The City of Burbank Home Delivered Meal (HDM) Program provides eligible adults age 60+ residents with nutritional assistance by delivering a well-balanced meal and an opportunity to monitor wellbeing of the homebound elderly during the week.
Home Delivered Meals Program
The Home Delivered Meals (HDM) Program delivers nutritious meals to homebound Burbank residents age 60+. Requesting volunteer drivers to help deliver meals.
Currently Accepting Volunteers
Congregate Meal Program www.BurbankCA.gov/BNS
The Congregate Meal Program provides nutritious meals to Burbank residents age 60+. Requesting volunteers to assist with meal servicing, packaging, distributing, and sign-up.
Currently Accepting Volunteers
Burbank Temporary Aid Center (BTAC) www.burbanktemporaryaidcenter.org/ The Burbank Temporary Aid Center provides individuals and families with the short-term emergency assistance they need to live with dignity.
Available Positions: Client Service Volunteer, Pantry Support Volunteer
Burbank Public Library www.BurbankLibrary.org/Volunteer Burbank Public Library is seeking Digital Literacy Tutors and Teaching Assistants to help the public with introductory computer skills.
Available Positions: Digital Literacy Tutors, Teaching Assistants
Project HOPE is a free program that pairs volunteers with Burbank residents who are age 55+or disabled adults. Volunteers can assist with phone companionship, grocery shopping, dropping off mail, and prescription pickup.
Currently Accepting Volunteers
Phone Pals
Phone Pals pairs adults 55+ with a volunteer who provides regular social phone calls.
Currently Accepting Volunteers
The VBAS is a 100% volunteer-run organization looking for committed volunteers who are able to provide basic care for the animals and assist with adoptions as well as participate in and run our various programs.
Currently Accepting Volunteers
Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center | 1100 W Clark Avenue | 818.238.5397 | www.BurbankCA.gov/BLCAC
Pete Morris is passionate about watercolor and has been painting for almost 30 years. About 10 years ago, he decided to try to paint every day, and he has followed through on that to the present. He paints plein air scenes, portraits, live paintings of musicians as they play, and scenic watercolors done in classrooms and in his studio. He is known for his Rte. 66 series, paintings of scenes along the historic highway, and his sketches of people while riding the metro to work, this has earned him the moniker “The Metro Da Vinci”.
Already known as the Media Capital of the World, Burbank bursts onto the scene as a colorful, cultural arts destination for all ages! The goals are simple: to introduce and support cultural arts, provide quality art experiences, and offer exciting arts-friendly venues and businesses for every generation. Burbank Arts is a vibrant online destination for arts-related organizations to keep art lovers and explorers aware of current cultural events and for businesses to promote related activities and services.
Art in Public Places: “The Hats”–Lincoln Park
The City of Burbank’s Art in Public Places Program was founded on the belief that the visual environment plays an essential role in creating the atmosphere for an enterprise culture and civic confidence, vital to growth and improvement. This program has made it possible for recognized artists to enhance public spaces throughout the City with sculptures, murals, and environs. The art pieces have become emblematic to Burbank’s commitment to the enrichment of the City’s cultural and educational identity.
Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center 818.238.5397 I CACMail@BurbankCA.gov
The Fine Arts Federation (FAF) is a non-profit organization who supports arts within the community and is a valued supporter of the Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center. The FAF helps support the Annual Youth Art Expo, Art Experiences Camp, art classes, and workshops held at the Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center.
Membership includes announcements for monthly gallery shows, the opportunity to participate in the annual membership show, and the opportunity to participate in the annual holiday boutique. Membership dues are $25 for individuals, $20 for seniors, and are valid for one calendar year.
555 North Third Street I 818.558.7000 www.ColonyTheatre.org
The award-winning Colony Theatre Company is Burbank’s premier professional theatre. It was voted “Best Live Theatre in L.A.” in the Daily News 2006 Reader’s Choice poll, and has been named one of the “25 Notable U.S. Theatre Companies” by Encyclopedia Britannica Almanac for 6 years in a row.
Art in Public Places: “Family Tiara” –Community Services Building “Nostalgic Memorable Moments” by Pauline Hacopian See more of the Utility Box Art Project at www.BurbankArts.com/projects• Commercial Activity without permit is prohibited at parks (BMC 3-3-801.1).
• Instructors may obtain a park permit by contacting the Parks and Recreation Department at 818.238.5300
• Visit www.BurbankCA.gov/ParkPermits to view current permits. Public play is available at all other times.
• To report unpermitted commercial activity, please call 818.238.5300 or email ParksandRecreation@BurbankCA.gov
Youth (Ages 3-5)
926 1.0 Sat 10:00am-10:45am MC TMX $150 904 1.0 Sun 8:15am-9:00am JBHS Ensor $150 924 1.0 Sun 9:00am-9:45am MC TMX $150
Youth (Ages 5-7)
972 1.0 Mon 4:00pm-5:00pm MC Pumpuang $150 970 1.0 Tue 3:30pm-4:30pm MC Pumpuang $150 981 1.0 Sat 8:00am-9:00am JBHS Ensor $150 982 2.0 Sat 9:00am-10:00am JBHS Ensor $150 902 2.0 Sun 10:00am-11:00am MC TMX $150 913 1.0 Fri 5:30pm-6:30pm V TMX $150
Junior (Ages 8-12)
500 1.0 Sat 3:00pm-4:00pm V Lewis $150 910 1.0 Wed 6:00pm-700pm JBHS Saravia $150 912 1.0 Fri 4:30pm-5:30pm V TMX $150 915 1.0 Sat 11:00am-12:00pm BHS TMX $150 916 1.0 Sat 12:00pm-1:00pm BHS TMX $150 501 2.0 Sat 4:00pm-5:00pm V Lewis $150 983 2.0 Sun 9:00am-10:00am JBHS Ensor $150 914 2.5 Tue 6:30pm-7:30pm MC Hardy $150 917 3.0 Sat 1:00pm-2:00pm MC TMX $150 929 3.0 Sun 11:00am-12:00pm MC TMX $150
610 1.0 Tue 6:30pm-7:30pm MC Tawdy $140 834 1.0 Wed 7:00pm-8:00pm JBHS Ensor $140 615 1.5 Tue 7:30pm-8:30pm MC Tawdy $140 616 2.0 Tue 8:30pm-9:30pm MC Tawdy $140 836 2.0 Tue 7:30pm-8:30pm JBHS Ensor $140 421 2.0 Sat 9:00am-10:00am JBHS Hoffer $140 420 2.5 Mon 7:00pm-8:00pm JBHS Saravia $140 426 2.5 Wed 7:00pm-8:00pm JBHS Saravia $140 619 2.5 Thu 6:30pm-7:30pm V Tawdy $140 700 3.0 Mon 8:00pm-9:00pm MC Pumpuang $140 701 1.0 Thu 6:30pm-7:30pm MC Pumpuang $140 825 3.0 Tue 9:00am-10:00am MC Ensor $140 620 3.0 Thu 7:30pm-8:30pm V Tawdy $140 431 3.0 Sat 8:00am-9:00am JBHS Hoffer $140 435 3.5 Wed 8:00pm-9:00pm JBHS Saravia $140 835 3.5 Wed 9:00am-10:00am MC Ensor $140 621 3.5 Thu 8:30pm-9:30pm V Tawdy $140 *Non-resident fee: Additional $5.00
The DeBell Golf Club is an 18-hole facility which features 5,608 yards of golf from the longest tees for a par of 71. The course rating is 68.9 and it has a slope rating of 122 on Kikuyu grass. DeBell Golf Club also offers four clubs to be a part of: The Burbank Men’s Golf Club, The Burbank Senior Men’s Club, The Burbank Women’s Club, and The Lady Duffers. For more information on these clubs please contact the Pro Shop for details. This club offers a regulation 18-hole course and a Par-3 course. The regulation course is very tight and hilly making it challenging for the more seasoned golfer yet still enjoyable for beginners. Reservations can be made up to seven days in advance by calling 818.845.0022. To
If you are new to golf and want to get started on the golf course, this is the class for you! This 6 week course will cover everything you need to know about how to play golf, get around a golf course, and score well. This class (max. 6 students) is taught by one of the top golf instructors in Southern California Joaquin Herbozo, PGA. With over 20 years of teaching experience, his class is active and engaging. You will fall in love with the sport and have fun learning the game.
Interested in the next step in improving your golf game? Do you have a junior who has taken multiple first timer lessons and now ready for the next step? The Junior Academy is the perfect place to increase your junior’s abilities quickly. Our intense monthly program gets your junior to the course more often helping them fine tune their games while also challenging them on the golf course for fun play days. This is a monthly program taught every week by our PGA Professional staff. To sign up or for more information please contact our Head Golf Professional Joaquin Herbozo, PGA at joaquin@debellgolf.com. Take your junior’s swing to the next level.
*Please note classes may be delayed due to county restrictions. Call DeBell Golf Club for more information.
Age Day Time Fee 6-15 Wed 4:00–6:00pm $200*
*Additional siblings pay $175; Sign-ups available now.
To this end, the City is committed to the provision of high-quality and diverse athletic programs. These standards are achieved through the commitment and dedication of individuals who, in their roles as participants, volunteers, or professional staff, have furthered the excellence of organized sports programs sponsored by the City of Burbank.
www.BurbankCA.gov/YouthSports for updates
For Winter Sports Leagues starting early December 2022
October 4 – November 8
Register at: www.BurbankParks.com
Registration is on a first come, first serve basis. Space is limited in each program.
Youth Basketball
Burbank Players League
All Sports Camp (6-14 years old) See page 33 for Amazing Athletes Class Info (18mo - 3 years old) See page 29 for Amazing Tots Class Info
Youth Baseball/Softball Scorekeeper Training12 years & up Class starts January 23 Register at www.BurbankParks.com Check www.BurbankCA.gov/Sports for updates
Burbank Resident Registration: Dec 6 @ 9am Open Registration: Dec 13 @ 9am www.burbankparks.com
Little Hoopers Basketball
3-7 years old Saturdays Time: 9:00-10:00am Dates: Session 1 Jan 14, 21, 28 Feb 4 Session 2 Feb 11, 18, 25 Mar 4
Location: McCambridge Recreation Center NEW! 3-on-3 Basketball League K-3rd grade Saturdays Times: 10:30am - 12:30pm 12:30pm - 2:30pm Dates: Session 1 Jan 14, 21, 28 Feb 4, 11, 18, 25 Mar 4
Location: McCambridge Recreation Center
Pre-K T-ball League 3-5 years old Saturdays Time: 9:00-10:30am Dates: Session 1 Jan 14, 21, 28 Feb 4, 11, 18, 25 Mar 4
Location: Robert Gross Park
Winter Break Camp
6-14 years old Time: 9:00am-12:00pm Dates: Camp 1 Dec 27-30 Camp 2 Jan 3-6 Location: McCambridge Park
Activities are 1 to 1½ hours. Hike length and difficulty will vary. Hikers should bring water and wear appropriate clothes and shoes. Meet at the Stough Canyon Nature Center unless otherwise noted. Adults are required to accompany children under 12 years of age. Strollers are not recommended for hikes. Rain cancels hikes. All hikes are subject to change.
Please check: www.BurbankParks.com (under the Stough Canyon Nature Center tab) for future updates.
Last Sunday of the month at 11:30am Learn about the wild animals in our area.
Enjoy a short staff-led hike to “The View”! Dates available online.
Moonlight hikes will not be available during the months of November and December and are scheduled to return in January 2023.
Stough Canyon Nature Center is currently looking for new docents to assist in the following:
• Reptile and snake care.
• Animal/Reptile interactions
• Recreation class assistance
• Monthly hikes
• Special event/field trip assistance
Please call or email the Stough Canyon Nature Center at NatureCenter@BurbankCA.gov, if interested in docent programs!
The Verdugo Mountainway is an extensive trail system which extends from the Sun Valley area, south to Brand Park in Glendale, and northeast to Tujunga and La Crescenta. Please adhere to posted signage and follow safety guidelines.
Trails are open from sunrise to sunset. Parking lots close by 10pm nightly.
Dog registration BMC 5-1-507
All dogs 4 months or older must be licensed with the City.
Necessity of rabies BMC 5-1-510
All dogs 4 months or older must receive a rabies vaccine within 30 days of being acquired or brought into the City.
Leash law BMC 5-1-1001A
All dogs in public areas must be attached to a secure leash and in control.
Protection from the elements BMC 5-1-701
Animals must be provided proper shelter and protection from the elements.
Poop and scoop BMC 5-1-1102
Dog waste from any park, sidewalk or private property must be cleaned up by the person in control.
Cleanliness of premises BMC 5-1-601
Spaces where any animal is kept shall remain clean and sanitary.
dogs. A combination of 5 or more is a violation.
The Burbank Animal Shelter is in need of loving foster homes for our available dogs. Contact the Shelter’s foster coordinator to find out how you can help at vbasfosterinfo@gmail.com.
The kitten foster program is always recruiting fosters. Contact the Shelter’s kitten foster program at, fabiola@thevbas.org
The animal shelter is supported by the Volunteers of the Burbank Animal Shelter which is a 100% volunteer-run organization, which means they are looking for committed volunteerswho are able to provide basic care for the animals and assist with adoptions as well as participate in and run various programs. theVBAS.org AMAZON WISHLIST AND MONETARY DONATIONS www.BurbankAnimalShelter.org
• Keep pets indoors when unattended.
• Carry noisemakers to scare off coyotes.
• Always walk pets on short leashes.
• Pick up small pets if a coyote is spotted.
• Haze until the coyote leaves.
• Be neighborly, share your knowledge.
• Feed any wildlife.
• Walk pets on retractable leashes.
• Leave pet food or fallen fruit outside.
• Leave pet doors open after dark.
• Ignore, turn your back, or run from a coyote.
• Let pets outdoors without first checking surroundings.
Duke is an affectionate 2-year-old German Shepherd mix with lots of energy. He recently spent a couple of months in foster care and did very well. His foster family described him to be smart, loyal and a gentle giant. He was completely house broken when he arrived in foster proving just how good of a boy he is. Duke does well in playgroup with other dogs, although he typically needs to break out because his energy level is unmatched. He would do best as the only dog in the household which would work just fine for him as he absolutely loves his people.
Amy is super sweet, loving and very high energy. She is a 2-year-old German Shepherd. Amy spent some time in foster care where she did wonderfully with her foster parent’s young children. She is a people dog who prefers hanging with her favorite person than with another dog. She does well with other dogs in playgroups but tends to prefer to hang solo. She is a puppy at heart and would need someone to teach her the basics and show her the ropes. Amy loves to stay active and would like to be adopted by someone who is as keen for living life as she is.
The Parks and Recreation Department, in coordination with Triumph Foundation, invites you and your family to take part in welcoming Wheelchair Rugby to the City of Burbank. Open to the public, this free commencement event will be held on Sunday, November 20, 2022 at the McCambridge Recreation Center gym. The Triumph Foundation, a non-profit organization working to improve the lives of people living with disabilities, will introduce attendees to the world of wheelchair rugby. The value that adaptive sports bring to the community.
opportunities that will promote accessible and inclusive sports.”
Wheelchair Rugby is played with four (4) players on the court per team, and the teams can have up to eight (8) substitutes on the bench. It is played on a basketball court with a ball similar to a volleyball. The objective of the game is to score goals by crossing the opponent’s goal line. The ball can be centered, thrown, hit, dribbled, and/ or rolled in all directions. The game is designed to accommodate all ability levels and is among the fastest-growing sports internationally.
“Burbank’s Wheelchair Rugby commencement celebration is expected to attract hundreds of participants and will make an impact on everyone who attends. We are so thankful for our partnership with the City of Burbank,” said Triumph Foundation Founder Andrew Skinner, who suffered a spinal cord injury in November 2004 in a snowboarding accident and founded the organization in 2008. “Events like this give people with disabilities a chance to push the limits of their ability, play games with friends and family on a level playing ground, and enhances their quality of life through exercise, sports, and fitness.”
“The City of Burbank is excited to partner with Triumph Foundation to offer this fun and exciting opportunity to our community,” said Marisa Garcia, Park and Recreation Director for the City of Burbank. “Wheelchair Rugby is the first of what will be many Burbank-based drop-in play
The Triumph Foundation’s mission is to provide adaptive sports, fitness, recreation, and outdoor adventure events to people living in Southern California communities. As a recognized Paralympic Sport Club with the United States Olympic Committee, Triumph Foundation makes activities like riding a bike and playing sports achievable for people with mobility impairments.
The Foundation believes exercise is a form of medicine; that living a healthy lifestyle is an important part of every individual’s life, particularly in the life of a disabled individual; and that staying active is essential to recovery and to avoid secondary complications.
The fundamental principle of play equity underscores the idea that sports opportunities should be available to all people regardless of income, ethnicity, gender, and/ or physical ability. While most people have access to a wide range of sports, opportunities for people with disabilities are far more limited. To help address the challenges surrounding play equity, the Department re-launched the Park and Play Mobile Recreation Vehicle on May 7, 2022. The purpose of the program is to travel to underserved areas of Burbank and provide supervised recreational activities. This program
serves socio-economically disadvantaged areas in Burbank and provides recreational activities to participants who might not otherwise have access to these experiences. These activities are inclusive and aim to engage all residents, including those with special needs.
The Parks and Recreation Department understands there is a myriad of personal, social, and environmental barriers that can limit participation in adaptive sports. These include the physical disability itself, fear of injury, lack of confidence, uninviting attitudes of people without disabilities, equipment and facility costs, and the difficulty of connecting with other adaptive athletes and forming strong social networks with them.
The objectives of providing wheelchair rugby goes beyond the physical play activities on the court. The Department aims to contribute to the mental wellness and self-esteem of individuals with disabilities. This adaptive drop-in sports program will allow participants to feel a sense of camaraderie and fellowship among teammates and find a sense of purpose through sport.
For more information on Triumph Foundation and a bio of its founder, Andrew Skinner, visit: www.Triumph-Foundation.org
Following the commencement event, the Parks and Recreation Department will offer Wheelchair Rugby as an ongoing drop-in sport. Wheelchair Rugby drop-in gym will take place from 10:30am to 1:30pm Sundays at McCambridge Recreation Center Gym. Burbank’s drop-in sports are offered year-round, and open to all.
More information on drop-in sports can be found at www.burbankca.gov/drop-in-sports.
• All class registrations will only be accepted through the second class meeting and all original class fees will apply.
• Non-Resident fees apply to those living outside of the City of Burbank. Non-Residents must include an additional $10 per person, per class.
• Enrollment is subject to availability. Programs are filled on a first come, first served basis.
• All programs are subject to cancellation if minimum enrollment numbers are not met.
• Class schedules may be subject to change without notice. For the most up-to-date information, please visit www.burbankparks.com.
• Guests of Enrolled Participants: Permitting classroom visits are at the discretion of the Instructor who has the responsibility to protect the learning environment and develop rules and procedures to maintain a safe classroom setting. Classroom visits are arranged directly with the Instructor under any rules that the Instructor may establish.
The City of Burbank strives to provide quality recreation classes and programs. If you are unable to attend or are not satisfied with a class, we will be happy to arrange a transfer to another class (if space is available and is prior to the second class) or process a refund if the following guidelines are met:
• A $10 processing fee will be deducted from all participant initiated refund requests.
• Class lasting 3 or more weeks–A request for refund/transfer must be given to registration staff a minimum of one business day prior to the second class meeting. No refund/ transfer will be issued after the second class meeting.
• Class or workshop lasting 2 or fewer weeks–A request for refund/transfer must be given to registration staff a minimum of five business days prior to the scheduled start date of the class or workshop. No refund/transfer will be issued after this date.
• Material/Supply fees are non-refundable.
Refunds issued by check will take between 3-6 weeks to receive in the mail.
The City of Burbank, in compliance with applicable regulations, hereby asserts that it does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, ancestry, marital status, or medical condition in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment, in its programs and activities.
The City of Burbank is committed to providing a successful and rewarding experience for all program participants. Depending on the class location or activity that you will be participating in, please contact a site supervisor at least two weeks prior to the program start date if you will be requiring a special accommodation.
Aquacise is a fun-filled water aerobics class that mixes exercise with a social atmosphere. This program is designed to get you moving and exercising with the benefit of a water supporting your weight and taking the pressure off your joints. All the while giving your muscles the resistance training they need. Build your cardiovascular fitness and strength. With upbeat music to keep you motivated, Aquacise is open to all participants ages 15-99+. There is no minimum fitness level required.
Instructor: Breakthrough Sports Verdugo Aquatic Facility
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
15+yrs Mon 1/9-2/27 9:00-10:00am $64
15+yrs Tue 1/10-2/28 9:00-10:00am $85
15+yrs Wed 1/11-3/1 9:00-10:00am $85
15+yrs Thu 1/5-3/2 9:00-10:00am $85
15+yrs Fri 1/6-3/3 9:00-10:00am $85
This safe, fun, and effective workout uses water exercises to build muscle and reduce body fat with little or no impact to joints, all done in a heated pool to fun and energizing music. The water offers a heavier resistance than air, so participants can experience a challenging workout while the buoyancy takes away most or all of the impact to bones and joints!
Optional: bring aquatic fitness gloves to increase resistance.
Instructor: Karen Eldridge Verdugo Aquatic Facility
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Thu 1/12-2/2 6:30-7:30pm $34 18+yrs Sat 1/14-2/4 10:30-11:30am $34 18+yrs Thu 2/16-3/9 6:30-7:30pm $34 18+yrs Sat 2/18-3/11 10:30-11:30am $34
The Breakthrough Sports Swim Training Academy is elite training for youth swimmers of ALL skill levels at an affordable price. Breakthrough Sports coaches, including former professionals, will focus on specific aspects of stroke mechanics and muscle memory for all four competitive strokes. Each day will focus on one of the competitive strokes; breaking the stroke down into body balance, leg propulsion, arm proportion, timing and rhythm. This program is designed to help swimmers practice skills that will assist them with their local community team, club team, high school team and more.
Instructor: Breakthrough Sports Verdugo Aquatic Facility Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
The Breakthrough Sports Water Polo Training Academy is elite training for youth water polo players of ALL skill levels at an affordable price. Breakthrough Sports coaches will develop shooting, blocking, treading and swimming mechanics, improve water polo IQ and most importantly boost confidence in a fun environment. This program is designed to help water polo players learn and practice skills that will assist them with their local community team, club team, high school team and more.
Instructor: Breakthrough Sports Verdugo Aquatic Facility
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
7-17yrs Fri 1/13-2/3 5:15-6:15pm $125
7-17yrs Fri 2/10-3/3 5:15-6:15pm $125
The Youth Swim Team is for young athletes who are interested in competing at the recreational level or who are looking for a more advanced workout. Practices are geared towards race preparation, and advanced strength & conditioning. Swimmers will have the opportunity to participate in competitions based on availability. Participants may not hold a USA Swimming card within the past 12 months. Participants who do not meet the minimum prerequisites will be removed from the class and a full refund will be issued.
Prerequisites & Requirements: The ability to swim 100 yards continuous freestyle using appropriate turns, 100 yards continuous backstroke using appropriate turns, 25 yards breaststroke, and 25 yards butterfly. Proof of a swim evaluation required prior to the start of the class.
Instructor: Breakthrough Sports Verdugo Aquatic Facility
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
7-17yr11m Tue, Thu 1/10-3/2 4:00-5:00pm $120
The Youth Water Polo Team is a recreational competitive team where participant will learn fundamental game strategy and skills necessary to play. Conditioning, passing, shooting, defensive and offensive skills and strategy, as well as good sportsmanship will be emphasized at each meeting. Participants will be divided into age-based group to facilitate appropriate development and competition. Various matches will be scheduled throughout the session with various teams from other nearby cities.
Prerequisites & Requirements: The ability to swim 50 yards continuous front crawl and back stroke, as well as the ability to tread in deep water for 1 minute. Proof of a Swim Evaluation required.
Instructor: Aquatic Staff Verdugo Aquatic Facility Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
7-17yrs Tue, Thu 1/10-3/2 5:15-6:15pm $120
The Parent & Child Level A class is designed to introduce young children to an aquatic environment by emphasizing a fun experience in the water. In addition to introductory skills to improve comfort in the water and swimming readiness, safety skills and cues will also be covered. All children must have one-on-one adult supervision at all times. Swim diapers must be worn by children. Class will take place over the course of 8 weeks.*
Instructor: Aquatic Staff Verdugo Aquatic Facility Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6m-3yrs Mon 1/9-2/27 10:20-10:50am $45
With adult supervision and aid, this class will teach children introductory swim and water safety skills similar to our Level 1 course. For children who have had limited exposure to aquatic environments, this class will work on improving skills and comfort in the water. The class is also designed for children who are not quite tall enough for Level 1 but have the ability to learn the same skills. The goal of the class is for the child to learn basic independent swim skills, such as floating, gliding, and combined arm and leg movement with forward progression with support. This class requires one-on-one adult supervision at all times. Swim diapers must be worn by children who are not toilet trained. Class will take place over the course of 8 weeks.*
Instructor: Aquatic Staff
Verdugo Aquatic Facility
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6m-3yrs Wed 1/11-3/1 10:20-10:50am $52
In Level 1, instructors focus on encouraging students to be comfortable in the water and teach skills which are fundamental to the swimming process. Skills include: blowing bubbles, putting face in the water, supported floats on front and back, and supported arm and leg actions on front and back.*
Prerequisite: None
Objective: Water Adjustment
Instructor: Aquatic Staff
Verdugo Aquatic Facility
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
3-6yrs Mon, Wed 1/9-2/1 9:00-9:30am $45 3-6yrs Mon, Wed 1/9-2/1 4:00-4:30pm $45 3-6yrs Mon, Wed 2/6-3/1 9:00-9:30am $45 3-6yrs Mon, Wed 2/6-3/1 4:00-4:30pm $45
In Level 2, instructors focus on preparing students to float without support and to propel themselves through the water on their front and back using glides, as well as alternating arm and legs actions.*
Prerequisite: Completion of Level 1 OR the ability to put face in water and float with assistance for 3 seconds (front and back)
Objective: Fundamental Aquatic Skills
Instructor: Aquatic Staff Verdugo Aquatic Facility Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
3-6yrs Mon, Wed 1/9-2/1 9:40-10:10am $45 3-6yrs Mon, Wed 1/9-2/1 4:40-5:10pm $45 3-6yrs Mon, Wed 2/6-3/1 9:40-10:10am $45 3-6yrs Mon, Wed 2/6-3/1 4:40-5:10pm $45
In Level 3, instructors will build on the foundational skills taught in Level 2 with the goal of developing fundamental stroke mechanics for improved swimming. Students will begin to learn rotary breathing and swim longer distances. *
Prerequisite: Completion of Level 2 OR the ability to glide on front & back AND swim on front & back for at least 2 body lengths
Objective: Beginning Stroke Development Instructor: Aquatic Staff Verdugo Aquatic Facility Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
3-6yrs Mon, Wed 1/9-2/1 5:20-5:50pm $45 3-6yrs Mon, Wed 2/6-3/1 5:20-5:50pm $45
*Classes cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances will be made up. Makeup dates will be announced as necessary.
In Level 1, instructors focus on encouraging students to be comfortable in the water and teach skills which are fundamental to the swimming process. Skills include: blowing bubbles, putting face in the water, supported floats on front and back, and arm and leg actions on front and back.*
Prerequisite: None
Objective: Water Adjustment
Instructor: Aquatic Staff
Verdugo Aquatic Facility
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
7-13yrs Mon-Thu 1/9-2/1 4:00-4:30pm $45 7-13yrs Mon-Thu 2/6-3/1 4:00-4:30pm $45
In Level 2, instructors will focus on preparing students to swim independently by propelling themselves through the water on their front and back using glides, as well as alternating arm and leg actions.*
Prerequisite: Completion of Level 1 OR the ability to front glide for 2 body lengths + float independently for 3 seconds on back.
Objective: Fundamental Aquatic Skills
Instructor: Aquatic Staff
Verdugo Aquatic Facility
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
7-13yrs Mon-Thu 1/9-2/1 4:40-5:10pm $45 7-13yrs Mon-Thu 2/6-3/1 4:40-5:10pm $45
Private lessons are geared for those that require oneto-one interaction with an instructor, or those who are looking to work on specific skills outside of a group setting. The objective of this class is to help participants feel comfortable in the water, enjoy the water safely, and work towards swimming mastery. Instructors will cater the class material to each individual.
Instructor: Breakthrough Sports Verdugo Aquatic Facility Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
All Ages Mon, Wed 1/9-1/18 4:00-4:30pm $112
All Ages Mon, Wed 1/9-1/18 4:40-5:10pm $112
All Ages Mon, Wed 1/9-1/18 5:20-5:50pm $112
All Ages Mon, Wed 1/9-1/18 6:00-6:30pm $112
All Ages Mon, Wed 1/23-2/1 4:00-4:30pm $150
All Ages Mon, Wed 1/23-2/1 4:40-5:10pm $150
All Ages Mon, Wed 1/23-2/1 5:20-5:50pm $150
All Ages Mon, Wed 1/23-2/1 6:00-6:30pm $150
All Ages Mon, Wed 2/6-2/15 4:00-4:30pm $150
All Ages Mon, Wed 2/6-2/15 4:40-5:10pm $150
All Ages Mon, Wed 2/6-2/15 5:20-5:50pm $150
All Ages Mon, Wed 2/6-2/15 6:00-6:30pm $150
All Ages Mon, Wed 2/20-3/1 4:00-4:30pm $112
All Ages Mon, Wed 2/20-3/1 4:40-5:10pm $112
All Ages Mon, Wed 2/20-3/1 5:20-5:50pm $112
All Ages Mon, Wed 2/20-3/1 6:00-6:30pm $112
Semi–Private lessons are geared for those that require more interaction with an instructor, or those who are looking to work on specific skills in a smaller group setting. The objective of this class is to help participants feel comfortable in the water, enjoy the water safely, and work towards swimming mastery. Instructors will cater the class material to each individual.*
Classes will be limited to 2 participants maximum Instructor: Breakthrough Sports Verdugo Aquatic Facility
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
3-14yrs Sat 1/14-2/4 9:00-9:30am $120
3-14yrs Sat 1/14-2/4 9:40-10:10am $120
3-14yrs Sat 1/14-2/4 10:20-10:50am $120
3-14yrs Sat 1/14-2/4 11:00-11:30am $120
3-14yrs Sat 1/14-2/4 11:40am-12:10pm $120
3-14yrs Sat 2/11-3/4 9:00-9:30am $120
3-14yrs Sat 2/11-3/4 9:40-10:10am $120
3-14yrs Sat 2/11-3/4 10:20-10:50am $120
3-14yrs Sat 2/11-3/4 11:00-11:30am $120
3-14yrs Sat 2/11-3/4 11:40am-12:10pm $120
Garri Dance Studio’s Parent & Child creative movement class provides the perfect opportunity to bond with your darling dancer. Participants will discover a love of dance and music for the very first time. A parent will take an active role in class as their tiny dancer wiggles and shakes in a new, stimulating dance class setting. For the health and safety of the dancers, each participant must purchase a prop bundle to use in class.
Prop bundles must be purchased from the instructor for $5 on the first day of class.
Instructor: Garri Dance Studio
Johnny Carson Park
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
1yr6m-2yrs Tue 1/10-3/7 10:00-10:30am $90
1yr6m-2yrs Thu 1/12-3/9 10:00-10:30am $90
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
1yr6m-2yrs Sun 1/15-3/12 10:00-10:30am $90
Activities are designed for children and a parent/ caregiver. The aim of this class is to expose participants to the Spanish language through playful activities, music, dancing, singing, exploring instruments, and listening to stories from Latin America. No prior knowledge of Spanish is necessary.
Instructor: Analia Rupar-Przebieda
Robert R. Ovrom Community Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
1yr6m-4yrs Tue 1/10-2/28 5:00-5:45pm $125 1yr6m-4yrs Thu 1/12-3/2 9:30-10:15am $125
Amazing Tots uses a multi-sport program to benefit children physically, mentally, socially and emotionally. Our program introduces the fundamentals of 5 different sports in a non-competitive environment. Children routinely gain greater confidence, learn to combine fitness with fun, and develop key motor skills. Free T-shirt included with registration.
Instructor: Amazing Athletes Verdugo Park
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18mo-3yrs Thu 1/12-3/16 9:00-9:30am $215 18mo-3yrs Sat 1/14-3/18 9:00-9:30am $215
Here is an opportunity to join in your toddler’s introduction to the world’s most popular sport. You’ll participate in fun, age-appropriate activities and help your child develop motor and socialization skills. Adult participation is required.
Instructor: Kidz Love Soccer Miller Park
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
2-3yr6m Fri 1/27-3/10 5:00-5:30pm $154 2-3yr6m Fri 1/27-3/10 4:20-4:50pm $154
Super Soccer Stars teaches soccer skills in a fun, noncompetitive, and educational environment. Through an age-specific curriculum, soccer is used to nurture, build self-confidence, and develop teamwork. Low participantto-coach ratios and positive reinforcement ensures that each participant improves at their own pace while having a blast! Parent participation is required.
Instructor: Super Soccer Stars Miller Park
1-2yrs Sat 1/14-3/11 9:00-9:40am $225 2-3yrs Sat 1/14-3/11 9:45-10:25am $225
Activities include arts & crafts, sports & games, science, music, drama, cooking, and more!
Burbank Residents: $155 per week Non-Residents: $165 per week
WEEK 1 (December 27-30, 2022)
Tuesday - Friday (no camp Monday) 7:30am - 6:00pm
WEEK 2 (January 3-6, 2023) Tuesday - Friday (no camp Monday) 7:30am - 6:00pm
Holly Daze Day Camp is held at Verdugo Recreation Center 3201 West Verdugo Avenue
Burbank Resident Registration begins Tuesday, November 22 at 9:00am.
Non-Resident Registration begins Tuesday, November 29 at 9:00am
Registrants are required to provide all necessary camper information during the online registration process.
For more details and to register online, visit: www.BurbankParks.com.
Enjoy games, crafts, and activities while reviewing basic Kindergarten skills and reviewing concepts such as bigger/smaller, before/after, important community people, and seasons. This recreation-based class will assist participants in social and educational skills needed for Kindergarten in a fun and playful way.
Participants must be entering Kindergarten by August 2023.
Instructor: Recreation Staff
McCambridge Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
4-5yr11m Fri 1/13-3/10 10:00am-12:00pm $72
This recreational-based course is designed for the preschool-aged participants. Emphasis is placed on learning and recognizing ABC’s, shapes, colors, and numbers. Activities include arts and crafts, exercise, sports and games, story time, and share time.
Instructor: Recreation Staff
Robert R. Ovrom Community Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
3yr3m-5yr11m Mon, Wed 1/9-3/8 10:00am-12:00pm $128
McCambridge Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
3yr3m-5yr11m Tue, Thu 1/10-3/9 10:00am-12:00pm $144
Does your child love the outdoors and exploring nature?
Nature Tots is a recreational-based program where activities help introduce pre-schoolers to nature-based subjects such as animals, reptiles, insects, and much more while practicing their letters, numbers and shapes. Activities may include arts and crafts, walks through Nature, games, story time, and other activities. Children will need to wear closed toed tennis shoes, bring water, and wear sunscreen. Please send a snack with your child.
Instructor: Recreation Staff
Stough Canyon Nature Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
3yr3m-5yr11m Mon 1/9-3/6 9:30-11:30am $56
The first 30 minutes of this class is ballet, dancers will learn the fundamentals of ballet through a warmup, across the floor combinations, and games! The last 15 minutes of this class is tap, dancers will learn basic tap steps and rhythm. Ballet and tap shoes required.
Instructor: Alisha McMullin Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees 3-5yrs Sun 1/15-3/5 12:00-12:45pm $150
This class is the perfect introduction to ballet! It will teach the basic fundamentals of ballet, in an interactive environment! Participants will begin to learn the structure of a dance class, starting with a warm up, across the floor technique, and basic choreography. Participants will gain confidence and increase self esteem!
Ballet shoes required.
Instructor: Alisha McMullin Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
3-5yrs Sat 1/14-3/11 4:00-4:45pm $150 3-5yrs Sun 1/15-3/12 11:00-11:45am $150 3-5yrs Sun 1/15-3/12 1:00-1:45pm $150
Garri Dance Studio’s imaginative preschool ballet class is a light and fun approach to teaching the tiny dancer in your home. Young dancers will be introduced to the wonderful world of dance with the comfort of a grown up by their side. Staff will incorporate magical imagery, dance games, and props to evoke creativity and enthusiasm. For the health and safety of the dancers, each participant must purchase a prop bundle to use in class. Parent participation optional.
Prop bundles must be purchased from the instructor for $5 on the first day of class.
Instructor: Garri Dance Studio
Johnny Carson Park
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
2-3yr6m Tue 1/10-3/7 10:45-11:15am $90 2-3yr6m Thu 1/12-3/9 9:15-9:45am $90
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
2-3yr6m Sun 1/15-3/12 10:45-11:15am $90
Just like Cinderella’s glass slippers, this class will be the perfect fit for any beginning ballerina! Garri Dance Staff will incorporate magical props and enchanting music while introducing basic ballet positions and exercises. For the health and safety of our dancers, each participant must purchase a prop bundle to use each week in class.
Prop bundles must be purchased from their instructor for $5 on the first day of class.
Instructor: Garri Dance Studio
Johnny Carson Park
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
3yr6m-5yrs Tue 1/10-3/7 9:15-9:45am $90 3yr6m-5yr6m Thu 1/12-3/9 10:45-11:15am $90
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
3yr6m-5yrs Sun 1/15-3/12 9:15-9:45am $90
This class will get your child moving and is designed for those fast movers with high energy! Dancers will learn basic hip hop choreography and techniques. The upbeat music allows for more cardio-based movements. Gym shoes required.
Instructor: Alisha McMullin
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
3-5yrs Sat 1/14-3/4 5:00-5:45pm $150 3-5yrs Sun 1/15-3/5 2:00-2:45pm $150 3-5yrs Sun 1/15-3/5 3:00-3:45pm $150
Young Ninjas is a high-energy program introducing participants to fundamental martial arts elements, like blocks, kicks, strikes, and the all important KI-YAH! Through skill training, fun games, creative challenges, and pad work on foam targets, participants will develop selfconfidence and learn to enjoy being physically active in a non-contact setting. KI-YAH!
A $10 material fee is due to instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Young Ninjas
Verdugo Park
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
2-3yrs Sat 1/14-3/11 10:00-10:30am $135 2-3yrs Sat 1/14-3/11 10:30-11:00am $135 4-9yrs Sat 1/14-3/11 11:15am-12:15pm $135 4-9yrs Sat 1/14-3/11 8:45-9:45am $135
Amazing Athletes is a multi-sport program that benefits children physically, mentally, socially and emotionally. Our program introduces the fundamentals of 10 different sports in a non-competitive environment. Children routinely gain greater confidence, learn to combine fitness with fun, and develop key motor skills. Free T-shirt included with registration.
Instructor: Amazing Athletes Verdugo Park
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
3-6yrs Thu 1/12-3/16 9:45-10:20am $255 3-6yrs Thu 1/12-3/16 10:30-11:05am $255 3-6yrs Sat 1/14-3/18 9:45-10:20am $255 3-6yrs Sat 1/14-3/18 10:30-11:05am $255
Expose your child to Mandarin Chinese when their minds are the most ready to soak up the sounds, intonations, and inflections of language. They truly are little sponges. We will learn some basic characters, Chinese songs, and rhymes. Acquiring a second language with music, song, some short videos will make it fun, engaging, and easy for young children and parents alike.
A $25 material fee is due to instructor on the first day of class. This includes a CD, booklet, and handouts.
Instructor: Marlene Kuo-Morinaga
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
2-5yrs Thu 1/12-3/9 11:00-11:45am $179
Participants will be introduced to a new language and have a blast in the process. This class incorporates music and movement, games, storytelling, and art to keep participants immersed and engaged in the language.
Materials package is optional and can be purchased for $10 (includes CD).
Instructor: Martha Duarte / Lango Burbank
Robert R. Ovrom Community Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
4-5yrs Thu 1/12-3/9 3:00-3:45pm $180 4-5yrs Sat 1/14-3/11 9:30-10:15am $180
Early Childhood is a time of development of gross and fine motor skills. Prepare your child for a variety of sports while introducing athletic skills. We will use balls to start with basic throwing and catching. Learn to jump, hop, skip, and run while using gear. Body Control and coordination starts young with neural/muscle connections! Music and colorful apparatus make it fun and keep young ones engaged.
Instructor: Marlene Kuo-Morinaga Olive Recreation Center Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees 2-5yrs Thu 1/12-3/9 3:00-3:45pm $179
Super Soccer Stars teaches soccer skills in a fun, noncompetitive, and educational environment. Through an age-specific curriculum, soccer is used to nurture, build self-confidence, and develop teamwork. Low child-tocoach ratios and positive reinforcement ensure that each participant improves at their pace while having a blast. Soccer ball required.
Instructor: Super Soccer Stars Miller Park
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
4-5yrs Sat 1/14-3/11 10:30-11:20am $225 3-4yrs Sat 1/14-3/11 11:25am-12:10pm $225 3-4yrs Sat 1/14-3/11 9:00-9:45am $225
Little tykes will enjoy running and kicking just like the big kids! Participants will have fun and learn the basic techniques of the game while building self-esteem. Participants will continue to learn and follow instructions in a nurturing, age-appropriate environment. All participants receive a Kidz Love Soccer jersey! Shin guards are required after the first class.
Instructor: Kidz Love Soccer Miller Park
Does your child have an ON FIRE imagination, always coming up with creative stories, or drawing inspired characters? In Cartooning we’ll discover how the pros in animation create classic characters and explore how your child can create one too! We’ll cover character design, story structure, and MORE! All participants will even get the opportunity to pitch their stories!
Instructor: Noah Fontana
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6-11yrs Tue 1/10-3/7 4:00-5:00pm $150
Participants will expand their artist horizon as they work with clay to make unique pieces of art. The class will explore an array of hand building techniques. All projects will be fired, glazed and taken home. Creativity is a must!
Instructor: Gladys Rios
Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6-8yrs Wed 1/11-2/1 4:30-5:30pm $95 9-11yrs Wed 2/8-3/1 4:30-5:30pm $95
Looking to help your gifted child use their tablet for more than just games? With a stylus in one hand and tablet in the other, we will cover topics like animating GIFs, making digital brushes, building art communities, and MORE!
Materials required: Drawing Tablet, Stylus, and a drawing app (Procreate or Autodesk Sketchbook are preferred).
Instructor: Noah Fontana
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6-11yrs Tue 1/10-3/7 5:30-6:30pm $150
Give your artistic child a crash course in drawing our wonderful world with a pencil in hand and sketchbook in the other! We’ll explore topics such as Perspective, Light & Darkness, Motion, Composition, and MORE! This beginner class is great for those sketching for the first time and those wanting to advance their art skills to the next level!
Participants will embark on an around-the-world cultural adventure; explore far-off places and learn about the people who live there, from Americas to Polynesia, from the city to the countryside. Participants will experiment with art techniques developed by local artists and artisans and make different masterpieces each week such as drums, masks, canvases, prints, buses, and more! There are also take-home Crayola art supplies to allow participants to build on their in-class projects at home.
A $72 material fee is due to instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Crayola® Imagine Arts Academy™
Robert R. Ovrom Community Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
Instructor: Noah Fontana
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6-11yrs Tue 1/10-3/7 2:30-3:30pm $150
Come spend an afternoon at the Stough Canyon Nature Center where we gather around the amphitheater & hear tales of creation myths & mischievous animals. Listen to traditional music and learn the meaning of sacred symbols as we use it in rock painting.
For more information, visit: www.BurbankCA.gov/NatureCenter
5-11yrs Tue 1/10-3/7 3:30-4:45pm $189
Mr. Patrick’s Cartooning and Comic Book Creation class is a fun approach to improving drawing skills and expressing imagination. Participants are guided in the fundamentals of creating cartoon characters and backgrounds. Their imagination is further expressed as a memorable takehome comic book narrative to share and remember.
Instructor: Patrick Khan Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
5-12yrs Mon 1/9-3/7 4:00-5:00pm $90 5-12yrs Tue 1/10-3/7 4:00-5:00pm $90
Mr. Patrick’s Intro to 3D Sculpture Class introduces participants to 3D art. The class uses selected safe materials to create and solve basic structural problems resulting in a delightful take home 3D sculpture. Each lesson builds knowledge in navigating the differences between 2D and 3D. Students can choose to create either a dinosaur, a bear, a necklace, or bracelet the young artists will be given to take home and share on the last day of class.
A $15 material fee is due to instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Patrick Khan Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
5-12yrs Thu 1/12-3/9 4:00-5:00pm $90 5-12yrs Fri 1/13-3/10 4:00-5:00pm $90
A different project every week, featuring multimedia art materials. Participants will experience the fun of making their own statement with paint, drawing, crayon, and pastels. The one and a half hour class time allows for more expressive development. Themes from around the world also expand cultural awareness.
A $7 material fee is due to instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Margo Gravelle
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6-12yrs Sat 2/4-3/4 10:00-11:30am $68
Ballet 6-10
This class is catered for beginner/intermediate dancers. Participants will learn the fundamentals of ballet through barre technique, terminology, proper alignment, and across the floor combinations. This class provides new participants with an opportunity to incrementally learn and gain confidence in their abilities! Ballet shoes are required.
Instructor: Alisha McMullin
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6-10yrs Mon 1/9-3/6 5:30-6:30pm $150 6-10yrs Sun 1/15-3/12 4:00-5:00pm $150
This class is for beginner/intermediate dancers. Participants will learn the fundamental techniques of jazz dancing through high energy music, across the floor combinations, and fun choreography. Participants will gain muscle strength and flexibility. This is a great way to improve confidence, creativity, and self expression! Ballet shoes or jazz shoes are required.
Instructor: Alisha McMullin
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6-10yrs Thu 1/12-3/2 5:30-6:30pm $150 6-10yrs Sun 1/15-3/5 10:00-11:00am $150
The sport of fencing is fun, challenging, and a great workout. Even if you are not a serious competitor, fencing is a great hobby. With professional instruction, participants are introduced to a specific art form that will help develop balance and discipline in a safe and fun atmosphere. Participants are grouped by age and/or ability level.
A $35 equipment rental fee is due to the instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Swords Fencing Studio Inc
Swords Fencing Studio
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6-14yrs Sat 1/14-2/25 12:30-1:30pm $120
Discover how science and strategy overcome size and strength on a path to self-mastery and a healthy lifestyle. A comprehensive curriculum covers kicking, punching, grappling, weapons defenses, and forms passed down for centuries. The class is great for getting naturally fit and instilling intuitive reflexes. Training promotes confidence, fitness, and mental focus; while the class structure instills discipline and respect, offering the best mix of traditional structure, modern training, and practical self-defense.
A $59 new participant start-up fee is due to the instructor on the first day of class. This includes a uniform.
Instructor: Masters in Motion
McCambridge Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6-12yr11m Tue 1/10-3/7 6:00-6:45pm $129
6-12yrs Sat 1/14-3/11 9:15-10:00am $129
The “Bo” staff is one of the oldest and most versatile tools in martial arts. It is a very adaptive instrument that serves as a natural extension of the body that aids in building self-defense and improvisational skills. Training provides a full body workout by developing flexibility, coordination, strength, and balance.
New participant start-up material fee of $69 (includes uniform and equipment) is due to instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Masters in Motion McCambridge Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees 6-12yrs Thu 1/12-3/9 6:00-6:45pm $129
Explore the mystique of classical martial arts and implements on your quest for self-mastery. Dynamic classes offer a balanced mix of traditional training and modern self-defense application. Curriculum covers a variety including Sai, Tonfa, Kama and Nunchaku (alternating each session). Training develops improvisational skills, strong body, flexibility and peaceful attitude.
New Student start-up fee of $69 includes uniform and equipment due to instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Masters in Motion McCambridge Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees 6-12yrs Sat 1/14-3/11 10:45-11:30am $129
Young Ninjas is a high-energy program introducing participants to fundamental martial arts elements, like blocks, kicks, strikes, and the all important KI-YAH! Through skill training, fun games, creative challenges, and pad work on foam targets, participants will develop selfconfidence and learn to enjoy being physically active in a non-contact setting. KI-YAH!
A $10 material fee is due to instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Young Ninjas Verdugo Park
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
2-3yrs Sat 1/14-3/11 10:00-10:30am $135
2-3yrs Sat 1/14-3/11 10:30-11:00am $135
4-9yrs Sat 1/14-3/11 11:15am-12:15pm $135 4-9yrs Sat 1/14-3/11 8:45-9:45am $135
Sing, dance, and act in this energetic class run by professional musical theatre performers. Participants learn how to be a triple threat. Each day will include acting, improvisational games, creative movement, singing and rehearsing a short performance. Confident or shy, those with or without singing, dancing, or acting experience, can join in this fun filled class.
Instructor: Off the Beaten Track Productions Olive Recreation Center
Acting Bootcamp (from stage to screen)
Do you want to learn how to act by professional actors? Each class you will learn a different acting skill; Class 1: Improvisation. Class 2: Working with Characters. Class 3: Stage Work. Class 4: Working on scripted scenes. Class 5 & 6: Learning camera techniques. Class 7 & 8: Filming. In the final class participants’ scene work will be filmed and then emailed to parents.
A $10 material fee is due to instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Off the Beaten Track Productions
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
7-12yr11m Wed 1/11-3/1 4:00-5:00pm $235
Strike out on an adventure quest to solve a mystery, or discover a new land, or animal species! Using imagination and lots of visual aids, plan a trip to a distant land while learning math, biology, history and geography. Learning is fun when reading maps and planning how much fuel and supplies are needed for the journey. Examine historical pioneers, ask if Bigfoot, ghosts, or UFOs are real, and prepare to explore the world around us.
A $10 material fee is due to instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Marlene Kuo-Morinaga
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6-13yrs Wed 1/11-3/8 4:30-5:30pm $179
In this fun one-session STEM class, participants will build and paint a toy-sized solar powered sports car that really drives. At the end of the class, participants will exhibit designs and engage in a friendly race. This class will introduce participants to basic engineering concepts while inspiring creativity and nurturing problem-solving skills.
A $25 material fee is due to instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Teni & Tayo Creations
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
7-12yr11m Tue 1/10-2/28 5:00-6:00pm $235
6-12yrs Sat 1/28 10:00-11:30am $15
6-12yrs Sat 2/18 10:00-11:30am $15 6-12yrs Sat 3/11 10:00-11:30am $15
Join Chess Wizards this semester for tons of challenging chess lessons, exciting games, and cool prizes. You’ll improve your chess skills, and work out your most powerful muscle–your brain! Our classes are geared to suit children of all skill levels; from chessling to checkmate artist, students will build upon their knowledge through lessons, tournaments, variation games and more! More than just a game of winning and losing, we make learning chess fun!
Instructor: Chess Wizard Inc Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6-12yrs Fri 1/13-3/10 4:30-5:30pm $305
In this unique STEM class, participants will build, decorate, and play with five cool wooden toys that they each get to take home for extra hours of play. They’ll build a voiceactivated truck, an army battle tank, a walking dinosaur, a battery-operated jeep, and a safe. This class will introduce the kids to basic engineering concepts while inspiring their creativity and nurturing their problem-solving skills.
A $125 material fee is due to instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Teni & Tayo Creations
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6-12yrs Thu 1/19-2/16 3:30-5:00pm $75
We introduce chess to participants in a fun and exciting way! For all participants and all levels, we teach participants to play chess and help them succeed in school by stimulating their problem-solving skills, analytical skills, and critical thinking. Includes exclusive booklets and worksheets. Win certificates, medals, and trophies!
A $10 material fee is due to instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Parker-Anderson Learning Center
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6-12yrs Mon 1/9-3/6 4:30-5:30pm $165
This class will focus on empowering young people to come out of their shells. Incorporating storytelling, improvisation, imagination, and working with others, participants will learn techniques to help them feel calm and confident through improvisation games. Improvisation is about saying YES, using imagination and finding your voice. Young people will have more belief in themselves and learn to be free and open in their life. Parents are invited to watch the students in action on the final day.
Instructor: Off the Beaten Track Productions
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
7-12yr11m Tue 1/10-2/28 4:00-5:00pm $235
Cute & Cuddly Animals!
Cute and Cuddly Animals is a hands-on experience with some of the most adorable animals around! Kids will enjoy learning about new animals each week such as guinea pigs, ferrets, miniature chickens, bunny rabbits, and more! This exciting and enchanting class is perfectly suitable for students of all ages!
A $10 material fee is due to the instructor at the start of the class.
Instructor: Parker-Anderson Learning Center
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6-12yrs Tue 1/10-2/28 4:30-5:30pm $185
Using LEGO Bricks, participants will design and build real mega machines like spinning windmills, lifting cranes, elevators, cars, and way more. We’ll use wheels, gears, bands, pulleys and tons of other cool specialty pieces to help us along the way. After building, participants will put their creations to the test by trying to break them, blow them over, or see how much weight they can hold. If they pass the test, they pass the challenge!
A $28 material fee is due to instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Professor Egghead Science Academy
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees 4yr6m-10yrsMon 1/9-3/6 4:00-5:00pm $126
Learn all about Dinosaurs in this fun, hands-on class! Explore the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous eras through all sorts of project based activities: Dino Digs, fossil hunts, and “Dino of the Day” activities! You even get your own Dinosaur Egg to take home with you!
A $20 material fee is due to instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Parker-Anderson Learning Center
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
Participants will tantalize their taste buds and have fun with food! Different recipes each week from appetizers to entrees, snacks, desserts, and more! Learn about nutrition, dining etiquette, and cooperation skills in this scrumptious class!
A $35 material fee is due to instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Parker-Anderson Learning Center
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6-12yrs Fri 1/13-3/3 4:30-5:30pm $225
Kids Cooking Academy: Little Italy
Participants will tantalize their taste buds and have fun with food! Different recipes each week from appetizers to entrees, snacks, desserts, and more! Learn about nutrition, dining etiquette, and cooperation skills in this scrumptious class!
A $35 material fee is due to instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Parker-Anderson Learning Center
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6-12yrs Fri 1/13-3/3 5:45-6:45pm $225
6-12yrs Thu 1/12-3/2 4:30-5:30pm $200
Run by award-winning filmmakers currently working in film and television, together participants will create a short film idea through fun storytelling activities, write a script, cast the actors, rehearse, and then film a short film. It will then be professionally edited together and a link will be sent to each participant. Participants can choose to be in front of the camera, behind or both, in this creative workshop.
Instructor: Off the Beaten Track Productions
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
7-12yr11m Wed 1/11-3/1 5:00-6:00pm $235
Explore the diversity of ocean life from organisms in hot deep sea vents, to tropical fish, to the astonishing varieties of arctic marine life! Observe dissections of a lamprey eel, a crayfish, and even a shark! Write with squid ink, grow sea monkeys, and learn about the largest environment on the planet!
A $30 material fee is due to the instructor at the first day of class.
Instructor: Parker-Anderson Learning Center
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6-12yrs Thu 1/12-3/2 5:45-6:45pm $215
Are you a person of passion and conviction with a love for critical thinking and dialogue? In this class, participants learn to use logic and other rhetorical tools to support positions and to express themselves succinctly and skillfully. Participants learn to walk and talk with assuredness and purpose, overcome jitters, and deliver speeches with confidence and animation!
Instructor: Parker-Anderson Learning Center
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6-12yrs Mon 1/9-3/6 5:45-6:45pm $150
Participants will learn about nature related topics such as plants, animals, geology, and more! Learning materials will be provided.
Instructor: Recreation Staff Stough Canyon Nature Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6-10yrs Tue 1/10-2/28 3:30-5:00pm $72
Do you have what it takes to join the world’s greatest team of Secret Agent Scientists? Participants will make tools like periscopes and decoders, study submarines and spy planes, and write secret messages with invisible ink–all while learning the science behind the experiments.
A $36 material fee is due to instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Professor Egghead Science Academy
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees 4yr6m-10yrsThu 1/12-3/9 4:00-5:00pm $162
The instructor, a PSAT National Merit finalist, teaches you how to optimize test-taking strategies after assessing participant’s personal strengths and weaknesses. Focus on areas of study that need review and new approaches to master math and verbal categories. Practice exercises will be provided weekly, along with reading assignments to develop vocabulary building.
A $10 material fee is due to instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Marlene Kuo-Morinaga
Olive Recreation Center Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees 6-12yrs Wed 1/11-3/8 6:30-7:30pm $179
Build 3 awesome robots to take home! Learn engineering principles such as levers, pulleys, and gears, as you design amazing robots that can walk, crawl, and jump on their own!
A $45 material fee is due to instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Parker-Anderson Learning Center
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees 6-12yrs Wed 1/11-3/1 4:30-5:30pm $235
Build 3 awesome robots to take home! Learn engineering principles such as gears, wheels, and axles as you design amazing robots to battle against others in becoming the Battle-Bot champion!
A $45 material fee is due to instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Parker-Anderson Learning Center
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6-12yrs Wed 1/11-3/1 5:45-6:45pm $235
Taught by a wildlife biologist, students will explore the natural world, acquire tips and tools to spot wildlife while camping and on hikes, and learn all about animals’ natural habitats. Students will see live animals in class and learn techniques for locating and tracking animals in the wild!
A $10 material fee is due to the instructor at the start of the class.
Instructor: Parker-Anderson Learning Center
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6-12yrs Tue 1/10-2/28 5:45-6:45pm $185
NEW EXPERIMENTS & TOPICS EACH TERM! Science can be fun! Subjects covered are biology, chemistry, math games, physics, logic for computer coding, and more!! The Scientific Method is taught to encourage critical thinking and to explore the world around us. Hands-on experiments taught by genuine science enthusiast and lab researcher.
A $10 material fee is due to instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Marlene Kuo-Morinaga Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6-12yrs Wed 1/11-3/8 3:30-4:30pm $179
Participants will be introduced to a new language, make developmental strides, explore a new culture and make new friends. Our classes incorporate music, games, storytelling and more to keep participants immersed and engaged in the language.
Materials package is optional and can be purchased for $10 (includes CD).
Instructor: Martha Duarte / Lango Burbank
Robert R. Ovrom Community Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
Immerse yourself in Ninja culture and conquer a Ninja Obstacle Course! We also play games like Capture the Flag and dodgeball to develop coordination, fitness, stamina, and motor skills. Enroll with friends and make new ones while challenging your athletic abilities. This class builds your total-body strength and develops your power, will, and determination. There will be scheduled rotations through a new course each week! There will even be a special Water Balloon Day as we go through an obstacle course! Sanitary practices on all gear.
Instructor: Marlene Kuo-Morinaga
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
5-7yrs Tue 1/10-3/7 3:30-4:30pm $179 8-14yrs Tue 1/10-3/7 4:30-5:30pm $179
This class is designed to help participants learn the game of basketball while having fun. Teach skill development and gameplay. Become a better teammate and leader. Please note: After the first week, the instructor will evaluate each participant and place them according to skill level.
Each participant should bring a basketball, water, and wear athletic gear and shoes.
Instructor: Pure Joy Basketball
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
5-9yrs Wed 1/11-3/8 4:00-4:55pm $180 10-17yrs Wed 1/11-3/8 5:00-5:55pm $180
6-8yrs Thu 1/12-3/9 4:00-4:45pm $180 6-8yrs Sat 1/14-3/11 10:30-11:15am $180
An outdoor athletic education focused on progression, safety, and fun! Class follows Pacific Skate School’s Curriculum including Color Level Goals, ABC Skate Philosophy, and Skate Dollars to teach beginner skateboard fundamentals including stance, peddles/ brakes, up to fakie, kickturn, drop in, stall, and air.
Required Experience: Intro & Beginner. Skateboard Helmet & Pads Required.
Instructor: Pacific Skate School
Valley Park
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6-12yrs Tue 1/10-1/31 3:30-5:00pm $240
6-12yrs Sat 1/14-2/4 10:00am-12:00pm $320 6-12yrs Sun 1/15-2/5 12:00-2:00pm $320 6-12yrs Mon 1/16 9:00am-12:00pm $135 6-12yrs Tue 2/14-3/7 3:30-5:00pm $240 6-12yrs Sat 2/18-3/11 10:00am-12:00pm $320 6-12yrs Sun 2/19-3/12 12:00-2:00pm $320 6-12yrs Mon 2/20 9:00am-12:00pm $135
This class will feature outdoor education, athletics, and creativity centered around skateboarding. Program uses Intermediate Curriculum: Color Level Goals, ABC Skate Philosophy, and Skate Dollars for prizes. Students learn how to skateboard safely, correctly, and respectfully. Intermediate skaters focus on Pop, Scoop, Spin, Slide, Grind and Flip.
Skateboard, Helmet & Pads Required.
Instructor: Pacific Skate School Valley Park
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6-12yrs Tue 1/10-1/31 3:30-5:00pm $240
6-12yrs Sat 1/14-2/4 10:00am-12:00pm $320
6-12yrs Sun 1/15-2/5 12:00-2:00pm $320
6-12yrs Tue 2/14-3/7 3:30-5:00pm $240
6-12yrs Sat 2/18-3/11 10:00am-12:00pm $320
6-12yrs Sun 2/19-3/12 12:00-2:00pm $320
Participants will learn dribbling, passing, defense, and shooting goals! Fun skill games are played at every session and every participant will have a ball at their feet. Smallsided soccer matches will be introduced gradually. Perfect for first time participants while being fun and engaging for those with some experience. All participants receive a Kidz Love Soccer jersey! Shin guards are required after the first meeting.
Instructor: Kidz Love Soccer Miller Park
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
5-6yrs Fri 1/27-3/10 3:30-4:15pm $154 5-6yrs Sat 1/28-3/11 3:00-3:45pm $154
A great introduction to competitive soccer, this class teaches advanced skill building such as dribbling, passing, and shooting in a team format, as well as an introduction to goal-tending. Participants will scrimmage and learn to play together as a team. From defense and midfield to forward and goalie, participants get exposure to playing every position and have a blast doing it. Appropriate for players of varying skill levels. Best of all, each participant receives a Kidz Love Soccer jersey! Soccer 2: Skillz and Scrimmages classes are 45-minutes long, and meet once a week.
Instructor: Kidz Love Soccer Miller Park
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees 5-6yrs Sat 1/28-3/11 2:15-3:00pm $154
Soccer Stars United Soccer Stars United, the advanced program for Soccer Stars is a competitive program by description. The class is developmental in nature. The primary objectives focus on technical improvement and confidence building. Licensed and experienced coaches follow the Soccer Stars United curriculum components to help each participant achieve individual milestones while fostering long-term group and team development in a harmonious environment. Soccer ball required.
Instructor: Super Soccer Stars Miller Park
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
4-8yrs Sat 1/14-3/11 9:50-10:50am $225
Super Soccer Stars teaches soccer skills in a fun, noncompetitive, and educational environment. Through an age-specific curriculum, soccer is used to nurture, build self-confidence, and develop teamwork. Low child-tocoach ratios and positive reinforcement ensures each child improves at their pace while having a blast. Soccer ball required.
Instructor: Super Soccer Stars
Miller Park
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
5-7yrs Sat 1/14-3/11 11:00am-12:00pm $225 7-10yrs Sat 1/14-3/11 12:05-1:05pm $225 5-7yrs Sat 1/14-3/11 12:15-1:15pm $225
Learn from a former member of the USA Developmental program and pro-beach volleyball player. This elite training covers both basic skills and advanced techniques in setting, hitting, blocking, and serving. Also, learn positioning and strategies for team play. All skill levels welcome!
Instructor: Marlene Kuo-Morinaga
Robert R. Ovrom Park
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
6-12yrs Wed 1/11-3/8 5:30-6:30pm $179
Learn fundamental movement skills and build overall motor skills. This course is designed for participants to learn fundamental concepts of basketball. The program focuses on technique through the use of activities that subsequently help build on each other, helping participants to gradually increase their ability to do the basic skill to help them play the sport of basketball.
Instructor: Isaac Rosas
Miller Park
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
4-5yrs Wed 1/11-2/1 5:05-5:40pm $89 4-5yrs Fri 2/15-3/8 5:05-5:40pm $89
This course will focus on dribbling, passing, shot technique and teamwork. Adjustable hoops and appropriately sized basketballs are used to always provide just the right amount of challenge. The children will soon explore the sport of Basketball with a variety of activities and games the program has in play.
Instructor: Isaac Rosas Miller Park
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
5-7yrs Wed 1/11-2/1 3:30-4:15pm $89 5-7yrs Fri 2/15-3/8 3:30-4:15pm $89
The Level 3 course is aimed to improve large motor skills, spatial awareness, and teamwork. This class will be more advanced as the instructor focuses on agility, drills, and teaching children how to perform under pressure of the clock and their opponents. Drills are focused on more complex activities that include fast breaks, coordinated offensive plays, and multiple defensive structures. Your child will learn explosives plays, improve their footwork and develop their range and accuracy of shooting.
Instructor: Isaac Rosas Miller Park
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
8-11yrs Wed 1/11-2/1 4:15-5:00pm $89 8-11yrs Fri 2/15-3/8 4:15-5:00pm $89
Create “old world” painted tiles in the style of Majorca. Choose a project from many samples or design an original pattern! Participants will paint, glaze and finish several tiles during the 4 weeks of classes. Instructor provides all materials needed, and will fire your finished work off site. This class is fun and very creative for teens, as well as adults.
A $16 material fee is due to instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Margo Gravelle
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
14+yrs Fri 1/20-2/10 9:30am-12:00pm $74
This class is for the advanced/intermediate artist who wants to explore further the many techniques of watercolor painting. A demo & critique is given each week on class and individual paintings. A supply list is available at the Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center.
A $15 material fee is due to instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Pam McDonald
Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Mon 1/9-3/6 10:00am-12:00pm $120 18+yrs Mon 1/9-3/6 2:00-4:00pm $120
Participants will explore different ways of drawing utilizing various materials. Great for beginner or intermediate participants. Classes will explore different aspects of perspective drawing, composition, texture, and value studies. Participants are required to have items from a material list (contact the Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center). Advanced participants may provide and work on personal projects.
Instructor: Jack Paul Miller
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Tue 1/10-2/14 11:00am-1:00pm $85
With Fine Arts Basics, you will learn to draw and paint what you want. With over two decades of teaching adults and teens, the class will teach you techniques designed to help you identify and correct errors in your artwork enabling you to become the artist you want to be.
Instructor: Kevin McCants
Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
13+yrs Thu 1/12-3/10 9:30am-12:00pm $150
This is a step by step instruction. Participants will explore painting different subjects, using different techniques of watercolor painting, with brushes and color mixing. A supply list is available at the Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center.
A $10 material fee is due to instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Pam McDonald
Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Wed 1/11-3/8 3:30-5:00pm $115
Through the power of nature art journaling, participants will discover that creativity, wellness, and nature go hand in hand. Participants will create art and writings in their journals, craft art from nature, enhance their observational skills, go on short nature walks, and learn about local wildlife. Most importantly, participants will experience the restorative effect of nature. All art levels welcomed; the only requirement is an appreciation and love for nature!
Instructor: Recreation Staff
Stough Canyon Nature Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
14+yrs Fri 1/13-2/24 4:00-5:30pm $90
Participants will explore various methods of hand construction with high fire stoneware clay. Pinch, slab, coil techniques, and introduction to glazing will be covered. No pottery wheel instruction.
Instructor: Frances Kissel-Powell
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Thu 1/12-3/9 1:00-4:00pm $125
Beginner: Participants will explore various methods of hand construction with high fire stoneware clay. Pinch, slab and coil techniques, and introduction to glazing will be covered. No pottery wheel instruction.
Intermediate: Classes will include individual instruction in the techniques of wheel throwing, hand building, and glazing. Participants will expand upon their knowledge of what was taught in Beginner/Intermediate classes.
Instructor: Jack Paul Miller, Deborah Jenkins, Jay Ribeiro
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Mon 1/9-3/6 10:30am-1:30pm $125
18+yrs Mon 1/9-3/6 2:00-5:00pm $125
18+yrs Mon 1/9-3/6 6:00-9:00pm $125
18+yrs Tue 1/10-3/7 6:00-9:00pm $125
18+yrs Tue 1/10-3/7 9:30am-12:30pm $125
18+yrs Tue 1/10-3/7 1:30-4:30pm $125
This class is designed for beginning through advanced pottery participants. Beginners will explore the basics in pottery making, while intermediate/advanced participants may work on their projects with technical assistance from the instructor, if desired. Materials list required for beginning participants.
Instructor: Michael Hirsh
Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees 18+yrs Fri 1/13-3/10 4:00-7:00pm $125
Classes will include individual instruction in the techniques of wheel throwing, hand building, and glazing. Participants will expand upon their knowledge of what was taught in Beginner/Intermediate classes.
NO PRODUCTION POTTERY ALLOWED. Prerequisite: Beginning/Intermediate
Instructor: Deborah Jenkins Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Thu 1/12-3/9 6:00-9:00pm $125
This class is for beginners to advanced participants. Beginners will learn basic pottery making and glazing techniques, while intermediate/advanced participants can work independently with individual instruction, if desired. Wheel instruction will be available for all.
Instructor: Michael Hirsh
Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Thu 1/12-3/9 9:30am-12:30pm $125
Intermediate and advanced participants will expand on throwing and hand building skills, develop individual style, and work on personal projects. Classes will include individual instruction as desired and exploration of ideas for surface decoration. Participants will not be taught wheel throwing.
Prerequisite: Beginner/Intermediate.
Instructor: Tina McKenzie
Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
14+yrs Wed 1/11-3/8 9:30am-12:30pm $125
Come experience the wonders of making pottery. This class is for beginners to advanced participants. Beginners will learn the basics of pottery and glazing while intermediate and advanced students can work independently, with 1 on 1 instruction as needed. Wheel throwing instruction will be available to all participants.
Instructor: Michael Law
Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Wed 1/11-3/8 6:00-9:00pm $125
Throw, trim, and glaze in this comprehensive class. This class is designed to help beginner to advanced participants develop individual pottery skills. Basic and advanced glazing techniques will be taught. Hand builders are also welcome. Material list required for beginning participants (contact the Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center). Wheel instruction will be available for all.
Instructor: Michael Hirsh
Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Wed 1/11-3/8 1:00-4:00pm $125
Learn to spin yarn using a hand spindle or spinning wheel. Learn to prepare fiber for spinning and how to ply yarn for use in knitting, crochet, or weaving. Equipment provided or bring your own.
A $8-$15 material fee is due to the instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Anna Zinsmeister
Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Thu 1/12-3/2 5:45-8:45pm $100
Learn the techniques of weaving including: inkle, rigid heddle, and four shaft loom weaving. Try them all, then choose your favorite and make projects such as scarves, placement, bags, camera straps, and belts. Equipment provided or bring your own.
Instructor: Anna Zinsmeister
Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Wed 1/11-3/1 5:45-8:45pm $100
You will explore the latest Country Line Dances as well as old favorites. Country Music and Contemporary Rock Music used. We give you the tools to take what we teach in class to the dance floor. Come enjoy a fun evening. You might even make some new friends.
Instructor: Ruth Welch
McCambridge Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Fri 1/13-3/10 7:00-9:00pm $40
Tone and train from home to Egyptian pop music. Practice basic rhythms and zill patterns, veil moves, and dance combos. This class is geared towards those with some experience, but all are welcome to join.
Instructor: Alison Dreyer
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
13+yrs Mon 1/9-3/6 7:00-8:00pm $80
This class is paced for intermediate and advanced level Hula dancers. Enjoy dancing to some of our old and new favorites, continue working on our dances from the previous session, and learn a new dance. Come for fun, exercise, friendship, and “Aloha.”
Note: All levels are welcome, but dancers familiar with basic Hula step patterns and good Hula form will have a more enjoyable experience.
Instructor: Shari Ward
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Mon 1/9-3/6 7:00-8:30pm $70
This class is designed for participants wanting to learn tap or review and improve tap dancing techniques. This beginner class will start with basic steps, then move into simple routines that string the steps together as the class progresses. Come learn to tap to a vast genre of music ranging from Broadway to Pop and have some fun. Tap shoes are recommended.
Instructor: Michelle Shirtcliff Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Fri 1/13-3/10 7:00-8:00pm $100
Learn traditional and comprehensive martial art skills such as striking, take downs, joint locking, escapes, and weapon defense applications for threat relevant responses. Class also includes traditional functional healing arts. Minimum age for registration is 18 years old. Open to brown belt above or instructor approval.
A $35 association fee due to the instructor on the first day of class. Instructor: Ray Scholl Verdugo Park
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Sun 1/22-3/5 1:15-3:30pm $25
Learn traditional and comprehensive martial arts skills such as striking, throwing, joint locking, kicking, escaping, grappling, and weapon defense applications (sticks, knife, gun, staff, sword, cord, and others) as well as functional healing arts. Continuing participants potentially advance through black belt ranks.
A $35 association fee is due to the instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Ray Scholl Verdugo Park
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
Discover how science and strategy overcome size and strength on a path to self-mastery and a healthy lifestyle. A comprehensive curriculum covers kicking, punching, grappling, weapons defenses, and forms passed down for centuries. The class is great for getting naturally fit and instilling intuitive reflexes. Training promotes confidence, fitness, and mental focus; while the class structure instills discipline and respect, offering the best mix of traditional structure, modern training, and practical self-defense.
A $59 new participant start-up fee is due to the instructor on the first day of class. This includes a uniform.
Instructor: Masters in Motion
McCambridge Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
13+yrs Tue 1/10-3/7 6:45-7:30pm $129
13+yrs Sat 1/14-3/11 10:00-10:45am $129
The “Bo” staff is one of the oldest and most versatile tools in martial arts. It is a very adaptive instrument that serves as a natural extension of the body and aids in building self-defense and improvisational skills. Training provides a full body workout and develops flexibility, coordination, strength, and balance.
A $69 new participant start-up fee is due to the instructor on the first day of class. This includes a uniform and equipment.
Instructor: Masters in Motion
McCambridge Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
13+yrs Thu 1/12-3/9 6:00-6:45pm $129
Learn the classical art of the “Katana” (Japanese Sword), made famous by Samurai and Ninjas. This dynamic class covers all aspects of “Kenjutsu” (swordsmanship), including “Iaido” (quick draw), “Bokken- jutsu” (practical exchange), and “Kendo” (dynamic application). Training develops a stronger body, focused mind, and quick improvisational skills.
A $69 new participant start-up fee is due to the instructor on the first day of class. This includes a uniform and equipment.
Instructor: Masters in Motion McCambridge Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
13+yrs Thu 1/12-3/9 6:45-7:30pm $129
Explore the mystique of classical martial arts implements on your quest for self-mastery. Dynamic classes offer a balanced mix of traditional training and modern selfdefense application. Curriculum covers a wide variety including Sai, Tonfa, Kama and Nunchaku (alternating each session). Training develops improvisational skills, strong body, flexibility and peaceful attitude. New Student start-up fee of $69 includes uniform and equipment due to instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Masters in Motion McCambridge Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees 13+yrs Sat 1/14-3/11 10:45-11:30am $129
T’ai Chi Ch’uan is an ancient Chinese Internal Martial Art. Refined into a meditative practice, it promotes wellbeing, reduces stress, tones muscles, and strengthens the immune system. With regular practice, participants may attain improved health, flexibility, coordination and will eventually develop instinctive self-defense skills. This class explores traditional Yang and Tung style forms.
*Wednesday class is for the Intermediate level. Students must know the Yang Style Long Form sequence.
Instructor: Dede Nardini, Rita Lisa Sinkoski
Verdugo Park
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Mon 1/9-3/6 6:45-8:00pm $88 18+yrs Wed 1/11-3/8 9:30-10:45am $112 18+yrs Fri 1/13-3/10 9:30-10:45am $112
Run by actors living and working in Hollywood. Participants will learn different acting and camera techniques. Each week they will work on a variety of different scenes to develop characters to be as truthful as possible and get them ready for the real audition. By the final week, participants will learn a scene to be filmed and emailed to them. Included are tips on getting managers and agents.
A $10 material fee is due to instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Off the Beaten Track Productions
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
16+yrs Tue 1/10-2/28 6:15-7:15pm $235
This class is for both beginners and intermediates. Beginners will explore the basics: cast on, knit and purl stitch, ribbing, binding off, fringing, and weaving in ends.
Intermediate participants will explore pattern reading, shaping, increasing/decreasing, lace, cable, and more.
Instructor: Alisa Mirkhanian
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
13+yrs Mon 1/9-2/27 10:00am-12:00pm $85
13+yrs Mon 1/9-2/27 6:00-8:00pm $85
Help make your pet a more well-mannered companion. Classes will focus on skills including: sit, down, stay, come, heel, and dog-to-dog socialization. Learn techniques for such common issues as jumping, barking, destructive chewing, etc.
Instructor: Melissa Lopez-Munoz
Verdugo Park
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Sat 1/14-2/25 10:30-11:30am $180
This safe, fun, and effective workout uses water exercises to build muscle and reduce body fat with little or no impact to joints … all done in a heated pool to fun and energizing music. The water offers a heavier resistance than air, so participants can experience a challenging workout while the buoyancy takes away most or all of the impact to bones and joints!
Optional: bring aquatic fitness gloves to increase resistance.
Instructor: Karen Eldridge
Verdugo Aquatic Facility
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Thu 1/12-2/2 6:30-7:30pm $34 18+yrs Sat 1/14-2/4 10:30-11:30am $34 18+yrs Thu 2/16-3/9 6:30-7:30pm $34 18+yrs Sat 2/18-3/11 10:30-11:30am $34
Come for graceful dance conditioning, isometrics, and interval training using balls, bands, and light weights to increase heart rate while deeply sculpting arms, abs, booty, and thighs, plus improve posture! Participants will have the option of using a chair instead of the barre if preferred. Bring a 1lb or 2lb weights and yoga mat.
A $20 material fee is due to instructor on the first day of class if you do not have a mini ball and band.
Instructor: Karen Eldridge
Robert R. Ovrom Community Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Wed 1/11-3/8 7:30-8:30pm $63 18+yrs Sat 1/14-3/11 10:00-11:00am $63
A music-driven weight and mat class that has it all! Constant movement on the mat combining aspects of functional training, dance, and body-flow workouts. It is a fun and challenging total-body program that will leave you long, lean, and drenched! Bring a mat. One (1lb) or two (2lbs) pound weights optional, but please do not bring weights that are heavier as they are not appropriate for this format.
Instructor: Karen Eldridge
McCambridge Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Mon 1/9-3/6 6:30-7:30pm $49
Get incredible results in less time! This class is a great mix of low or high impact cardio training and lightweight body sculpting that burns fat and builds lean muscle. Improve your posture, balance, and flexibility. Increase your overall strength, speed up your metabolism, and increase your joint mobility. Get fit, feel great, and have some fun! Modifications are given for all fitness levels. Let’s get fit and healthy together.
Instructor: Michelle Wilson
Verdugo Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Mon 1/9-3/6 9:00-9:30am $52
18+yrs Wed 1/11-3/8 9:00-9:30am $67
18+yrs Fri 1/13-3/10 9:00-9:30am $67
No bags, no gloves, just a fat-torching killer workout! This dynamic cardio-centric format is choreographed using martial arts inspired movement set to the rhythmic backdrop of heart-thumping beats. All levels welcome. Come join the fun. Improve coordination, build stamina, burn lots of calories, and HAVE A BLAST while you do it. Bring a mat, a towel, and LOTS OF WATER because this class will leave you sweaty and pumped.
Instructor: Karen Eldridge
Robert R. Ovrom Community
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Wed 1/11-3/8 6:30-7:30pm $63
18+yrs Sat 1/14-3/11 9:00-10:00am $63
Get fit, build lean muscle, and see results! This ultimate cardio and body sculpting class incorporates fat-burning, super-fun, and easy-to-follow circuits that will give you a TOTAL BODY WORKOUT! Improve your balance, posture, and joint mobility. This energizing class will transform your abs, back, buns, thighs, and arms. Modifications for all fitness levels will keep you safe, smiling, and having fun. Class ends with a relaxing stretch to send you on your way. Please bring a mat.
Instructor: Michelle Wilson
Verdugo Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Tue 1/10-3/7 9:00-10:00am $99 18+yrs Thu 1/12-3/9 9:00-10:00am $99
Experience Pilates for an unparalleled TOTAL BODY workout! This class offers a unique blend of traditional Pilates and innovative exercises that will tone your abs, back, buns, thighs, and arms. Improve your balance, posture, flexibility, and overall strength. This cuttingedge workout is tailored for ALL FITNESS LEVELS. Modifications are given for beginners, emphasizing safety first for all. Bring a mat and let’s transform your body.
Instructor: Michelle Wilson Verdugo Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Mon 1/9-3/6 9:30-10:30am $99 18+yrs Wed 1/11-3/8 9:30-10:30am $125 18+yrs Fri 1/13-3/10 9:30-10:30am $125
McCambridge Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Tue 1/10-3/7 6:00-7:00pm $130 18+yrs Thu 1/12-3/9 6:00-7:00pm $130
An awesome, exhilarating, calorie-crunching workout that’s so much fun, you won’t even feel as though you’re working out. Easy to follow Latin and International dance routines combining fitness and dance steps (Salsa, Cha Cha, Merengue, Hip Hop, and more). Ditch the workout, join the party–try Zumba today.
Instructor: Bodygroove, Hollie Lee
Robert R. Ovrom Community Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Mon 1/9-3/6 6:00-7:00pm $70
18+yrs Tue 1/10-3/7 6:00-7:00pm $90
18+yrs Tue 1/10-3/7 9:00-10:00am $90
18+yrs Thu 1/12-3/9 6:00-7:00pm $90
18+yrs Thu 1/12-3/9 9:00-10:00am $90
In this class, participants will practice safe and accessible yoga postures and movements, as well as short breathing and meditation exercises, to reduce stress and anxiety, strengthen and stretch muscles, and release physical and mental tension.
Instructor: Shanchoy Mahajan Morris
Joslyn Adult Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Mon 1/9-3/6 6:30-7:30pm $80
18+yrs Thu 1/12-3/9 6:30-7:30pm $90
Participants in this Strong Vinyasa class will be led by an instructor who has been teaching yoga for over twenty years, and taught yoga to the lead cast of the James Bond film “Spectre.” You will be given an opportunity to both open and strengthen, through yoga postures and alignment cues to take your understanding and your practice further. You will have opportunities to arm balance, bind and fly your practice. Come ready for some fun! Bring your own mat and blocks if you use them.
Instructor: Anne Robinson
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Wed, Fri 1/11-3/10 10:00-11:15am $260
Class participants will be guided through a slow flow yoga class to move energy through the body, open up muscle and connective tissue and feel good in their body. Please supply your own yoga mat.
Instructor: Anne Robinson
Olive Recreation Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
16+yrs Tue 1/10-3/7 10:00-11:00am $130 16+yrs Thu 1/12-3/9 10:00-11:00am $130
Bring balance to the body and calm to the mind as you flow through a series of postures where you connect breath and movement. In this series we will cover well rounded sequences which include sun salutations, backbends, twists, forward folds, and postures to improve balance. All levels are welcome.
Instructor: Lorraine Schleich
Robert R. Ovrom Community Center
Age(s) Days Dates Times Fees
18+yrs Wed 1/11-3/8 9:30-10:30am $90
Abraham Lincoln Park
Bel Aire Ballfield
Brace Canyon Park
Compass Tree Park
DeBell Golf Club
Earthwalk Park
George Izay Park
Johnny Carson Park
Maple Street Playground
McCambridge Park
Miller Park
Mountain View Park
Larry L. Maxam Memorial Park
Palm Park
Ralph Foy Park
Robert E. Gross Park
Robert E. Lundigan Park
Robert R. Ovrom Park
Santa Anita Playlot
Stough Canyon Park
Valley Park
Verdugo Park
Vickroy Park
Whitnall Highway Park North Whitnall Highway Park South
Wildwood Canyon Park