Enterprising Successful Woman Kiran Mazumdar Shaw: A Founder & Chairperson of Biocon Employers And Associations Rely On IELTS For Right Candidate Selection Byju’s from $5.75 billion in 2019 to $11 billion in 2020, still going strong 10 Matchless Benefits of RPA for Your Business
MR. RAJENDER KUMAR (Director of Operations)
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Editor’s Note Today, I invite you ... Proud to say that you are holding a very special issue of Business Touch Magazine in your hands. Today, I invite you to feast your eyes and warm your soul with this special edition. As tradition goes, the issue is curated by a group of bright and meticulous entrepreneurs, who gain first-hand experience in the world by getting started with their startups, lending the spark that we carry on the good work, which inspires the rest of the young crowd to come up with fresh ideas in front of the harsh yet, welcoming world of the entrepreneur. I still remember our first issue so vividly; how we interviewed the first set of people, set about with the design and layouts till late in the night, and finally, seeing the first edition go on its journey. It has been an extremely exhilarating time, as I have learned so much in this journey and met such inspiring people, learning about all the fascinating things that they have done in their young lives. Well said, “We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets.” – Marilyn Monroe New age businesses are designed for return on valuation instead of ROI, backed by the scale theory instead of growth challenge. This valuation essentially comes from the sum total of all the resources, intellectual capital, technology, brand value, and financial assets that the startup brings to the table instead of the balance sheet. Neeta Sabharwal Editor
Publisher : Sunaina Gupta
Credence Editorial Team Neeta Sabharwal Business Head Sunaina Gupta Corporate Manager Tamanna|Vaishali Manager Harry Singh Designers Reena|Govinda Digital Marketing Head Punit Saini Team Member Anas|Gopal
Registered Office S.C.O -139, Sector 03, Kurukshetra - 136118 Email:
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Cover Story
(Director of Operations)
Success Story
Page No.
Astounding Journey Of Akanksha Singh Page No. 16
Enterprising Successful Woman Kiran Mazumdar Shaw A Founder & Chairperson of Biocon Page No. 14 6
Eccentric Journey Of Pankaj Rohilla CEO Of NGO DAD- Disha Arogya Dham Page No. 20
Byju’s from $5.75 Billion in 2019 to $11 Billion in 2020, Still Going Strong… Page No. 24
Lawrence Mathew Saldanha’s Journey Of Becoming a Successful Business Owner Page No. 26
10 Matchless Benefits of RPA for Your Business Page No. 30
Entrepreneurial Journey of Suranjan Ghosh Page No. 32
Employers And Associations Rely On IELTS For Right Candidate Selection Page No. 36 7
ho does not want to be their own boss? Entrepreneurship sounds like a dream; you work at your own hours, you are free to be creative, and you get all the profit. But what most people do not see is that there is a large amount of work cut out to make that dream a reality. Constant pressure, having sleepless nights for making less progress, under the constraint of finance. It can be a nightmare. Let us look into the reality of a business dream. The ups and downs, the struggle and failures, the losses, and eventually, the gains. The journey to starting a business is rough. An entrepreneur story is not at all a fairytale. But it sure is worthwhile.
Nobody is born an entrepreneur. In the same way, there is never a single reason for anybody to become an entrepreneur, the fact is there are no set-in-stone instructions but multiple causes activate a person to start the journey as a startup. Pandemic had had an overpowering effect on all of us. And same also happened with Insignia Consultant Rajender Kumar (Director Of Operations) and Vikas Sharma (Director Of Academics). Reasons that caused Rajender to startup with Insignia were like any other startup to be independent, profound, and compelling desire. Pandemic resulted in several consequences, and the job became just a formality as the employer started showing true colors. He felt the need to change, as he had knowledge and experience from the profession he served after college. As with most people, one way to achieve your goal is to avoid mistakes. To become a successful entrepreneur things that are required are the following: HAVING THE RIGHT MINDSET IS A MUST: Entrepreneurs mindset starts establishing and reaffirming that you have the skill, desire, work ethics and are capable of handling whatever life throws your way on your way to startup. For Rajender, it started all during the pandemic. Sometimes it takes a bad situation to highlight the need for a new opportunity. • Accountability is the key step for entrepreneurs, where you take full accountability for your actions. • You will never say enough, which means that you can survive and flourish despite any circumstances. • You will have an endless supply of enabling passion. • You should be ready to take responsibility. You will definitely lose your sleep and will lose a lot of excuses.
Cover Story
(Director of Operations) 9
Being an entrepreneur, you can be your own boss, but it comes with a cost. You will make your own rules and run the business yourself, but all this is easier said than done. If things are not working as they should, you can only blame yourself. An excuse will not cut it in the field. Bad boss, poor pay scale, job discrimination, forced retirement, and no opportunity for knowledge and position advancement, are generally the causes that propagate dissatisfaction in employees. And same was the case with Mr. Rajender, which turned him to be honest with himself.
Just because you have come up with an idea does not mean it is good to go. There is a lot of research, planning, and deep thoughts required to succeed as an entrepreneur. Lack of proper preparation can result in failure. Starting a business is hard. Making it successful can be even harder. There are a lot of aspects, hiring technical people, as well as, hiring experts who can think like you. You will have to jump through many hoops before you can truly make it as an entrepreneur, and your venture reaches the growth stage, where there is a question of survival every moment. That is why you must be teachable, constantly striving to learn, making the process better, and doing things right.
When you have the required motivation then you are unstoppable than, when you are alone. It is perhaps most important for laying a foundation for success. In the case of Mr. Rajender also there were solid motivations • Like previous relevant experience, that pushed him towards starting the venture of Insignia • Concrete background of academics • Dream of his mother, who always wanted him to do something of his own rather than serve others • Help from people in the same field
Once you put together your idea and are ready to be an entrepreneur, the crucial thing you will need is commitment. If you need to achieve success, then you need to put in 100% effort. Efforts always trump luck and skill, so never stop being fully committed when trying.
Insignia overseas started with its operation as an educational consultant under the leadership of Rajender in 2021. In a short period of time, the group has undertaken challenging tasks and accumulated skill, know-how, and experience in helping students get good scores in IELTS/PTE tests. Despite the market being hit by the 2nd wave of COVID-19 and suffering from a lockdown crisis, Insignia Overseas was able to provide unparalleled results among its peer group. Today Insignia Overseas is one of the smoothly functioning consultant service providers and continuously provides unbeatable services. They claim 100% results to students who are associated with them. With growing reputation and fame thousands of people are directly or indirectly reaching them to enroll their candidate with us being one of the best academies in this field.
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IELTS PTE Spoken English CELPIP DUOLINGO Visa consulting
Visa Consultancy is the new wing added with Insignia Overseas recently. It aims to provide assistance and consultancy to choose the right path of overseas education to aspiring students. People are approaching them and have started building faith which is growing day by day because of the successful results that they have achieved. The clients are also pleased and satisfied that they have chosen Insignia Consultancy. The consultant’s emphasis on clear communication and following the proper procedures ensures to their clients that their hardcore objectives are top priority in planning and execution of the process in a proper way, with all protocols followed religiously.
WORK PHILOSOPHY OF INSIGNIA CONSULTANTS: • Create a tailor-made schedule and plan to meet every student’s objective and arrange resources for them accordingly • Communicate clearly with everyone who is associated directly/indirectly with the student • Track every student progress and set goals for further improvement • Supervise closely on the progress chart of every student
The company follows team-first corporate culture. The employee’s engagement is always the top priority for which there are frequent team outings, an open invitation for employees for their valuable feedback, flexibility to understand their family lives and professional life, and respecting that openly. As employees are the one who makes your customers happier hence their happiness is a top priority.
Successfully progressing through the entrepreneur journey requires connecting with others in the community of everyday entrepreneurs. And Mr. Rajender has many colleagues and wellwishers who directly or indirectly helped him with the process. Connecting with a community to share stories, learn from others’ experiences, and bond with a fellow for mutual support is a critical part of the formula for successful entrepreneurs, and successful humans in general. Successful entrepreneurship is a marathon, not a sprint. One needs to share energy, encouragement, and experience, and empower others to do the same as one move through the stages. In the business of overseas consultants, the growth as a business objective depends a lot on referrals. A person can be doing the job right. but all that matters is producing results. If you are not getting results, you are out of the game. That is how the business world works. So, all the actions and sincerity should be present to produce a result. Your actions and plans should be result-oriented.
To be a respectable educational consultant that always believes in delivering beyond expectation.
To offer quality education assistance to every student and get them placed in top universities/colleges around the world.
WHAT MAKES INSIGNIA CONSULTANTS DIFFERENT FROM OTHERS? • Student Centric counseling • To render proficient services by making the process simpler and more streamlined • To expedite the students’ search of exploring study courses of their choice by providing the best tech search platforms • Experiences and expert student counselor • Personalized attention and tailor-made solutions to all our students • Impeccable reputation helps us to deliver topquality education services
As per Mr. Rajender he always wanted to name his company that bestows insight into his personality and after good research, the name ‘Insignia’ appealed to him. He also connected with a few people accordingly for their suggestions, but none of the names suggested were as enthralling as what he thought of. The name ‘Insignia’ appeared more appropriate to Mr. Rajender Kumar.
According to Mr. Rajender, - recently I came across ‘14 Short Stories’ by Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft. In one of the ‘Short Stories’ titled ‘Looking Back’, he says: Today, I interviewed my grandmother for part of a research paper I’m working on for my Psychology class. When I asked her to define success in her own words, she said, “Success is when you look back at your life, and the memories make you smile.” People from all walks of life – everyday entrepreneurs – strive to make an impact on the world. You are part of this community of like-minded individuals, who dream of taking their ideas further in a successful path. There are generally four stages that can be recognized in an entrepreneur’s journey. • Inception • Creation • Growing • Managing In our conversation with Mr. Rajender Kumar and Mr. Vikas Sharma, we realized that the act of naming the idea is the moment when the dream starts changing into reality. The entrepreneur then starts the project and creates brand assets, presence, and a first iteration of the product or service. In the growing stage, the entrepreneurs start implementing regular and reputable processes. The marketing and increased investment starts, plans are made for stability and the financial aspect is studied for continuous cash flow. Investment in staff and partnership is done. Plans and processes are paced for keeping eye on revenue, impact, and profits. The goal at this stage is to scale revenue; the entrepreneur expands marketing, customer acquisition, and production capabilities. They also may explore and invest in the product or geographic expansion of the business.
A successful startup is the product of an innovative, and path-breaking idea executed by an expert in the niche. And it could fail easily if execution is done poorly. So, a sure way to success is nothing different than providing a solution by launching a product that caters to market needs. Secure funding is another big thing that can easily stop a successfully started startup. Remember capital or a way to gain capital is required to get your startup off the ground. Depending on the type of product you are developing and the market you are targeting with it, you need to be sure that you have enough capital to keep thriving. When asked about any message to the entrepreneurial world, Mr. Rajender had a brief elucidation. Do you have a brilliant concept? Do you have a one-of-a-kind business vision? Have you ever wanted something but couldn’t seem to find it? These all can be your way to begin constructing your own path of business ownership.
Enterprising Successful Woman Kiran Mazumdar Shaw:
A Founder & Chairperson of Biocon
iran Mazumdar-Shaw is an Indian self-made female billionaire entrepreneur and celebrated businesswoman. She is one of the richest women in India and is the chairperson of Biocon Limited based in Bangalore India. Biocon is a leading company in making breakthroughs in clinical research. Biocon, a biotech company, is also Asia’s largest insulin maker. In 2004, Mazumdar Shaw was named the richest woman in India with a net worth of more than Rs 2000 Crore. She was on the Forbes 2005 list of India’s 40 richest people. Other than that; she is an honorary member of the Prime Minister’s Council on Trade & Industry in India and the US-India CEO Forum. And an outstanding woman overall! Transition From Brewery To Biotech Ms. Mazumdar-Shaw originally trained to become a brewer in Australia, before returning to India to follow in her father’s footsteps as a brew-master. But she struggled to find a job on her return and recalls the industry wasn’t ready for a strong female presence. “The brewing industry is a very, very male-dominated industry,” she says. “It’s a male bastion.” She refused to be thwarted. “I really wanted to do something with my life,” she remembers. It was this rebellious streak that inspired her to start her own company, although she admits the opportunity was more by chance.
“This is why I call myself an accidental entrepreneur because it was an accidental encounter with another entrepreneur… who wanted to set up shop in India and… asked me whether I would be able to partner with this venture,” she says.
The chance meeting persuaded Ms. Mazumdar-Shaw to launch into the business of developing and making enzymes. She says she wasn’t daunted by the transition from brewery to biotech. “If you think about brewing, it is biotechnology. And I would say that I was a technologist at heart. So, whether I... fermented beer or whether I fermented enzymes, the base technology was the same.” What a wonderful way Ms. Shaw puts her thoughts. She indeed is an amazing woman and a wonderful person. Challenges Ms. Shaw face starting her journey as a “female” entrepreneur
Gradually she moved the business into manufacturing medicines. The original development and sale of enzymes gave her the cash flow to fund the research and production of pharmaceutical drugs. She feels this was a clever business move. “There was no venture funding in India, so it forced me to create a business model that was based on revenues and profits.” She adds: “That got us into a very different kind of format… to the typical biotech format, which depends largely on VC [venture capitalist] funding.”
Biocon has two subsidiaries — Syngene International Limited provides customized research in & of every drug discovery while their other fully owned subsidiary — Clinigene International Limited is into complete clinical development & research. To add to that; Biocon’s presence includes 4 main therapeutic areas — Diabetology, Cardiology, Nephrology, and Oncology!
But she admits that even as a female entrepreneur she still had to contend with the old issue of gender prejudice. Her age and the relatively new area of biotechnology didn’t matter:
Biocon, including its subsidiaries – Syngene & Clinigene, caters to customers from over 75 countries and employs roughly 4,500 personnel which comprises biologists, chemists, medical practitioners, pharmacologists, engineers, finance/legal/ marketing analysts, HR generalists, and general administrators. Early Life of Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw
“Banks were very fearful of lending to a woman because I was considered high risk.” “I was young, I was twenty-five years old… banks were very nervous about lending to young entrepreneurs because they felt we didn’t have the business experience… and then I had… this strange business called biotechnology which no one understood.”
Born to a Gujarati family in Bangalore; Kiran completed her schooling and college from Bangalore’s Bishop Cotton Girls High School and Mount Carmel College, respectively. She graduated in biology and zoology from Bangalore University with an aim to get into medical school but unfortunately did not get a scholarship.
“I was determined to make a success of this business because I had failed to be a brewmaster,” she admits . “I just kept knocking at people’s doors and I said ‘look you’ve got to… help me’. I did manage to persuade a few people to stand by me and fund me and that’s how I got the business started.”
Her father – Rasendra Mazumdar, the head brewmaster at United Breweries suggested she study fermentation science, and train to become a brewmaster. Without many options in hand, in 1974 Mazumdar entered the Ballarat College of Advanced Education in Australia to study Malting & Brewing and turned out to be the only woman who had enrolled in the brewing course.
Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw says her previous experience of failure gave her the resilience to persevere. Ms. Shaw started Biocon in 1978 from a rented garage space in Bangalore
After earning her degree of Master Brewer in 1975, she began working as a trainee brewer in Carlton and United Breweries, Melbourne, and as a trainee maltster at Barrett Brothers and Burston, Australia. Domestically, she also worked as a technical consultant at Jupiter Breweries Limited, Calcutta, and as a technical manager at Standard Maltings Corporation, Baroda; from 1975 to 1977!
With an initial investment of just Rs 10000. Funding problems because no bank wanted to lend her the money without a guarantor or guarantee and recruitment was one big issue for her too because nobody wanted to work for a startup, as a matter of fact, her first employee was a retired garage mechanic. Mazumdar Shaw was however determined to overcome all entrepreneurial barriers and make her venture a huge success. Biocon began as an industrial enzyme manufacturer and soon after that, it started exporting to Europe and the US. Within a few years, the business started turning out to be a profitable venture.
Ms. Shaw Social Entrepreneurship - Corporate Social Responsibility In 2004, Kiran started a corporate social responsibility (CSR) wing at Biocon, the Biocon Foundation with a focus on the areas of health, education, and infrastructure.
Mazumdar Shaw always gave importance to research and development activities for taking the company operations to new dimensions. Today, Biocon has become a completely integrated, multi-million-dollar, biopharmaceutical enterprise. Biocon went for an IPO in 2004. The IPO was oversubscribed 33 times. In 2004, after seeking the advice of Narayana Murthy, Kiran listed Biocon on the stock market with the intent to raise capital to be able to further develop Biocon’s research programs. It was India’s first IPO of a biotechnology company. • Biocon became the second Indian company to cross the $1-billion mark on the first day of listing by closing with a market value of $1.11 billion. • And soon after it went public; the company’s revenue went straight up from Rs. 70 crores in 1998 to Rs. 500 crores.
Along with Dr. Devi Shetty of Narayana Hrudayalaya Hospital, Kiran supported the development of Arogya Raksha Yojana (Health Protection Program). Through this program, Biocon Foundation establishes: • Clinics offer clinical care, generic medicines, and basic tests, and as of 2010, seven clinics serving a population of 50,000 patients living within a radius of 10 km, treating in total more than 300,000 people per year. • ARY Health Insurance scheme (annual premium – INR 120/ head) and the members of the Scheme get services such as free surgeries, consultation, medicines, tests, and subsidized hospitalization at ARY clinics and other hospitals. • The Foundation has built more than 800 toilets in Phase 1 of its sanitation program. • Watching her best friend, husband and her mother suffer 15
Astounding Journey Of Akanksha Singh Founder and CEO Of OTUSONE IT Services & Consultancy
o some extent, we need to change the definition of ‘IT entrepreneur’. When we use the term ‘IT entrepreneur’, we often think of someone doing something in the area of software or hardware. A person operating a cell- phone business or a person selling baked goods over the Internet is also an IT entrepreneur. We need to look at how people are using technology to accomplish their business goals as a way to define ‘IT entrepreneur’ and not define IT entrepreneurship ONLY by the products that they are selling.
The single most important thing that we need to do is to redraft our social definition of success, which is currently defined as the amount of wealth one accumulates. If the currency we collect is the only symbol of success, we lose sight of the path we take to amass the wealth and focus only on the end result. We need to find a way to reward failure, risk-taking, integrity, passion, and contribution to society as all these form part of defining the true net worth of the person. We need to place more emphasis on the quality of the journey and not just on the singular end goal defined in monetary terms.
Life is like the monkey bars: you have to let go to move forward. Once you decide to leap into entrepreneurship, be sure to loosen your grasp on old concepts so you can swing your way to new ones.
- Leah Busque (American entrepreneur)
But moving forward is not as easy as it sounds. A strong force is required to have that attitude of go-getters. For Akansha Singh the inspiration is something that is one of the major problems every country across the globe is facing. Unemployment is the biggest inspiration of her entrepreneurial journey. Of course, her passion and drive to create something unique and different, something new, and to experience the growth of the creation are there to the highest level.
Akanksha Singh
Founder & CEO
When I was younger, it was the money that was inspiring me the most, but you can feel proud of your accomplishments without making the big bucks. I believe it does not matter what or where you get your inspiration from, but how you are going to use the inspiration to create something meaningful.
- Akansha Singh
STARTING THE JOURNEY Whether you’re still working on your business plan or have just launched your startup, take some time to read about how other founders started out and succeeded. Such lessons can give you the necessary guidance to help establish your business direction. This task can be daunting in the beginning, when there are no previous first-hand best practices or learnings you can rely on. A competitive advantage is a basic business principle widely researched point of differentiation against competitors. Whether it’s about the individuals you hire on your team or about the way you promote your product, as long as you stand out from the crowd, you’re on the road to success.
1. Reliability: This refers to an organization’s ability and consistency in performing a certain service in a way that satisfies its customers’ needs. And a company’s success usually depends on its ability to meet those expectations. 2. Tangibility: This is an organization’s ability to portray service quality to its customers. 3. Empathy: Empathy is how an organization delivers its services in a way that makes the company seem empathetic with its customer’s desires and demands. 4. Responsiveness: This is a company’s dedication and ability to provide customers with prompt services. 5. Assurance: Assurance is the confidence and trust that customers have in a certain organization.
As per Akansha Singh “Motivation very rarely leads to success — vision, passion and sheer determination to make it happen will do.”. Your own strengths that make you a unicorn in a sea of donkeys – whether that’s time management, organizational or research skills, or mathematics prowess (just to name a few) – never be afraid to leverage them in your entrepreneurial journey.
ABOUT OTUSONE OTUSONE is a groundbreaking firm in the realm of software development with dedicated deliverance of iOS and Android mobile application development, website development, and digital marketing-related solutions. SERVICES OFFERED BY OTUSONE ARE:
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Akansha Singh is A Founder and CEO of the IT company, OTUSONE. The company understands the state-of-thebusiness-art technologies that define the future and can serve as an efficient services transformation catalyst for the clients! The company’s inception was in the year 2020. OTUSONE is one of the fastest-growing IT companies in India. It has multiple branches in India and working on digital development, cloud computing, big data, and many other latest technologies and providing the best services in the market like web development, software development, mobile applications, including all IT services.
The biggest challenge according to Akansha that she faced is to learn to deal with uncertainty. She learned to cope with this by really enjoying the moment. As an entrepreneur, you’ll get to meet amazing people and (usually) work with state-of-the-art technology and incredibly fresh ideas. Just enjoy that. We all want to make money out of our ventures, but if that doesn’t work, at least you’ll have an amazing experience to cherish.
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Akanksha Singh Aparna Singh Himani Gupta Ankit Singh Akeshwar Datta
Website Designing Web Development Mobile Applications E-Commerce Development SEO Graphic Design
- Founder & CEO - HR- Director - Managing Director -CFO - President
WHY OTUSONE NAME WAS SELECTED FOR THE NEW VENTURE It’s never easy to name a company, OTUSONE. The team had a really hard time finding the right name for their venture. Then they thought about actual work and found that they are essentially hearing out the client’s problems and giving them the best solutions, so the word that first came to mind was OTUS.
QUALITY SERVICE MATTERS A LOT Service quality is a measure of how an organization delivers its services compared to the expectations of its customers. Customers purchase services as a response to specific needs. They either consciously or unconsciously have certain standards and expectations for how a company’s delivery of services fulfills those needs. A company with high service quality offers services that match or exceed its customers’ expectations. Such is the way of thinking with Akansha. Pursuing a strategy of differentiation is not just elusive for a professional services firm, it’s actually a flawed way of thinking. The only thing we can give is the quality of services. OTUSONE is never compromising with quality even working at a loss if the situation demands.
COMPANY CULTURE AT OTUSONE Company culture isn’t something that can be “created.” What it means is, you don’t set the rules or write up a company handbook, and then all of a sudden, you’re “done.” Culture constantly evolves. For example, the culture of your company with you and your co-founder is going to be different than you, your co-founder, and five employees, or ten employees, or fifty employees. It changes as you grow, as you reach new milestones of success, and as you go through times of difficulty and transition with one another.
In short, your company’s culture has to be nurtured over a very long period of time. Your company culture defines the way in which your business interacts with one another and how the team interacts with the outside world, specifically your customers. Unfortunately, most of the business world still thinks about culture as either being about Foosball tables and craft beer, or Starbucks gift cards and company lunches—when in reality, these aren’t the things that define your organization, nor are they the things your employees will appreciate most about where they work. WHEN TRYING TO CULTIVATE COMPANY CULTURE:
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Identify people who share their long-term ethos and values. Look beyond the person’s resume. Create an environment that encourages people to run with things on their own. Create an Enjoyable Atmosphere Empower Your Employees Provide Opportunities for Continuous Learning
SUCCESS FOR AN ENTREPRENEUR Businesses don’t just start themselves, and for every successful business, at some point, someone took matters into their own hands and took a leap. Do you have a great idea? A unique eCommerce vision? Or a picture of what your life could look like if you were running your own business? Do you have a passion that you want to share with others? Products that you love and want to share? Products that you want but can never seem to find? If so, you can start building your own door into business ownership. Small steps lead to big things, and dreaming about your own business is one of those first, small steps. All of the planning and work you do every day, no matter how menial it might seem, will be the things that set you up for your future. Put your best foot forward every step of the way, and one day you’ll be grateful for the solid foundation you’ve laid, and maybe even astounded by your success, by what you’ve built.
“Success is doing what you want to do, when you want, where you want, with whom you want, as much as you want.” - Akansha Singh 18
Society and the professional world continue to evolve and change with the growth of technology. This, in turn, has had a tremendous impact on the educational sphere, leading to several growing trends in the world of education. For educators to engage their students, they must remain abreast of these latest changes and key factors that affect learning in the classroom. Their understanding of these trends can help them create more effective learning environments. As teachers prepare themselves to implement these latest education developments, here are the five most important trends with which they should familiarize themselves.
Eccentric Journey Of Pankaj Rohilla CEO Of NGO DADDisha Arogya Dham
ehind every non-profit organization is a talented, dedicated, non-profit founder with a compelling mission and a transformational vision. Fundraising is one of the most challenging and stressful aspects. The road to securing donations is often fraught with disappointment. However, your commitment to supporting the children and old age makes you some what calm. Anyone can start an NGO, but you’ll need more than just a great idea to make it work. It will not be easy, establishing an NGO wherever you are in the world can be an exhausting and challenging process, especially at the beginning. People of all ages and backgrounds in every country in the world create charitable organizations. They are determined to solve problems and tend to be determined and enthusiastic characters. These qualities alone will not be enough to create a sustainable organization that makes an impact on the ground. You will need resources, knowledge, skills, and support throughout your journey. Ultimately, the organizations that survive and prosper are the ones that adapt to their environment and are prepared for every eventuality. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) refer to highly diverse groups of enterprises engaged in a wide spectrum of non-profit activities. The focus of NGOs can range from humanitarian and rural development to assisting local startups and businesses. There are roughly 3.7 million NGOs worldwide with an estimated 2 million of them in India. JOURNEY OF PANKAJ ROHILLA WITH NGO DADDISHA AROGYA DHAM We happen to perceive the journey of Pankaj Rohilla and hear about how challenging it could be for an NGO CEO to constantly keep on moving, irrespective of the hurdles. Pankaj Rohilla is the CEO Of NGO DAD- Disha Arogya Dham, Jaipur. A non-profit that seeks to help committed, experienced, talented, and above all full of dedication to helping the children and
PANKAJ ROHILLA Director old age people who need help which could be health-wise or educationwise. “HE WHO HAS HEALTH HAS HOPE, AND HE WHO HAS HOPE HAS EVERYTHING” People in India suffer from adverse health conditions owing to mainly two reasons like first the lack of education and thus lack of awareness; and second the unwillingness to lose a day’s wage to reach the nearest 20
medical facility. Healthcare for the underprivileged, which is a desperate need, thus remains unaddressed. The need of the hour is thus a two-pronged approach – first to bring quality healthcare services to the doorsteps of the needy and second to promote healthcare awareness and contemporary healthcareseeking behavior among the underprivileged.
3. ILLITERACY: Illiteracy is the main hurdle in any development. This is mainly due to the non-availability of educational institutions, competent teaching staff, parents’ negative attitude, lack of interest in the study among students and there are many more excuses. Though this scenario is changing a bit now, the agony is that the students are not allowed for higher education. Modern technology is the success of development. Modern technology does evolve to improve our living conditions.
Disha Arogya Dham interventions work to improve the access to quality healthcare services for the poor and marginalized communities. By identifying the root causes of healthcare challenges, they work at the individual, community, and systemic levels to develop innovative solutions and help implement quality healthcare services. The ambit of their work includes improving overall health and treatment of diseases.
What is available for our improvement? How much it is useful to us. How it has created job opportunities. What are the minimum educational standards required if we have to get good job opportunities? DAD wishes to bring about changes in the minds of these people by motivating them; creating interest among the students by removing the fear of study from their minds.
Many distinguished personalities had stressed that unless the social standards of the poor in our country are improved, then only we can have a cultured society. At present, there is no social value to the poor. Ignorance, illiteracy, orthodoxies, lack of skill, and no job opportunities prevail in the poor.
4. ORTHODOXIES: It’s a virus that is destroying social health. There are so many wrongs to believe which are big hurdles in the path of progress. Some old concepts are being followed from generation to generation. Perhaps that concept may be useful in ancient times, but in the present era, they have to be tested on a social and scientific footing. People are not aware of how similar types of situations are tackled by the outside world.
DISHA AROGYA DHAM (DAD) PROGRAMS • Health & Wellness • Child Protection • Education & Development • Disaster Relief • Community Development • Livelihood
For every incidence, there is a logical or scientific reason and for every problem, there is a solution. Orthodoxy is still followed in many parts of our country. DAD removes patiently and skilfully the wrong practices followed by these rural people and teaches them the logical and scientific approach to find a solution to any problem.
THE AREAS WHERE DAD WANTS TO CONCENTRATE: 1. HEALTH: Establishing health care institutions in places that are deprived of these basic health care facilities. Proper care must be taken by fulfilling the health and social needs of clusters like women, the elderly, and the vulnerable. There are many specific health issues like cancer patients, people suffering from AIDS, problems arising during pregnancy, etc all these need undivided focus from NGOs, and DAD is involved in all such activities which can improve or cure conditions of such people who are constantly in need of financial and physical help.
5. UNEMPLOYMENT: Economic growth is the key to the success of development. The present status of the social environment is that the gap between rich and poor is quite large. Most of the poor are in rural areas. Lack of education, skill, and job opportunities are the causes of unemployment. The educational and technical talents are available in the rural population. What they lack is proper guidance and opportunities. Once the educational needs are fulfilled, the concentration will be focused on the development of vocational skills among the artisans.
DAD ever since its inception is actively involved in the promotion of human well-being. It has strength and resources that are essential and also it makes it able to function as effective and dynamic agents in this health care system.
Self-employment is the best option in this environment. There are various trades and courses now available which help promote self-employment. These people have their traditional skills in crafts and textiles. By exploring the market for their products, they can encash their crafts. There are also many Govt. schemes for rural development activities. DAD takes advantage of this and encourages the rural population to take part.
2. IGNORANCE: People were unaware of so many simple ways and means of general health, hygiene, cooking, water storage, waste management, kitchen garden, use of natural resources available around them. It was sheer ignorance. DAD is aware that once, if some hard workouts of their daily life are reduced, they will have confidence in us and then they will accept us as their good friends. It will be easier than to take away their ignorance.
DAD Foundation supports mitigating the huge task of handling livelihood problems by various activities
DAD knows that on the State level lots of research and experiments are done to reduce human efforts and make living simpler. The use of solar electricity, biogas generation for cooking, rainwater harvesting, use of modern methods of agriculture for the increase in agricultural output, simple tools, and gadgets, good sanitation system, low-cost housing, Govt. schemes for various rural development activities are available. DAD passes on this information to rural areas so that they can take advantage of those methods to improve their living conditions.
There are thousands and thousands of ghost villages in our mountainous regions across the country, where the youth have left their main occupation of agriculture in search of jobs. ● TECHNICAL SKILL BUILDING THROUGH VOCATIONAL TRAINING The DAD Foundation-supported organizations for vocational training of youth in North India for their livelihood opportunities. The training course was designed after assessing the needs 21
of the industry and the training was provided by conducting classroom sessions, and placements. The training course was guided by the guidelines of National Skill Development. The trades offered were mainly in hospitality, beautician, tailoring, and industrial mechanics. Apart from employment, the youth were linked with banks for financial assistance and the market to take advantage of opportunities. Skill-building projects were also supported by Dasha Arogya Dham in Jaipur, where more attention was paid to women.
EDUCATE THE NATION. The families who live in slums want to educate their children. We are opening a school for free education and providing books. Feed the poor child. Around 50% of daily wages workers lost their jobs during this CORONA period, DAD provides such families with food and clothes CHILD HEALTH PROGRAMS. 2000 Children need baby vaccinations & ophthalmic treatment in Rajasthan. Their families belong to slum shelters. DAD is actively working to help them.
● FARM-BASED AGRICULTURE INTERVENTIONS The DAD Foundation has supported projects across India to enhance the agro-based profession by providing agrobased packages. These projects were awarded to the National Foundation of India, which includes states like Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Maharashtra. The components of the projects focused on improved farming practices for greater productivity. For cereal, vegetable, and other crops farmers were trained on seed selection, seed treatment, nursery making, transplantation of crops, vacancy, weed management, use of bio-fertilizers, vermicompost, harvesting, and overall crop management related practices. ● ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND DAIRY PRODUCTION To increase household-level income, activities around poultry, piggery, dairy were also started. Initial assistance to eligible families was given under the project and technical inputs around the enterprise were also provided by experts who extended handholding support. For the dairy project, funding was given to establish cattle, fodder, chilling plants, collection centers, and even to formalize the distribution system.
PANKAJ ROHILLA’S INSPIRATION BEHIND NGO DISHA AROGYA DHAM Pankaj Rohilla got inspiration from his mother for starting his journey and setting up an NGO which today is serving innumerable people across the country. She taught him to love and be loved. She taught me self-respect, to love unconditionally, taught me to share, to be patient and calm and she provided unconditional strength to move forward irrespective of the biggest challenge. She taught him to help the needy and poor, and keep doing that again and again, making the earth a better place for everyone. Pankaj Rohilla wished to expand his endeavor of helping underprivileged children and people who need health care needs like nourishing food, medicinal help, education, water, etc., by bringing a much larger number into mainstream help. Challenges are what make life exciting and success sweet. The struggles of running the NGO come in a lot of shapes and sizes. The thought process of society has to change. Changes need to be done within and outside of the system too. There is always an encouraging start especially for an NGO, but as the poet said-
● LEVERAGING GOVERNMENT SCHEMES FOR EMPLOYMENT Engagement with government schemes has been one of the strategies that the DAD Foundation is promoting. Advantages of programs were skill development and entrepreneurship in developing training modules and evaluation of candidates, for agricultural projects. Support was given to obtain technical information from the Centre for Agricultural Sciences and other agricultural institutes. The project also provided provisions for agricultural equipment such as water pumps/motors for greater access.
“I HAVE PROMISES TO KEEP, AND MILES TO GO BEFORE I SLEEP” The success is not just the number of people we have helped, but the number of lives that we can bring change in, the mindsets of people. DAD NGO is relentlessly progressing and doing all it can with the volunteers and partners, which has joined hands to make the change in working towards a better life and better health of underprivileged people. But what is much required is the government’s help to take this to a larger scale. They have the infrastructure and DAD have the passion to bring in the change, together that can help so many people across the nation.
Areas where Disha Arogya Dham sought the help of a donation MISSION OXYGEN HELPING PEOPLE SAVE LIVES. Hospitals are undergoing acute crises. People urgently need more oxygen cylinders and concentrators to save lives. The campaign started as a self-funded mission to help all hospitals across the country reach oxygen concentrations immediately.
PANKAJ’S INTENSE DRIVE TOWARDS PROVIDING HEALTHCARE SERVICE TO MANKIND As of now, quality healthcare is the privilege of a well-off minority. Semi-urban and rural settings still have problems of accessibility to primary healthcare check-ups and followups, awareness of lifestyle disorders, lack of counseling about menstrual healthcare, non-availability of medical infrastructure, among others. Pankaj Rohilla himself is most motivated towards healthcare facilities to be provided to the people in need. With this goal in mind, he is involved in several healthcare programs, a multi-faceted project that focuses on establishing sustainable practices and spreading awareness regarding preventive and primitive health among the rural masses.
HELP TREAT AUTISM. Disha Arogya Dham works with children and youth on the autism spectrum. They have both treatment and educational programs. Having created our own autism-specific arts curriculum, they are currently working on an academic treatment and curriculum designed to help autistic children learn and learn more effectively. Working with the latest technology, smart devices, Ayurveda and Naturopathy treatments, and a teacher-student ratio of 1.5, DAD is getting results that were not possible in India with autism. DEVELOPMENT HEALTHY AND EMPLOYMENT. DAD is working for sustainable rural development and livelihood opportunities for small landowners, especially single women.
It was born out of an attempt to reduce dropout rates among children due to unhygienic environments, lack of proper nutrition, or healthcare. From immunization programs for
children and the provision of nutritious food, prenatal & postnatal care, supplementary nutrition, curative treatments, deforming, and family planning. DAD also started health camps for seasonal diseases like malaria and dengue, and chronic ailments like TB, AIDS, leprosy, and cancer detection.
your child’s development and reduce the symptoms of autism over the lifespan. 3. He also wants to have a building constructed as a “Vridh ashram”, an old age home for people who no longer can support themselves and need help for healthcare and carrying out daily routines like bathing, food, walking, etc.
Running sanitation drives for clean toilets, hygienic homes, and potable water. In addition, there are also regular health education and awareness camps in the community regarding illnesses like cataracts and diabetes. DOD addresses the healthcare needs of poor and underprivileged members of various communities through projects through community meetings, health camps, counseling, dental treatments, and more.
He wants that more NGOs can combine with DAD so that they can build a big network through which they can help people in need. Few guidelines for people who like Pankaj wants to open an NGO and help needy people • If you are passionate and believe strongly in what you are doing, then make that passion your purpose. • Surround yourself with good people who believe in the work. • Once you commit, always start your day by remembering that the commitment is at the heart of your work. • Be resilient. Sometimes your journey might be very difficult and moving forward becomes hard. Don’t ever give up. Remember the reason you started the work. • Work closely with colleagues in your home country and internationally. Maintain good working relationships and listen to advice from the people around you. • Always recognize your colleagues’ loyal contributions, especially those working with you for many years. • Always make sure that you operate to the highest standards of good governance and integrity. • Lead your staff by your own example. Be prepared to work even harder than they do. • Always thank your donors, regardless of the size of their donation. Value and treasure everyone. Remember that they trust you to manage their contributions wisely. • Hold on to “attitude of gratitude.” This will serve you during tough times and ripple throughout your entire organization.
PANKAJ’S DREAM PROJECTS Pankaj Rohilla himself is a reputed doctor on Naturopathy, and currently, around 150 clinics all over India spread across the country, with whom they have built their network are working together for this noble cause of helping unprivileged and underprivileged people with their health care needs. 1. Pankaj is driven towards his dream of helping people in remote areas in Uttarakhand. There is one unfinished project in the tribal area above Bagaswar district, near the Pindari glacier very close to the China border in Uttarakhand which he wants to finish. The project is still under construction, but due to COVID, the project is currently on hold. Pankaj wants very soon to resume the construction of this project so the tribal people around the area can get good healthcare facilities. 2. Pankaj’s other dream project is to open a hospital and school for children suffering from Autism. As the parent of a child with Autism or ASD or related developmental delays, the best thing to do is to start treatment right away. Seek help as soon as any parent suspects something’s wrong. Don’t wait to see if your child will catch up later or outgrow the problem. The earlier children with autism spectrum disorder get help, the greater their chance of treatment success. Early intervention is the most effective way to speed up
Byju’s from $5.75 Billion in 2019 to $11 Billion in 2020, Still Going Strong…
e all have gone through that phase when everyone in the class nods their head in accord, yet you find all a bit offbeat. Every student is different and has his or her level and pace of understanding, and it’s practically impossible for a teacher to take care of each and every student’s level of perception. Edtech is thankfully finding a way to fill this gap and Byju’s is one such renowned name. Byju’s is a Bangalore-based multinational technology company in ed-tech which was founded by ‘Byju Raveendran’ a B.Tech student and his wife ‘Divya Gokulnath’ in the year 2011. The ed-tech company was launched after 4 years of its inception in the year 2015, after there was hard work and dedication put for effective learning program for classes 1-12, and also for many aspirants who wanted to appear in competitive exams including IIT-JEE, NEET, CAT, GRE, and GMAT. A revolution was bought by a unique way of learning besides traditional learning methods. The whole app was developed under Byju’s parent company, Think and Learn Private Limited. Major acquisitions by Byju are listed below.
Byju’s has approximately spent $1.43 billion on the acquisitions. Some of them include: 1. In January 2019 Byju’s acquired Osmo, an educational game USbased company. It helped Byju’s plan to innovate, explore and set the benchmark for tech-enabled personalized learning solutions. 2. In 2020 Byju’s acquisition of Whitehat Jr., It is a live online 1:1 platform for coding and math. This made Byju’s leader in the world of coding. 3. In 2021 Byju’s acquisition of Aakash Educational Services Limited, which was a 33-year-old company with solid curriculum-based coaching for students and test preparatory service for competitive exams. When the world was struggling from the COVID-19 pandemic situation and schools were shut down, Byju’s made the app free for students till April 2020. As a startup Byju’s is quite innovative and has earned massive success in the industry. Ti is creating a place where interested students can take the initiative of learning themselves rather than being spoonfed. As per Forbes list of India’s 100 Richest People (2020), Byju is India’s youngest billionaire with a net worth of $3.05 billion.
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Online tuitions can produce better outcomes compared to offline tuitions Online tuition is the best strait that offers the use of the latest methods and technologies in education and allows children to learn better rather than mere memorization of the syllabus. Your child will be part of online tuition classes that definitely have more advantages and also have a structured way of imparting education based on the learning on the learning capacity of children. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
You can sign up to give away your old and unused Smartphones and tablets. It will repurpose your old device, upgrade it with BYJU’S learning content. Your updated device will be given free of cost to an underprivileged student. Devices that cannot be refurbished will be processed as e-waste.
Let all of us make this happen toward giving chance to these smart kids to learn and fulfill their dreams. Awards and recognitions: Byju’s came a long way, some of the biggest companies in India and media groups have recognized and now it makes a big difference in imparting education. Some of the well-known awards for Byju’s are: • Winner of the CNBC-TV 18 Crisil Emerging India Award (Education) • Winner of Big Research NDTV Profit Business & Service Excellence Award • Winner of Deloitte Technology Fast 50 India and Fast 500 Asia Award (2012, 2013 & 2014) • Winner of ET Now Education Excellence Award
Online learning helps in better retention of concepts by interacting with the teacher through educational video. Best teachers with experience and are well trained who do not try pressurizing rather makes the concept easy for learning. Flexible time schedule, the online course is structured as per the curriculum and children have access to the video lectures, for revising the concept on any given topic. Children enjoy the luxury of saving time and traveling expenses, this time can rather be used productively for a more meaningful task like learning. This also promotes a sense of self-discipline and responsibility, as in online learning child is making effort to solve the problem or understand the concept whereas in offline tuitions they totally depend on the teacher.
Recently Byju’s has introduced two teacher models One expert teacher will offer conceptual clarity while the second teacher will solve doubts on the online education platform. The company said in a statement: “With the two-teacher advantage, students are taught by one expert teacher who uses strong visuals and storytelling to explain topics indepth to ensure conceptual clarity, while the second teacher solves instant doubts, pays individual attention and makes the sessions interactive and engaging”
Excellent initiative by Byju’s for learning of unprivileged enthusiasts Wondering what your old mobile phone is worth? Well, it could open a whole new world of learning for some child who is keen to learn but can’t afford to. Your outdated tab could update a child’s future dreams for learning. By just sparing your touch screens you can make a whole lot of difference by touching the lives of the child who is equally enthusiastic to learn and move forward. This is one of the best initiatives one can ever make. Byju’s Give Initiative is a step toward Education for all missions. Lets everybody from every corner of the country make effort and this will empower 5 million children from underserved communities to have quality learning by 2025! It’s a great mission everyone can contribute towards. You can become a change-maker through the simple gesture of giving the old devices that are of no value for you lying in corner of your house.
Lawrence Mathew Saldanha’s Journey Of Becoming a Successful Business Owner
Most of all, it teaches a simple fact of life, dreams only come true when you go out and chase them with all your heart.
Lawrence Mathew Saldanha holds a B.Tech degree in Electrical Engineering, and in addition to his engineering career, he also has 2.5 decades of professional experience in the management and healthcare industry. He has an abundance of experience in the wellness and healthcare industry, and also chooses the same field to start a business. Having a strong track record of managing all operations successfully made him a competent person. He further used his experience for the planning, and growth of his own business.
Being an entrepreneur might be the coolest whim in town in present times, but by no means it’s an easy one. It takes way too much out of a person - physically, mentally, and emotionally. It’s like taking a vow that from that day onwards; you will only put one thing (that is your startup) before every other thing in your life. Your peace of mind is at stake alongside your family and friends too. Despite all stress and improbability, being an entrepreneur can be the most fulfilling thing in life. In an entrepreneurial expedition, you not only grow as a professional, but you also phenomenally mature as a person. It teaches you to be a survivor. It builds such fortitude in you that no matter how difficult the situation is, you figure out a way to crawl out of it. It teaches you to have faith when everything else fails. It teaches you to persist when you are about to give up.
Mr. Saldanha’s profound knowledge of national and international policies and practices in the wellness industry made him a successful business owner. He now in Renatus Wellness serves his company as Chief Operating Officer and has evolved in all crucial strategic directions for the company while executing all the business operations effectively. All key persons in Renatus Wellness have one thing in common, which is utilizing their time dedicatedly and with full honesty, towards achieving their business objective. To become successful in any sector key people need to utilize their time tactfully for fruitful results. So, we need to utilize our time in order to be triumphant and successful business owners. Renatus Wellness has already established its holdfast with authority. It’s needless to say that the company has been made formidable by the blood and sweat of many key persons. That includes COO Mr. Saldanha, Director Mr. K. K. Chowdhury, Mr. Rohit Sinha as Head Logistic and Supply Chain Management, Dr. Ramhari Kumbhar
as Head of the scientific advisory team, and Mr. Kushal Sharma as Legal Head. These personalities have put in a lot of effort to establish the company’s goodwill. The key persons have done impressive works with all their efforts and dedication.
“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.” - Quoted by Nido Qubein, best suits Mr. Saldanha, COO
“Fitness is not about being better than someone else. It’s about being better than you used to -be.” - quoted by Unknown best suits Mr. K. K. Chowdhury, Director “Do something today that your future self will thank you for.” - quoted by Sean Patrick Flanery best suits Rohit Sinha, Head Logistic and Supply Chain Management Lawrence Mathew Saldanha is an active member of several nonprofit organizations where he holds a secretary or president position. He is an active member of Kanara Entrepreneurs, a social group for encouraging entrepreneurs, leadership for society. Renatus Wellness® helped in shaping of products filled with goodness of nature. Renatus has totally focused on the physical and mental well-being of the person in the present time, which is full of a hectic schedule and stressful life. People’s lifestyles are becoming a bit disruptive and people show hastiness in crucial routines like having dinner with family or leading a good social life. The social life is just now reduced to our mobile. We can’t change the inevitable, but with little care, we can keep ourselves and our family members healthy. This will also help us hugely in our overall wellness and fitness.
An Unknown author very well said –
“Your body will be around a lot longer than that expensive handbag. Invest in yourself.” Renatus Wellness® is the USA-registered Nutraceuticals research and development company. They have an expert team of proficient scientists and research workers, who are well-versed in their respective fields. These handpicked geniuses gathered in unanimity, and the consequences were a magnificent blend of natural essence. It helped in the shaping of three products amazingly filled with nutrients. Specifically speaking, it is enriched with the most vital natural ingredients that nature has to offer.
• Renatus Nova® • Renatus Novasteen® • Renatus Alosteen®
The solution here is not any ordinary nutrition product or multivitamin. But rather these products are a complete solution that can compete very competently in keeping health problems at bay. It takes care of all the nutritional needs of our bodies. Renatus
Nova® is made with 9 miraculous ingredients which directly instigate nature.
Some of the benefits of Renatus Nova® are:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Helps in weight loss Boosting our immune system Benefit in treatment of infertility in men Cholesterol management Promotes bone strength Rich in antioxidants, Vitamin E, Omega 3 fatty acids 7. Help digestive system to work more effectively 8. Helping the circulatory system to work more effectively and many more… Recently there has been value addition to the product Renatus Nova with some of the very useful and unique ingredients to get better results. These ingredients have a specific quality that works wonders for our body and mind. Never before, have we had any such product that can take care of all our nutritional needs so effectively. They are: • Garcinia Mangostana (Mangosteen Extract) • Eleutherococcussenticosus (Siberian Ginseng Extract) • Chlorophytumborivilianum (Safed Musil Extract) • Sambucus Nigra (Elder Berry Extract) • Vaccinium Myrtillus (Bill Berry Extract) • Withaniasomnifera (Ashwangandha Extract) • Ginkgobiloba Extract Rubiacordifolia (Manjistha Extract) • Moringaoleifera (Shigru) • Asparagus Racemosus (Shatavari Extract) • Boerhaviadiffusa (Punarnava Extract) • Tribulusterrestis (Goksura Extract) Renatus Novasteen® is one ultimate product which with its sublime combination of freshness and scent can leave
you absolutely amazed. Generally, we tend to use soap daily while taking a bath but the question is, does the soap work well enough? Pollution in our country is at its height, it leaves our tender skin snatched away from the very oil base, naturally present in our skin as a layer to protect us. But with Renatus Novasteen® we rest assured that the soap can bring real freshness by removing daily dirt and grime, leaving skin soft and supple. When you wash your body with this wonderful soap, it dislodges the dirt, grease, oils, and diseaseridden particles on your body. It’s perfectly eco-friendly and is animal cruelty-free.
“A beautiful soap left in the guest bathroom, some fresh flowers by the bed, or a small gift of chocolates in their room will make anyone feel welcome. “ - quote by Tinsley Mortimer Novasteen™ has brought along a fragrant soap, straight from nature’s lap which can work wonders for our skin. Along with wiping away the dust particles, it can provide real freshness in and out. The best thing about the product is that it is totally natural, which means it’s vegan and hence is highly recommended, as there will be no side effects. Unlike chemical-laden and synthetic ingredients in ordinary soap that makes skin dry and causes harm if used for multiple years. Renatus Novasteen® has the natural goodness of avocado and mangosteen.
K. K. CHOWDHURY Director
Below are the overwhelming benefits of using it as part of our daily routine process
solution Alosteen® Tooth gel is a natural formulation with a unique blend of organic extracts of aloevera and mangosteen.
• The natural goodness of nature present in Novasteen® soap nourishes your skin & offers suppleness to your tender skin. • Its Therapeutic nature hence helps to get relief from tension, anxiety, and rejuvenate your body and mind. • The aroma makes you feel relaxed and refreshed. • Natural ingredients ensure that it’s eco-friendly without any side effects of chemicals or synthetic ingredients.
‘She laughs at everything you say. Why? Because she has fine teeth.’
– quotes Benjamin Franklin
Alosteen® Tooth gel provides you healthier teeth, stronger gums, and fresher breath, all set to start your day. It is a perfect blend of natural ingredients with modern medical science providing enormous benefits to teeth and gums. The product has limitless rejuvenating and protecting potential of herbs and other organic ingredients to achieve complete oral health. It serves as an excellent tooth whitener, helping you remove the stains from your teeth, and also provides impassable germ protection. The active natural ingredients used in the tooth gel effectively fight bad breath and cavities too.
Are you well aware that your toothpaste is helping with good oral hygiene and dental health? What if I say the majority of toothpaste you are using is full of chemicals like fluorides, saccharin, parabens, carrageenan, etc; which deteriorate your gums and wear out your teeth enamel. These chemicals are detrimental to your oral hygiene and dental health. You can check it easily by going through the ingredient list your toothpaste pack has. It’s high time now, Renatus has the
A few benefits of the product are:
• • • • • •
Cleanses whitens and strengthens teeth naturally Aloevera and mangosteen blend to prevent tartar build-up and cavities. Fresh and cool breath for the entire day. Helps with gum bleeding, sensitivity, and removing stains Organically pure and preservative-free formula Eco-friendly product
Unique Compensation business plan of Renatus Wellness®
Along with giving innumerable Health Benefits, Renatus Wellness® also enhances Quality of Life through its Unique Compensation Plan. It is commanding and guarantees a maximum payout of the total company’s CC. It provides a great opportunity to make instant “Instant Bonus” plus the ability to earn substantial long-term “Everlasting Wealth”. “Instant Bonus” comes from: • Retail Bonus, • Lot-Order Bonus • Dual Team Turnover Bonus “Everlasting Wealth” comes from: • Generation Advancement Bonus Renatus Wellness® provides compelling financial incentives for our Direct Sellers who demonstrate their ability to produce results. Opening new opportunities for many individuals, who can start direct selling and get part-time or full-time work opportunities. The company pays commissions on a weekly basis to provide immediate cash flow to our Direct Sellers. This also ensures that they get one stream of continuous income. The business does not charge any entry fee, Registration Fee, or Renewal Fees. The business plan provides prospects with world-class exclusive products, expert training resources, and pro-marketing materials to build a business on their terms. Renatus Wellness® provides a lucrative business opportunity for one and all. Born leaders are rare, but learning to manage a successful business is something we all aspire to do. With advice from self-made billionaires, you’ll have a better understanding of what helped them discover fame and fortune, and how to follow in their footsteps.
‘By fulfilling your customers’ needs, you can win their loyalty and eventually establish yourself as a successful entrepreneur, beating your competitors in the process.’ Dream Big, believe in yourself …go for it!
10 Matchless Benefits of RPA for Your Business
imply speaking Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is software technology that’s easy for anyone to use to automate digital tasks. In recent years, robotic process automation (RPA) has quickly become one of the most essential efforts contributing to businesses increasing their productivity for long-term success.
Although eventually just one piece of the modern business technology, RPA often serves as the introduction to the convenience and speed that automation can lend to a business. With rules-based software robots handling repetitive tasks that are frequently marred by human error, your team can do more every day.
Key Characteristics of RPA Software • • • •
User-Interface Interaction - The RPA bots can mimic human interaction on the UI of an IT system like entering information into fields; making cursor jumps, pushbuttons, etc. The script of the robot includes conditions and rules to pretend actual user performance. Process Execution - The RPA robot can run processes like how humans perform them including user interface interaction. High Volume Data Handling – The RPA bots can handle high volumes of data in the user interface and process interaction. Learning Capability – Advanced RPA robots can integrate with AI by employing machine learning algorithms. Machine learning permits the robots to automatically absorb and enhance from experience.
10 Benefits of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in Business Perception Each industry should be aware of where RPA is applicable and what values it can offer to their business given the evolution of the operating model as well as the IT landscape. Here are the ten most noteworthy of those benefits: 30
1. Boosting Productivity
Let human employees work on what humans excel at, and let robots handle the tasks that get in the way. When employees have to spend time on mind-numbing tasks, such as copying and pasting information between business systems, they have much less time to devote to work that uses their skills. Manual tasks consume a significant amount of time and energy, so staff can’t accomplish as much in a day. RPA changes that principle. When you configure them properly for a workflow, software robots can increase a team’s capacity for completed work by 35% to 50%. At the same time, they can work faster, cutting data processing times. With low-level and back-office work duties split between humans and robots, you can easily do more with the same amount of time.
2. Improve efficiency
RPA software never needs a break – it can work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. Similarly, it does not take a vacation or fall sick. Generally, a single RPA robot can be equal to two to five full-time employees, or even more. Robots can complete the same volume of work in less time or more volume of work at the same time. With RPA speeding up processing times and reducing costly errors, processing costs decline, and per-employee output increases. Common savings from these efficiency improvements.
3. Efficient Reconciliation from Multiple Systems
RPA makes the tallying of data and information from multiple systems possible which generates information that helps with the integration of processes. Otherwise manually it is challenging for employees to connect in those efficient ways and reconcile their data.
4. High Accuracy and Reliable Consistency
Errors in accounts payable that result in real and unplanned costs for a business are common. The main feature of robotic process automation is its power to eradicate processing errors. As it is not a turn-key solution, it requires testing, training as well as governance. However, as long as the business processes are properly optimized and accurately mapped, businesses need not be concerned that the robots will make errors that their employees might make.
5. Versatility
RPA is applicable across industries and can perform a wide range of tasks. Any process that is rule-based and can be defined and is repeatable makes an ideal automation candidate.
6. Enhanced Business Data Security
The main concern that business leaders express about the potential use of RPA tools concerns their impact on operational risk. Data leaks and breaches are now common, and management may have concerns about the security of such systems. However, when your team carefully manages and strictly defines RPA parameters, the risk of leaks between platforms is relatively minor. Selecting a well-developed and maintained solution will contribute to greater confidence in security.
7. Boost Scalability Opportunities
RPA offers flexibility to adapt to what the moment demands in terms of the type and the number of tasks needed for any given objective.
Robotic automation can support businesses to accommodate the selected requirements of certain objectives. Since the robotic workforce is adjustable to time- and task-specific requirements, even smaller businesses can manage the unpredictably evolving market demands.
8. Advanced Analytics
RPA technologies allow establishments to gather data about task execution that can be employed for analytical purposes. Work volume patterns, cycle times, errors, and exceptions are a few of them. Insights obtained from such analysis can help in several ways like supporting process improvement initiatives. When data is efficiently gathered, compared, and separated from data gathered in other fields, it permits better decision-making.
9. Better Customer Service Experience
RPA has an increasing foothold in customer service, especially at the intersection of technology such as AI-powered natural language processing. Customer service is a high-maintenance, high-commitment process that requires a large amount of time and attention from employees. By spending less time on rote administrative tasks, staff can turn their attention back to customers. Resolution times will improve, disputes will decrease and overall customer satisfaction with your company will climb.
10. Non-disruptive
Some organizations are uncertain to replace legacy systems due to the cost or the business downtime and complexity related to the challenge of IT infrastructures. In case a significant IT promotion is not guaranteed, the RPA system can be utilized to lengthen the lifetime of the legacy system and automate daily operations. The RPA tools communicate with systems at the presentation layer or UI end as like how humans do.
Conclusion It is significant for an organization to adopt RPA solutions to have improved insight into what their primary business goals are. If the available business processes and IT infrastructure are effective, then the business can consider RPA automation as a user-friendly tool to meet their automation objectives. 31
hen taking an exam, it’s not enough how accurately we answer the queries. A lot depends upon the time allotted.
Every second of every single day is a resource that you can’t get back – and in the intervening time, the world around you keeps changing, making all your previous progress and learning a little bit more obsolete. So you are not having time, rather buckle up and move ahead. A thousand years of theory can be made invalid by one single experiment. You are not getting points for cleverness or beauty in your theories if they cannot keep up with the real world. So stop playing foolish, test your theories and discard if they don’t hold up with time. Building a company is so much more than just having an idea. Every day burns up cash, see many surpassing you, and wear away the morale of the team. Dedication and fervor are not enough, even brilliance loses its meaning. You might just get there eventually, but what really matters is the result TODAY, no matter what it takes.
The journey of the entrepreneur is full of difficulties in the initial prime years, where dream, enthusiasm, learning, experience seems to fade with time. All that is matters is TIMELY RESULTS. SURANJAN GHOSH Managing Director
Today we will catch up with the entrepreneurial journey of Suranjan Ghosh. After nonstop working for a decade in many organizations and getting all knowledge and acquiring information, ended up realizing that with time his experience and expertise enhanced and he never compromised on honesty. Still at a point realized that he is disappointed a lot many times when not able to provide the best service to clients. But he had to accept the flexibility in decision making which was limited as it was not his own organization, rather he was working for someone else, who is following conventional methods and unable to visualize, changes that are imminent with growth. The chance was not missed, and it inspired Mr. Suranjan Ghosh not to go along with the flow and start his own business. Where there can be changes made according to time and decisions are made that can serve his client in the best possible way. His experience and expertise in the electromechanical segment facilitated him to choose the sector he can move forward with. Who does not want to be their own boss? Entrepreneurship sounds like dream come true, working your own hours, you are free to be creative, you can bring forward your own way of managing your business, dream come true! Not necessarily. Being an entrepreneur involves a large amount of work, and whole responsibility to make it run successfully, finance, the ups and downs to survive, loss, and maybe gain too with time. The journey is rough and is certainly not a fairytale, but yes sure is worthwhile. The most alluring characteristic of an entrepreneur is to be innovative, resourceful, and a risk-taker. You indeed need to be brave enough to pass through storms and so resilience is the key. Douche Automation Pvt. Ltd is an ISO 9001-2015, ROHS, CE certified technology-driven solution providing company formed in June 2021 for Currency Counting Machine and LED lights manufacturing by Suranjan Ghosh. Douche Automation Private Limited, ever since its inception has not taken a back seat, and has emerged as one of the leading manufacturing services providers to OEMs of Global and Indian brands. The expertise of Douche Automation lies in Electronic Design Serviced, PCB assemblies & Box Build Products.
The company has a complete focus on quality, R&D capabilities, market responsiveness, and the ability to scale up manufacturing capacities for meeting clients’ needs distinguishes them and makes them a preferred supplier of cutting-edge quality products. The company offers innovative energy-saving techniques to increase cost-saving opportunities and resolve the energy crisis that is one of the major concerns today in the world. Characteristically this energy saving can be achieved up to 2050% within a 1 to 3 year payback period.
The philosophy adopted by Douche Automation Pvt. Ltd is Make in India.
Douche Automation is are pioneer in developing high-quality LED’S, LED drivers, and other LED lighting products, and these products are manufactured in a plant that has a capacity of millions of LED products per month. LED control gears that perform reliably and perfectly under the power supply conditions prevailing in India. Today the product portfolio of DOUCHE comprises electronic control gears, luminaries, retro LED lighting high on illumination and low on energy consumption, with no compromise in energy savings.
Douche Automation are into manufacturing 60% of the total produced product in-house. To grow at a fast pace, the company has a strong marketing network across India and also promises to deliver world-class quality and service to consumers. Under the banner of Douche the company is making world-class Currency Counting Machine and LED lights products for domestic, commercial as well as industrial applications. For Mr. Suranjan Ghosh as an entrepreneur, the term “Success” is generating more & more employment for our Nation.
To maintain quality, the company has many quality tests and quality control procedures so that the exact quality of raw materials & components that are required in the products for the best possible output is used. The majority of the raw materials that are used for manufacturing quality products are made inhouse. Hence the company has enough control over the pricing. They offer innovative energy-saving techniques to increase costsaving opportunities and resolve the energy crisis. 33
The eco-friendly range of LED from DOUCHE offers high-quality optics that promises uniform lighting. The consumer now has the opportunity to replace incandescent and halogen lamps with long-lasting LED lights for uninterrupted service for years. The promise to help their client lighten up and brighten up their homes or workplaces with a motive of achieving durability and nominal cost all across India has motivation like to save the environment and provide durable products to consumers.
To manufacture and sell the best quality product in rational pricing that any consumer can pay and feels satisfied that the money they are paying is worth what they are getting. They don’t believe in overpricing products by adding unnecessary traits which will certainly add no additional value except price leaving the customers unsatisfied. DOUCHE has a great ambition to spread the wings to diverse, and enter into manufacturing and supply of various other top-quality household products. DOUCHE has a plan for coming up with products having the latest features and technology, all at an affordable for clients.
DOUCHE AUTOMATION WORKING ENVIRONMENT DOUCHE staffs are honest and are dedicated towards the after-sales service as well, and they do best to endow with prompt after-sales support to their existing clientele. The company considers after-sales service as an unconditional obligation towards their clients, and that’s what all members of the team aim, to provide selfless best service for new and existing clients. DOUCHE operates very professionally in a healthy working environment where the communication process is open, employer and employees share their ideas and is respectful to each other. They believe in teamwork and every individual team member in the organization knows their role and responsibilities. For them, customers come first and hence provide them with the best possible solution. The company sets a clear feasible aim at the beginning to recognize what needs to be achieved, based on which the planning is done accordingly. As every day in a business, there is a challenge that needs to be resolved. Based on the issue a decision is made about utilizing the resources optimally for profitability and sustainability.
Organizations like Douche Automation have great motivations behind sustainability which is often complex to achieve. It is unrealistic to create a list of reasons why so many individuals, groups, and communities are working towards this objective. Yet, for most people like Mr. Suranjan, sustainability comes down to the kind of future we are leaving for the next generation. Sustainability as a value is shared by many individuals and entrepreneurs who are opting for this as part of organizations that demonstrate this value in their policies, everyday activities, and behaviors. Individuals have played a major role in developing our current environmental and social circumstances. The people of today along with future generations must create solutions and adapt.
SURANJAN GHOSH’S MESSAGE TO THE WORLD OF ENTREPRENEURS? For Mr. Suranjan every organization must start one day from scratch, it’s the hard work; dedication, commitment, & self- believe which creates the difference. “It is always the start that requires the greatest effort.” Advice from Mr. Suranjan for any other entrepreneur is that growing a business requires being adaptive, which means being open to criticism and its different forms; everything will not always be sugar-coated. Not every idea you have will work, and even though you push hard for an initiative to come through doesn’t mean its right. You’ll need to learn to allow processes to play out without excessive involvement. Make a team that shares the same objective as yours. Like indeed people together can bring revolutionary changes. While it might be tempting to feed off the highs you get from your successes, you’ll need to learn to stay motivated consistently by appreciating the failures as opportunities. Have the courage to accept highs and lows both without forgetting your objective and maintain to be motivated. Oftentimes, the biggest challenges involve learning how to treat your business objectively. And perhaps this learning will help you to be a successful entrepreneur.
Bundle Note Counting Machine
Employers And Associations Rely On IELTS For Right Candidate Selection
he International English Language Testing System is designed to help you work proficiently in English, in most parts of the world. This includes Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, and the USA. Your ability to listen, read, write and speak is assessed during the test and is graded on a scale of 1-9. IELTS is jointly owned by British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia, and Cambridge Assessment English.
Being able to communicate in the English language can be very beneficial when you are thinking of studying or working in different parts of the world. It is also an essential benefit for a job opportunity as well as integration into the community. The higher the score in IELTS reflects your better understanding and compatibility to communicate in English proficiently. English is the third most commonly spoken language in the world and achieving a score of 6 and above can greatly enhance your work prospects. English proficiency works as assurance for employers that you can communicate and live in the country confidently without many obscurities. Organizations around the globe rely on the IELTS to help them select the right people for work, as it reflects strong communication skills and understanding n English. Especially in health care professions like nursing, medicine, and pharmacy, English language competency is of critical importance. Other organizations like professional bodies in particular also required IELTS that includes accounting, engineering, law, and veterinary practice. In many places across the world where English is the primary language of communication, evidence of acceptable English skills is required for applicants and international graduates who are seeking professional registration in the country.
English language expertise in practical, everyday context reflects both workspace and social situation. Usually, the test is of vocational training, in the field of construction, hospitality, and leisure and tourism industries. Different organizations have their own score that is required for certain vacancies. It helps them set IELTS band score for an individual in four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking.
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