Business Connect Magazine - February/March 2023

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THE UK’S BUSINESS TO BUSINESS MAGAZINE PICK UP YOUR FREE COPYBUSINESS BizConnectMag February/March 2023 The Northern Powerhouse Partnership Henri Murison, Chief Executive of the Northern Powerhouse Partnership, calls for renewed vigour in bridging the disparity between the North and South. He reviews the ongoing work supporting devolution across the North and the positive steps to achieve meaningful change. CONNECTING BUSINESSES ACROSS THE UK AND BEYOND Henri Murison, Chief Executive, The Northern Powerhouse Partnership.
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4 : NEWS

From across the UK and beyond.


News from across the sector.


News from the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce.


Celebrating the 16th anniversary of National Apprenticeship Week with Salford City College


Interview with Henri Murison, Chief Executive of The Northern Powerhouse Partnership


News from Liverpool Chamber of Commerce.

20 - 22 : EXPORTING

The importance of attending eventseditorial from Tony Goodman MBE.

24 : OUT & ABOUT

Networking across the region and beyond.


Review by Helen Bennett from The Business Network


A look at SMEs with KlickSense


Cutting edge retail tech with Nybble


Who says you’re the best? Article from Susan Leigh from Lifestyle Therapy


List of business networking events.


List of venues supporting business requirements.

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February/March 2023 3 BUSINESS connect MAGAZINE contents welcome to the latest edition of Business Connect Magazine and join a fantastic forum for connecting businesses across all sectors and regions. Business Connect Magazine is a dynamic independent business to business bi-monthly magazine that is crammed full of business news, articles, interviews and regular columnists. The magazine connects businesses across the UK and beyond, and is completely free. PUBLISHED BY Business Connect Publishing Ltd, 8 Eastway, Sale, M33 4DX Tel: 0161 969 8632 Email: DESIGNED, EDITED AND PUBLISHED BY Jon Cheetham, Paul Mirage. ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS Nybble IT support.
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Bank of England raise interest rates to 4%

amid a slowing in global demand. Many central banks have continued to tighten monetary policy, although market pricing indicates reductions in policy rates further ahead.

“UK domestic inflationary pressures have been firmer than expected. Both private sector regular pay growth and services CPI inflation have been notably higher than forecast in the November Monetary Policy Report.

prices falling out of the calculation of the annual rate. Annual CPI inflation is expected to fall to around 4% towards the end of this year, alongside a much shallower projected decline in output than in the November Report forecast.

In their ongoing battle to reduce inflation from currently 11% down to a target of 2%, The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) voted by a majority of 7–2 to increase Bank Rate by 0.5 percentage points, to 4%. Two members preferred to maintain Bank Rate at 3.5%.

The MPC offered the following

financial summary as a backdrop to their decision:

“Global consumer price inflation remains high, although it is likely to have peaked across many advanced economies, including in the UK.

“Wholesale gas prices have fallen recently and global supply chain disruption appears to have eased

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“The labour market remains tight by historical standards, although it has started to loosen and some survey indicators of wage growth have eased, alongside a gradual decline in underlying output. Given the lags in monetary policy transmission, the increases in Bank Rate since December 2021 are expected to have an increasing impact on the economy in the coming quarters.

“Near-term data developments will be crucial in assessing how quickly and to what extent external and domestic inflationary pressures will abate. The MPC’s updated projections show CPI inflation falling back sharply from its current very elevated level, of 10.5% in December, in large part owing to past increases in energy and other goods

“In the latest modal forecast, conditioned on a market-implied path for Bank Rate that rises to around 4½% in mid-2023 and falls back to just over 3¼% in three years’ time, an increasing degree of economic slack, alongside falling external pressures, leads CPI inflation to decline to below the 2% target in the medium term.

“There are considerable uncertainties around this medium-term outlook, and the Committee continues to judge that the risks to inflation are skewed significantly to the upside.

“The extent to which domestic inflationary pressures ease will depend on the evolution of the economy, including the impact of the significant increases in Bank Rate so far. There are considerable uncertainties around the outlook. We will continue to monitor closely indications of persistent inflationary pressures, and looking further ahead, the MPC will adjust Bank Rate as necessary.”

New appointments head up North West Business Leadership Team diversity groups

The North West Business Leadership Team (NWBLT) have announced a series of appointments that will oversee the organisation’s work going forward.

Stephen Church, EY Markets Leader for the North of England and Office Managing Partner for Manchester, has been appointed to the Board of the North West Business Leadership Team.

Joëlle Warren, Founder of Warren Partners, remains Deputy Chair of the NWBLT and will continue to champion the Team’s diversity work.

The NWBLT’s aspiring business leadership groups – the Rising Stars, which works to combat the challenges around gender inequality in the workplace by representing the female voice, and the Diversity Drivers, which comprises of Black and Asian aspiring business leader who are committed to advancing diversity and inclusion in the workplace, have welcomed refreshed leadership in 2023.

Warren Middleton, Manchester Office Senior Partner at KPMG, will be joining Sharon Amesu, Director of SA Consulting, as Co-Chair of the NWBLT’s Diversity Drivers. Khurram Hussain, Partner at Warren Partners, has been appointed as Deputy Chair of the group.

Kirsty Rogers, Global Head of ESG and Managing Partner of DWF Manchester Office, will be joining Adam Waller, Manchester Office Senior Partner at PWC, as Co-Chair of the Rising Stars Group with Nicola Kenyon, Partner at Warren Partners, appointed as Deputy Chair of the NWBLT’s Rising Stars.

news February/March 2023 4 BUSINESS connect MAGAZINE
L-R - Sharon Amesu, Stephen Church, Warren Middleton, Kirsty Rogers, Adam Waller

UK manufacturing output flat, but cost and price inflation ease to slowest pace since 2021

Cost and pricing pressures in UK manufacturing remain high, but shows signs of easing, according to the CBI’s latest Industrial Trends survey. In the quarter to January, average unit costs grew at the slowest pace since April 2021, while domestic selling price inflation was the slowest since July 2021. But both remained far above their long-run averages.

Manufacturers reported stable output volumes in the quarter to January, following a modest decline in the quarter to December. New orders were flat, while the volume of total order books fell further below normal, suggesting that output has been supported in part by manufacturers tackling backlogs of work. Looking ahead, manufacturers expect new orders and output volumes to increase in the next quarter.

The survey, based on the responses of 321 manufacturing firms, found that:

• Business sentiment fell for the fifth consecutive quarter, but at a much slower rate than in the three months to October. Export optimism also fell, but less quickly than in October.

• Output volumes were stable in the quarter to January, after falling in the three months to December (weighted balance of -1% from -9%). Rising output in the mechanical engineering and food, drink & tobacco sub-sectors was

North West manufacturers help Made Smarter reach 250th tech investment milestone

offset by falls in chemicals, metal manufacturing and motor vehicles and transport equipment.

• Demand-side factors were seen as more likely to limit output in the next three months (57% of respondents cited orders or sales as a likely constraint, from 43% in October; average of 71%).

• Total new orders were broadly stable in the quarter to January (balance of -3%, from -8%). However, the volume of total order books fell further below normal.

• Average costs growth remained exceptionally strong in the quarter to January, but nonetheless eased, with costs rising at the slowest pace since April 2021.

• Average domestic selling price inflation also eased but remained elevated in the quarter to January.

• Numbers employed continued to rise in the three months to January, albeit at a slower pace (+14%, from +26% in October). Firms expect headcount to rise further in the next three months (+24%).

• Investment intentions for the year ahead were mixed. Manufacturers expect to raise investment in training and retraining (+20%, from +14%), plant and machinery (+8%, from +6%) and product and process innovation (+6%, from +7%).

Pioneering North West adoption programme supports digitalisation projects worth £4.7m

Made Smarter’s pioneering technology adoption programme has marked its fourth anniversary by helping its 250th SME manufacturer invest in new technology.

Among the latest businesses to secure support from the government-funded and industry-led initiative are: Manchester Printers, based in Eccles; ITAC Limited, adhesive manufacturers based in Stoneclough; The British Millerain Company in Rochdale, a manufacturer of performance fabrics, Kings Fine Cooked Meats in Wigan; Orb Interiors, kitchen manufacturers based in Salford; Hilton Docker Mouldings, based in Rochdale; and 1860 Gel, based in Rochdale, an engineering business.

Launched in 2019 to help businesses digitalise, decarbonise and drive growth, the government-funded and industry-led initiative has helped 59 Northwest businesses with £1.3m towards 74 technology projects, worth £4.7m, after £3.4m in private sector investment.

These manufacturers are forecasting their investments will create 275 new jobs, upskill more than 600 existing roles, and deliver an additional £47m in gross value added (GVA) for the region’s economy over the next three years.

Made Smarter has helped manufacturers adopt technologies which enable them to integrate systems, capture and analyse data, and even create simulations of their plants and processes, others are now using 3D-printing, automation and robotics to solve business challenges and meet increased demand.

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February/March 2023 5 BUSINESS connect MAGAZINE

Pandemic hangovers stifling growth for 59%

of UK businesses

• 59% of workers believe the pandemic has had a negative longterm impact on the operations of the business they work for.

• A third of workers think their business is less efficient since COVID-19.

• 37% believe their employee experience has got worse.

• 84% would like to see policies that were dropped as a result of the pandemic brought back.

• Face-to-face training found to be the activity most employees want to return.

According to new research, 59% of workers in ‘deskless’ industries, including manufacturing, care, construction, and retail, believe the ongoing effect of the pandemic is having a negative impact on the operations of the business they work for. This is a challenge which, left unaddressed, could have disastrous consequences for UK industry.

On top of this, almost a third of workers (30%) think that the business they work for is less efficient now as a result of its response to COVID-19.

The study found that employee satisfaction is also continuing to suffer in the aftermath of the pandemic. Over a third (37%) of workers state that their employee experience is worse now than pre-2020. The most common reasons for this included staff shortages (51%), less in-person training (37%), worse communication (36%), less training across the board (32%), and fewer opportunities for development (26%).

WDS Group drives sustainable beverage-packaging collections

This is having devastating consequences for the UK’s deskless workforce. 53% feel less motivated, 32% are unhappy at work, and 31% are less productive. One in five are even considering leaving their company in the next 12 months, whilst 17% suggest they might leave the industry they work in altogether, posing a significant risk for those industries already facing skills shortages.

The research, which was conducted by Cloud Assess, also analysed the specific policy changes that are driving these ongoing challenges.

It found that 85% of businesses adopted new policies for their deskless workers as a result of the pandemic, 80% of which are continuing some of these practices today.

The new policies which are most likely to have continued include calls hosted on Zoom, online training, fewer meetings, and fewer site visits from management. Some of these changes are supported by workers. For example, 76% support the move towards video calls, rather than phone calls, whilst 61% believe having fewer meetings is having a positive impact on the business they work for. However, 64% of businesses stopped some activities entirely because of the pandemic, leading to dissatisfaction and concern amongst employees. These include team parties, in-person meetings, and in-person training. The research found that 84% of workers would like to see at least some of these activities return.

Empty-KeyKeg Return Partner, WDS Group, is partnering with hospitality businesses across Manchester, Cheshire, Lancashire, North Wales and Yorkshire to make a positive environmental impact.

For almost 14 years, the Bury-based beer, wine and spirits wholesaler and distributor has been minimising

its carbon footprint, operating a zero-landfill model and fully recycling all its trade waste. WDS Group now supports the beverage industry across the region to be more sustainable. During its deliveries to pubs, bars, cafés and restaurants, WDS Group collects empty KeyKegs that may otherwise end up as landfill. KeyKegs are sustainable, designedfor-circularity beer, wine and other beverage Kegs produced by OneCircle; once empty, they can be processed to recover the actual raw materials used to produce new KeyKegs.

Nic Rezzouk, Buyer, Reserve Wines: “With help from WDS Group we are able to make closed-loop recycling a success — we could not have achieved it alone. Our future focus is wine on tap, so with WDS Group and KeyKeg we can serve high-quality, delicious-tasting wines and be sustainable.”

Pulsara Approved as Cloud Software Supplier on UK G-Cloud 13 Framework

Healthtech specialist Pulsara has been listed as an approved cloud software supplier by Crown Commercial Service on the updated G-Cloud 13 framework.

Because Pulsara is now available through this framework - under Lot 2, Cloud Software (SaaS), and the service categories of Healthcare and Information Communications and Technology (ICT) - organisations in the UK are specifically enabled to procure the Pulsara UNITED solution

for hospitals and ambulance services. Cynthia Bradford Lencioni, Pulsara’s EVP - Global Business & Chief Operating Officer, said: “We are thrilled to join the updated G-Cloud 13 framework, providing streamlined access to customers in the United Kingdom looking for digital health transformation solutions.”

Between 2019 and 2020, Crown Commercial Service helped the public sector to achieve commercial benefits worth over £1bn.

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news February/March 2023 6 BUSINESS connect MAGAZINE
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Lancashire IT firm EvolveODM expands to Sheffield

Wigan-based EvolveODM has acquired and incorporated Sheffield mobile telecoms provider 4G Voice and Data.

Wigan’s IT and managed networks provider EvolveODM has formally acquired and incorporated Sheffield-based mobile telecoms provider 4G Voice and Data under the EvolveODM brand. The deal includes the retention of all 4G voice and Data employees. The news marks EvolveODM’s second major acquisition in three months, since it bought GB3 from EG Group in November 2022, with the company’s Northern presence now spanning Yorkshire and Lancashire as well as its Greater Manchester HQ.

4G Voice and Data was founded in 2012 and specialises in the B2B mobile telecommunications market working with all major UK mobile networks. It has been led by the EvolveODM team of directors, including Alan StephensonBrown, Ryan Stephenson-Brown and Rob Brown, since 2017. The 2023 deal formally incorporates the 4G entity within EvolveODM, while maintaining its services, staff and customer base.

“We are delighted to kick off the year with a bang, growing our presence across Northern England by bringing on board a fantastic business. This is a great fit that will allow us to provide a fully galvanised connectivity solution to our customers.

“The team at 4G has been able to achieve some really exciting things, for instance providing mobile solutions at the recent World Cup. Combining our offerings means creating a true one-stop-shop here in the North for both UK and International businesses that need a reliable partner for their connectivity solutions.”

Greater Manchester Business Awards 2023 opens for business!

Business Connect Magazine are once again proud to sponsor the 2023 Greater Manchester Business Awards.

Now in its 7th year, the event is organised by Rich Media Group International, and will be celebrated in style at a black-tie awards ceremony evening on Friday 1 September at Manchester’s iconic venue Hotel Brooklyn.

The judges this year include Heather Baker, Director of Baker Thompson Associates, Paul Bayliss, Regional General Manager at Hotel Brooklyn, Gavin Redman, Managing Director at Wigwam Property Investments Ltd, Andy Hall, Executive and Leadership Coach, plus Director of Moderado and also our very own Paul Mirage, Co-owner, and Director of Business Connect Magazine.

Sophie Richardson (Event Manager for Greater Manchester Business Awards) commented: “Greater Manchester Business Awards are back for another year! This year we’ve got 13 categories: Business Man and Business Woman of the Year, Business of the Year (under 5 employees, 5-10 employees,

Coincover partners with Fireblocks for enhanced institutional-grade private key management

Digital asset protection technology company Coincover has announced a new partnership with blockchain specialists Fireblocks. The partnership provides Fireblocks customers with a secure alternative for key backup and disaster recovery to ensure that users have access to and are in control of their assets at all times.

Fireblocks requires all customers to either: independently backup their keys; engage the disaster recovery services of a third-party service provider, such as Coincover; or use a combination of self storage and thirdparty disaster recovery service for added redundancy and recoverability.

“For Fireblocks, having full control over one’s assets is firmly at the core of our principles. A major part of that includes our customers’ ability to recover their own private keys,” said Adam Levine, Vice President and Head of Corporate Strategy at

Fireblocks. “Our partnership with Coincover provides our customers with an additional layer of security in the event that our customers lose access to all their key shares.”

Oliver Cummings, Strategy & Partnerships Director at Coincover added: “It’s no secret that losing access to assets is the most pressing threat to crypto adoption; our research revealed that almost 65% of people are worried about the rise of crypto fraud. Recent events in the digital asset market have shaken the trust and confidence of both retail investors and institutions to the core. We believe that crypto security and investor protection in digital assets hold the key to market recovery.

“The industry needs to build more security into every facet of its operations to prevent these instances of digital theft and instil confidence in the market again.”

over 10 employees and over 20 employees), Health and Wellbeing of Employees, Community Business Award, Manchester Business Award, Outstanding Customer Service, New Business of the Year, Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure of the Year, and Entrepreneur of the Year. Full details are on our website

“We are also very excited to announce our charity for this year, Manchester Mind.” Joanna Huddart at Manchester Mind said, “We are honoured to be the chosen charity to benefit from this year’s inspiring Greater Manchester Business Awards.

“The evening will raise essential funds in aid of our local mental health services and share a positive message regarding workplace wellbeing.”

Entries are now open and close on Friday 26 May. The shortlist will be announced on Monday 5 June. Video interviews are then completed for all finalists, and winners announced at the gala black-tie awards event at Hotel Brooklyn on Friday 1 September.

February/March 2023 7 BUSINESS connect MAGAZINE Find out more: The Greater Manchester Business Awards 2023 are open for entries! This year there are 13 categories, and businesses can enter multiple categories. The shortlist will be announced on Monday 5 June, with a fantastic black tie awards evening taking place at Manchester’s Hotel Brooklyn on Friday 1 September. Sponsors INTERNATIONAL Organisers You’ve got to be in it to win it! You’ve got to be in it to win it!

Over 1.1 billion people to play online games in 2023; 100m more than a year ago

down, more than 67 million people are still expected to join the online gaming community by 2025, with the total number of users reaching close to 1.2 billion people.

Following the 100 million user growth expected in 2023, Statista expects the online game’s revenues to increase by 10% YoY to $26bn worldwide. By 2025, this figure will touch almost $30bn.

Rapid expansion for North West legal firm

Last year, the gaming industry lost 176 million users due to a variety of headwinds and challenges, and online games had their role in this downturn. Although the number of online gamers dropped by 27.5 million in 2022, the entire market is set to recover this year and witness impressive user growth.

According to data presented by, the number of people playing video games is expected to grow by 100 million yearover-year and hit 1.1 billion in 2023. One-seventh of the world’s population plays online games; the number of users to touch 1.2bn by 2025

Gaming has often been stereotyped as being isolating and unsociable, but the pandemic has shown this could not be further from the truth. Millions

of people picked up their controllers and keyboards to escape the boredom and isolation of COVID-19 lockdowns, searching for a way to both entertain themselves and maintain social connections. Online games were the number one choice for many.

According to a Statista survey, there were around 835 million online gamers three years ago. After the pandemic hit, this number jumped to over one billion in a matter of months and continued rising. In 2021, there were already 1.1 billion online gamers, but the number slipped to 1.07bn in 2022, one of the most challenging years for the entire gaming industry. Statista expects the number of users to recover to 1.13bn this year, or oneseventh of the world’s population. Although annual user growth will slow

China, South Korea, and Japan have the biggest online gaming reach While China and the United States alone generate 46% of total online gaming revenues, the US is not even in the top three countries when looking at the online gaming reach among the population.

In 2023, the US online gaming industry is projected to have around 74 million users, with a user penetration rate of 22% - less than China, South Korea, or Japan.

After a challenging 2022, the Chinese online gaming market will reach nearly 373 million users this year, with an impressive 25.5% user penetration rate.

Although South Korea has only half the online gamers as Japan, the country follows China with a 24.3% penetration rate and 12.5 million users in 2023.

Japan rounds the top three group, with 27.9 million online gamers and a 22.3% penetration rate as of this year.

Significant rise in UK SMEs borrowing money expected in 2023

• 88% of SMEs plan to lean on business finance and credit in the year ahead

• Seizing growth opportunities (38%) and helping employees with the rising cost of living (34%) are the key drivers

Just 12% have no plans to borrow any money over the next 12 months

The majority of UK SMEs (88%) plan to lean on business finance and credit this year according to new research carried out by solution-led fintech provider Nucleus Commercial Finance (NCF).

As the economic situation continues to challenge the outlook and stability of UK SMEs, it is revealed that only 12% of SMEs say they have no plans to borrow any money over the next 12 months – this rises to 29% when including sole traders and micro businesses.

With interest rates still at record high levels, this is going to place a real financial burden on UK businesses.

The expected borrowing is not, however, solely to patch holes. The reason most commonly cited by small and medium sized businesses is to enable them

to seize growth opportunities (38%).

More than a third stated that they plan to borrow in order to help employees with the rising cost of living (34%).

A similar number said that borrowing would be driven by a determination to use it to make the business more environmentally sustainable.

Rising costs and financial stress are still having an impact, however.

A third (33%) of SMEs expect to use business finance to cover unavoidable rising overheads, while one in five (20%) are likely to do so in order to pay off existing debt.

A Manchester firm, which has quadrupled its workforce in less than 2 years, is pushing on with ambitious growth plans for 2023 by adding 20 staff to its legal team this month. Barings Law, who specialise in representing consumers and businesses who’ve been victims of mis-selling, began trading in 2009. The city centre firm is now looking to fill 20 legal posts comprising paralegals and solicitors to run its ever-expanding base of cases.

Practice Manager of Barings Law, Anil Kara, commented: “To see how the firm has developed over the years is truly astonishing. There is a real appetite for automation within the business and investing in tech-driven processes, which will allow us to better serve our clients.

“The single biggest driver for us, is knowing we’re helping people get access to justice. It can be daunting for an individual to take on corporate giants alone, which is why we have a track record of facilitating successful group actions.

“Our ethos is to treat every client as an individual and we’re motivated by the prospect of changing lives for the better.

“Diversifying our claim type portfolio and expanding our team, shows our commitment towards striving for excellence and never standing still.” The private equity backed firm, which helps clients recover their losses around mis-sold vehicle finance (PCP/HP), business interruption and self-invested personal pensions amongst other claims, is now adding more high-profile data breach cases, namely FatFace and South Staffs Water, to its repertoire.

Among the firm’s many prominent wins includes recovering more than £13m in damages for clients following Carphone Warehouse’s £29 million FCA fine over the mis-selling of their ‘Geek Squad’ insurance product.

Barings were also first to secure every leading judgment in unfair relationships involving high cost, short lending and breaches of the FCA’s Consumer Credit Sourcebook.

news February/March 2023 8 BUSINESS connect MAGAZINE

Plants are out - offices turn towards air purifiers in the fight for air quality

Searches for ‘indoor plants’ have similarly declined since the end of lockdown, whilst searches for ‘air quality’ and ‘office air’ have been consistent throughout 2022.

Wealth at Work group acquires Employee Financial Wellness

Liverpool based Wealth at Work group has acquired financial wellbeing company Employee Financial Wellness Limited as it expands its operation overseas into Ireland.

Plants aren’t cutting it in the office in terms of improving air quality, new search data suggests.

Indoor air quality has remained one of the top priorities for employees, with 62% of the global workforce citing they would leave their job if their employer failed to create a healthier indoor environment, according to Honeywell’s Health Building Survey 2022.

Similarly, interest in office plants boomed during lockdown. However, despite continued interest in the quality of office air, new data gathered by Banner shows a sharp drop-off in search volume for office plants.

Jason Thomas, Strategic Sales Manager at Banner, comments “As employees transitioned back into the office after lockdown, it was no surprise that biophilia – a love of plants – emerged as a trend. Mental health was at an all-time low for most of us, and the natural integration of plants into the workspace not only improved air quality, but proved to be a source of comfort for those anxious about coming back to the workplace.

“Plants obviously provide a host of benefits in any space, but their ability to improve air quality is often overestimated, and now that offices are back to full capacity, they’re simply not doing the job. This might be why interest has dropped off”.

The Group is a financial wellbeing and retirement specialist which has been helping employees improve their financial future since 2005 and serves more than 500 large employers and occupational pension schemes in both the public and private sector including BT, Experian and Ineos.

Employee Financial Wellness is one of Ireland’s leading providers of financial wellness programmes for employees. Its programmes are used by many of Ireland’s leading organisations both in the private and public sector. Clients include LinkedIn and Alexion.

Both companies have already worked together on delivering financial wellbeing and retirement programmes in the UK and Ireland for clients such as Northern Trust and Sisk.

David Cassidy, Chief Executive Officer of the Group comments; “We welcome Employee Financial Wellness to the family as we look to expand our services into Ireland to companies requiring a one stop shop for financial wellness solutions including digital communications, financial education, guidance and regulated financial advice.

“This is particularly important given so many large tech companies are based in this area with other offices in Europe and across the continent. This allows us to expand upon our existing global reach to meet the increasing demand from clients who are global employers, seeking to offer similar benefits to employees in the different jurisdictions in which they operate.”

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Print still beats digital when it comes to big decisions

To understand how content drives purchasing decisions, Ah Um, the Londonbased tech and AI agency, has released a study revealing how decision makers and decision shapers in tech, AI and analytics consume content.

The study, based on responses from 286 leaders at top US technology, AI, and analytics companies with over 5,000 employees, reveals content consumption habits of some of the most influential people when it comes to purchasing and procurement decisions in the b2b tech sector.

The findings show leaders in the industry want the content they consume to be visual, varied and valuable.

With over 7,500,000 new posts published online every single day by big brands and independent content creators, remaining innovative and cutting through the noise has never been more critical for selling services and aiding business growth.

Key stats:

• 67% of senior decision makers read print

• 65% of business leaders are drawn in by visuals when browsing b2b content

• 63% prefer to consume video content above other formats

• 59% of respondents said they read all of the content provided to them at events

Ah Um’s Managing Director, Adrian McCusker said: “The science and data that drives seemingly ‘everyday’ decision making has given us fascinating insight into the world of b2b content consumption.

“Every good marketer is aware of the standard, and somewhat stale, performance marketing metrics that are used daily. But what we’ve done is expose the behavioural patterns that drive that activity. We’ve managed to capture something unique within the space to help our clients truly understand their prospective buyers; arming them with the tools to influence the buying cycle.”

Low-quality apps in Google Play store jumped by 80,000 year-over-year

low-quality apps are removed from recommendations, including apps with a user-perceived crash rate above 1.09% and a user-perceived ANR rate of 0.47%.

Google Play has put considerable effort into protecting Android users from low-quality apps. First, there was a series of new policies regulating app developers, followed by a new app monitoring system introduced in November last year. But despite all efforts, the number of low-quality apps continues rising.

According to data presented by, the number of lowquality apps in the Google Play store jumped by 80,000 in the last year, reaching over one million last week. Google’s new app monitoring system, which started on November 30, 2022, makes discovering high-quality apps easier. That means that higher-quality apps become more visible. In contrast,

Downsizing firms warned of broadband blunder

Businesses have been warned to check the quality and availability of broadband connections before agreeing new office deals.

Experts from telecoms specialists have warned firms to verify claimed broadband speeds before signing contracts for new premises.

Many companies are currently assessing their office needs in the wake of the pandemic with many opting for smaller accommodation and remote teams.

And whilst cloud VoIP phones are great for flexible working, they will only function with a strong Internet connection.

Some managers are reporting frustrations after signing lengthy tenancy deals only to discover broadband connections are not fit for purpose.

The experts believe many office developments offer connectivity which can be inferior to some home networks, or even worse, there turns out to be no working broadband whatsoever.

Because of this, companies are finding their teams are actually less connected to each other and to clients than they were when working from home.

“In an age where we all use cloud technology in our everyday livessuch as emails, work resources and VoIP phones, the lack of broadband connectivity can seriously impact businesses; forcing some companies to either move out, or spend hundreds of pounds each month for a leased line to be installed.

“Whilst some cloud services are able to run on 5G, this isn’t particularly stable or reliable, so companies are facing bills of over £300 a month just to have working internet at their chosen location.

“What many fail to realise is that it is the tenant’s responsibility to check the broadband speed, not the agent’s. Often the claimed speed in the rental details will just be an average for the area or it could be what previously was available in the area, but the location no longer has capacity.

“Fortunately, it’s quick and easy to check what the speed and quality of connection is actually like. Using simple online checkers allows you to see the live capacity of your chosen location before signing the lease agreement - ensuring you know what’s available in the building on the OpenReach network.

Even before this new system, thousands of low-quality and policyviolating apps have been periodically removed from Google’s play store. But, despite all the measures and efforts, the number of low-quality Android apps has increased.

According to AppBrain data, the number of low-quality apps listed in the Google Play Store jumped 8% year-over-year, rising from around 930,000 in January 2022 to over one million in January 2023. Interestingly, the number continued rising even after November, when Google Play Store announced its new app monitoring system. While November alone saw an 8,800 drop, almost the same number of low-quality apps was listed in Google Play the following month.

If they have already signed on for a lengthy tenancy of several years they can then find it difficult to withdraw from the deal and may have to shoulder the cost burden of paying for improved connectivity to stay in business.

Now experts are urging all prospective new office tenants to carry out their own broadband tests by using online checkers - rather than relying on information provided by the vendor or agent.

Juliet Moran, technical director at said checking connectivity was the responsibility of the prospective tenant not the office owners or their agents.

She said: “We have heard horror stories of clients signing up for ten year tenancy deals on the basis of a stated broadband speed, which is often heavily overstated with no availability for new connections.

“If nothing is available, you can also check if there are any dedicated fibre providers in the area, such as City Link, Virgin or Lila, as they may have laid specific cable to the location.”

She added that record numbers of large companies are currently reassessing their accommodation needs and downsizing to smaller units. She said: “There’s a trend away from huge offices and into smaller hubs with teams spending some days in office and some working from home.

“It’s such a shame because businesses are blundering their way into deals to take on expensive office space which isn’t suitable. That’s why we are urging everyone considering a change in office accommodation to carry out some simple broadband checks before they sign on the dotted line.”

As reliable and fast connectivity is so important to businesses, it would be a good idea to seek professional guidance from a communications specialist before committing to a tenancy agreement.

news February/March 2023 10 BUSINESS connect MAGAZINE


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Final phase of £1.3bn Manchester Airport transformation programme announced Wates to build 334

Chris Woodroofe, Managing Director of Manchester Airport, said:

“By completing the transformation of Terminal 2, we will not only be offering passengers across the North an unrivalled choice of destinations, but also providing them with world class facilities and a great overall experience when they travel through Manchester.

“I cannot wait to see the plans come to fruition, for the benefit of all of our customers, colleagues and supporters.”

new homes

MAG (Manchester Airports Group) has announced a £440m investment in Manchester Airport that will create thousands of jobs and unlock billions of pounds of economic value for the North over the next decade.

The investment will transform the passenger experience at the UK’s third largest airport, with new spacious facilities, state-of-the-art technology and equipment, and an exciting array of shops, bars, restaurants and airport lounges.

It will see Manchester Airport expand its role as the UK’s global gateway in the North, connecting the region to even more international destinations, including some of the world’s most important economic markets.

The investment is the final phase of the £1.3bn Manchester Airport Transformation Programme (MAN-TP), first announced in 2015 with a 10-year vision to revolutionise the customer experience at the Northern hub and unlock the potential of its two fulllength runways.

The first phase saw Terminal 2 more than double in size, with the new facility having received positive feedback from passengers and airlines since opening in July 2021.

This latest investment will complete the transformation of Terminal 2, delivering improvement to all stages of the passenger journey – from check-in to baggage reclaim –as well as upgrading its airfield

to cater for next generation aircraft. Upon completion in 2025, around 80% of all passengers will use the expanded Terminal 2, with Terminal 1 set to close – 63 years after it was opened by the Duke of Edinburgh, in 1962.

More than 500 jobs will be created in the construction phase alone, while independent analysis shows around 16,400 extra jobs will be generated by 2040 as a result of the economic activity stimulated by the expansion of the airport and its route network.

The same research – by York Aviation – reveals that Manchester Airport’s current contribution to the Northern economy of £3.5bn is expected to soar by nearly 80%, to £6.3bn by 2040 as a result of the full delivery of the transformation programme. And a further £2.9bn boost will be triggered through the increased productivity of businesses travelling and trading globally through Manchester over the same period.

Charlie Cornish, CEO of MAG, said: “Manchester Airport is a key economic asset for the North, and this investment will maximise the contribution it makes to creating a balanced and globally competitive UK economy.

“Our £1.3bn transformation programme demonstrates our long-term commitment to providing a great airport experience for passengers who travel through Manchester.”

Transport Secretary Mark Harper said: “As the aviation industry recovers after Covid, it’s great news to see this significant vote of confidence in the UK.

“This investment will be a huge boost for the North, benefitting passengers flying in and out of the region as well as supporting thousands of jobs.”

The expanded Terminal 2 has already welcomed a number of new airlines to Manchester, and seen the launch or relaunch of a string of key routes. Examples include a brand-new service to Kuwait, a revived service to Beijing and a first UK Transatlantic base for AerLingus.

Enabling works for the second phase of the project are already underway, and planned improvements include:

• Doubling the size of the existing departure lounge, with a wider selection of shops and food and drink outlets.

• The construction of an additional security hall, fitted with nextgeneration security scanners.

• A new pier, matching the look and feel of the first pier that opened in 2019. It will include spacious gates.

• A new dual taxiway system to improve airfield efficiency, with flexible aircraft stands.

• More than doubling the terminal’s hold baggage capacity to over 5,000 bags per hour, with two new teardrop check in islands.

Wates has been appointed by Be First to build 334 new homes as part of an £874m regeneration of the Gascoigne Estate in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham.

This will be the third project Wates has undertaken for Be First in the area, having recently completed 201 homes at Gascoigne West Phase 1.

The £142m Gascoigne East Phase 3B scheme will provide 277 apartments, 46 houses and 11 maisonettes as well as new public spaces connecting pedestrian and public transport links, centred around a garden square at the east of the site, as well as delivering £30m in social value to the area. The build will use modern methods of construction such as offsite production of balconies, bathrooms and utilities cupboards, which will reduce construction time on site.

Be First has a strong track record in delivering new, high-quality homes for people and communities in Barking and Dagenham, with the borough named the most affordable for housing in the capital. The latest phase of this major development will complement the award-winning regeneration of the eastern side of the Gascoigne Estate, where Be First is delivering 526 new flats as part of a safer, healthier, and more sustainably designed environment.

The wider Gascoigne Estate will include tree-lined public spaces, a new 5,000 sqm park Gascoigne Square along with public art and designs in a mixture of traditional and modern styles.

Construction is due to start in Summer 2023, with homes finished by the beginning of 2026.

Alongside its commitment to the investment in new and existing homes in the borough, Be First places a strong emphasis on ensuring that local communities benefit as much as possible from the development and regeneration projects happening in the borough. This includes through social, community and employment initiatives.

construction February/March 2023 12 BUSINESS connect MAGAZINE

West Cumbria prioritised by Rolls Royce for new nuclear development

Symple on a high with Lofti deal

Proptech company Symple has agreed to offer its certification services to thousands of tenants, landlords and homeowners using the international property management platform Lofti. The deal sees Symple become a preferred supplier to Lofti users. The agreement follows a similar arrangement announced last year with Sykes Holiday Cottages, which has registered Symple as a preferred partner providing exclusive discounts and rates to its property owners.

and arranging with key holders for accredited and strictly-vetted service providers to carry them out.

Rolls-Royce SMR, supported by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), has successfully completed a siting assessment review into the potential options for deploying RollsRoyce SMR power stations.

The study is another important step in deploying a fleet of small modular reactors (SMRs) that could help ensure the UK can reach net zero and bolster the country’s energy security.

This is the first phase in a programme of work which is considering siting, collaboration opportunities and the socio-economic benefits of deploying Rolls-Royce SMR units on land within the NDA estate – with other locations across the UK also being evaluated.

The work is consistent with NDA’s mission to clean up the UK’s earliest nuclear sites safely, securely and costeffectively to release them for other uses – with the aim of benefiting local communities and the environment.

It follows the announcement earlier this year from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) that the NDA would work alongside interested parties, including Rolls-

Royce SMR, to enable engagement on potential future nuclear developments on its sites.

Within the NDA estate, there is land with the potential to host the UK’s next generation of nuclear power stations. The study has identified a range of sites that could host several GW of new, low-carbon power from Rolls-Royce SMRs with four NDA sites prioritised.

Of these, Rolls-Royce SMR has identified four potential land parcels – two are within the control of the NDA (land at Trawsfynydd and land neighbouring the Sellafield site) with two others on NDA land leased to a third party (Wylfa and Oldbury).

Any formal commitment of NDA land, or other support, would require government approval via NDA’s sponsoring department, BEIS.

Rolls-Royce SMR matched the sites against a set of assessment criteria that will enable stations to be operational by the early 2030s, including: existing geotechnical data, adequate grid connection and a site large enough to deploy multiple SMRs.

Successful Levelling Up fund bid for Morecambe Eden Project

has been awarded £50m from the Levelling Up Fund.

Northwest based Symple, which has its headquarters in Swinton, Greater Manchester, and an office in London, manages the property certificates which landlords, estate and letting agents and homeowners are required to have by law.

Its range of services currently covers gas safety, energy performance and electrical installation condition reports alongside PAT testing and boiler servicing.

Symple manages the entire renewal process for certifications, including sending reminders that they are due, managing bookings for inspections

Registration is free for landlords and for service providers. Users can check the progress of each job and are then charged for each completed inspection.

Symple now employs a team of 15 and has grown its portfolio to nearly 10,000 properties and its network of service providers to more than 1,100.

London-based Lofti was founded in December 2020 by chief executive Andreas Gkerazis. Currently more than 2,500 properties are managed through its SaaS (Software as a Service) solution.

Lofti has an office in China and is establishing a presence in Dubai, with further international expansion planned for the next 12 months, including in the Middle East and Cyprus.

In June 2021, Lofti raised $1.5m in a seed funding round from WoodJC, a Taiwanese family office fund, for expansion in the UK and to make senior hires.

Housebuilders face a costly hurdle over sustainable drainage

Housebuilders have described new rules forcing developers in England to adopt sustainable drainage systems to prevent flooding as ‘ill thought out’.

The government has announced it will amend the flood and management act to make sustainable systems, referred to as SuDs, mandatory on all new housing development by 2024.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Michael Gove visited the site of Eden Project Morecambe recently, following the announcement that the project

Mr Sunak and Mr Gove were given a tour of the site on the Morecambe seafront and were shown plans for the project while walking the site. They also met students from Lancaster and Morecambe College studying green skills courses in land-based subjects, renewable energy and construction.

Currently, SuDs, which typically use soakaways, grassed areas, permeable surfaces and wetlands to reduce pressure on public sewers, are required for developments of ten homes or more.

The National Federation of Builders, NFB, housing and policy head Rico Wojtulewicz said: “Developers are

ending up paying for the under investment of the water companies. It will have a real impact on the industry, particularly for the smaller developer.” He added that the government should have consulted on the process first before they introduced legislative changes.

“The adoption of SuDs and the maintenance and acceptance of the design has not been formulated yet.”

He also questioned how the new requirement would fit with nutrient neutrality rules which stop councils in certain areas from allowing developments likely to add phosphates and nitrates into rivers.

February/March 2023 13 BUSINESS connect MAGAZINE

Support for over 4,000 members

the lead Chamber member in their region and as a champion for local business, helping develop and grow the local business community.

• They chair local business group meetings and attend local networking events.

Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce is the largest accredited Chamber of Commerce in the UK, providing business support to over 4,000 members who collectively employ over 350,000 workers.

As an independent, not-for-profit private company it has a high reputation in government circles locally and nationally, and its aim is to support businesses and help create the best climate for the region to prosper. This is achieved by ensuring that those taking decisions on key issues such as transport, taxation and business regulation hear the voice of our members.

Chamber membership gives businesses access to everything from networking events to award-winning International trade services.

Members can get advice and support on key business issues including HR, health, legal matters and export

documentation. Key sectors such as Manufacturing & Engineering and Property & Construction are represented by their own dedicated groups.

Each local area also has its own Local Business Group and Local President to ensure their views are heard.

Our Chamber Space meeting and events venue in the centre of Manchester can cater from everything from one-to-one meetings to large networking events.


Our Local Presidents form a key link between our members and central team. The role is about playing a key part in the local business community and being able to represent local views on what members want.

Below are some of the main elements that our Presidents are involved with:

• They are seen and recognised as

For more information on joining the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce please contact our team on: +44(0)161 393 4321 or email: visit our website:

• They attend, and, by representing members’ views, take an active role at the quarterly Chamber Assembly and associated meetings.

• They attend any relevant local meetings that will help with the delivery of the role and further the development of the local business community.

• They identify potential vicepresidents, other supporters and new members of business groups.

• They identify and put forward ideas for events and campaigns.

Trafford Local Area President, Graham Dixon (Esprit Warehousing & Docks) talking about GMCC said:

“Esprit has been a Greater Manchester Chamber member for approximately 7 years. Over these years our membership has provided us with a wealth of support across all aspects of business management, including recruitment, legislation, availability of funding and networking events. Membership has also allowed us to not only find out what local and national government is thinking and planning, but also gives us the opportunity to feedback into government what we are experiencing and what we need from them. I feel that’s important for businesses to be heard. “When the Chamber asked me to become Trafford local President it was an easy decision, allowing me to become more involved at all levels, from local events and meeting local Trafford businesses to also attending strategy meetings and having a direct feed into Chamber responses.”

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or bulk goods warehousing

February/March 2023 14 BUSINESS connect MAGAZINE
Across two Trafford Park sites Esprit provide warehousing for 6,000+ pallets and 10,300 tonnes of bulk goods, along with container de-stuffing, freight consolidation, order picking and onward delivery, and can handle vessels carrying up to 4,500 tonnes. Both sites also offer parking for up to 100 HGV’s and buses plus office space to rent. Find out more: 0161 974 4300 Esprit Group Ltd No1 Trafford Park, Westinghouse Road, Trafford Park M17 1PY Trafford Docks, Trafford Wharf Road, Trafford Park M17 1HA
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Sweet Sixteen, but now is the time for the new era of apprenticeships to come to the forefront!

The 6th - 12th February 2023 is the sixteenth birthday of National Apprenticeship Week.

It is the sixteenth time the weeklong celebration has been used to promote, up and down the country, the benefits of and the amazing successes that can be achieved through apprenticeships.

Apprenticeships are not new

Apprenticeships are certainly not a new concept and have been around for much longer than National Apprenticeship Week!

There is evidence of apprenticeships taking place in the middle ages when a master craftsman would share skills and expertise and sign off their apprentices as competent.

In 1563 the Elizabethan Statute

of Artificers defined the terms and conditions of a seven-year apprenticeship model. This Statute was not repealed until 1814, with the early formations of the company we now know as City and Guilds, which promoted a broader range of apprenticeships.

Over the next couple of centuries, aligned to the vast industrial transformations of the age, apprenticeships continued to develop. The 1959 Crowther Report and subsequent 1964 Industrial Training Act saw the state exert much greater control over apprenticeships, and numbers continued to rise.

Modern Apprenticeships were introduced in 1997, with limited impact. The Modern component of the name was dropped, and apprenticeships reformed again in 2017, following a significant

review from Doug Richards, whose apprenticeship reforms have subsequently swept across the sector for the last six years. There are now more apprenticeships available to participate in than ever before, 743 including those in development.

After a dip due to the impact of the new reforms and Covid-19, apprenticeship numbers appear to be climbing, and according to the latest census data shared by the Office of National Statistics in January 2023, there is a significant swing in the perception of apprenticeships and the positive impact they can have on careers and occupations.

The Richards Review and subsequent reforms have, amongst other things, placed employers at the heart of

apprenticeship development. It has also ensured a new robustness and independence of competence assessment through the introduction of End Point Assessments, and by securing the introduction of the apprenticeship levy by law, it has ensured a sustainable and stable funding methodology.

Ask any employer what challenges their business, their future and their profits.

The vast majority will talk about skills as being a current and future major issue. Brexit and the pandemic have driven millions of workers out of the UK labour force. Huge skills shortages exist across the foundation sectors of health, construction and engineering, amongst others. Unemployment is relatively low and wages are rising.

Now is the time for apprenticeships to be taken more seriously than ever before.

They have a pivotal role to play in securing the talent and skills that many businesses need up and down the country. Young people or ‘gen Z’, are better informed than ever before on the careers and futures they want; the following generation, Alpha, will be even more aware.

Apprentices can be new talent or existing people developing in your business. Either way now is the time for apprenticeships to come to the fore once more. Skills are vital to this country’s economic and social success, and apprenticeships have a huge role to play!

To find out more about how apprentices can support your business and to help find the best talent, call Apprenticeships at Salford City College on 0161 631 5555 or email

Partner with us today to provide Apprenticeships for your workforce of tomorrow 0161 631 5555
February/March 2023 15 BUSINESS connect MAGAZINE

Is the North about to finally

On 23 June 2014 the then Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, gave a speech at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester, in which he called for the creation of a Northern Powerhouse.

It was this seminal speech that reignited a hunger for devolution in the North, and specifically the creation of what can arguably be called the first city region in modern terms. Since then, devolved cities and their adjacent regions have been gathering

pivot for newly devolved funds and power.

There still exists a real divide between the North and South, and devolution is only a small part of the solution.

So, in December 2016 The Northern Powerhouse Partnership was launched as a leading voice for business and civic leaders across the North.

The organisation is still chaired by former Chancellor George Osborne, and co-chaired by devolution champions Lord Jim O’Neill and Professor Juergen Maier, and continues to lobby to close the North/South divide and unwrap the untapped economic potential of the 15 million people of the North. Business Connect Magazine were very keen to catch up with Chief Executive of the Partnership Henri Murison who shared the following:

“Could the North finally be starting to take back control? No, I don’t mean Brexit (but more on that later) –I mean devolution.

“For many years devolution was rarely discussed outside local government.

Recently, however, something has shifted.

“Businesses are seeing the benefits of empowered local leadership for their own priorities. Activists are becoming louder in their calls for decision-making to be brought closer to communities. They want locally-led, joined-up

policy-making that understands the unique opportunities and challenges of each city region.

“For decades, politicians and civil servants in Whitehall and Westminster dominated but now mayors are in the ascendancy.

“At the start of December, Gordon Brown, Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves came to Leeds to unveil Labour’s plans for devolution, which they said would constitute ‘the biggest ever transfer of power from Westminster to the British people’.

“It was a big moment, one which signalled an opportunity for genuine political consensus. A few days earlier Jeremy Hunt had told the Northern Echo, ‘I want to explore what we could do where we’ve got really inspired local leadership to set elected mayors and council leaders free… our structures in the UK are very centralised and usually it ends up with someone having to come and ask the Treasury for something.’

“Both Labour and the Conservatives have devolution at the heart of their offers to close the North/South divide. The remaining question is who is better to deliver on those promises?

“Of course, this isn’t a new idea. A number of prominent politicians from across the political spectrum, including David Miliband and Michael Heseltine, have long been advocates for devolution and wider decentralisation.

“Most recently, when George Osborne was Chancellor, he signed a series of ground-breaking devolution deals with city regions across the country, creating the first metro mayors in 2017.

“‘Global cities have powerful city governments’ he said, and if we wanted to build the Northern Powerhouse as an International brand, if we wanted to give each place ‘the different specific things it needs to get growth going’, then we needed a champion for each place – a mayor

“Many of that first generation of mayors are now in their second term. While still somewhat hemmed in by Whitehall, there’s no denying they’ve had an impact, whether in bringing down bus fares or improving skills provision.

“And they’re only just getting started. The M62 Mayors Andy Burnham, Steve Rotheram and Tracy Brabin have been joined down the M1 by Labour’s Oliver Coppard in South Yorkshire – together they’ve been a powerful coalition fighting for better rail infrastructure, including Northern Powerhouse Rail across the Pennines.

“Meanwhile, Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen is a rising star in the Conservative Party, bringing his own brand of Johnsonian boosterism to the region.

“There’s a new mega-deal on the cards for the North East, where my own political career and ambitions started (and ended). While the region already has a mayor, this would create a much bigger, more substantive coalition of councils together into one economic entity.

“Elsewhere in the North, a new devolution deal for York and North Yorkshire could see a new mayor handed £540m in gainshare funding over a 30-year period. Access to this funding has to be one of the most compelling reasons for councils (and voters) considering becoming a metro mayoral authority.

“Breaking the dominance of Whitehall is also hugely important for making sure the idea of Global Britain becomes more than just rhetoric. While researching our report into inward investment this year, we found that the North’s story was one that International investors recognised and understood, one they could work with. That strategy seems to be working – foreign investment into the Northern Powerhouse has soared 72% in the last five years.

“Who should decide where buses or trams go? Who should decide what skills we need to be equipping our workforce with, in order to fit the needs of local businesses? Who knows where investment for local research and development assets would be put to best use?

“In the new year the Northern Powerhouse

interview February/March 2023 16 BUSINESS connect MAGAZINE
Henri Murison, Chief Executive, The Northern Powerhouse Partnership.

take back control?

Partnership will take a closer look at fiscal devolution – both the opportunities and challenges it raises. Clearly, it would see reductions to what the Treasury itself receives, and we need the right stabilisers in place for areas with the lowest tax revenues.

“After all, if ultimately we want to become less reliant on Whitehall, we must be able to pay our own way.

“I want to make the case for devolution as a transformative economic policy, as well as a path to genuine political reform, with metro mayors helping reconnect people to power.

“Which brings me back to Brexit. When the UK voted to leave the European Union in 2016, it went much deeper than just a disdain or distrust

of Brussels, stoked by the money of those like the businessman Paul Sykes. It was about a feeling of powerlessness which had built up over decades, of being ignored by the powers that be who think they know better. “Post-Brexit, that feeling hasn’t gone away, not least because the promises made by those like Johnson turned out to be ones he himself couldn’t keep.

“If we want to heal divisions, we need to empower communities and reconnect them to a sense of shared destiny, over which they can have a proper say. People must feel able to change their destiny, rather than just accept it.

“This is the only way to fix our broken political system and truly ‘take back control’.”

The Internationalisation of the Northern Powerhouse

Foreign direct investment (FDI) into the Northern Powerhouse has rocketed 72% in the last five years despite dropping across the rest of the UK, according to new analysis of fDi markets data by the Northern Powerhouse Partnership (NPP).

FDI into the North rose from $25.4bn between 2012-16 to $43.7bn between 201721. By contrast, FDI into Greater London dropped 23% over the same time period, from $43.4bn to $33.4bn.

The new report ‘The Internationalisation of the Northern Powerhouse’ also found that the North increased its share of overall FDI into England, from 19% in 2012-16 to 33% in 2017-21.

This rise means that the region – which makes up roughly 28% of England’s population – is now punching above its weight and drawing in more inward investment on a per capita basis. Data showed this growth is supporting employment opportunities in the region, with the number of jobs created in the North from inward investment rising from roughly 52,600 in 2012-16 to 62,100 in 2017-21 – an 18% uplift.

The rest of England saw a rise of just 1% over the same time period, while Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland all saw drops of -19%, -41% and -37% respectively.

Foreign investment into renewable energy in the North of England has increased from $6.95bn between 2012-16 to $20.25bn

2017-21 – a 193% rise – in a major win for the net zero transition.

Other industries which saw growth over the same period were electrical components (799%), chemicals (269%) and biotechnology (694%), reflecting Northern comparative advantages in sectors such as advanced manufacturing and materials.

The North’s success in attracting inward investment can be largely attributed to policies in George Osborne’s original Northern Powerhouse strategy, which saw a much bigger focus on promoting Northern projects to foreign investors, with the then-Chancellor leading trade delegations overseas, including to Asia, with Northern city leaders.

The North has seen a 7% growth in FDI from Asia over the past decade, dropping by 56% for the UK as a whole. A skilled labour market was cited as the biggest driver for attracting investment, followed by proximity to markets or customers; domestic market growth; transport infrastructure; industry cluster and technology and innovation.

NPP is calling for central and regional government, alongside the private sector, to collaborate better and deliver a five-fold increase in investment to promote Northern projects overseas.

Metro mayors should be given the automatic ability to create at least one freeport or other investment-based enterprise zone, the report says, following the success of tax incentives in projects such as Teesworks in the North East.

Vice-chair Lord Jim O’Neill said: “The mission to put the Northern Powerhouse on the world map has been a resounding success and a huge amount of credit should go to the genuine cross-party effort between central government and northern civic leaders to make this happen.

“We have been particularly successful in Asia – while the rest the UK has seen FDI from Asia plummet $28bn, 56%, over the last five years, it’s gone up 7% in the North. I often felt that the Northern Powerhouse concept was better understood by investors in Asia than it was among politicians and financiers in London.

“This is proof of the North’s economic potential, especially in innovative and green industries. If the rest of the world sees it, then our own government should be putting us front and centre of their growth strategy.”

Jonathan Reynolds, shadow business

secretary, said: “There are fantastic industries and opportunities across the North of England but the Government are failing to make the most of the successful innovation that is happening here.

“This report is great news, but we must build on this success with long term consistent plans that businesses can invest alongside. Labour’s Industrial Strategy will support investment, innovation and offer the certainty northern business needs to prosper.”

Jessica Bowles, Strategy Director at Bruntwood, said: “These latest figures may come as a surprise to many, but not to those of us in the North who are witnessing first hand the rapid pace of change and innovation here. The North is full of entrepreneurial people, fastgrowing companies and revolutionary ideas, so it is exciting to see the global investment market respond to this and commit to the regions here.

“But we’re ambitious, and we don’t want to stop here. We will continue to collaborate with private sector partners and local and regional governments to ensure the North is being showcased on the world-stage to encourage further investment and the subsequent growth of our regional ecosystems.”

Find out more: February/March 2023 17 BUSINESS connect MAGAZINE
Contact Paul Mirage to be in the next issue... • 07708 987518 The magazine for business people across the UK and beyond IN PRINT AND ONLINE

Blok ‘N’ Mesh announced as Headline Sponsors for Innovation in Business Awards 2023

of businesses in the Liverpool City Region, and it is with great pleasure and pride we announce that we will continue to be the headline sponsor for the 2023 awards.”

Paul Cherpeau, Chief Executive at Liverpool Chamber, added: “Blok ‘N’ Mesh have been valued Patrons of Liverpool Chamber throughout 2022, and we were delighted to work closely with them as Headline Sponsors of the Innovation in Business Awards 2022. We are excited to continue this partnership for the awards in 2023.”

Business Awards 2023 or find out more about the event, please contact Jordan by emailing: or phone 0151 227 1234

Liverpool Chamber’s Day at the Aintree Races approaches sell out!

After last year’s hugely successful Innovation in Business Awards 2022, Liverpool Chamber are delighted to announce that Blok ‘N’ Mesh will be returning as headline sponsors for the Innovation in Business Awards 2023.

Blok ‘N’ Mesh is a Liverpool City Region based manufacturer of all types of temporary fencing for the construction industry, with depots and offices nationwide and in Europe.

CEO of Blok ‘N’ Mesh, Simon Worsley, made the announcement at the

Winners and Sponsors Reception held at the 360 Sky Bar in INNSiDE by Melia:

“The 2022 awards were a fantastic celebration of the energy and vitality of businesses in the Liverpool City Region.

“I was very proud that our company along with the other sponsors, many of whom have become firm friends, had contributed to such an event.

“The awards were a fantastic celebration of the energy and vitality

With more than 15,000 votes cast by over 2,000 professionals across Liverpool and Sefton, and over 450 guests in attendance on the night, the Chamber would like to extend a huge thank you to the sponsors whose vital support ensured that our guests had an unforgettable evening.

If you would like to be considered for sponsorship at the Innovation in

Liverpool Chamber are excited to announce that the Silver Birch Garden Party will return on Randox Grand National Thursday, and we would like to invite you to join us for the largest corporate gathering over the three days of racing. With over 90% of our tickets now sold we can guarantee that this event will sell out very soon.

For further information about partnership opportunities or to book your place please visit: events/liverpool-chamber-day-atthe-races-2023/

Patronage to Liverpool Chamber can support your business or charity, please contact Jordan or James via: • 0151 227 1234
If you would like to discuss how
Find out more by contacting Mark Williams on 0333 006 9550 who is always available to advise on any aspect of IT. Mark Williams CEO I 0333 006 9550 I
news February/March 2023 19 BUSINESS connect MAGAZINE
Simon Worsley, CEO, Blok ‘N’ Mesh

Events, dear boy ,

exporting February/March 2023 20 BUSINESS connect MAGAZINE

Home Secretary Rab Butler famously responded to Prime Minister Harold Macmillan’s question of what represented the greatest challenge for a statesman, “events, dear boy, events”

Events can take many forms. It is not the event itself, nor the opportunity it presents, but how you react to it and use it that is all important. Events can be on an international scale but can also be small and discreet.

Which is exactly how I recently found myself being introduced as an Export Champion to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, by a former Export Minister, Mike Freer. Mike kindly expanded on the importance of the Export Champion movement and my involvement in it. Given such an introduction, I inevitably asked the Chancellor what he could do to help support and increase the UK’s export

efforts. The good news is that he is very familiar with our export efforts, including from his time as foreign secretary, and strongly believes in growing UK exports, the strength we have as a nation and the role government must play in supporting businesses to export more.

However, I am as painfully aware as most that there are limits to what government can achieve and ultimately it is up to businesses to lead the charge. Events, though, can provide great opportunities to drum up new business.

I was speaking at a recent Export Academy Masterclass in Manchester on Exhibitions Skills for Exporters. The Export Academy Masterclasses laid on free of charge by the Department for International Trade provide a great way for businesses

of all sizes to gain practical insights into all aspects of exporting and the support available.

Exhibitions, or events, vary considerably in scope and scale but provide a terrific opportunity for businesses to engage in new markets and meet new customers. Smaller, specialist events can provide a niche audience, whereas large international events can open up the whole world for you. I have done many of both and everything in between, and can testify to the great results that can be achieved. You don’t have to exhibit, you can also derive benefit just from attending. It is vital to approach events in a systematic way in order to gain maximum benefit though:

Objective: Deciding what you want to achieve is paramount in selecting the type of event that you go to. Are you looking to promote new products to existing customers? Find new customers in existing markets? Break into new markets? Find distributors, retailers or consumers?

Or all of the above!

Research: The organisers of the events will be able to help you and you should look carefully at who attended in previous years.

The DIT attends many events around the world and can also help with first-hand experience, whether directly, or through their extensive network.

As events are so widely publicised you are likely to find relevant information on the web. Talk to companies that have attended the shows previously and ask about their return on investment.

If you are taking a stand, consider the position carefully. At international events I always liked to be part of a British Pavilion if possible. There are numerous advantages and help available.

Preparation: The objective you set should help provide the outline for

Exporting continues on next page

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CONTACT US NOW to see how we can

Continued from previous page

the preparations. What messaging will be needed? Make it clear, visible and consider straightforward wording at international shows.

How many people you will need on the stand will depend on how big the stand is, and how many people are expected at the show.

Don’t forget to allow for meal and bathroom breaks. A busy stand looks good, but if you have no one to talk to prospects then you may be wasting opportunities.

At least have plenty of business cards and relevant literature. Badge scanners are definitely worthwhile, but also make notes so that you can prioritise. Make Contact sheets relevant, and easy to complete, for instance have tick boxes where

possible and a stapler to attach prospects’ business cards.

Keep hydrated and wear comfy shoes!

Engage: You are selling and on show every second of the event, and you need to be as energetic in your engagement at the end of the day as you are at the beginning.

Remember that you may have met hundreds of potential leads, but so has the person you want to turn into a customer.

Learn as much about them and their needs as you can, agree follow up actions and meetings. You are in a fishbowl and don’t know from which direction an opportunity might arise, so make yourself memorable - in a good way!

Follow up: There is no point in doing an event unless you put as much effort into the follow up. You may be exhausted, but the event isn’t complete until you have contacted every lead you have.

Prioritise the leads and personalise responses based on your discussions. Whilst meeting them at the event may have accelerated the sales process, cutting out the time it takes to engage, you need to build on that initial contact.

These brief points will help you find the right direction, but there is always help available.

Don’t be daunted by what you hear of costs. It might be that a large event will provide you with multiple years of prospects, but it is essential

Useful links: made-in-the-uk-sold-to-the-world-web-version

to accurately monitor the sales you achieve and return on investment. Most importantly, be ready for whatever happens, you never know what opportunity you may be about to meet.

Tony Goodman MBE is a successful exporter and has been doing so through a variety of different businesses. He is currently Marketing Advisor at Forest and Co who specialise in offering guidance on branding, exporting and sales:

February/March 2023 22 BUSINESS connect MAGAZINE

&out about

FM North returned with a bang in January with 95 registered attendees for the first event of 2023.

Professionals from the Facilities, Cleaning and Construction sectors from across the UK came together to network at The Lawn Club, located in Spinningfields in the heart of Manchester’s financial district. Hosted by Daniel Cross of Tennant Company, and Ian Perton of CSS Facilities Ltd, the January event was kindly sponsored by Paul Benson of Bunzle UK and Ireland who support businesses all over the world with a variety of products that are essential for their customers in the successful operation of their businesses, and Nicola Williams of innovative cleaning products supplier Wecovi. Each FM North event is completely funded by the sponsor, and in return that company is able to promote itself to a wide and growing

audience of potential customers, suppliers and business contacts via the FM North database and rising LinkedIn group membership, which currently stands at just over 2,700 members.

FM North returns to The Lawn Club, Spinningfields, Manchester on Wednesday 22 February.

Social Network held on the 3rd Thursday of the month at the Clayton

Hotel in the centre of Manchester. The event is open to anyone in business but is aligned mainly with the construction sector. Attending the free socials across the country will help you make the decision to take up membership.

January saw the first lunch of 2023 held at Box, Manchester. This month’s charity draw was won by Robert Williams of Manchester-

For more information or to arrange a guest invitation please contact Graham Shiers at or visit BITA Social Manchester - Eventbrite for details, or visit Join the FM North LinkedIn group or contact or
February/March 2023 24 BUSINESS connect MAGAZINE
L-R Daniel Cross, Jamie Harris, Paul Benson, Nicola Williams The Christie Charity as the recipient. The February lunch in Leeds is completely full, but the 20 April Manchester and 25 May Leeds lunches are available to attend.

The fundamentals of Business Networking

2. Enhanced professional development

The Business Network can provide you with access to valuable resources and learning opportunities from experts in their field. This is achieved by providing access to a diary of monthly in-person seminars as well as online webinars.

3. Access to new opportunities

who can help you and your business grow. Through The Business Network, you can build a strong network of likeminded professionals.

5. Increased confidence

The Business Network can help you to gain confidence in yourself and your abilities. You can learn from other professionals, share experiences and ideas, and build relationships that can help you become a more successful businessperson.

Helen Bennett Owner and Director of The Business Network

We have been providing a platform for business leaders to connect and collaborate for well over 20 years. In that time the huge advances in technology have helped streamline our business communications and the management of our events, and yet the fundamental aim of networking remains unchanged; to provide business leaders with the opportunity to meet and share ideas, discuss challenges and opportunities, and ultimately build strong relationships. In this article I would like to summarise 5 key benefits inherent in business networking, and then show how The Business Network can deliver them for you.

1. Increased visibility

The Business Network can help you increase your visibility and credibility within your field and make it easier for you to remain in the minds of potential clients and partners. We do that by offering members the opportunity to either deliver one of our monthly seminars, take advantage of a speaking slot, or submit articles to our digital magazine and websites.

Through The Business Network you can create new opportunities for yourself and your business.

You can learn about new projects, meet potential customers and partners, expand your knowledge base and remain ‘current’. (In fact, this article has been part-written using the latest platform).

4. Greater connections

The Business Network can help you to develop relationships with people

We have remained true to our format over the years because it works – and it works because of commitment, support and encouragement of the business leaders who attend.

As long-standing member Colin Cameron, Managing Director at Mutech Limited, kindly commented, “You seem to be able to produce the right combination of people being both friendly and business orientated.” The satisfying results when you do get

the support of business leaders are stories such as this one from Intersol Global, where Director Ian Hynes recently sent me this update.

“I joined The Business Network as a sole trader and from the outset the journey has been better enabled and facilitated by many fellow members of The Business Network and the supportive patronage of yourself and Russell.

“Without that support and encouragement, we would not have made the progress we have or developed into the people we are!

“We’ve just taken on our 40th contracted employee and retained our 12th client for workplace investigation support. Next year marks our 10th anniversary in business and we will be formally launching our workplace mediation services.”

It is stories like Ian’s that make us continue to do what we do.

February/March 2023 25 BUSINESS connect MAGAZINE
networking If you would like to learn more, please contact Helen on: T 0161 823 1386 M 07854 891 767 E For details of upcoming events please go to: Manchester - London - Exeter -

digital marketing

customers be able to reach you.


If you’re a bricks-and-mortar business, then it’s doubly important, especially in the digital age.

Don’t get me wrong.

You don’t need to make use of digital marketing to get customers through the door. And if you’re seeing growth, that’s fantastic.


Digital marketing for small businesses is often overlooked. And the importance of digital marketing often goes unnoticed. If you think that you’re doing well now, try investing some of that capital into digital marketing.

Let’s take a moment to appreciate: SMEs.

Accounting for roughly 60% of all global employment, SMEs are the backbone of any economy.

But building and running an SME requires dedication and sacrifice. This is why it’s vital to ensure that you put your best foot forward in every aspect of your business to make sure it succeeds.

One of those aspects, of course, is digital marketing.

Digital marketing? Why?

It’s easy to underestimate the importance of digital marketing. But it shouldn’t be dismissed.

And, while around 80% of all businesses have an online presence, not many have made the most of it.

What do you mean?

I mean that there are two huge benefits of digital marketing for small businesses.

Allow me to elaborate.

Bear with me for a moment.

McDonald’s sells an average of 75 burgers per second. That means they sell 6.48 million burgers a day.

What does fast food have to do with

digital marketing, exactly?

Because, if fast food has taught us anything, it’s that convenience is king And, in the 21st century, that matters more than ever.

Could we get to the benefits now?

Yes, of course! Let’s get into it.

The main factor is that it’s convenient for the customer. But let’s break it down and look at exactly how that happens.


It allows you to connect to your customers.

Most of the world is online right now, so being online gives you the best chance to reach them.

By reaching out to your consumer base, you give them less to do in order to see you, which makes it more enticing for them to engage with you.

On top of that.

It makes you seem more legitimate, which is always a good thing.


It’s important to remember that your competitors are online. Why is that important to remember?

Because it gives you an excellent opportunity to see what they’re doing right and use that to extend your reach. And these things combine to create even more convenience for your customers. (Clever, right?)

How do I do that?

Well, you could try to do it yourself. But, unless you have a background in digital marketing, you likely wouldn’t see the results you want.

Because you’d have to spend a heck of a lot of time understanding the target market and how to create a sustainable online presence.

Time which could be spent on growing your business.


Why not hire a digital marketing agency?

From web development to social media management to SEO, they spend their time working on the digital stuff so that you don’t have to.

Let’s answer the burning question. Is digital marketing worth it?

Well, if you’re an e-commerce site, then it’s super important that your

Give it two months.

You’ll see more growth.

And your growth will see growth. And that growth will see growth.

Until, one day, you’re no longer an SME. If you’re struggling to grow your SME into SOMETHING bigger, why not contact us?

We’re always happy to help with your digital marketing needs - or just a chat! Whatever your digital marketing needs, we can guarantee that you’ll realise that an investment with us is well worth it.

Cheers for now, Henri

February/March 2023 26 BUSINESS connect MAGAZINE

lift & learn

Another great feature of Lift & Learn is that retailers can track the interaction with any product; every time someone interacts with the product you know that product has had some interest.

This allows you to track your analytics easily and accurately to make informed decisions surrounding pricing, demand and product placement.

Why is interactivity so important?

As previously mentioned, the effectiveness of digital signage has taken advertising influence in stores to a new level, with 70% of people admitting that digital signage catches their attention, directly influencing their buying decisions.

With tech-giants seemingly always coming up with new methods to educate their customers with shorts bursts of exciting content (i.e. TikTok), it is crucial to stay on top of the latest technology trends in order to ensure you continue to stand out amongst your competitors.

In a modern world where technology is at the forefront of almost everything we do, the use of digital advertising has risen dramatically in popularity due to its customisability, low cost and increased reach.

In order to keep pace with their competitors, businesses are always looking for the latest ways to engage their audience.

Embracing the digital era through interactive adver tising

Embracing digital technology through digital signage is a factor that many have already considered and implemented effectively, and the fact that digital signage attracts 70% more attention than conventional printed signage supports this.

One of the key trends that is proving to be effective is a handson approach in stores, allowing a consumer to interact with a product to make a more informed buying decision – this is where Nybble’s Lift & Learn comes into play.

What is Lift & Learn?

Lift & Learn is the modern way to bring your product to life through interaction.

When your customer enters your

store and picks up a product, it has always been down to them to use their imagination as to how they’d make the most of your product, however, through Lift & Learn the game has changed.

Once your customer has picked up their product, a digital tag triggered as a result of the motion triggers a specific product video/advertisement to play on a nearby screen; this allows your customer to see the selected product in action.

A unique reusable RFiD tag is attached to each product involved in the display.

This allows the paired receiving unit to detect when a product is lifted by sensing the motion, resulting in

content instantly being triggered to play on screen.

The interactivity and on-screen information sells the product to your customer like never before, assisting them by informing them of all relevant features, whilst showing the product in action.

Digital advertising is here to stay, and with more brands looking to embrace this form of product promotion, the most successful marketing will be delivered by those who embrace digital signage, handing their customers a higher quality and more persuasive user experience.

This type of dynamic triggering is already operating across a wide range of sectors, from footwear to car dealerships, and everything in between, and can fitted to existing hardware, ensuring that costs remain minimal.

For further details please call our product specialist on 03300 020886, email or visit the Lift & Learn product page.


you’re the best ?

How many businesses seem to be regularly posting self-congratulatory, ‘I’m the best, the only person who can help you’ posts on social media?

I know I’m not alone in finding their tone self-indulgent and rather off-putting. Conversations with friends and other business owners have confirmed that this excessive boasting and self-promotion from someone who’s essentially acting as a salesperson, claiming that their goods or services are the most superior option, is too much.

Yes, we can scroll on by, but we may be deterred from feeling inclined to stop and buy.

Isn’t it less salesy for a business to display a little modesty and share what they have to offer or quietly post recommendations and comments from happy clients or customers?

Confidence and self-belief are all well and good but sometimes you can be left wondering if, with that much smugness, they should go and get a room!

There’s a certain charm and relaxed confidence that emanates from someone who simply lays out their menu, invites you to have a relaxed conversation with them about how they can help and then lets you decide what suits you best.

There’s no doubt that everyone wants to buy the best.

Some years back an advertising agency ran a campaign for cigarettes for ‘ordinary people’. It had no appeal, as the image cigarette-smoking

adverts aim to convey is that of a glamorous lifestyle, elegant, the ultimate in cool. Unsurprisingly this ad campaign was unsuccessful and was quickly withdrawn.

As a counsellor and hypnotherapist, I’m all too aware that my clients need to feel confident in my ability to help them.

They need to know that I’m highlytrained, experienced and good at what I do, and I’m happy to reassure them that that’s the case. Most of my clients are recommendations, and I have people travel from all over the country, even from overseas.

I’ve written books, regularly write articles for magazines and blogs, contribute to many BBC programmes, have weekly radio shows, am a hypnotherapy trainer, a speaker. There are many strings to my bow and that’s not a secret.

But I’m also aware that one size doesn’t fit all, and that whilst I receive lots of referrals from happy clients, what I provide doesn’t suit everyone.

One of the most impressive posts I’ve seen on social media recently was from a mortgage company who’d been nominated for an award. They posted a video and in it said that whilst they weren’t claiming to be the best, they certainly felt they’d earned the right to win the award because they worked very hard to do all they could for each and every client.

They felt they deserved to be on the list, and others agreed because they won it!

Think about a restaurant menu. It describes the dishes on offer, references dietary requirements, promotes ‘specials’ and offers, but then leaves it to the customer to decide.

The restaurant appreciates that what’s to one person’s taste may be unappealing to someone else. Yes, a customer may eat there regularly, and, as such be confidently directed to certain choices, but it works best to then leave it to the customer to decide. And, if they’re not happy with their choice, well that’s a discussion for another day. Everyone has to eat, but not everyone will choose to eat the same food, at the same restaurant or even enjoy eating out.

Similarly, in business, it’s important to remind people of your presence and what you have to offer.

Establish yourself as the ‘go-to-guy’ in your field, but equally remember that there are probably hundreds of people offering similar goods and services to yours. It’s the people, the individual relationships and customer experiences that are often the deciding factor.

Over-the-top, loud, pushy sales pitches on social media may work for some. They may get the message across, but self-effacing is often far more attractive and compelling than the ‘I’m the greatest’ approach that so many seem to favour at the moment!

There are a variety of ways to connect with potential clients: Blog posts offering top tips or ways

to improve their business are often welcome, especially when they’re short, easy-to-read bullet points. Use them to remind people of your worth. Don’t forget that whilst people may enthusiastically watch cooking programmes, they still look forward to dining out and having someone else cook for them!

A regular visual post, including a #tipoftheday or week can keep you in people’s line of sight and remind them that you’re around whenever they need you. Short videos and live streams are effective ways to highlight yourself and your personality.

Networking, physically attending meetings and maybe taking the opportunity to deliver a valuable business spotlight about your business is a good way to build and enhance relationships and prompt further conversation about ways you can help that are personally tailored to their requirements.

There are many effective ways to self-promote and it’s good to vary your approach.

Susan Leigh MNCH (ACC)

South Manchester counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer and media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.

She’s author of 3 books, ‘Dealing with Stress, Managing its Impact’, ‘101 Days of Inspiration #tipoftheday’ and ‘Dealing with Death, Coping with the Pain’, all on Amazon and with easy to read sections, tips and ideas to help you feel more positive about your life.

To order a copy or for more information, help and free articles visit

For more articles, information or to make contact please call 0161 928 7880 or visit

February/March 2023 28 BUSINESS connect MAGAZINE

diary dates

BITA (British and Irish Trading Alliance)

BITA London online every Friday

8.00am - 9.00am

Cost FREE until further notice

Live face to face events:

BITA London Monthly Social Networking

9 Mar 6.00pm - 8.00pm, every 2nd Thurs

Venue The Rising Sun, 61 Carter Lane, Fleet Street, London EC4V 5DY


BITA Liverpool Monthly Social Networking

9 Mar 5.00pm - 7.00pm, every 2nd Thurs

Venue The Restuarant Bar and Grill, Brunswick Street, Liverpool L2 0UU


BITA Leeds Monthly Social Networking

8 Mar 6.00pm - 8.00pm, every 2nd Weds

Venue Banyan Bar & Kitchen, Toronto Sq, 2 City Square, Leeds LS1 2ES


BITA Manchester Monthly Social Networking

16 Feb, 16 Mar 5.00pm - 7.00pm, every 3rd Thurs

Venue Clayton Hotel Manchester City Centre, 55 Portland Street, Manchester M1 3HP


BITA Manchester Lunch

10 Feb 10.30am - 5.00pm

Venue The Edwardian Manchester, Free Trade Hall, Peter Street, Manchester M2 5GP

Cost £100+VAT (BITA members £80+VAT). Stall (inc. 1 lunch space) £300+VAT (BITA members £220+VAT).

BITA Liverpool Lunch

24 Feb Time: 11.30am - 5.00pm

Venue Anfield Stadium, Anfield, Liverpool L4 0TF

Cost TBC (please see website for further details)

Contact Paul Whitnell Laura

Best of Bolton & Blackburn

Business Show

2 Day Business Expo

Part 2 - 14 March 2023 1.00pm - 7.00pm

Venue Bolton Stadium Hotel, De Havilland Way, Bolton BL6 6SF

Cost FREE (pre-registration required).


Business Connect Magazine are media partners

BNI Graphene Manchester

Weekly every Weds - includes hot lunch

10.00am - 12.30pm

Venue BOX Deansgate, 125 Deansgate, Manchester M3 2BY

Cost FREE for visitors

Contact John Galloway 07971 161621

BNI Vision Cheadle

Weekly every Weds 9.15am - 11.00am

Venue Bramhall Park Golf Club, 20 Manor Road, Bramhall, Stockport SK7 3LY

Contact Rebecca Moloney 07899 967 469


Business Fairs 2023

Annual business fairs across Northern venues.

Free to visit, all sectors welcome to exhibit Liverpool Business Fair

28 Mar 10.30am - 3.00pm

Venue Liverpool Football Club Anfield Road, Liverpool L4 0TH


Greater Manchester Business Fair

6 Jul 10.30am - 3.00pm

Venue AJ Bell Stadium, 1 Stadium Way Barton-upon-Irwell, Salford M30 7LJ


Wirral & Chester Business Fair

20 Sep 10.30am - 3.00pm

Venue New Brighton Floral Pavillion, Marine Promenade, New Brighton, Wallasey CH45 2JS


Halton & Warrington Business Fair

9 Nov 10.30am - 3.00pm

Venue DCBL Stadium Halton, Lower House Lane, Widnes WA8 7DZ


Contact Tony Haines 0151 709 8932

Business Catalyst Club

Manchester and Leeds Networking Lunches

Invitation only

Manchester - 20 Apr

Leeds - 25 May

Costs, Timings, Venues and booking detailscontact organisers below:

Contact Graham Shiers 07818 675 310

FM North

Networking event for professionals in the FM, Cleaning and Construction Sector

4th Weds of each month

22 Feb 4.00pm - 9.00pm

Venue The Lawn Club, Hardman Square, Spinningfields, Manchester M3 3HG


Contact Tickets through

GC Business Growth Hub Events and Networking

16 Feb 9.30am - 11.30am

Venue FC United of Manchester Broadhurst Park, 310 Lightbowne Rd, Moston, Manchester, M40 0FJ

Cost all events and networking FREE


High Peak Business Club

Regular monthly breakfast networking with high calibre speakers

17 Feb Will the Pub Survive..? with Chris Jeffrey

17 Mar A Sure Fire Winner…?” with Michael Madden

21 Apr Help, I need somebody…?” with Paul Vickers

7.30am - 10.00am

Venue Chapel en le Frith Golf Club Manchester Road, Chapel en le Frith, High Peak SK23 9UH

Cost £25


K-Club Networking Breakfast Events and Lunches for Entrepreneurs

Monthly (please see website)

Venue Manchester based

Contact Amanda Manson 07754 069 829

Lancashire Business Expo 2023

1 Day Business Expo from Shout Expo

24 Mar 2023 9.00am - 3.00pm

Venue Preston Guildhall, Lancaster Road, Preston PR1 1HT

Cost FREE (pre-registration required).


Liverpool City Region

Business Expo 2023

1 Day Business Expo from Shout Expo

9 Jun 2023 9.00am - 3.00pm

Venue Exhibition Centre, King’s Dock, Port of Liverpool, Liverpool L3 4FP

Cost FREE (pre-registration required).


Liverpool Chamber of Commerce

Business networking

Well Connected Networking

3 Mar 10.00am - 11.30am, every 1st Friday

Venue Liverpool City Centre - venue changes monthly (see website).

Cost Members Free, £15 non-members


Liverpool Chamber Day at the Races 2023

All-inclusive hospitality package

13 Apr All day

Venue Aintree Racecourse, Ormskirk Road, Aintree, Liverpool L9 5AS

Cost £330 members, £420 non-members


MBH Business Networking

Face to face and zoom business networking

22 Feb 1.30pm - 3.30pm

Venue Virgin Money, 48-50 Market Street, Manchester M1 1PW



Northwest Business Expo 2023

1 Day Business Expo from Shout Expo

6 Oct 2023 9.00am - 3.00pm

Venue Bolton Stadium Hotel, De Havilland Way, Bolton BL6 6SF

Cost FREE (pre-registration required).


Business Connect Magazine are media partners


Hot topic breakfasts, Sector lunches, Economic Updates, Panel debates

Full programme of events available online

Contact Nicola McCormick 07929 671755

Shout! Network

Fortnightly networking. Breakfast Included. Venues across Lancashire, Greater Manchester and Liverpool.

Blackburn Friday at 8.00am

Blackburn Rovers Football Club  BB2 4JF

Blackpool Friday at 12.00noon

Hampton by Hilton, Blackpool  FY4 1NG

Bolton Tuesday at 9.30am

Dunscar Golf Club  BL7 9QY

Bolton Wednesday at 8.00am

Bolton Stadium Hotel  BL6 6SF

Burnley Thursday at 9.30am

Burnley Football Club BB10 4BX

Burnley Friday at 9.30am

Burnley Football Club BB10 4BX

Bury Tuesday 9.30am

Red Hall Hotel BL9 5NA

Chorley Thursday at 9.30am

Hartwood Hall PR6 7AX

Leyland Thursday at 9.30am

Leyland Golf Club PR25 5UD

Liverpool Friday at 12.00noon

Cains Brewery Village L8 5XJ

Manchester Wednesday at 12.00noon

Worsley Park Marriott Hotel. M28 2QT

Preston Tuesday at 9.30am

Shout Connect HQ PR2 2YF

Preston Wednesday at 9.00am

Shout Connect HQ PR2 2YF

Preston Friday at 12.00noon

Shout Connect HQ PR2 2YF

Southport Wednesday at 12.00noon

Waterfront Southport Hotel PR9 0DZ

Wigan Wednesday at 12.00noon

Gathurst Golf Club WN6 8EW

Wrea Green Friday at 8.00am

The Villa Wrea Green PR4 2PE

Fortnightly networking is on a sector lock-out basis. Please contact Shout for further information. Costs also vary.

Contact 01772 935930

The Business Network Manchester Business networking lunch - inc seminars.

23 Feb 11.50am - 2.00pm

(Optional seminar 10.00am start)

Venue Hyatt Regency Hotel, 55 Booth Street West, Manchester M15 6PQ

Cost £49.95

30 Mar 11.50am - 2.00pm (Optional seminar 10.00am start)

Venue Clayton Hotel Manchester City Centre, 55 Portland Street, Manchester M1 3HP

Cost £49.95

Contact Helen Bennett 0161 823 1384

The Business Network South Manchester Business networking lunch - inc seminars.

2 Mar 11.30am - 2.00pm (Optional seminar 10.30am start)

Venue The Tytherington Club, 90 Dorchester Way, Tytherington, Macclesfield SK10 2JP

Cost £50.00

19 Apr 11.30am - 2.00pm (Optional seminar 10.30am start)

Venue Forest Hills Hotel, Overton Hill, Frodsham WA6 6H

Cost £50.00

Contact Simon Edmondson 07766 493428

Third Thursday Club

Networking purely for construction and property attendees. Every third thurs.

16 Feb, 16 Mar 12noon - 2.00pm

Venue East 59th, Victoria Gate, 3rd Floor Rooftop, George St, Leeds LS2 7AU

Cost Invitation only - please enquire

Contact Rachel Shaw

Don’t forget your business cards!

Please note If you plan to attend any of the above events please ensure all details are correct in advance. Whilst every effort has been made to confirm accuracy some details may be subject to change.

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February/March 2023 29 BUSINESS connect MAGAZINE

places to meet

Chamber Space

Meeting and Conference Facilities, Hourly rates, 4-160 capacity, Full venue capacity 400, range of catering options, unlimited tea/coffee with room hire Elliot House, 151 Deansgate, Manchester M3 3WD

0161 393 4321


Cottons Hotel & Spa

10 minutes to Manchester Airport, 138 bedrooms, 13 meeting rooms capacity 200 delegates, 3 dining areas, AA Rosette awarded terrace restaurant Manchester Road, Knutsford WA16 0SU

01565 600333

DoubleTree By Hilton Manchester Airport

230 bedrooms, 11 meeting rooms, restaurant and bar, 24Hr gym, On-site parking, airport shuttle Outwood Lane, Manchester M90 4WP

0161 435 3000

Go Serviced Offices

Meeting room, Free WiFi, Free parking, Free refreshments, Lounge and seated garden area, Capacity for 6 people

Ground Floor, Prospect House, Columbus Quay, Liverpool L3 4DB

07494 090 373



Business Centre

Meeting rooms, Free hi-speed wifi, Free Parking, Café, Touch screen TV, 60 people capacity

Albert Street, Hollinwood, Oldham OL8 3QL

0161 511 9450


Hotel Brooklyn

Bed and breakfast, Cosy meeting rooms, Large banquet space, Accessible rooms, Designed for disabled guests

59 Portland Street, Manchester M1 3HP 0161 518 2936


Meeting rooms, Office space, Free Wi-Fi, Event space, Co-working, Capacity 1 - 50

2 Mount Street , Manchester M2 5WQ 07717 191851

Manchester Central Convention Centre

Large and small scale conferences, Meeting rooms, Event spaces, Central location

Petersfield, Manchester M2 3GX

0161 834 2700

Marriott Hotel

Manchester Airport

Brasserie Blanc Bar & Restaurant, San Carlo Bar & Restaurant, Executive lounge, 2 Function spaces (140 and 50 capacities), Courtyard (private outdoor dining)

Hale Road, Hale Barns, Manchester WA15 8XW

07881 312158

Marriott Manchester

Victoria and Albert Hotel

148 bedrooms and suites, 9 meeting and event rooms with capacity for 240 people theatre style, Restaurant and bar, South facing terrace, Private dining, Business centre Water Street, St John’s, Manchester M3 4AW

0161 832 1188

Marriott Hotel

Liverpool City Centre

Brew Bar (food and drinks), Oliviers breakfast restaurant, Merchant Bar (private bar/event space), 2 Function spaces (240 and 50 capacities)

One Queen Square, Liverpool L1 1RH 07881 312158

Orega Arkwright House

Crompton (seats 10) and Hargreaves (seats 8) meeting rooms, both come with Free WiFi, Clevertouch screens, Video Conferencing, Catering (extra cost) Parsonage Gardens, Manchester M3 2LF 0161 667 8100

Regus Digital World

Meeting rooms of various sizes, Free hi-speed WiFi, Central location, Beautiful roof terrace

1 Lowry Plaza, The Quays, Salford M50 3UB 0161 601 7700

Regus King Street

Meeting rooms for 4, 10 and 12 people, Free wifi, Kitchen amenities, City centre location, 24 hour access 82 King Street, Manchester M2 4WQ

0161 935 8000

Regus Spinningfields

Fully serviced, private meeting rooms, Free high-speed broadband, whiteboards, TV/projector, refreshments, Meeting rooms of varying sizes

10th Floor, 3 Hardman Street, Manchester M3 3HF

0800 279 7131

Regus St James Tower

Meeting rooms of various sizes, Hi-speed WiFi, Central location and good traffic links

7 Charlotte Street, Manchester M1 4DZ

0161 521 9800 ---------------------------------------

Regus Trafford Park

10 person, 6 person and 4 person meeting rooms, Free WiFi, Free Parking, Close to Motorway

4th Floor, Centenary House, 1 Centenary Way, Manchester M5O 1RF

0161 504 2500


Salford City College

Business Centre

Hot desking space, Free Wi-Fi, Formal meeting rooms, Event and conference space, Collaboration and breakout spaces, Tea and coffee facilities, Free parking

Frontier House, Merchants Quay, Salford Quays M50 3SR 0161 631 5555

SPACES Deansgate

Boardroom style meeting rooms, Presentation style training room, On-site Deli, Parking (chargeable), Hi-speed WiFi, Cycle store 125 Deansgate, Manchester M3 2BY

0161 519 2000

Leeds Marriott Hotel Events space, Executive Lounge, Bar & Grill, Executive Rooms and Suites, 17 Meeting and Event Spaces 4 Trevelyan Square, Boar Lane Leeds LS1 6ET 01132 366366

Worsley Park Marriott Hotel

Restaurant and Bar, 9 Meeting rooms, Leisure club & Gym, 18 Hole Golf Course Walkden Road, Manchester M28 2QT 0161 975 2000

If you currently have the printed edition of Business Connect Magazine available at your venue and you’d like to feature in our Places to Meet section please contact Paul Mirage at

If you’d like to host our magazine at your site and feature on this page please contact Paul.

February/March 2023 30

3 Events 425+


5,500+ Attendees


The right audience and the perfect opportunity to shout about your business

Hosting the region’s most celebrated events in the business calendar. Held annually in Lancashire, Greater Manchester, and Liverpool City Region, these are the target exhibition for business owners, professionals, startups and marketeers, keen to connect with other businesses and decision-makers. With over 5,500 visitors attending year after year, this opportunity to showcase your business in a relaxed, fun environment shouldn’t be missed!



76% Avg. key decision makers

Our next event

150 Exhibitors

1,500+ Potential Leads

Don’t miss out on Lancashire’s Largest B2B exhibition.

Taking place at the Guild Hall, Preston on 24th March 2023

9th June 2023 Exhibition Centre, Liverpool


6th October 2023 Bolton Stadium Hotel, Bolton Media Partners

What makes Shout Expo different?

Our exhibitions attract exhibitors from SMEs through to large corporations from both the private and public sector. This diversity ensures that every event is unioque

The team at Shout Expo have been delivering well-attended, fun and diverse B2B exhibitions across the North West
2015 We’re proud of our events because we know we deliver them well, with the experience of our partners, exhibitors and visitors being our absolute priority
Contact Paul Mirage to be in the next issue... • 07708 987518 Celebrate a business anniversary, office move, rebrand, new product launch... GET PUBLISHED, GET CONNECTED, GET NOTICED Increase your CREDIBILITY Get PUBLISHED with a BUSINESS FOCUS in BUSINESS CONNECT MAGAZINE THE UK’S BUSINESS TO BUSINESS MAGAZINE PICKUP YOUR FREE COPYBUSINESS CONNECTINGBUSINESSES ACROSS THE UKAND BEYOND UA92’sGaryNevilleandProfessorCraigGaskellpicturedoutsidethenewUA92campusonTalbotRoad PhotographybyPaulHusband December/January2019 THE UK’S BUSINESS TO BUSINESS MAGAZINE PICKYOURUP FREE COPYBUSINESS Celebrating 25 years with specialist construction sector pipe supplier Plastech Ltd. Business Growth Hub’s drive to improve accessibility to workplace training. CONNECTING BUSINESSES ACROSS THE UK AND BEYOND Plastech director Quin pictured outside their Wigan HQ. THE UK’S BUSINESS TO BUSINESS MAGAZINE Focus on the launch of the South Manchester Alternative PICKYOURUP FREE COPY CONNECTING BUSINESSES ACROSS THE UK AND BEYOND Manchester BUSINESS THE UK’S BUSINESS TO BUSINESS MAGAZINE PICK UP FREE COPYBUSINESS CONNECTING BUSINESSES ACROSS THE UK AND BEYOND Ex-Dragons’ Den Entrepreneur Jenny Campbell City Centre Business Networking with GM Business Connect Photography by Martin Hambleton Photography, 815703 THE UK’S BUSINESS TO BUSINESS MAGAZINE PICK UP YOUR FREE COPYBUSINESS BizConnectMag CONNECTINGBUSINESSES ACROSS THE UK AND BEYOND June/July 2018 Theo Paphitis pictured outside the National Football Museum at the Urbis building in Central Manchester Theo Paphitis kicks off Many Hands Retail magnate and Dragons’ Den star Theo Paphitis kicks off the Many Hands charity campaign on behalf of the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital at Manchester’s National Football Museum. Full event review plus interview inside. Salford Masterplan Focus on the huge new masterplan to transform the University of Salford and surrounding area over the next two decades. First Friday Connectworking City Centre Business Networking with GM Business Connect Magazine and Forever Manchester Charity. Full details on the back cover. Driven by a Dragon Interview with Ed Hollands from Driven Media, looking at his appearance on Dragons’ Den securing an investment from new Dragon Jenny Campbell. Central Manchester’s newest office brand Interview with Jason Davenport from The Offices, offering a new approach to office letting in the heart of Manchester. Photography JoeGardnerPhotography 209341 The magazine for business people across the UK and beyond IN PRINT AND ONLINE

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Articles inside

you’re the best ?

page 28

Embracing the digital era through interactive adver tising

page 27

lift & learn

page 27

digital marketing

page 26

The fundamentals of Business Networking

page 25

&out about

page 24

Events, dear boy ,

pages 21-22

Blok ‘N’ Mesh announced as Headline Sponsors for Innovation in Business Awards 2023

page 19

The Internationalisation of the Northern Powerhouse

page 17

take back control?

page 17

Is the North about to finally

page 16

Sweet Sixteen, but now is the time for the new era of apprenticeships to come to the forefront!

page 15

Support for over 4,000 members

page 14

Housebuilders face a costly hurdle over sustainable drainage

page 13

Successful Levelling Up fund bid for Morecambe Eden Project

page 13

Symple on a high with Lofti deal

page 13

Final phase of £1.3bn Manchester Airport transformation programme announced Wates to build 334

page 12


page 11

Downsizing firms warned of broadband blunder

page 10

Print still beats digital when it comes to big decisions

page 10

Wealth at Work group acquires Employee Financial Wellness

page 9

Significant rise in UK SMEs borrowing money expected in 2023

pages 8-9

Rapid expansion for North West legal firm

page 8

Coincover partners with Fireblocks for enhanced institutional-grade private key management

page 7

Greater Manchester Business Awards 2023 opens for business!

page 7

Lancashire IT firm EvolveODM expands to Sheffield

page 7

Pulsara Approved as Cloud Software Supplier on UK G-Cloud 13 Framework

page 6

WDS Group drives sustainable beverage-packaging collections

page 6

Pandemic hangovers stifling growth for 59%

page 6

North West manufacturers help Made Smarter reach 250th tech investment milestone

page 5

UK manufacturing output flat, but cost and price inflation ease to slowest pace since 2021

page 5

Dates for your 2023 Diary!

page 4

Bank of England raise interest rates to 4%

page 4
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