Bush Christmas This year, swap the usual pine for a beautiful native plant
Woolly bush
The natural pyramid shape of this evergreen shrub makes it the ideal festive season tree. Its soft, silvergreen woolly foliage gives rise to small, bright red flowers in spring and summer. Grow in a pot or in the garden, in a spot with full sun and well-drained soil.
NSW Christmas bush
Tiny, fragrant white flowers appear on this evergreen from late spring, but the merry display begins after they fall. The star-shaped sepals (the leaf-shaped structure that holds each flower) enlarge and turn red and pink. Plant in a large pot or in a spot with full sun or part shade and well-drained soil.*
Woolly bush
(Adenanthos sericeus)
NSW Christmas bush
(Ceratopetalum gummiferum)
Feed with a native-specific, slow-release fertiliser in spring and lightly prune after flowering.
The sepals also make a fantastic cut flower display, perfect when decorating for Christmas.
Dwarf f lowering gum
Lilly pilly
Dwarf flowering gum
Usually grafted to ensure dwarf size and flower, its aromatic leaves are covered with fluffy red, pink, orange or white flowers in summer. For sensational red blooms, look for ‘Summer Red’ and ‘Dwarf Red’. Position in full sun, enrich the soil with organic matter and lightly prune after flowering.
Pink, red or bronze-green flushes of new growth adorn this medium to large tree. Suitable for pots, it can be clipped into a conical shape. The ‘Straight and Narrow’ variety grows into a slender 5-8m tall pyramid; ‘Bush Christmas’ can be pruned hard to a compact 1m. FOR MORE PLANTS, VISIT
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(Corymbia ficifolia cvs)
These handsome trees are highly attractive to birds, so expect a few feathered visitors.
(Syzygium and Eugenia var)
Plant lilly pilly in sun to part shade. Powder puff-type flowers appear from spring through to autumn.
Words Tammy Huynh. Photography Getty Images. *NSW Christmas bush may not be available in all states.
Lilly pilly