Illustration: Ingrid Henell
Contact If you would like to know more about CLIRE, please contact e-mail:
CLIRE – Climate friendly health and care
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CLIRE is an EU project run by Region Skåne and City of Malmö. The project will reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and at the same time function as a demonstration project for climate smart health and care services. The project is run with support from the EU's LIFE+ environmental fund.
341 063 Trycksak
LIFE09 ENV/SE/000347 CLIRE The project is run with support from the EU's LIFE+ environmental fund.
Produced 2011 Design: Christian Andersson, Region Skåne Illustrations: Ingrid Henell Printing: JMS Mediasystem
project manager Anna Palminger, tel +46 (0)40-675 30 95
Health and care in the future
Climate friendly health and care