May 6–7, 2022
Butler’s mission is to provide the highest quality of liberal and professional education and to integrate the liberal arts with professional education, by creating and fostering a stimulating intellectual community built upon interactive dialogue and inquiry among students, faculty, and staff.
Hinkle Fieldhouse Clowes Memorial Hall Schrott Center for the Arts Indianapolis, Indiana
This is Butler University’s 165th Spring Commencement Exercises.
T A BLE of CO N T E N T S 10
17 PROGRAM University Commencement Degree Conferral Ceremony 19 HONORARY DEGREE Sigma Gamma Rho 22
A M E S S A G E f ro m th e PRES IDENT Congratulations on your graduation from Butler University! On behalf of the Butler University community, I would like to congratulate each one of our accomplished graduates. I commend you for the hard work, dedication, and perseverance that have brought you here today. We are proud of you, and we are grateful to have had you as members of our campus community. All of you—through your unique talents and strengths—have made Butler a better place. I would like to recognize the parents and family members of our graduates. Your guidance and support have made all the difference for today’s diploma recipients. They have earned this honor, in large part, because of you. We share in your joy as you celebrate this milestone in their lives. I also want to thank our talented faculty and staff members. Because of your dedication, our graduates are now ready to embrace the exciting opportunities and challenges ahead. They have received an exceptional education in a vibrant learning environment, and they are prepared to become future mentors, critical thinkers, and agents for change. Graduates, “The Butler Way”—or, that special manner in which we all pursue excellence in our own areas of talent for the greater good of our communities and society—is now a part of who you are. As new alumni, you personify the Butler spirit of achievement, and it speaks volumes about the outstanding people you are and the great things you will do. The Butler family will always welcome you back home, and we hope you will visit us often.
James M. Danko, President Butler University
A N T HEM The Road Home Music by Stephen Paulus Text by Michael Dennis Browne Tell me, where is the road I can call my own, That I left, that I lost, So long ago? All these years I have wandered, Oh, when will I know There’s a way, there’s a road That will lead me home? After wind, after rain, When dark is done. As I wake from a dream In the gold of day, Through the air there’s a calling From far away, There’s a voice I can hear That will lead me home. Rise up, follow me, Come away, is the call, With the love in your heart As the only song; There is no such beauty As where you belong; Rise up, follow me, I will lead you home.
A L M A MA T ER In the gallery of memories There are pictures bright and fair, And I find that dear old Butler Is the brightest one that’s there. Alma Mater, how we love thee, With a love that ne’er shall fade. And we feel we owe a debt to thee That never can be paid.
C OM M E N CE M E NT S Y M B OLS THE MACE The mace symbolizes the University’s governing authority and is present only when the President and members of the board of trustees are in attendance at academic ceremonies, signifying that the proceedings have official sanction. The hand-carved mace incorporates the features of the Butler seal in a symbolic creation that captures the strength and character of Butler University. Carved from Indiana walnut, the mace includes the torch, which symbolizes light and learning; the name of the University; its location; year of founding; and a ring of figures representing each college. The chief faculty marshal uses the mace to open and close academic ceremonies.
GONFALONS The Butler University gonfalons are modeled on processional banners that originated in the medieval states of Italy. Butler’s six gonfalons represent the schools that comprise Butler University: College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of Education, Lacy School of Business, College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Jordan College of the Arts, and College of Communication.
THE PRESIDENTIAL CHAIN of OFFICE The chain of office symbolizes the authority vested in the president by the Board of Trustees. In 1962 the Alumni Association gifted the original chain of office to the University. In December 2012, a new chain was commissioned as a gift to the University by Trustee Gary D. Butkus ’88 and College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences faculty member Jason T. Range JD PhD. The silver chain contains the same college symbols as the mace and bears the names of the distinguished persons who have served as presidents of Butler University. Suspended from the chain is the University seal encased in laurel, symbolizing the triumph of learning.
ACADEMIC SYMBOLISM The use of caps, gowns, and hoods in commencement ceremonies has been continuous since colonial times. The custom descends from the Middle Ages, when education was a function of religious organizations. Today’s academic garb resembles medieval clothing worn by the clergy. Caps were a necessity in cold churches; capes with attached hoods were also needed for warmth. The color, trimming, and lining of the hoods worn in commencement ceremonies indicate the school from which a degree was granted. Generally, hoods increase in size from the bachelor’s hood to the doctoral’s. At Butler, the color of the tassel on a graduate’s cap indicates the discipline studied. The color code is as follows:
Associate Degree Candidates from any discipline
Art + Design, Arts Administration, Creative Writing, Dance, Dance Arts Administration, Dance Pedagogy, Dance Performance, Theatre
Anthropology, Anthropology and Psychology, Criminology, Criminology and Psychology, Sociology, Sociology and Criminology, Sociology and Psychology
Dark blue:
Peace and Conflict Studies, Philosophy, Philosophy and Psychology, Philosophy and Religion, Political Science, Political Science and Psychology
Accounting, Business Administration, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Finance, International Business, Management, Management Information Systems, Marketing, Risk Management and Insurance
Actuarial Science, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Studies, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology, Science, Technology and Society, Software Engineering
Health Sciences, Healthcare and Business, Physician Assistant
Light blue:
Early Childhood and Middle Childhood Education, Effective Teaching and Leadership, Elementary Education, Middle and Secondary Education, School Counseling
Medical Science, Pharmaceutical Science, Professional Pharmacy
Engineering Dual Degree Program
Education Administration
Music, Music Composition, Music Conducting, Music Education, Music History, Music Performance, Music Theory, Musical Arts, Piano Pedagogy
Communication Sciences and Disorders, Communication Studies, Critical Communication and Media Studies, Digital Media Production, Human Communication and Organizational Leadership, Interactive Media, Journalism, Music Industry Studies, Sports Media, Strategic Communication, Web Design and Development
Classics, English, English Literature, English Writing, French, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, German, History, History and Anthropology, History and Political Science, Individualized Major, International Studies, Spanish
GR A D U A T I O N H O NORS UNIVERSITY HONORS Students who receive a cumulative grade point average of 3.7 or higher receive University Honors: Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, or Summa Cum Laude. University Honors are represented by honor cords, which are worn as a part of a student’s regalia. Blue and white: Cum Laude Gold: Magna or Summa Cum Laude Cum Laude A 3.7 cumulative grade point average or higher or a 3.5 cumulative grade point average and satisfactory completion of the Butler University Honors Program, including a thesis Magna Cum Laude A 3.7 cumulative grade point average and satisfactory completion of the Butler University Honors Program, including a thesis Summa Cum Laude A 3.9 cumulative grade point average and satisfactory completion of the Butler University Honors Program, including a thesis Graduate students in the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences are the only graduate students eligible to qualify for honors.
DEPARTMENTAL HONORS Honors A 3.6 grade point average in the academic major; Lacy School of Business (LSB) students must also have a 3.6 cumulative grade point average in LSB High Honors A 3.7 grade point average in the academic major and satisfactory completion of an honors thesis or comprehensive examination; LSB students must also have a 3.7 cumulative grade point average in LSB Highest Honors A 3.8 grade point average in the academic major and satisfactory completion of an honors thesis and comprehensive examination; LSB students must also have a 3.8 cumulative grade point average in LSB
M ARS H A L S Academic processions traditionally are led by marshals selected from the faculty. The commencement marshals this year are: CHIEF FACULTY MARSHALS University Commencement Degree Conferral Ceremony: Jonathan Sorenson, Chair of Faculty Senate College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Jonathan Sorenson, Professor of Computer Science College of Education: Lisa Farley, Associate Professor of Education Lacy School of Business: Lawrence Lad, Associate Professor of Management College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences: Trish Devine, Professor and Director Interprofessional Education Jordan College of the Arts: Larry Attaway, Professor of Dance College of Communication: Kristin Swenson, Professor of Communication and Media Studies
University Degree Conferral Ceremony: Martha Dziwlik, Dean of Students; Travis Ryan, Associate Provost; Terri Jett, Professor of Political Science and Peace and Conflict Studies; Paul Hanson, Professor of History College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Jide Akinbo, Karina Hamamouche, Tara Lineweaver, Jen Kowalski College of Education: Lisa Farley, Shelly Furuness, Susan Adams, Ryan Flessner Lacy School of Business: Luke Bickel, Courtney Hatch, Stephanie Fernhaber, Margaret Padgett College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences: Andrew Chastain, Jane Gervasio, Danielle Kempton, Susanna Scott, Hala Fadda, Sudip Das, Veronica Vernon, Kevin Tuohy, Renee Andreeff, Raymond Eifel, Cody Sasek, Mark Lutz, Dan Sturm, Kali Veness, Betsy Schmidt, Bonnie Brown, Brenda Quincy Jordan College of the Arts: Brian Weidner, Brenda Johnston, Courtney Mohler, Douglas Spaniol, Wendy Meaden College of Communication: Amanda Stevenson-Holmes, Ann Bilodeau, Martha Dziwlik, Mark Rademacher, Allison Harthcock
ANNOUNCERS of the CANDIDATES Ann Bilodeau, Clinical Faculty Director of Butler Speech-Language Clinic College of Communication Scott Bridge ’82, MS ’91, Instructor of Journalism College of Communication
A C A D E M I C L E A D E RS H IP Brooke Barnett Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Travis Ryan Associate Provost
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Jay Howard, Dean LuAnne McNulty, Associate Dean, Academic Affairs Elise Edwards, Associate Dean, Faculty and Program Development, and Faculty Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Jennifer Poor, Associate Dean, Student Affairs
College of Education Brooke Kandel-Cisco, Dean Kelli Esteves, Associate Dean Angela Mager, Assistant Dean
Lacy School of Business Craig Caldwell, Dean Bill Templeton, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies Courtney Droms Hatch, Associate Dean of Faculty Brandy Mmbaga, Assistant Dean for Community Engagement and Faculty Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Robert Soltis, Dean Julia Koehler, Associate Dean Jennifer Snyder, Associate Dean Angela Ockerman, Assistant Dean
Jordan College of the Arts Lisa Brooks, Dean Wendy Meaden, Associate Dean Courtney Elkin Mohler, Associate Dean for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access
College of Communication Margaretha Geertsema-Sligh, Interim Dean Suzanne Reading, Associate Dean, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Butler University Libraries Sally Neal, Associate Dean Josh Petrusa, Associate Dean
H O N O R A R Y S O CIET IES Alpha Kappa Delta International Sociology Honor Society Color: teal
Mu Phi Epsilon International Music Fraternity Colors: purple and white
Pi Alpha National Honorary for Physician Assistants Colors: teal and gray
Alpha Kappa Psi Business Fraternity Colors: navy blue and gold
National Society of Collegiate Scholars Colors: crimson and gold
Pi Delta Phi French Honor Society Colors: red, white, and blue
Alpha Lambda Delta National Honorary Colors: red, yellow, and white
Order of Omega National Greek Leadership Honorary Colors: gold and white
Pi Kappa Lambda National Music Honor Society Colors: gold and white
Phi Alpha Theta National Honor Society for History Colors: red and blue
Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology Colors: navy and platinum
Phi Beta Delta High scholastic achievement in internationally focused endeavors Colors: red and gold
Rho Chi National Honor Society for Pharmacy Colors: purple and white
Alpha Psi Omega National Theatre Honorary Fraternity Colors: amber and steel blue Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society in Business Colors: blue and gold Delta Phi Alpha National German Honor Society Colors: black, red, and gold Eta Sigma Phi Honorary Undergraduate Classical Fraternity Colors: purple and gold Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education Colors: violet and jade Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Fraternity for Band Service Colors: royal blue, pearl white, and a classic touch of gold Kappa Mu Epsilon Honor Society promoting interest in Mathematics Colors: pink and silver Lambda Pi Eta National Communication Honorary Colors: red and white
Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society for the Liberal Arts and Sciences Colors: pink and sky blue Phi Kappa Phi National Scholastic Honor Society Colors: blue, white, and gold medallion on a blue ribbon Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy Leadership Society Colors: green and gold Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia International fraternal society in Music Colors: red, black, and gold Phi Sigma Iota International Foreign Language Honor Society Colors: purple and gold
Sigma Alpha Iota International Women’s Music Sorority Colors: red and white Sigma Delta Pi National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society Colors: red and gold Sigma Pi Sigma National Physics Honor Society Colors: green and ivory Sigma Rho Delta National Dance Honorary Colors: blue, green, and gold Tau Beta Sigma National Honorary Sorority for Band Service Colors: blue and white
I N TE R N A T I O N A L G RA DU A T ES Butler University is a campus without borders. We recognize international students from ten different nations who study on our campus and encourage all students to have an overseas academic experience as well. Today, we celebrate and recognize the accomplishments of these outstanding young people. International and study abroad students are wearing sashes representing their nation or the country in which they studied. Simon Bédard, France Jonathan Besselink, Canada Christian Nathaniel David, Canada Pierre-Louis Paul-Marie Detourbe, France
James Brandon Harris, Honduras Monique LaForce, Canada Leonor Lopez, Venezuela Rayna Oosterhuis, Canada Thomas Anthony Pitkin, Ireland
Stefano Siegler Marques Batista, Brazil Eloise C. Sureau, France
S TU D Y A B R O A D G RA DUA T ES Kathryn Maia Aldstadt, Germany and the Netherlands Ashley Nicole Altman, United Arab Emirates, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru Claire Caralese Arick, United Kingdom Jannai E. Bates, Guatemala Emma Grace Beavins, England and Italy Paul Bertuglia, England Darren Bloomfield, Ireland Ashley Nicole Bondy, Belgium Jordan Nicole Brooks, Ireland Madison Marie Burgett, Czech Republic Laura Elizabeth Burnham, Spain Taylor Lynn Bush, Italy Collin Patrick Cahill, Germany Aubrey Kaylynn Cast, Spain Caden Castellon, Great Britain Nathan Fredrick Charles, the Netherlands Samantha Marie Coleman, Spain Carly Anne Collins, Australia Megan Ann Collins, Spain Sebastian Peter-Lucas Colsman, Germany Justin Contreras, Spain Olivia L. Crowder, Italy Harriet Elizabeth Davies, Singapore Ansley Brooke Davis, Italy Ian G. East, England Maria S. De Leon, Alcala de Henerares, Spain Colton Ryan Falco, Italy Andrew Joseph Farmer, Singapore Ellen Louise Flowers, the Netherlands Katarina Marie Forbes, Guatemala and Spain Lauren Frank, Costa Rica Hayley Terese Gartner, Costa Rica Lauren Nicole Glenn, Australia Margaret Graham, SeaMester (Cape Town to Caribbean)
Luke Michael Haefs, Costa Rica Anthony Michael Hand, London, Scotland, and Ireland Andrew Michael Hasik, Costa Rica Makayla Brooke Hayes, Italy Claire Ann Hickey, England Raziya Makini Hillery, Spain Kaela Ashlin Horan, Australia Sydney Ray Hough, Australia Nicholas A. Hughes, Australia and New Zealand Karlie L. Hutchins, Australia Jade Madison Jochem, France and Germany Betsy Jayne Johns, Ireland Emily Christine Kacpura, United Kingdom, France, and Germany Anna Elise Kemper, Australia Tyler Marshall Kennedy, United Kingdom Logan Blaine Kesler, Italy Benjamin J. Kessler, Mexico, Curaçao, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Spain Cambria Cross Khayat, Spain Keelan Marion Kilbane, Italy Hannah Renee Knickrehm, France Cora Knight, Australia and the Netherlands Andrew Jai Kool, Amsterdam John Samuel Jian Heng Kou, China Kendra Maria Laidig, England Autumn Paige Lawhorn, Italy Josiah James Lax, United Kingdom Megan Leaman, Ireland Hannah Elizabeth Lee, Belize Emory W. Lietz, China Faith A. Lilley, Ireland Megan Strohm Lilly, Italy Hannah E. Love, South Africa Grace Victoria Lowe, Italy Nicholas Andrew Lucas, Ireland
Cole D. Mackey, Singapore Zachary Scott Madere, Italy Kyla Rae Maloney, France and Germany Nicholas D. Margol, Australia Chrislyn Marie Marrs, Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain, and France Kynnedy M. Masheck, the Netherlands Bridget Lee McCann, Greece Amanda Ann McDaniel, Spain Grace Elizabeth McDonald, United Kingdom Griffin Conner McPhail, China Lauren Elizabeth Mendelson, Ireland Marissa Nicole Miki, Italy Madeline Vehmas Miller, Belize Matthew Thomas Morris, France Madison M. Murphy, Australia and New Zealand Julia Patricia Louise North, United Kingdom Michael Howard Oakley, Chile Sarah Michelle Opperman, Italy Caitlyn Ann Patton, Italy Madison Pius, Sweden Adrian Gray Prather, the Netherlands Krista Pulley, Germany and France Emmalee C. Rhomberg, Australia Molly Kathleen Roe, Scotland Jacob Rude, Austria Colleen Marie Sanders, Guatemala Mikaela Elyse Schmitt, Italy, Germany, and Austria Allan R. Schneider, United Kingdom, France, and the Netherlands Kyle Steven Schwartz, United Kingdom Margaret Ryan Slaughter, England Christine Rose Slover, Australia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru
Stephanie Cohane Smith, Australia Olivia Katherine Sobojinski, Costa Rica Kimberly Karen Souther, Italy Zachary Steven Spande, Ireland Mattie Jane Stautzenbach, Australia Garrett Daniel Staver, Australia Matthew Brant Stein, Amsterdam Hannah Michelle Stigter, Italy, Germany, Czech Republic, Denmark, and Sweden (GALA 2019) Katelyn A. Streit, India Jessie R. Surridge, Italy Mackenzie Farrel Summers, Ireland Jamie Ann Tarman, Germany Layla Tattersfield, England Emma Irene Thom, France Madison Kaylene Thomas, Czech Republic Wade Daniel Townsend, Australia Ian Paul Veen, Ireland Isaac D. Wall, Ireland Elise Marie Wang, Italy Samantha Jo Wendholt, Ireland and Scotland Bailey Alexandra Wendt, Costa Rica Margo Elaine Whitehead, Guatemala Courtney Paige Worley, Italy Madeline Rebecca Zatezalo, England Nicholas Arden Zeitler, England Kelsey Maryann Zetzl, Malaysia
Butler University Symphony Orchestra Michael J. Colburn, Conductor Professor of Music Jordan College of the Arts Shawn Lopez ’23 MM Graduate Student Conductor
Butler University Symphony Orchestra The audience will remain seated during the Processional.
Dr. Jonathan Sorenson Chief Faculty Marshal Professor of Computer Science
Keith R. Faller ’71, MBA ’78 Chair, Board of Trustees
Capital Warrior Battalion ROTC
Butler University Symphony Orchestra Michael J. Colburn, Conductor Butler University Chorale Dr. Eric Stark, Conductor Professor of Music Jordan College of the Arts The audience will stand and may join in the singing of the National Anthem.
Will Gigerich ’22 Student Body President
The Road Home Butler University Chorale Dr. Eric Stark, Conductor
James M. Danko President of Butler University
James M. Danko President of Butler University
ACCEPTANCE REMARKS Rasheeda Liberty and REFLECTION Grand Basileus of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Dr. Khalilah A Shabazz International Grand Anti-Grammateus of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. PRESENTATION of the CLASS
Dr. Brooke Barnett Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Craig Caldwell Dean of the Lacy School of Business Dr. Lisa Brooks Dean of the Jordan College of the Arts Dr. Margaretha Geertsema-Sligh Interim Dean of the College of Communication Dr. Brooke Kandel-Cisco Dean of the College of Education
Dr. Jay Howard Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dr. Robert Soltis ’87 Dean of the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences ALMA MATER
Butler University Chorale
Dr. Jonathan Sorenson Chief Faculty Marshal
Butler University Symphony Orchestra Family members and guests shall remain seated until the Platform Party and faculty have recessed from the main arena. American Sign Language interpretation provided by Judy Cain
ABO U T S I G M A G A MM A RH O Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. was organized on November 12, 1922, in Indianapolis, Indiana, by seven young educators: Mary Lou Allison Gardner Little, Dorothy Hanley Whiteside, Vivian Irene White Marbury, Nannie Mae Gahn Johnson, Hattie Mae Annette Dulin Redford, Bessie Mae Downey Rhoades Martin, and Cubena McClure. The group became an incorporated national collegiate sorority on December 30, 1929, when a charter was granted to the Alpha chapter at Butler University. Sigma Gamma Rho has welcomed more than 100,000 collegiate and professional women from every profession. The sorority has more than 500 chapters in the United States, Bahamas, Bermuda, Canada, Germany, South Korea, U.S. Virgin Islands, and the United Arab Emirates.
THE FOUNDERS Mary Lou Allison Gardner Little At the young age of 3, Little suffered the tragic loss of both her parents and was then raised by a family friend. She graduated from Shortridge High School in 1915 and received a diploma from the Indianapolis Normal School in 1918 when she began teaching. In 1928, Little moved to Los Angeles with her husband and finished her undergraduate training at UCLA. She taught in the Los Angeles school system until her retirement in 1967. In her honor, the Mary Lou Allison Loving Cup Award is presented at each Boule to the chapter reporting the most successful program.
Dorothy Hanley Whiteside Whiteside graduated from Shortridge High School and entered the Indianapolis Normal School in 1922. During her training as a cadet teacher, she met the teachers who became her best friends and fellow founders of the sorority. In 1951, she retired from teaching and later assisted her husband in developing a business. She also started her own millinery business and worked with her church and various organizations. After the death of her husband, she ran their business from 1955–1957, subsequently returning to teaching in 1959 before retiring again in 1970.
Vivian Irene White Marbury Marbury attended Shortridge High School and the Indianapolis Normal School. She received a bachelor’s degree from Butler University and a master’s from Columbia University in New York City. Her professional career included teaching at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Indianapolis University, Indianapolis State University, and serving as Director of Practice Training of Teachers from Butler University. She served as Principal of Indianapolis Public School #87 for 39 years. She was an active member and leader in her church and several local organizations.
Nannie Mae Gahn Johnson Johnson was a product of the Indianapolis Public School System and received both a bachelor’s and master’s degree from Butler University. In 1923, she received her first teaching assignment and over the years she was promoted to principal of one of the largest elementary schools in Indianapolis. She was also very involved with many clubs and organizations dedicated to community service and retired in 1966.
Hattie Mae Annette Dulin Redford Redford graduated from South Bend Central High School, cum laude, from Indiana State Teachers College with a bachelor’s degree, and studied at Western Reserve in Cleveland and Indiana University extension. She taught one year in Terre Haute, and 37 years in Indianapolis, Indiana. She was Grand Epistoleus, Grand Tamiochus, Financial Consultant, and received various awards and honors for her sorority service. Plaques are awarded in Redford’s name at each Boule for exhibits of chapter achievements.
Cubena McClure Cubena McClure graduated from Shortridge High School, the Indianapolis City Normal School, and attended Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. She won the Gregg Scholarship, which she planned to use to attend Columbia University. Unfortunately, illness prevented her from accepting the scholarship. McClure was talented in art and she helped to design the Sorority pin. She died very young on August 24, 1924.
Bessie Mae Downey Rhoades Martin Martin was the youngest of six children and attended grade school in Indianapolis. She graduated from the Manual Training High School and the City Teachers Normal School. Martin taught school for over 25 years. She married twice and was a devoted wife, educator, and engaged founder.
Rasheeda S. Liberty Rasheeda S. Liberty was elected the 25th International Grand Basileus of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc., during the 58th Biennial Boule on July 31, 2020. In her role, Mrs. Liberty serves as Chairman of the board of directors and is leading the organization of over 100,000 inducted members and 500 chapters worldwide, as it celebrates its 100th year in 2022. Mrs. Liberty joined Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority in 1994 at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and has since served in a plethora of leadership roles. As an acclaimed corporate leader, with 30 years of experience in delivering results for Fortune 100 companies, Mrs. Liberty currently serves as the Principal ID&E (Inclusion, Diversity and Equity) for Amazon Web Services (AWS). Mrs. Liberty is lauded by her sorority for her stewardship of the organization’s mission of enhancing the quality of life for women and their families in the US and globally.
Khalilah A. Shabazz, PhD Khalilah A. Shabazz, PhD is an Indianapolis native and serves as the International Grand Anti-Grammateus (Secretary) for Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. and is an active member of the Alpha Sigma Chapter. She grew up just steps from the Butler University campus with her great-grandmother, Vivian Irene White Marbury, one of the seven founders of the sorority. Professionally, Dr. Shabazz serves as the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at IUPUI where she spearheads the efforts to promote the success of minoritized students by coordinating institutional strategic retention and support initiatives. She holds a master’s and doctorate in Higher Education from Indiana University with a 20-year progressive career in higher education administration and teaching. She is the co-pilot of a blended family with eight daughters and grandson, Brave.
May 6–7, 2022 At matriculation, students leave their families to join the Butler community. During the commencement ceremony, Butler faculty and staff present family members with their diplomas. This long-standing tradition represents the Butler community’s fond farewell, and the return of graduates to their families and to the larger communities in which they are now more prepared to work and live.
The list of degree candidates printed in this program was prepared prior to final certification and approved by the University. Unless otherwise noted, this list is tentative and does not certify completion of degree requirements or Latin honors by a particular student. 21
Butler University Wind Ensemble Michael J. Colburn, Conductor Professor of Music Jordan College of the Arts
Butler University Wind Ensemble The audience will remain seated during the Processional.
Dr. Larry Attaway Chief Faculty Marshal Professor of Dance
Howard Schrott ’76 Board of Trustees
James Howard ’22
The Road Home Butler University Chorale Dr. Eric Stark, Conductor Professor of Music Jordan College of the Arts
Professor Brenda Johnston Associate Professor of Arts Administration
Dr. Lisa Brooks Dean, Jordan College of the Arts
Professor Scott Bridge ’82, MS ’91 Instructor of Journalism College of Communication
Butler University Chorale
Dr. Larry Attaway Chief Faculty Marshal
Butler University Wind Ensemble Family members and guests shall remain seated until the Platform Party and faculty have recessed from the main arena. American Sign Language interpretation provided by Logan Thompson and Mackenzie Rhyno
Brenda Johnston Brenda Lee Johnston received a BA in Arts Management from University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and a dual master’s degree in Arts Management from Carnegie Mellon University and in Innovation and Organization of Culture and the Arts (GIOCA) from Università di Bologna in Italy. Her graduate thesis research was conducted at the Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History under the guidance of Nina Simon. Her thesis is entitled, The Roles of Museums in Communities: Social Inclusion & Community Engagement. She was the Founding Director of South Milwaukee Performing Arts Center and has served as Executive Director of Schauer Arts Center. She has worked for Milwaukee Repertory Theatre, First Stage Children’s Theatre, and Skylight Opera Theatre. She served as a Community Captain for Arts Wisconsin and serves on the Board of Directors of Kids Dance Outreach. She joined the Arts Administration faculty at Butler University in August 2015.
THE JORDAN COLLEGE of the ARTS Dr. Lisa Brooks, Dean MASTER of MUSIC **Seth David Allen, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Music Composition Christian Gordon Beachum, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Music Education **Carly Sage Erst, Anderson, IN Graduate Major: Music Composition Amber C. Everling, Chicago, IL Graduate Major: Music Performance **Allison Renee Fojo, Avon, IN Graduate Major: Music Education Brenna R. Green, Brownsburg, IN Graduate Major: Piano Pedagogy Jeremy K. Gruner, Santa Barbara, CA Graduate Major: Music Composition Sung Yeon Kim, Greenwood, IN Graduate Major: Music Performance Johanna Marvin Kitchell, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Music Education Todd Eric McCready, Fishers, IN Graduate Major: Music Education **Kameron Z. Mechling, Anderson, IN Graduate Major: Music Composition Paige Christine Rauschuber, Greenwood, IN Graduate Major: Music Education **Joanna Luisi Reinhardt, Fishers, IN Graduate Major: Music Performance Xavier A. Robertson, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Music Performance Cassandra R. Tosh, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Music Performance
BACHELOR of ARTS Sedna Deneb Bello Cordova, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Art + Design Rozlyn Clair Bishop, Larwill, IN Theatre Minor: Business Administration Genevieve Grace Bolton, Lutherville Timonium, MD Dance Pedagogy
Madison Kaiya Davies, Parker, CO Cum Laude, Theatre Minor: English Laurie Frances Davis, Nicholasville, KY Music and French and International Studies Caroline Elizabeth Duncan, Zionsville, IN Art + Design Minor: Physics Sula Frausto, Denver, CO Cum Laude, Dance Pedagogy Anna Grace George, Denver, CO Art + Design Brookelynne Nicole George, Pendleton, IN Theatre and Political Science Olivia Eileen Heinecke, Sisseton, SD Magna Cum Laude, Art + Design Minor: Chemistry and Neuroscience Natalie H. Heller, Milwaukee, WI Cum Laude, Music and Psychology Minor: German Alana Irene Hernley, Goshen, IN Cum Laude, Theatre Minor: Psychology Abigail C. Hopkins, Camargo, IL Music and Psychology Kerrigan Ruth Howard, Indianapolis, IN Theatre Josiah James Lax, Middletown, RI Cum Laude, Dance Pedagogy Langford Moore Lessenberry, Glasgow, KY Cum Laude, Music and Digital Media Production Josephina R. Levin, Wheeling, IL Art + Design and English Minor: Digital Media Production Max Stanley Lippman, Saint James, NY Cum Laude, Dance Pedagogy Emily Marie Macks, Bloomfield Hills, MI Cum Laude, Theatre Minor: Journalism
* Expected degree completion, August 2022 • ** Completed degree requirements December 2021
Jaclyn Gilberte Mahon, Greenfield, IN Cum Laude, Theatre Minor: Strategic Communication
Catherine R. Ripley, Bethesda, MD Cum Laude, Dance Performance and Statistics
Chrislyn Marie Marrs, West Terre Haute, IN Art + Design Minor: Strategic Communication
Shannon Kathleen Mitchel, Fountaintown, IN Theatre and Digital Media Production Minor: German Trevor Dean Pletcher, Plymouth, IN Theatre Jannelyn Santos, Indianapolis, IN Art + Design Minor: Biology Kevin James Shannon, Naperville, IL Cum Laude, Theatre and Digital Media Production
Michael James Ellis, Fishers, IN Music Performance Nicole Riann Felker, Indianapolis, IN Cum Ladue, Music Performance Nicholas Gundersen, Noblesville, IN Music Education Justin A. Heasley, Fishers, IN Cum Laude, Music Education Brooke Amelia Heitman, Roselle, IL Cum laude, Music Education *James J. Howard, Indianapolis, IN Music Education
Sarah Taylor Stahovich, Lancaster, PA Cum Laude, Dance Pedagogy
Hannah Renee Knickrehm, Carmel, IN Music Education
Toran Stone Thompson, Greenwood Village, CO Music and International Business Minor: Music Industry Studies
Alexander Arthur James McGrath, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Music Composition and Computer Science
Victoria Nicole Turner, Camby, IN Cum Laude, Theatre
Griffin Conner McPhail, Avon, IN Cum Laude, Music Education Minor: Diverse Learners and Music Industry Studies
Shelby Elaine Wierman, San Diego, CA Cum Laude, Dance Pedagogy Mark Wesley Winchester, Nolensville, TN Music Minor: French Jade Alexis Woo, Mc Henry, IL Music and Biology
BACHELOR of FINE ARTS Meghana L. Bendre, Naperville, IL Cum Laude, Dance Performance Minor: Education Sophia Michele Ciokajlo, Stamford, CT Magna Cum Laude, Dance Performance and Political Science Gillian Kali-Anne Dash, Boalsburg, PA Dance Performance Minor: History Scholarstica Temitope Idjagboro, New Market, MD Dance Performance and Mathematics
Mia Nunokawa, Indianapolis, IN Summa Cum Laude, Music Education Jonathan Chandler Padgett, Arlington, VA Cum Laude, Music Education Jenna Lynne Parsons, Greenfield, IN Music Education **Betty Jo-Ann Perry, Indianapolis, IN Music Education Claire Elaine Porter, Carmel, IN Cum Laude, Music Performance David James Richards, Granger, IN Jazz Studies Major Camille G. Ringenberg, Dickson, TN Cum Laude, Music Education Alex Joseph Schildgen, Lancaster, WI Music Composition Alexander J. Sparks, Avon, IN Performance and Music Education
Elise M. Sparre, Waterford, MI Cum Laude, Music Education Katrina Lynn Stitsworth, Frankfort, IN Cum Laude, Music Education Sophia Pudlowski Strasheim, Saint Louis, MO Cum Laude, Performance and Music Education Minor: Diverse Learners
Chyna Nicole Clark, Chattanooga, TN Dance Arts Administration Minor: Strategic Communication *Marie Ranette Gray, Indianapolis, IN Arts Administration
Samantha Svare, Deland, FL Cum Laude, Music Education
Cora Knight, Crown Point, IN Cum Laude, Arts Administration Minor: Strategic Communication
Carmela Jo Thiele, Minneapolis, MN Cum Laude, Music Education
Jose Emilio Martinez, Indianapolis, IN Arts Administration
Kathryn Grace Tuttle, Columbus, IN Music Performance Minor: French
Erin Leigh Mast, Chagrin Falls, OH Cum Ladue, Arts Administration Minor: Strategic Communication
Nicolas Widel, Indianapolis, IN Music Performance Minor: German
Conor Joseph Owens, Chicago, IL Arts Administration
Emily Anne Willoughby, Pendleton, IN Cum Laude, Music Education *Antony Keith Winfrey, Indianapolis, IN Music Education Kelsey Maryann Zetzl, Hagerstown, IN Summa Cum Laude, Performance and Music Education Minor: Mathematics
BACHELOR of MUSICAL ARTS Katherine L. Fehan, Dallas, TX Cum Laude, Musical Arts Minor: Theatre Sophia N. Greene, Fairfield, CT Musical Arts Grace Louise Higgerson, Belleville, IL Cum Laude, Musical Arts
BACHELOR of SCIENCE Alexis Lynne Arthur, Ellettsville, IN Arts Administration Minor: French Mitchell Dimitry Bennett, Crystal Lake, IL Cum Laude, Arts Administration and Spanish Minor: Business Law
Reyna del Carrillo Narro, Mexico Cum Laude, Dance Arts Administration and Psychology
Mikaela Elyse Schmitt, Stilwell, KS Cum Laude, Arts Administration Minor: Strategic Communication Kieran Shay, Zionsville, IN Arts Administration Megan E. Sheeley, Indianapolis, IN Arts Administration Brian Morris Sonderegger, Palatine, IL Cum Laude, Arts Administration Minor: Strategic Communication *Jamie Ann Tarman, Goshen, IN Arts Administration **Sarah Elizabeth Tewes, Indianapolis, IN Arts Administration Anna Caroline White, Avon Lake, OH Cum Laude, Arts Administration Minor: History Amy Jean Whittemore, West Brookfield, MA Cum Laude, Dance Arts Administration Minor: Business Administration
Butler University Wind Ensemble Michael J. Colburn, Conductor Professor of Music Jordan College of the Arts
Butler University Wind Ensemble The audience will remain seated during the Processional.
Dr. Kristin Swenson Chief Faculty Marshal Professor of Communication & Media Studies
Chris Gahl ’00 Board of Trustees
Marcos Navarro Garcia ’22
The Road Home Butler University Chorale Dr. Eric Stark, Conductor Professor of Music Jordan College of the Arts
Dr. Tatsiana Karaliova Assistant Professor, Journalism
Dr Margaretha Geertsema-Sligh Interim Dean College of Communication
Professor Ann Bilodeau Lecturer Communication Sciences & Disorders College of Communication
Butler University Chorale
Dr. Kristin Swenson Chief Faculty Marshal
Butler University Wind Ensemble Family members and guests shall remain seated until the Platform Party and faculty have recessed from the main arena. American Sign Language interpretation provided by Judy Cain
Dr. Tatsiana Karaliova Dr. Tatsiana Karaliova is Assistant Professor of Journalism at Eugene S. Pulliam School of Journalism and Creative Media and faculty adviser for The Butler Collegian newspaper. She received her master’s degree in Journalism at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and her doctorate in Journalism at the University of Missouri School of Journalism. Her professional experience includes working as a reporter and editor in several newspapers and a magazine in Eastern Europe and the U.S. Her research focuses on issues related to journalism and democracy and was published in leading communication journals. At Butler, she teaches courses on reporting and writing, multimedia journalism, and global media. In her courses, she introduces innovative journalistic tools, such as drone journalism and immersive storytelling technologies.
THE COLLEGE of COMMUNICATION Dr. Margaretha Geertsema-Sligh, Interim Dean MASTER of SCIENCE Clinton Bobb, Westfield, IN Graduate Major: Strategic Communication: PR and Advertising
Joseph Paul Wohlhieter III, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Strategic Communication: PR and Advertising
Jamie Page Dilk, McCordsville, IN Graduate Major: Strategic Communication: PR and Advertising
Devin E. Abell, Lindenhurst, IL Sports Media Minor: Journalism
Gina Donahue, Plainfield, IN Graduate Major: Strategic Communication: PR and Advertising
Gabrielle Marie Allen, Decatur, IL Summa Cum Laude, Journalism and Strategic Communication
Erin Anne Earnest, Carmel, IN *James Otis Andrews, Westminster, MD Graduate Major: Strategic Communication: Sports Media PR and Advertising Maya Gauri Anjur, Lexington, KY Daniel John Harwood, Brecksville, OH Strategic Communication Graduate Major: Strategic Communication: Minor: Creative Media and Entertainment PR and Advertising Erin Nicole Arney, Indianapolis, IN Jessica Lynn Howard, Whitestown, IN Communication Sciences and Disorders Graduate Major: Strategic Communication: Minor: Special Education PR and Advertising Mild Intervention Kyle Ann Johannsen, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Strategic Communication: PR and Advertising
Thomas Baba, Broadlands, VA Organizational Communication and Leadership
Joshua Darrell Little, Louisville, KY *Charles Nishan Babikian, Northbrook, IL Graduate Major: Strategic Communication: Creative Media and Entertainment PR and Advertising Brendan Thomas Baranyai, Auburn Hills, MI Fred Steven Matos, Davie, FL Creative Media and Entertainment Graduate Major: Strategic Communication: Minor: Film Studies PR and Advertising Keelen Barlow, Indianapolis, IN Kelsey Erin O’Shaughnessy, Indianapolis, IN Journalism Graduate Major: Strategic Communication: Minor: Strategic Communication PR and Advertising Gillian Battung, Simi Valley, CA Alexandra Rudig, Elwood, IN Cum Laude, Communication Sciences Graduate Major: Strategic Communication: and Disorders PR and Advertising Minor: Creative Media and Entertainment
Emily Elizabeth Salzmann, Fort Wayne, IN Graduate Major: Strategic Communication: PR and Advertising
Thomas Harold Bennett, Mendham, NJ Sports Media Minor: Risk Management and Insurance
Courtney Reynolds Trachsel, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Strategic Communication: PR and Advertising
Taylor Bisson, Ft Mitchell, KY Cum Laude, Strategic Communication and Spanish Minor: Critical Communication and Media Studies
* Expected degree completion, August 2022 • ** Completed degree requirements December 2021
William OBrie Blakely, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Sports Media Minor: Creative Media and Entertainment Sarah Renee Blatt, Glen Ellyn, IL Cum Laude, Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor: Diverse Learners
Kinsey Marie Cowman, South Bend, IN Critical Communication and Media Studies Minor: Strategic Communication Macie Elaine Cress, Fremont, IN Strategic Communication
Clark Carroll Boinis, Bethesda, MD Cum Laude, Sports Media Minor: Strategic Communication
Caroline Margaret Crosby, Davenport, IA Cum Laude, Sports Media Minor: Journalism and Recreation and Sports Studies
Noah Brandt, Fishers, IN Music Industry Studies Minor: Data Science and Mathematics
David R. Cruz, Beach Park, IL Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor: Spanish
Kiran K. Brar, Plainfield, IN Strategic Communication Minor: Creative Media and Entertainment
Garrett E. Davis, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Critical Communication and Media Studies
Henry David Bredemeier, Columbus, OH Cum Laude, Sports Media and Journalism
Maria S. De Leon, Indianapolis, IN Critical Communication and Media Studies, Political Science, and Spanish
*Lindsey Danielle Brooks, New Haven, CT Communication Sciences and Disorders David Scott Brown, Burr Ridge, IL Journalism Minor: Web Design and Development **Nolan Francis Brown, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Strategic Communication: PR and Advertising Benjamin Edward Caylor, Fishers, IN Journalism Minor: History David Andrew Clark, Lebanon, OH Cum Laude, Sports Media Minor: Journalism Nicole Christine Clark, Saint Louis, MO Journalism Minor: Digital Media Production Sage Alexandra Clemons, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Communication Sciences and Disorders and Spanish Megan Ann Collins, Carmel, IN Critical Communication and Media Studies and Spanish Katherine Anne Cooley, Connersville, IN Cum Laude, Strategic Communication Bridget K. Corrigan, La Grange Park, IL Cum Laude, Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor: Spanish
Drew Michael DeLey, Pendleton, IN Critical Communication and Media Studies Nicholas Kent Denbow, Gallipolis, OH Digital Media Production Minor: Film Studies Tori A Dennis, Indianapolis, IN Strategic Communication and Creative Media and Entertainment Kathryn K. DesBiens, Elmhurst, IL Summa Cum Laude, Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor: Diverse Learners *Danielle Lane Deuschle, Zionsville, IN Strategic Communication: PR and Advertising Chloe Dluger, Crystal Lake, IL Cum Laude, Strategic Communication Jordan Marie DuShane, Arlington Heights, IL Cum Laude, Strategic Communication and Political Science Minor: Spanish Abigail Mackenzie Dunipace, Brownsburg, IN Cum Laude, Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor: Psychology Natalia June Duran, Indianapolis, IN Organizational Communication and Leadership Minor: Dance
Mary L. Dziwlik, Carmel, IN Cum Laude, Strategic Communication
Andrew John Gould, Shorewood, IL Strategic Communication and Spanish
Claire A. Edwards, Zionsville, IN Cum Laude, Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor: Sport Coaching
Zachary Frank Gruning, Carmel, IN Strategic Communication
Andrew Reed Eldridge, Trail Creek, IN Sports Media Taylor Ann Felder, Havre De Grace, MD Cum Laude, Strategic Communication John Flannery, Fairport, NY Cum Laude, Sports Media Ellen Louise Flowers, Columbus, OH Cum Laude, Music Industry Studies Minor: Critical Communication and Media Studies and Strategic Communication Kathryn Michelle Freeman, Vincennes, IN Cum Laude, Journalism and Strategic Communication Catherine Therese Fulton, Westlake, OH Summa Cum Laude, Journalism and Strategic Communication Charles Gardner, Portland, OR Strategic Communication and Spanish Conor James Garvey, Indianapolis, IN Critical Communication and Media Studies **Celia Clare Gaynor, Shelby Township, MI Summa Cum Laude, Strategic Communication and Communication Sciences and Disorders Haley Grace Germain, Chesterton, IN Cum Laude, Communication Sciences and Disorders Annie Elizabeth Giebel, Frankfort, IN Cum Laude, Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor: Special Education Mild Intervention Lauren Nicole Glenn, Vernon Hills, IL Strategic Communication **Kiersten Suzanne Glesing, Columbus, IN Cum Laude, Critical Communication and Media Studies *Bryce Jack Golden, Richmond, VA Sports Media
Jonathan Gary Gutzler, McLean, VA Sports Media Minor: Creative Media and Entertainment Jenna Paige Hadley, Pendleton, IN Cum Laude, Strategic Communication Minor: Journalism Holly Noel Hall, Simi Valley, CA Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor: Entrepreneurship and Innovation **Kelly Gunning Hallinan, West Nyack, NY Cum Laude, Sports Media Minor: Web Design and Development John Gibson Hamilton, Franklin, TN Cum Laude, Strategic Communication Samantha Emily Hartman, Deer Park, IL Cum Laude, Sports Media Minor: Business Administration and Recreation and Sports Studies Andrew Joseph Hauber, Baltimore, MD Critical Communication and Media Studies and Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Minor: Music Industry Studies William Butler Haughey, Concord, CA Sports Media Minor: Journalism Kayla Elise Hayes, St. Charles, MO Critical Communication and Media Studies Minor: Business Administration Brooke Ashley Hazel, Brownsburg, IN Cum Laude, Strategic Communication Minor: Organizational Communication and Leadership Molly Marie Healy, Oak Park, IL Strategic Communication Minor: Creative Media and Entertainment Jaycee Rae Helmer, Munster, IN Cum Laude, Creative Media and Entertainment Minor: Strategic Communication Kelly Ann Helmer, Prospect Heights, IL Strategic Communication and Music Industry Studies
Claire Ann Hickey, Oak Lawn, IL Cum Laude, Sports Media Minor: Business Law **Sidney Ilise Hill-Kartel, Champaign, IL Cum Laude, Organizational Communication and Leadership Amanda Marie Hoelzel, Orland Park, IL Cum Laude, Organizational Communication and Leadership Minor: English and French Peri Lauren Holland, Wheaton, IL Cum Laude, Communication Sciences and Disorders **Shanice Makanalani Horn, Ruskin, FL Organizational Communication and Leadership Emily Christine Jansen, Belleville, IL Cum Laude, Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor: Special Education Mild Intervention Lauren J. Kaminski, La Porte, IN Cum Laude, Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor: Special Education Mild Intervention Sydney Rose Kastelitz, Prairie Du Sac, WI Strategic Communication Minor: Chemistry Mia Diane Killilea, Granger, IN Strategic Communication Colleen Kirby, La Grange, IL Cum Laude, Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor: Special Education Mild Intervention Luke Winston Kite, Zionsville, IN Recording Industry Studies Olivia Kathleen Klafta, Evanston, IL Cum Laude, Strategic Communication Minor: Spanish Anthony Joseph Kleva, Granger, IN Cum Laude, Sports Media Minor: Strategic Communication Keyona Jo Kleva, Carmel, IN Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor: Diverse Learners and Special Education Mild Intervention
Andrew Jai Kool, Indianapolis, IN Sports Media Minor: Data Science and Esports Communication
Regan M. Koster, West Olive, MI Cum Laude, Strategic Communication Minor: Peace and Conflict Studies Susan Elaine Kramer, Pendleton, IN Cum Laude, Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor: Health Care Management Bryan Kwoun, Long Beach, CA Strategic Communication Minor: Music Industry Studies Taylor Catherine Lalevee, Bridgewater, NJ Cum Laude, Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor: Special Education Mild Intervention Olivia Rena Lamb, Greendale, IN Cum Laude, Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor: Strategic Communication John Patrick Landers, Abingdon, IL Strategic Communication Minor: Art + Design Ryan Richard Lane, Rolling Meadows, IL Digital Media Production James Tyler Langdon, Toledo, OH Music Industry Studies **Lucy Ann Laux, Portland, IN Strategic Communication: PR and Advertising Michael Young Lee, Libertyville, IL Digital Media Production and Strategic Communication Charles Phillip Levine, Oakland, CA Sports Media Minor: Digital Media Production Hannah Kim Levy, Northbrook, IL Digital Media Production and Music Industry Studies Madeline Grace Lorch, Hoffman Estates, IL Cum Laude, Strategic Communication Minor: Political Science *Zoie LeeAnn Lowe, Russiaville, IN Communication Sciences and Disorders
**Kaitlyn Grace Luft, Wildwood, MO Cum Laude, Strategic Communication and Spanish Minor: Marketing Annalisa Ruth MacAyeal, Libertyville, IL Strategic Communication Minor: Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Sydney Elaine MacNeil, Noblesville, IN Cum Laude, Journalism and Creative Media and Entertainment Sophia Rose Magill, Naperville, IL Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor: Education Joseph Austin Marra, Westfield, IN Sports Media Alexander Herndon Martin, Washington, DC Creative Media and Entertainment Minor: Political Science Amelia Maxwell, Franklin, TN Cum Laude, Creative Media and Entertainment Elizabeth Kerry Mayes, Vernon Hills, IL Communication Sciences and Disorders Molly Ann McBean, Saint Charles, IL Strategic Communication Minor: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Grace Elizabeth McDonald, Lexington, KY Cum Laude, Strategic Communication Minor: Business Law and Philosophy Pyper Jamison McDowell, Cleveland, OH Journalism Minor: Creative Media and Entertainment Kaitlin Patricia McGrath, Novato, CA Communication Sciences and Disorders Makayla Ann Melton, Indianapolis, IN Digital Media Production Tatiana Nicolette Montavon, Schaumburg, IL Cum Laude, Journalism Minor: Music Industry Studies Jenna Marie Moore, Franklin, TN Strategic Communication Minor: Journalism Margaret Frances Moore, Scottsdale, AZ Strategic Communication Minor: History
**Rhys Anthony Myers, United Kingdom Strategic Communication Minor: Sport Coaching **Holly Nagel, Seymour, IN Cum Laude, Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor: Special Education Mild Intervention Marcos Antonio Navarro García, Lafayette, IN Cum Laude, Critical Communication and Media Studies and Spanish Minor: Creative Media and Entertainment and Strategic Communication Maggie Rene Nobbe, Zionsville, IN Cum Laude, Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor: Education Colin Timothy O’Brien, Munster, IN Strategic Communication Minor: Web Design and Development John Anthony O’Neill, New York, NY Strategic Communication Shannon Rose Ogorzaly, Lincolnshire, IL Strategic Communication Minor: Digital Media Production *Ethan Daniel Paff, Valparaiso, IN Strategic Communication: PR and Advertising Emily Lorraine Parks, Jacksonville, FL Communication Sciences and Disorders Maya Karina Patel, Nashville, TN Strategic Communication Thomas George Pierce, Hinsdale, IL Strategic Communication Minor: Marketing Marysa Luellen Pike, Indianapolis, IN Music Industry Studies Minor: Creative Media and Entertainment Adrian Gray Prather, Louisville, KY Critical Communication and Media Studies and Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies John Preston, Columbus, OH Recording Industry Studies David E. Quintanilla, Garden Grove, CA Sports Media Minor: Strategic Communication
Gregory D. Raymond, Greenwood, IN Cum Laude, Communication Sciences and Disorders Riley Elizabeth Reddan, Kalamazoo, MI Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor: Psychology Samuel David Reel, Urbana, IL Sports Media Minor: Strategic Communication Caroline Ann Richardson, Cedar Rapids, IA Cum Laude, Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor: Special Education Mild Intervention
Molly Rose Stern, Springfield, IL Cum Laude, Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor: Psychology Rabby Sung, Camas, WA Cum Laude, Organizational Communication and Leadership Jessie R. Surridge, Chicago, IL Strategic Communication: PR and Advertising **Claudia Danielle Swinford, Elwood, IN Cum Laude, Strategic Communication Minor: Organizational Communication and Leadership
Madeline Kinder Richey, Zionsville, IN Cum Laude, Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor: Psychology
Christopher Edward Tarvardian, Indianapolis, IN Journalism Minor: Political Science
Hannah Joy Richmond, Greenwood, IN Cum Laude, Strategic Communication Minor: Business Administration
Dalena Phan Trinh, Fort Wayne, IN Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor: Diverse Learners
**Caroline Jane Robinson, Saint Paul, MN Music Industry Studies Jamilyn Robinson, Gonzales, LA Strategic Communication Minor: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Hailea M. Royce, Franklin, TN Digital Media Production Minor: Art + Design and Entrepreneurship and Innovation
**Molli Ann Tyska, Northfield, IL Cum Laude, Organizational Communication and Leadership Minor: Marketing Maria Catherine Uebelhor, Jasper, IN Strategic Communication Minor: Creative Media and Entertainment Lauren F. Varvir, Indianapolis, IN Strategic Communication
Zachary G. Rushing, Carmel, IN Communication Sciences and Disorders
Matthew C. Vick, Darien, IL Creative Media and Entertainment
Kavon Samuels, Indianapolis, IN Sports Media Minor: Sport Coaching
Samantha Christine Walkoff, Ballwin, MO Cum Laude, Strategic Communication and Creative Media and Entertainment
Colleen Marie Sanders, Boggstown, IN Communication Sciences and Disorders Anastasia Liljana Savich, Macomb, MI Strategic Communication Minor: Marketing Katherine Rae Slywka, Ada, MI Cum Laude, Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor: Diverse Learners Matthew Brant Stein, Wabash, IN Sports Media
**Alexis Wallman, Bargersville, IN Cum Laude, Digital Media Production Minor: English Henry D. Weinberg, Chesterton, IN Strategic Communication Minor: Entrepreneurship and Innovation **Kealy Kasson Welage, Cincinnati, OH Cum Laude, Music Industry Studies **Payton Reese Wesley, Lucas, OH Music Industry Studies Minor: Marketing
Frances Brish Wilson, Leawood, KS Cum Laude, Journalism and Spanish Minor: Digital Media Production Maxwell Alexander Wing, Columbus, OH Cum Laude, Strategic Communication Minor: Creative Media and Entertainment Abigail R. Wyant, Westfield, IN Communication Sciences and Disorders Sofia Rose Yarbrough, Fort Worth, TX Cum Laude, Strategic Communication Eric Martin Young, Bridgewater, VA Cum Laude, Sports Media Minor: Journalism Madeline Rebecca Zatezalo, Strongsville, OH Cum Laude, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Butler University Wind Ensemble Michael J. Colburn, Conductor Professor of Music Jordan College of the Arts
Butler University Wind Ensemble
Dr. Lawrence Lad Chief Faculty Marshal Associate Professor of Management
Jeffrey Blade ’83 Board of Trustees
Tess McTeague ’22
The Road Home Butler University Chorale Dr. Eric Stark, Conductor Professor of Music Jordan College of the Arts
Lisa Hines Lecturer, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Dr. Craig Caldwell Dean, Lacy School of Business
Professor Ann Bilodeau Lecturer Communication Sciences & Disorders College of Communication
Butler University Chorale
Dr. Lawrence Lad Chief Faculty Marshal
Butler University Wind Ensemble
The audience will remain seated during the Processional.
Family members and guests shall remain seated until the Platform Party and faculty have recessed from the main arena. American Sign Language interpretation provided by Judy Cain
Lisa Hines Lisa Hines is a lecturer in the Entrepreneurship and Innovation department of Butler University’s Lacy School of Business. She teaches courses in entrepreneurship and marketing. Her background includes significant work experience in corporate innovation, brand management, and operations functions in multinational organizations. Hines’ entrepreneurial experience involves developing new products for major consumer package goods companies and providing marketing consultation for non-profits and small businesses. Since 2014, she has served as the faculty coordinator of the First-Year Business Experience (FBE) program, where students are exposed to various business disciplines and build team skills as they research, write, and present plans for innovative business ideas. Hines holds a BS in Accounting from Western Kentucky University and an MBA in Marketing from Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business.
THE LACY SCHOOL of BUSINESS Craig Caldwell, Dean MASTER of ARTS *Alyssa Renee Graves, East Peoria, IL Graduate Major: Management *Jamie Marie Ingram, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Management *Amber Lynn Jedamzik, Carmel, IN Graduate Major: Management *Courtney E. Jewett, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Management *Jessica Nicole Meister, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Management *Madison Rae Moore, Noblesville, IN Graduate Major: Management *Conor Daniel Naughton, Northville, MI Graduate Major: Management *Sarah Annette Quebe, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Management *Stephanie Elisa Rodriguez, Batavia, IL Graduate Major: Management *Samuel Long Sturtevant, Plymouth, IN Graduate Major: Management *Eloise C Sureau, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Management *Jamilah Brienna Watkins, Olathe, KS Graduate Major: Management
MASTER of SCIENCE **Devon Bellamy, Lexington, KY Graduate Major: Risk and Insurance **Matthew Jordan Darr, Odessa, FL Graduate Major: Risk and Insurance **Camilo Escobar, Miami, FL Graduate Major: Risk and Insurance **Amanda R. Gilbreaith, Van Horne, IA Graduate Major: Risk and Insurance
**Shaine Jeffrey McCluskey, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Risk and Insurance **John R. Newlin, Lafayette, IN Graduate Major: Risk and Insurance **Kurt Louis Olsen, Bloomington, IL Graduate Major: Risk and Insurance **Tabitha Adams Richardson, Denton, TX Graduate Major: Risk and Insurance **Mitchell Adams Urankar, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Risk and Insurance
MASTER of BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Shawn David Aitken, Zionsville, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration **Irshaid Altayeb, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration Aishariya Bandy Alvarez, Fishers, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration Mario Barrios-Chavez, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration **Jonathan Besselink, Kingston, Canada Graduate Major: Business Administration Joseph Edward Blake, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration Griffin Lee Blunk, Avon, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration Christopher Joseph Bollinger, Medina, OH Graduate Major: Business Administration Trevor Scott Butler, Carmel, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration Simon Bédard, France Graduate Major: Business Administration Harriet Elizabeth Davies, Santa Clara, CA Graduate Major: Business Administration
**Nathan Andrew Logan, Avon, IN Graduate Major: Risk and Insurance
*Pierre-Louis Paul-Marie Detourbe, Saint Pol Sur Ternoise, France Graduate Major: Business Administration
**Leonor Lopez, Miami, FL Graduate Major: Risk and Insurance
Andrew Joseph Farmer, Carmel, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration
* Expected degree completion, August 2022 • ** Completed degree requirements December 2021
*Jordan Spenser Garrett, Westfield, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration
Jesse James Renfroe, Carmel, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration
**Jonathan Lee Gerber, Westfield, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration
Haylie Runge, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration
Cameron S. Gill, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration
**Derrik A. Smits, Whitestown, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration
Grace Page Grzybek, Inverness, IL Graduate Major: Business Administration
**Christopher Ellis Starleaf, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration
*Jason A. King, Carmel, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration
Victoria Kathleen Stout, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration
**Nathan Daniel Lashbrook, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration
Spencer W. Tanaka, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration
Cole D. Mackey, Shelbyville, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration
Maxwell William Tucker, Evansville, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration
Kyla Rae Maloney, Brownsburg, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration
Kameron Roger Utter, McCordsville, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration
**Lee Mejean, Plainfield, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration
Aaron Joseph Wentzlof, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration
*Eric Stevens Mercer, Zionsville, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration
*Riley Jacob Woodruff, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration
Lori Michelle Miller, Carmel, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration
Cory Nation, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration
*Evan Matthew Byrne, Ireland Graduate Major: Accounting
*Emily Drew Neher, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration
*Emma G. Denney, Clayton, IN Graduate Major: Accounting
**Michael Francis Nitowski, Westfield, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration
**Gregory A. Drake, Westfield, IN Graduate Major: Accounting
Michael Howard Oakley, Westfield, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration **Austin Michael Olvey, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration Rayna Oosterhuis, Canada Graduate Major: Business Administration
**Jacob B. Harmon, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Accounting **Bradley J. Huth, Burr Ridge, IL Graduate Major: Accounting Nicholas Andrew Lucas, West Des Moines, IA Graduate Major: Accounting
*Nicholas Ortega, Tampa, FL Graduate Major: Business Administration
Kiley Elizabeth Miller, Carmel, IN Graduate Major: Accounting
**Robert I. Osborne, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration
Jacqueline Nichole Morefield, Beech Grove, IN Graduate Major: Accounting
*Thomas Anthony Pitkin, Romford, United Kingdom Graduate Major: Business Administration Rehan Hussain Qureshi, Westfield, IN Graduate Major: Business Administration
**Sydney Tabitha Neglia, Hopatcong, NJ Graduate Major: Accounting Kayleah M. Ortiz, Chicago, IL Graduate Major: Accounting
**Gavin Reed Parish, Columbia City, IN Graduate Major: Accounting Braden Jeron Pershing, Greencastle, IN Graduate Major: Accounting **Robert Bennett Petrakis, Peoria, IL Graduate Major: Accounting **Regan Marie Pollard, Westerville, OH Graduate Major: Accounting Kayla Lynn Reeves, Des Plaines, IL Graduate Major: Accounting Abby Elizabeth Schifeling, Peoria, IL Graduate Major: Accounting Mackenzie Farrel Summers, West Chicago, IL Graduate Major: Accounting Ian Paul Veen, Speedway, IN Graduate Major: Accounting Victoria Rose Whyde, Greenfield, IN Graduate Major: Accounting *Nicholas Arden Zeitler, Valparaiso, IN Graduate Major: Accounting
BACHELOR of SCIENCE Tawfik Ali Abedali, Carmel, IN International Business Minor: Economics Zayna Qusaiah Abu-Salih, Fishers, IN Marketing Minor: Health Care Management **Devin Aguilar, Valrico, FL Finance **Tanner Neil Aichele, Fort Wayne, IN Finance **Claire Caralese Arick, Carmel, IN Risk Management and Insurance and Marketing Nila Marie Arnett, Indianapolis, IN Marketing and Finance **Jennifer Danielle Bair, Indianapolis, IN Risk Management and Insurance Samuel Thomas Bannon, Pendleton, IN Marketing Gray Elliott Barnes, Saint Louis, MO International Business and Marketing
Griffin Trey Beck, Indianapolis, IN Finance and Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Kaitlyn Janelle Beebe, Hudson, OH Cum Laude, Accounting and Risk Management and Insurance Olivia Rose Beeman, Chagrin Falls, OH Accounting Drew Berry, Naperville, IL Marketing and Entrepreneurship and Innovation *Ben Ghanem Biasbas, Naperville, IL Management Information Systems *Greer Elizabeth Bireley, Glenview, IL Accounting Logan Scott Blomberg, Springfield, IL Management Information Systems **Darren Bloomfield, Chicago, IL Risk Management and Insurance and Finance Lauren Noelle Bluthardt, Antioch, IL Cum Laude, Marketing and Management Information Systems Jack Benedict Boetscher, Homer Glen, IL Finance and Marketing Christopher Louis Bojdak, O’Fallon, MO Management Information Systems Minor: Data Science Tyler S. Bombacino, Plainfield, IL Marketing *Emily Thi Bostrom, McCordsville, IN International Business **Jessica Michelle Bott, Wabash, IN Marketing Jordan Brooks Bonenberger, Menomonee Falls, WI Risk Management and Insurance and Finance Minor: Data Science Matthew Cameron Boucher, Putnam, IL Cum Laude, Finance and Accounting Zachary Conor Bowe, Grosse Pointe Park, MI Marketing Allison Lane Bowen, Indianapolis, IN Marketing Minor: Psychology Hailey Ashton Bowen, Racine, WI Marketing Minor: Strategic Communication
Conner Rouillion Boyer, Litchfield, CT Finance and Risk Management and Insurance Mikayla R. Boyle, Gurnee, IL Cum Laude, Finance and Management Information Systems Minor: Spanish Jacob Edmun Brassard, Indianapolis, IN Marketing Minor: Creative Media and Entertainment Alexandra Turner Brinkman, Granville, OH Cum Laude, Marketing and Entrepreneurship and Innovation Colby D’Ambrosia Bryant, Wayland, MA Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Marketing
*Nadia Grace Cazares, Carmel, IN Marketing *Halle Propes Chapman, Goshen, KY Marketing Austin Jeffrey Clark, Union, MI Entrepreneurship and Innovation Annabella Erica Cobos, Fort Wayne, IN Magna Cum Laude, Marketing Alexander Zilka Colbert, Deer Park, IL Finance and Management Information Systems Samantha Marie Coleman, Saint Louis, MO International Business and Management Information Systems
Madison Taylor Bulkley, Mount Vernon, IN Marketing and Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Sebastian Peter-Lucas Colsman, Englewood, CO Cum Laude, Finance Minor: Music
Madison Marie Burgett, Lafayette, IN Summa Cum Laude, Marketing and Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Camdyn Thomas Considine, Mattoon, IL Marketing Minor: Strategic Communication
*Bridget Cecilia Burke, Saint Louis, MO Marketing Minor: Strategic Communication
Caroline Elizabeth Croner, Zionsville, IN Cum Laude, Finance and Marketing Minor: Spanish
Laura Elizabeth Burnham, Carmel, IN Cum Laude, Accounting **Jacob Butler, Indianapolis, IN Finance **Collin Patrick Cahill, Fort Wayne, IN Cum Laude, Finance
Daniel J. Daily, Cincinnati, OH Marketing Minor: Sport Coaching *Quy Dang, Chicago, IL Accounting Christian Nathaniel David, Canada Marketing and International Business
Jack Murdoch Caldwell, Evanston, IL Marketing and Finance Minor: Environmental Studies
Julia Lynn Denkmann, Carmel, IN Cum Laude, Finance and Spanish
Nathan Robert Carnes, French Lick, IN Cum Laude, Marketing Minor: Art + Design
Colin Jeffrey Dennis, Rowley, MA Marketing Minor: Strategic Communication
Nathan Carpenter, Westfield, IN Finance
Sarika Dev, Aurora, IL Cum Laude, Marketing Minor: Strategic Communication
Jordan Anthony Caselberry, Prairie View, IL Marketing **Brian Michael Casey, Fenton, MI Accounting William Brian Cassner, Hillsboro, OH Cum Laude, Accounting and Finance **Caden Castellon, Canal Winchester, OH Cum Laude, Finance
Michael Ryan Dickson, Chester Springs, PA Finance and Marketing Minor: Data Science **Jessica Elizabeth Dreher, Saint Louis, MO Cum Laude, Finance and Risk Management and Insurance William Francis Dunleavy, Brookfield, IL Finance Minor: Data Science
Brenna Kathleen Dunn, Bourbonnais, IL Marketing Minor: Strategic Communication Michael Elmer Dunn, Fort Thomas, KY Risk Management and Insurance and Finance **Ryan William Dunn, Ada, MI Finance Olivia Wynter Durham, Indianapolis, IN Management Information Systems Abigail Ellen Dvorak, Aurora, IL Finance and Risk Management and Insurance Caroline Rose Elmer, Fort Wayne, IN Cum Laude, Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Management Information Systems Adam Neal Engleking, Paoli, IN Risk Management and Insurance and Finance Colton Ryan Falco, Hoffman Estates, IL Accounting Madison Michelle Farron, Wading River, NY Accounting Minor: Management Information Systems
Chad D. Hansen, Grand Rapids, MI Risk Management and Insurance and International Business Minor: Spanish **Chase Philip Harlan, Dayton, OH Finance Olivia Ann Hartel, Springfield, IL Cum Laude, Marketing Minor: Management Information Systems Andrew Michael Hasik, Carmel, IN Marketing and Economics and Spanish Erin Charlotte Haugh, Hudson, WI Marketing and Entrepreneurship and Innovation **Zoe Marie Havens, O Fallon, IL Cum Laude, Accounting **George Hawkes, Glenview, IL Accounting Julia Joyce Hayes, Brentwood, TN Cum Laude, Marketing Minor: Strategic Communication
Cooper Beckett Fossum, Madison, WI Accounting and Finance
Brendan Robert Hesch, Granger, IN Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Risk Management and Insurance
Ryan Michael Frederick, Sun Prairie, WI Finance
Emily Marie Hickox, Ada, MI Marketing
Robert Michael Frieling, Holland, MI Finance Emily Alexandra Gasparro, Glen Ellyn, IL Cum Laude, Marketing Minor: Strategic Communication Gregory Stephen Gilbert, Westerville, OH Finance and Risk Management and Insurance
**Brendan Hicks, Bedford, NH Cum Laude, Finance and Accounting Minor: Spanish Lindsay Nicole Hiller, Naperville, IL Marketing Minor: Strategic Communication Jack Rocco Hoaglin, Albion, MI Cum Laude, Finance
**Anthony Joseph Gilyan, Chesterton, IN Accounting
Lucas John Hofrichter, Vista, CA Marketing
Joseph Michael Glasby, Hinsdale, IL Finance and Marketing
Mitchell Paul Holderby, Crown Point, IN Accounting and Management Information Systems
Ryan Odonell Graham, Lake Forest, IL Marketing Minor: Strategic Communication Charles William Griswold, North Aurora, IL Marketing and Finance
**Tamryn Li Gromley, Normal, IL Cum Laude, Marketing
*Austin J. Holley, Zionsville, IN Accounting Matthew Butler Holmes, Terre Haute, IN Marketing and Management Information Systems
Jake Hoppman, Grand Rapids, MI Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Management Information Systems
John A. Kane, Arlington Heights, IL Accounting
James Matthew Horkavi, Park Ridge, IL Accounting
Nicole Renee Keller, Plymouth, IN Cum Laude, International Business and Risk Management and Insurance
Alex Christopher House, Chesterfield, MO Cum Laude, Finance
Matthew William Kentgen, Des Plaines, IL Marketing
Jacob Robert House, Chesterfield, MO Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Carson Robert Kimple, Milwaukee, WI Finance and Management Information Systems
Susanne R. Howard, Noblesville, IN International Business Minor: Ethics Nicholas A. Hughes, Broomfield, CO Cum Laude, International Business and Finance Karlie L Hutchins, Pleasant Lake, IN International Business Henry Hooker Huth, Indianapolis, IN Finance and Management Information Systems Nicole Katherine Jensen, Lake Villa, IL Cum Laude, Accounting and Economics **Steinar Jewett, Indianapolis, IN Finance Elizabeth Joanna Jira, Cleveland, OH Marketing Minor: Ethics **Alyssa A. Johnson, Edwardsville, IL Cum Laude, Finance and Economics Coleman David Johnson, Maplewood, MN International Business and Spanish **Evan Dwight Johnson, West Lafayette, IN Marketing Kendall Louise Jordan, Lake Orion, MI Cum Laude, Marketing Minor: Health Care Management Nicole Elizabeth Jordan, Saint Charles, IL Finance Minor: Health Care Management *Cole James Julian, Traverse City, MI Risk Management and Insurance Emily Christine Kacpura, Plainfield, IL Cum Laude, Risk Management and Insurance
**George Sullivan Kirch, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Finance Timothy Anthony Kisla, Western Springs, IL Finance and Marketing Connor J. Knight, Quincy, IL Cum Laude, Finance and Management Information Systems *Stephen A. Kocerha, Carmel, IN Finance **Amanda Elaine Kowalski, Arlington Heights, IL Marketing and Entrepreneurship and Innovation Matthew Joseph Kozubowski, Burbank, IL Accounting Andrew Cole Krivsky, Mount Pleasant, WI Marketing and International Business Robert Oliver Kron, Lawrence Township, NJ Management Information Systems Minor: Data Science Evan Matthew Kubiak, Neenah, WI Finance Minor: Economics Matthew David Kuster, Fishers, IN Entrepreneurship and Innovation Kendra Maria Laidig, Mishawaka, IN Cum Laude, Marketing Gina Rose Lambert, Stillwater, MN Entrepreneurship and Innovation Minor: Environmental Studies Hallie Nicole Leblebijian, Chicago, IL Marketing and Finance **Yunsun Lee, Seo-gu, Korea International Business
Ethan Gerard Lehman, Pewaukee, WI Finance and Risk Management and Insurance
Makayla Ann Masse, Almond, WI Summa Cum Laude, International Business and Finance
Peter Benjamin Lehmann, Holland, MI Finance Minor: Economics
**Mae Colleen McCarthy, Marion, IN Marketing
**Jacob Lloyd Lents, Jasper, IN Accounting Adam H. Leonard, Wheaton, IL Marketing and Management Information Systems Lucas Tsun Li, Bloomington, IL Finance and Marketing Jena Nicole Liddle, Morton, IL Cum Laude, Accounting Megan Strohm Lilly, Ada, MI Marketing Minor: Psychology Kinley Ann Longest, Zionsville, IN Risk Management and Insurance Alyssa D. MacDonald, Peoria, IL Cum Laude, Finance and Marketing Mason Floyd MacDonald, Grand Rapids, MI Finance and Marketing Logan Reed MacLean, Grosse Pointe Park, MI Finance Kevin C. Mackh, Naperville, IL Risk Management and Insurance Minor: History Victoria Nicole Maddock, Germantown Hills, IL Cum Laude, Finance and Accounting Gretchen Nicole Madonia, Springfield, IL Cum Ladue, Accounting Minor: Spanish Alexander Jason Mailloux, Indianapolis, IN Marketing Jack M. Maller, Fishers, IN Marketing Connor Logan Mara, Little Chute, WI Cum Laude, Marketing Nicholas D. Margol, Galesburg, MI Marketing Jacob N. Margroff, Cuyahoga Falls, OH Entrepreneurship and Innovation
David Walter McComb, Leo, IN Cum Laude, Finance and Risk Management and Insurance *Nicholas Robert McCrackin, Kingsport, TN Finance Madeline Jo McLain, Hellam, PA Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Marketing Teressa Kaye McTeague, Salt Lake City, UT Management Information Systems Minor: Organizational Communication and Leadership and Web Design and Development Andrew Meister, Irvine, CA Finance Carolyn Michelle Mellema, Hickory Corners, MI Cum Laude, Marketing and Finance Mackinley Thomas Menard, Commerce Township, MI Accounting Gracie Gabriella Rose Meyer, Flora, IN Marketing Minor: Human Communication and Organizational Leadership Andrew C. Michael, Carmel, IN Finance Marissa Nicole Miki, West Chicago, IL Cum Laude, Accounting and Finance Keith Tengan Money, Carmel, IN Marketing Colin Denis Mulcahy, Grosse Pointe Park, MI Marketing **Kacey Elise Mullens, Carmel, IN Cum Laude, Finance Maximilian T. Murphy, Saint Louis, MO Cum Laude, Finance Meagan Elizabeth Murphy, Glenview, IL Marketing Minor: Strategic Communication **Hannah Nabhan Nabhan, Chesterton, IN Finance
**Annie Fields Naylor, Yorba Linda, CA Cum Laude, Finance Rachael Rose Nichols, Houston, TX Marketing and Finance **Brady Nicholson, Noblesville, IN Entrepreneurship and Innovation Joshua Ryne Nickles, Granger, IN Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Risk Management and Insurance Zachary O’Connor, Columbus, IN Finance and Risk Management and Insurance Brian O’Loughlin, Saint Louis, MO Cum Laude, Marketing and Finance Alexandria Nicole Olson, Goshen, IN Accounting and Marketing Minor: Spanish Nicholas Orlando, North Aurora, IL Finance Minor: Economics *Maxwell Ortolano, Chicago, IL Finance and Chemistry Minor: Mathematics Nicholas James Ottolino, Indianapolis, IN Accounting
Malayna Eve Pottschmidt, Fishers, IN Cum Laude, Accounting Jackson Edward Prather, Avon, IN Management Information Systems Minor: Music Industry Studies *Nicolas Antonio Pugliese, Minneapolis, MN Finance Eva Kathryn Ranquist, Downers Grove, IL Marketing Minor: French Alexander Thomas Reinke, Racine, WI Accounting Noah Ethan Reinstein, Vernon Hills, IL Cum Laude, Risk Management and Insurance and Economics Claire Marie Requet, Eden Prairie, MN Marketing and Entrepreneurship and Innovation *Mark Daniel Roberds, Indianapolis, IN Accounting Minor: Management Information Systems Ryan Franklin Roegner, Naperville, IL Finance Sydney Suzanne Rogers, Noblesville, IN Marketing
Kyle B. Palmer, Portage, MI Cum Laude, International Business and Marketing
**Allie Marie Rosati, Crystal Lake, IL Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Finance
Michael Edward Parker, Carmel, IN Magna Cum Laude, Marketing
*Emily Anne Rose, Carmel, IN Finance
Makenzie Lynn Patberg, Columbus, IN Marketing
Adam Samuel Rosenzweig, Mineola, NY Risk Management and Insurance and Marketing
**Kanisha Kalpesh Patel, Chesterton, IN Finance Dylan Paulsell, Macomb, MI Finance and Accounting **Gracen M. Perdue, Lafayette, IN Cum Laude, International Business *Emily Maria Perrelle, Terre Haute, IN Entrepreneurship and Innovation Christina Marie Pirrello, Darien, IL Marketing and Entrepreneurship and Innovation Lauren Svetlana Piskorski, Hinsdale, IL Marketing
*Madison Ross, Brownsburg, IN Accounting Minor: Spanish Thomas Christopher Rousseau, Austin, TX Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Finance *Jacob Cyr Rude, Fort Wayne, IN Accounting **David M. Rumptz, Spring Lake, MI Risk Management and Insurance **Emma Katherine Ryan, Newburgh, IN Marketing
Anna Elizabeth Schaupp, Wilmette, IL Cum Laude, Marketing and Finance Minor: Creative Media and Entertainment
Joseph Milton Silva, Hinsdale, IL Marketing and Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Ethan Thomas Schipp, Carmel, IN Cum Laude, Finance
Hannah Sittloh, Richmond, IN International Business and Management Information Systems
Kirsten Rachel Schmidt, Saint John, IN Marketing Justin Joseph Schutt, Naples, FL Cum Laude, Marketing and Risk Management and Insurance **Austin James Schwantz, Palatine, IL Accounting and Finance **Kyle Steven Schwartz, Fenton, MO Cum Laude, Finance and Management Information Systems Lindsey Renee Schwartz, Fenton, MO Marketing and Finance Anthony Graham Scortino, Pewaukee, WI Finance and Risk Management and Insurance **Christopher Trevor Scott, Carmel, IN Finance
Alexander Skinner, Danville, IN Cum Laude, Marketing Jacob Jeffrey Skolak, Plainfield, IL Cum Laude, Finance and Risk Management and Insurance Margaret Ryan Slaughter, Lake Bluff, IL Cum Laude, Risk Management and Insurance Minor: Actuarial Science Natalia Irena Slowinski, Lake Villa, IL Marketing Peyton Noel Smiddy, Morrow, OH Management Information Systems
Renee Imani Scott, Gary, IN Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Marketing
Andrew Eric Smith, Wilmette, IL Management Information Systems and Finance Minor: Data Science
Tyler Joseph Scurry, Peoria, IL Finance
Emily Smith, Indianapolis, IN International Business
Kyndall Rylee Selch, Indianapolis, IN Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Marketing
Amanda Ann Sowske, Naperville, IL Cum Laude, Accounting Minor: Management Information Systems and Spanish
Cameron Ewing Shank, Huntertown, IN Marketing and Finance Sonya Sophia Sharfaei, Oak Brook, IL Marketing Minor: Health Care Management Jacob Michael Shetterly, Elkhart, IN Marketing Minor: Strategic Communication Abby Jo Shorter, Indianapolis, IN Risk Management and Insurance *Ethan W. Sickels, Carmel, IN Accounting Stefano Siegler Marques Batista, Carmel, IN Cum Laude, Finance and Management Information Systems
Timothy Sivesind, Naperville, IL Risk Management and Insurance Minor: Strategic Communication
Kathryn Emma Pfau Sparrow, Floyds Knobs, IN Marketing and Entrepreneurship and Innovation *Rhiley Maren Sperry, Westfield, IN Accounting *Skyler Joseph Spetter, Bargersville, IN Finance Chad Steven Spinozza, Libertyville, IL Finance Fiona Nicole Spuria, Park Ridge, IL Entrepreneurship and Innovation *Owen Stantial, Beverly, MA Risk Management and Insurance
**Garrett Daniel Staver, Bloomington, IL Finance
*Brenden Tyler Venis, Pinehurst, N Cum Laude, Finance
Gavin T. Stein, Athens, PA Marketing
*Jorge Veraza, Lafayette, CO Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Domenic Michael Stornant, Grand Rapids, MI Finance
*Jordan William Vergollo, Ann Arbor, MI International Business
Erin Caitlin Straka, Park Ridge, IL Marketing and Management Information Systems Alexis Ann Stuckey, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Finance Minor: Spanish Bayley Elizabeth Stuckey, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Marketing and Risk Management and Insurance Malcolm Sullivan, Libertyville, IL Finance Raymond Robert Sullivan, Lemont, IL Finance and Marketing James Edward Sweeney, Vestavia, AL International Business and Accounting **Arie Noah Sztainberg, Northbrook, IL Management Information Systems Michael Richard Tanaka, Wilmette, IL Finance Layla Tattersfield, Cornelius, NC Finance **Madison Kaylene Thomas, Paris, IL Management Information Systems **Nicholas Earl Thrasher, Saint John, IN Finance **Graham Christopher Toole, Vincennes, IN Finance Stephanie Tran, Fishers, IN Management Information Systems Benjamin Alan Treece, Carmel, IN Accounting *Jessica Ann Tyler, Indianapolis, IN Management Information Systems Kylen Otto Ulrey, Henderson, NV Finance and Marketing Sophia Marie Van Slyke, Peoria, IL Cum Laude, Marketing Minor: Spanish
Josie Michelle Voris, Carmel, IN Magna Cum Laude, International Business Minor: Creative Media and Entertainment Alexander John Voss, South Bend, IN Accounting and Risk Management and Insurance Sara Elizabeth Wajda, Fishers, IN Marketing Maurice Frank Walker, Portage, IN Marketing Minor: Management Information Systems and Strategic Communication Kaitlin Corbett Walper, Ann Arbor, MI Cum Laude, Marketing and Finance Minor: Environmental Studies Colleen Margaret Waltman, Wilmette, IL Marketing Minor: Art + Design Connor Nicholas Waltz, San Antonio, TX Risk Management and Insurance *Spencer Wand, Indianapolis, IN Marketing William Joseph Washington, Porter Ranch, CA International Business **Barek Timmerman Webb, Brownsburg, IN Economics Emmett William Weil, Chagrin Falls, OH Accounting Zachary T. Welch, Elmhurst, IL Management Information Systems *Alexander S. Weseman, Arlington Heights, IL Accounting *Lauren Elizabeth Weston, Indianapolis, IN Marketing Toby Patrick Whitsitt, Alexis, IL Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Marketing **Kaitlin Mary Wietecha, Mundelein, IL Cum Laude, Marketing
Joan J. Wiggins, Rochester Hills, MI Marketing and International Business Abigail E. Wild, Columbus, OH Cum Laude, Finance and Accounting Abigail Ellen Williams, Portage, MI Marketing Minor: Strategic Communication Claire Christine Williams, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Finance Marc Scott Williams, Dayton, OH Finance and Marketing Ross William Williams, Indianapolis, IN Finance **Jessica Johanna Wisniewski, Columbus, OH Cum Laude, Marketing Erica Nicole Wolfe, Grand Rapids, MI Cum Laude, Accounting and Finance **Jack Dickson Woods, Southlake, TX International Business *Walker Louis Wroblewski, Michigan City, IN Accounting **Kaitlyn Zeller, Effingham, IL Accounting
BACHELOR of SCIENCE in ECONOMICS Kaleigh Ann Biggs, Crawfordsville, IN Cum Laude, Economics and Entrepreneurship and Innovation Lauren Ann Carrier, Milwaukee, WI Economics and Finance Vincenzo Silvio Fabrizi, Strongsville, OH Economics Nadia G. Issa, Indianapolis, IN Economics and Finance Mason J. Montgomery, Dyer, IN Economics and Finance Julia Patricia Louise North, Redding, CT Cum Laude, Economics Jonathan Noah Rogers, Carmel, IN Economics and Finance Spencer M. Tinkey, Brownsburg, IN Economics and Finance
Butler University Wind Ensemble Michael J. Colburn, Conductor Professor of Music Jordan College of the Arts
Butler University Wind Ensemble The audience will remain seated during the Processional.
Dr. Lisa Farley Chief Faculty Marshal Associate Professor of Education
Bryan Brenner ’95 Board of Trustees
Grace Calabria ’22
Dr. Catherine Pangan Professor of Education
The Road Home Butler University Chorale Dr. Eric Stark, Conductor Professor of Music Jordan College of the Arts
Dr. Brooke Kandel-Cisco Dean of the College of Education
Professor Scott Bridge ’82, MS ’91 Instructor of Journalism College of Communication
Butler University Chorale
Dr. Lisa Farley Chief Faculty Marshal
Butler University Wind Ensemble Family members and guests shall remain seated until the Platform Party and faculty have recessed from the main arena. American Sign Language interpretation provided by Logan Thompson and Mackenzie Rhyno
Dr. Catherine Pangan Have you ever inflated a life-sized blue whale in a school parking lot? Talked with astronauts in real-time aboard the International Space Station with 200 third graders? Traveled back in time to visit Madame CJ Walker at the Indiana Historical Society? If you’ve had class with Dr. Catherine Hagerman Pangan—most likely you have! Dr. Pangan is a Professor in the College of Education and is honored to work with first-years through graduate students and many community partners around the city. Her work focuses on science and social studies methods, teacher leadership and innovation, and pre-service teaching. She is also an Innovation Fellow for Butler’s Transformation Lab as well as the Director for Indiana’s STEM New Educator Academy. Soon she will be adding “dinosaur hunter” after this summer in Wyoming as she develops a course of Jurassic proportions for undergrads and alumni—that means you!
THE COLLEGE of EDUCATION Dr. Brooke Kandel-Cisco, Dean MASTER of SCIENCE **Jonathan Bryan Adams, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Education Administration Melissa Marie Bryant, Franklin, IN Graduate Major: School Counseling *Christina Mary Candotti, Hoffman Est, IL Graduate Major: School Counseling **Lindsay Carl, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Education Administration *Brendan Conn, Arlington, TX Graduate Major: School Counseling **Alicia Marie Deckard, Fortville, IN Graduate Major: Education Administration Leslie Decker, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: School Counseling **Sylvia Denice, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Education Administration **Catherine Danielle Fegett, Greenwood, IN Graduate Major: Education Administration Cosette Fehribach, Ferdinand, IN Graduate Major: School Counseling **Carolyn Rae Gassmann, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Education Administration Hanako Ayada Gavia, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Effective Teaching and Leadership *Lindsay Nicole Gibson, Kokomo, IN Graduate Major: School Counseling **Elizabeth Clare Giesting, Plainfield, IN Graduate Major: Education Administration **Jessica L. Griffey, McCordsville, IN Graduate Major: Education Administration **Evan Thomas Grossman, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Education Administration **Allison Harris, Greenwood, IN Graduate Major: Education Administration **Karle Marie Hougland, Franklin, IN Graduate Major: Education Administration
**Jordan Johnson, Greenwood, IN Graduate Major: Education Administration Clifford Gordon Kocian, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: School Counseling Monique LaForce, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: School Counseling **Sara Lauerman, Chicago, IL Graduate Major: Education Administration **Sierra Kailin Mathews, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: School Counseling **Paige Alane Robbins, Evansville, IN Graduate Major: Effective Teaching and Leadership **William David Rogers, Noblesville, IN Graduate Major: Education Administration Shannon Noelle Sedgwick, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: School Counseling **Andrew James Smeathers, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Education Administration Maggie Brennan Stiller, Carmel, IN Graduate Major: School Counseling **Emily Ashton Supergan, Noblesville, IN Graduate Major: Education Administration **Rebecca S. Tippit, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Education Administration **Eric L. VanVeelen, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Education Administration **Caitlyn Auriella Hoggard Wagley, Fishers, IN Graduate Major: School Counseling Iona Colleen Wagner, Carmel, IN Graduate Major: School Counseling **Courtney Taylor Wesson, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Education Administration *Rachel Miller Williams, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: School Counseling Hannah Young, New Castle, IN Graduate Major: School Counseling
* Expected degree completion, August 2022 • ** Completed degree requirements December 2021
BACHELOR of SCIENCE Jason Kollyn All, Lafayette, IN Middle/Secondary Education Cameron Marie Bania, Saint Louis, MO Cum Laude, Middle/Secondary Education Minor: Recreation and Sports Studies and Sport Coaching *Kate M. Barbin, Wilmette, IL Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners Gretchen Frances Beatty, Winnetka, IL Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners and Special Education Mild Intervention Samuel Dean Beier, Valparaiso, IN Middle/Secondary Education Dawson Nicholas Blades, Madison, IN Cum Laude, Middle/Secondary Education Minor: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Caroline Elaine Brenner, Carmel, IN Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners Tyler Connor Brock, Millersburg, IN Cum Laude, Middle/Secondary Education Abbey Brianne Brueggemann, Orland Park, IL Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners and Early Childhood Samuel James Burchett, Fort Wayne, IN Middle/Secondary Education Madeline Rose Burke, Plainfield, IL Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners Grace Anne Calabria, Darien, IL Summa Cum Laude, Middle/Secondary Education and English Minor: Spanish Sophia Emily Charkow, River Forest, IL Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners and Special Education Mild Intervention Jamie Catherine Christian, Metairie, LA Cum Laude, Middle/Secondary Education Annabella Rose Colucci, Palatine, IL Cum Laude, Middle/Secondary Education Katlyn Crowe, West Chicago, IL Cum Laude, Middle/Secondary Education and Mathematics
Schuyler Elizabeth Cutchin, Lafayette, IN Middle/Secondary Education Minor: History
Caroline Marie Davis, Hinsdale, IL Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners Rylie Addison Day, Columbus, IN Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners and Psychology Caroline Rose Diehl, Arcadia, CA Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Art + Design and Diverse Learners *Alyssa Kathryn Donton, Long Grove, IL Middle/Secondary Education Lauren Anne Fey, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners Eduardo Gonzalez Sanchez, Highland Park, IL Middle/Secondary Education and History Minor: Spanish Renny Hagan, Miami, FL Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners and Early Childhood Noah Harrison, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Middle/Secondary Education Margo Elizabeth Hornocker, Sweetser, IN Youth and Community Development Minor: Psychology Lauren Elizabeth Hsu, Ft Mitchell, KY Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners Noah Scott Ingalls, Fortville, IN Cum Laude, Middle/Secondary Education Minor: Psychology Eva Hasseltine Jaeger, Berkeley, CA Summa Cum Laude, Middle/Secondary Education and Mathematics Madelyn Jane Jensen, Indianapolis, IN Youth and Community Development Minor: Psychology Hannah Noelle Jones, Hamilton, OH Cum Laue, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners and Spanish *Sophia Catherine Jones, Saint Louis, MO Middle/Secondary Education and German
Julia Ruth Kaufman, Skokie, IL Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners and Early Childhood
Molly Rose Moran, Glen Ellyn, IL Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners and Early Childhood
Anna Elise Kemper, Columbus, OH Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners
Megan Elizabeth Nasser, Indianapolis, IN Cum Ladue, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners
Elizabeth Dorothy Martha Knight, Bloomfield Hills, MI Youth and Community Development Minor: Spanish
Anna Kathryn Nelsen, Carmel, IN Cum Laude, Middle/Secondary Education Minor: Recreation and Sports Studies and Sport Coaching
Nina Lee Koeppen, Aurora, IL Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners
Bentley M. Oliver, Lafayette, IN Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners
Madison Anne Kryger, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners
Madison Pius, Louisville, CO Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners
Zachary James Lantz, Goshen, IN Cum Laude, Middle/Secondary Education
Molly Jo Reynolds, Terre Haute, IN Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners and Early Childhood and Special Education Mild Intervention
Luke R Manship, Morristown, IN Cum Laude, Youth and Community Development Minor: Diverse Learners and Recreation and Sports Studies Sarah Elizabeth Mapes, Indianapolis, IN Middle/Secondary Education Emma Rose Marchel, Saint Joseph, MI Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners and Special Education Mild Intervention
Emma Nicole Ross, Fishers, IN Middle/Secondary Education Brock L. Schrader, Caledonia, MI Cum Laude, Middle/Secondary Education Minor: Sport Coaching
Erin Marie Martin, Carmel, IN Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners and Early Childhood
Kailyn Heather Scobie, Glenview, IL Summa Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners and Spanish
Robert Taylor McCargar, Cumming, IA Middle/Secondary Education Minor: Sport Coaching
Elisabeth Grace Sear, Glen Ellyn, IL Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners
Caroline Rose McQueen, Franklin, IN Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners
Emilia Isabel Sexton, Louisville, KY Cum Laude, Middle/Secondary Education Minor: Sport Coaching
Miranda Malec Mejia, Chicago, IL Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners and Early Childhood
Julia Caitlin Shein, Barrington, IL Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners and Spanish
Cade Mitchell, Indianapolis, IN Middle/Secondary Education Madison Rebecca Mitchell, Florence, KY Cum laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners
Emmalee C. Rhomberg, Lake Forest, IL Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners
Craig Jordan Slupecki, Milwaukee, WI Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners
Mattie Jane Stautzenbach, Arlington Heights, IL Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners
Adeline Elizabeth Stavros, Mundelein, IL Youth and Community Development Hannah Michelle Stigter, Carmel, IN Middle/Secondary Education and English Minor: English as a New Language and Reading Teacher Secondary Kathryn Wallin Thompson, Avon, IN Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners and Spanish Kaitlyn Marie Travis, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners Lucy Fitzgerald Weyhrich, Wilmette, IL Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners and Early Childhood Ashley Renae Yeoman, Carmel, IN Cum Laude, Elementary Education Minor: Diverse Learners and Early Childhood and Spanish
Butler University Wind Ensemble Michael J. Colburn, Conductor Professor of Music Jordan College of the Arts
Butler University Wind Ensemble The audience will remain seated during the Processional.
Dr. Jonathan Sorenson Chief Faculty Marshal Professor of Computer Science
Thomas Fischer ’75 Board of Trustees
Abiodun Akinseye ’22
The Road Home Butler University Chorale Dr. Eric Stark, Conductor Professor of Music Jordan College of the Arts
Dr. Ashley C.F. Hutson Lecturer of Sociology
Dr. Jay A. Howard Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Professor Scott Bridge ’82, MS ’91 Instructor of Journalism College of Communication
Butler University Chorale
Dr. Jonathan Sorenson Chief Faculty Marshal
Butler University Wind Ensemble Family members and guests shall remain seated until the Platform Party and faculty have recessed from the main arena. American Sign Language interpretation provided by Judy Cain
Dr. Ashley Hutson Dr. Ashley Hutson is a lecturer at Butler University in the Department of Sociology & Criminology where she teaches courses in feminism, social issues, social movements, research methods, and senior research seminar, among others. She earned master’s and doctoral degrees in Sociology from the University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign. Dr. Hutson is a race, class, and gender scholar whose research and scholarship has focused on the impact of structural inequalities, like racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia, on micro-level interactions. Her primary research focuses on street harassment as viewed through the theoretical frameworks of power, control, and authority. In addition to examining street harassment in the United States, she has also coauthored a chapter focused on the experiences of migrant women in Naples, Italy, with street harassment. She is in the process of completing a study related to the gender pay gap, and in partnership with current Butler students and colleagues across the nation, she recently embarked on a multi-campus study of student perceptions of stalking in the age of social media. Dr. Hutson’s service closely aligns with her teaching, research, and scholarship. She is the current faculty advisor for three Butler student organizations: Promoting Awareness Victim Empowerment (PA|VE), Leading Women of Tomorrow, and the Student Sociology & Criminology Association. At present, she serves on a variety of committees focused on inequalities, particularly gender and racial inequalities. This past year, Dr. Hutson completed the Social Justice, Diversity, & Vocation Fellowship and she currently serves on the Sexual Misconduct Prevention Taskforce, LAS Honors Board, and Green Dot Implementation Team, among others. In April, she was elected to the advisory council for the John Henry Weidner Foundation for Altruism. This past academic year, she oversaw five honors theses in the Department of Sociology & Criminology. As she learned when students “pied” her in the face for a College Mentors fundraiser, there is very little she will not do in service of students, the University, and the discipline.
THE COLLEGE of LIBERAL ARTS and SCIENCES Dr. Jay R. Howard, Dean MASTER of FINE ARTS James Daniel Amick, Chicago, IL Graduate Major: Creative Writing
Eric Matthew Baugh, Erlanger, KY Graduate Major: Creative Writing
Noah K. Ditzler, Westfield, IN General Program
Nicole Kathleen Brooks, Lafayette, IN Graduate Major: Creative Writing
**Vincent Daniel Corsaro, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Creative Writing **Eric Logan Ellis, Zionsville, IN Graduate Major: Creative Writing Jacob John Francis Gambino, Jacksonville, FL Graduate Major: Creative Writing Melody A. Groothuis, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Creative Writing Stephanie Lynn Harper, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Creative Writing
**Aaliyah A. Coe, Indianapolis, IN General Program
BACHELOR of ARTS Abiodun E Akinseye, Indianapolis, IN Magna Cum Laude, Sociology (Social Work) and Psychology Minor: Art + Design Kathryn Maia Aldstadt, West Bend, WI Magna Cum Laude, Psychology Minor: Environmental Studies and Neuroscience
Meggyn Keeley, Salt Lake City, UT Graduate Major: Creative Writing
Eromo Antonio Aligbe, Converse, TX Science, Technology, and Society Minor: Computer Science
Haley Elizabeth Lash, Grove City, OH Graduate Major: Creative Writing
Ashley Nicole Altman, Indianapolis, IN International Studies
April M. Long, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Creative Writing
Carrie Elizabeth Arnold, Indianapolis, IN Spanish
Victoria Rose Murphy, Martinsville, IN Graduate Major: Creative Writing
Gabriella Christine Arnold, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Multilingual Minor: International Business
Christopher Rex Ryan, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Creative Writing Lisa Marie Schrad, Brownsburg, IN Graduate Major: Creative Writing Lara Jean Young, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Creative Writing
MASTER of ARTS Macey Elizabeth Jordan, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: English Molly Carter Mohrfeld, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: English
Matthew Wigelsworth, United Kingdom Graduate Major: English
*Margaret Anne Baert, Granger, IN Psychology Cole Alan Baker, Wildwood, MO Actuarial Science Minor: Business Administration and Data Science and Mathematics Emily Rose Bates, Brownsburg, IN Psychology Minor: Spanish Jannai E. Bates, River Forest, IL Political Science and International Studies
* Expected degree completion, August 2022 • ** Completed degree requirements December 2021
Lauren Michele Bear, Terre Haute, IN English Minor: Critical Communication and Media Studies and Film Studies
Joel David Carroll, Columbus, IN Actuarial Science and Statistics Minor: Business Administration and Data Science and Mathematics
Emma Grace Beavins, Franklin, IN Cum Laude, English and Spanish
Aubrey Kaylynn Cast, Anderson, IN Science, Technology, and Society Minor: Business Administration and Chemistry
Henry Bryan Bell, Granville, OH Cum Laude, Psychology and Computer Science Miriam Isabelle Berne, Evanston, IL Cum Laude, Criminology Minor: English *Paul Bertuglia, Glastonbury, CT English **Ashley Nicole Bondy, Indianapolis, IN Criminology and Psychology Minor: French **Olivia Gabrielle Bradley, Ada, MI Summa Cum Laude, Sociology Alex Christopher Brinkman, Indianapolis, IN Classics Minor: History and Political Science Adam Nathaniel Brody, Greenwood, IN Cum Laude, Actuarial Science and Statistics Minor: Business Administration and Data Science and Mathematics
**Daniela Cervantes, Warsaw, IN Cum Laude, Political Science Jacob M. Cira, Granger, IN Political Science Julius P. Clark, Zionsville, IN Cum Laude, Environmental Studies Minor: Anthropology Jorden Allen Clemens, Wanatah, IN Environmental Studies Abbey Nicole Collins, Bloomington, IL Cum Laude, Psychology Minor: Neuroscience Carly Anne Collins, Morganton, NC Cum Laude, History and Anthropology Aaron J. Conde, Avon, IN Actuarial Science and Statistics Justin Contreras, Lake in the Hills, IL Psychology and Spanish Minor: Sociology
Zakeya Brown, Indianapolis, IN English Minor: Theatre
*Jordan Elizabeth Cumpata, Elgin, IL Actuarial Science
Allison Naomi Browning, Fairfield, OH Sociology and Criminology
*Kathryn Lois Dean, Chicago, IL English
Lauren Grace Buck, Plainfield, IL Political Science Minor: Economics
*Noel J. DenHouter, Roanoke, IN Multilingual Minor: Business Administration
Elizabeth Jie Bunte, Fairfield, OH Psychology Minor: Neuroscience Eleanor Leigh Burdick, Carmel, IN Cum Laude, Political Science Jack Anthony Camp, Danville, IN Actuarial Science and Statistics Minor: Spanish Kathleen Cannataro, Lavallette, NJ Psychology *Taylor Jordan Carani, St Charles, IL English Minor: Environmental Studies
Kaitlyn Elle Diepenhorst, Zeeland, MI Anthropology and Psychology Seamus P. Donahue, Plainfield, IN Philosophy Minor: Psychology Ian G. East, Evansville, IN Cum Laude, Actuarial Science Ana Elizabeth Eichner, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, International Studies and Economics and French
Camryn Christine Ellison, Hanscom AFB, MA Anthropology Minor: Science, Technology and Society **Sophia Anne Estes, Tampa, FL Cum Laude, History and Journalism *Sarah Macklen Farris, Logansport, IN Political Science Minor: Philosophy Kaden Michael Ferguson, Channahon, IL Actuarial Science and Statistics Minor: Business Administration Elisha Mae Fieffer, Chesterton, IN Cum Laude, History and Political Science and Classics Kylie Jordyn Firestine, Fort Wayne, IN Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies and Criminology Nicholas Edward Fletcher, Elkhorn, NE Cum Laude, English and History Presley E. Fletcher, Little Rock, AR Anthropology and Psychology Minor: Neuroscience Mollie Elizabeth Flook, Fowler, IN Cum Laude, Political Science and Strategic Communication Minor: Spanish Minor Erica Jo Forehand, Morris, IL Cum Laude, Actuarial Science Minor: Business Administration Lauren Elise Frederick, Panama City, FL Criminology and Psychology Jacob Alexander French, Westfield, IN Economics Minor: Anthropology and Business Administration Sarah Nicole Fritz, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Political Science Minor: Environmental Studies and Spanish *Sidney Janelle Garner, Saint Paul, MN Criminology and Psychology Minor: English Alex Ryan Gatje, Cincinnati, OH Cum Laude, Actuarial Science and Statistics Minor: Business Administration
Avery Joseph George, River Forest, IL Psychology Minor: Computer Science Ryan G. Gernady, Lindenhurst, IL Environmental Studies William Thomas Gigerich, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Criminology Minor: Business Law and Political Science Nathan Douglas Gilmour, Wheaton, IL Cum Laude, Criminology and Psychology Minor: Spanish **Nicholas Reinke Gomez, Collierville, TN History and Political Science Minor: Business Law **Farrah Nova Goodall, Lowell, IN Cum Laude, Philosophy and Political Science Minor: Spanish Jamie Skyler Goodman, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Criminology and Psychology and Spanish Margaret Graham, Granger, IN Psychology Minor: Marketing Nathan Daniel Gray, Fishers, IN Cum Laude, Criminology and Psychology Kathryn Paige Green, Franklin, OH Spanish Minor: Education Rebecca Lynn Greenberg, Bradenton, FL Summa Cum Laude, Psychology Minor: Neuroscience Hayden Daniel Greene, Garrett, IN Cum Laude, Economics Minor: Mathematics and Sport Coaching Amber Blair Hackett, Fishers, IN Cum Laude, Political Science and Peace and Conflict Studies Minor: History Karissa A. Hair, Camby, IN Chemistry Emily G Halcomb, Mansfield, IL Sociology (Social Work) and Psychology Minor: Criminology **Caroline Elizabeth Hardesty, Louisville, KY Psychology Minor: Sociology
Logan Lee Harris, O Fallon, IL Cum Laude, Economics and Mechanical Engineering Minor: Business Administration Mary Teresa Heitkemper, University Park, MD Criminology and Psychology Rachel Shay Henderson, Greenfield, IN Psychology Minor: Biology and Neuroscience Jillian Drew Hergenrother, Pleasant Plains, IL Cum Laude, Psychology and Organizational Communication and Leadership Minor: Spanish Thomas Hale Herod, Carmel, IN Political Science Kate Hershberger, Greencastle, IN Sociology (Social Work) and Psychology Alessandra Reed Heslin, Indianapolis, IN Statistics and Political Science Minor: Data Science Raziya Makini Hillery, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Political Science and International Studies and Spanish Jasmine Ionie Hobson, Redford, MI Psychology and Classics Minor: Chemistry
*Alexandra R. Idalski, Saint John, IN English Louise Kennedy Irpino, Hinsdale, IL English Minor: Criminology TrinityJo Marie Isom, Winamac, IN Criminology and Psychology Grace Ann Jackson, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Political Science Minor: Environmental Studies Laura Skov Jensen, Chicago, IL Psychology and German Minor: Neuroscience *Sara Maria Jimenez, Fort Wayne, IN Criminology and Psychology **Madeleine Claire Jirgal, Indianapolis, IN Psychology Grace Erika Johnson, Altona, IL Magna Cum Laude, Sociology (Social Work) and Psychology Minor: Criminology Omar Kedo, Carmel, IN Cum Laude, Multilingual Eleanor Rae Kelleher, Columbus, OH Psychology and French Minor: Education
Timetric Jerome Hodges, Indianapolis, IN Sociology
Cambria Cross Khayat, Elmhurst, IL Cum Laude, International Studies and Economics and Peace and Conflict Studies Minor: Spanish
Julia Stradley Hoff, League City, TX Cum Laude, Multilingual and Peace and Conflict Studies
Keelan Marion Kilbane, Hopkins, MI Cum Laude, English Minor: Business Law
Timothy Edward Holden, Carmel, IN History and Political Science Minor: Sport Coaching
Amanda Katherine Klarin, Newport Beach, CA English
Kaela Ashlin Horan, Schererville, IN Cum Laude, History and Anthropology and Spanish
Emily N. Klemptner, Saline, MI Magna Cum Laude, English Minor: Psychology
Ryan Jay Howard, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Criminology and Psychology Minor: Business Administration
Brooke Marie Lambert, Fishers, IN Cum laude, Psychology Minor: German
Timothy R. Howard, Westfield, IN Criminology and Psychology
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Landis, Lafayette, IN Psychology and Communication Sciences and Disorders
Jadyn Alexandra Huffman, Middlebury, IN Criminology and Psychology Minor: Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration
Marissa A. Lane, Glen Ellyn, IL Psychology Minor: Biology and Spanish
Ryan Patrick Lavin, Chicago, IL Political Science Emily Elizabeth Leonard, Elmhurst, IL Cum Laude, Psychology and Criminology
Emma K. Morton, Carmel, IN Economics and Mechanical Engineering
Emory W. Lietz, Waunakee, WI Summa Cum Laude, Science, Technology, and Society and Spanish
Julianna Francis Neuger, Chatham, IL Psychology Minor: Strategic Communication
Hannah E. Love, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, International Studies and Political Science Minor: African Studies
Steven Nirenberg, Lakeland, FL Science, Technology, and Society
Benjamin William Lowry, Springfield, VA History Erin Elizabeth Mahan, Ardmore, PA Summa Cum Laude, Anthropology and International Studies Conor Martin Maloney, Park Ridge, IL Magna Cum Laude, Psychology and Political Science Hayden Burke Marshall, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, History and Political Science Minor: Education Kynnedy M. Masheck, Fishers, IN Cum Laude, Anthropology and Spanish Claire Elise Mastrandrea, East Amherst, NY Cum Laude, Actuarial Science and Statistics Minor: Business Administration and Education Bridget Lee McCann, Gypsum, CO Cum Laude, Multilingual Minor: Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration Rylee Kaye McColly-Fleener, Munster, IN Psychology Minor: Health Care Management and Neuroscience Chloe Gabrielle Meredith, Indianapolis, IN History and Political Science Minor: Business Law *Jordyn Frances Metcalfe, Monona, WI Criminology and Psychology Shelby Lynn Mohr, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Political Science and International Studies Minor: History
**Courtney Kay Morgan, Muncie, IN Sociology
Clara Angela Moore, Wheaton, IL Cum Laude, Psychology and Political Science Minor: Spanish
**Grace Marilyn Olsen, Edwardsville, IL Cum Laude, Environmental Studies Drake Mitchell Olson, Lakeville, MN Cum Laude, Philosophy and History *Jake Dawson Overman, Alexandria, IN Economics Minor: Classical Studies Savannah R. Owens, Alexandria, IN Criminology and Psychology Minor: Spanish Christopher Luis Paez Reyna, Indianapolis, IN Individualized Major Emily Marie Paff, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Anthropology and Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Minor: Political Science Maya Kemei Peterson-Womack, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Political Science and French and Peace and Conflict Studies Minor: Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies and History Anna Elaine Petr, Lincoln, NE Cum Laude, English Minor: History and Political Science Emma Languell Pippen, Carmel, IN Criminology and Psychology Jack Oliver Pitchford, Prospect, KY Political Science Minor: Spanish Michael Scott Powell, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, English Minor: Philosophy **Liam Louis Putz, Grand Rapids, MI Cum Laude, Political Science
Hannah Marie Ratzer, Cedar Rapids, IA Cum Laude, English and Critical Communication and Media Studies Michelle Reed, Palatine, IL Cum Laude, Sociology (Social Work) and Psychology Minor: Criminology Brynmar Elizabeth Rees, Muncie, IN English Lucas Edward Rhodes, Winona Lake, IN Economics **Madeline G. Riess, Brownsburg, IN Psychology Minor: History *Christina Elisa Rodriguez, Indianapolis, IN Psychology Charlize JoAnn Roe, Fishers, IN Cum Laude, English Minor: Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies LiShan Vera Rosen, Northbrook, IL Psychology Minor: Education Kody Dale Ross, Ballwin, MO Environmental Studies Samuel James Rutherford, Wilmette, IL International Studies Minor: Political Science Maxwell James Ryan, Indianapolis, IN Classics Olivia Ann Ryder, Coraopolis, PA Criminology and Psychology Minor: Spanish Ericela Yetlanezi Sahagun, Santa Cruz, CA Cum Laude, History and Anthropology Minor: Political Science
Allan R. Schneider, Indianapolis, IN Psychology Minor: Classical Studies and Neuroscience Caitlin Maria Segraves, Round Rock, TX Cum Laude, Sociology and Criminology Minor: Recreation and Sports Studies Madeline J. Sersic, Indianapolis, IN Psychology Minor: Sociology Margaret K. Seymour, Wilmette, IL Cum Laude, Psychology Minor: Diverse Learners and French Christine Rose Slover, Versailles, KY Cum Laude, Environmental Studies Stephanie Cohane Smith, San Diego, CA Cum Laude, Psychology Minor: Art History and Organizational Communication and Leadership **Karlye Alexis Sopczak, Crown Point, IN Cum Laude, History and Political Science Gabrielle Spinosa, Downers Grove, IL English Aidan Russell Strauss, Valencia, CA Cum Laude, History and Political Science Chris Strong, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, English George Owen Sullivan, Shawnee Mission, KS English and Classics Emma Irene Thom, Rochester, MN Summa Cum Laude, History and Anthropology Minor: Education Kate Ozanne Tobin, Milwaukee, WI Cum Laude, International Studies and French Minor: Business Administration
**Ashley Salazar, Westfield, IN Political Science
**Samantha Kay Totten, Hastings, MI Cum Laude, Criminology and Psychology Minor: Environmental Studies
**Hannah Salsbery, Brownsburg, IN Summa Cum Laude, English and Spanish
**Wade Daniel Townsend, Zionsville, IN Biology
Katrina Lynn Sandefer, Lady Lake, FL Summa Cum Laude, Anthropology and Multilingual Minor: English
Natalie Helen Urban, Schaumburg, IL Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies and English and Spanish
Alexandrea Kianne Schlafer, Indianapolis, IN English
Emma Grace VanDerHeyden Hoffman Estates, IL Cum Laude, Political Science and International Studies Minor: Spanish Juliann Shelley Ventura, Indianapolis, IN Magna Cum Laude, International Studies Minor: Criminology Bradley Wayne Waggoner, Frankfort, IN Cum Laude, Sociology (Social Work) and Psychology Lily Skylar Wallack, Carmel, IN Cum Laude, Anthropology and English Hannah Kathleen Walley, Lowell, IN Psychology and Classics Megan Leigh-Ann Ward, Greenfield, IN International Studies Minor: French and Management Information Systems and Strategic Communication Axavion J. Ware, Evansville, IN Economics **Anna Rose Watson, Newburgh, IN Cum Laude, Environmental Studies Andrew Joshua Wayne, Granger, IN Anthropology and Psychology Minor: Business Law Tessa N. Weidner, Kokomo, IN Criminology and Psychology Minor: Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies and History Mackenzie E. Welsh, Tinley Park, IL Cum Laude, Psychology Minor: Neuroscience **Bailey Alexandra Wendt, Ogden, IL Summa Cum Laude, Psychology and Criminology and Spanish Anne C. Wetli, West Lafayette, IN Cum Laude, Psychology Minor: Neuroscience Connor Fitzgerald White, Newburgh, IN Cum Laude, International Studies and Spanish Emma Jane Whitfield, Brookfield, WI Cum Laude, Political Science Minor: History *Brian L. Williams, Mascoutah, IL Criminology and Psychology
Vanessa Monique Wilson, Roanoke, IN Cum Laude, Sociology (Social Work) and Psychology **Éile Caitlin Woeltje, The Colony, TX Environmental Studies and Mechanical Engineering Minor: Spanish **Shelby Ryan Woods, Batavia, IL Cum Laude, Criminology and Psychology **Courtney Paige Worley, Lebanon, IN English Yanni T. Zentefis, Indianapolis, IN Economics Minor: Business Law and Spanish Lauren Beaty Zentz, Westfield, IN Cum Laude, Political Science Minor: Business Law **Mitchell Zoloty, Bradenton, FL Political Science
BACHELOR of SCIENCE Justin Scott Andrea, Indian Creek, IL Cum Laude, Computer Science Brianna Maureen Avery, Sandwich, IL Magna Cum Laude, Biochemistry Minor: Biology Brian Tyler Bailey, Carmel, IN Statistics Matthew Bandy, Hammond, IN Physics and Mathematics Maxwell Bradford Beltz, Saint Joseph, MI Cum Laude, Software Engineering and Statistics Minor: Data Science and Mathematics **Eloi Mugabe Bigirimana, Fort Worth, TX Biochemistry Tyler Justin Bihasa, Indianapolis, IN Biology Thomas Russell Billard, Richmond, VA Astronomy and Astrophysics Gabryelle L. Bodine, Haddon Heights, NJ Biology Minor: Environmental Studies Lauren Lucille Bogardus, Atlanta, GA Chemistry
Kylie Marie Brennan, Dousman, WI Biology and Spanish Minor: Chemistry Melissa Brickett, Westfield, IN Biology Jordan Nicole Brooks, New Albany, OH Computer Science Ashrey Nicole Burley, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Chemistry Minor: Neuroscience and Psychology **Bernard Christopher Caillouet, Zionsville, IN Chemistry Minor: Spanish Anna Campbell, Papillion, NE Biochemistry Minor: Business Administration Lucy Catherine Chidester, Danville, IN Chemistry
Mattea Dumdey, Pelham, NH Biology and Chemistry Caitlin Elizabeth Dunlap, Granger, IN Magna Cum Laude, Chemistry Anthony Jude Durand, Arlington, IN Cum Laude, Biochemistry Emily Marie Efroymson, Indianapolis, IN Software Engineering Minor: Data Science Abigayle Elizabeth Elsbury, McCordsville, IN Cum Luade, Biology Alan Edwards Field, Columbus, OH Mathematics and Middle/Secondary Education Megan Fleshman, Hilliard, OH Cum Laude, Biochemistry **Giselle Guadalupe Flores, Hammond, IN Biochemistry
Meghann Chlebowski, South Bend, IN Cum Laude, Biology Minor: Chemistry
David James Fugate, Fishers, IN Computer Science Minor: Management Information Systems
Madeline Christina Coffey, Saint Jacob, IL Summa Cum Laude, Biology Minor: Chemistry and German
Kishan H. Gandhi, Des Plaines, IL Computer Science and Computer Engineering
**Bridget Yung Costello, Saint Louis, MO Cum Laude, Biology Emma Lynn Cushman, Fishers, IN Chemistry Minor: Neuroscience
Jennifer S. Gattuso, Wilmette, IL Cum Laude, Computer Science Minor: Data Science and Mathematics **Leah M. Goehring, Mound, MN Cum Laude, Biology and Chemistry
Margaret Allison Davis, Indianapolis, IN Biology Minor: Chemistry
Noelle Elizabeth Grabowski, Troy, IL Biology Minor: Classical Studies
Corey L. Dea, Westfield, IN Cum Laude, Environmental Studies and Biology
David Joseph Gregory, Louisville, KY Cum Laude, Mathematics, Actuarial Science and Statistics Minor: Business Administration and Data Science
Rillian Rita-Renee Dennis, Indianapolis, IN Mathematics and Electrical Engineering *Jacob Alexander Domanski, Angola, IN Computer Science Benjamin Carl Downs, Terre Haute, IN Cum Laude, Biology Minor: Chemistry Kathleen Noelle Dudasko, Zionsville, IN Cum Laude, Biology Minor: Chemistry and Spanish
Connor Lane Grossen, Madison, IN Chemistry Caden Karl Groves, Crawfordsville, IN Cum Laude, Biology Minor: Chemistry Grace Catherine Hall, Shelby, IA Biochemistry
William Jerome Harris, Carmel, IN Biochemistry Minor: Spanish Jenna Jean Hensen, Waunakee, WI Summa Cum Laude, Biology Minor: Chemistry Zoe Gladd Herdman, Columbia, NJ Cum Laude, Biology Minor: Chemistry Barbara S. Hershberger, Milroy, IN Cum Laude, Statistics Minor: Business Administration, Computer Science, Data Science and Mathematics Savannah Marie Hollis, Fort Wayne, IN Cum Laude, Biology Minor: Chemistry Jacob Daniel Holt, Carmel, IN Chemistry Anna Elizabeth Holton, Wilmette, IL Biology Minor: Spanish Sydney Ray Hough, Lake Orion, MI Mathematics Minor: Data Science, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Anna May Huff, Seymour, IN Cum Laude, Actuarial Science and Statistics Minor: Business Administration Colin Nathaniel Hunter, Westport, CT Computer Science and Energy Engineering Samuel Chigozie Iwu, Indianapolis, IN Computer Science and Electrical Engineering **Andrew T. Jacob, Mount Prospect, IL Cum Laude, Biology Betsy Johns, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Biochemistry Charlotte Grace Jordan, Mahomet, IL Cum Laude, Biochemistry
**Hibbah I. Khan, Fishers, IN Cum Laude, Biology Brighid Mary Therese King, Chicago, IL Actuarial Science Minor: Risk Management and Insurance Lindsey A. Koiro, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Mathematics and German Wyatt Kobe Koopman, Columbus, IN Biology Minor: Neuroscience Emily Ruth Krakora, Westfield, IN Statistics and Actuarial Science **Alex E. Kuhn, Forsyth, IL Computer Science and Individualized Major Minor: Data Science and Mathematics John William Lapean, Naperville, IL Biology Minor: Spanish Timothy Patrick LeBlanc, Newtown, CT Physics and Mechanical Engineering Megan Leaman, Penryn, CA Biology and Chemistry Minor: Spanish Sara Linn, Dallas, TX Biology Minor: Chemistry and Spanish Savannah Lisowski, Holland, MI Biology Minor: Art + Design Mason Grant Lovett, Brownsburg, IN Cum Laude, Computer Science and Mathematics Chloe Marie Makdad, Altoona, PA Summa Cum Laude, Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics Minor: Data Science **Anthony Jordan Mantor, New Castle, IN Cum Laude, Chemistry Carson Scott Maris, Carmel, IN Biochemistry
**Manpreet Kaur, Carmel, IN Cum Laude, Biology Minor: Chemistry
Audrey Hope Marjamaa, Roanoke, IN Biochemistry and Computer Science
Jessica Lynn Kersey, Silver Lake, IN Cum Laude, Biochemistry
Alexis Kaylen Martinez, Indianapolis, IN Biology
Olivia Carmel Marunde, Woodstock, IL Computer Science Minor: Chinese and Data Science
Christian M. Pareja, Glenview, IL Biology Minor: Neuroscience and Psychology
Josey Rae McKinley, Sullivan, IN Summa Cum Laude, Biology and Chemistry
Sabrina Naomi Pasley, Mishawaka, IN Biology Minor: Religion
Matthew Edward Mewborn, Carmel, IN Cum Laude, Physics and Mechanical Engineering
Jackson Louis Pastore, Wheaton, IL Chemistry Minor: Environmental Studies
Jack Philip Michalowski, Lockport, IL Statistics Minor: Computer Science and Data Science
Corinna Marie Pena, Naperville, IL Magna Cum Laude, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Physics Minor: Mathematics
Jordan Alicia Miles, Indianapolis, IN Biology Jack Joseph Miller, Ottawa, IL Cum Laude, Biology **Jacob Nicholas Misner, Carmel, IN Computer Science Dawson Bailey Moore, Kokomo, IN Physics and Mechanical Engineering Matthew Thomas Morris, Hartland, WI Summa Cum Laude, Biology Minor: Chemistry and Spanish
**Danielle Lee Perry, Poseyville, IN Biology Spencer Judson Pittman, Terre Haute, IN Chemistry **Leanne Elizabeth Price, Piqua, OH Chemistry *Krista Kathleen Pulley, Trenton, SC Biology, Mechanical Engineering and Multilingual **Grantland Richard Purlee, Fort Wayne, IN Computer Science
Katelyn Lila Murphy, Ocoee, FL Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering
Benjamin Joseph Rempfer, Springfield, IL Cum Laude, Mathematics and Physics Minor: German
Manahil Nadeem, Carmel, IN Summa Cum Laude, Biology
Anna Marie Restivo, Plainfield, IN Cum Laude, Biology and Spanish
Samantha E. Nakis, Saint Louis, MO Cum Laude, Computer Science Minor: Data Science and Web Design and Development
**Lukus William Rickelman, Santa Claus, IN Biology Minor: Spanish
Brian Patrick Nelson, Skokie, IL Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering **Andrew Kingston Nesler, Chesterfield, MO Computer Science *Nicholas Neumann, Libertyville, IL Astronomy and Astrophysics
Nicholas David Robie, Worthington, OH Biology and Spanish **Molly Kathleen Roe, Lansing, IL Summa Cum Laude, Biology Minor: Chemistry and Spanish Regis Wendyam Rouamba, Fort Wayne, IN Chemistry
Eric S. Nofziger, Angola, IN Summa Cum Laude, Mathematics and Computer Science
Emily M. Royston, Waunakee, WI Biology Minor: Chemistry
Cathal Benedict O’Sullivan, Lake Forest, IL Mathematics and Computer Science
Mayalyin Kay Sanchez, Indianapolis, IN Computer Science Minor: Business Administration and Data Science
Liam E. O’Connor, Homewood, IL Cum Laude, Actuarial Science Minor: Business Administration
**Madelyn Marie Sanders, Columbus, IN Biology Hailey Sargent, Anderson, IN Biology Kathleen Sherlock, Urbana, IL Cum Laude, Biology Minor: Chemistry and Neuroscience Benjamin Jacob Sherman, Indianapolis, IN Physics and Motorsports Engineering Cassidy Ann Shirley, Indianapolis, IN Magna Cum Laude, Biology Minor: Chemistry and Spanish Emily Marie Shoemaker, Waukesha, WI Summa Cum Laude, Statistics and Actuarial Science Minor: Business Administration and Education **Christian Oswald Siegfried, Saint Louis, MO Astronomy and Astrophysics Natalie Simpson, Galena, OH Magna Cum Laude, Biology Scott Reynold Sinclair, Rolling Hills Estates, CA Cum Laude, Actuarial Science and Statistics Minor: Data Science, Mathematics, Risk Management and Insurance *Justin D. Smith, Round Rock, TX Chemistry Olivia Katherine Sobojinski, Roscoe, IL Cum Laude, Chemistry Wyatt Christian Spies, Pittsburgh, PA Astronomy and Astrophysics and Mathematics and Physics
Victoria Ann Templin, Converse, IN Summa Cum Laude, Biochemistry Minor: German Isabella Maria Tikijian, Zionsville, IN Biology Oumou Laraba Toure, Kennewick, WA Computer Science John Haymond Turley, Mint Hill, NC Mathematics Madison E. Unger, Terre Haute, IN Biochemistry Madison Jane Van Horn, Carmel, IN Biology Will Carter Vesevick, Glen Ellyn, IL Computer Science Ian Henry Wallack, Carmel, IN Computer Science **Elise Marie Wang, Fishers, IN Cum Laude, Biochemistry Abbey Elise Wells, Kuttawa, KY Cum Laude, Biochemistry Allison L. Welz, Newburgh, IN Magna Cum Laude, Biology and Religion Minor: Chemistry DeJuan Lee Winters, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Mathematics and Physics Alexandra Elizabeth Woelfel, Eden Prairie, MN Cum Laude, Chemistry
Andrew John Spores, Valparaiso, IN Computer Science Minor: Mathematics
Hannah Irene Wright, Fishers, IN Cum Laude, Chemistry
**Andrew J. Stinson, Fishers, IN Cum Laude, Software Engineering
Audrey Rebecca Young, Chesterfield, MO Summa Cum Laude, Biology Minor: Chemistry
Margaret Mary Stopa, Normal, IL Cum Laude, Biochemistry and Health Sciences Minor: Neuroscience Katherine Masako Strohl, Lafayette, CO Actuarial Science and Statistics Minor: Business Administration
Jackson Brady Stroup, Golden, CO Statistics Minor: Computer Science and Data Science
Butler University Wind Ensemble Michael J. Colburn, Conductor Professor of Music Jordan College of the Arts
Butler University Wind Ensemble The audience will remain seated during the Processional.
Dr. Trish Devine Chief Faculty Marshal Professor and Director Interprofessional Education
Robert McConnell ’78 Board of Trustees
Nicole Hilt ’22 BSHS Class President Naila Ashraf ’22 MPAS Class President
The Road Home Butler University Chorale Dr. Eric Stark, Conductor Professor of Music Jordan College of the Arts
Jack Battaglia ’22 PharmD Class President
Dr. Robert Soltis Dean of the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Professor Scott Bridge ’82, MS ’91 Instructor of Journalism College of Communication
Butler University Chorale
Dr. Trish Devine Chief Faculty Marshal
Butler University Wind Ensemble Family members and guests shall remain seated until the Platform Party and faculty have recessed from the main arena. American Sign Language interpretation provided by Judy Cain
THE COLLEGE of PHARMACY and HEALTH SCIENCES Dr. Robert Soltis ’87, Dean DOCTOR of MEDICAL SCIENCE Dina Abdelslame, Clifton, NJ Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
*Melanie Rose Hornung, Buffalo, NY Graduate Major: Medical Sciences Karen Johnson, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
Jonathan Curtis Albers, Bad Axe, MI Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
**Jennifer Nicole Johnston, Greenfield, IN Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
*Madeline Atkinson, Sheridan, IN Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
*Alyssa Klopfer, Le Roy, NY Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
Dawn Back, Aitkin, MN Graduate Major: Medical Sciences Beth Beasley, Geneva, NY Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
Danielle Elizabeth Krizka, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Medical Sciences *Emily Jane Larsen, Stickney, SD Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
**Jacob Douglas Bowdon, Rochester, MN Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
**Lance Lawyer, Mooresville, IN Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
*Aubrey Amanda-Blanchet Brown, Waldorf, MD Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
*Kristina Marie McCaffrey, Boston, NY Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
*Charles Alain Carim, Charlotte, NC Graduate Major: Medical Sciences *Kimberly Anne Cowart, Greenville, NC Graduate Major: Medical Sciences **Carly Michelle Donohue, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Medical Sciences Jessica Figueroa, Hammond, IN Graduate Major: Medical Sciences **Delaney Ann Flattery, Springfield, IL Graduate Major: Medical Sciences *Gabriel Anthony Godart, Saint Johns, FL Graduate Major: Medical Sciences Johan-R Lomelí González, Modesto, CA Graduate Major: Medical Sciences Jennifer Denise Guthrie, Lansing, MI Graduate Major: Medical Sciences **DeLaney Ann Hartman, Lebanon, OH Graduate Major: Medical Sciences *Nathanael Wells Holbrook, Knoxville, TN Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
**Alysse Marie Milano, Brush, CO Graduate Major: Medical Sciences Christina Lee Miller, Jones, MI Graduate Major: Medical Sciences Marlo N. Miller, Avon, IN Graduate Major: Medical Sciences Alec Christian Milnes, Kent, OH Graduate Major: Medical Sciences *David Carson Moore, Boiling Springs, SC Graduate Major: Medical Sciences Kyle Moser, Granger, IN Graduate Major: Medical Sciences Jennifer Raye Myers, Fort Wayne, IN Graduate Major: Medical Sciences *Bridgette Marie Nunes, Youngstown, NY Graduate Major: Medical Sciences Candice Lauren Oberlies, Oak Park, IL Graduate Major: Medical Sciences *Sebastian Opar, South Amboy, NJ Graduate Major: Medical Sciences *Matthew Justin Orenstein, Knoxville, TN Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
* Expected degree completion, August 2022 • ** Completed degree requirements December 2021
Todd Alan Osterbur, Brownsburg, IN Graduate Major: Medical Sciences Nicole Michele Otero, Tempe, AZ Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
*Krista Lynn Wise-Wroblewski, Westfield, IN Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
*Annabel Erica Pacheco, Columbia, MO Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
**Grace Mary Zintak, Tinley Park, IL Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
*Mary Alexandra Pegan, Lockport, NY Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
Brittany Nicole Rogers, Fredericktown, MO Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
*Victor Sandoval Rosales, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Pharmaceutical Science
Michelle Lynn Ross, Clarksville, TN Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
An Ruan, Clackamas, OR Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
Naila Shahzad Ashraf, Canton, MI Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Joel Andrew Ruetz, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
Michael Joseph Behna, Naperville, IL Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
*Abby Ryan, Kalamazoo, MI Graduate Major: Medical Sciences *Rachael Adriel Schneider, Stella, NC Graduate Major: Medical Sciences *Shiva E. Seejore, Hartsdale, NY Graduate Major: Medical Sciences Tetyana Fedorivna Senchyshyn, Hampton Bays, NY Graduate Major: Medical Sciences *David Jackson Shepherd, Greeneville, TN Graduate Major: Medical Sciences Katelyn Marie Shorter, Romulus, MI Graduate Major: Medical Sciences *Zachary Simons, Cheektowaga, NY Graduate Major: Medical Sciences Abbie Ryan Sugihara, Ogden, UT Graduate Major: Medical Sciences Sylvia Fadi Tawfik, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
Bridget Louise Bellissimo, Middleton, WI Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Bailey A. Berish, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Brandi Ann Brock, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Allison Renee Brown, Noblesville, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Alyssa Louise Carlson, Glen Ellyn, IL Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Madeline Murphy Coules, Lemont, IL Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Claire Ashton Cromer, Wabash, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Ansley Brooke Davis, Newburgh, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
**Katherine Irene Torrance, Greenwood, IN Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
Mariana de Maille, Manhattan, MT Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Jose Cuaresma Valdez, Troy, MI Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
Bintou Rahissa Doumbia, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Lori Renee Vasquez, Carmel, IN Graduate Major: Medical Sciences *April Warstler, Mayer, AZ Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
Sydne Lynn Williams, Owatonna, MN Graduate Major: Medical Sciences
Kiah Brianna Ferrell, Plainfield, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Bryan Filardo, Woburn, MA Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Jillian Frye, Marquette, MI Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Michelle Eileen Maass, Flossmoor, IL Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Nicholas John Grunloh, Effingham, IL Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Abby Lynn Martin, Fishers, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Caitlyn Elaine Harweger, Bloomington, IL Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Shania Grace Mayer, Sheboygan Fls, WI Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Makayla Brooke Hayes, Avon, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Kristine Miller, Imlay City, MI Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Jessica Lynne Heyrman, Sussex, WI Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Madeline Vehmas Miller, Golden, CO Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Allison P. Hoffert, Leesburg, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Harvey Michael Mills, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Samantha Ann Howald, Toledo, OH Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Nora E. Murphy, Chicago, IL Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Ryan Andjulo Irving, Naperville, IL Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Cassandra Joelle Owens, Superior, CO Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Kayla Rose Irwin, Lemont, IL Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Serena Rose Panos, Vernon Hills, IL Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Olivia Carol Johnson, Carmel, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Nicolia Stelliani Papadeas, Greenwood Village, CO Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Katherine E. Keller, Greenfield, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Benjamin J. Kessler, Brentwood, TN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Sarah Marie Knight, Fishers, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Madeline Rose Larsen, Chicago, IL Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Andrew Everett Lasley, Carmel, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Hannah Elizabeth Lee, Lebanon, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Loren Rae Lenczewski, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Alison Keri-Ann Lindsay, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Isabella Elaine Liu, Carmel, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Sydney Rose Pate, Galveston, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Poojan Nilesh Patel, Forsyth, IL Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Madeline Elizabeth Peters, Cincinnati, OH Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Dakota Beau Pierce, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Haleigh Kristine Poe, Connersville, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Sierra Nicole Purcell, Mokena, IL Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Mackenzie Carsen Root, Merrill, MI Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Alexandra Nicole Schmerge, Cincinnati, OH Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Madison Anne Schmidt, Yorkville, IL Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Annie Kathryn Schulz, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Nathan Robert Austing, Indianapolis, IN Professional Pharmacy
Sidney Rae Shaffer, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Grant William Baker, Brownsburg, IN Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy
Khusbu D. Shah, Schaumburg, IL Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Nisha J. Shah, Roselle, IL Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Roshni A. Shah, Morton Grove, IL Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Elise Diana Sharkey, Syracuse, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Colin Stickel, Birmingham, MI Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Andrew Walter Szczepaniak, Chicago, IL Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Michael S. Thomas, Springfield, IL Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Caroline Patricia Toberna, Greendale, WI Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Mira Rhae Vonderheide, Jasper, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Elizabeth L Wang, Madison, WI Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Katie Weller, Crown Point, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Karina Michelle White, Indianapolis, IN Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Jillian M. Wickham, Clarendon Hills, IL Graduate Major: Physician Assistant Megan Elizabeth Yates, Liberty Township, OH Graduate Major: Physician Assistant
Genevieve Margaret Bates, Noblesville, IN Professional Pharmacy Jack Battaglia, Grayslake, IL Professional Pharmacy Alexandria Helena Baum, Wilmette, IL Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy Minor: Chemistry Kayla Nicole Beach, Pekin, IN Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy Griffin Lee Blunk, Avon, IN Professional Pharmacy Christopher Joseph Bollinger, Medina, OH Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy Minor: Chemistry Ryan Ross Bond, Vincennes, IN Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy Amelia Elizabeth Brandt, Fishers, IN Professional Pharmacy Taylor Lynn Bush, Harrison, OH Professional Pharmacy Rachel Elizabeth Cairns, Amherst, OH Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy Joseph Daniel Camacho, Marietta, GA Professional Pharmacy Minor: Chemistry Mallory Paige Carter, Brownsburg, IN Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy Minor: Spanish Grant A Conklin, Chenoa, IL Professional Pharmacy Minor: Health Care Management Olivia L. Crowder, Cayuga, IN Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy
Mary Katherine Curley, West Terre Haute, IN Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy
Mason Samuel Accetturo, Hartland, MI Professional Pharmacy
Harriet Elizabeth Davies, Santa Clara, CA Professional Pharmacy
Louna Alsabia, Noblesville, IN Professional Pharmacy
Jessica Marie DePaul, Elmhurst, IL Professional Pharmacy
Jarod Matthew Deckard, Springville, IN Professional Pharmacy
Brandon Keith Harris, Taylorville, IL Professional Pharmacy
Kelsey Ellen DiMarzio, Granger, IN Professional Pharmacy
Makenzie Paige Harrison, Vincennes, IN Magna Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy Minor: Chemistry
Emma Woods Diem, Indianapolis, IN Professional Pharmacy Eliza Glynne Duncan, Lenoir City, TN Professional Pharmacy Dakota Scott Eash, Elkhart, IN Professional Pharmacy Jahn Carlos Estarellas San Miguel, Indianapolis, IN Professional Pharmacy Andrew Joseph Farmer, Carmel, IN Professional Pharmacy Katarina Marie Forbes, Carmel, IN Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy Minor: Chemistry and Spanish
Rachel Schuld Harvey, Indianapolis, IN Professional Pharmacy Madison Taylor Heath, Greenwood, IN Professional Pharmacy Minor: Chemistry Emily Rose Hinkle, Tipton, IN Professional Pharmacy Sara Mae Hudson, Greenfield, IN Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy Gabriel J. Hunt, Avon, IN Professional Pharmacy Nathaniel M. Jackstadt, Collinsville, IL Professional Pharmacy
Joshua B. Ford, Newburgh, IN Professional Pharmacy
Sawyer Lee James, Indianapolis, IN Professional Pharmacy
Taylor Ashley Fruits, Avon, IN Professional Pharmacy Minor: Chemistry
Jade Madison Jochem, Huntingburg, IN Professional Pharmacy Minor: Chemistry
Hayley Terese Gartner, Palos Heights, IL Professional Pharmacy and Spanish
Baylee Kristine Johnson, Jonesboro, IN Professional Pharmacy
Erin Elizabeth Gerity, Medina, OH Professional Pharmacy
Yazan Kadi, Granger, IN Professional Pharmacy and Psychology
Dylan Marie Goodman, Munster, IN Professional Pharmacy Minor: Chemistry
Kaitlyn Michele Kastberg, Saint Charles, MO Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy
Grace Page Grzybek, Inverness, IL Professional Pharmacy Elizabeth Marion Hadler, West Bend, WI Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy
Tyler Marshall Kennedy, Greenfield, IN Professional Pharmacy Logan Blaine Kesler, Columbia, IL Professional Pharmacy
McKensie Elizabeth Hagen, Watseka, IL Professional Pharmacy
Chad Tyler Ketelaar, Beecher, IL Professional Pharmacy Minor: Chemistry
Ryan Halloran, Indianapolis, IN Professional Pharmacy
John Samuel Jian Heng Kou, Andover, MA Professional Pharmacy
Anthony Michael Hand, Indianapolis, IN Professional Pharmacy
Autumn Paige Lawhorn, Richmond, IN Professional Pharmacy
Stephanie Ann Hannon, Lake Geneva, WI Professional Pharmacy
Spencer David Lindgren, Winnebago, IL Professional Pharmacy Minor: Business Administration
Bailey Katherine Harcourt, Plainfield, IN Professional Pharmacy
Danielle Marie Loeffelman, Caseyville, IL Professional Pharmacy Minor: Business Administration
Julia Rose Lovig, Bloomington, IN Professional Pharmacy
Sophie E. Pietranek, Gurnee, IL Professional Pharmacy
Grace Victoria Lowe, Charlestown, IN Professional Pharmacy
Melanie Lynn Plotke, Lockport, IL Professional Pharmacy Minor: Neuroscience
Cole D. Mackey, Shelbyville, IN Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy Zachary Scott Madere, Indianapolis, IN Professional Pharmacy Minor: Health Care Management Emma Christine Mallory, Toledo, OH Professional Pharmacy Kyla Rae Maloney, Brownsburg, IN Magna Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy Minor: Chemistry Alyssa Morgan Manges, Elkhart, IN Professional Pharmacy Alyssa Nicole Mason, Newburgh, IN Professional Pharmacy James Dillon McCarty, Indianapolis, IN Professional Pharmacy Amanda Ann McDaniel, Greenwood, IN Professional Pharmacy Michaela Suzanne Mershon, Lizton, IN Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy Connor Reyd Miller, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy Minor: Health Care Management Maha Muzaffar, Fishers, IN Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy Minor: Spanish
Megan Elsa Rahn, Valparaiso, IN Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy Minor: Chemistry Rachel Elaine Ramey, Crawfordsville, IN Professional Pharmacy Abigail L. Reeder, Greenwood, IN Professional Pharmacy Andrea Kathleen Richardson, Avon, IN Professional Pharmacy and Spanish Minor: Chemistry Natalie Ann Riley, Michigan City, IN Professional Pharmacy Chase Andrew Robertson, Lebanon, IN Professional Pharmacy Natalie Elizabeth Rohweder, Uniontown, OH Professional Pharmacy Kelsey Lynne Romans, Rising Sun, IN Professional Pharmacy Alison Leigh Rydell, Saint Joseph, IL Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy Minor: Spanish Kala LaShay Sanders, Indianapolis, IN Professional Pharmacy
Evie Nguyen, Westfield, IN Professional Pharmacy and Chemistry
Abigail Lynn Schabel, Westport, IN Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy
Dana Marie Nokes, Mooresville, IN Professional Pharmacy and Spanish
Lauren Catherine Schmidt, Columbia, IL Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy Minor: Chemistry
Morgan Michelle Okafor, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy Sarah Michelle Opperman, Valparaiso, IN Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy Tial Chin Par, Indianapolis, IN Professional Pharmacy Minor: Spanish Caitlyn Ann Patton, Naperville, IL Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy
Rehan Hussain Qureshi, Westfield, IN Professional Pharmacy
Anne Caroline Perez, Elmhurst, IL Professional Pharmacy Minor: Spanish
Kirill Michael Schoellman, Indianapolis, IN Professional Pharmacy **Hanan Ammar Shaheen, Crown Point, IN Professional Pharmacy Rachel May Sickley, Peru, IL Professional Pharmacy Minor: Chemistry Karsen Leigh Smith, Peoria, IL Professional Pharmacy Jaricelis Soto-Hernandez, Indianapolis, IN Professional Pharmacy
Kimberly Karen Souther, Lake Zurich, IL Professional Pharmacy
Samantha Jo Wendholt, Huntingburg, IN Professional Pharmacy
Emily April Starr, Indianapolis, IN Professional Pharmacy
Margo Elaine Whitehead, Sunman, IN Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy Minor: Spanish
Kiley A. Stier, Greensburg, IN Professional Pharmacy Madison Sylvia Stone, Avon, IN Professional Pharmacy James Robert Stonebraker, Cicero, IN Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy Minor: Spanish Katelyn A. Streit, Park Ridge, IL Professional Pharmacy Anis Abedali Tai, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy Garrett Mackenzie Terhune, Greenwood, IN Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy Minor: Chemistry Elaina Jordan Thomas, Noblesville, IN Professional Pharmacy Trevor Robert Tokarek, Zionsville, IN Professional Pharmacy Thu V. Tran, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy Ellen Ann Vanderpohl, Harrison, OH Professional Pharmacy Steve K. Varghese, Indianapolis, IN Professional Pharmacy Namitha Vellian, Campbell, CA Professional Pharmacy Justin Michael Voskuhl, Fishers, IN Professional Pharmacy Michael Austin Walker, Evansville, IN Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy Minor: Chemistry William Jacob Webster, Staunton, IN Professional Pharmacy Sarah L. Wede, Westfield, IN Professional Pharmacy Minor: Chemistry *Rebecca L. Weir, Shelburn, IN Professional Pharmacy Minor: Spanish Nathaniel A. Weller, Bloomington, IN Cum Laude, Professional Pharmacy Minor: Ethics
Christian Blake Williams, Fishers, IN Professional Pharmacy Alyssa Jae Witt, Indianapolis, IN Professional Pharmacy Minor: Chemistry Taylor Beverly Young, Crown Point, IN Professional Pharmacy Chris L. Zeheralis, Dyer, IN Professional Pharmacy Minor: Chemistry
BACHELOR of SCIENCE in HEALTH SCIENCES Nolan Thomas Ahearn, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Chemistry and Psychology **Callee Aikman, Palatine, IL Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Chemistry and Spanish **Caleigh Morgan Beane, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL Health Sciences Samantha Katherine Becker, Huntertown, IN Cum Laude, Healthcare and Business **Amanda Margaret Bence, Wyoming, OH Cum Laude, Health Sciences Torran Shayne Bomba, Bloomington, IN Healthcare and Business Noah Randall Brooks, Ellettsville, IN Healthcare and Business Minor: Organizational Commmunication and Leaderership Megan Kathleen Carbaugh, Joliet, IL Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Spanish **Georgia Coffman, New Castle, IN Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Chemistry Maya Brynn Colbert, Lebanon, OH Healthcare and Business **Abbi Marie Cook, Granger, IN Healthcare and Business
**Jack Perrin DeGroot, Winamac, IN Healthcare and Business Sarah E Dickinson, Pittsford, NY Magna Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Chemistry Dyanna Christine Dorman, Greenfield, IN Health Sciences Minor: Biology Eleanor Charlotte Eisenklam, Dunstable, MA Cum Laude, Healthcare and Business Grant S. Erickson, Naperville, IL Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Chemistry Lauren Frank, Granger, IN Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Biology and Chemistry **McKenna Rae Gardner, Lemont, IL Cum Laude, Health Sciences Valerie Gayheart, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Healthcare and Business Minor: Strategic Communication Rachel Eleanor Geller, Marietta, GA Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Chemistry and Health Care Management Ayla Rebecca Rose Gray, Goshen, IN Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Chemistry McKenzie Nicole Greene, Strongsville, OH Healthcare and Business Luke Michael Haefs, New Berlin, WI Healthcare and Business Emma Grace Hawn, Sheridan, IN Healthcare and Business Allison Rose Hedberg, Fishers, IN Health Sciences Isabel Sophia Heitmeyer, Mount Vernon, IL Cum Laude, Healthcare and Business Minor: Criminology Nicole Clarisse Hilt, Delaware, OH Health Sciences Minor: Health Care Management Camille Marie Hines, Palos Verdes Estates, CA Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Sport Coaching
Elizabeth Carson Hinkle, Hudson, OH Cum Laude, Health Sciences Lily Hinkle, Lemont, IL Cum Laude, Health Sciences **Kylie Renee Hochstetler, Nappanee, IN Cum Laude, Health Sciences Margaret H. Hoffman, Barrington, IL Healthcare and Business Nicholas Allen Hooley, Middlebury, IN Cum Laude, Health Sciences Matthew Oluwatobi Junard, Indianapolis, IN Magna Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Chemistry Miki Chun Kawahara, Honolulu, HI Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Chemistry and Psychology Alexandria Daughn Kerby, Paoli, IN Magna Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Chemistry and Health Care Management Andrew Joseph Kline, Covington, IN Health Sciences **Morgan Amanda Kloosterman, Plymouth, MI Health Sciences **Lauren Elizabeth Koehring, Indianapolis, IN Cum Laude, Health Sciences Miranda Kopcha, Cincinnati, OH Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Chemistry Sarah Ghassan Maarouf, Fishers, IN Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Chemistry and Spanish Sadie Clair Mann, Bluffton, IN Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Chemistry Kolbie Sara Mason, Waxhaw, NC Cum Laude, Health Sciences Makenna Ann Meister, West Lafayette, IN Cum Laude, Health Sciences Kalie Nicole Miles, Valparaiso, IN Cum Laude, Healthcare and Business Minor: Spanish Sarah Kathryn Monesmith, Jasper, IN Health Sciences
Matthew David Moraw, Holland, MI Summa Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Chemistry and Psychology **Ethan Riggin Muchnicki, Mentor, OH Healthcare and Business Isabel Clare Murphy, Carmel, IN Healthcare and Business **Madison M. Murphy, Braidwood, IL Health Sciences Minor: Chemistry Alec Neitzel, Champaign, IL Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Chemistry Brady Tyler Neitzel, Champaign, IL Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Chemistry Molly Paige Nixon, Jamestown, OH Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Chemistry and Health Care Management Alexis Marie Orlich, Valparaiso, IN Cum Laude, Health Sciences Samantha Renee Owens, Brownsburg, IN Health Sciences and Spanish Paige Laverne Patterson, Fort Wayne, IN Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Chemistry Stephanie Ann Pellegrino, Willowbrook, IL Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Chemistry Kylie Elizabeth Pfeifer, Morton, IL Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Chemistry **Karl Evan Preusse, Indianapolis, IN Health Sciences Minor: Chemistry Jason Michael Quinn, Ballwin, MO Health Sciences Kaitlyn A. Roberts, Lafayette, IN Summa Cum Laude, Health Sciences and Biochemistry
Nathan Daniel Rusk, La Grange Highlands, IL Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Biology
Elizabeth Jean Schierbeek, East Grand Rapids, MI Cum Laude, Healthcare and Business Lindsey M. Schreiber, Maple Glen, PA Magna Cum Laude, Healthcare and Business Emily Jean Schultz, Columbus, IN Health Sciences Minor: Psychology Lilian Claire Shelp, Columbus, IN Cum Laude, Healthcare and Business Minor: Spanish Natalie Grace Slauter, Greenwood, IN Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Psychology Colette Adelle Smith, Warsaw, IN Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Health Care Management Lauren M. Smith, Brownsburg, IN Health Sciences Sarah A. Stewart, Yorktown, IN Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Chemistry **Anne Swade, Western Springs, IL Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Chemistry Emmie Takada, Novi, MI Healthcare and Business Minor: Chemistry Kiley Grace Wardwell, Fort Wayne, IN Magna Cum Laude, Health Sciences Amelia M. Wright, Zionsville, IN Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Chemistry and Health Care Management Jillian Kelly Ziemba, Zionsville, IN Cum Laude, Healthcare and Business
Brittany Michelle Robinson, Peoria, IL Cum Laude, Health Sciences Minor: Chemistry Ellen Kay Ross, Roanoke, IN Healthcare and Business
TH E B O A R D of T RU S T EES Keith R. Faller ’71, MBA ’78, Chairman
Andrew Greenlee ’90
Jeff Blade ’83, Vice Chairman
Kathy Martin Harrison ’79
Steve Sterrett, Treasurer
Michael Hole ’08
Kathryn Betley, Secretary
Ronald Langston
Executive Vice President (retired) WellPoint Inc. Carmel, IN President Herff Jones Indianapolis, IN
EVP/CFO (retired) Simon Property Group Indianapolis, IN Community Leader Indianapolis, IN
P. Scott Bening
President MBS2 Advisors, LLC Saint John, IN
Bryan Brenner ’95
CEO and Founder FirstPerson Carmel, IN
Jana Brost ’10
President, CEO, and Co-Founder analytic.li Indianapolis, IN
Gary D. Butkus ’88
Senior Director, Medical Affairs Eli Lilly and Company Indianapolis, IN
Tonya Combs
Vice President and Deputy General Patent Counsel Eli Lilly and Company Indianapolis, IN
Rollin M. Dick
Consultant (retired) Zionsville, IN
Joe Eaton ’88
Attorney Barnes & Thornburg LLP Fishers, IN
Dr. Thomas J. Fischer ’75
Orthopedic Surgeon Indiana Hand to Shoulder Center Indianapolis, IN
Christopher Gahl ’00
Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications Visit Indy Carmel, IN
President and CEO US Farathane Corporation Lake Angelus, MI Owner & CEO Ed Martin Automotive Group Indianapolis, IN Assistant Professor/Pediatrician The University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX President & CEO FUELIowa Des Moines, IA
Robin Lauth ’77
President Lauth Family Foundation Inc. Carmel, IN
Jane Magnus-Stinson ’79
Chief Judge United States District Court, Southern District of Indiana Indianapolis, IN
Rob McConnell ’78
CEO Indycoast Partners, LLC Carmel, IN
DuJuan McCoy ’89
Owner, President & CEO Circle City Broadcasting, LLC The Woodlands, TX
Mark Minner ’12
President & Chief Strategy Officer FirstPerson, Inc. Indianapolis, IN
Christopher (Chris) Miskel ’96 President and CEO Versiti Whitefish Bay, WI
Rebecca S. Graham Paul, ’70, MS ’75 President & CEO Tennessee Education Lottery Corp. Nashville, TN
Jatinder-Bir Singh Sandhu ’87 CEO NYX Inc. Northville, MI
Aaron J. Schamp ’93
Partner PricewaterhouseCoopers LLC Indianapolis, IN
Howard L. Schrott ’76 President Schrott Consulting Indianapolis, IN
William Soards ’96 President AT&T Indiana Zionsville, IN
Brian Stemme ’91
Senior Vice President of Engagement for BioCrossroads Central Indiana Corporate Partnership Zionsville, IN
Tracy Stevens
Attorney Wellesley, MA
Amy Wierenga ’01
CRO, Managing Director GCM Grosvenor Hastings on Hudson, NY
Robert T. Wildman
Attorney Bose, McKinney and Evans LLP Indianapolis, IN
Lynne Zydowsky ’81
President and Managing Principal Zydowsky Consultants LLC San Francisco, CA
TRUSTEES EMERITI Dennis M. Bassett, MBA ’79 Stephen A. Briganti ’64 Albert M. Chen John D. Cooke ’62 Clarence Crain ’73 Rick Cummings ’73 Claude E. Davis, Jr. ’83 Keith J. DeTrude ’76 John B. Dunn ’77, Chairman Emeritus Ronald W. Dollens Thomas R. Elrod ’70 Craig E. Fenneman ’71, Chairman Emeritus Edwin J. Goss John R. Hargrove ’69, Chairman Emeritus Michael R. Henderson Judith K. Johnson ’61 M. James Johnston ’66 Thomas A. King ’66 Jim Lill ’70 Betty Lofton ’51 Stephen E. McKenzie ’83 Robert L. Myers ’68 Lawrence A. O’Connor Robert Postlethwait, MBA ’74 Thomas E. Reilly Jr. Shari Alexander Richey ’88 Dr. Paul E. Schmidt Howard Shearon ’61 Rev. Jean M. Smith ’65 Richard L. Stohler ’63 James P. White
FACULTY EMERITI College of Communication Nancy Whitmore Professor of Journalism
College of Education Arthur Hochman Professor of Education Debra Lecklider Professor of Education
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Lacey Echols Senior Lecturer of Mathematics James Keating Lecturer of English Antonio Menendez Professor of Sociology Marvin Scott Professor of Sociology
Jordan College of the Arts Larry Shapiro Professor of Music
Lacy School of Business James Sander Associate Professor of Accounting
Libraries Barb Howes Associate Professor and Science Librarian
O F F I CE of B U T L E R COM M U NIT Y E N GA G E M E N T As you celebrate Commencement, your relationship with Butler University is just beginning. The Alumni Association is proud to support the more than 50,000 active alumni worldwide. Today, you join this vibrant community, and we encourage you to take advantage of the vast network and the programming and events available to Butler graduates. The Alumni Association is led by an advisory board, the Alumni Association Board of Directors, which serves as a liaison between alumni and the University.
President Elect Sharon Myers ’90 Olean, NY
Vice President, Awards Kim Kile ’89, MS ’98 Greenfield, IN
Vice President, Membership Leslie Tarble ’08 Indianapolis, IN
ALUMNI PROGRAMS All Butler graduates are automatically members of the Butler Alumni Association. Our graduates’ commitment to Butler’s goals and traditions allows us to provide the benefit of a Butler education to future generations of Bulldogs. Members receive: •
Subscription to Butler Magazine
Subscription to Butler alumni e-newsletter, Butler NewsFlash
Special event programming
Career planning and development services
Use of the Butler University Libraries
Programming opportunities also exist for parents of graduated students. A list of volunteer opportunities and benefits can be accessed at https://www.butler.edu/alumni/get-involved
STAY CONNECTED Receive up-to-date information or assistance by staying connected to the University. Office of Alumni Relations and Engagement 4600 Sunset Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46208 Phone: 800-368-6852, ext. 9946 Email: alumni@butler.edu Facebook: facebook.com/butleruniversityalumni Twitter: @ButlerAlumni LinkedIn: tinyurl.com/bulinkedin Instagram: @butleralumni1855
F A C I L I T Y I N F O R MA T ION CEREMONY NOTES Please note that access to the Main Arena, where the ceremony occurs, will be greatly reduced 30 minutes prior to each ceremony start time. Guests are strongly encouraged to visit the restrooms prior to this time and return to their seats in order to see the faculty and platform party processional. INFORMATION DESKS Located inside Hinkle Fieldhouse at Gates 1 and 4, and on the track level, the information desks are here to help answer any questions you have about the Commencement ceremony and Hinkle facility. The information desks can also provide the following services. • Lost and found • Wheelchair rental • Hearing impaired ear devices • General information questions RESTROOMS • Restrooms are located on the first floor in the east and west hallways and on the second floor/ track level. RAMPS • As a building on the National Historic Register, Hinkle Fieldhouse is equipped with only one elevator located in the west hallway. Additionally, a ramp system is in place to allow movement between the various levels within the building. The ramps can be found on the far east and far west lower levels of Hinkle Fieldhouse. Please utilize the ramps to take you between the lower level and the track level of the fieldhouse. Wheelchairs are not permitted on the ramp system.
SPIRIT SHOP • May 6 9:00 AM–After final ceremony
FIRST AID • Fischer Sports Medicine Office, located in the west hallway. • EMT will be on site.
*Must have a ticket to the commencement LACTATION ROOM ceremony in progress to • Please feel free to use the access the Spirit Shop.
• Located inside Hinkle Fieldhouse, Gate 4, the Spirit Shop sells Butler jerseys, shirts, basketballs, books, and much more.
FLOWER SALES • Located near Gate 4 inside Hinkle Fieldhouse PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER • Butler University contracts with GradImages to photograph each graduate as they receive their diploma as well as staged in front of a Butler banner. Proofs will be mailed and emailed to students within one week of the ceremony. BUTLER CAMPUS STORE • May 6 9:00 AM–5:00 PM • May 7 10:00 AM–6:00 PM • Located in Atherton Union. STARBUCKS • May 6 9:00 AM–4:00 PM • May 7 7:00 AM–6:00 PM • Located in Atherton Union.
Fischer Sports medicine office located in the west hallway.
SMOKE-FREE CAMPUS • The use of any form of tobacco, nicotine, or vaping/smoking device is prohibited on the Butler University campus.
Any additional questions may be directed to Butler staff and students wearing lanyards.
Butle Symph
WEST Graduate seating
First Aid | Lactation Room | Elevator
ulty seating
er University hony Orchestra
EAST Graduate seating
Graduate seating
NOTE: Restrooms on the west concourse will be closed to only graduates before the ceremony. Additional restrooms and information desks are located on the second floor track level (women’s—NW and SE, men’s—NE and SW) and are accessed through the ramp system. 89
Box Office Wednesday-Friday 10:00 AM– 4:00 PM The box office is open two hours prior to curtain for ticketed events. Ticketmaster Charge-ByPhone 800-982-2787 For more information only: 317-940-6444 • 800-732-0804 Children All children must possess a ticket for admission to Clowes Memorial Hall.
Seating on the Main Floor is barrier-free through Door #4 ramping for easy access to Lobby, restrooms and parking. Box E on all terraces is also barrier-free. A wheelchair may be borrowed for transport only at the Information Desk. Sound enhancement devices are available at the Information Desk for no charge. The following services are available by calling 317-9409697 10 days prior to the performance. ASL Interpreters Audio Description Braille Programs Large Print Programs
For everyone’s enjoyment, we strongly recommend that children two and under not attend performances. PARKING and TRAFFIC
Visit www.butler.edu/parking/ visitor-event-parking for the most up-to-date information. LOCATION of BUILDING SERVICES
Concessions Beverages and confections are sold in the Main Lobby and on Terrace 1. Bar service is available at major events. Elevators Call stations are located on all levels adjacent to main staircases. Information Desk The Information Desk is located on the Main Floor Right in the Lobby. Krannert Room For pre-performance discussions, receptions and banquets, access the Krannert Room by the Main Floor Right staircase or elevator. Restrooms Main Lobby and all Terrace Levels Men Main Lobby Left Terrace 1 Right Terrace 2 Left Terrace 3 Right Women Main Lobby Right Terrace 1 Left Terrace 2 Right Terrace 3 Left Gender Main Floor Right Inclusive All are wheelchair accessible. Telephones A public courtesy telephone is located in the Box Office Lobby.
Booster Seats For Children Booster seats are available for your convenience. Contact an usher for assistance. Comments or Suggestions Comment cards are available at the Information Desk for your suggestions. Contact During Performance If you need to be contacted during a performance, ask your caller to phone 317-940-9699. You and your caller must also inform the Information Desk of your exact seat location. Cough Drops Complimentary cough drops are located at the Information Desk. Children under the age of 12 should have parental permission. Lost and Found Items may be claimed at the Information Desk after performances or the following business day, 9:30 AM–4:30 PM Medical Assistance An EMT is on duty at most events. Contact the Information Desk or an usher if you need assistance. Aspirin, Tylenol, and antacid medication are available for purchase at the Information Desk. Police & Vehicle Emergency Contact the Information Desk or call from the Emergency Call Tower, at the front, southeast corner of the building. Butler University Police will assist with vehicle access and emergency starts.
Tours To schedule, please call 317-940-9697. POLICY
Electronic Devices The taking of photographs, the use of recording devices, and the use of texting devices are strictly prohibited in the auditorium. Please deactivate electronic watch alarms, cellular phones, texting devices, and pagers. Emergency Evacuation Exits are conveniently located throughout the theater. Note your closest exit may be behind you. In the event of an emergency, please do not run. Walk slowly and listen for additional instructions. Large Bags Clowes Memorial Hall reserves the right to inspect and limit the size of bags allowed in the auditorium. If your bag exceeds 12” you may be asked to leave it with coat check. Late Arrival Policy Late arrivals will be seated at appropriate intervals. Video monitors are positioned for viewing until seating is permitted. Please be considerate of fellow audience members. Smoking Clowes Memorial Hall is a smoke-free facility.