2023 Senior Resource Guide

Last updated on 7/3/23
Last updated on 7/3/23
The Senior Resource Guide provides a listing of agencies and organizations in the Burbank community and surrounding cities offering services to older adults and their families. Not all providers are listed, however they may be able to give you other suggestions or referrals. Each agency/organization has a brief description of their services accompanied with the contact information.
When contacting agencies/organizations, here are a few questions that you may want to ask:
• What services does your agency provide?
• Are there eligibility requirements for services?
• Are there costs involved with the services?
• Is there a waiting list?
• How soon can you provide this service?
If there is more than one need that must be met, you may have to contact more than one agency. This guide can be used as a tool to narrow down your choices and help attaining the assistance that is needed. If you require additional support with the process, you may contact Sona Ter-Yegishyan, Social Services Supervisor, at 818.238.5571.
The Senior Resource Guide contains valuable information and resources. Every effort has been taken to verify the accuracy of the information included within these pages. However, all information is subject to change.
information by calling the provided
A person of any age who is in need of mental health services can call the LA County DMH ACCESS hotline at 1(800)854-7771.
• Press 2 for emotional support line, open 7 days/week 9:00am-9:00pm.
An online emotional support services that connect those in need to a trained Active Listener by phone or chat. All connections are private and one-on-one. An account is requried.
The “warmline: is a non-emergency talkline/warmline for people who are in need of emotional support while with a mental illness. It is staffed by mental health peers who share the experience of living with a mental illness. The service is also available via web-chat and can be accessed through the agency’s website.
The Helpline is designed to aid people whoa re having difficulty coping with the stresses and crises which arise in daily living or who are concerned about particular personal or interpersonal problems. The issues people call about may include marital difficulties, divorce, bereavement, parent-child conflict, family communication, loneliness, substance abuse, and suicidal feelings. The agency assists callers in clarifying the issues that concern them, explores alternatives for dealing with the problem, and offers support to assists callers to find their own resolution, but does not give advice.
The Friendship Line receives and makes confidential calls out to individuals who may be depressed, isolated, bereaved, anxious, thinking about death or suicide, and/or just lonely and in need of a connection.
Los Angeles County’s first after-hours telephone line of individuals with mental health challenges and staffed entirely by peers with lived experience.
8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Mon-Sun 7:00 am - 9:00 pm
Major Holidays: 24/7
888/448-9777 Mon-Fri 2:30 pm10:00 pm Sat-Sun 10:00 am6:00 pm
President Joseph R. Biden (D) President of the United States
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20500
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D)
U.S. Senator
331 Hart Senate Office Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20510
Los Angeles Office: (310) 914-7300
Senator Alex Padilla (D)
U.S. Senator
B03 Russell Senate Office Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20510
Los Angeles Office: (202) 224-3553
Congressman Adam Schiff (D)
U.S. Congressman (28th Dist.)
2447 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Field Office: (818) 450-2900
245 East Olive Ave., #200 Burbank, California 91502
Congressman Brad Sherman (D)
U.S. Congressman (27th Dist.)
1030 Longworth Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-0524
Field Office: (818) 501-9200
5000 Van Nuys Blvd, Ste. 420 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Governor Gavin Newsom (D) Governor of California State Capitol
Sacramento, CA 95814
Senator Anthony J. Portantino (D) State Senator (25th Dist.)
Field Office: 116 E. Broadway Suite 204 Glendale, CA 91205 (818) 409-0400
Assembly Member Laura Friedman (D) State Assembly member (43rd Dist.)
Field Office: 300 E. Magnolia Blvd. Suite 504, Burbank, CA 91502 (818) 558-3043; fax (818) 558-3042
Supervisor Kathryn Barger
L. A. County Board of Supervisors (5th Dist)
869 Hall of Administration
500 W. Temple St. Los Angeles, CA 90012
San Fernando Valley Field Office: (818) 993-5170
Konstantine Anthony, Mayor
Nick Shultz, Vice Mayor
Nikki Perez, Council Member
Tamala Takahashi, Council Member
Zizette Mullins, Council Member
The City Council meets every Tuesday of each month starting at 5:00 PM for Closed Session and continuing at 6:00 PM, in the Council Chambers, Burbank City Hall, 275 East Olive Avenue, Burbank, California.
Last Updated January 2023
Grappling with the decisions involved with caring for an elderly parent? It’s hard to try to find solutions that meet everyone’s needs. It’s nearly impossible if you don’t know the jargon and the acronyms. Here are some of the terms you need to know:
• Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) – These include basic personal activities, such as bathing, eating, dressing, and using the toilet.
• Acute – A condition of short and sharp course; opposite of chronic.
• Adult Day Services – Programs offering social and recreational activities, supervision, health services and meals in a protective setting for older adults with physical or cognitive disabilities.
• Adult Protective Services (APS) – APS investigates situations involving elders (ages 65 plus and dependent adults, physically or mentally impaired, ages 18 to 64), who are reported to be endangered by physical, sexual or financial abuse, abandonment, isolation, abduction, neglect or self-neglect. You may contact APS on their toll-free hotline at (877) 477-3646.
• Advance Directive – A legal document in which people give others instructions about their preferences with regard to health-care decisions in case they become incapacitated in some way. Two types of advance directives are a “living will” and a “durable power-of-attorney” for health care.
• Assisted Living Facility (also called Personal or Residential Care Home) – Bridges the gap between independent living and skilled nursing home care. Typical residents are elders needing assistance with daily activities but not constant nursing care. A variety of amenities may be offered.
• Care/Case Manager (CM) – Geriatric care/case managers assess clients’ needs, create service plans, and coordinate and monitor services. Typically, care/case managers are specially trained and licensed nurses or social workers.
• Chronic – A medical condition of long duration, denoting a disease of slow progress and long continuance.
• Community Care – Programs and services in your own community that can assist you in caring for an elder. Includes informal networks, such as friends and neighbors; information and referral services; case management services (found at hospitals and social services agencies); transportation services; nutritional services, such as Meals on Wheels; respite care (relief for caregivers); hospice care; and support groups.
• Congregate Meals / Congregate Meal Programs – Nutrition services (usually lunch) in a group setting that is designed to maintain or improve the physical and social well-being of older adults.
• Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) – A retirement community offering multiple levels of care (independent living, assisted living, skilled nursing care) housed in different areas of the same campus. Requires payment of a monthly fee and often a large lump-sum entrance fee.
• Custodial Care – Care that does not require specialized training or services. Assistance with activities of daily living, as well as with self-administration of medications and preparing special diets.
• Durable Power of Attorney – A document that names a person who will act as someone’s agent and who will make decisions on his or her behalf, if he or she is incapacitated. The power of attorney can be restricted to a specific area (such as health care) or can cover broad decisionmaking responsibilities. In order to grant a power of attorney, you must be competent. You do not lose the legal right to act on your own behalf. Consult an attorney for more details.
• Emergency Response System/Personal Response System (ERS/PRS) – A call button usually worn by the older individual that can summon help in case of emergency. Also called lifelines or personal emergency response systems.
• Gerontologist – A person who specialized in the study of the elderly. Usually have one or more advanced degrees in gerontology, social work or health and human services.
• Guardianship – A court-appointed decision-maker to act on someone’s behalf because they are incompetent. May include guardianship of the person, estate (finances) or both. The guardian may or may not know this person, depending on the situation at the time of the appointment.
• Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) – HICAP provides counseling, advocacy, and assistance to Medicare beneficiaries about Medicare, private health insurance and related healthcare coverage plans. The program also provides public education on Medicare and health- coverage issues.
• Home Delivered Meals – Also known as “Meals on Wheels”. Meals (usually lunch) provided to frail, elderly, home-bound residents of the community. Designed to maintain or improve the physical and social well-being of older homebound adults.
• Home Health Aide (HHA) – A semi-skilled professional, often employed by a home health agency, who provides in-home assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs).
• Home Health Care – Includes a wide range of health-related services, such as assistance with medications, wound care, intravenous (IV) therapy and help with basic needs such as bathing, dressing, mobility, etc., which are delivered at a person’s home.
• Homemaker Services – Help with light housekeeping, laundry, shopping, and meal preparation.
• Hospice – Nursing, companion, counseling and personal care services for people with terminal conditions. May be located in a facility such as a nursing home or hospital, or services may be delivered at home.
• Independent Living (also called Retirement Centers or Communities) – Offer a wide range of services and amenities, from transportation to medical appointments to on-site social activities and beauty salons. Residents typically live in individual apartments, receive some housekeeping services, take most meals in a community dining room and require no assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs).
• Information and Assistance (sometimes called Information and Referral) – Provides individuals with information about community resources and/or referrals to service programs or agencies.
• Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs) – Household/independent living tasks that include using the telephone, taking medications and managing finances.
• Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) – A health-care facility that provides care and services to individuals who do not need skilled nursing care, but whose mental or physical condition requires more than custodial care and services in an institutional setting.
• Living Will – A document that states a person’s preference for future medical decisions, including the withholding or withdrawing of life sustaining treatments.
• Long-Term Care (LTC) – A range of services designed to help people who have disabilities or chronic care needs. Services may be short term or long term, and may be provided in a person’s home, in the community or in a residential facility.
• Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program – The primary responsibility of this program is to investigate and attempt to resolve complaints made by, or on behalf of, individual residents in long-term care facilities, e.g., skilled-nursing facilities, assisted living and group homes.
• Managed Care – A health-care plan in which monthly premiums are paid for a complete package of services through a health maintenance organization (HMO) or similar type of provider.
• Medicaid – Federal-and-state-funded program of medical assistance to low- income individuals of all ages. There are income eligibility requirements for Medicaid.
• Medicare – Federal health insurance program for persons age 65 and over.
• Medigap – Insurance supplement to Medicare that is designed to fill in the “gap” left by Medicare (such as co-payments).
• Multipurpose Senior Center (MPC) – Centers throughout the city and county of Los Angeles that provide a wide range of social and supportive services and act as focal points for the coordination of services for seniors and caregivers in the community.
• Nursing Home – Provides skilled nursing and rehabilitative care for individuals who need 24-hour care and assistance with any ADL. May also be called skilled nursing facility (SNF), intermediate care facility (ICF) or custodial care facility (CCF). Not all nursing homes are Medicareapproved facilities.
• Nutritional Health Assessment – Registered dieticians administer nutrition screening, counseling, and intervention services at congregate meal sites or homes of older adults found to be at high risk for nutrition-related health problems.
• Older Americans Act (OAA) – A federal law enacted in 1965 to provide money for programs and direction for a multitude of services designed to enrich the lives of senior citizens.
• Peer Review Organization (PRO) – Group paid by the federal government to review hospital treatment of Medicare patients. A patient has the right to appeal to a PRO if there is a question about care or length of stay.
• Personal Care Assistance/Home Health Aide (PCA/HHA) – Non-medical services to assist older persons in the home, such as bathing, dressing, cooking, cleaning, laundry and running errands.
• Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) – A state program that uses Medicaid money to pay the Medicare deductibles and co-payments for persons whose income is low enough to qualify. Qualifying income is above the poverty level.
• Respite Care – Service in which trained professionals or volunteers come into the home or provide short-term care at a nursing facility (from a few hours to a few days) for an older person to allow caregivers some time away from their caregiving role.
• Senior Companion – Adults age 60 and over provide companionship to older adults with special needs. Companions volunteer 20 hours per week. Stipend and travel expenses are provided (companions must meet income guidelines).
• Spend Down – Medicaid financial eligibility requirements are strict and may require beneficiaries to spend down/use up assets or income until they reach eligibility level.
• Telephone Reassurance – A program in which volunteers or paid staff call homebound elders on a regular basis to provide contact, support and companionship.
• Title III Services – Services provided to individuals age 60 and older funded under Title III of the Older Americans Act. Services include congregate and home delivered meals; supportive services, such as transportation, information and referral, and legal assistance; in-home services, such as homemaker services, personal care and chore services; and health promotion and disease prevention services, such as health screenings and exercise programs. Contact the local area agency on aging to see what may be available in your elder’s region.
Al-Anon Family Groups
The Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and hope, in order to solve their common problems.
Alcoholics Anonymous of the Valley
This agency provides information regarding group meetings in the Valley area for persons with drinking problems.
National Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependence
Provides community based education and prevention services, including treatment, to individuals and families affected by alcoholism and/or drug dependency.
You Can Health Services, Inc.
Provides intensive outpatient treatment for individuals experiencing drug or alcohol dependency.
Alzheimer’s Association
Provides community programs and support services for all those affected by Alzheimer’s and other dementias.
818/988-3001 (24/7)
6166 Vesper Ave Van Nuys, CA 91411
800/272-3900 (24/7)
323/309-8821 (Main Office)
Main Office: 9606 S Santa Monica Blvd
Suite 200
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Alzheimer’s Greater Los Angeles
Improving the lives of local families affected by Alzheimer’s/ Dementia by increasing awareness, delivering effective programs/services, providing compassionate support, and advocating for quality care and a cure.
844/435-7259 (Helpline)
4221 Wilshire Blvd
Suite 400
Los Angeles, CA 90010
An open gathering of people with common thoughts and experiences in a combined effort to better cope with and manage the shared challenges of Alzheimer’s/dementia in a safe environment. First and third Friday of the month at 9:00am.
Joslyn Adult Center 1301 West Olive Avenue Burbank, CA 91506
A free community gathering place for family caregivers who come together to develop a new set of skills that help them become stronger, more resilient and grounded with their new life of change and the demands of caregiving.
The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy and service.
CSCLA’s free-of-charge services include support groups and counseling, child, teen and family programs; educational workshops; healthy lifestyle classes; and social activities - for all ages, all diagnoses, at all stages, and for the whole family.
Provide various resources and services to people with cancer and their loved ones.
818/847-3728 (Spanish)
501 S Buena Vista St Burbank, CA 91506
800/227-2345 (24/7)
888/793-9355 (helpline)
City of Hope Medical Center
Provide services to people with cancer, diabetes and other serious illnesses.
Providence Disney Cancer Center - Support Groups
Cancer Patient Support Group
Tuesdays: 5:30pm-6:00pm
Caregiver Support Group
Tuesdays: 4:00pm-5:00pm
*Free and low cost classes available
Relay for Life of Burbank
Relay for Life raises cancer awareness and raises funds for the American Cancer Society’s patient programs, services, and cancer research.
We Spark Cancer Support Center
Provides free programs and services for cancer patients, survivors and their loved ones.
Leeza’ Care Connection - See page 16
Providence Disney Cancer Center - See page 17
USC Family Caregiver Support Center
Offers help and support to caring family and friends of all cultures and communities in LA County. Services are low to no-cost to family caregivers and friends who help someone over the age of 60.
818/748-4701 (mainline)
www.california.providence. org/saint-joseph/services/ cancer/patient-family-support
181 S Buena Vista St Burbank, CA 91505
www.relayforlife.org/ BurbankCA
500 N Victory Blvd Burbank, CA 91502
USC School of Gerontology 3715 McClintock Ave Los Angeles, CA 90089
Admin Office: 800/540-4442
American Diabetes Association
The American Diabetes Association is the nation’s leading nonprofit health organization providing diabetes research, information, and advocacy.
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
DBSA is a patient-directed organization focusing on depression and bipolar disorder. It provides hope, help, support, and education to improve the lives of people who have mood disorders.
Family Services Agency of Burbank
A non-profit social service agency dedicated to providing quality mental health care for all and eliminating domestic violence and all other forms of interpersonal violence. We provide crisis intervention, clinical counseling and violence prevention services and education.
323/966-2890 (Local Office)
730 N Franklin St Suite 501 Chicago, IL 60654-7225
www.familyserviceagency ofburbank.org
2721 W Burbank Blvd Burbank, CA 91505
Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health - Older Adult GENESIS Program
Offers field-based mental health evaluation and services, medication support, advocacy, and linkage teams for, older adults who are homebound and have Medi-Cal, English, Spanish, and Armenian spoken.
213/351-7284 (Main Line)
213/427-6161 (Fax)
800/854-7771 (24/7, Mental Health Hotline) dmh.lacounty.gov
550 S Vermont Ave 6th Fl Los Angeles, CA 90020
MHA is the nation’s leading community-based nonprofit dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness and to promoting the overall mental health of all Americans. They will help you find resources for prevention services, early identification and intervention, integrated care, services, and support for those who need it.
800/273-8255 (24/7 Crisis Center)
www.mentalhealthamerica. net
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
NAMI California is a grassroots organization of families and individuals whose lives have been affected by serious mental illness. The Glendale Agency offers support groups, education classes, And advocacy to give help and hope to those living with a mental illness, their families, and loved ones.
The Stepping Stones geropsychiatric program provides assessment, therapies, and a full continuum of care to meet the personalized mental health needs of older adults and their families.
American Parkinson Disease Association - National APDA is the country’s largest grass roots organization serving America’s 1.5 million persons with PD and their caregivers. Its unique dual mission, “Ease the Burden –Find the Cure” for Parkinson’s disease supports specific scientific research and provides patient/caregiver support and education.
Neuro Challenge - Foundation for Parkinson’s
Provide education, support, and community resources to people with Parkinson’s and their caregivers.
916/567-0163 (National)
Glendale Warm Line: 213/797-0494 (leave message)
California: namicalifornia.org
Glendale: namiglendale.org
818/952-2270 (inpatient care)
855/532-5729 (outpatient care)
1812 Verdugo Blvd
Glendale, CA 91208
Meetings are open to those with Parkinson’s as well as friends, caregivers and family members. Speakers with expertise in Parkinson’s disease will be provided and participants will be able to share their own experiences with the group. Please call to confirm meetings. Meets at Belmont Village in Burbank.
455 E Angeleno Ave Burbank,CA 91501
Providence Senior Outreach Program
The Providence Senior Outreach Program provides Senior peer counseling for those who are feeling depressed, sad, anxious, grieving the loss of a loved one, facing difficulties with aging, adjusting to chronic health conditions, family conflict, and financial issues.
For Counsel - 818/847-3845
For Drivers - 818/847-3873
Battered Women’s /YWCA of Glendale
Domestic Violence 24-Hour Hotline
Long-Term Care Facilities Ombudsman Program
Haven Hills - Domestic Violence
Los Angeles County Domestic Violence Safety Hotline
Elder/Dependent Adult Abuse
Los Angeles County Elder Abuse Hotline (Adult Protective Services)
This agency assesses phone / mail reports of senior abuse (may include physical, psychological, financial neglect, exploitation). A social worker will usually make contact within 24-48 hours, sooner in emergency cases. Open to all LA County residents.
Veterans – Sepulveda Ambulatory Care
The Center provides ambulatory care services, inpatient treatment for substance abuse, mental health services and substance abuse for veterans who have been honorably discharged or released from active military service.
Victims - Witness Assistance Program
This agency assists victims of Elder Abuse, Sexual Assault, Hate Crimes or any Violent Crime in obtaining therapy, court support, funds for medical bills and lost wages.
877/477-3646 (24/7)
3333 Wilshire Blvd 4th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90010
818/895-9559 (Fax)
16111 Plummer St
North Hills, CA 91343
WISE & Healthy Aging – Long Term Care Ombudsman Program
Ombudsmen are trained to investigate and report suspected cases of elder and dependent adult abuse in long-term care facilities.
National Stroke Association
National Stroke Association provides stroke education and programs to stroke survivors, caregivers, and the healthcare community.
Providence Holy Cross Stroke Support Group
Support groups help stroke survivors, their families, and close friends cope with the aftermath of a stroke through education and discussion.
1527 4th St 2nd Floor Santa Monica, CA 90401
15031 Rinaldi St Mission Hills, CA 91345
3rd Wednesday of the month 3:30pm-5:00pm
Stroke Association of Southern California
The Stroke Association enlists people and organizations in the community to support universal wellness, stroke prevention, treatment and recovery.
Al-Anon Family Groups
see page 15 - Alcoholism
Call for meeting locations and times.
Alcoholics Anonymous of the Valley
see page 15 - Alcoholism
Call for open meeting locations and times.
Didi Hirsch Community Mental Health Center
Older teens, adults, and senior adults also may access a wide range of mental health services. The Glendale Center also has a drug diversion program, which enables individuals mandated by the court to take a 20-week course in lieu of sentencing. Yet another program is focused on adults on federal probation, or awaiting sentencing, who receive evaluation and treatment for mental illness and addiction. The location also has a Wellness Center. Services offered at Glendale: Child & Family, Adults, Older Adults, Transitional Age Youth, Wellness Center.
National Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependence
Provides community based education and prevention services, including treatment, to individuals and families affected by alcoholism and/or drug dependency.
818/760-7122 (24/7)
4936 Lankershim Blvd North Hollywood, CA 91601
818/988-3001 (24/7) www.sfvaa.org
818/244-7257 (Glendale)
1540 E Colorado St Glendale, CA 91205
6166 Vesper Ave Van Nuys, CA 91411
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
The National Helpline provides 24-hour free and confidential referrals and information about mental and/ or substance use disorders, prevention, treatment, and recovery in English and Spanish.
Substance Abuse Service Helpline (SASH)
A call agent will conduct a brief screening and provide necessary referrals.
800/662-HELP (4357)
Resources to help you better understand hearing loss, its causes, consequences, and treatment options; recognize, treat, and manage hearing loss. Offers Information on the latest advances in hearing aids and complementary technologies.
This program is designed to help 50 and over maintain an active, healthy and independent lifestyle. Members receive valuable benefits such as seminars, health screenings, senior peer counseling, cafeteria discounts, and more! Free membership.
Virtual group that addresses life changes, bereavement, new relationships, fears, and letting go inhibitions. Every Tuesday at 2:00pm.
1420 S Central Ave Glendale, CA 91204
Tri-Valley Special Olympics
Free sports training and competition for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Serves Calabasas and Agoura, and the San Fernando, Santa Clarita, and Antelope Valleys.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Provides information on the ADA for businesses and individuals. Also refers services for the disabled.
Burbank Advisory Council on Disabilities
Virtual meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of the month at 1:30pm, and can be found on the Burbank City website.
1600 Forbes Way, Suite 200 Long Beach, CA 90810
California State University, Northridge (CSUN) - Center on Disabilities
Through a wide array of services, the Center on Disabilities assists students to realize their academic and career goals. A team of disability and educational specialists are available to students on a year round basis.
Bayramian Hall 110 18111 Nordhoff St Northridge, CA 91330-8340
City of Burbank Library Services - Home Borrowers Program
Burbank Library provides delivery of library books, large print books, magazines, tapes and CDs to residents who can’t come into the library due to illness or disability. Serves Burbank residents only
Fighting cancer is difficult enough, but living with it is even tougher - and that’s where the Cleaning for A Reason Foundation steps in. This non-profit offers free professional house cleaning and maid services to improve the lives of women undergoing treatment for cancerany type of cancer.
972/316-4138 (Fax)
Providers & Resources worldwide
Glendale Community College - Center for Students with Disabilities
Provides comprehensive spectrum of services including the following: academic/ personal counseling, disability assessment, adapted computer technology/instruction, interpreter & note taking services and mobility assistance.
Greater Los Angeles Agency on Deafness (GLAD)
The organization’s general purposes and powers are directed around the promotion of the social, recreational, cultural, educational, and vocational wellbeing of its deaf and hard of hearing constituents.
Independent Living Center of Southern California
Non-residential agency providing a wide range of services to persons with disabilities. Serving Glendale, Burbank, San Fernando Valley, Santa Clarita Valley and Northern LA County. English and Spanish spoken here. Sliding fee scale.
Adult Protective Services-Elder Abuse Hotline
See page 11
Adult Protective Services (APS), is a state-mandated service program which investigates situations involving elders (age 65 or older) and dependent adults (physically or mentally impaired 18-64 year olds) who are reported to be endangered by physical, sexual or financial abuse, abandonment, isolation, abduction, neglect or self-neglect. Any endangered elder or dependent adult is eligible for APS regardless of income.
818/240-1000 ext 5905
San Rafael Building, 2nd Floor 1500 N Verdugo Rd
Glendale, CA 91208
323/478-8000 (Voice & TTY)
323/892-2225 (Videophone - VP)
2222 Laverna Ave
Los Angeles, CA, 90041
14354 Haynes St
Van Nuys, CA 91401
3175 West Sixth St
Los Angeles, CA 90020
Los Angeles County Elder Abuse Forensic Center - LACEAFC
The ACEAFC is a multidisciplinary team of professionals that provides expert and comprehensive case examination, documentation, consultation and prosecution of elder and dependent adult abuse cases.=
Los Angeles County Office of Public Guardian
Serves as guardian of the person or estate of an adult in the community who by reason of age or disability, is unable to properly manage and take care of him or herself or his or her property, and for whom no alternate guardian among family and friends can be identified.
Project HOPE (City of Burbank)
This service is provided by BVP volunteers to assist individuals to remain living independently with the following services: marketing, driving, companionship and telephone reassurance. Appointments are required. Please call for details.
P.O. Box 31158 Los Angeles, CA 90031
320 W Temple St 5th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90012
Joslyn Adult Center 1301 W Olive Ave Burbank, CA 91510
Mon-Fri 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Statistics show that 20% of individuals in the US have a significant hearing loss, 30 out of every 1,000 children have hearing loss and one-third of older Americans has hearing problems. Hearing loss is the third leading chronic disability following arthritis and hypertension in older Americans. Globally, 360 million people have a disabling hearing loss. (WHO)
“Ear of the Lion” is a Lions Club International non-profit program designed to meet the hearing needs of low-income individuals. Its purpose is to insure that no one walk around isolated from family and friends due to a correctable hearing loss because of a lack of funds.
The program begins with the collection of used hearing aids in the community by Burbank Lion members. Local audiologists are recruited to participate in the Ear of the Lion’s Network of Cooperation, providing licensed care for patient.
Potential recipients complete an application to determine eligibility. Those qualifying are then given tests by an audiologist to determine their specific needs. Used hearing aids are cleaned, reconditioned and reshelled by a competent repair service to meet the client’s prescription. Fittings and adjustments are provided by the audiologist and the Ear of the Lion recipient is once again able to hear - provided at no cost by the Burbank Lions, except for a per hearing aid loan fee.
Eligibility applications are available at the Joslyn Adult Center, Burbank Central Library, and Burbank Recycle Center. For more information about this program, please contact the Joslyn Adult Center at 818.238.5353, or email joslyn@burbankca.gov.
Business Consumer Alliance
This agency issues reliability reports on businesses, offers general advice and counseling and handles complaints about companies.
California State Office of the Attorney General
This agency handles consumer complaints against corporations, as well as tax-issue questions and referrals for other consumer questions.
Department of Public Social Services – LA County
Provides information regarding food stamps, MediCal, cash aid, and general relief.
835 Wilshire Blvd #600 Los Angeles, CA 90017
626/569-1399 (Local)
dpss.lacounty.gov/wps/portal/ dpss/main/elderly-and-disabled
4680 San Fernando Rd Glendale, CA 91204
Federal Trade Commission-Consumer Response Center
Provides investment risk information and resources.
Los Angeles County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs
This agency provides assistance with landlord-tenant information, real estate warranties, credit information, automobiles, small claims procedures, identity theft, and mediation/dispute settlement.
Social Security Administration
Provides retirement, survivors, and disability benefits.
500 W Temple St Room B96 Los Angeles, CA 90012
888/748-7699 (Local number)
Burbank PASS
The Burbank Program, Activity, and Service Subsidy (PASS) Program provides Burbank residents, who are in need of financial assistance, the opportunity to engage and apply for Burbank programs, activities, and services.
Burbank Water and Power Department / Lifeline Program, Life Support Program
BWP offers special rates for Burbank’s low-income senior citizens and customers with a permanent disability or those who have a person with a permanent disability living in the household.
The Lifeline program offers income qualified customers an exemption from the monthly Customer Service Charge, the Utility User’s Tax, and a reduced rate on Electric Service.
818/238-3700 www.BurbankWaterAndPower.
com 164 W Magnolia Blvd Burbank, CA 91502-1720 Contact BWP
Automated Tax Payer Assistance Line. Homeowner/renter assistance, tax forms for California residents.
800/852-5711 www.ftb.ca.gov
This non-profit membership society can help its members locate honest and fairly priced funeral services as well as give information on funeral related problems.
The JFLA is a non-profit agency founded in 1904, offering interest-free loans to people of all faiths, for medical, dental, home health care, and other various emergencies. Please note that co-signers are required. Service Area: Los Angeles County and Ventura County.
213/222-6440 www.fcalosangeles.org
818/761-8830 www.jfla.org
California Partnership for Long-Term Care
The mission of the California Partnership for LongTerm Care is to increase the number of middle income Californians who have quality, long-term care insurance that prevents or delays their dependence on MediCal.
Center for Health Care Rights (CHCR)
This private, nonprofit agency provides health insurance counseling, education and legal services to L.A. County Medicare eligible beneficiaries (senior citizens and people with disabilities). A Medicare counselor is available at Joslyn Adult Center by appointment only. Call 818/2385353 for information.
P.O. Box 997413, Mail Stop 4100 Sacramento, CA 95899-7413
Livanta - Beneficiary and Family Centered Care Qaulity Improvement Organization (BFCC-QIC)
This Medicare Appeal Helpline assists those with Medicare through the appeal process, beneficiary complaints, and quality of care reviews in California.
Neighborhood Legal Services – LA County Family Law, Domestic violence, Housing (landlord/ tenant), and other civil matters.
818/834-7500 (Local)
1104 E Chevy Chase Dr Glendale, CA 91205
Providence Saint Joseph Health Resource Center
Provides health and wellness materials to public and handles class reservations for the Beyond 50 program. This agency also provides doctor referrals for both Providence Saint Joseph and Providence Holy Cross medical centers.
501 S Buena Vista – 1st Floor Burbank, CA 91505
WISE & Healthy Aging Long Term Care Ombudsman
Receives and investigates elder abuse complaints made by or on behalf of residents in long-term care facilities, adult residential care facilities and adult day health care facilities.
Beauty Bus
Provides in-home beauty and grooming services, free of charge, to men, women and children whose illness or condition prevents them from accessing a salon or spa. We offer one treatment for the client and one for the primary caregiver during each visit. Clients may receive four services in each 12 month period free of charge.
Burbank Noon Lions
“Ear of the Lion” is a Lions Club International non-profit program designed to meet the hearing needs of lowincome individuals. Its purpose is to insure that no one walk around isolated from family and friends due to a correctable hearing loss because of a lack of funds. Please see more information on page 27.
California Telephone Access Program
State program provides free telephone equipment to California residents who have difficulty hearing, seeing, or remembering. Easy application process. For presentations or events please call (800) 995-6831.
California Telephone Relay Service (CRS)
This service provides live operators to voice for people who have difficulty being understood on the telephone. This service also works in reverse, so that anyone may initiate a call to a person with a speech disability. TTY equipment is necessary for service to be initiated. NO TTY to TTY calls accepted (only TTY to voice or voice to TTY).
2716 Ocean Park Blvd, Suite 1062
Santa Monica, CA 90405
www.burbanknoonlions. com
800/949-5650 (Spanish)
800/806-4474 (TTY)
http://ddtp.cpuc.ca.gov/relay. aspx
Speech to Speech Service (STS) Dial 711 (24/7)
Medical equipment on loan for in-home use. In continuous operation since 1923, the Convalescent Aid Society provides assistance to residents needing medical equipment for inhome use at no charge and without time restraints.
This organization rescues dogs from shelters and trains them to provide assistance to those with hearing loss, autism, depression, stroke, PTSD, and panic and anxiety attacks. DFD also trains dogs to assist professionals (teachers, doctors, counselors, etc.) who work with people with disabilities.
This organization provides professionally trained guide dogs and instruction in their use, free of charge, to blind and visually impaired individuals so that they may continue to pursue their goals of independence and greater mobility.
This non-profit Foundation provides bracelets or necklaces listing personal medical conditions, as well as allergies and other pertinent medical information. Call for free information.
3255 E Foothill Blvd Pasadena, CA 91107
13445 Glenoaks Blvd Sylmar, CA 91342
Serving those 55+ by providing easy access to health care information resources, wellness, and prevention programs. Assist 55+ individuals and their caregivers to navigate through the health care system. English, Spanish, and Armenian languages available.
www.adventisthealth.org/ glendale/services/live-wellsenior-program/
1509 Wilson Terrace
Glendale, CA 91206
Glendale Health Center
This County facility is located off the 134 freeway at the Glendale Avenue exit. Serviced by MTA bus routes #90, 91 and 177.
Glendale Memorial Hospital and Health Center
Glendale Memorial is a 334-bed facility and offers primary service lines in heart, breast cancer, spine, and women’s health.
Olive View – UCLA Medical Center
This County facility is located off the 210 freeway. Parking is available on campus at no cost. Serviced by MTA bus routes #90, 91 and 94.
Providence Holy Cross Medical Center
A 254-bed, not for profit facility, Providence Holy Cross Medical Center offers a full continuum of health services, from outpatient to inpatient to home health care.
501 N Glendale Ave
Glendale, CA 91206
www.glendalememorial hospital.org
1420 S Central Ave Glendale, CA 91204
http://dhs.lacounty.gov/ oliveview
14445 Olive View Dr Sylmar, CA 91342
15031 Rinaldi St
Mission Hills, CA 91345
Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center
Full-service hospital, including a 24-hour emergency room, dedicated programs to cancer, cardiology, acute rehabilitation, and women’s services.
501 S Buena Vista St
Burbank, CA 91505
San Fernando Health Center
This County facility is located on the corner of San Fernando Mission and Pico. Parking is available at the center at no cost.
Valley Care Community Consortium
This County facility is located off either the 405 or 170 freeways. Exit Sherman Way and proceed north on Van Nuys Blvd. Parking is available at the facility at no cost. Serviced by MTA bus routes #156, 169, 233 and 561.
VA Medical Center, Sepulveda
The Center has specialty outpatient programs in spinal cord injury, stroke rehabilitation, women’s health, preventative medicine, dentistry, mental health, and chemical dependency.
USC Verdugo Hills Hospital
We are a 158-bed nonprofit medical facility featuring the finest in primary care services, diagnosis capabilities, and health-enhancement initiatives.
1212 Pico St
San Fernando, CA 91340
7555 Van Nuys Blvd 4th Floor
Van Nuys, CA 91405
16111 Plummer St #11E
Sepulveda, CA 91343
1812 Verdugo Blvd
Glendale, CA 9120
Personal Assistance Services Council (PASC)
The Personal Assistance Services Council (PASC) is the Public Authority for In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) in Los Angeles County.
877/565-4477 (Toll Free)
626/737-7512 (TTY)
The mission of the American Heart Association is to reduce disability and death from cardiovascular diseases and stroke.
The American Liver Foundation (ALF) is the nation’s leading non-profit organization promoting liver health and disease prevention. ALF provides research, education and advocacy for those affected by liver-related diseases, including hepatitis.
The mission of the American Lung Association is to prevent lung disease and promote lung health.
The Arthritis Foundation offers information, health tracking tools and ways to connect with others. The Foundation works with health care providers and other partners to strengthen educational and interactive offerings. The website provides information on local resources.
The Bone Health & Osteoporosis Foundation is the leading health organization dedicated to preventing osteoporosis and broken bones, promoting strong bones for life and reducing human suffering through programs of public and clinician awareness, education, advocacy and research.
213/291-7000 (Local Office)
816 S Figuero St
Los Angeles, CA 90017
310/670-4624 (Local Office)
5777 W Century Blvd #865 Los Angeles, CA 90045
www.lungusa.org/ associations/states/california
bonehealthandosteoporosis. org
Educational and adaptive services and supplies for people who are blind and visually impaired, Braille maps, tactile graphics, certified Braille embossing and a library of books on tape and descriptive videos. Over 200 classes are offered, free of charge. The Institute also provides low vision consultations, comprehensive programs for children, birth to all ages, youth programs and career services.
323/663-1111 (Local Office)
LA Center: 741 N Vermont Ave Los Angeles, CA 90029
Mon-Fri 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Braille Institute
Library Services:
The Lupus Foundation of America provides education and support services to people affected by lupus.
The National Kidney Foundation is the leading organization in the U.S. dedicated to the awareness, prevention and treatment of kidney disease for hundreds of thousands of healthcare professionals, millions of patients and their families, and tens of millions of Americans at risk.
We mobilize people and resources to drive research for a cure and to address the challenges of everyone affected by MS. In California we have offices in Los Angeles, Bakersfield, Fresno, Santa Barbara, and Palm Desert. In Nevada we have offices in Las Vegas and Reno. Languages spoken: English and Spanish.
Founded in 1948, the National Spinal Cord Injury Association is the nation’s oldest and largest civilian organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for hundreds of thousands of Americans and their families living with the results of spinal cord injury and disease.
National Stroke Association
The National Stroke Association offers programs - the full continuum of stroke—prevention, acute treatment, and rehabilitation.
Neuropathy – Ambor Schanzer Fight Against Neuropathy
The organization raises awareness & research funds for a cure for both inherited & acquired disease.
https:// fightagainstneuropathy.org/
Belmont Village Burbank
Assisted Living facility offering recreational activities to residents.
Burbank Center Apartments
Independent Senior Living – 55 and over.
Evergreen Retirement Residence
Assisted Senior Living
Harvard Plaza
Ivy Park at Burbank
Assisted and Independent Senior Living
Media Village Silver Winds
Olive Court Apartments
Independent Senior Living – 55 and over. We speak English and Spanish.
Olive Plaza Apartments
Independent Senior Living – 55 and over. We speak English, Spanish, and Armenian.
Pacific Manor
Park Avenue Apartments
Independent Senior Living Apartments – 55 and over.
Senior Artist Colony
Facility dedicated to providing independent living in a creative art-inspired environment.
Verdugo Towers
Wesley Towers
455 E Angeleno Ave
Burbank, CA 91501
240 E Palm Ave
Burbank, CA 91502
225 Evergreen St
Burbank, CA 91505
340 E Harvard Rd
Burbank, CA 91502
2721 W Willow St
Burbank, CA 91505
325 N Third Street
Burbank, CA 91502
1100 W Olive Ave
Burbank, CA 91506
450 E Olive Ave
Burbank, CA 91501
609 N Glenoaks Blvd
Burbank, CA 91502
730 N Whitnall Hwy
Burbank, CA 91505
240 E Verdugo Ave
Burbank, CA 91502
151 E Verdugo Ave
Burbank, CA 91502
201 E Verdugo Ave
Burbank, CA 91502
Affordable Housing Program (HUD)
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has three programs to assist in obtaining affordable housing: the HOME program, the SHOP program, and the HOZ program. Please call for more information.
Affordable Living for the Aging
The mission of the Affordable Living for the Aging agency is to provide safe, affordable housing alternatives for low-income older people – providing alternatives to living alone and to institutionalization.
Since 1983, California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform has been fighting for the rights of long-term care residents in California.
300 N Los Angeles St Suite 4054 Los Angeles, CA 90012
937 N Fairfax Ave West Hollywood, CA 90046
1803 6th St Berkeley, CA 94710
City of Burbank Housing Authority - Community Development Department Agency handles HUD, Section 8, Subsidies and Landlord/ Tenant problems.
Eldercare Locator
This agency connects older adults and their families to services.
The Fair Housing Council of San Fernando Valley is a nonprofit agency dedicated to promoting fair housing and works to implement programs designed to further equal opportunity in housing. Fair Housing serves San Fernando Valley, Santa Clarita, and portions of Los Angeles County.
https://www.burbankca. gov/web/commuinitydevelopment/home
150 N Third St Burbank, CA 91502
http://eldercare.acl.gov/ public/index.aspx
14621 Titus St #100 Panorama City, CA 91402
Home Again Los Angeles is a non-profit organization providing assistance to homeless families with children. We work in partnership with local faith-based congregations and other community resources. Family Promise provides food, shelter, counseling support and job readiness training resulting in self-reliance and a more stable future for situationally homeless families
TContact the Department for more information on Section 8 Housing and social services and housing programs that assist low-income, homeless, and special needs populations, and communities in general.
BWP is a not-for-profit organization owned by the citizens of Burbank. Our mission is to provide reliable, affordable and sustainable water and electric services. BWP’s offices are located in the community and we are readily available to customers—in person, over the phone and online.
www.burbankwaterandpower. com
164 W Magnolia Blvd
Burbank, CA 91501
Burbank Water and Power (BWP) and The Gas Company allows utility bill drop-offs at both the Joslyn Adult Center located at 1301 W. Olive Avenue, Burbank and at Don Tuttle Adult Center located at 1731 N.Ontario, Burbank. Please call (818) 238-5353 for more information.
HOME REWARDS REBATE PROGRAM - Save energy, water, and money! BWP offers cash incentives for purchasing energy and water efficient items that meet efficiency requirements including: washer, dishwasher, refrigerator/ freezer, air conditioner, and other items. Call for more information.
MADE IN THE SHADE - This energy saving program provides Burbank residents with up to 3 shade trees to be planted on their property…free of charge! BWP will also provide stakes, ties, and arbor guards in order to protect the tree trunks from lawn mowers and weed trimmers.
- To help low-income customers reduce their energy use, BWP’s Refrigerator Exchange Program provides free energy-efficient refrigerators in exchange for older, energy- guzzling models.
SYNERGY - This complimentary service for Burbank residents provides weatherization, energy, and water efficiency products and services for your home. A trained energy and water expert will install FREE water and energy saving products and provide expert advice on how to make your home more efficient and environmentally friendly.
Go online to learn more about how your household uses energy. BWP’s new secure site has easy-to-read graphs showing your home’s hourly, daily, and monthly energy use. Seeing when you use energy can give you ideas about how to reduce your energy use and costs. Go online at: www.burbankwaterandpower.com
The Burbank Recycle Center accepts the following materials: All types of clean, dry paper, cardboard, glass, metal, and plastics #1, 2, 4, 5, & 7. The center also accepts used motor oil, oil filters and anti-freeze as well as ink toner cartridges. Only Burbank residents are permitted to drop off electronic waste, batteries, and fluorescent light bulbs and tubes.
BACKYARD COMPOSTING WORKSHOPS - Join thousands of other Burbank residents who quietly turn leaves, grass, and food scraps into rich soil for the yard instead of sending them to the curb. Workshops are free and fun for the whole family. Complimentary compost bins are available to Burbank residents.
TOUR - Learn where recycling has been and where Zero Waste is going. How does Burbank stack up to other cities and other countries? Tours are scheduled throughout the year so please call for dates and times.
SEWER LATERAL REBATE PROGRAM (SLURP) - The City will give the property owner a $150 credit on sewer service charges for cleaning and video inspecting his/her sewer lateral. The proper maintenance of sewer laterals will help prevent sewer overflows – a benefit to everyone!
500 S Flower St Burbank, CA 91502
Purpose: This resource guide was developed to provide a summary of employment resources and services in the community available to Burbank Residents who are veterans, disabled, or seniors.
https://www.burbankca.gov/ departments/communitydevelopment/housingeconomic-development/ related-links
Prescription drugs are NOT to be flushed down the toilet or thrown in the trash!
Click on the website to the right for a list of locations for proper medication disposal near Burbank.
https://cityofburbank. recyclist.co/guide/ medicine-prescriptiondrugs/?embeddedguide=true
Resource For Burbank Homeless Families And Individuals and Those At Risk Of Homelessness
Purpose: This resource guide was developed to provide a summary of resources and services in the community available to Burbank homeless families and individuals and those at risk of homelessness.
See Appendix II (page 64)
https://www.burbankca.gov/ resources
Center for Health Care Rights (CHCR)
See page 30
Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) at Joslyn Adult Center Assistance, free of charge, with questions and/or problems regarding health care insurance. Appointments are required.
State of California Department of Insurance
Regulate insurance industry in California, provide consumer protection, consumers may call for any insurance related issues. We speak all languages.
Joslyn Adult Center 1301 W Olive Ave Burbank, CA 91506
800/927-4357 (HELP)
300 S Spring St 14th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90013
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - National Health Information Center
This agency provides referral information on many areas of health care, including insurance. Call for information.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
CMS assures health care security for beneficiaries. In serving beneficiaries, we will open our programs to full partnership with the entire health community to improve quality and efficiency in an evolving health care system
Denti-Cal is the dental insurance branch of the Medi-Cal program. Denti-Cal can answer questions concerning coverage of dental related procedures and can provide information on the status of provider request for DentiCal approval.
Medicaid: 877/267-2323
Medicaid: 866/226-1819 (TTY)
Medicare: 800/633-4227
Medicare: 877/486-2048 (TTY)
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Membership Program
As a member of the program, your membership enrollment fee, as little as $5.00 per month, covers any deductible or co-payment you might incur resulting from emergency ambulance treatment and transportation by Burbank Fire Department paramedics. All permanent residents of Burbank are eligible to join. This program is not a medical insurance plan.
LARx Prescription Savings Program
The LARx Prescription Savings Program is designed to lower the cost of prescription medications for the residents of the County of Los Angeles, California. There is no registration or qualifications required to use the LARx Prescription Savings Card. Everyone qualifies! In addition, there is no membership fee and the card is ABSOLUTELY FREE!
Bet Tzedek Legal Services
This agency provides legal representation to low-income residents of Los Angeles County, free of charge. For more information, see insert above. English, Spanish and Russian are spoken.
California Public Utilities Commission
State regulatory agency overseeing privately owned utilities. We speak English, Spanish and other languages upon request.
3250 Wilshire Blvd 13th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90010-1509
320 W 4th St Suite 500 Los Angeles, CA 90013
505 Van Ness Ave San Francisco, CA 94102
California State Bar Association - Los Angeles Office
Created by the state legislature in 1927, the State Bar is a public corporation within the judicial branch of government, serving as an arm of the California Supreme Court. All State Bar members are officers of the court.
Disability Rights California
Advises the human and legal rights of people with disabilities. Their vision is to change the system so it values diversity, culture, and each individual.
Glendale Bar Association Lawyer Referral Services
Servicing the Glendale, Burbank, Pasadena, and surrounding communities. Assists by offering services and programs to educate the public on the law and finding qualified counsel to represent them.
845 S Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90017-2515
350 S Bixel St #290
Los Angeles, CA 90017
P.O. Box 968
Glendale, CA 91209
Provides legal, housing, and credit information.
Since 1965, Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County (NLS-LA) has provided free legal services to lowincome residents. We serve all of Los Angeles County, including the San Fernando and San Gabriel Valleys, and the cities of Burbank, Glendale, Pasadena, Pomona, Antelope Valley, and Santa Clarita.
Notary service is offered to those 55+ years old. Free with a current Burbank Senior Activity Card or $5.00 without an activity card. Appointments are required. Off-site notary services are also offered for a discounted fee. Notary Public: Kenneth L. Barnes
https://dcba.lacounty.gov/ contact-us/
1104 E Chevy Chase Dr Glendale, CA 91205
1301 W Olive Ave Burbank, CA 91506
Burbank Certified Farmers Market - Downtown Burbank
For the freshest fruits, vegetables, and flowers, visit the Farmer’s Market in Downtown Burbank every Saturday morning from 8:00 am – 12:30 pm. Whether you are looking for fresh produce or organic foods, the Burbank Farmer’s Market has a huge assortment of great products grown and made locally. Get there early for the best selection of produce and other great foods. Free Parking!
Project HOPE
See page 26
Home Delivered Meals of Burbank
This agency provides meal delivery service to homebound persons 60 and over. Proof of Burbank residency is required. The suggested donation per meal is $3.00.
Salvation Army / Meals on Wheels
This agency provides meal delivery to senior and disabled persons in Glendale, Montrose, La Crescenta, and La Canada (not available in Burbank). Meals are delivered between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm daily, and each meal costs $6.00.
Valley Interfaith Council (VIC) - Meals on Wheels Program
Valley Interfaith Council operates a Meals on Wheels Program that provides meals to people of ALL ages who are in need of freshly prepared meals delivered to their door. This is a fee-for-service program.
At Olive and Glenoaks - parking is available in the Community Service building lot and at the Police & Fire Station lot.
Mon-Fri Lunch Only
https://westernusa. salvationarmy.org/glendale-ca
11300 Victory Blvd #354 Van Nuys, CA 91401
Joslyn Adult Center – Nutrition
This center provides on-site lunch for seniors 60+. A $2.00 donation is suggested for each day’s meal. Call for time and sign-up information. See page 53.
McCambridge Recreation Center - Nutrition
This center provides on-site lunch for seniors 60+. A $2.00 donation is suggested for each day’s meal. Call for time and sign-up information. See page 53.
Tuttle Adult Center - Nutrition
This center provides on-site lunch for seniors 60+. A $2.00 donation is suggested for each day’s meal. Call for time and sign-up information. See page 53.
Glendale Parks and Recreation Adult Center
This center provides on-site lunch for seniors (60 and older) weekdays at 12:30pm Please call for sign-up information and meal costs.
Sherman Oaks/East Valley Adult Center
This center provides on-site lunch for seniors. This center provides on-site lunch for persons 62 and older weekdays at 11:30 pm Each meal costs $2.50. Call for sign-up information.
Valley Storefront
This center provides counseling support groups, case management, information and referrals, and activities for seniors. There is a meal site serving hot lunch daily. Suggested donation for each meal is $2.25. Seating daily at 11:30 am Call for times and sign-up information.
1301 W Olive Ave
Burbank, CA 91506
1515 N Glenoaks Blvd Burbank, CA 91504
1731 N Ontario St Burbank, CA 91505
201 E Colorado Blvd
Glendale, CA 91205
5056 Van Nuys Blvd
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
818/984-1380 (General)
12821 Victory Blvd
North Hollywood, CA 91606
The following programs are available by appointment.
3rd Thursday of each month
Free Fall Risk Assessments are provided by Happier Home Care.
Various days and times
Gadget tutors can assist you your smartphone, tablet, or other portable device.
1st Wednesday of each month
An Audiologist will examine your ears, check your hearing, and if you have hearing loss, issue a form for a free amplified telephone.
3rd or 4th Thursday of each month
A legal representative from Bet Tzedek (House of Justice) Legal Services is available to assist low income individuals, 55 years or older. They can assist with the following issues: abuse/safety concerns, conservatorship/guardianship, consumer issues/fraud, employment issues or IRS dispute, foreclosures/real estate fraud, health care directives/ advance planning (statutory wills), housing conditions/ discrimination. IHSS (in-home support) disputes, landlord-tenant issues, public benefits.
1st and 3rd Thursday of each month
The Center for Healthcare Rights can assist you with information regarding Medicare, Part D, Medigaps, HMO’s, and Long Term Care Insurance.
3rd Wednesday of each month
Services are provided by Ken Barnes.
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Assistance with basic computer skills.
3rd Thursday of each month
Assistance with Simple Wills, Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Affairs, and Advance Health Care Directives.
Burbank Senior Activity Cards (BSAC) may be issued to any person age 55 and over. The is $20 for Burbank residents and $25 for non-Burbank residents. BSAC’s are valid for one year from date of purchase. They can be purchased at both the Joslyn Adult Center, 1301 W Olive Ave, Burbank and Tuttle Senior Center, 1731 N Ontario St, Burbank. The BSAC also gives you free access to drop-in activities at other Burbank recreation centers.
For more information, please call 818.238.5353.
The Joslyn Adult and Tuttle Senior Centers provide opportunities for recreation, education, fitness, and other activities for adults 55 and over. You can pick up an activity schedule at either center. For the most up to date information about facility hours and programs visit: www.BurbankCA.gov/Adults55
Painting Puzzles
Skip Bo/Table Games
Basic Fitness
Fleet Feet Outdoor Walking Group
Full Body Conditioning
Indoor Chair Volleyball
Kundalini Chair Yoga
Morning Workout
Shao Chi
Strength & Balance
Tai Chi
T’ai Chi Chih
Chess Club
Joslyn also offers virtual and hybrid classes. Contact the center for more information 818.238.5353.
Day trips are organized through the Joslyn Adult Center for participants in the community age 55 and older.
Quarterly Trips are advertised in the Travel Brochure. Contact the Travel Office for more information.
Travel Office
Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00am-3:00pm
Telephone: 818.238.5353
The Elderly Nutrition Program is partially funded by the County of Los Angeles Area Agency on Aging.
The City of Burbank Home Delivered Meal (HDM) Program provides eligible adults age 60+ residents with nutritional assistance by delivering a well-balanced meal and an opportunity to monitor wellbeing of the homebound elderly during the week.
• Eligibility for receiving a home delivered meal is based on a screening assessment of the participant by telephone or a home visit. Verification of the need for this service is determined through a home assessment within one week of the beginning of the meal service.
• Voluntary suggested donation is $3.00
For more information regarding the HDM program, please call 818.238.5366.
• Quarterly newsletters created by dietitians to increase nutritional knowledge and promote balanced diet and exercise.
• Nutritional risk assessments.
• Referrals for nutrition counseling.
The Telephone Reassurance program provides:
• Wellness checks to evaluate overall health.
• Calls to monitor that the quality of meals has been met.
• Counseling Nutritional Services provides free of charge nutritional consulting by LA County Registered Dietitians to high-risk eligible clients.
Alicia Broadus-Duncan Multi-Purpose Center 11300 Glenoaks Blvd #1622 Pacoima, CA 91331 818/834-6100
Altadena Senior Center 560 E Mariposa St Altadena, CA 91001
Arcadia Community Center 375 Campus Dr Arcadia, CA 91006
Bernardi Multi-Purpose Senior Center 6514 Sylmar Ave Van Nuys, CA 91401
Duarte Senior Center 1610 Huntington Dr Duarte, CA 91010
Glendale Parks and Recreation Adult Center 201 E Colorado St Glendale, CA 91205
Joslyn Adult Center (Alhambra) 210 N Chapel Ave Alhambra, CA 91801
Hart Park House Senior Center
ONE generation Senior Enrichment Center 18255 Victory Blvd Reseda, CA 91335
Want to start a new hobby? Need to brush up on your computer skills? Looking for something for older adults? At the Burbank Adult School, there is something for everyone. We are committed to lifelong learning and other classes for older adults. $5 per class discount on fees for Burbank Senior Activity Card holders.
The City of Burbank Recreation Guide is published quarterly and features activities and classes for all ages. Discover new ways to Play More through the Parks and Recreation Department.
The Lifelong Learning Seminars are free classes offered by Glendale Community College. GCC’s Encore (elder hostel program) is also available; this is a membership program in which 1 to 5 week seminars and workshops are offered.
Ascencia provides emergency shelter, referrals, and housing case management to individuals and families in Burbank, Glendale, and Northeast Los Angeles.
This agency offers assistance in regards to disasters (i.e. home fire), as well as services such as CPR and First Aid classes and HIV awareness classes. All Southern California residents are invited to call. ARC has products such as CPR books, first aid books, first aid kits, videos, pet first aid kits, pocket masks, etc.
3811 Allan Ave
Burbank, CA 91505
1111 W Olive Ave
Burbank, CA 91506
Glendale Community College 1500 N Verdugo Rd
Glendale, CA 91208
1851 Tyburn St
Glendale, CA 91204
14931 Califa St #110
Glendale, CA, 91204
Burbank Temporary Aid Center - BTAC
This agency provides food and other emergency services for those in Burbank in times of crisis. Must have proof of Burbank residency (current utility bill, proof of income and positive ID for entire household). www.theBTAC.org
Catholic Charities
Department of Public Social Services
Provides information regarding food stamps, MediCal, cash aid, and general relief.
818/848-2822 www.burbanktemporary aidcenter.org/
800/660-4026 (TDD)
4680 San Fernando Rd Glendale, CA 91204
Lutheran Social Services – Food Bank
Food pantry services provided. Hot lunch served twice a week, please call for dates.
7400 Tujunga Ave
Sun Valley, CA 91352
Assisted Living Movers
They are meant to be an affordable moving company that works primarily with seniors, so they know how to work around disabilities, etc.
Clear Home Solutions
National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO) - Laura Smith
laura@anorganizedproject. com
The Organized Sort - Martha Blumenthal
The California Department of Aging (CDA) administers programs that serve older adults, adults with disabilities, family caregivers, and residents in long-term care facilities throughout the State. The Department administers funds allocated under the federal Older Americans Act, the Older Californians Act, and through the Medi-Cal program.
Partners in Care changes the shape of healthcare and social services so they work better for everyone. Partners is unique in two ways: we are both a think-tank and a proving ground. Partners develops high-impact, innovative ways of bringing more efficient health and social services to people and communities.
martha@theorganizedsort. com
732 Mott St Suite 150 San Fernando, CA 91340
Assists low-income seniors and people disabled with life threatening illnesses care for their companion animals by providing veterinary care, pet food and supplies, temporary foster homes, and volunteer services — all at no charge.
Supporters of Senior Services in Burbank provides financial assistance, support, and services for Burbank resident seniors age 55 years and older. These services include, but are not limited to, nutrition, transportation, education, and recreation programs.
150 W 24th St Los Angeles, CA 90007
1301 W Olive Ave
Burbank, California 91506
Access Paratransit is a shared-ride curb to curb service requiring reservations to be made between the hours of 6:00am and 10:00 pm the day before travel. Fee information: One way trip 0 to 20 miles fare $2.75, 20 or greater miles fare $3.50.
Burbank Bus
Burbank Bus service is open to the general public and is free to connecting Metrolink and MTA passengers. Free with PASS income qualification. Otherwise, the one-way cash fare is $1.
Burbank Bus - Senior and Disabled Transit
Burbank Bus Senior and Disabled Transit Services provide curb - to - curb transportation services to Burbank senior and disabled residents. Transportation services are provided on an appointment basis. Proof of residency and/or a doctor’s letter is required. Riders are asked to book their appointments one day in advance to request trip. Call for pre-registering information.
Serving the San Fernando Valley. This is a transportation service for residents of the City of Los Angeles, age 65 and older, and people who have permanent disabilities.
Glendale Beeline
Providing local public transportation throughout Glendale. “Express Route 12” links Glendale with Burbank’s RITC and Metrolink trains; the cash fee for this Express Route is $1.00. Metro passes and transfers are accepted on all routes.
800/827-1359 (TDD)
Hours of Operation
4:00 am - 12:00 am
www.ladottransit.com/ cityride
www.glendaletransit.com/ services/bee;ine-bus
Glendale Dial-A-Ride
A curb-to-curb transportation service for Glendale residents who are 65 years of age or older. Disabled residents of any age are also served. Certification of disability from a doctor is required if resident is under 65 years of age.
Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT)
LADOT operates routes connecting Burbank with downtown Los Angeles, Pasadena and the west San Fernando Valley.All LADOT buses are wheelchair accessible.
A non-profit agency dedicated to promoting fair housing and works to implement programs designed to further equal opportunity in housing. Fair Housing serves San Fernando Valley, Santa Clarita, and portions of Los Angeles County. 211 LA County 211la.org
(818) 373-1185
(800) 339-6993 or 2-1-1
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has three programs to assist in obtaining affordable housing: the HOME program, the SHOP program, and the HOZ program. Please call for more information.
Provides information 24 hours a day. Provide information and referrals to many social service agencies in the county of Los Angeles. AARP Foundation https://www.aarp.org/aarp-foundation/our-work/housing/
AARP Foundation is developing strategies to address the senior housing crisis and make all of our communities affordable and welcoming for people regardless of age or physical ability. Affordable Housing Program (HUD) 611 West Sixth Street, Suite 801 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Hud.gov
(800) 775-6776
( 800 ) 9552232
(323) 650-7988
Non-profit, public interest law center which provides free legal services to low-income residents of Los Angeles County. Bet Tzedek serves persons of all racial, religious and ethnic backgrounds.
The California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) is an employment and independent living resource for people with disabilities.
Disability Rights California advocates, educates, investigates, and litigates to advance the rights, dignity, equal opportunities, and choices for all people with disabilities.
Support and promote fair housing through education, advocacy and litigation, to the end that all persons have the opportunity to secure the housing they desire and can afford, without discrimination.
Assisting Residents in Locating Housing Resources for Affordable, Special Needs and Emergency Housing
LAHSA offers services to people in the City or Los Angeles County who are homeless or are about to lose your home. People who need emergency shelter should go directly to a place where they can be collected. Shelters open at night, usually after 5:00 pm.
Private, non-profit organization established in 1977 to provide free legal services to people with mental disabilities. MHAS assists both children and adults, with an emphasis on obtaining government benefits and services, protecting rights, and
htin g discrimination.
SeniorGuidance.org provides comprehensive resources on various senior living options.
This agency serves all of California, and can make free referrals for Retirement Inns, Nursing Homes, Inhome Care, Apartments and other Senior Living alternatives.
(323) 939-0506
Affordable Living for the Aging's mission is to provide safe, affordable housing alternatives for low-income older people -alternatives to living alone and to institutionalization. Bet Tzedek Legal Services 3250 Wilshire Boulevard 13th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90010 https://www.bettzedek.org/
(818) 551-2141
(800) 776-5746
(800) 477-5977
(877) 4288844
( 213 ) 683 –3333
(213) 389-2077
(888) 595-9101
(808) 848-1008
Department of Rehabilitation
425 W Broadway #200 Glendale, CA 91204 http://www.rehab.cahwnet.gov/
Disability Rights California 350 S. Bixel St #290 Los Angeles, CA 90017 www.disabilityrightsca.org
Housing Rights Center 3255 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1150 Los Angeles, CA 90010 Hrc-la.org
Los Angeles County Housing Resource Center http://housing.lacounty.gov/
Los Angeles Homeless Service Authority (LAHSA) www.lahsa.org
Mental Health Advocacy Services, INC
United States Elder Care Referral Agency http://www.askeldercare.com/company.htm
Note :
This is not an all-inclusive list. The intent is to provide a quick glance of the organizations, programs, and services in the community aimed to assist seniors and household that my face homelessness. Since agencies move and change contact information from time to time, you should confirm the services before making your selection. Please call the agencies for additional information. If you discover an inaccuracy, we welcome the update information. Thank you!
To add a resource or organization, please send the information to CDDsupportteam@burbankca.gov or Community Development Department, 150 North Third Street, Burbank, CA 91502. Last updated December 6, 2018.
Affordable and transitional housing. Social and supportive services offered to residents of transitional housing units. Due to the demand of affordable housing, Burbank Housing Corporation implements a waiting list system. Please call for additional information regarding the waiting list.
Family Promise of the Verdugos assists situationally homeless families with children with temporary shelter, case management, and referrals to programs and resources. Call for information and availability of space.
Provides rent subsidy payments paid directly to landlords on behalf of very low income program participants. Waiting list currently closed.
This is the yearround Emergency Shelter Hotline with information primarily for Winter Shelter Program. If someone is experiencing homelessness, a victim of domestic violence, runaway, or in need of information on other services, please call the tollfree number.
Provides services including emergency food, personal hygiene kits, rental and utility assistance, referrals to other agencies, bus tokens and hot lunch for lowincome families, individuals, and homeless.
Provides services including employment services and general social services particularly to immigrants. Also organizes food/clothing distribution during the holidays, bus tokens, and temporary emergency shelter. Twice a month, staff will visit the Burbank area.
Provides groceries and necessities as well as gifts for needy families in the city during the holiday season.
(818) 246-5586
(818) 2417533
(818) 2387647
Salvation Army 320 W. Windsor Rd. Glendale, CA 91204
Armenian Relief Society 517 W. Glenoaks Blvd. Glendale, CA 91202
Burbank Coordinating Council P.O. Box 10126 Burbank, CA 91510
SProgram/Organization provides housing/shelter opportunities.
Liaison between officers, residents, community organizations and the homeless population. Makes referrals and other resources available for the homeless.
Households must apply each school year for free or reducedprice meal benefits. Application forms are available at each school office and at the Food Service Office, located in the School District Administration Building or online at www.busdfoodservices.com
Homeless Liaison ensures children in homeless families are enrolled in school; provides transportation to/from school; provides families with packet of resources.
Eligible customers include lowincome senior citizens, lowincome customers with a permanent disability or those who have a person with a permanent disability living in the household, and customers on life support.
Professional clinical and psychoeducational services to the families of Burbank and neighboring communities at no or reduced cost.
Participants must receive assistance through the housing choice voucher, Section 8, program.
Providing affordable and quality dental care to children.
and HomeDelivered Meals available to adults age 60+.
suggested. Suggested donation of $2/meal per person if served onsite or $3/meal per person if delivered to a residence.
Job Resource Center and Business Assistance Center offering fax machines, Internet, and copier services for employment search purposes.
Provides an integrated system of temporary shelter, affordable housing development (transitional, permanent, and homeownership), and comprehensive social services to homeless families and individuals.
Rescue SOS program provides basic essentials of food, blankets, showers, and hygiene kits. Family Shelter Program provides shelter and case management plan to 28 individuals throughout San Fernando Valley.
Free referral program for various needs and services of the chronically homeless: emergency food & shelter, health, disability, money management, counseling, welfare, legal referrals, transportation, mental health, and more.
Tenants’ rights organization that provides general assistance to tenants, eliminates homelessness at its source, engages in tenant education and outreach, utilizes the judicial system to enforce housing laws, and eliminates substandard housing.
Partner with the LA LGBT Center to provides services to transgender individuals including: name change, health insurance and benefits denials, evictions, discrimination, and shelter denials. They also prepare caregiver affidavits and have a rapid response team to support undocumented families. Advocate for human traffic survivors. Provides legal representation free of charge including the following areas of law: debt collection and bankruptcy, home equity fraud, medical, etc.
Saturdays: 1stEmmanuel Church (438 E. Harvard Rd.), 2ndFirst Presbyterian (521 E. Olive Ave.), 3rdVillage Church (3216 W. Victory Blvd.), 4thSt. Jude ’ s Episcopal (111 S. 6th St.), 5thWestminster Presbyterian (542 N. Buena Vista St.)
The Department of Public Social Services serves lowincome residents of Los Angeles County with the following benefits: temporary financial assistance and employment services for families and individuals; free and lowcost health care insurance for families with children, pregnant women and aged/blind/disabled adults; food benefits for families and individuals; and inhome services for elderly and disabled individuals. Certain individuals may be eligible for Eviction Prevention assistance. S -
As the largest poverty agency in the Valley, provides emergency food, clothing, medical, vision and dental care, job skills training and job placement assistance, English as a Second Language classes, youth activities, and a Christmas program. They also offer toiletry kits for people experiencing homelessness each Tuesday in the lobby from *AM2:30 PM.
ID Required.
Free legal services on issues including domestic violence, employment, expungements, immigration, evictions, housing, and government benefits
Patients must be enrolled in one of the following programs: MediCal Managed Care, FPACT/CDP (Mammograms), CHDP (Children), and other lowcost insurance programs offered by the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Social Services.
Provides GED classes, High School Diploma, Graphic and Web Design, Health Careers, Aviation, Industrial Careers, and more.
Utility bill payment to low income households. Serves LA County zip codes including Burbank ZIP codes: 91502, 91505, 91521, 91522, 91523.
Provides counseling for combat veterans on trauma, bereavements, and Military Sexual Trauma. Referral from VA not required.
Helps individuals search and prepare for employment. The Job Service employment assistance programs and services help individuals experiencing difficulty in finding work and filing unemployment insurance claims.
(818) 4090476
Note: This is not an allinclusive list. The intent is to provide a quick glance of the organizations, programs, and services in the community aimed at homeless or atrisk of homelessness families and individuals.
agencies move and change contact information from time to time, you should confirm the services before making your selection. Please call the agencies for additional information. If you discover an inaccuracy, we welcome the update information.To add a resource or organization, please send the information to CDDsupportteam@burbankca.gov or Community Development Department, 150 North Third Street, Burbank, CA 91502.