Business Times August 2013

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VOL. 5 | NO. 8



PUBLISHER Karan Ediger 405-341-2121 MANAGING Lisa Shearer EDITOR 405-341-2121

CEO Q&A with SCott Klososky

Scott Klososky had a clear vision of what he wanted to do with his life after high school and that plan helped springboard him into the successful serial entrepreneur that he is today.


MULTIMEDIA Carolyn Womack-Jenner SALES 405-341-2121 MANAGER

An Entertainment lawyer’s perspective on the music business

Jeff Curran says that the music industry has changed a lot in the past 25 years with the traditional way of artists and record labels making money going by the wayside.

SALES TEAM Terri Bohanan Suzanne Hamlin CONTRIBUTING Mike Crandall WRITERS Jim Denton

10 The Business of Books

Cyndy Hoenig Nick Massey Kristine Meggenberg Patty Miller Van Mitchell Tim Priebe Terri Schlichenmeyer


LocAL HONEY BEE FARMS, HOW ARE THEY COPing with bee loss trend?

Miss your Business Times? Call 341-2121 to get on our mailing list. Thanks! The Business Times is a monthly publication of The Edmond Sun devoted to business in the Edmond area. All rights reserved. Copyright © August 2013.

Independent book publishers in Oklahoma and across the nation are facing changes in the publishing industry. And a number of local publishers say if companies don’t adapt to the changes like self-publishing and digital publishing they will continue to struggle to stay in business.


For the past few years honey producers in Oklahoma and surrounding states have been limited in the amount of honey production due to drought conditions.

Cover Photo by Karen Moore | the Business Times August 2013 | The Business Times


from our Publisher

Finding Small Business Help At Home


o our readers: A few weeks ago I co-taught a workshop with another CNHI publisher for the Oklahoma Press Association. We had about 30 people in attendance from different newspapers all across Oklahoma. Some were weekly papers and some were dailies. Some had embraced the digital age and some were seeking answers as to how to do so. The story was the same: That people still rely on local — local news, local businesses and local solutions to everyday problems. It seems as business owners and managers we preach that on a daily basis. Shop locally, do business locally. But as a new business where do you go for local answers? There’s two really good options right here in Edmond. The University of Central Oklahoma’s Small Business Development Center has a satellite office located inside the Edmond Area Chamber of Commerce. And if you’re thinking about starting a business you also can turn to Lori Broyles at Francis Tuttle Technology Center’s Business and Industry Services division for help with small businesses and start-ups in fulfilling their goals for self-employment and business growth. Coming this month Francis Tuttle also brings its new Business Innovation Center to Edmond. The center also will house a business incubator to help support startup businesses in the Francis Tuttle area. Director Fred Green can give you more information. These are just a couple of resources we have right here to help small businesses grow. Looking ahead: Find out who this year’s Top 20 Under 40 recipients are in next month’s edition of The Business Times Edmond.


August 2013 | The Business Times

KARAN EDIGER is publisher of The Business Times of Edmond, The Edmond Sun and Community Connection.

SETTING IT STRAIGHT In the July issue, columnist Jim Denton wrote about the employer mandate of the upcoming health care reform. Just after publication, President Obama announced a one-year delay for that mandate, making all requirements for employers move to 2015. The Business Times regrets the error and any inconvenience to our readers.

Q & A with Scott Klososky

Tech CEO sees no limits Photos by Karen Moore | Special to the Business Times

By Van Mitchell Special to The Business Times


cott Klososky had a clear vision of what he wanted to do with his life after high school and that plan helped springboard him into the successful serial entrepreneur that he is today. Klososky, 51, started and sold several startup companies and is founder of Future Point of View, an Edmond technology strategy firm at 2575 Kelly Pointe Parkway. The company has about 12 employees. “I didn’t want to go to college,” he said. “I wanted to be an entrepreneur. I had scholarships to college and I passed it all up. I thought I just wanted to work my way up the company ladder and someday go and build my own company.” After graduating high school in Cleveland, Ohio, Klososky started looking for where his journey would begin. That path eventually led to Ponca City. “I got tired of living in Cleveland and I liked the west,” Klososky said. “I knew one 6

August 2013 | The Business Times

guy who lived west and he happened to live in Ponca City and that is how I ended up here.” Klososky started out as a delivery boy and eventually became division head of the computer sales division. He later purchased it as his own company. It was eventually built into a 12-store operation in three states. He is also the founder and part owner of Alkami Technology, a previous tech startup that developed a second generation online banking platform with innovative features non-existent in current systems. The privately owned software company focuses on providing online account management solutions to the financial services industry. Klososky said Future Point of View’s focus is teaching technology to non-tech leaders. It provides clients with vision they can use. From understanding pivotal technology concepts and trends to social culture, technology adaption and processes, FPOV helps businesses have the ability to accurately apply technology tools and

concepts with more velocity than their competition. “All of the startups I have done have been forward leaning,” Klososky said. “I am very good at understanding where technology is going and I use it to fix a problem in industry.” Klososky specializes in helping leaders see the world in new ways through his speaking, consulting and books. He has used innovation, velocity and future vision to build his own companies and advises clients. Now he speaks worldwide to audiences of all sizes across a myriad of industries. One of Klososky’s latest ventures is developing Crowdscribed, a new publishing model for a range of publication types generated by crowdsourcing. Created by the crowd and for the crowd, this new model of publishing reverses the process of traditional publishing and produces titles that will guarantee readers — and revenue. “This one is fixing problems in the book-publishing space,” Klososky said.

“It is a platform that allows authors to post book projects and start building relationships with the readers before the book is done. We have changed the way the game is done. We have completely changed the relationship between the reader and author and the relationship between author and publisher.” Klososky is married to wife Annette and they have three children Kristin, 15, Austin, 22 and Kacie, 30. Q: How did your first job help prepare you for your career today? A: Working my way up the company meant I had to start at a low level, which was delivery boy in my case. For a period of seven years I just moved up the company which is what I really wanted to do. It was an interesting playground and I learned a ton of lessons of what to do and not to do.

of View blossomed a lot. It blossomed because technology is growing and we are really good in helping companies with technology. In the last year it is has just skyrocketed and we are adding people. We have been swamped with clients. Q: What motivates you each day? A: I am addicted to progress. I am also addicted to creativity. The umbrella over that is just helping people. I love to help people and see them prosper. What drives me is helping people using our creativity and innovative thinking.

Q: Has your business success surpassed your initial goals? A: I don’t think I thought a lot when I was younger about what I could or couldn’t be. I had a pretty tough childhood. When you come out of a tough childhood it is all about survival. I have a pretty healthy discontent about where we are and where I am. I wake up every day realizing there are more things to fix and more to learn and improve. I don’t think there is much of a ceiling for me. I want to go as far as I can possibly go. Every once in a while I look back and realize I have accomplished a lot.

Q: How would you describe your leadership style? A: I am probably an interesting blend of old school and new school. My style of leadership is reflective of that. I like to be a leader that holds people to a high level of excellence and high level of hard work. I don’t want people to think what we are doing is work. I want them to enjoy what they do and see that they get self-fulfillment from helping our clients prosper. Q: How would you describe what you do each day? A: I spend most of my time communicating to audiences whether that is speaking to an audience of 2,000 people or teaching a workshop. I spend a lot of my time communicating technology concepts and ideas and teaching nontechnology people what is important about technology. When I am not communicating I am studying technology or working with a client. Q: How did Future Point of View come into play? A: I got on the speakers circuit and I was asked to do some consultant work. Annette and I were both do consulting work and we had to form a company to do our consulting work through. Future Point August 2013 | The Business Times


Q: Where do you get the ideas for your business projects? A: I read a lot about where technology is going. I am a really good student. I have a world view of what I think technology is going to do with the world. I am forever thinking about the pieces of software that need to be written that aren’t out yet. Mixing that together with talking with clients you get a pretty good view of what is going on. Q: You can place your business anywhere. Why live in Edmond? A: I travel a ton and I get to see a lot of places where I give speeches. The question ® of where to live is that we like living in Edmond. We love the community. It is a great place to live and raise kids. There are a lot of positive things about living here.


Q: How do you relax away from the job? A: I do a pretty good job of having balance with my life. I coach my daughter’s soccer team. One of my favorite things in the world to do is working with those girls. I love music. I love to hang out with family. I am involved with North Church. I can step away from the grid and not be on my phone and relax.

Help Keep Edmond Beautiful!

Q: How high is the ceiling for you in terms of your business success? A: I have done some cool things. If they told me I was going to die tomorrow I would die happy. I am completely at peace if I have to go tomorrow. I wouldn’t have any regrets. If I was to be here another 50 years then I would say the ceiling is pretty high because there is a lot more to accomplish.

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August 2013 | The Business Times

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Since 1901

New Artists Need To Know Their Business Local entertainment experts see vast change in music industry By Van Mitchell | Special to the Business Times

Photo By Julie Bragg | the Business Times


eff Curran says the music industry has changed a lot in the past 25 years with the traditional way of artists and record labels making money going by the wayside. Curran, an attorney with GableGotwals in Oklahoma City, said due in part to the Internet and the digital age both parties are relying less directly on record sales and more on making money through merchandising, licensing and live performances. “It has changed a whole lot,” said Curran, who maintains an entertainment law practice, representing motion picture production companies, musicians and recording companies in contract negotiation, licensing and related areas as well as intellectual property litigation. “Twenty five years ago the ultimate dream was to get a recording contract with a label. That is not how music is purchased or distributed or marketed. The traditional label is dying because the labels don’t have a business model to deal with the way the 10

August 2013 | The Business Times

industry has changed. Bands can promote themselves and they can sell their own music over the Internet. The traditional model is kind of on its ear.” Scott Booker, chief executive officer at the Academy of Contemporary Music at the University of Central Oklahoma, concurred.

“What the biggest change is we have gone from selling widgets (records or CDs) to it has shifted where record sales aren’t the way people make money anymore,” he said. “They make it from these other venues from selling merchandise or tickets to concerts to selling the song being in a movie or television commercial. It wasn’t hard to sell a record 30 years ago but it was the only way people could consume the

music. Now in the digital world consuming music is the easiest thing in the world to do.” Curran, who also plays guitar in a local band, said more artists and record companies are coming together to create a “360 deal” where they share in the profits. “There are non-traditional ways of making money from your song,” Curran said. “What you see artists going to now with record companies is called a 360 deal, which means every form of revenue that you can access as an entertainer you share with your record company 50-50 because the traditional revenue streams are drying up.” Curran said with a growing number of off-brand record labels popping up it can sometimes be hard for artists to know who to trust. “A problem a lot of new artists face is they get signed with some less scrupulous label that is presented as a great deal when in fact these companies either don’t know what they are doing or they just want to commission the artists’ touring income,” Curran said. “That is a danger a lot of artists face just because they don’t know any better.” Curran said before any artist signs a contract they need to have someone who is familiar with contracts review it. “What they need right off the bat is

somebody good to look at these contracts and tell them what the heck they are facing,” Curran said. Booker, a music industry veteran and manager of the famed Oklahoma City band Flaming Lips, said students at ACM are taught about the business side of music.

“The most important thing they have to learn is that it is a business,” Booker said. “We are teaching these students what they need to know on how the industry works. We do a lot of things where the students can either hear from or meet one-on-one with music industry professionals. Every student walks out of here with a basic knowledge of how the music industry works. There is no excuse for them ever being taken advantage of after they leave our program.” Trey Rick is an entertainment attorney and head of the music business department at ACM. He said ACM students study business music, music performance and music production. He said they also are taught the importance of knowing their rights.

“Everything in the music and entertainment industry is built on the foundation of copyright law,” Rick said.

“If authors didn’t have the protection of copyright law they would have nothing of value to sell. Students of the entertainment industry need to be skilled at recognizing what rights authors have in their creative works. And specifically in the music business exclusive rights to songs are important to music publishers and record labels are interested in exploiting rights in sound recordings. But, today, we have blurred lines.” Rick added “We teach that you own it immediately when it is fixed in a tangible form. We talk about why they need to register it. We talk a lot about business entities and what organizations and memberships they need to affiliated with.” Curran said there are two types of copyrights. There is the copyright in the song and the copyright in the performance of a song. He said artists can copy other songs but they have to pay a royalty to whoever performed the songs as well as to the songwriter. Curran said by knowing their rights today’s artists have a better chance to financially succeed and not make the same mistake previous artists have made. “You see a lot of performers go bankrupt because they don’t have that income stream,” Curran said. “If they stop performing they don’t have any way to make money. You see a lot of acts performing until they are 70 or 75 because they need the money.” Booker and Curran both agree the digital age can be both a win-lose proposition for artists. Booker said music fans can download some of their favorite artist’s music via the Internet for free and artists lose out on that money. On the flip side the digital age has been

a boon for the Flaming Lips. “I think for a band like the Flaming Lips the digital age has been a tremendous help because they have never had a huge number of songs played on the radio. The digital world has opened the door for more people to hear the Flaming Lips than ever before because they download the music and check them out.”

Booker said when the ACM@UCO was created one of its missions was to help build the music industry in Oklahoma. “We as a university made a promise to the community to try and build the music industry here in Oklahoma,” Booker said. “It creates a situation where this industry can be anywhere. Ultimately I want to see record labels be here.” Curran said for years the Oklahoma music scene was dominated by cover bands but more recently the number of bands playing original music has begun to blossom. “There is a scene of really creative people here,” Curran said. “There is a lot of talent in Oklahoma City who play really good music. The foundation is there.” Booker agreed. “I really think the way people talk about Seattle, Austin and Nashville they are going to talk about Oklahoma in the same way,” Booker said. “All it takes is one band to really become huge. It’s going to happen. The odds are in our favor. We have such great talent here and now we are creating the infrastructure to help them grow into something special.” August 2013 | The Business Times


Photo By Julie Bragg | the Business Times

Photo By Julie Bragg | the Business Times

RoadRunner Press Director of Sales and Marketing Gaylene Murphy shows off some of her publisher’s line up at Best of Books in Edmond.

Malena Lott, center, started Buzz Books USA in 2011 to offer local authors another publishing format.

Publishers change their game plan By Van Mitchell | Special to the business times

Independent book publishers in Oklahoma and across the nation are facing changes in the publishing industry. And a number of local publishers say if companies don’t adapt to the changes like selfpublishing and digital publishing they will continue to struggle to stay in business. “Change is so rampant,” said Malena Lott, owner of Buzz Books USA in Edmond. “Unfortunately book stores are going out of business right and left. Selfpublishing has gone through the roof. You are seeing so many books out there every day. It seems like it grows 100-fold every quarter. It makes the job more difficult on everyone including the writers.” Jeanne Devlin, a longtime editor with Oklahoma Today who now serves as editor/publisher of RoadRunner Press of Oklahoma City concurred. “The change has really come in the last year or two, with the rise of digital publishing and Amazon,” Devlin said. “The self-publishing world has skyrocketed, and that quickly made it obvious that folks 12

August 2013 | The Business Times

needed help. A new breed of publisher has arisen to handle this demand. The ability to go straight to digital and the rise of demand for novellas in digital format has made it possible for other business models to surface for publishers. There has been a lot entities that have popped up and have aggressively pursued people who think they have a book in them.” Vivian Zabel is president/CEO of 4RV Publishing of Oklahoma City, which has been in business for about six years. She said there are two types of independent publishers. There is the “traditional” model that provides subsidies for authors and those that don’t. She said independent publishers like 4RV Publishing face an uphill battle to succeed. “The definition makes a big difference because those who charge authors for services make their money up front without taking any risk and will have a good future as long as people will do anything to have their books printed by a ‘publisher,’” Zabel

said. “Those of us who take the financial risk don’t make any money unless books sell. The independent publishers that don’t charge for any of their services are having the same sort of business difficulties that the major publishers are. That means publishing houses like mine have to scramble to come up with ideas and ways to increase sales. We are looking at different ways to reach different audiences because we have to. We have to look more and more to eBooks.” Zabel said economics also have played a role in whether publishing houses survive. “I think it is a combination of people not buying books because we are in a very poor economic time,” she said. “People look at their list of priorities and books are not even on the list most of the time.”

Changing statistics

The Independent Book Publishers Association is a nonprofit membership trade association tasked with serving and leading the independent publishing

community by providing advocacy, education and tools for success. With nearly 3,000 members, they are the largest publishing trade association in the U.S. A new survey of IBPA members has confirmed what much broader earlier surveys also found: smaller publishers make sizable book sales that nobody adds up. The latest survey, reported in an article in the April edition of the IBPA Independent magazine, indicates that even the largest IBPA member publishers in a population of roughly 3,000 make more than half their book sales independently of their distributors, in channels where no one tracks aggregate sales of books. The survey said: • Roughly 62 percent of the smallest companies represented in the survey (those with annual revenue under $100,000) report that they don’t work with distributors. • The figure is almost the same (63 percent) for publishers in the next tier (those with annual revenue between $100,000 and $500,000). • More than 44 percent of midsize book companies (those with annual revenues more than $500,000) don’t use book distributors. • eBooks have grown 45 percent since 2011 and now constitute 20 percent of the trade market. • While eBooks keep growing, hardcover and trade paperback formats continued to hold steady in 2012. The audiobook format, which has shown momentum over the past few years with the rise of mobile devices and interest in purchasing quality downloadable content

for them, also remains solid. Lott said Buzz Books USA was started in 2011 as an independent book publishing venture which publishes novellas, novels, niche non-fiction and anthologies. Books may be published in print, eBooks and audio formats. Lott said her firm has increased the royalties it pays its authors, which she says helps make her company remain viable. “We are a hybrid press because we do put some books in print but not all,” Lott said. “None of our authors pay for our services because we do it all for them. We have increased the royalty from what was 40 percent on the profit of the book to 50 percent for the author and that is because I need them to work more on promotions. I feel like the 50-50 is more like a partnership. We are expecting more out of our authors.” Devlin said RoadRunner Press, which was founded in 2011, is a traditional press. “We’re three years old, and we’re a traditional press in that we pay advances and royalties to our authors, pay for the publication of books, pay for editing and art and copyediting and marketing,” she said. “We handle international and audio sales and such, and our books are done in hardcover, eBook, trade paperback or audio.” Zabel said 4RV Publishing works one on one with accepted authors to create quality work. The staff (including published authors and experienced editors, illustrators and designers) work together to produce professional fiction and nonfiction books for all ages. Zabel said one of the key changes she has made is doing away with the return book option for companies. “We have done away with the return option,” Zabel said. “One thing book stores have been able to do since the 1920s was order as many copies of a title they could think of and 10 years down the road decide they weren’t selling those anymore and send them back and the publisher had to return the money.” Zabel cited the example of when Borders

Books filed for bankruptcy and went out of business that company had several thousands of dollars in inventory they had returned to her. “They were able to return them and I had to refund the money,” Zabel said. “As a small company I faced that problem so we did away with it.”

Book Publishing’s Future

Devlin said Oklahoma’s independent publishing scene has grown for some time. “I can say the number of indie book publishers in Oklahoma has grown,” Devlin said. “Traditionally, there have been about three or four — not counting OU Press.” Lott concurred. “I have seen more independent publishers popping up in Oklahoma,” she said. Lott said she believes other changes independent publishers will adapt to include print-on-demand. “I think print on demand is going to become the No. 1 way to get print books in the future,” Lott said. “For example if I am in the midst of a five-city book tour I will only print enough books to sell at the events and if I run out I can print some more. I don’t want to keep a large inventory of books. I think you won’t see as many print books in the future because everybody has the Kindle or the Nook or will want to read things digitally.” Zabel said she doesn’t foresee a time when people stop reading printed books. “I don’t think print books will ever go out of existence because there are too many people who like to read printed books,” Zabel said. “I do believe eBooks sales will increase where print books aren’t.” Lott said she believes the future is bright for independent book publishers. “I think you are going to see a lot of creative things happening,” Lott said. “I don’t think there will be just one avenue and that is really exciting for authors because they have all these different ways to go.” August 2013 | The Business Times


Honey demand goes up while production drops Drought impacts local producers By Van Mitchell | Special to the Business Times Photos By Karen Moore & Julie BRagg


or the past few years honey producers in Oklahoma and surrounding states have been limited in the amount of honey production due to drought conditions. And in 2013 the timing of spring rains didn’t help significantly increase production for a product that is growing in demand. “Most of the people I know right now don’t have much honey because of the drought,” said Loyd Bickford, owner of Waterloo Honey at 6621 Ridge Crest Drive in Edmond. “It is an agriculturerelated business. In Oklahoma everybody is hurting because of the drought. We got a lot of rain this year but we got the rain when the bees should have been out


August 2013 | The Business Times

making honey. The timing wasn’t right.” Jerry Logan, owner of Honey Hill Farm at 2501 Cedar Oak Drive in Edmond, concurred. “You fall into the same category as a farmer,” Logan said. “If you do not receive the rain on time you are not going to make a crop. You are at the mercy of Mother Nature. We had bad years in 2011 and 2012 because of the drought. A good year you can go from anywhere from 5 to 20 gallons (of honey) a hive.” Bickford said after retirement from Southwestern Bell/AT&T he was looking for a hobby. He said becoming a beekeeper seemed a natural fit. He said he will produce about 1,200 pounds of honey this year.

“My father kept bees and I have been around them off and on all my life,” Bickford said. “I always had in my mind that I would start keeping bees when I retired. I started keeping a couple hives for my garden as a hobby about four years ago. I am in the process of growing right now. I have gone from two to 21 hives. I want to increase that number every year.” Bickford said making the commitment to become a honey producer isn’t cheap. “It is a capital intensive start because you have to buy the hives and all of your equipment,” said Bickford who operates as a licensed food and manufacturing facility by the Oklahoma State Department of Health. “I am running a little behind the past two years because of the drought. I

enjoy making honey and working with bees. It is more enjoyable than profitable at this point.” Bickford said although he is a small producer he hasn’t had much trouble selling his product. “I don’t even have to try and sell it,” Bickford said. “Last week I sold 80 bottles in two days to just people I know. These will probably be gone next week. I am not a big producer at all.” Oklahoma isn’t the only location in the United States having problems with honeybee production. According the Centers for Disease Control website, the total number of managed honey bee colonies has decreased from 5 million in the 1940s to only 2.5 million today. At the same time, the call for hives to provide pollination services has continued to increase. This means honey bee colonies are being transported over longer distances than ever before. The website said declines in honey bee colony health were exacerbated in the 1980s with the arrival of new pathogens and pests. It said the decrease in colony losses could be due to a number of different factors, among them: The 2011 and 2012 winters were unusually warm and could have contributed to higher colony survival rates. The website stated January 2012 ranks as the fourth warmest January in U.S. history.

Too much rain also can cause problems for honey producers. In 1986 Logan said he lost 80 hives he had along Skeleton Creek in Logan County due to flooding. “I had to start over and right now I have around 150 to 175 hives,” Logan said. Logan said he fell into beekeeping by accident helping a friend create beehive materials. “I taught woodwork and I had a friend who was a taxidermist and he wanted me to make him some beehives,” Logan said. “It wasn’t long before he came back and wanted me to make him some more. I told him at the time that if I am going to make more beehives I’m going to make some for myself. I just fell into it.” Logan said starting over again offered him a new opportunity to grow his business, which is also licensed by the Oklahoma Department of Health. “As I started to increase my hives I had to start looking for markets to sell my honey,” he said. “One of my first retail outlets was the Edmond Health Foods. I am in health food stores, grocery stores and restaurants.” Logan said despite drought conditions honey sales in Oklahoma and elsewhere are up.

“Honey sales are up but production is not because of the weather,” he said. “A quart of honey right now is $14 and a barrel of honey is worth more than a barrel of oil. That is why you call it liquid gold.” Logan said while honey producing can be profitable, success doesn’t come overnight. “It’s like farming,” Logan said. “It’s hard and hot work and you don’t know if there is going to be a return. It will take five years before you start showing a profit.”

August 2013 | The Business Times


business matters

JIM Denton L edger Lines

The Age of Wisdom and how to use it I

n the late Stephen Covey’s 2004 book titled “The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness,” the author states that there are five ages that depict civilization’s voice: first, the Hunter and Gatherer Age; second, the Agricultural Age; third, the Industrial Age; fourth the Information/Knowledge Worker age; and finally the Age of Wisdom which is the present day. Each of these ages has rendered the previous age nearly obsolete — by about 90 percent. It’s ironic that, with all the foolishness that is going on in our world, we find ourselves in the “Age of Wisdom.” Nevertheless, to be more than effective, to become more than competitive, developing our own wisdom is absolutely essential. As business leaders, where do we find wisdom? Covey postulates that “the more we know, the more we find that we don’t know.” I believe that in every sense. The more that I study about a subject the more my lack of knowledge is evident. So an initial major step is to develop a complementary team of people who possess knowledge and abilities is critical to your success. In short, developing your team (or network) is absolutely necessary to shore up your gaps. Covey also states that wisdom is found where knowledge contains principles. These bits of knowledge are merely 16

August 2013 | The Business Times

trivia unless their application leads us to developing a principled behavior. We should learn from our mistakes. He continues that wisdom is the result of integrity in that wisdom is integrated around principles. Our lives should make sense. How we talk is how we should behave. Integrity is the result of humility and courage. When we have wisdom, they are in charge. We are not. Humility teaches us to understand and live by principles, because they ultimately govern the courses of our actions. It takes enormous courage to live by these principles when social mores, norms and values dictate otherwise. The opposite of wisdom is foolishness. Integrity also teaches the abundance mentality where wise people demonstrate that there is enough for everybody. The opposite of the abundance mentality is the scarcity mentality — the thinking that everything is zero-sum, win-lose constantly, no thinking of the third alternative in determining solutions. The abundance mentality people see life as a cornucopia of resources and opportunity for continued growth. Wisdom also gives birth to moral authority, which manifests itself in servant leadership. We achieve this through service and contribution. Covey observes that the very top, long-term people in truly

great organizations are servant-leaders. These leaders are humble to a fault and are focused on serving their people and customers. In his 2001 book titled “Good to Great,” Jim Collins and his team of researchers did a five-year study of companies asking the question: What catapults an organization from being merely good to become truly great? His team’s conclusion was undeniable. It was Level 5 Leadership at the highest level (based on a 1-5 scale). Level 5 leaders have the unusual mixture of humility and professional will in them. So my conclusion is that great leaders, wherever they are, need wisdom. Such wisdom is a product of assembling a great team, learning from our knowledge and mistakes, having integrity in what we say and do, showing courage, looking for the third alternative and consistently exhibiting a sense of humility about ourselves. JIM DENTON is a CPA and a managing partner with Arledge & Associates P.C. in Edmond. He may be reached via email at



Ribbon Cuttings

The Hamilton Event Center

Lilyfield Christian Adoption and Foster Care recently had a ribbon cutting and reception at its location at 501 E. 15th St., Suite 500A in Edmond. An adoption and foster care agency providing comprehensive services to women in unplanned pregnancies and couples wishing to grow their families, Lilyfield provides women in crisis pregnancies a place to turn to for guidance. In 2008 the agency began serving infants and young children in state custody by placing them with loving foster families. Since its inception in 2000, Lilyfield has served more than 600 birth-mothers and placed more than 200 children in loving Christian homes. Lilyfield’s Annual Benefit, Handprints on the Heart, will be at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 16 at the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum. For more information about the agency or the event, visit or call 216-5240.

The Hamilton Event Center recently had a ribbon cutting and reception to celebrate its fifth anniversary as a convenient destination for modern, sophisticated functions in Edmond. Located at 41 Northwest 144th Circle, owner Jennifer Hamilton combines her background in event planning and art, and floral design to tailor each occasion to the needs of her clients. From elegant weddings to formal business gatherings, the versatile setting can be decorated to suit. “Whether you need a place for a larger than normal meeting, you have a guest speaker coming to town and need to impress, or you just don’t have the space in your facility for a meeting, we can provide the image you’re looking for,” Hamilton said. The facility is equipped with 60-inch flat panel presentation screens as well as its own sound system, including hook-ups for computers, iPods, DVDs and CDs. For more information, visit or call 608-0342.

T&S Web Design

Covell ViLLage

T&S Web Design recently had a reception and ribbon cutting to officially unveil its new robot-themed offices at 1800 Canyon Park Circle, Suite 404 in Edmond. Established by Tim Priebe in 2003 as a part-time venture, the company has diversified to become a full-service enterprise that handles everything from web design to branding to social media management. “While there are many web design and online marketing firms in Oklahoma, T&S is positioned to help you succeed with the experience, the relationship-focused attitude, and the high quality design, programming and marketing that you need,” Priebe said. For more information, visit or call 285-0348.

The Offices at Covell Village, a new business park at 2109 N. Kelly Ave. in Edmond, recently had a ribbon cutting at the clock that marks the entrance to the site. Located at the southwest intersection of Kelly and Covell Village Drive, the parcels are brokered by Blackstone Commercial Property Advisors as a custom 2,000- to 12,000-square-foot option for professionals seeking to own the structure in which they operate. Leasing opportunities are also available. For more information, contact David Bohanon at 850-0987 or visit

Lilyfield Christian Adoption and Foster Care

August 2013 | The Business Times


business matters

Nick Massey Astute Investor

Be Aware of the Stock Market’s Four-Year Presidential Cycle


ost people have heard of various cycles affecting the markets. There are business cycles, economic cycles and many more. One you may not have heard too much about, with respect to the stock market, is the Four-Year Presidential Cycle. Believe it or not, there seems to be a somewhat predictable pattern in the stock market tied to each of the four years of a presidential term. There is a very long history of the economy and stock market running into problems of some degree during each administration’s four-year term. Often the problems can be serious, since during the past 110 years there have been 25 bear markets, or one on average every 4.4 years, with average declines of 36.5 percent. There is also a consistent historical pattern, the Four-Year Presidential Cycle, in which

“There is a very long history of the economy and stock market running into problems of some degree during each administration’s four-year term.” 18

August 2013 | The Business Times

if there is an economic or market problem during a presidential term, it almost always takes place in the first or second year (or both) of the term. Fortuitously, that leaves plenty of time for the administration to pull out all the stops in the third and fourth year to make sure both are recovered and booming again when the next election rolls around. However, in this cycle, we have President Obama fighting back at the sequester plan and austerity measures, trying to find ways to soften the effect on the economy. By trying to keep the economic and market problems at bay, it raises the odds of only postponing the problems into the third or fourth year of his administration, leaving little time to orchestrate a recovery before the next election. That is exactly what happened when presidents Reagan and Clinton in their second terms managed to keep the economy and markets strong through the first and second years. The 1987 crash then took place in the third year of Reagan’s second term, while the severe 2000-02 bear market began in the fourth year of Clinton’s second term. And we have Republicans refusing to pull back on the automatic budget cuts imposed by sequestration, making problems for the economy and markets more likely in the

first two years of the Four-Year Presidential Cycle, which would leave plenty of time for the Obama administration to orchestrate a recovery and a Democratic victory in 2016. I’m not suggesting this is either good or bad; just pointing out the consequences. If it’s all about elections, the Republicans apparently didn’t read the play book. But maybe today’s politicians, like many of today’s investors, are not as aware of economic and market history, and how consistently it repeats to affect their prospects a year or two out, concerned only with today’s headlines and what might happen tomorrow or next week. While I am not suggesting that one can time the stock market based on a presidential cycle, with all the other economic problems looming, the prospect of stock market weakness in the first or second year of this president’s term is one more reason to be cautious. Thanks for reading. NICK MASSEY is a financial adviser and president of Householder Group Financial Advisors in Edmond. Massey can be reached at Securities offered through Securities Service Network Inc., member FINRA/SIPC.

Experience the difference. JewelSmiths, a third generation jeweler. ˆ 'IVXM½IH (MEQSRHW ˆ (IWMKRIV &VMHEP .I[IPV] ˆ &EPP 3VMW ;EXGLIW ˆ 'YWXSQ (IWMKRMRK 1ERYJEGXYVMRK ˆ .I[IPV] %TTVEMWEPW ˆ .I[IPV] ;EXGL 6ITEMV 3R 7MXI ˆ ;I &Y] +SPH 7MPZIV 4PEXMRYQ (MEQSRHW 0,$ t / .BZ "WF t &ENPOE t 4 #SZBOU "WF t

August 2013 | The Business Times


business matters

Mike Crandall Growth S olutions

4 Words That Changed A Life


ecently I was on a business trip and during my travels I found myself fortunate enough to overhear one of the most amazing conversations I have ever heard. It was highlighted by an extremely successful business executive sharing his secret to success with a young business person only a few years into his career. The summation was four words he shared changed his career and ultimately his life. As I boarded the airplane, I was excited to find out I had been upgraded to First Class. As I took my seat, I noticed the two seats directly in front of me contained what appeared to be extremely different ends of the career spectrum. One of the men was extremely well dressed, an impeccably groomed gentleman with a good amount of silver in his hair who was calm as could be. He carried himself with an incredible level of confidence, looked like he belonged in First Class and had been enjoying it for many years. The other was several decades younger, a little disheveled in appearance and seemed to be chaotic in his interactions. He seemed to lack confidence and looked like he had never been in First Class before. When the flight took off I was intrigued as the two of them began to have a conversation. Turns out the young man was only a few years out of college and recently 20

August 2013 | The Business Times

promoted into a junior management position, and really trying to figure life out. The older gentleman was a seasoned business executive who had diligently worked his way up the corporate ladder, and now sat in the “C” suite where he is the CEO of his organization. The conversation quickly turned to the junior businessman asking the senior businessman what words of advice he would give someone in his shoes. The young man went on to ask tons of questions about professional development, training, consultants, assessments, becoming a better leader, getting an MBA degree, etc. The CEO was extremely kind and gracious as he asked the junior person some questions about his career and life goals. The young man quickly shared he also wanted to be a CEO someday. While they continued their conversation I became more intrigued as to what the CEO would share. What great books would he suggest, what great workshops would he encourage, what magic words would he offer? The CEO finally shared with the young man what he had been waiting/hoping for. Unfortunately the answer was not what he thought. However it completely blew me away. He summed up all of his unbelievable success in four words — “Hire a Sandler coach.”

As you can imagine, as a Sandler coach I was taken aback by the answer. The only thing that topped that was his reason for the four words. He went on to share how having a seasoned business adviser that was outside of his company allowed him to have someone who was truly on his team and allowed him the opportunity to work through professional and personal challenges in a methodical way — where his best interest was always at hand. Finally the CEO added — if you cannot find a Sandler Coach then find an awesome sales/management coach (as those are the two true keys to becoming more successful). So let me ask: Have you ever felt like you needed unbiased guidance in your career (or in your life)? If not, then good for you. However, if so then what time, energy and money are you wasting by not having a coach to help you? MIKE CRANDALL is an Edmond resident and the owner of Sandler Training in Oklahoma City. He can be reached via email at mike. or by phone at 405-8441700. For more information, go to online to

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August 2013 | The Business Times


business matters

Tim Priebe Webifiable


What’s in a domain name? Turns out plenty

our website’s domain name (also known as the address or URL) says something about you and your business. You can pick anything that hasn’t been taken already, so it can be somewhat difficult to pick a good one for your business. But the right one can add credibility and professionalism to your online presence. Before the Period The key to choosing the part before the period is to be short and memorable. While your exact business name may be available, don’t choose it if it’s too long. As a rule of thumb, I recommend shooting for 15 characters or less before the period. Naturally, the shortest ones are typically taken. Sometimes you can add geographic keywords to your domain. Instead of an Edmond-based company getting example. com, they can try for, or even exampleoklahoma. com, if they’re statewide. Naturally, you need to avoid other people’s trademarks when choosing your domain name. If you end up making up a word, and it’s unique and easily memorable, you may want to go ahead and trademark the name yourself. When registering your domain, many websites will provide you some alternative suggestions if yours is taken. Some other tools you can use to help inspire you are:, or 22

August 2013 | The Business Times

If one of your priorities is showing up high in search engines, make sure your domain name includes one or two keywords. It doesn’t make a huge difference, but if you’re neck and neck with another website, it will give you a slight advantage. Finally, if you have a domain name where one of the words also sounds like a number, buy both versions. As an example, purchase both and After the Period As a rule of thumb, for-profit businesses should try to get .com, and nonprofit organizations should get .org. The .com stands for commercial, and the .org stands for organization. It’s generally acceptable for a nonprofit to get a .com, and some even prefer it. But having a .org website really implies that you are a nonprofit, and should be avoided by for-profit businesses. As a rule of thumb, .net should be your next choice. Avoid .biz, .me, or any of the other options, as they’re generally viewed as unprofessional for the main website of established businesses. Most modern web browsing programs will attempt to add a .com to the end of an address if someone forgets to put the part after the period. So that’s another reason it’s in your advantage to go for a .com. Other Tips Check social media before registering your domain name. It’s best if you can have

the same domain name as your various social media usernames. So if someone can find you at, they might also look at or facebook. com/example. Have others double check your domain name before you start using it, and maybe even before you purchase it. You may have picked a domain name that actually spells something else you don’t intend for it to. You don’t want to be like Speed of Art, who bought Which could be misread as speedo fart. Avoid dashes. If you have to explain the dashes in your domain to people when you tell them your website address, then you’re making it unnecessarily difficult for them. And believe it or not, they may actually type out “dash.” Avoid the same letter multiple times in a row. It’s a bad idea to use words where you end up in that situation. The first domain name I ever bought was cool Turns out it was a pain for people to type it correctly. If you’re still having trouble picking your domain name, it might be beneficial to contact an online marketing expert. If you choose well, you could be using it for years to come. TIM PRIEBE is a public speaker, the author of the book “The Beginner’s Guide To Facebook Timeline For Business” and the owner of T&S Web Design in Edmond. He can be reached by email at or by phone at 285-0348.

business matters

Cyndy Hoenig S ocial Strategies

Become your brand for career success


e in love with and inspired by your brand’s mission. This translates trust and authenticity. Good press will follow. You must craft your own personal, reputable brand in order to stand up to your business brand’s message. Nestled just north of your reputation and east of your résumé is yet another man-made mountain to which you might aspire. It’s your brand, the identifying marks of You Inc., and it can be created as consciously as the CEO making six figures. Craft that brand carefully and, with any luck, yours might be as successful, too. If your reputation is what people say about you, especially behind your back, and your résumé is what you say about yourself, especially on paper, your brand is all that plus. It is the professional identity you create in the minds of others. The concept of brand has been around for some time, although not always labeled as such. The Fifties’ corporate excitement over “image” and the Seventies’ idea of “dress for success” were markers on the road to today’s concept of branding. Certainly, thinking of yourself as a brand, or actually aspiring to become one — as our best and brightest are urged to do — reflects our deep cultural dedication to consumerism. But it also facilitates personal marketability, an advantage in rapidly shifting business environments. At its heart, branding addresses a hard 24

August 2013 | The Business Times

professional reality: For a successful longterm career, do not look to your company or industry to take care of you. As in every other arena of life, you must take care of yourself. A well-built brand will be your life raft. Much as we are herded in the direction of becoming visible individuals, there are pitfalls along the way. Proceed with caution and keep the following tips in mind: • Stand up for yourself. Don’t allow others to make your niche too narrow. Feel free to resist when that doesn’t suit you. Make sure you lean on your strong spine. • Speak up and show what you know — but have the grace to admit what you don’t. There’s a fine line between demonstrating your expertise and being egotistical. • Stick close to your strengths. Branding is a simple and clear expression of who you really are. If you push yourself toward a brand, make sure the shoe fits. • Make sure you look the part. Your personal and business brand should speak volumes without saying a word. If Lady Gaga defines herself as “out of the box” then it makes sense to show up in a meat dress at the MTV awards. If she shows up looking like Nicole Kidman, then she’s not looking like the person she says she is. You can’t say you’re “out of the box” and wear a traditional blue suit. The same is true for your business. If someone tells you they are a hairstylist, you immediately look

at their hair. If their hair isn’t so nice, you instantly think twice about letting them do your hair. • Be it. Project who you are and be consistent. If you want to be perceived as powerful, look powerful. Powerful means: Able, ready, shows up, presence. Reflect that in your style, personality and body stance. Maybe your business card should be larger than most, with a big bold logo and the same for your website. You are the person who connects with your customers and makes that first impression for your business. Make sure it counts. CYNDY HOENIG is a PR strategist who owns Pure PR in Oklahoma City. She is the author of “600 PR, Marketing and Social Media Tips,” which is available as a free download at She also is the author of the recently released “PR Rock Star.” Email Cyndy at or call her at 245-4668 for more information.

Gary Baccus

16145 N. May Ave. (Between 15th & 33rd)


August 2013 | The Business Times


NEW BUSINESS LISTINGS Following is a listing of newly filed businesses in the Edmond area with the Oklahoma Secretary of State’s office:

Amira Minor, Real Estate Professional LLC, 19620 Vivace Drive, filed July 10 by Rasheedah Amira Minor of the same address. Angel House on Grand Lake LLC, 22500 Graces Terrace, filed July 8 by Paul Mariconda of the same address. BAB Real Estate 1 LLC, 211 N. Broadway, filed July 8 by Bryan N. Evans of the same address. Beaner Burks LLC, 3029 S. Broadway, Guthrie, filed July 11 by Joe R. Kellogg of the same address. Blackwater Land LLC, 1813 Fox Hunt Lane, filed July 9 by Donald Richard Roberts of the same address. Blue Alamo LLC, 2846 N.W. 159th, filed July 11 by Kathy E. Wallis, 1019 F. Waterwood Parkway. Cambria LLC, 22870 Cove Wood Circle, filed July 12 by Cambria LLC of the same address. Canyon Oak Real Estate LLC, 8500 Canyon Oak Road, filed July 9 by Susan K. Almon of the same address. Chaudhry Faisal Aslam Sahi, 432 S. Grand, Crescent, filed July 8 for trade name. Chaudhry Faisal Aslam Sahi, 5 E. Broadway, Cashion, filed July 8 for trade name. Cimarron TTT Farms LLC, 5701 Oak Tree Road, filed July 11 by Marvin W. Triplett of the same address. Cowboys of the West LLC, 2917 S. Bryant Ave., Suite B, filed July 8 by Mark D. Mitchell of the same address. DECAD Global LLC, 221 N. Easy St., filed July 9 by Joseph Collin Harrison of the same address.


August 2013 | The Business Times

ELC Technical Services LLC, 13879 Whippoorwill Drive, Choctaw, filed July 10 by Edward Lynn Schroyer of the same address. Gamboa Properties LLC, 1801 Lois Lynn Lane, filed July 10 by Pamela Kennedy of Yukon. HCS Advisors LLC, 729 Hollowdale Court, filed July 8 by Harry Stahel of the same address. Hometown Holdings LLC, 16304 Morningside Drive, filed July 9 by Tra Pippin of Oklahoma City. JNJH Construction LLC, 2312 N.W. 162nd Terrace, filed July 12 by Jeremy Tharp of the same address. Kiwi Medical Services PC, 1325 Jamestown, filed July 11 by Thomas Boswell of the same address. M & JJ Enterprises LLC, 900 Sandhurst Drive, filed July 9 by Mary Louise Jekel of the same address. MCL Real Estate LLC, 3225 Garden Hill Drive, filed July 8 by Christopher John Lee of the same address. Mervan LLC, 1600 E. 19th St., #103, filed July 11 by Scott Rayburn of Oklahoma City. New Age Advantage LLC, 4208 Wendell Drive, filed July 8 by Chad Evan Holland of the same address. Oklahoma Roofing and Construction LLC, 7004 S. Triple X road, Choctaw, filed July 10 by Charles Tartaglione of Midwest City. Plastic Fork Ranch LLC, 516 Benton Road, filed July 8 by United States Corporation Agents Inc. of Oklahoma City. Practical Investors LLC, 1101 W. Waterloo Road, filed July 11 by William C. Liedtke of the same address.

R Media LLC, 3813 Lockhart Drive, filed July 10 by Mario Marcus Johnson of the same address. Real Estate Econometrics LLC, 3856 S. Boulevard, filed July 9 by Jonathan Thompson of the same address. Southern Hipsters LLC, 2309 Glenmere Drive, filed July 11 by Michelle Croasmun of the same address. Southern Plains Logistics LLC, 3733 Prairie Falcon Pt., filed July 9 by Aileen Jakaub of the same address. Stormannsub LLC, 5807 E. Covell Road, filed July 9 by Melody Wilson of Arcadia. Tadse Energy LLC, 2909 N.W. 156th St., filed July 10 by Jaime L. McAlpine of the same address.

Two Step Investors LLC, 1101 W. Waterloo Road, filed July 11 by William C. Liedtke of the same address. V Nails LLC, 211 N. Broadway, filed July 10 by Dustin Davis of the same address. Vapor Chicks LLC, 218 Odor Street, Arcadia, filed July 11 by Rashell Phillips of Jones. Willard E. Smith, 1208 Briarwood Place, filed July 19 for trade name. Yavar LLC, 733 W. Danforth Road, filed July 10 for trade name. Yavar LLC, 733 W. Danforth Road, filed July 10 by Yavar LLC of the same address. YMH Properties LLC, 2824 N.W. 167th St., filed July 11 by Yvonne King of the same address.

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BUSINESS CALENDAR Planning Commission 5:30 p.m. Aug. 6 (First and third Tuesday) City Council Chambers 20 S. Littler Ave. Visit to find the agenda. City Council 5:30 p.m. Aug. 12 (Second and fourth Monday) City Council Chambers 20 S. Littler Ave. Visit to find the agenda. Edmond Area Chamber of Commerce Business Development Workshop 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Aug. 13 Speaker: Katie Hayden on stress management Edmond Chamber 825 E. Second St. RSVP required; Cost is $15 for members, $20 for non-members State Chamber of Commerce Worker’s Compensation Success Seminar 9-11 a.m. Aug. 13 Oklahoma Christian University, Harvey Business Center, Room 119 Cost: $20 and includes lunch Register at or call Karen Cagle at 405-235-3669.

Edmond Area Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours 5:30-7 p.m. Aug. 13 Oklahoma Fidelity Bank 1127 E. Second St. No RSVP required for chamber members; cost free. Member Rewards drawing will be at this event.

Edmond Area Chamber of Commerce Women’s Network Breakfast 7:30-9 a.m. Aug. 22 River Oaks Golf Club 10909 Clubhouse Road RSVP required at Cost: $15 for members, $20 for non-members

Edmond Young Professionals EYP Leadership Latte Speaker: UCO President Don Betz 7-8:30 a.m. Aug. 14 Coffee Commission 309 S. Bryant Ave., Suite 230 RSVP required to; seating is limited.

Edmond Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Auction 6:30 p.m. doors open; dinner served at 7 p.m. Aug. 23 Nigh University Center Ballroom University of Central Oklahoma campus Individual tickets: $60; Corporate tables: $600 RSVP: or call 405-341-2808

Edmond Economic Development Authority Board of Trustees 8:15 a.m. Aug. 20 (Third Tuesday) 825 E. Second St. Visit Call 340-0116. Planning Commission 5:30 p.m. Aug. 20 (First and third Tuesday) City Council Chambers 20 S. Littler Ave. Visit to find the agenda.

City Council 5:30 p.m. Aug. 26 (Meeting moved by one day due to Memorial Day holiday) City Council Chambers 20 S. Littler Ave. Visit to find the agenda TO ADD your business event to this free calendar, email the details to

August 2013 | The Business Times


Business Briefs Allstate agency owner earns prestigious service designation As a business leader and involved citizen in the Edmond area, Allstate Exclusive Agency Owner Larry Dumas Jr. of Larry Dumas Jr. has been designated an Allstate Premier Agency for 2013. This designation is being presented to Dumas Jr. for his outstanding performance and commitment to putting customers at the center of his agency’s work. The Allstate Premier Agency designation is bestowed upon less than 38 percent of Allstate’s nearly 10,000 agency owners Larry Dumas Jr. across the country and 15 percent of Allstate’s Oklahoma agencies. The Premier Agency designation is awarded to Allstate agency owners who have demonstrated excellence in delivering an accessible, knowledgeable and personal customer experience, and in achieving outstanding business results. The Larry Dumas Jr Allstate office is at 1800 S. Boulevard in Edmond and can be reached at 340-6500 or com/larry-dumas-oklahoma-cit y-ok.html.

Wooster achieves membership in Million Dollar Round Table Carson Wooster, of Edmond, a representative for Modern Woodmen of America, is one of a small percentage of life insurance agents worldwide to achieve membership in the prestigious Million Dollar Round Table this year. MDRT is an international, independent association of more than 38,000 members, or less than 1 percent, of the world’s best life insurance and financial services professionals. MDRT members demonstrate exceptional professional Carson Wooster knowledge, strict ethical conduct and outstanding client service. The local Modern Woodmen office is at 101 W. Fifth in Edmond. Contact Wooster at 405-513-7642 for more information. Founded in 1883, Modern Woodmen of America touches lives and secures futures. The fraternal financial services organization offers financial products and fraternal member benefits to individuals and families throughout the United States. 28

August 2013 | The Business Times

INTEGRIS Physician to serve on American Society of Transplantation Board of Directors

David Nelson, M.D., is the chief of the Heart Transplant Medicine Division at the INTEGRIS Nazih Zuhdi Transplant Institute. He recently was selected as the first Oklahoman to serve on the American Society of David Nelson, M.D. Transplantation Board of Directors. Founded in 1982, the AST is an international organization of more than 3,200 transplant professionals dedicated to advancing the field of transplantation and improving care by promoting research, education, advocacy and organ donation. AST board election for a three-year term is the result of a two-tiered selection process. Any AST member can be nominated annually for openings on the Board. The nominations are reviewed by a nominating committee consisting of AST leadership, which selects two candidates for each opening on the board. The slate of candidates is submitted to the AST membership, which then selects the new board members. The AST Board of Directors works with the society president and AST staff to develop and carry out initiatives promoting transplantation. For example, the AST awards research grants and is developing a Transplant Research Institute. It co-produces the monthly American Journal of Transplantation and the annual American Transplant Congress. It maintains an active advocacy presence on Capitol Hill and has been working with Congress to encourage passage of the Transplant Patient Immunosuppressive Drug Coverage for Kidney Patients Act that seeks to expand Medicare coverage of immunosuppressive drugs beyond the current 3-year limit. AST is launching a new organ donation awareness initiative titled Power2Save. Board members also serve as liaisons to the numerous committees and Communities of Practice within the AST. Nelson will be the board liaison to the Thoracic and Critical Care Committee of Practice and the Transplant Diagnostics Committee of Practice.

INTEGRIS Baptist Medical Center ranks No. 1 in Oklahoma in magazine’s rankings INTEGRIS Baptist Medical Center ranks No. 1 in Oklahoma and No. 1 in the Oklahoma City metro area, according to U.S. News & World Report. The annual U.S. News Best Hospitals rankings, now in its 24th year, recognize hospitals that excel in treating the most challenging patients. This is the second year in a row that INTEGRIS Baptist Medical Center has earned the overall top ranking for both the city and state. INTEGRIS Baptist Medical Center ranks high-performing in the following categories: Diabetes and Endocrinology, Gastroenterology and GI Surgery, Geriatrics, Nephrology and Pulmonology. U.S. News evaluates hospitals in 16 adult specialties. In most specialties, it ranks the nation’s top 50 hospitals and recognizes other high-performing hospitals that provide care at nearly the level of their nationally ranked peers.

Business Book Review

by Terri Schlichenmeyer | The bookworm sez

“Happy Money: The Science of Smarter Spending” c.2013, Simon & Schuster $25 U.S. & Canada 199 pages


our last paycheck was gone before you got it. A good chunk of it was earmarked for housing. You had to pay for your new car, and gas. Everybody’s favorite Uncle took his share, you have this nast y little habit called “eating,” and there you go: A few dollars left for fun, which is no fun at all. But what if stretching your meager wealth also stretched your well-being? In the new book “Happy Money: The Science of Smarter Spending” by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton, you’ll find out how. You have a love/hate relationship with money: You love getting it and hate when you don’t have it. But as Dunn and Norton point out, you can utilize discretionary lucre to give you a better life, thus making you happier. In their research, they discovered five main principles of Happy Money. First of all, shift from buying things and spend your money on events. The vacation

you took, the concert you attended, that dream fishing trip are etched in your mind far firmer than, say, last Tuesday’s commute in your new car — especially if those special events were experienced with someone else. Remember when an impulsive ice cream cone tasted like the best thing in the world? Reach back to those t ypes of feelings by ending your spending and making indulgences into treats. When something is rare, it brings happiness because abundance “is the enemy of appreciation.” Even the littlest treats don’t have to cost a lot. Use your money to buy time, especially when it comes to commuting, TV-watching and socializing. Your fancy abode is no bargain if you have to commute for hours to pay for it. That big-screen TV is a commitment of one-sixth of your year. And socializing doesn’t have to cost anything at all. Learn to “pay now, consume later,” since studies show that anticipation for an item is far more pleasurable than the item itself. That’ll give you more time to imagine and savor — and besides, you’ll be happier if you’re debt-free.

Finally, invest in others. Research indicates that giving away money is “just as rewarding as getting more of it.” There’s a reason why you’ve never seen a Happiness Store at the mall: Turns out Mom was right when she said money can’t buy happiness. It can, however, buy “Happy Money,” which is a good start. And here’s more good news: Most of the things inside this book are easy to do. You might already be following the principles that authors Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton espouse — and if you’re not, they won’t be hard to embrace. The appeal of this book, therefore, is to change the way you think about what’s in your wallet or pocket, whether it’s meager or millions. I liked this book, its gentle humor and the sense it makes. I think that if you’re tired of being dissatisfied with what you’ve got, you’ll like it, too. “Happy Money” may not change your bankbook, but it will give you pennies for your thoughts. Terri Schlichenmeyer is a book reviewer in Wisconsin. She may be reached via email at

August 2013 | The Business Times



Story by Patty Miller | THe Business Times

Vertebrae: Changing the traditional chiropractic model Membership-based, cash-only pay, walk-ins welcome


pinal manipulation can be traced back to the beginnings of recorded time with writings from China and Greece written in 2700 B.C. and 1500 B.C., but the idea of a membership-based, walk-in chiropractic clinic is a new one in Edmond. “We are opening seven new chiropractic clinics in the Oklahoma City area with the first being in Edmond,” said Director of Operations Krystie Kifer. “We are very excited to bring this new modern office to your area. We are a membership-based practice open seven days a week, and we only take walk-ins.” Vertebrae office is at 309 N. Bryant, Ste. 110, with hours from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. “We do not accept insurance,” Kifer said. “It is cashpay only for the convenience of the membership wellness plan.” “The first-time introductory walk-in visit will include an exam, consultation and adjustment for $20,” Kifer said, and takes about 20 minutes. “The client may choose to sign up for the wellness plan which includes five visits any time during the next month for $50, or they may choose to come back and spend $30 for an adjustment only. An adjustment normally takes 10-15 minutes.” 30

August 2013 | The Business Times

On the wellness plan, clients pay month-to-month with a 2-month minimum and the membership can be canceled at any time. Vertebrae is a wellness facility that works for clients who cannot make it to a regular 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. chiropractic office or who needs an adjustment on the weekend, Kifer said. “The goal of Vertebrae is to see our clients quickly,” Kifer said. “No one wants to wait in an office when they are in pain.” With one full-time licensed chiropractic practitioner, Dr. Vonda Shawver, D.C., and one part-time, Dr. Matthew Unruh, patients seldom have a wait time to see the doctor. “We interviewed more than 50 chiropractors to find the right ones,” Kifer said. Kifer said they find a lot of patients needing a chiropractor but one isn’t available when they need to have an adjustment and the cost may not be affordable for them. “Many people see chiropractic care as a last resort,” Kifer said. “We want to change that concept. We want them to come in whenever they feel they need to and we

A young boy gets an adjustment at the newly opened Vertebrae facility at 309 N. Bryant, Ste. 110. The new chiropractic clinic is a membership-based practice open seven days a week. The clinic is open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. They do not accept insurance; it is a cash pay only for the convenience of the membership in the company’s Wellness Plan. Photo Provided

make sure our patients are an active member in their health care.” Kifer said that patient referral is 85 percent of their patient base. “Our patients love the concept and love the prices,” Kifer said. “Our patients are our biggest advocates.” Kifer said chiropractic can help children, pregnant women and teens as well as adults and older adults. “It is a great stress reliever, especially for teens as well as helping teens who are active in sports, dance or gymnastics,” Kifer said about the benefits. “Early injuries affect us later in life whether it is back and neck conditions, knee, foot and ankle pain, shoulder and elbow pain, pinched nerves and hip pain. “Chiropractic is beneficial for the whole body from pinched nerves to fibromyalgia to migraines and more. “We don’t want anyone to let pain be a member in their life.” For more information, call 759-6898.


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