Bus Tours Magazine Volume XLIII, Number 1 September/October, 2021

Page 8

Places for Summer 2022 Fort Madison

Courtesy of Jordan Reynolds

City of Fort Madison

receiving rations from Saint Louis and not

Road also acts as a gateway to Iowa’s Historic

Fort Madison is arguably one of the most

being able to forage outside of the fort walls,

Hills Scenic-by-Way that passes through The

historic communities in Iowa. Its namesake,

the decision was made to abandon the fort,

Villages of Van Buren and surrounding com-

Fort Madison, the first U.S. military establish-

burning it in their wake as they escaped

munities. With local flair such as rodeos, music

ment in the upper Mississippi River Valley,

under the cloak of darkness, earning the area

festivals, county fairs, strawberry, watermelon

means that it is the location of Iowa’s only

the nickname of “Potowonok” a Native

and sweet corn festivals, you should come and

military battlefield, as well as making its his-

American term for ring of fire.

toric downtown the location of the oldest

Becoming a territorial city in 1838, Fort

military cemetery in the state of Iowa.

Madison would become home to The Iowa

experience Fort Madison and all that the State of Iowa has to offer.

Jackson, Michigan

Twenty-two soldiers died there and are

Territorial Prison. This frontier prison would

buried in the vicinity of the ruins of the orig-

remain operational until 2015, when the state

Jackson’s perfect central location at the

inal fort.

would close the oldest continually used pen-

crossroads of Michigan’s Lower Peninsula

U.S. soldiers followed the Mississippi River

itentiary in the United States. This old prison,

makes it a motorcoach-friendly destination

to this location in 1808, honoring the 1804

along with Old Fort Madison, The Santa Fe

ready for visitors at any time of the year. Jack-

Treaty of Saint Louis. These soldiers would

Depot and 18 different districts and structures

son has been described as a smaller town

construct a Factory Outpost along the Mis-

are on The National Park Service’s list of His-

with a big city feel. Its colorful attractions are

sissippi that would stand at this location until

toric Places.

perfect for your next group excursion.

the fall of 1813, when the U.S. troops would

Fort Madison offers unique shops and din-

Learn Jackson's pivotal role in the Under-

burn the location as they retreated down-

ing venues, as well as small eclectic museums

ground Railroad as your tour downtown Jack-

stream. The War of 1812 had taken hold. Not

and art galleries. Its location on the Great River

son and visit the historical locations signifi-

8 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2021

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