view points of 14 people, Lea and Gabe?s r elationship unfolds. The author, Sandy Hall, does an exper t job m olding the stor y fr om each view point. M ost inter estingly, Lea and Gabe both w er e not one of the 14 people, w hich m ade it differ ent fr om books w ith m ultiple points of view like Allegiant (Ver onica Roth), The Ring and the Crown (M elissa de la Cr uz), and The Demon King (Cinda W illiam s Chim a). It?s a cute sappy r om ance that is per fect for beach r eading. /5 We Wer e Lia r s - Cadence Sinclair is r ich, goes to a island over the sum m er, and is depr essed. On the island, her cousins and a fr iend call them selves Liar s. Thr ough the sum m er Cadence begins to r em em ber the pr evious sum m er and all the lies and the hur t that cam e w ith it. E. Lockhar t w r ites in shor t sim ple sentences, w hich at som e points did not fully m ap in my head (especially w ith the m ajor plot tw ist!). Although the tone is light, the m ood eventually becom es extr em ely dar k . Did I m ention the plot tw ist? Am azing!
/5 Find M e - Tessa Waye?s diar y is left on W ick?s door step w ith tw o w or ds w r itten on it: ?Find M e.? W hen W ick lear ns that her sister, Lily is next, W ick m ust use her com puter skills to find the culpr it w hile w ar ding off a suspicious police and her dad. At least she has her love inter est, Gr iff. Rom ily Ber nar d's por tr ayal of the culpr it thr oughout the stor y m ade m e cr inge! This book is sim ilar to Lolita (Nabokov), but m uch less intense. This is not a fluffy book , but it does have action and som e r om ance. /5
Expeditions In AP Studio Ar t, visitor s thoughtfully and adm ir ingly cir cled the r oom , obser ving how har d the students w or ked. M s. M ichelle, the class teacher, w as especially pr oud of her students, citing how m atur e they w er e. ?One of my favor ite par ts w as befor e the life m odel com e in. We talked about how to tr eat the m odel. I r eally appr eciated that these students w er e r eally insightful and unpr om pted. They w er e saying things like, ?don?t point? and ?don?t judge,? she said. ?[They] had a lot of em pathy for the m odel. And I think that w as a r eal highlight for m e. They w er e r eally m atur e. I think that w as w hat enabled their dr aw ings to be so good because they took it ser iously but they also r ecognized that this m odel is a hum an being.? In Com puter Science, students eager ly displayed their pr ogr am s. ?We should clap w henever som ebody w alks in,? said M atthew Baker, a Rainier sophom or e, citing this new ?r ule? as som ething he has lear ned. The Holocaust exhibition, facilitated by M s. Thiele, had cr eated an envir onm ent that descr ibed the tone of the w hole class: sadness and hope. Guests sat (and in som e cases stood) in a som ber, black r oom . But, as a sym bol of hope, color ful butter flies sur r ounded the w alls. Jeonna Holston r ecited the poem , I Never Saw Another Butter fly, and M onser at Suar ez Rodr iguez tr anslated it into Spanish. They r ecited, ?For seven w eeks I?ve lived in her e, Penned up inside this ghetto, But I have found w hat I loved her e, The dandelions call to m e, And the w hite chestnut br anches in cour t. Only I never saw another butter fly. That butter fly w as the last one,
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Butter flies don?t her e in the ghetto.?
The Holocaust class, and their guests had the honor of listening to the stor y of a Holocaust liber ator, M ar vin Ber telson. He discussed w hat it w as like to be on the outside looking in on w hat a concentr ation cam p w as like. He br ought pictur es of him self, and of the cam ps, m any of them har d to look at. But ever ybody listening to M ar vin felt m oved by his stor y, and m any w ill pr obably never for get it. As the sun set, a str inged ar r ay of poster boar ds flutter ed in the w ind. These w er en?t just poster boar ds. These w er e the stor ies of those w ho par took in the inter nship pr ogr am , w hich connects students w ith outside or ganizations. This year our Bulldogs inter ned at a var iety of locations, such as NASA, SV Cr eates, and m uch m or e. One senior, Autum n, inter ned at Cur eton Elem entar y School. She descr ibed her inter nship as ?fun, cr azy, and a lear ning exper ience.? She gr aded paper s, m ade copies, and inter acted w ith students. W hen asked about a m em or able m om ent, she answ er ed, ?pr obably the last day w hen tw o kids got in a fight and I didn?t notice.? Another senior, Vianet, inter ned at Palm Villas, a senior car e center. As a m em ber of the activities depar tm ent, she played balloon volleyball, golf, and tr ivia questions. For her final pr oject, Vianet inter view ed the r esidents w ho lived ther e. She discussed one r esident, Alber t, w ho has been m ar r ied for seventy-thr ee year s. The secr et to success, he told her is four sim ple w or ds - ?yes dear, you?r e r ight.? Expeditions 2014-2015 dem onstr ated the best of the Bulldogs. M r. Lee, Rainier ?s pr ecalculus teacher, com m ented, ?I?ve been im pr essed at the passion for the people w ho com pleted inter nships and then the hum an sexuality class.? Passion is w hat m akes our students thr ive and passion is som ething that w e w ill see for year s to com e.
Summer St yl e: Top 6 Tr ends By Sidr a Rashid It's alm ost sum m er ! And sum m er m eans sun, fun, and new fashions! And this sum m er ?s style has a gr eat r oundup for ever y gir l?s sense of fashion. Her e?s the top 6 styles of the sum m er.
1. Flow y Dresses For ever y boho gir l r eady to look r ight out of a Fr ee People m agazine. Long m axi dr esses w ith soft color s, lace or tr ibal pr ints. Accessor ies can include cur led hair, tassels, and chunky r ings.
2. Jumpsuits
Dr ess them up. Dr ess them dow n. Rom per s, pant suits, or over alls. Pr inted, lace, or solid. No m atter how you feel, or w her e you have to go, they ar e easy to put on and look gr eat! Accessor ies include sunglasses, floppy hats, and statem ent necklaces.
3. Lace Lace alw ays looks so beautiful and elegant and can be incor por ated into any outfit. W hether it is the focus of w hat you?r e w ear ing, or just an accessor y, ther e is alw ays a w ay to w ear the dainty staple.
4. Ballerina Along the lines of lace is the baller ina style, including lots of pastels: m auves, pale pinks, baby blues. And of cour se, tulle skir ts to m ake you look like a pr incess. Accessor ies include headbands, jew eled belts, and, of cour se, ballet flats.
5. Black and White It?s cool and classic. You w ill autom atically look gr eat w hen you w ear a black and w hite ensem ble. Its sim plicity never goes out of style, but it can alw ays be m ade to look new. Accessor ies include w atches, long necklaces, and w ide br im hats.
6. ?Ugly? Sandals Per haps my favor ite look of the season is the ?ugly? sandal look w hich is actually quite the opposite. Bir kenstocks and Tevas ar e the ultim ate sandals to get, but they have look-alikes near ly ever yw her e. They ar e easy to w ear, and go w ith alm ost ever y casual outfit.
4. 6.
I think that the new styles of the season ar e exciting! Even though m any of them have been done befor e, it?s gr eat to see how designer s find a w ay to put a new spin on a classic. (All im ages pr ovided by Sidr a Rashid).
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Communism: A Trend Among Summit A CONTINUED INTERVIEW Teachers? WITH M R. QUEZADA By Dillon Par dini (W illy Teav).
Follow ing the pr evious issue, W illiam Teav inter view ed M r. Quezada and lear ned m any contr over sial things about him . I decided to conduct a follow up inter view w ith M r. Ricky along w ith my par tner, W illiam . We sat dow n at lunch and began the inter view. * Begins inter view by tr ying to take W illiam ?s pencils*
Congr ats Andr ew Nguyen!
Dillon: How do you feel about all of these photoshopped im ages of you and M r. Lee all ar ound your r oom ? Tell us how you feel about it. M r. Quezada: Is this going in the new spaper ? W illiam : Yes. Q: Oh, now I have to be m or e pr agm atic. Uhh, w ell I?m not sur pr ised, that my m entees did this. I know that M r. Lee had nothing to do w ith it. D: Or did he? Q: He didn?t, I?m sur e he didn?t! We had a conver sation about it. We debr iefed the scenar io because I took over his m entor gr oup. * aw kw ar d silence* Uhh, w ell I?m glad they got the bir thday list up, but I?m not on it. They for got my bir thday.
Congr ats Sar alynn Nguyen!
W : W hy does it say Rest In Peace on the list?
Fi nd th e Smi l i ng Roes! Th rough out th i s i ssue w e h av e h i dden 7 M r. Roe h eads. Try to f i nd th em al l ! You h av e ex cel l ent eyes i f you do because af ter al l ... M r. Roe's smi l e i s q ui te el usi v e. Decapitated Roe pictur es cour tesy of W illiam Baker and Robbie Englehar t.
Q: It?s uh, for students that have left. W : That?s kind of m or bid. Q: Yeah it kind of is..They?r e good kids, but they just have a unique w ay of show ing their appr eciation. W : ANYWAYS, w hat is your opinion on the par anor m al? Do you believe ghosts exist? Q: After 9 PM , I don?t believe in them , but I gener ally do. I do think that ther e is a lim bo w or ld, or like in betw een like hell or heaven, or w hatever you believe but I gener ally do believe that they exist in som e for m . I w atch
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TV show s about it though, so it has to be tr ue. W : Have you had any encounter s? Q: Yeah, actually. M y r oom m ate in college sw ear s that a ghost has follow ed him since his childhood and I didn?t r eally believe it until one day w e w er e in our dor m studying for a test. Then out of now her e, the tostada bag unr olled and I star ted fr eaking out. So w e both looked at each other like ?Oh my god, ther e?s a ghost!?. Then w e r an outside and stayed in the lounge for like a good hour. W hen w e got tir ed, w e just w ent back and w er e like ?W hatever ?. But yeah, I kind of do. D: Going back to gover nm ent, in the last inter view, you m entioned ver y inter esting ideas about your pr efer r ed type of gover nm ent. One being that you w er e a Com m unist. Do you think ther e?s a tr end am ong the Rainier teacher s to be Com m unist? Q: We all w ant people to have equal oppor tunities, and to have a baseline for living. If Com m unism is the w ay to achieve that I don?t think w e?d be opposed to it. W : Sounds Com m unist to m e. D: Som ething a Com m unist w ould say. Going back to the par anor m al, w e have an activity planned for you. Q: No, no, no, no! Can I pr ay befor e this? We pr oceeded to tr y to play the Char lie Char lie gam e, a gam e that supposedly sum m ons a M exican dem on. We failed m iser ably w ith tr ying to set it up and M r. Quezada blam ed it on our ability of being bad at this. He continued to say that his spir it w ar ded off the dem on and that his soul is ver y str ong. W hat did w e lear n fr om this? Thr ough this pr ocess, I lear ned that he has inter esting opinions on his m entees, has had a ter r ifying exper ience w ith a tostada ghost, is a Com m unist, and has a ?str ong? soul.
Th i nk i t w as f un to put togeth er th i s i ssue of th e Bulldog Bulletin? WELL I T SURE WA S! Sti l l , w e h av e pl enty of room f or more students to h el p w ri te, ph otograph , edi t, and l ayout our upcomi ng i ssues! Come j oi n us nex t year! M eeti ng dates and l ocati ons TBD.
Shout-Outs Jeff: "Shoutout to Em i l y an d Day for being my fr iend #squad "
Seni or Recap By Vianet Or ozco I asked var ious senior s to tell m e one thing they ar e going to take aw ay fr om Sum m it. I noticed som e lessons w e w ill keep in our m inds. Being par t of the fir st gr aduating class of Sum m it is utter ly br eathtaking and exciting! Can you pl ease ex pl ai n on e t h i n g you ar e goi n g t o t ak e w i t h you f r om Su m m i t ?
Sen or Car r i l l o for being the m ost incr edible m entor a gr oup of students could ask for. Not sur e how m uch hear t is able to fit in such a com pact package but w e ar e so lucky and gr ateful for it!
Shout-out to the Sen i or s for r eally leading this school and doing a bunch of w onder ful things. The soph om or es ar e gr eat too.
Lupe Tr ujillo: I w ould like to shout out the fabulous par en t vol u n t eer s that m ade is possible for m e to attend num er ous tr aining sessions and our Senior Study Tr ip. Your suppor t is gr eatly appr eciated.
To all the t each er s w ho took the extr a tim e to plan, or ganize and execute our Study Tr ips this school year.
-Tr y not to pr ocr astinate, because the longer you pr ocr astinate the less am ount of tim e you have to tur n in your stuff and you have a sm all am ount of tim e to finish. -I lear ned how to handle change, that w ould be som ething I am taking aw ay fr om Sum m it. I w ould also take aw ay the good study tr ips and r elationship w ith my m entor, and that?s it, that?s all that Sum m it gave m e. -One of them w ould be like you kind of have to m ake sur e you have to be r esponsible, do things on your ow n. You kind of have to m ake the best of a situation you'r e in, for exam ple the cam pus. -W hen I?m at Sum m it I know that I can count on fr iends, teacher s and m entor s. I w ill alw ays have str ong ties to the com m unity of Sum m it. -Bigger is not alw ays better because w e have sm all school and w e for m ed a r elationship. As par t of the senior class, w e all w ish you to achieve your goal of attending a univer sity and of achieving your dr eam s. ?If your dr eam s don?t scar e you then they ar e not big enough? (Anonym ous).
Journalism Club Would Like to Thank? Ms. Beaven, for being an amazing advisor! The Live SV Press Pass program, for offering club members exciting journalism opportunities! Mr. Roe, for always delivering our announcements and allowing us to capture his smile. :) All teachers and students who have participated in interviews, the Advice Column, Shout Outs, Elusive Roe, and feedback forms! To everyone who has read the Bulldog Bulletin, thank you. You have helped make the paper what it is. We hope you have enjoyed reading as much as we have enjoyed creating each issue! 12
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