Business Cornwall May 21

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MAY 2021 | ISSUE 147 | £3.95



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MAY 2021 | ISSUE 147 | £3.95



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MAY 2021





SPEND! SPEND! SPEND! In this issue we meet Nick Whitworth, who along with his wife Kath, founded the Newquay-based clothing and footwear brand Celtic & Co. Celtic & Co is a fabulous example of a Cornish business performing on the world stage. Since starting the business in 1990 having seen an advert in a local paper, the Whitworths have grown it into a £15 million business selling to something like 70 countries across the world, an achievement which has seen Celtic & Co awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise two years running. While export now accounts for a third of the business, Celtic & Co has also been doing particularly well at home during the pandemic, as more and more people have had to turn to online shopping and perhaps, with holidays and eating out etc off the menu, spending a little more on luxury clothing items than they would have previously done. According to those who understand this sort of thing, there is a lot of pent-up spend out there in people’s piggy banks waiting to be unleashed. And as lockdown is further eased this month, it will be the turn of the hospitality sector, in particular, to see if this fiscal prediction is, indeed, true.

CONTRIBUTORS PFA Research, Toby Weller DESIGN Ade Taylor PRINT Printed in Cornwall by Deltor BUSINESS CORNWALL is published 10 times a year by: Tonick Business Publishing Pool Innovation Centre Trevenson Road Redruth TR15 3PL Tel: 01209 718688

SUBSCRIPTIONS Registered under the Data Protection Act. All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied, stored in an electronic retrieval system or transmitted without the written permission of the publisher. Stringent efforts have been made by Business Cornwall magazine to ensure accuracy. However, due principally to the fact that data cannot always be verified, it is possible that some errors or omissions may occur. Business Cornwall magazine can not accept responsibility for such errors or omissions. Business Cornwall magazine accepts no responsibility for comments made by interviewees that may offend.

Confidence is slowly returning, although not soon enough for many events. Despite pushing their original dates back, events like the Royal Cornwall Show and Porthleven Food Festival, for example, in the face of ongoing uncertainties about social distancing etc, have reluctantly decided to cancel. But things are slowly returning to some sort of normal and there is good reason for us to start believing that the glass is half full rather than half empty.

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Digital marketer

The big question

Luckily for me the summer and holidays in general, are always quieter. I only have to concentrate on my clients as my teaching commitments for the CIM and Falmouth Uni take a break. This gives me time to spend with my young children, while still looking after my clients. This flexibility is entirely why I started my own business a decade ago. Plus, who wouldn’t want to spend the summer on the beach in Cornwall?


Frankie Thomas Creative

How do the seasons impact the way you work? Are you inspired by the summer sun, or do you find it easier to focus when hunkering down in the winter? Join the conversation @biz_cornwall

/businesscornwall ADVERTORIAL

I tend to work best during the spring and summer months when Cornwall is at its busiest. I feel inspired due to the conversations with new people and the encounters that only summer in Cornwall provides. I tend to feel a surge of motivation when my schedule is busy with events, meetings and adventures around the coast. Having an evening at the beach planned is also a really good motivator to get through the day! I’ve found it really difficult to stay focused during the winter due to the lack of excitement and change.


Well, I am certainly a creature of comfort and the seasons do impact how I work! Winter to me is warmth, cosiness, candles, coffee and wood burners. In this environment I am most effective during the darker months. However, once summer is here, I find I am


The last year saw a revolution in working practices and the way businesses and their staff operate, writes Wildanet CTO, Paddy Paddison. But what next for firms in Cornwall as they consider full or partial returns to the office and whether to embed remote working, at least in some form, as a long-term strategy? The buzz word right now is Unified Communications and it’s all about using the power of fast reliable internet to bring together 4 | BUSINESS CORNWALL

everything we use to work and communicate into one seamless package.


more productive being up and out and about, in the sunshine, working longer hours in bright airy/outside environments. In our sector seasons can affect capacity, so we find we are much busier between January and August and quieter between September and December, which really is more to do with children transitioning to school rather than for any other reason. Personally, I find I have more energy in the Summer months and this is probably when I am more inspired to challenge myself and become more creative.


I tend not to be impacted by the seasons as I have a good diverse range of clients, although in a normal world with hospitality clients the lead up to Easter can be busy as everyone prepares to open. The summer sun does distract, usually by shining on the screen in the IT bunker. I do long to work outside during the decent weather as the feel of the breeze can help the mind enormously, but the sheer impracticalities of using a laptop outside usually just send me back to the bunker! However, sitting by a cool riverside with laptop, mobile data link, good local coffee do make the day pass a whole lot nicer.

CARLA LAMB Truro School

I feel incredibly fortunate to work within a school environment which is greatly influenced by term dates rather than the

Think of the advantages of having your business operating software integrated with voice calling, video calling, video conferencing, file sharing and instant messaging (chat) – available anywhere and across multiple devices. Sounds great - and it can be - but if you want your company to take advantage of it, you’re going to need the broadband connectivity to enable you to do so, and not just for your office but for the staff that will be using it, wherever they may be. Businesses had to react quickly when the pandemic struck, just to keep operating and staff working. But for many it has left people working across multiple (often incompatible)

seasons themselves. During term time, the collective energy of all the children and their dedicated teachers creates a fastpaced environment with an abundance of opportunities to motivate and inspire. During the school holidays, the empty corridors and quiet playing fields allow time for reflection and a shift in focus to strategic planning and longer-term project goals. I find this constantly changing pace keeps my mind focused and permits me time to appreciate the best of all the seasons.


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During the long winter months, I tend to be less productive and find commuting to and from work in the dark demotivating. In the past year I have found this hasn’t been the case. The introduction of remote working and being able to create a comfortable home office environment by a window has boosted my creativity and productivity. Having access to more natural daylight has dramatically increased my mood and wellbeing.

LUCY STUDLEY Cornwall Connect

The shoulder seasons are always busiest for me, as my hospitality and food and drink clients are gearing up during the spring, or making the most of the early autumn with events etc. From a PR point of view, once July and August arrives it does become difficult to make much headway with national contacts and the knock-on effect is that you almost need to get Christmas sorted before the summer starts.

platforms and reliant on poor business and home internet connections. It got us through, it gave us an insight into what was possible. Now, as we look to the future, there’s a huge opportunity for businesses in Cornwall to be adopting industry-leading applications and working practices that put you on a par with your competition across the UK and beyond.

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First and foremost though, you need to ensure you have the fast and reliable internet you need to transform your business and give you access to the best in new technology and applications. Wildanet is the Cornish broadband provider BUSINESS CORNWALL | 5




BUSINESSES EMBRACE CHANGE as its restaurant in the centre of the harbour town was too small to operate viably. 79% of businesses said they also had to make changes to their business to allow for social distancing. A survey of 650 businesses based in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly has revealed how they have embraced change during the coronavirus pandemic. Commissioned by the Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Growth Hub and carried out by PFA Research, the survey’s key findings show business aspirations for growth, changes to how businesses operate, how workforces have adapted, and financial decisions. Communications manager for the Growth Hub, Kirsty Miles-Musgrave, said: “There’s no doubt the last year has been difficult for many businesses, and we wanted to find out how organisations had dealt with all the disruption. “We are really encouraged to see 45% of businesses are planning for growth, with 4% expecting this to be rapid. I think this shows the resilience of our county and the ambitious nature of its residents.”


Businesses were interviewed between February 5 and March 5, during the UK’s third national lockdown. The survey explored the actions they had taken, or were planning to take, in order to manage the impact of coronavirus on their organisations. 37% of respondents said they had found new markets, such as Truro-based Think Fit which expanded the reach of its exercise classes nationally through moving their sessions online. Alongside this, 36% said they had started offering a new product or service over the last year. Cornwall’s hospitality businesses have demonstrated innovation in the face of huge challenges, with Prawn on the Lawn’s creation of a new pop-up restaurant at Trerethern Farm in Padstow proving popular. The idea came through the need for more space to comply with social distancing,

A third of the businesses surveyed (34%) adapted their retail operations into e-commerce and phone orders to manage the impact. For example, Redruth-based Duchy Charcuterie has thrived through selling direct to consumers online, taking around 2,000 orders since having a new e-commerce website built in the first lockdown. Miles-Musgrave added: “It’s not just products and services which have adapted in order to survive. Workplaces have changed a lot, with 36% of employers now encouraging remote working. 50% of businesses have also relied on the furlough scheme this year. “Financial support has been well received in the county, with 56% of businesses applying for bounce back or coronavirus business interruption loans, and Government grants. These were most commonly used as working capital and to improve cashflow.”

THE IMPACT OF BREXIT ON FOOD & DRINK Since the announcement of the UK-EU Brexit trade deal, there has been a significant impact on the food and drink industry. Thomas Chartres-Moore of Stephens Scown LLP looks at how businesses have been affected.




During a visit to Cornwall last month, the Prime Minister confirmed a multi-million pound investment for Truro as part of the Government’s Towns Fund Deal. The £23.6 million Deal for Truro will aim to transform Cornwall’s capital into a “Connected River City” and support its vision of becoming a modern economic, cultural and green capital for its residents and the wider community by 2030. The deal will look to breathe new life into Truro’s waterfront by creating new spaces for business, vibrant and green event areas, promenades and new ferry terminals with berthing facilities and pontoons. The investment will also boost its cultural and tourism offer by transforming some of its historic buildings into thriving businesses. The creation of a “go to destination” in Boscawen Park will include a new ‘winter garden’ to build on Truro’s national reputation as a city of bloom.

RULES OF ORIGIN The Brexit trade deal means no tariffs or quotas will apply to goods traded between the UK and EU, leaving many breathing with a sigh of relief. However, businesses now have to demonstrate the origin of their products’ ingredients, proving they originate from the UK to qualify for the tariff-free access. This has meant complicated consequences have arisen around what constitutes ‘UK-made’. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS British producers which trade with the EU now have to comply with customs and VAT procedures that apply to nonEU countries. This includes import

Green and sustainable travel are at the heart of these plans, connecting key locations and attractions with accessible walking and cycling routes including a proposed new bridge between areas currently isolated from each other. The funding will also help convert some of Truro’s unused buildings into muchneeded new homes. PM Boris Johnson said: “We are determined to level up across the entire country, and the deal we’re announcing for Truro will help to unleash its tremendous potential.” Mark Duddridge, chair at Cornwall and Isles of Scillies LEP, added: “The award of £23.6 million for Truro, as the country begins to emerge from the restrictions of lockdown is a fantastic boost for Cornwall and the city. The environmentally sensitive development of the town will create welcome employment and will bring a new vibrancy to many areas of Truro.”


and export declarations, safety and security declarations, health certificates and border checks. British producers exporting certain foods, such as meat, fish and dairy products, will need to ensure their business is listed as an approved EU establishment and prove they comply with UK and EU regulations. Plant products will also need to provide sanitary certificates. The Food and Drink Federation has warned that the new extensive admin and paperwork will likely increase food supply chain costs because of wasted time at borders. It has also already led to shortages in Northern Ireland supermarkets due to British products needing to be


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checked at the Northern Irish border. For more information on how food and drink businesses are being affected, visit Stephens Scown has an 80-year history of helping companies in the food and drink industry. If you are concerned about the impact of Brexit on your food and drink business, please get in touch by emailing





MARINE-I SUPPORTING ISLANDS PROJECT Marine-i has agreed to support a year-long research programme to identify the potential for wave, tidal and floating wind technologies to be deployed around the Isles of Scilly. It is expected that this will lead to longterm economic, societal and environmental benefits for the communities living on the islands. The project will build a new databank of wave and tidal resource data from around the Isles of Scilly, including data sets on wind speed, wave height, wave period, tidal

stream velocities and tidal range parameters. This comprehensive databank will enable the Isles of Scilly to engage with technology developers to scope new renewable energy projects for the Isles of Scilly. Jim Wrigley of Isles of Scilly Community Venture said: “Being located nearly 30 miles off the south west coast of England, marine power is a natural choice for us and could make Scilly self-sufficient in energy. However, an obstacle to this is that the key data that developers need to assess its

viability does not currently exist in the level of detail required. “We are delighted that Marine-i has agreed to assist us in creating this new databank, which could be the key that unlocks some really exciting green energy solutions for Scilly.”

£4.5M PACKAGING DEAL Macfarlane Group PLC has acquired Redruth-based Carters Packaging in a deal worth up to £4.5 million.


Carters is a leading distributor of protective packaging in the south west and Macfarlane says the acquisition is in line with its strategy of building its business through a combination of organic and acquisitive growth. Macfarlane is buying Carters for a maximum cash consideration of £4.5 million (including an earn-out over two years of £1.5 million). For the year ended March 31 (2020), Carters generated sales of £4.2 million and pre-tax profits of £500K. Carters focuses principally on customers within Cornwall and Devon from its 25,000 sq ft facility in Redruth and will benefit from access to Macfarlane’s extended range of protective packaging products and services. The business has a team of 25 employees, including its two directors, all of whom will remain following the acquisition. Chief executive of Macfarlane, Peter Atkinson, said: “I am confident that the business will prove to be an excellent acquisition improving our geographic penetration and extending our customer reach in the south west of England.”


Cornish wholesale giftware company Puckator is combatting post-Brexit trading concerns by opening a European Distribution Centre (EDC). Established in 1990, Puckator imports and distributes giftware and home accessories throughout the UK and Europe. With a head office and distribution centre in East Taphouse, the company also has offices in Spain, Italy and China, where the majority of production takes place. With sales teams and B2B e-commerce sites in UK and throughout Europe, the EU represents 50% of Puckator’s sales. The impact of Brexit, and the subsequent trading difficulties encountered with lengthy delays and import tariffs between the UK and Europe, had been significant.

CEO, Mark Howard, said: “The European market is absolutely key to our business and is reliant on the fast and cost-effective delivery of orders to our customers there. Despite exhaustive pre-Brexit planning, the resultant increase in distribution costs and much longer transit times has forced us to look urgently at alternatives. As such, we are in the process of establishing a European Distribution Centre in Wroclaw, south west Poland, to ensure we maintain the high level of service our customers in Europe have come to expect from us.” Puckator has signed the lease on a modern 4,000sq m unit located close to Wroclaw airport, which will serve as the group’s European distribution centre (EDC). It is anticipated the new EDC will be fully operational by October 1.




CORNWALL CLUB NEWS IN BRIEF GOES VIRTUAL NATHAN OUTLAW & DAPHNE SKINNARD The Cornwall Community Foundation’s (CCF) Cornwall Club welcomed more than 200 guests to a virtual reception recently to showcase the support the foundation has provided to Cornwall in the pandemic. The Cornwall Club, which is usually hosted at a reception in London, is an opportunity for people who have an affinity with the Duchy, but who live or work elsewhere. More than half of the private donations received by CCF to support its £1.7 million coronavirus crisis grant-making has been received from donors who live outside Cornwall. Hosted at The Cornwall Channel’s studios

in Bodmin, Daphne Skinnard, a trustee of the foundation, compered the event, interviewing in-studio guests, introducing pre-recorded videos by people who received help in the crisis and joining a live cookery demonstration by Michelin-starred chef Nathan Outlaw. CCF chairman Jane Hartley said: “Although, as chairman of the Foundation, I see the plight of those struggling because of the pandemic in Cornwall, I and all those who attended the Cornwall Club virtual event could not help but be moved by the amazing community project guests and the people they have helped. “We are so very grateful for the generous support of our donors and Cornwall Club members.”

CNH TAKES BENNAMANN STAKE Global agricultural equipment manufacturer, CNH Industrial, has acquired a minority stake in Newquay-based Bennamann. Bennamann develops and markets technology to capture and repurpose ‘fugitive methane emissions’ from agricultural and other sectors. The company prevents this harmful greenhouse gas from entering the atmosphere and, using patented technology, processes it into liquid fugitive methane for distribution and use as an energy rich renewable biofuel with a ‘better-than-zero’ carbon footprint. Chris Mann, Bennamann’s co-founder and chairman, said: “We see our commercially

viable technology not only as a way to help farm businesses become economically stronger and greener, but also a way to provide funding and technology to support regenerative and restorative farming practices which further helps futureproof the vital role of agriculture in the UK.” This minority stake acquisition will see CNH Industrial become Bennamann’s exclusive strategic agricultural technology partner worldwide.

CARBON EMISSIONS DOWN Carbon emissions in the south west dropped by 14% during the pandemic compared to the year before, according to analysis compiled by Lloyds Banking Group in partnership with the Carbon Trust. The analysis considered the impact on carbon emissions resulting from changing consumer spending behaviour across six categories: food and drink, fuel, commuting, airlines, electrical stores and clothing stores.

Restrictions on international and domestic travel as well as the increase in working from home have been significant factors in the drop in carbon emissions. Emissions from commuting reduced by 67%, emissions from fuel fell by more than a fifth (23%) compared to the year before the pandemic. At the same time, international travel restrictions meant that the carbon emissions from airlines dropped by three quarters (76%) compared to the previous year.

Cornwall Community Foundation (CCF) has launched a new fund to support the 1,000 social enterprises that are in Cornwall. Managed on behalf of the Harrison family by CCF, Cornwall’s Social Enterprise Fund offers two support programmes - start-up support and step-up support, to assist social enterprises that are already up and running but seeking to build stronger businesses for the future. For details go to ___________________________ The Royal Cornwall Show 2021 has been cancelled. The date for the annual event had originally been put back from its traditional June slot to September, but organisers felt there was still not enough certainty around the pandemic to guarantee it being able to take place. The next Royal Cornwall Show will be held from June 9-11, in 2022. ___________________________ Launceston-based national marketplace lender, Folk2Folk, says it expects to turn a seven-figure profit for its 2020 financial year, surpassing its pre-pandemic profit target. The anticipated profit of around £1 million is a significant increase from its pre-tax profit of £198k for the previous year, and marks two consecutive years of profit for the company. ___________________________ Penryn-based Blue Flame Heating Solutions has strengthened its commitment to increasing sustainability by announcing that many of its new vehicle acquisitions will be fully electric. Over the coming months, 24 of its 56-vehicle fleet will be replaced, and 25% of those new vehicles will be fully electric with zero carbon emissions. Director Mark Bolitho said: “We really want to do our part to help the UK reach its net zero carbon emissions target by 2050.”

As the region prepares to emerge from lockdown, strong public support for the environment remains in the south west with two thirds (74%) of the public ranking the environment as a top priority for post pandemic recovery. However, it appears that ‘going green’ is a struggle as nearly one in five (17%) were not able to reduce their carbon footprint in the third lockdown, the research revealed. Many Britons are planning to make greener choices once restrictions lift, with seven in 10 (72%) saying they will make a conscious effort to cut their carbon footprint after lockdown.





Whitworth Cornwall is home to some leading clothing brands – Seasalt, Frugi, Finsterre to name a few, and Celtic & Co. We meet Nick Whitworth, who along with his wife Kath, founded the Newquay-based business 31 years ago as a manufacturer of sheepskin boots and since grown it into a £15 million business, exporting across the world.

How has business been. Has the pandemic affected things? We had that initial, panic is the wrong word, but that “oh my God what’s happening” feeling for the first two weeks, when business sort of fell off a cliff. But after those first couple of weeks it was almost back to normal, and from week four and five onwards, it just has not stopped. That whole online shopping trend, just has not stopped. It will be interesting to see how it comes back again. Nearly all of our orders are online or on the phone. Our own shop out front had to close, so that had a small impact, but as a percentage of our whole turnover it


was not significant enough to worry us. So everyone went online. Can’t go on holiday, can’t go out to eat or a drink, but they’ve got money. If you look at the stats, the amount of money that has been saved in the UK by people is in the billions. I read somewhere, £134 billion waiting to be spent. You’re at the luxury end of the market, so do you think people have been spending more on luxury items? Definitely. The amount of money being spent has gone up significantly, in the UK especially. So, we’re picking up a lot of new customers. We can’t say 100% of them will come back and buy again, but a lot of them will. They were looking for the type of stuff we sell, homewares, slippers, lovely comfy jogging bottoms and jumpers. And made in Britain as much as possible, and all sustainable. That’s ticking a lot of peoples boxes. I’m not saying that’s a reason why everyone would then buy, it just builds up. And, of course, we have the stock, which so many people with their stuff coming in

from China, stopped. We were much more in stock and were restocking as our sales kept going forward. How much of your things are made in Britain? About 70% at the moment. And the rest is in Europe which is only a lead time of 4-6 weeks. It’s not much longer getting things from Europe than a UK factory. It’s a bit quicker in the UK because you haven’t got all the carriage times and hassles we now have with Brexit for instance, but from places like China you could wait 3-6 months from putting in an order. Do you hold much stock? Yes, we try not to run out stock. In this past year, when business has been 60, 70% up, you can’t have everything in stock all the time. But we can reorder, it’s not a case of we’ve run out and will have to wait six months. We say to customers you can order now and have it six weeks’ time.


How important is it to be in stock? Will people simply go somewhere else if they see something is out of stock? That is one of the biggest questions you can ask and something we have been asking ourselves for years. A few weeks ago, we tried testing this. Everybody thinks if you’ve got to wait a few weeks, surely a load of people wouldn’t bother. They’d go and get a different jumper, or a different colour. So we did a test. We picked a garment in a certain colour, a ladies jumper, really popular, thousands in stock, but we were telling half our customers online, so sorry, it’s out of stock, it’s going to be with you in four weeks. Of course, if they did order, they didn’t have to wait, but got a lovely surprise when it turned up the next day.

What we are seeing is that customers who are brand new, they’re more reluctant to wait, but an existing customer is happy to wait because they know the quality of the product already. So, are people more likely to be happy to wait the more expensive a product is?

To us it wasn’t a risk but more of a considered plan

But that 'will they, won’t they' buy it, it ended up making very little difference. And this is an £85 jumper. So, we’re going to have to keep testing. Will people wait for a £1k coat?

Well, this is what we don’t know, and this is what we’re going to test this autumn and winter with £1k coats. If four weeks isn’t much, what would six weeks do? Sales would fall off a cliff I would assume, but it didn’t in the first test and we were quite surprised.

You started the business in 1990 Yes, August 20th was the first day. And all we made was the one product, nothing else, just the Ugg boots. And all I was doing


was making them to order, the occasional person off the street in Newquay and a few surf shops, a couple in Wales and a few in Cornwall and that was it. And why Ugg boots? You come from an engineering background with the RAF. Was it a case of right place, right time? It was my wife’s recommendation to be fair. I had got out of the Air Force, but I lived Cornwall. I bought myself out of the Air Force, left early, and joined BT as an engineer. But I had always wanted to be self-employed and stay in Newquay. My mother saw an advert in the Cornish Guardian, that the Ugg factory was up for sale. And my wife had bought a couple of pairs over the years and said how much she loved the boots, but just could never get hold of them. So I had a look and thought, I could do this. I don’t know why I thought that, because I couldn’t sew! And so it went from there. I think we did £22k turnover in the first year and from that tiny little acorn, from the back of Wesley Yard in Newquay, it has grown to £15.5 million now.



WHITWORTH And you copyrighted the Ugg name and sold those rights on I decided to trademark it which was probably the best thing I ever did. It was six or seven years later when we sold that to a company in America who wanted to buy it. They had tried to register in

every country in the world but got blocked by my registration. We had already gone mail order by then, because dealing with surf shops and trying to get paid by them was an absolute nightmare! They were dealing with all the big boys then, the O’Neills and Quiksilvers, who had them on huge payment plans. And that was their bread and butter. A few pairs of boots from Wesley Yard wasn’t their bread and butter, so I was always at the back of their getting paid list. So, I eventually decided to go mail order and become a catalogue company because selling to surf shops in Newquay was never going to make me much money. And was this when the product range started expanding beyond boots? We had already started to a bit. A local had come in with a pair of slippers and said they had had them for years but they started falling apart, and asked could I make a pair just like them? So I had a look and was able to make a pair. Off he went, came back about two weeks later and said his wife wanted a pair! We made another pair and then thought why don’t make more. So, we then had a boot and a slipper. And from there we started to make a few other bits and pieces and then went mail order and people started going can I have the jumper the model’s wearing. We’d go no, we don’t do jumpers! We just do the boots. But in the same catalogue, we could sell more products. So, we started doing bits and pieces, coats, knits, hats and anything in sheepskin to start with. Was that quite a big leap? Sheepskin and accessories wasn’t a huge leap because we were dealing with the same suppliers. The clothing was a total leap into the dark. The design, the manufacturing. We didn’t know where the factories were, we didn’t know


NICK anything. I said to Kath I think this would be a good idea, she took it on and here we are 15, 20 years later doing clothing. It appears to me that was quite a big risk at the time. Would you describe yourself as a big risk taker? I’ve been asked that a few times over the decades and I would always say no. To us it wasn’t a risk but more of a considered plan. But people would say your house is on the line, if you lose this business don’t you lose your house? Yes, the bank would take everything. And they would say you don’t think that’s risky? I’d say because we’re not relying on anyone, it’s us, myself and my wife, and we’ll put the work in, which we always have done for years and years and years. So, at the time it didn’t seem risky, we were just really opening up and widening our reach, but it was us doing the work.

we tried America and that low hanging fruit makes the ordering very profitable, very quickly. And we thought, if we’re doing America, why don’t we do Canada? Australia? Each year now we’re adding new countries and translations. Canada was hard work for a couple of years, the brochures didn’t work very well but now online it’s working really well. We had a fantastic year last year in Australia, absolutely phenomenal. And we started in Germany a few months ago and have had a fantastic time. Japan is next for us and is about to go live.

I think we will have a better share of the UK market going forward

Looking back, do you view it as more risky now? No. What I would say is I think we took too long doing it because we were so cautious and careful. We wouldn’t bet the house on a collection, we would test it and be careful. I see sometimes now how a company goes from 0 to £20 million in three or four years because they’ve had huge investment. The White Company started after us and are cruising off to £150 million. If you’re in London and have connections and investment, you can grow a lot of quicker. Would you say your growth over the years been ‘steady’ then? Very, very steady growth. Even through the tough times we were growing 10, 15% every year. This year it has been more than 70%, but there’s been a pandemic and a huge reason for that. And much of your growth in recent times has been export. Has export always been a priority? It was a de-risk strategy because we used to be just mail order in the UK. We thought if ever there was a recession in the UK, our turnover was going to dive. And it was getting tougher and tougher, the mail order market is very saturated in the UK. I thought in America there are 300 million people who hardly know us, and a big percentage who are a very wealthy. So,

How does the process work when you go to a new country? Do you physically have to go out there, which is obviously difficult at the moment?

No, we don’t. We do a lot of research about mail order buyers - their rough age, income per capita etc. But over the years you pick up things. Germany loves mail order. Most European countries are rapidly taking it on. Japan is very big on mail order. You pick a market first where you don’t have to do any translations - America, Canada, Australia. Easy, you just use your own website and clone it over into their currency etc. But then you run out of countries very quickly, because most countries you do have to translate. Germany was our first and it has worked incredibly well. You do it, test it for a month or two to make sure the functionality works and doesn’t upset people and then start marketing, which digitally now is very easy.


But do countries differ much with what they like? Some do. We don’t market that way deliberately, but as we see results come in. For instance, America doesn’t buy so much of our sheepskin from our factory here in Newquay, because they’ve got Ugg over there, although everything they sell is from China, so we play the made in Britain card heavily. But generally you would find the top five best-selling products in the UK, near as damn it would be the top five in places such as America. By country it doesn’t massively differ, but whether that will be the same in Japan, different culture, who knows? Roughly how many different SKUs do you have now? By style we have around 300/325, depending on the season, different styles. Obviously within that there are all the different colour and size variations. So actively, somewhere up to 5,000 SKUs. That’s a lot compared to the early days! Yes, we’ve ran out of space in our warehouse so we will be moving shortly into bigger premises. We’re keeping this one in Newquay, but will be opening another warehouse at Indian Queens.

Do you tailor any of your lines specifically for countries. I assume fashions change from place to place?

Wouldn’t it be easier to grow the business somewhere more centrally, like Birmingham for example?

No, because we’re not a high fashion business.

We love Cornwall. We have always said we would never leave Cornwall. It inspires us down here, it’s what we design our clothing around. It’s that relaxed, casual living. We’re not tailored and party dress outfits type. Even our coats, they’re a £1k, but can be worn to the pub with a beautiful jumper. It’s the way we live and the way our catalogue shows Cornwall. We’re not city people.

Yes, I read somewhere you refer to yourself as ‘slow fashion’. What does that mean? Fast fashion is, Primark, Topshop, for example. Every six weeks, cheap garments in, sell them out, and get the next in. Almost making people buy for the sake of it. You might only wear it once, but it only cost a tenner so what does it matter. Chuck it in the bin, very non sustainable. Slow fashion is creating quality pieces, using natural fibres which can be worn and cherished for years and can be passed on afterwards. Buy less, but buy better. It’s a slow burn and the customer keeps coming back.

Do you trade on the ‘Cornishness’, particularly with British customers? Yes, very much so. On the beach, the cliffs, it’s where everyone dreams of coming on holiday sort of thing. That’s what our clothing is for. It’s not for going out in the evenings to city restaurants.




How many countries do you go to now? We have designated websites for America, Canada, Australia, Germany and now Japan, but we use a global logistics company and sell to over 100 countries, 60 or 70 of which I would call active. I believe export accounts for about a third of all business. Going forward is that share going increase do you think? I would say it should slowly increase, because America technically should become a £20, £30 million business eventually, it’s growing every year. But this year the UK has grown phenomenally because of the pandemic, so the UK has become more significant again. Will that maintain, once we return to normality? It depends how much of their money will people continue to spend online. It’s about 35% at the moment, whereas a year ago it was 20%. It’s going to come back down, but I don’t think it will come back down to what it was, so I think we will have a better share of the UK market going forward. And you’ve won the Queen’s Award for Export in both the last couple of years. That must have been special? I don’t think it can get any better. It really put a smile on people’s faces 14 | BUSINESS CORNWALL

when Prince Charles came down last year, two weeks before the pandemic. I was going to say, very fortunate with the timing! We did wonder if he would shake hands, but he did! He thoroughly enjoyed himself, spoke to everybody and was absolutely brilliant. The staff here loved it. For other businesses thinking of getting into export, what advice would you give them? That’s a very hard question to answer, because we’ve done it very slowly and carefully. You can try and get advice from the various Government agencies, but I’ve never found them that practically helpful. You’ve kind of just got to get on and do it. We did a trade mission once, but it doesn’t actually help you do the job. Obviously, a lot of people do these trade missions and do very well out of them, but down here in Cornwall I found it quite hard. You’re trying to run a business, you haven’t got time to go swanning off on missions to Japan and China all the time. So I think it’s a hard question to answer. I think it’s using your common sense and lots of hard work. Don’t think of having any social life, it all goes out the window, and you just work hard! Is that a lesson you’ve learned not just in export, but running your own business generally? Yes, no one does your job for you, you’ve got to do it yourself.

You’ve kind of just got to get on and do it


You employ nearly 70 people now. As you’ve grown, has it been easier to manage? Do you have more time for yourself now? Are you a good delegator? I don’t think you can be a delegator when you’re self-employed. If I’m being honest, both myself and my wife have admitted we’re control freaks. Delegating is hard. It’s easier to do the job yourself rather than delegate then say this is how you do it and train. But having said that, we can’t do it all. It’s about finding the right people who can do the job and be independent and get on with it, but make the right decisions. Those who can walk the walk and talk the talk I suppose. And when you find them, they are worth their weight in gold.

marketing and ecommerce. It’s looking for the right person and if you drag them down here kicking and screaming, they’re not likely to stay because it’s a different world down here. If you can find the right person who already lives down here and loves the place, far better. So it’s a question of when you see them, grab them.

An existing customer is happy to wait because they know the quality of the product already

Can recruitment be tough in Cornwall? Definitely. We are looking for sewing machinists at the moment, we think we are going to grow phenomenally again this year and we’re looking for six sewing machinists. But there’s no industry down here anymore, you have to train everybody yourself and it’s the same with the more senior positions,

What are the plans for the future? Same sort of growth trajectory?

If anything I think we’re looking to go a bit steeper. The fact that we’ve taken up 24,000sq ft at Indian Queens and keeping what we’ve got here and growing our own production hugely to keep up with all of this, as well as asking suppliers for more products, I think we’re on a good upward trajectory. Sales last year were £15.5 million, it was only £9.3 million the year before. So in the next five years, do you expect to double that? We’re certainly aiming for £25 million. Are you still enjoying it as much as you were in the early days?


Yes. Clare is on the senior team on the marketing and product side. Going forward will it always be a family business, even when you’ve retired? Yes, but where that will go exactly I’m not sure. As we grow and get bigger, they’ll be some bigger monetary decisions to be made. I will always adapt and do whatever we need to do to make sure the business stays here in Newquay and Cornwall and grows. I don’t want to limit it. And do you concentrate very much on your core business. Have you ever been tempted to diversify, buy another business and do something different? We bought another business a couple of years ago, the Morelands sheepskin business which was based in Somerset so we bought it down to Cornwall. It’s a separate business we’re running from the premises. So, you would always consider buying a business if the opportunity came along? It would have to have a similar ethos. It would have to be natural, I wouldn’t want to buy, I don’t know, a nylon or rubber injecting business. Something where my skills could relate to and we could add value. Do you think all those years ago when you saw the advert in the paper for Ugg, had it been a totally different business, you could have ended up doing something completely different?

It’s harder. You think you’ve got lots more people and a lovely management team, but all the numbers are bigger and the decisions are bigger and there’s more of them. I wouldn’t say it’s got any easier. But I try to take more time off now considering I’ve gone past 60 now. Trying to delegate more as you were referring to earlier, because you have to. And what if something happened to one of us, you can’t depend on me and Kath anymore.

Yes, I very nearly bought a pushbike repair and cycle hire business, but it fell through at the last moment for whatever reason I can’t remember now. Instead, I found this boot one instead.

And your daughter works in the business?

(laughs) Yes, a mini Halfords! I don’t know, no idea! I just love business.

So in another world, you could be running a £15 million bike business?


LASTING POWER OF ATTORNEY In a recent press interview, TV presenter, Kate Garraway provided a harrowing example of the importance of planning for the future and, in particular, she highlighted why putting Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) in place is essential. Garraway’s husband, Derek Draper’s battle with COVID has been widely covered in the media. When Draper was placed in an induced coma of June last year, Garraway found herself unable to access his bank or credit cards, she was unable to refinance their mortgage and, in one case, was charged nearly £900 for a replacement mobile handset. Despite being his spouse, as Draper did not have a LPA in place. Without a LPA, she was faced with the prospect of making an application to the Court of Protection to be appointed as Draper’s deputy. This is a costly and lengthy process and Draper would need to be assessed to determine whether he lacks capacity to manage his affairs. A LPA is a legal document that enables an individual or individuals chosen by you to deal with your affairs if you become unable to do so at some point in the future. Putting a LPA in place will at least alleviate some of the stress

and upset that your family faces in the event of incapacity and will ensure the smooth running of your finances. There are two types of LPA: PROPERTY AND FINANCIAL AFFAIRS In the event that you are unable to look after your finances due to ill health, accident or incapacity, your chosen attorney can step into your shoes and can deal with, for example, the running of your bank account, management of your investments and buying and selling of property. HEALTH AND WELFARE This document would enable your chosen attorney to make decisions on your behalf, if you are unable to do so, regarding issues which impact upon your medical condition and personal welfare.

Nick Latimir, Solicitor at RRL Wills · 01872 276116 ·

Grants and paid-for R&D


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are encouraged to flourish, thrive and be happy at 16 | BUSINESS CORNWALL



Flying to the


Cornwall Air Ambulance is appealing to tourism businesses for support this summer. Over the last decade, Cornwall has emerged as one of the world’s iconic destinations. From the sheltered bays of the south coast to the dramatic north coast, ancient woodlands, moors and river estuaries. Visitors who are seeking a break from the last 12 months of isolation are flocking to Cornwall in numbers. Tourism bosses predict that visitor numbers will exceed five million in 2021 and the pressure on Cornwall

Air Ambulance as a small, local charity to deal with serious incidents has increased significantly.

pounds each year, the charity is engaging with local visitor resorts and attractions to try and bridge this fundraising gap.

In 2020, around 14% of airlifted patients were visitors to Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. 81 adults and 16 children had the flight they didn’t plan to take while on their holidays. Yet less than 5% of donations to the charity come from the tourism sector. With visitor missions costing nearly half a million

Interim CEO of Cornwall Air Ambulance, Steve Murdoch, says: “While four out of five patients are local people, it is true that one fifth of the incidents we attend are to help seriously sick and injured visitors. We need to work in collaboration with tourism businesses across Cornwall to meet the increased cost of trying to save lives when things go horribly wrong for people on holiday.

It’s a win-win for all parties

WHAT YOUR BUSINESS CAN DO TO SAVE A LIFE The charity is asking tourism businesses to support them by highlighting the value and importance of Cornwall Air Ambulance to their visitors. There are so many ways in which you can do that: • Offer visitors the option to add-on a donation when booking • Donate £1 for every new booking or a percentage of your sales • Place donation envelopes within your business • Host a collection jar in your reception and guest areas • Hold a fundraising event using your facilities • Display Cornwall Air Ambulance posters and other materials • Encourage your staff to take on a charity event by paying their registration fee Whatever way your business chooses to support the charity, there are a whole host of benefits you will receive from the collaboration. • Tourism Business Supporter brand stamp to display in your business and online • Brand association with one of Cornwall’s best-known charities • Dedicated fundraising and marketing support including social media promotion and press releases • The opportunity for you to visit Cornwall Air Ambulance HQ BUSINESS CORNWALL | 17



“It’s a win-win for all parties, for the businesses who work with us, the patients whose lives could be saved and for the charity to continue flying to those in need.”

watching my two sons, Ellis and Evan, playing. We were all relaxed and enjoying the nice time after a hard year.

Thomas Hennessy Jones, Critical Care Paramedic, says: “No one expects to be airlifted when they go on holiday, but every year we go to the aid of visitors who desperately need our help. I’m appealing to businesses to add yourself to the list of many others who are backing this campaign, to ensure the crew can continue to save lives for many years to come.”

“My wife Lindsay joined me when I suddenly felt strange. I turned to say I was going to sit down for a while but did not get the chance. The next thing I can remember is coming round face down in the water.”

In 2020, around 14% of airlifted patients were visitors to Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly

THE DIFFERENCE IT MAKES Paul Crutchley was one day into his family holiday in Hayle when he became seriously unwell. What started as a fun trip to the beach on 21 July 2020, ended with a ride in the air ambulance. Paul says: “My family and I had travelled from South Wales to Riviera Sands Holiday Park the day before and we were looking forward to another great holiday break at our favourite place. We planned a nice relaxing day on the beach and the weather was amazing. I had been for a swim and was standing in the sea


Lindsay raised the alarm with RNLI lifeguards who came to assist and called for the ambulance service. With suspected cardiac-related issues, Cornwall Air Ambulance was tasked to the scene. The helicopter landed nearby on the beach. Paul recalls: “The whole incident is rather vague, but I can remember hearing the helicopter and then as it got nearer, I realised it was coming to me. I felt scared then, I knew it must be serious.” Critical care paramedics from Cornwall Air Ambulance assessed Paul, before transferring him to the helicopter. He was flown to Royal Cornwall Hospital- a journey which took just ten minutes by air. “The air ambulance was amazing at getting

me off the beach fast, which would have been very hard due to the terrain and the fact I am no small lump,” says Paul. “I am on the mend thanks to all the people who helped me and my family that day.” Paul is planning to return to Hayle in the future for another holiday and hopes to meet the crew who helped him. To pledge your support to Cornwall Air Ambulance and ensure this vital service continues to save lives in Cornwall, please get in touch with their team by emailing or calling 01637 889926.


CAMEL VALLEY VINEYARD Camel Valley has donated thousands of pounds over the years to help keep the Cornwall Air Ambulance helicopter flying. The Bodmin-based winery has been in partnership with the charity for more than 10 years, raising vital funds from their popular vineyard tours. Donations to the charity from Camel Valley exceed £23k. Bob Lindo, owner of Camel Valley Vineyard, says: “My daughter Esther was taken to Treliske in the Cornwall Air Ambulance and we’ve been donating ever since. I’ve been rescued by the crew myself after breaking my spine in an RAF ejection. The sense of relief, when you hear the rotors approaching, is beyond belief, but it’s not a trip I’d like to repeat!”


THE GREENBANK & THE ALVERTON HOTELS Ben Young, managing director of the Greenbank and Alverton Hotels says: “In 2019, we chose Cornwall Air Ambulance as our charity of the year, alongside our sister hotel The Alverton. We pledged to raise £10k for the charity from each hotel, and happily we surpassed this amount through continuous fundraising and events. “From team skydives and our Coastal Convoy (where we walked the coast path from The Alverton to The Greenbank on a sunny Sunday) to pub quizzes, charity auctions, and generous guest donations, we managed to exceed £34k total! We enjoyed really positive team experiences from all our activities and knowing we were raising money along the way was tremendously rewarding for us all.

us, we can all help to keep the helicopter flying and carrying out vital lifesaving work throughout Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.” CORNISH HORIZONS Harriet Wills, marketing manager at Cornish Horizons, says: “When we met the Cornwall Air Ambulance team we were in complete awe of the amazing work carried out by the charity and wanted to help raise some of the money it needs. We asked our customers to add £2 to the payment of their holiday so that we can pass on, in full, the total donation. We initially hoped to raise £3.5k, but it ended up raising over £9k, that’s over 4,000 holiday-makers who donated.”

No one expects to be airlifted when they go on holiday

“With less than 5% of donations to Cornwall Air Ambulance coming from the tourism sector, it is our responsibility as hoteliers to do our bit to make a difference to this surprising statistic. With a busy tourist season ahead of




A few amateur photos can really bring down the impact of a strong brand

a creative SIGNS OF THE TIMES Truro-based wayfinding and signage specialist ABG Design has certainly been busy during the pandemic and recently completed a major project for Doncaster City Council. ABG won a tender to design all of the new signage and maps for the town centre. The town’s welcome totems showcase all the best that Doncaster has to offer and also tells facts about its history. Following on from Covid-19 and how our towns need to present themselves more as a cultural destination the new signage and town landscaping really help the town to present itself in a more dynamic way. Closer to home, the Penzance BID team approached ABG Design to help them ensure the town had a new brand that better represented the personality of the town and the people of Penzance. ABG Design worked closely with the BID members to really capture the tone of voice of Penzance and better represent the town and its wider offer which includes three art galleries, the first Art Deco seawater pool, parks, a theatre, cinema and a host of independent shops.



As we all emerge from lockdown and look forward to brighter days, we offer some tips and words of advice on how to present your business in the best possible light. The importance of good photography can often be overlooked. And when we say good photography, perhaps we should add good professional photography. Photography is one of those things we all think we’re good at so can save some time and money by doing ourselves. Happy amateurs. But the end product from a happy amateur can be just that – amateurish. “Image really is everything,” says photographer Toby Weller. “I help clients showcase their brand through beautiful pictures with, a consistent and fresh style that matches the voice and message of the company. “Since the start of the pandemic I have noticed a lot of business doing their own photography, mainly staff portraits or PR shots for press releases. This can, of course, work for certain brands and products, but on the whole I feel it is extremely important to have a consistency in images that are put out by brands.

“A few amateur photos can really bring down the impact of a strong brand.” Over the past year, business has understandably been slow for Toby, and indeed for many in the creative industries as many businesses tighten their belts in challenging times, with marketing spend often one of the first budgets to be hit. Toby adds: “My core business is people and event photography, so it wasn’t too much of a shock when people started safeguarding their employees and cutting back on contact from outside suppliers. I would of course love to remind clients that self-promotion and brand image is key during a slowdown in sales, so it’s important to invest in quality photography as businesses start to grow again.” Toby Weller’s top 3 tips • Think outside the box • Don’t take yourself too seriously • Use great photos!





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VIDEO TECH Bull & Wolf director Joe Turnbull also believes good imagery should be an important part of a business’ marketing mix, but for him, it’s all about the moving image and social-ready videos. “We make socialready videos that stand out online,” he says. “This means creating content that tells exciting stories, which is optimised for mobile consumption and drives sales and engagement.

competition has led them to think how they can do things differently to stand out from the crowd.

Video is one of the best ways you can engage your customers and help to drive new sales

“Video is one of the best ways you can engage your customers and help to drive new sales. It's the most effective way of communicating complex ideas quickly and according to Animoto, video is the #1 way consumers discovered a brand they later purchased from.” Joe says the pandemic has driven more customers online, but as this has happened,

“Brands have had to diversify the types of content they put out there to keep their customers engaged,” he says. “This means they have had to move past traditional brand videos and into other forms of online content, from behind the scenes, case studies and short docs, to how-to’s and recipe videos. We have seen clients much more prepared to invest in these different types of content, seeing their value in driving sales and brand reach.

“By having a strong marketing strategy in place you are able to plan ahead, making better, more consistently relevant content for your target audience. Having video in mind ensures that you are primed for all the key marketing events in the year and allows you to track progress, making sure you are only making content that gets results. Consistency and frequency are the key to unlocking those results.”

Joe Turnbull’s top 3 tips • Think outside the box to get noticed. We love it when brands come to us with new and exciting ideas. • Get on TikTok, especially if any part of your target audience is under 30! • Collaborate with other brands to expand your reach, ideas and appeal.

LESSONS TO BE LEARNED While these have been challenging times for the creative industries, Justin Scott, chief marketing officer at Falmouth University, says with innovation and imagination, many are thriving. “In terms of brand and marketing, there are two big lessons,” he says. “Firstly, accelerating a trend that was already underway, the pandemic has increased the appetite for brands that are human and truly authentic. Consumers also want to collaborate with the brands they love and share their experiences online and across social platforms which also adds to that authentic voice. “Brands that have true purpose and are part of the cultural conversation are more important than ever and it’s important for businesses to be in touch with their consumers and communities, and to speak to their core values. Not only that, but the personal touch is also important – even though a lot of our commercial activity is now online, consumers still want a satisfying, individual and personalised customer experience.” The second lesson, according to Justin, is the importance of digital tools, particularly during lockdown. And this will still be relevant post-pandemic. “Digital experiences reshaped the way we interact, engage and entertain,” he says. “Although we’re looking forward to a greater return to ‘normality’ and the pleasure of face-to-face, physical activities, a lot of what moved online during lockdown will remain. “Live streaming, live chat platforms, webinar portals, virtual experiences and digital advertising are all now essential elements in the marketing mix and additionally, animation, augmented reality and virtual reality are emerging as vital tools for business in order to create a truly immersive experience.”





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BRANDING St Wenn-based agency Barefoot Media specialises in the tourism, hospitality, construction and property sectors. And director Jim Michell says the pandemic has had a huge impact on shaping current trends and demands. “The shift to online has really accelerated,” he says. “Huge changes. The hospitality sector has been drastically impacted, with many clients having no option other than to pause our services while they were forced to close. On the other side our property and interiors clients have been experiencing huge demand. In marketing we feel the effect of these trends second hand as they filter through from our clients.

“For hospitality it’s about messaging reassuring customers about new practices and procedures. Things are constantly changing and the uncertainty about rules and restrictions require more work to keep pace with.”

A well-conceived and executed marketing strategy is the thing which can move businesses from mediocrity to being market-leaders

Jim echoes the experiences of many in the early days of the pandemic. “There was a lot of panic in the first few months which really brought out the best, and worst, in people,” he says. “We have been so thankful that the majority of our clients saw the value in our services and have held their nerve, and it’s great to see them in a strong place now as the economy hopefully continues to recover.” And he says having a strong marketing and branding strategy in place is more important today than it has ever been.

“It is fundamental to the way you’re perceived by the market,” he says. “The past year has shown that it can be the difference between survival or not. It is an extension of an organisation’s culture. Put simply, a wellconceived and executed marketing strategy is the thing which can move businesses from mediocrity to being market-leaders.” Jim Michell’s top 3 tips • If you’re working with an agency, pick a specialist who understands your sector and your industry. Look for commonalities and transferable skills, or complementary clients. • Be niche - understand what it is that you do really well. • Ask your network for recommendations on who to work with. Book a few chemistry meetings with agencies you like the look of before putting out a formal tender request or RFP.

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hidden gems

Six shining stars from Cornwall’s creative sector



Eventy Marketing is a professional and dynamic marketing consultancy working with businesses and the third sector. Established for nearly 20 years, in Bath then Cornwall, the company is led by MD Helen Mulhern.

Freedom Signs is an exciting and innovative company with an ecofriendly conscience. The team’s combined decades of experience enables it to have an intuitive comprehension of a client’s requirements.

As a full communications and fundraising agency, Eventy brings outstanding expertise to raising a business’s profile or charity’s funds – developing strategies, delivering activities for clients, training their team, or mentoring individuals.

Specialising in visionary design, high quality manufacture and seamless fit-out, from traditional to contemporary, Freedom Signs’ expertise results in eye catching and imaginative signage, exhibition and interior fit outs at competitive rates.

Helen is a full member of the Institute of Fundraising (MInstF) and has a wealth of contacts and experience in both the corporate and charitable sectors which benefits her clients.

Freedom Signs offers the full service to all sectors from heritage, to retail and commercial, education and construction.


Eventy is fun to work with and Helen is passionate about her work, with demonstrable results. If you need to improve your marketing or fundraising, Helen offers free, no commitment consultations – preferably over tea and cake! Follow Eventy on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @EventyMarketing

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Taking pride in every project from an entrepreneurial start up to large company re-brands. Clients include Tate St Ives, Falmouth University, PK Porthcurno, Truro BID, Heartlands and Goonhilly Earth Station. Contact Freedom Signs now for more information.

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It’s easy to send out email marketing campaigns isn’t it? There are hundreds of templates out there. Many are free to use. Why would you need someone to design and build it for you? Well, what if you’re a brand that wants to stand out? That wants to go beyond a ‘one size fits all’ template and exude quality craftsmanship?

Having spent many years working as a feature writer for national newspapers and magazines, Sue Bradbury knows how to tell a good story.

This is where we come in. We can do things others can’t. We can push boundaries, give you continuity across all your marketing channels, and build bespoke templates crafted specifically to your needs and requirements. With our email marketing design and development services, we can help you create email marketing campaigns that: • Look better than your competitors • Have a responsive design to look great across multiple devices • Get more engagement and conversions • Incorporate animated images and interactivity to bring emails to life • Embrace new trends to help you stay ahead of the curve


She’s also had plenty of experience managing crises and protecting reputations – often at very short notice. Sue started SBPR after senior PR posts in the Ministry of Defence and higher education and works across sectors. In the last month alone, she and her team have succeeded in getting their clients on Channel 4, BBC and ITV news (national as well as regional) - plus securing positive online and offline articles in publications like the Daily Telegraph, Daily Express, Forbes, the i newspaper and Wired. Friendly, flexible and very good at what it does, SBPR is successful because it gets results and cares. Contact SBPR now for more information.

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For Cornish businesses looking for top level marketing support, Roscoe Communications is fast developing a reputation as the consultancy to turn to.

Wild Sea Media is a creative design and social media resource in Cornwall.

Contact Roscoe Communications for support with: • planning and developing your marketing strategy • interim marketing management to fill gaps in your resources • marketing campaign planning and delivery • project management of your core marketing projects • copywriting for print and digital • content creation and social media management Run by Lauren Webb, the agency client list has included Eden Project, St Aubyn Estates, Hall for Cornwall, Trebah Garden, Tate St Ives and Cornwall Museums Partnership. With a wealth of experience in marketing for tourism, arts, heritage and culture, get in touch to start a conversation about how Roscoe Communications can support you. 07915 083079

Founded by Louise and Chris Wigmore – two creative marketers specialising in social media strategy and management, content creation, design and advertising for tourism and hospitality businesses. Louise and Chris are passionate about Cornwall and realising the need for their unique skill set, they created Wild Sea Media to share the stories of the lifestyle brands and businesses that help make Cornwall such a special place. With over 30 years advertising agency experience in art direction and media planning/buying, the team brings strategic, big brand thinking and unique insights to local SMEs. Offering a flexible, expert marketing resource without the staff overheads or agency price tag. Contact Wild See Media now for more information.

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To infinity and


Businesses looking to expand their markets in the space-tech sector are being offered the opportunity and funding to pivot into the industry via a new fully funded grant. Do you think your existing product, service or technology can innovate in the UK’s growing space and aerospace industry? Now could be the perfect time to look at market diversification options.

the product is seen by the right people facilitating introductions to investors with vested interest in the specific area of expertise. Touchbyte is one of the businesses which has already benefited from this grant. It has been developing a unique facial recognition unit for worksites. Its innovative new Contactless Access Control Solution replaces fingerprint technology, keycodes, plastic cards and

Cornish businesses take to the skies with expanded Aerospace Cornwall Grant Programme .

phones - reducing the amount of touchpoint entry systems in a post-pandemic world. This transformation in on-site touch free access has led to a number of hotel and construction companies keen to use the product. AeroSpace Cornwall is now working with TouchByte to install the system in space industry environments, such as secure clean rooms and satellite communication control centres at Goonhilly Earth Station.

TAKING THE NEXT STEP INTO R&D Once the opportunity within the space and aerospace markets has been explored, AeroSpace Cornwall can enable the businesses to stimulate further R&D within these sectors, using their product, service, or technology – becoming an integral part of the overall growth of Cornwall’s industry.

AeroSpace Cornwall has launched a fullyfunded grant of up to £10k for businesses seeking to maximise their potential by exploring new avenues. Through this Market Diversification offer, the AeroSpace team help companies connect with partner businesses, opening the door for collaboration. The team will also ensure



MARKET RESEARCH GRANTS For those businesses who want to scope out the opportunity for their idea in space or aerospace, AeroSpace Cornwall is also offering a Market Research Grant, which enables companies to diversify their position through research into the potential for their product. The Market Research Grant has already helped champion further growth by supporting businesses to put their ideas into practice. Cornwall’s aerospace industry has seen significant market research and development through UAV flight trials between Land’s End Airport and the Isles of Scilly. As the main lifeline transport service between the mainland and the islands, The Isles of Scilly Steamship Group operates a daily air freight service carrying time critical goods such as medicines, blood samples and essential business supplies. However, on occasion, flights can be disrupted due to adverse weather - preventing freight getting on and off the island. In order to address this, the Steamship Company is looking to diversify and has seen an opportunity in enhancing the air freight service for the Community - exploring how UAVs could operate between their routes. This has led to research into how it could

become a test and training facility for UAV operators across the UK. Thanks to the grant from AeroSpace Cornwall, it is currently working with the leading over the horizon operator, Flylogix, to trial a frequent UAV air freight service for the islands later this year.

The Market Research grant has also enabled mining consultancies, North Coast Consulting and Carrack Consulting, to explore the benefits of satellite data to aid more responsible mining practices. North


Coast Consulting is considering developing a bespoke mining application to enable instant info capture, and reporting, which would use satellite technology to provide better accuracy of position and allow large areas to be surveyed at a reduced cost. This app would check for mining related ground movement from historic mine features, to continue the drive toward a more responsible, sustainable era of mining. To further this drive - in another innovative collaboration between technologies - Carrak Consulting has received a fully funded £5k grant from AeroSpace Cornwall to enable knowledge transfer between AI specialists, Jane Gallwey Surveying, for the analysis of hyperspectral drone data. The funding will accelerate their new project, which aims to use the data to identify areas of arsenic contamination at abandoned mine sites.

With an incredible range of research and market potential being unlocked as a result of the Market Diversification and Research grants, if you are interested in exploring your idea, or examining your market position in the space and aerospace sector, get in touch with AeroSpace Cornwall today: There is a total of £100k available for Market Diversification and Research. The average grant size is around £5k, though up to £10k is available depending on your business needs.




A new wave of


Cornwall is readying itself for the global attention that comes with hosting the G7 Summit next month, with extensive heavyweight media and delegates from across the world set to descend upon our shores. As the whole world admires our beautiful patch, in the first of a new series of articles shining a spotlight on Cornwall’s towns, we focus on Newquay (the gateway into the summit) and its diverse business landscape in relation to some of the G7 Summit themes.



Over the past ten years, Newquay Business Improvement District (BID) has established itself as an integral catalyst, a constant business and community support provider and a key driver for new businesses relocating to the town. The not-for-profit organisation is also a vital body providing ongoing powerful local, regional and national advertising, media, digital communications, PR and marketing campaigns for the destination positioning the town as a leading year-round vibrant location to visit and to live.

and wellbeing; from silent disco beach yoga to wild sea swimming, from surfing to stand up paddle boarding and plenty of other alternative coastal adventures.

Through this decade, Newquay has transformed itself and is now considered a seriously attractive place to do business, with an enviable lifestyle and a vibrant, proactive and supportive local community. It has seen a whole new wave of innovative, exciting independent businesses opening up alongside stylish new housing developments, aesthetically-driven restaurants and cafes that wouldn’t look out of place in Shoreditch, family-friendly activities and a number of lifestyle-driven new flexi co-working spaces.

In addition, ongoing investment and sensitive development continues to improve the fabric and the aesthetic of the town. Newquay Town Council recently submitted a stage-two funding bid under the Coastal Community Fund for just under £500k to enhance the Killacourt in the heart of the location. The bid was approved in March 2019, and plans are now underway to transform the Killacourt, with small, local businesses trading from the space, retaining it as an important green area that can continue to be relevant for growing events and economic activity.

The trend is now very much on entrepreneurs ‘taking a strategic punt’ on Newquay and opening cool and creative businesses, many with a ‘blue mind’ philosophy at their core. Within the town boundaries alone, Newquay lays claim to seven stunning beaches and a beautiful working harbour. The place really is Cornwall’s adventure capital with an array of activity adventures and a focus on health

Transports links into Newquay are now better than ever, the dualling of the A30 is complete and regular all year round flights from all major UK cities as well as destinations such as Alicante, Faro and Zurich set to reopen post-pandemic make it really accessible (three flights return per day to London). Plus, Cornwall benefits from superfast broadband making it one of the best-connected


places in the world! Carla Jones, Newquay Business Improvement District (BID) manager, says: “Cornwall is shining bright on the global stage this year, which is fantastic and the world leaders are set to discuss key issues that will affect us all including Covid recovery, economic development, health and the environment.

Newquay has transformed itself and is now considered a seriously attractive place to do business

“Here in Newquay, we are proud to be part of a truly impressive business network with continually evident creative entrepreneurship and spirit. We are home to a plethora of inspirational businesses and organisations that are already ahead of trends, pioneering new ways of working alongside gamechanger products and services. The impact of our impressive business community is making proverbial waves well outside of Cornwall and we are sure the G7 leaders and delegations will be witnessing this spirit during their time in Cornwall.” Here we take a look at some of the companies in Newquay that are leading the charge already on the global agenda.




remote style of working. Leading the charge on this are the many flexible working and hotdesking spaces in Newquay. The Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership invested £2 million to create a dynamic new workspace on Newquay’s seafront with stunning seascape views. The CSpace project fuses business and incubation space with a local produce café and bar, events venue, production studio and retail showcase – all with stunning views over Towan beach.

LIVING ‘THE GOOD LYFE’ SENSATIONALLY SUSTAINABLE ‘We want the world to be a fairer, kinder place – for us, for our children, for everyone.’ Founded by Laura Peters and Jaime Johnson, The Good Lyfe is a plastic-free, ethical store in Newquay, selling zero-waste dry foods, refillable laundry and cleaning liquids, and personal care and homeware products. Customers can bring in their own containers (or purchase reusable jars or organic cotton bags), fill them up with the products of their choice – only paying for what they need, essentially leading to a huge reduction in single-use plastic. They also stock a range of beautiful, ethically sourced home and lifestyle products – enabling customers to be able to shop with a guilt-free conscience. For the founders, it’s more than just a shop. It’s a way of thinking. At its most basic, it’s plastic-free shopping – but it’s so much more than that. It’s reducing our impact on our fragile planet. It’s making sure everyone is treated fairly. It’s about trying our best to do what we can to make the world a better, fairer place.

CSPACE – BRINGING PEOPLE TOGETHER IN THE ULTIMATE WORKSPACE AND ‘IDEAS FACTORY’ BY THE SEA The global pandemic will no doubt lead to a more flexible workstyle, with many companies opting for a mainly or completely 32 | BUSINESS CORNWALL

CSpace is a collaboration between Newquay-based Crowdfunder, the UK’s No.1 crowdfunding platform, and the Real Ideas Organisation which has a track record for developing creative, multi-use spaces in landmark buildings and supporting social enterprise. In the first five years the project and its partners expect to support over 1,000 enterprises and create almost 80 jobs based in CSpace, with a similar number created externally in start-ups and growth companies. CSpace is a dynamic and engaging social venue for events and will be open to the community, bringing people together to generate and share ideas. To find out more about working from CSpace please visit

DIVING FOR A MORE SUSTAINABLE FUTURE We all see the positive impact of beach cleans but a company in Newquay takes this to the next level through its clean ups of the actual ocean bed! Dive Newquay, situated in the heart of the Newquay & Gannel Marine Conservation Zone, works closely with Natural England, Cornwall Wildlife Trust, Fathoms Free, Seasearch and the National Lobster Hatchery to educate the unaware and further the knowledge of those interested in the plight of our oceans and seas. Conservation is top of the priority list for the team with many of the instructors holding degrees in Marine Conservation from Newquay College. With over 200 members, the SCUBA Rangers club introduces the younger diver to scuba from the age of 8. Many of its members have participated in clean ups on the beach and harbour and have collaborated in the release of a thousand baby lobsters into The Newquay & Gannel Marine Conservation Zone, as part of a project to help sustain local lobster fisheries. Dive Newquay has the facilities and enthusiasm to make every dive special. Its team of dedicated instructors and support staff offer training from complete beginner to advanced levels and further onto deeper technical diving. As well as having their own 4m deep training pool, it boasts two fully coded vessels, equipment rental, guided dives, regulator and equipment servicing, all from its premises in Newquay. For more information, visit:



WAKE OCEANSIDE A bustling tourist destination, there are a number of hotels at various stages of build in the town, including the Premier Inn, and other high-end, established properties such as The Headland Hotel, continue to expand their developments. One of Newquay’s original hotels, Oceanside, sits next to iconic surf-beach, Fistral with expansive views of the rolling surf and golden sands. Formerly the Carnmarth Hotel, the team decided that post-Covid was the ideal time to rebrand and reform to accelerate its economic recovery. Oceanside now boasts completely renovated bedrooms, a number of these with spacious balconies and sensational sea views so guests can rise from their restful slumber, check the waves and stroll on down to the beach. With a chilled-out, relaxed surf vibe and beachy-chic décor, it’s like nothing else in the town, and is the perfect ‘lifestyle’ destination for all ages. Combining beach-chic wooden cladding with textural upholstery and bamboo rattan lampshades, the expansive bar and restaurant area is ideal for hanging out and whiling away the hours.

START-ING OFF ON THE RIGHT FOOT It was recently reported that Cornwall is the most searched for place on property website Rightmove, replacing London. Sale prices around Newquay specifically have climbed by 20% since the start of the pandemic. With more and more people now working remotely and seeking a more desirable lifestyle, it is no wonder Newquay’s housing market has been booming.

Start believes the reasons behind the property boom are multifaceted. He says: “Newquay is undoubtedly a major property hot spot and we are seeing an increase in people wanting to relocate or invest in the town. We think this is partly a side effect of the pandemic, with workers reassessing their priorities, and seeking a better quality of life with more natural surroundings. It is also partly due to the staycation trend which is looking to accelerate this year. Investors are seeing the lucrative earn back potential in Newquay with increasing numbers looking to holiday more and more in the UK.”

The staycation trend is looking to accelerate this year

Independent family run firm of estate agents, Start & Co has been dealing in the sale and rental of residential and commercial property in and around the Newquay area since 1977. Partner at the firm, Jonathan





Business Cornwall has been following elite cycling team Saint Piran closely, since it was no more than a pie-in-the-sky idea. Now, it boasts some serious accolades and is becoming a force to be reckoned with in the cycling-world, brushing shoulders with the best, while inspiring young riders.

Ambition and belief are inarguably two of the key elements of success, whether that’s in business or sport, or in this case, both. Where many wouldn’t have for a second entertained the idea, team principal Ricci Pascoe and elite rider Steve Lampier had the vision for creating a limitless race team built around a sustainable business model, with the base being Cornwall – after-all, why not Cornwall? Beautiful roads, a lovely place to live and eager business partners willing to join the ride and make it happen. Now after six or so years of hard graft, it’s paying off.

At the start of the year, Saint Piran announced the news that the team had secured UCI Continental status for the 2021 season. Now entering its sixth year competing nationally and internationally, the team feels that this is the right time to take the next step on its journey and a core group of 13 riders are signed up. Pascoe says: “Competing at the Continental level in the UK and racing against the top teams will be a privilege for Saint Piran. We look forward to bringing our brand of racing to the highest level of the sport here. “We have committed sponsors, a new development team and a women’s team, and a model which will ensure that we are around for a long time to come.” Lampier adds: “Every single rider of the 2020 roster that wanted to stay and be part of this project has been retained. After a year where nobody had the chance to shine on the road, we owed them the opportunity to showcase their talents on a grander stage.” While the team is looking forward to all



the challenges to which Continental status will open the door, the Tour of Britain this September will undoubtedly be the highlight and main goal. Starting here in Cornwall, this is a unique opportunity for the team to show what it can do on home roads. It’s hard to believe that a Cornwall-based cycling team will be competing in the Tour of Britain and each and every one of us should be relishing the moment we get to see Saint Piran tearing up tarmac on home turf on roads we know so well. We can be proud for not only celebrating our stunning roads and scenery but also knowing we have our very own team in it with the best – such an exciting time for Cornwall and its cycling scene! Off the bike, Saint Piran management has continued to develop the team’s unique organisational and financial structure. A sustainable business model has always been at the core of the Saint Piran philosophy. In 2020, the team worked to sustain existing, and develop new, partnerships with businesses and organisations both

within and outside the cycling industry. Testament to the supportive and collaborative business community in Cornwall, Saint Piran is supported by local businesses and encourages new collaborations. This unique model, coupled with an unwavering determination has meant the team has managed to punch well above its weight.

Such an exciting time for Cornwall and its cycling scene!

While Saint Piran might be an elite team, it is very big on providing opportunities, from grassroots up, turning what could be someone’s dream into a reality and making high level cycling more accessible.

Rob McPherson, a Saint Piran development rider from near Falmouth, comments: “Saint Piran has provided me with the stepping stones that are enabling me to see


just how far I can take my cycling. “I really look up to the more experienced members of the team, sort of like older brothers, there’s a real family feeling within the team that I haven’t experienced in many other places.” Saint Piran has also formed a women’s race team (WRT) for the 2021 season. The team has some high ambitions and will be racing competitively at all of the National road series, the Tour series and many other regional races throughout the year. Team manager, Jenny Bolsom, says: “Saint Piran WRT is running a two-tier system. We believe in the value of developing our own younger and/or less experienced riders. “By covering topics from training, nutrition, race tactics, team management, social media etc we aim to develop riders who are the complete package and able to progress their cycling careers either with us or another team with a well-rounded background.”




Silver dream


A 25th anniversary is often a time for reflection; an opportunity to pause and bask in the glory of past success. But that is not so at Cockwells Modern & Classic Boatbuilding. This global brand, located on the idyllic banks of a Cornish creek in Mylor, is far too busy to pause for anything.

A quarter of a century’s boatbuilding experience heralds the beginning of a bright new era, fuelled by technical possibilities, the potential of modern materials and processes to innovate, and the happy prospect of many more beautiful bespoke boats to build.

in our people and our infrastructure – so nothing is out of reach. The seemingly impossible is possible because we apply tried and tested methods, and experiment at the cutting-edge. We are as skilled with a chisel as we are with a CNC machine, and that is what sets us apart.”

Reimagining our designs to cater for 21st century demand

Cockwells’ recent purchase of The South West Shipyard, a prime waterside site between Falmouth and Penryn, will enable the company to expand, meet growing demand and build more of its larger vessels, which range up to 65’. “Where we win is that we are a reputable family firm that has not only survived but thrived for two-and-a-half decades – and through a pandemic,” explains the company’s eponymous founder and MD, Dave Cockwell.

“This is because we know how to build boats; we know how to combine traditional craftsmanship with up-to-the-minute technologies to deliver exactly what our clients want, and we continue to invest – 36 | BUSINESS CORNWALL

Cockwells celebrates 25 years by pushing the boundaries of the possible

Cockwells’ luxurious, custom-built superyacht tenders not only look to deliver on aesthetic and performance but are the ultimate piece of equipment for busy owners and their crews. The company is respected as one of the best and most reliable tender builders in the industry because it offers technological innovation, ingenious design, exemplary client service, comprehensive after-sales care and absolute peace of mind. The company is also the proud originator of Duchy Motor Launches – a sought-after,


semi-production brand that combines the classical lines of the gentleman’s launch of generations past with polished styling and modern luxury. Ranging from 21ft to 60ft, these stylish vessels can be customised with any number of optional extras to create a maritime experience that is unique to each owner, whether sailing on lakes, canals, fjords or open water. In 2020, Cockwells acquired the assets of Hardy Marine, a respected brand of all-weather, all-location motor yachts to expand its portfolio further. “Like Duchy Motor Launches, Hardy motor yachts offer the ultimate in style and seakeeping as well as reliability, customisation and all the advantages that technological advances can supply,” Dave adds. “The difference between them is simply a question of scale. Duchy Motor Launches combine space with seaworthiness to provide a comfortable craft for two but if you are a multi-generational family in search of long-distance adventure on the high seas, then our Hardy

motor yachts provide the spacious accommodation and lifestyle choice for longer periods on the water.” While Cockwells will continue to offer the original, well-loved and respected Hardy designs, Dave Cockwell and leading hull designer, Andrew Wolstenholme, are in the process of redefining the Hardy 42 and Hardy 50 to create the “definitive family cruising environment” with comfortable cabins, spacious saloons, outdoor living spaces, walkaround decks and additional safety features.


proof our business. Whilst today’s battery technology does not yet offer a useful range for fully-electric boats, it is only a matter of time before propulsion from an alternative power source will be a realistic choice and we are champing at the bit to experiment with that. We nurture traditional skills but we also push the boundaries of the possible and it is this ethos that will secure our success for the next 25 years and beyond.”

Dave says: “The first Hardy 42 to be launched from the Mylor Creek Boatyard will be our first hybrid diesel-electric boat and we have incorporated a digital switching system to enable full-remote control for ease of handling. “Reimagining our designs to cater for 21st century demand and continually upskilling to be ahead of the curve is how we futureBUSINESS CORNWALL | 37




PARK HOLIDAYS IN CORNWALL Three popular Cornwall holiday parks have been acquired by national operator Park Holidays UK.

ROOMS WITH A VIEW The Nare has launched four spacious new master suites. The four Whittington Suites were unveiled to regular guests, friends of The Nare, and the press, at an innovative virtual drinks party recently and are now awaiting their first guests on May 17.

The three are among nine holiday parks operated by Bridge Leisure which is now part of Park Holidays UK. Welcomed into the group are Seaview Village in Polperro, Trevella Park in Newquay, and Hengar Manor in Bodmin. The acquisition also includes Hedley Wood holiday park in Holesworthy, near Bude. The acquisition gives Park Holidays UK its first presence in Cornwall and brings to 42 the number of parks operated by the fastexpanding group – which include six in Devon. Park Holidays UK director Tony Clish said

that the company has now become one of the largest single providers of park-based family holidays in the West Country. “We are absolutely thrilled to be joining forces with Bridge Leisure which, like us, has invested substantially in their parks over recent years, constantly driving up quality standards,” he said. “Also, like Park Holidays UK, they have allowed their parks to develop separate individual identities over time which reflect the different areas in which they operate. “This is something in which we and our customers take great pride, and we will be keen to preserve their distinct character as they continue to expand.”

Work started on the multi-million-pound project at the AA five-star hotel on the Roseland in late 2019 and has taken over 15 months to complete. The four suites are situated over two floors and together form the new western part of the hotel with its own entrance and seaview lobby. The suites make the most of panoramic sea views across Carne Beach and Gerrans Bay - an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. They are all individually decorated in The Nare’s country house style and feature a large double bedroom, second bedroom/dressing room, two bathrooms and a generous sitting room. Named after Olive and Bettye Whittington, great-grandmother and grandmother of current proprietor Toby Ashworth, the suites celebrate over 100 years of Cornish hotelkeeping in the family. They restore the hotel to 40 rooms - the same number as when Bettye acquired the hotel in 1989. Ashworth commented: “Comfort is at the heart of The Nare. We had the option to create 12 hotel rooms but instead chose to build four comfortable and very spacious suites. “We have long-standing personal relationships with American travel agents and an increasing number of visitors from the USA each year. The Whittington Suites have been designed with overseas guests in mind and firmly position The Nare on the international stage during a prime time as Cornwall prepares to play host to the global G7 Summit.”


SHOWCASING CORNWALL TO THE WORLD Following a three-way tender process, Visit Cornwall has appointed Newquay-based Hope Yard PR to generate awareness of the tourism offering in Cornwall around next month’s G7 summit at Carbis Bay. The travel and lifestyle specialist has been tasked with maximising the G7 exposure through a PR campaign targeting the travel press both in the UK and most importantly in key overseas markets. The brief will see the trio of Samantha Kirton, Lucy Jenner-Brown and Hayley Newnham share messaging around Cornwall’s appeal to international press while showcasing the lesser-known spots,

attractions and out of season highlights. “We were really impressed by the level of understanding, clarity and strong programme of activity presented by the team,” said Visit Cornwall chief executive Malcolm Bell. “This is a fantastic opportunity to present Cornwall to the world and lay the foundations for a lasting tourism legacy of growing international visitors, who mostly visit in the shoulder season when we need and can easily cope with additional high spending guests. We know we’re in safe hands and are delighted to have Hope Yard PR on board at such a seminal time.”


SPONSORED BY Truro School has reported its highest rate of admissions in ten years resulting in a spike in recruitment. For the 2021-22 academic year, Truro School will see at least a 20% increase in girls and boys entering 1st Year (Year 7) and 3rd Year (Year 9), resulting in an extra form group added to the 1st Year cohort, and overall numbers in the sixth form.

AN ADMISSIONS HIGH Falmouth University’s venture studio, Launchpad, has been accepted into the Global Startup Studio Network (GSSN). “We’re thrilled to join a highly curated global network of venture studios,” said James Murray, head of the Launchpad Programme. “This association gives our venture teams unparalleled access to networks, finance and other support globally, accelerating and reinforcing their development. “We’re also really proud to be the only member of GSSN embedded within a

The head, Andy Johnson, said: “We are delighted by this extra interest in

university, with a high calibre postgraduate degree programme. The network and reach of Falmouth Launchpad is now greater than ever before, and we’re really excited to work with other members of GSSN in creating high growth, high impact sustainable ventures.”

Cornwall Wildlife Trust, Surfer’s Against

LET THE GAMES BEGIN The competition sees teams of apprentices battle it out to be crowned ‘apprentice team of the year’ and scoop the games’ specially designed torch. Now in its fourth year, this year’s games will pitch teams of apprentices against each other at Cornwall College Camborne on Friday June 11 – and teams can register from today.

The college, which has ten sites across Devon and Cornwall, created ‘Love Our Planet Week’ to showcase and raise awareness of the importance of sustainability and the environment both internally and within the communities it serves.

“But we want to go even further, so ‘Love our Planet Week’ focused on making sure we all look at how we can be more sustainable, at home, in college and during work.”

Due to this demand, Truro School is hiring both teaching and support staff roles. These include a music teacher, art teacher, modern foreign languages teacher, biology teacher, English/RE teacher, office admin, teaching assistant (Prep), assistant head (Prep).

Registration has opened for this year’s Apprenticeship Games, organsied by The Cornwall College Group (TCCG).

Cornwall College renewed its focus on sustainability last month by hosting many of Cornwall’s most influential voices from the environmental movement in a series of talks and workshops.

“As a college, we have made huge strides in becoming more sustainable by taking meaningful action such as signing a pioneering ten-year renewable energy deal that will see our power provided from British wind farms.

the excellent, inclusive, and caring coeducational journey offered by our school. This increase in numbers will create new opportunities for pupils and for potential staff, whilst not altering the community feel of our school that we cherish.”



Vice principal for operations, Adrian Ford, said the event was also designed to inspire staff and students to think how they can make a positive difference.


Sewage and The Eden Project were among the speakers, while Beach Guardian’s Emily Stevenson, who has been picking up plastics from beaches in Cornwall for over half her life, held a live Q&A with some of the college’s 1,800 staff and nearly 14,000 students during the virtual conference. She commented: “I am incredibly excited to be part of this series of events and am grateful for the opportunity to join a conversation including my two main passions: the south west and empowering young people. It’s a fantastic initiative and Beach Guardian are honoured to support.”

Apprentices from the south west’s leading employers will compete in a series of interactive challenges to showcase their skills developed by engaging with young people and businesses from across the region. “The Apprenticeship Games are one of the main highlights of our year,” said Lorna Martin, head of apprenticeships at Cornwall College. “The competition is about different businesses and apprentices, representing a wealth of vital sectors for the region’s economy, coming together to celebrate the thing they all have in common - an understanding of the value of apprenticeships.” Email for details on how to enter. BUSINESS CORNWALL | 39




A new concept for Cornwall’s digital and tech businesses has launched. FibreHub, adjacent to Cornwall College in Camborne, is a space for digital, software and tech organisations, providing lettable office space, co-working facilities, a café and access to networking and events taking place in the building. Toby Parkins and Craig Girvan, co-founders of one of Cornwall’s largest tech companies, Headforwards, are behind the project and were able to progress the concept with the support of a number of other partners. Parkins said: “Cornwall is a thriving

GOING BEYOND DIGITISATION Cornwall Museums Partnership (CMP) has received a £50k Art Fund grant to help deliver a new 3D costume digitisation project. The Beyond Digitisation initiative, which CMP is carrying out with tech-startup Purpose 3D, will produce 3D models of costume collections at three museums – Royal Cornwall Museum, Penlee House Gallery & Museum and Bodmin Keep – to be made available to commercial markets such as the gaming and fashion industries.

Adam Tindall, co-founder of Purpose 3D, said: “We feel very privileged to have such forward thinking institutions such as CMP and the three museums we are partnering with on our doorstep and their willingness to embark on a project embracing digital technology.

community for tech businesses and we’ve got a stronger voice and a bigger impact when we collect together. “Many businesses have similar challenges, and they all need flexible workspaces, rapid Internet connectivity and a community where they can share ideas. FibreHub offers all those components in one place.” Unlocking Potential’s new ERDF-funded Digital Transformation project is one of the first FibreHub tenants, joining Headforwards’ 110-strong team in the space. Future plans are to expand it into a base for Cornwall’s fast-growing tech sector – FibrePark.


“Bringing history to life in 3D is really rewarding and we have been blown away by the depth of collection and history displayed by the museums of Cornwall.”

An indie games studio from Falmouth University’s venture studio, Launchpad, is releasing its first game on the Nintendo Switch.

WILDANET GOING FASTER Cornish broadband provider, Wildanet, is starting the multi-million-pound roll out of its new broadband network across the county.

surrounding rural areas within the PL14 postcode, with about 6,000 premises expected to be able to receive the new service.

The new hyperfast network is set to transform connectivity for hard-to-reach areas of Cornwall previously bypassed by the major providers and will be capable of delivering gigabit speeds, which are roughly 40 times faster than the average download speeds currently available in Cornwall.

Work is already underway and is expected to complete in the Liskeard area early autumn.

The first communities to benefit will be in Wildanet’s hometown of Liskeard and the 40 | BUSINESS CORNWALL

Ian Calvert, founder and chief executive of Wildanet, said: “We are delighted to be marking this milestone moment for Wildanet and for the many communities in Cornwall still struggling with poor connectivity and at risk of being left behind by the digital revolution.”

Studio Somewhere, founded by Cameron Shackleton, Adam Westerman and Ryan Thornhill Smith, has been approved by Nintendo to release Bonito Days on the Nintendo Switch. Shackleton said: “When we started designing Bonito Days we did so with the Switch in mind so getting the green-light from Nintendo gives us confidence that we understand the platform and its market. “Outside of Bonito Days this is a huge confidence boost for the company as we have been given access to development information about the Switch. To us, this shows that Nintendo is not only satisfied with our work but also us, as a company, since they are willing to share information.” Studio Somewhere hope to release the game in July.




FIGURES SHOW NEED FOR ACTION Figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showed that UK gross domestic product (GDP) and total exports dropped by 7.8% and 10.3% respectively in February compared to the same month last year.

to spur hiring, ending a debilitating late payment crisis that has worsened through lockdowns, and taking innovative approaches to emergency debt to realise meaningful economic value.

Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) national chairman Mike Cherry said: “If you’d asked small business owners at this time last year about Covid-linked disruption they wouldn’t have dreamed it would be continuing so far into the future. These stark figures are a reminder that this lockdown needs to be the last!”

Alongside the effect of the pandemic we have EU transition. International sales are way down on where they were at this time last year. A fifth of small exporters have halted sales to the EU temporarily and some have already given up on selling into the bloc on a permanent basis.

With the vaccine rollout, reopening and a buoyant summer trade predicted in Cornwall, small business confidence has started to improve but a sizeable share of employers are concerned about redundancies with the job retention scheme winding down over the coming months.

The FSB concern here is that unless further action is taken to alleviate the new admin facing exporters, which tend to be our most innovative and profitable firms, we risk losing them all together.

In this ONS update, consumer-facing service businesses were shown to have been especially hard hit and even though there is light at the end of the tunnel, the FSB is urging all shoppers to keep supporting local small firms wherever possible to help boost recovery. The FSB is also asking the Government to now turn to its build back better agenda: cutting the non-wage costs of employment

As a further move to improve export prospects, the FSB is urging policymakers to urgently pull out all the stops to strike ambitious new trade deals, which include small business chapters, with high-growth economies where there’s appetite for UK goods, not least the US. These ONS figures should be treated as a wake-up call and the FSB is calling for action to ensure that Government focusses attention on creating an environment where there can be swift improvement.

A LITTLE BIT OF HELP OPEN TO ALL… You can also visit our online Knowledge Centre for help, advice and guidance and find out about our about helpful webinars and podcasts or by visiting our where you can find hundreds of free online networking and business support events to attend right across the UK. Covid-19: A4 Printable we are open signs: Printable signs and social media cards to let your customers know that you are open for business are available to download and you can also use our social media images on the website to welcome your customers back and let them know you are Covid compliant.

We have created the FSB skills hub to support you with the resources you need to ensure business continuity in the immediate future and for the longer term. Find answers to your legal questions, demystify the digital world, build a robust business model and unlock the potential of FSB membership.

FSB Offer for Business Cornwall Magazine Readers at If you want to join FSB after reading this page then please quote BCM30 when you join and save £30!

CONFIDENCE REBOUNDS AS SHOPS RE-OPEN Close to two thirds (58%) of small businesses expect their performance to improve this quarter, and fewer than one in three (31%) expect theirs will worsen, according to the latest FSB study of almost 1,700 business owners. With trading restrictions now easing across England and Wales, the business group reports that its UK SBI confidence measure has risen to +27.3 in Q1 of this year, up from -49.3 last quarter. The index is at its highest level since Q3 2014, when it hit +41.0, and is in positive territory for the first time since Q2 2018. More than half (51%) of those surveyed for the SBI expect their revenues to increase over the coming three months, the highest proportion since the summer of 2015. Fewer than one in four (24%) expect sales to fall – the same figure stood at 84% at this time last year. The majority (53%) aspire to grow their firms over the next 12 months, the highest share since Q3 2019, marking a 22 percentage point jump compared to the same period last year. Such positive news is welcome, although from a trading position of almost nothing going to something it is hardly surprising to see that a more positive outlook is recorded. For those able to resume trading the only way really is up. However, there are many trials left to contend with. As an example, with the job retention scheme starting to wind down over the coming months, one in seven (14%) small firms with staff say they are likely to make some or all of their team redundant this quarter. We must keep our nerve!




INVESTING IN NEW TECH A RUM DO The English Spirit Distillery had Cornwall’s taste buds all of a quiver last month, with news of a Cornish rum, filled with the hearty flavours of a Cornish pasty. We were told “the white rum is blended with the finest grass-fed minced beef, south west grown Maris Piper potatoes, and Dr John’s family gravy, the recipe of which has been passed down from generation to generation”. The base spirit, St Piran’s Cornish Rum, is “rammed with sweet raisin flavours and smooth caramel notes, daringly paired with the savoury palate of a Cornish pasty”.

A fifth-generation, family-owned potato farm in Cornwall has invested in new equipment that will see productivity more than double, after securing a £400k funding package from Lloyds Bank. Situated in Lanlivery, Colwith Farm is a leading grower and supplier of premium quality Cornish potatoes, distributing to wholesale food suppliers and brands including McCain and Burts Crisps. The six-figure loan from Lloyds Bank has enabled the business to install the latest robotic picking equipment to speed up efficiencies when bagging potatoes – increasing productivity on the grading line by 25%.

You’d be a fool not to be enticed by that. The rum was launched on April 1.

Tribute Pale Ale and Proper Job IPA are now available from the Majestic website and in 200 stores nationwide.


“Investing in the efficiency of our processes is absolutely key to our growth,” she said. “Over recent years we’ve seen a surge in demand for our premium potatoes and investing in new robotic technology allows us to speed up the picking process and fulfil more orders for our customers.”

Stein has built a stained wood service bar with bespoke zinc countertop – complementing exposed brick walls and the modern, paired-back style of the shop.

St Austell Brewery has secured national listings for two of its flagship beers in Majestic – the UK’s largest specialist wine retailer.

Andrew Turner, MD of St Austell Brewery’s Beer & Brands, said: “We’re very proud to see two of our great brands on the shelves in Majestic stores across the country. We hope that existing fans of our beers will be pleased to hear about the new listing, and that Tribute and Proper Job will appeal to Majestic customers looking to try something new.”

Clare Dustow, who manages the farm with her husband Chris, believes the new technology has come at a pivotal time to allow the business to continue to grow.



The UK’s premium bottled ale category has grown in value by 24% over the past year. As a result of this rising demand, and the recent growth in at-home drinking, Majestic is continuing to expand its beer range.

The 200-acre farm is also home to Colwith Farm Distillery, a plough to bottle distillery which uses the farm’s potatoes to make its own single estate vodka and gin.

Rick Stein has opened a specialty coffee shop in Padstow, in partnership with Origin Coffee. The new Rick Stein Coffee Shop marks the arrival of the first speciality coffee shop in the area. Spearheaded by Charlie Stein – director of drinks across all Rick Stein restaurants – it is housed in the former Rick Stein Patisserie, which has undergone a complete redesign Jill and Ed Stein. A mason and carpenter by trade, Ed

Origin founder Tom Sobey said: “I’ve worked with Steins for many years and this new collaboration with Charlie has been incredibly exciting to work on. It brings together the very best in speciality coffee; an exceptional coffee menu, world-class machinery, talented baristas and delicious food all within a stunning coffee shop interior. It’s testament to Stein’s progressive vision.” Charlie Stein added: “Tom and his team at Origin have been the perfect partner for our new venture. We’ve worked together for over 15 years already, and I’ve always been impressed with their unrivalled knowledge of and enthusiasm for great quality coffee. I’m extremely proud to be opening our first speciality coffee shop in Padstow and to be working with such excellent Cornish businesses.”




READY FOR THE SURGE designed to give businesspeople under the age of 30 the same great networking opportunities that senior staff benefit from. Our Events Assistant, Jess Matson, explained: “Members of Surge can not only socialise and network with each other but also create a supportive circle where they can learn new skills and grow in confidence.

The pubs are open and we’ve had some glorious sunny days; spirits seem to be lifting and that positivity is being felt within Cornwall’s business community as well. With physical events beginning to emerge, we’ve been doing a lot of thinking about support for the Duchy’s young businesspeople. A year of isolation - not being able to come into an office, learn from others, get advice and develop new skills, will have had a profound effect on those just starting out in business. At the Chamber, we witness a lot of

companies allocating event places to senior management, and younger members of staff rarely get to leave the office. Whilst it makes sense to send the confident, seasoned networkers to events, it’s also crucial that our young businesspeople are getting the opportunity to develop their communication skills, broaden their knowledge, make connections and gain confidence. Now more than ever. That’s why we’ve created a new group called Cornwall Surge of Entrepreneurs, or ‘Surge’,

“We have some great plans and I cannot wait to start connecting more with our members, finding out how they have got to where they are now and where they are hoping to end up. We have such an incredible team behind this group who are so passionate about making this all happen.” It’s hoped the group will keep momentum going after our highly anticipated 30 under 30 awards this June, championing the fantastic work that those new to the business world are doing for Cornwall. Surge is currently based on LinkedIn and anyone interested can simply click the ‘request to join’ button.

EXCITEMENT BUILDS FOR G7 It’s fantastic that the UK is opening up just in time to hold some physical events around the G7 summit coming to Cornwall. We want Cornwall’s businesses to see this as a positive event that will put the Duchy in a strong position and help create a better future for the next generations living and working here. To help bring the summit into context and help businesses draw parallels between the themes of the conference and Cornwall’s capabilities and aspirations, we are holding a series of G7 Fringe events over the coming months. We’re planning for live events in part but will have a good back-up plan should the Government delay the steps outlined in its roadmap. Our Sustainable Growth Conference will focus on the simple measures a business can take to make it more sustainable and environmentally friendly. The event will be held on World Oceans Day (June 8), and features world-class speakers plus an afternoon of workshop-style masterclasses. On May 27, Dr Adam Marshall, the outgoing Director General of the British Chambers of

Commerce, will host a discussion with some of his opposite numbers from G7 countries (plus the additional guest nations joining the G7 this year). We’ll hear how the economic powerhouses of the world are going to adapt to the greener future the G7 summit will address. Between June 7-13, businesses throughout Cornwall and Isles of Scilly can visit their local G7 hub to take part in discussions, watch live streams of the summit, and take advantage of marketing opportunities. Hubs will be in Bude, Rame, Bodmin, St Austell, Redruth, Newquay, Penzance, and on St Mary’s. In September, British businessman and politician, Baron Paul Myners CBE, of Truro, will chair a panel session addressing the legacy G7 will leave. We may have had a difficult 2020, but 2021 is shaping up to be the start of a new chapter in Cornwall – and one which feels very positive. If you’re not feeling positive about your business and its future, do get in touch and find out how we can help you.

WHY JOIN? Cornwall Chamber of Commerce is an independent not-for-profit organisation accredited by the British Chambers of Commerce. We solely exist to represent businesses in Cornwall. Our events provide a platform for businesses to connect, create and make valuable business relationships. Membership to the Chamber starts from as little as £17 +VAT per month and provides you with the tools to promote your business. Get in touch today to have a chat about how we can support you and your business.

Email: Call: 01209 216006 Online: BUSINESS CORNWALL | 43



Trewithen Dairy has appointed a new head of marketing to its management team. Emma Lawes will oversee positioning the brand for its next stage of growth as it looks to expand nationally, and lead on how the business brings innovative new products to market.

MORE POWER AT CORNISH LITHIUM Cornish Lithium has made three new appointments to its management team. Neil Elliot, who has over 17 years’ experience providing corporate finance advice and broking services to UK listed natural resources companies, has been named corporate development manager. Elliot was most recently a director in BMO’s UK ECM and corporate broking team, which he joined from Liberum Capital in 2018. Kate Harcourt has been appointed environment, social and governance (ESG) officer. She joins Cornish Lithium having amassed 30 years of experience as a sustainability professional, predominantly within the mining industry. And mining geologist Kathy Hicks joins Cornish Lithium as an advisory environmental consultant, following 17 years of experience in the global hard rock mining industry and UK ground engineering sector. Hicks is a director of the Cornish Chamber of Mines and Minerals and a member of the Cornwall Mining Alliance Steering Committee.

Before joining the Lostwithiel-based business, Lawes had worked in various key positions with national brands. Notably, she was head of proposition development at Virgin Media, where she gained extensive experience designing and implementing marketing strategies and launching successful consumer products and services to market. She said: “I’m so excited to be working with Trewithen Dairy and putting plans in place to continue the growth of the business, helping ensure its incredible success story maintains momentum and driving the business forward as it positions itself to the national consumer market.”

LONG TIME COMING A businessman whose long and distinguished career on the world stage has included regular meetings with national and international heads of state, has joined British Lithium as a non-executive director. Having established Newquay-based and family-run Legacy Properties in 2008, Peter Long is an active member of the Cornish business community. He is also a firm advocate of supporting companies with clear growth potential. As CEO of TUI Travel PLC, Long played a leading role in creating TUI Group – the largest integrated leisure tourism business in the world with 64,000 staff and 30 million customers. Dr Mick Allen, a consultant and specialist in special care dentistry, has joined Bodmin-based Smile Together Dental CIC as clinical director for quality assurance and patient safety.



For more information about Trewithen’s products and services visit follow them on facebook and twitter @TrewithenDairy and on instagram @ trewithen_dairy. For more information, please visit

A prominent and influential figure in south Wales, Dr Allen has been dental adviser to Cardiff and Vale University Health Board since 2016 and has been seconded to the Welsh Government to help reform general dental services. Smile Together is an employee-owned CIC tackling oral health inequality by investing its

Previous nonexecutive chairman and nonexecutive director roles include Rentokil Initial, RAC, Royal Mail and Countrywide. He has also been president of the Family Holiday Association charity since 2013. “I’m delighted to be joining British Lithium at such an exciting time in the company’s development,” he said. profits back into patient care and Cornish communities. Dental director, Dr Jonathan Bouwer-Davis, said: “There are real challenges facing dentistry, both pre-Covid and in the wake of the pandemic, not just in Cornwall but across the whole country. “A collaborative approach has to be the way forward, not least to share best practice and experience, and we’re therefore thrilled to have attracted a clinician of Mick’s calibre to support our work and join the board of Smile Together.





chat, make new contacts, catch up with FSB Cornwall and share best practice for an hour each week.


YOUR PARTNERSHIPS ONLINE Property & Finance Networking

This event is bringing together those within the property and finance sector. Property developers, constructors, mortgage brokers and accountants all welcome and any business that can service or supply to these industries.



How to Create Engaging Posts

Join Facebook Blueprint lead trainer and all-round social media expert Katherine George for a free training event from social media agency Oh So Social.



Wedding & Events Industry

Event ambassador is the renowned Hazel Parsons – wedding venue consultant and founder of the Wedding Venue Academy and associate director of the National Association of Wedding Professionals UK. These events will focus on all things weddings so if you are in the wedding industry or a business that has products or services that can support weddings or their businesses you will not want to miss this great event.


how can businesses engage in the Doughnut? Resource Futures, Permanently Brilliant and University of Exeter will speak at this event.

InFocus: Digital Basecamp

Spread over two weeks in May (11, 18, 25 and 27), these interactive virtual sessions will help you look hard at your online effectiveness, work out what needs to change and come up with a practical plan to transform performance, so that you’re up-todate, fine-tuned and ready to go.



Cornwall Conversations

Every Thursday from 2.30pm join FSB Cornwall for its weekly virtual networking Cornwall Conversations via zoom. This is your chance to




Doughnut Economics and Better Business

Doughnut Economics envisions a world that meets the needs of all people within the means of the living planet. It proposes an economic mindset that is fit for the 21st century context and challenges. What does this mean for business, and


Introduction to Online Networking Are you new to networking or networking online? This is a free to attend help class where we all learn together. Come join in and learn the basics together and know there are many people out there to help. Online networking is helping businesses to trade in billions each week. Come find out how to master this skill.


This event is for those within the construction and supply chain industries as well as those looking to connect or have an interest is these areas.

For further details of these and more networking events visit To publicise your event for free, email

Hello from Your Partnerships Cornwall. Many people have been using online B2B networking to help in keeping connected during the Covid-19 and lockdown. Have you taken advantage of this growth?

planned face to face B2B Breakfast Business Networking event to take place on June 24 at the original home of Your Partnerships Cornwall, at the Victoria Inn at Roche.

Many are looking forward to the return to face-to-face B2B networking as well and we at Your Partnerships Cornwall are no different.

The official photographer for this event is Elizabeth Melvin of Elizabeth Melvin Studio. Lizzy will be available if you wish to discuss any photo opportunities with her as well.

Obviously, we will be following all safety and Government guidelines and face to face will only return as restrictions allow. We are pleased to announce our first

All catering is paid for on site separately. We look forward to seeing you there. Brock, Your Partnerships BUSINESS CORNWALL | 45



We all have a story to tell, says Idenna creative director James Neale. So let’s tell it

ONCE UPON A TIME… Storytelling is the most powerful form of communication ever invented and is likely to be one of your business’s most effective marketing tools. Why? If you think about it, we all tell stories - and have been all our lives. We tell stories to inspire feelings, which can then be turned into actions. From the child who earns a little extra pocket money because she told her parents how well she did at school that day, to the new recruit at work who’s in line for a big promotion because he’s made sure his boss knows about him smashing his quarterly targets. You get the picture - the better the story, the quicker you advance. In the simplest of terms, stories take you and your audience on a journey.

the potential power of stories, take charge of their own, and make the most of them.” Filmmaker & photographer, Sam: “There is an innate, pre-linguistic, gut reaction you have when you hear a good story. It can genuinely change the way you look at the world, the way you behave and, of course, ignite a desire inside you to pass it on. Such a thing has to be important.”

Storytelling is crucial to help inform, persuade, motivate and entertain

Great stories create human connections as they inspire, influence and create a sense of togetherness, and so storytelling is crucial to help inform, persuade, motivate and entertain. The Idenna team are all united in our belief in storytelling, so I asked them why they feel it’s so important for brands to weave this art form into their fabric.

Copywriter & researcher, Kate: “Iconic stories bring us together us through shared experience, from the sublime to the ridiculous, whatever the format. Whether a cautionary tale, a myth about stealing fire from the gods, or a genius 15 second advert, stories leave their mark on people - a compelling reason for businesses and brands to understand


Graphic & web designer, Yestin: “The art of storytelling is not a new thing; we’ve been telling stories for thousands of years, like cavemen drawing on walls and Egyptians using hieroglyphics in tombs. Storytelling helps customers quickly get to know your brand and understand who and what you are. They can immerse themselves into your values, culture, drawing emotive links between their lives, your brand story and what you are selling.” Studio manager, Tania: “Creative storytelling is important because it can be inspiring, influential, educational and memorable. There’s always a story behind a good brand and sometimes the people behind the brand don’t realise how good they are - by teasing

out the why, a story can celebrate and spread the word about the what.” Filmmaker & photographer, Simon: “Storytelling in advertising is not just about the narrative of one advert but the customer’s journey; from the first initial hook, to what you want them to do next, to where they can buy your product. The whole customer experience should be thought about as one conjoining story. People like stories but how many times have you thought ‘well that’s ten minutes of my life I’m not getting back?’ The same is true in advertising; if you have a story to tell, tell it but keep it simple and to the point.” Digital marketing manager, Becky: “The shoe makers that promise ‘One for One’, the period products that taught you it’s okay to throw ‘#LikeAGirl’, the fast food chain that apologised for a royal ‘FCK’ up - you can name each of these brands through the stories they tell. In an oversaturated market it’s not enough to just have a great product. Your business needs to stand out, and telling an impactful story creates a personal connection that can make people feel something much deeper than the thing in the box alone.”

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WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU WERE YOUNG? As a child I always dreamt of becoming an airline pilot, being able to travel the world and discover new places.

WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST FULL TIME JOB? My first full-time job was as an operational management apprentice at the Hilton Hotel Group PLC. I was fortunate enough to obtain a sponsored four-year scholarship.

WHAT’S IN YOUR POCKETS? A face mask! HOW DO YOU LIKE TO RELAX? Being able to support the community is a great way to unwind after a week at work. In my spare time I have been supporting major renovations and re-launching Newquay AFC. I also find gardening and cooking a great way to relax.

WHAT’S THE BEST THING ABOUT CORNWALL? The coastline. It’s where you’ll find me on a sunny Sunday afternoon with my partner and dog, ticking off another five miles or so of the 400 Cornwall has to offer.

IF YOU COULD BUILD A HOUSE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD WHERE WOULD IT BE? To my dismay, I will have to say Walt Disney World (right next to the Magic Kingdom) because I just know my daughter would love this and the smile on her face would make it worth the madness.

WHAT HAS BEEN THE BEST MOMENT IN YOUR CAREER? It was an honour to be invited to afternoon tea with the Queen in recognition of my services to further education. More recently my involvement in developing and launching the first ever operational firefighter apprenticeship in the UK has been a real highlight.

WHAT HAS BEEN THE WORST MOMENT IN YOUR CAREER? I once attended a three-day residential sales training event, only to arrive and discover that the entire three days was back-toback role play. This was totally unexpected and threw me out of my comfort zone.

IF YOU COULD INVITE ANY TWO PEOPLE FOR DINNER, WHO WOULD THEY BE AND WHY WOULD YOU INVITE THEM? Firstly, my grandmother. She is considerate and caring and has shared many family recipes with me, not to mention she lives 400 miles away and I always love to see her. Secondly, Sir David Attenborough – needs no explanation!

IF YOU COULD BE GOD FOR A DAY, WHAT MIRACLE WOULD YOU PERFORM? Eradicate Covid-19 and child poverty. With my strong Barnsley roots, for personal benefit, I would also turn water into Yorkshire Tea.

WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE DOING IN FIVE YEARS’ TIME? My five-year professional plan is to continue honing the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to join a senior management team. As a proud Yorkshireman, my personal aims are to fully embrace the Cornish lifestyle by learning to surf and I’m slowly building up to exploring Cornwall’s microbrewery scene, having firmly stuck with Skinners, Sharps and St Austell Brewery since relocating in 2014. 48 | BUSINESS CORNWALL

TOM MORAN Customer development manager at Truro and Penwith College


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