55 & Beyond: Joslyn and Tuttle August Newsletter

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Happy August! We hope you’re enjoying summer so far and staying cool in this heat. If you ever need a place to cool down, come visit us at one of the centers. Enjoy the air conditioning and find something to do. Participate in an activity or help us finish one of our puzzles. If you can’t make it to one of our centers, you can learn other ways to stay safe when it’s too hot on the next page.

Bet Tzedek Legal Services will be stopping by Joslyn Adult Center on August 8. A Bet Tzedek community representative will be on-site to offer educational materials and answer general questions about their services. If you would like to know more about them or interested in legal help, we suggest you attend this presentation.

Tuttle Senior Center has some exciting things happening this month that you don’t want to miss out on. Any artists out there? Tuttle will have a Canvas Painting event with Luis and Alina on August 16. Tuttle will also be providing haircuts by Marissa at no charge. You can learn more about these events and more inside this issue. Many of you have been inquiring about day trips. We are working out all the details and should have more information soon. There are a few open volunteer spots to help with trips. If you are interested, you can talk to Alison at the front desk or call 818.238.5353.

Looking ahead to September, save the date for Thursday, September 28. Rock-a-Hula will be making a return at McCambridge Pool. It was a great time last year. We can’t wait to see you all again this year.

As always, if you have feedback, ideas or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to let us know! These are your centers, and we hope to see you soon.

Joslyn Adult Center

Wednesday, August 23 1:00pm

Agendas are posted 72 hours prior to the meeting and can be found on the bulletin board on the backside of City Hall and online at BurbankCA.gov

FACILITY HOURS 1301 W Olive Ave Burbank, CA 91506 (818) 238-5353 MON-THUR FRI SAT SUN 8AM - 8PM 8AM - 6PM 9AM - 1PM 12PM - 4PM JOSLYN ADULT CENTER FACILITY HOURS 1731 N Ontario St Burbank, CA 91505 (818) 238-5367 MON - FRI SAT SUN 9AM - 2:30PM CLOSED CLOSED TUTTLE SENIOR CENTER

Hot Weather Safety Tips For Older Adults

While summer brings us warmth and bloom, prolonged exposure to excessive heat in summer months can be dangerous. This is especially true for older adults. Every summer, more than 600 Americans die of health problems caused by excessive heat and humidity. Older adults and individuals with chronic medical conditions are at high risk of developing heat-related illnesses, because of aging-related physical changes in the body, chronic health conditions, and even effects of taking some medications.

Staying Safe When It’s Too Hot

When the temperature climbs above 80°F, older adults need to be proactive and take precautions to avoid ailments due to excessive heat. Keep in mind the following tips when trying to stay cool.

• Stay away from direct sun exposure as much as possible. If possible, plan your outdoor activities either early in the morning or when the sun starts to set.

• Air conditioning is your friend in summer. Spend as much time as possible in air-conditioned spaces. If you don’t have an air conditioner, go somewhere that is air-conditioned. For example, read a book at the library, walk around in indoor malls, watch that new movie at the theater, or meet your friends at the senior center. (Note: The federal Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps adults 65 and older who have limited incomes cover the cost of air conditioners and utility bills. To reach your state’s LIHEAP program, call 1-866-674-6327.)

• Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of cool water, clear juices, and other liquids that don’t contain alcohol or caffeine. Alcohol and caffeine cause you to lose water in your body by making you urinate more.

• Dress appropriately. Whenever you can, try wearing loose, light-colored clothes. Avoid dark-colored clothes as they may absorb heat. Top it off with a lightweight, broad-brimmed hat and you are dressing like a pro! These simple changes will help you both stay cool and avoid sunburn.

• Did someone say sunburn? Buy a broad spectrum sunscreen lotion or spray with sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher. Apply the sunscreen liberally to all exposed skin. Also, bugs are abundant in summer, so spray insect repellent when going outdoors.

• Cool down! Take tepid (not too cold or too hot) showers, baths, or sponge baths when you’re feeling warm. Don’t have the time? Then wet washcloths or towels with cool water and put them on your wrists, ankles, armpits, and neck.

2023 AGS Health in Aging Foundation



2nd Thursday at Joslyn 4:00pm-6:00pm

The goal of BUW is to promote education and intellectual growth through furnishing college scholarships to graduates of Burbank high schools. The group invites all women over 55 who have completed 60 units or more of college work to apply for membership. Activities currently include monthly meetings with refreshments and interesting speakers, book club, dining group, day trips, and fundraising activities. For membership information, please call Jeri Primm at (818) 843-2610 or Jan Irvin at (626) 287-8443. BUW will return to Joslyn starting Thursday, September 14.


Tuesdays at Joslyn 2:00pm-3:00pm

T’ai Chi Chih is not a martial art but rather a tool for selfhealing. Softness, flow and effortless are guiding principles in this practice. The 19 movements and one pose are designed to stimulate, circulate and balance the vital energy of universal life force, referred to as Qi, which is inherent in all of us. T’ai Chi Chih is often thought of as a moving mediation because of the calming effect on the mind and emotions, and the release of tension throughout


2nd Thursday at Joslyn 1:00pm-2:00pm

Come on the 2nd Thursday of every month to make five different greeting cards or papercrafts! You’ll move from station to station, using a sample as a guide, to create your own masterpieces. The five items you will make each month will differ by season, theme, and event; including but not limited to: birthday cards, get well cards, thank you notes, and/or paper crafts, based on upcoming holidays. Each class is $5 and includes all project materials. However, each participant is responsible for providing their own scissors and adhesive. Join Linda in the Greeting Card/Papercraft class to make one-of-a-kind cards and crafts for you, your family, and friends.

the body. This class is held inside.

(818) 238-5367

An education program presented by the Alzheimer’s Association®


Alzheimer’s causes changes in memory, thinking and behavior that are not normal aging.

Join us to learn about:

» The difference between normal aging and Alzheimer’s.

» Common warning signs.

» The importance of early detection and benefits of diagnosis.

» Next steps and expectations for the diagnostic process.

» Alzheimer’s Association resources.

City of Burbank Parks and Recreation DepartmentSenior Services Section Wednesday, August 16th 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Joslyn Adult Center 1301 W Olive Ave. Burbank, CA 91506

Visit alz.org/CRF to explore additional education programs online and in your area.

W e d n e s d a y , A u g u s t 1 6 , 2 0 2 3 a t 1 0 : 0 0 a m D o n T u t t l e S e n i o r C e n t e r 1 7 3 1 N . O n t a r i o B u r b a n k , C A 9 1 5 1 0 ( 8 1 8 ) 2 3 8 - 5 3 6 7 R S V P B y A u g u s t 4 t h C i t y o f B u r b a n k P a r k s a n d R e c r e a t i o n D e p a r t m e n t - S e n i o r S e r v i c e s
Canvas Painting With
California Southland Chapter 13255547


Join us for a presentation on several aspects of Retirement Planning for those approaching or in retirement.

Topics include:

• Social Security (Filing strategies, eligibility, etc.)

• Taxes (What changes in retirement? What sources to draw from?)

• Medicare (Enrollment periods, plan types, avoiding fees)

Tuesday, August 29 10:00am RSVP 818.238.5353

Our August 2023 trip is scheduled for Friday, August 18. We will be traveling to the Los Angeles Public Library’s Central Branch in Downtown Los Angeles. Celebrating over 150 years of service, the Los Angeles Public Library serves the largest and most diverse urban population in the country. The Central Library is both a major architectural landmark and a leading public research library. Currently on display is a photography exhibit called ‘LAPL 250 - Our Story is Yours’. We are limited to the number of travelers we may take with us so SIGN UP

sign a Metro waiver form at time of trip. have a BSAC (w/ B-BUS sticker) to ride the have a current Metro TAP card with stored sign up with Barbara DeVall or Maria Kerrigan

Bring a hat and a bottle of water since we will be out in Bring cash/credit card for lunch. You may also bring a

Meet at the Joslyn Adult Center main desk at 8:45am. We will return to Joslyn Adult Center at approximately

If you are interested in joining, please contact Barbara or Maria Kerrigan 818.972.9257


OTMRC Travel Buddy for Joslyn Adult Center

The Foundation for Senior Services and Senior Specialists Group (SSG) presents

Quality Eating = Quality Aging

Monday, August 28 at 11:00am

Topics to include:

• Define Nutrition

• Discuss Malnutrition

• Discuss Good Nutrition and Healthy Eating

• Discuss Commercial “Diets”

• Discuss Supplements

• Discuss Inflammation and “Inflammaging”

• Discuss Brain Health and Nutrition

RSVP - 818.238.5353 H A I R C U T S F O R S E N I O R S B Y M A R I S S A C O S M E T O L O G I S T L I C # K K 5 4 7 6 4 9 N o c h a r g e T i p s a r e o p t i o n a l A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 3 1 0 : 0 0 A M - 1 : 3 0 P M D O N T U T T L E S E N I O R C E N T E R 1 7 3 1 N . O n t a r i o B u r b a n k , C A 9 1 5 0 1 ( 8 1 8 ) 2 3 8 - 5 3 6 7 R . S . V . P B y A u g u s t 1 8 t h B y a p p o i n t m e n t o n l y C i t y o f B u r b a n k P a r k s a n d R e c r e a t i o n D e p a r t m e n t - S e n i o r S e r v i c e s
Jason Thomas is a Certified Financial Planner who teaches the Retirement Planning course at UCLA Extension. He has over fifteen years of experience as a financial planner and is currently the base Personal Financial Counselor at Los Angeles Air Force Base in El Segundo.
1 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 9 10 11 12 14 13 15 16 17 18 19 21 20 22 23 24 25 26 28 27 29 30 9:15am - Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament 10:30amMedicationsWhat You Need to Know to be Safe 9:15am - Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament 10:00am - Haircuts for Seniors by Marissa*** 11:00am - Quality Eating = Quality Aging Presentation 10:00amWelcome Health Healthcare Services Presentation 10:00am - Young At Heart Club 9:30am - Hearing Screening*** 6:30pm - Coin Club 10:00amRetirement Planning Presentation 1:00pm - Greeting Card/ Papercraft Class 9:00amAlzheimer’s Support Group 10:30am - Young At Heart Ice Cream Social 1:00pm - T-Shirt Painting Class 8:45am - Metro OTMRC Trip*** 9:00amAlzheimer’s Support Group 10:00am - Line Dance Workshop (Advanced) 10:00am - Line Dance Workshop (Advanced) 11:00am - Fall Risk Assessments 9:30am - Notary Services*** 10:00am - Canvas Painting with Luis & Alina*** 11:00am - 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s 10:00am Bet Tzedek Legal Services Presentation = Tuttle Senior Center = Joslyn Adult Center 31 *** = Appointment/RSVP must be made
MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 2 3 4 Baked Chicken Turkey & Cheese Chicken Tostada Frozen Meal with Gravy Lettuce & Tomato Pinto Beans Apple Butternut Squash Dill Pea Salad Spanish Brown Rice Whole Grain Bread Wild Rice Cantaloupe Orange Mango & Papaya Whole Grain Bread Corn Tortillas 7 8 9 10 11 7 Bean Soup Pork Tenderloin Salmon Salad: Romaine, BBQ Beef Sandwich Frozen Meal Chicken Salad with Gravy Cucumber, Shredded Roasted Potatoes Pear Spinach & Tomato Sweet Potato Carrot, Salmon, Quinoa Peas Corn Muffin Coleslaw Zucchini Italian Dressing Mandarin Cup Orange Banana Mango & Papaya Whole Grain Bun Whole Grain Crackers Whole Grain Roll Whole Grain Roll 14 15 16 17 18 Beef Barley Soup Chicken Parmesan Egg Salad Pork Carnitas Frozen Meal Chef Salad: Romaine, over Spaghetti Spinach & Tomato Onion & Cilantro Mango Turkey, Egg, Carrot, Broccoli Coleslaw Pinto Beans Bell Pepper, Cheese Peaches Banana Spanish Rice Ranch Dressing Garlic Bread Whole Grain Bun Orange Whole Grain Tortilla 21 22 23 24 25 Lentil Soup Pepper Steak Sandwich Winter Confetti Salad: Turkey Chili Frozen Meal Tuna Salad Corn Kale, Romaine, Chicken, Baked Potato Strawberries Spring Mix Cantaloupe Red Onion, Craberries, Carrots Whole Grain Bread Tomato Whole Grain Hoagie Quinoa, Feta, Mixed Fruit Cup Beet Salad Balsamic Vinaigrette Whole Grain Roll Orange Apple Whole Grain Bun 28 29 30 31 Split Pea Soup Pork Chop with Gravy Roast Beef & Cheese Orange Chicken Frozen Meal Mediterranean Pasta Roasted Potatoes Lettuce & Tomato Snap Peas Pineapple Cup Salad: Chicken, Romaine, Butternut Squash Carrot Slaw Brown Rice Apple Juice
Cucumber, Banana Orange Cantaloupe Corn Muffin
Pepper, Garbanzo Grape Juice Whole Grain Bread
Italian Dressing Whole Grain Bread
Papaya Whole Grain Roll ☺ Milk Served with every meal ☺ ♦Menu Subject to Change Without Notice♦ Joslyn Adult Center McCambridge Recreation Center Tuttle Center 1301 W. Olive Ave. 1515 N Glenoaks Blvd 1731 N Ontario St 818.238.5357 818.238.5365 818.238.5367 The
Me a ls s e rv e d 1 1 AM - 1 2 PM a t t he following loc a t ions :
Senior Nutrition Program is funded, in part or in whole, by the Los Angeles County Department of Aging



The City of Burbank Nutrition Program is practicing a Hybrid Meal Distribution. All three nutrition sites are now open for dinein! However, program participants may choose to take their meals to-go.

• 5 meals are served each week: 2 hot meals, 2 cold meals, and 1 frozen meal alongside milk, juice, fruit, and bread.

• Tables are sanitized; disposable utensils are provided.

• Bringing a cooler or insulated bag is encouraged.

• Patrons must first enroll in the program to reserve their meals.


The City of Burbank Home Delivered Meals Program provides homebound individuals with:

• 5 to 7 nutritious meals per week in addition to milk, juice, fruit and bread

• Voluntary suggested donation is $3.00

The HDM Program is currently accepting applications. To qualify, applicants must be:

• A Burbank resident

• At least 60 years of age

• Evaluated by staff to determine need and eligibility

For more information and/or enrollment, please call (818) 238-5366.

The mission of the Elderly Nutrition Program is to improve the well-being of older adults and help older adults remain independent and in their communities by providing nutritious meals and socialization.

To enroll in the meal program, call the location from which you would like to pick up. After application, a start date will be given. Must be 60+ to qualify. Suggested $2 donation.

The menu writing specifications and requirements are developed by the County of Los Angeles Area Agency on Aging. This helps facilitate the menu writing process annually and encourages agencies and caterers to meet the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) included in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 20202025. The menu is set for a six week cycle. The approved menu by the Los Angeles County dietitian assists us and our project dietitian in providing nutritious, appetizing, and high quality meals for our seniors.


Get a Taste of Healthy Eating by joining the CalFresh Healthy Living Eat Healthy, Be Active! 4-week Workshop Series.

Learn more about nutrition and physical activity PLUS LIVE FOOD DEMONSTRATIONS.

FREE GIVEAWAYS FOR THOSE THAT ATTEND. ---------------------------------------------

Dates: Fridays - August 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm

Location: Joslyn Adult Center- Hazel Walker Dining room

TOPICS TAUGHT BY A REGISTERED DIETITIAN & INCLUDE: Budget friendly eating tips. How to prepare healthy, quick meals and snacks. Ways to include exercise into your day. Helpful food facts.

Limited Spaces Available. Sign up today!

To sign up contact (Ruby Bhari at 818 238 5357) or email CFHL@foodsafe.com

Virtual classes also available. For more information email CFHL@foodsafe.com

NUTRITION This institution is an equal opportunity provider Visit CalFreshHealthyLiving.org for healthy tips. CNS/RQA/CA Inc. (10/2022)



Bet Tzedek is a non-profit organization that aims to help improve the safety and quality of life for older adults.


Burbank Bus Senior & Disabled Transit provides transportation service to Burbank residents age 60 or over or disabled (with doctor’s certification). This service offers efficient, comfortable, and reliable transportation within the City of Burbank. Reservations are required. For more information and updated hours of operation, contact: (818) 238-5360.

Need assistance with the following issues:

Abuse/safety concerns


Consumer issues/fraud

Employment issue or IRS dispute

Foreclosure/real estate fraud

Health care directives/advance planning

Housing conditions/discrimination

IHSS (in-home support) disputes

Landlord-tenant issues

Public benefits




1st Wednesday of the month from 9:00am-11:00am

Appointments are strongly recommended, call 818.238.5353. Walk-ins if time permits.

Need help with your cell phone or tablet?

Make an appointment with one of our Gadget Tutors. Call 818.238.5353

AUGUST WORD SEARCH ANSWERS COMING IN SEPTEMBER Thursday, September 28 McCambridge Pool - 1515 N Glenoaks Blvd FREE EVENT for Adults 55+ Registration is now open! Register at Joslyn Adult Center or online at www.BurbankParks.com. @Burbank_ParksAndRec @BurbankParksAndRecreation 818.238.5366 www.BurbankCA.gov/Adults55 BURBANK NUTRITION SERVICES HOME DELIVERED MEAL PROGRAM VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! If you are interested, please contact us: BurbankNutrition@BurbankCA.gov | 818.238.5366 VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENTS • Enthusiastic and friendly people looking to make a change • Must have reliable transportation and proof of insurance • Live Scan fingerprinting screening • NCSI screening National Center for Safety Initiative GENERAL INFORMATION • Monday–Friday • One a week, once a month, or whenever your time permits • 10-12 meals each route • Meal Delivery between 10:30AM–1:00PM • Pick up meals at McCambridge Park UPCOMING DATES September 2  - Johnny Carson Park October 7  - Mountain View Park For more information BurbankCA.gov/DIGBurbank | 818.238.5370 VOLUNTEER for

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