Essay On Mercy Killing

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Some people believe that mercy killing is not justifiable, while others argue against this.......

* In earth every human being has the inherent right to live. The right to live is the most significant and basic need of all human.".The word euthanasia (mercy killing) means "good death." it originate from greek words "eu" and "thanatos . . We fight the forces of nature to stay youthful, healthy, and, to the greatest degree possible, immortal. Our crusaders, the physicians, arm themselves with shiny modern machinery and powerful drugs to repel the enemy for as long as possible. Meanwhile, we remove the dying from the flow of everyday life and confine them to institutions. As recently as 50 years ago, the majority of people died more content...

The law of homicide already includes this exception for doctors, and much of the literature on death and dying treats the patient's legal and ethical power to refuse treatment.Suffering commonly affects patients with progressive illness metastatic cancer, multiple sclerosis, Huntington's disease, and so on where the diagnosis is firm and the prognosis dire. Patients often understand what lies in store. Much of the euthanasia literature fixates on pain, and the sufferings brought on by severe illness come in many flavors: dizziness, diarrhea, disfigurement, itching, insomnia, incontinence, exhaustion, strains upon relationships, shortness of breath, anxiety, cognitive impairment and dementia, debt, depression, disabilities of all kinds, dependency, loss of control, nausea, offensive odors, and the losses of dignity that can accompany these.and people those who are seriously injured in accident,or in a disaster feels lot of pain and they are sure about death,in such case with the permission of patient doctor kill them.prolple keep a big silence about Euthanasia. but after decades of secrets and silence, both the dying and those who have helped the dying have started speaking out about meticulous plans, about stock–piling drugs, suffocating loved ones with pillows and plastic bags, administering carbon monoxide or increased doses of

Mercy Killing Essay
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Mercy Killing

Writing 2

November 11, 2010

Mercy killing is it justifiable?

There are many perspectives on the issue of mercy killing and if it's justifiable. Mercy killing is the killing of another human being. As this issue is closely monitored we see that, euthanasia involves the ethics of doctor's practices, and many other problems that may come up in this controversial issue. Three main perspectives are mercy killing is not justifiable for any reason, mercy killing is justifiable, and mercy killing is justifiable to a certain degree.

The mercy killing issue has been brought up in many articles. Some articles are pertaining to military personnel. Other articles are according to health circumstances. Also more content...

Many people have had tumors, blood diseases, and many other forms of incurable body diseases. People take life for granted today we don't realize how lucky we are to live each day. Others are unfortunate and die younger but this is life, when one life ends another begins the saying goes. We need to think what is best for the patient suffering what he/ or she wants.

How long must a loved one wait lying in a bed helpless in excruciating pain? This perspective believes it is when the person feels like he/she can't tolerate the pain. No one likes pain or wants to endure pain at any level. We need to think about that and consider what if we were in pain what would we want done? What would be the right thing to do?

The third perspective is, mercy killing is justifiable to a certain degree. As we look at this we see that some believe that mercy killing may prove useful in certain situation. Although how can we determine what the situations would be? How much pain do they actually have to suffer from in

order to be killed in humane way? Should we entrust another human with another human's life? This side of the issue believes in mercy killing but at same time dislikes the idea. They are caught between the ethics of the situation. So as we look at the word ethical we see it means the right thing to do, how do we determine what is the right thing to do? Everybody has a different perspective and opinion on things how can Get

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"Thou Shalt Not Kill" (Exodus 20: 13–14). One of the Ten Commandments put forward by God to Moses at the top of Mount Sinai. The killing of another human being is morally wrong and unacceptable. No one has the right to take away another persons life, whether it be through hatred and disgust, or compassion and love. Murder is murder. So why should those select few who work in the clinics of Switzerland, whose occupation is to assist in a person's suicide, become immune from this law against murder. It is them who provide the patient with, and administer, the method of how they are going to die. To me, that sounds like murder. What gives someone else the right to take away another human being's life?

Euthanasia is wrong and immoral more content...

It also means that it slides from terminally ill patients using it, to anybody using it. For instance, people who become depressed and may see this as an option to end their depression, if it became available in the UK. For something as minor as depression (compared to terminal cancer), which can be treated through doctors and psychologists someone could take their life if they had this option. Also, doctors could see it as an opportunity to free up beds in a hospital and save it money at the same time. A 1998 study found that doctors who are cost–conscious and 'practice resource–conserving medicine' are significantly more likely to write a lethal prescription for terminally–ill patients [Arch. Intern. Med., 5/11/98, p. 974]. This suggests to us that medical costs do influence doctors' opinions. But doctors should not be involved in directly causing death. This brings us to the controversial point of active and passive euthanasia. Some people think there is no real difference between the two, since stopping a treatment and administering one are both deliberate acts. But there is a moral difference between letting a person die peacefully and deliberately killing the person. Thou shalt not kill but needst not strive, officiously, to keep alive.

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Why Euthanasia
is Wrong

Mercy Killing or Just Plain Killing: The Euthanasia Debate For as long as people have been around, we have been dying. While this very well may seem to be pointing out the obvious, so many of us forget that we, as humans, are mortal beings. Our life span is definitely finite, and it should be. Just think what would happen if nobody ever died. Even though we are mortal, we try to hang onto our lives as long as we can. Fear of death and wanting to live forever are, after all, part of human nature. Sometimes, however, medicine takes advantage of this aspect of humanity and, to a great extent, capitalizes on it. While it is certainly true that one goal of medicine has always been to prolong life, another goal has been more content...

Of course, there are some arguments for the elimination of euthanasia alltogether. Euthanasia is killing; there is no question about it. Even the New England Journal of Medicine admits this; Dr. Ronald Cranford, one of the authors of a report saying that it is moral to give patients information on suicide, publicly acknowledges that this is "the same as killing the patient," ( In addition, keeping a deathly ill relative or friend on life support can make the transition between life and death much easier for loved ones. That is, instead of having all at once to get used to having a relative or friend not be around physically or mentally, acknowledging such a reality is a gradual transition. Also, it is much easier on the minds of family members and friends for them to know they did all they could to save their dying loved one. It is easy to see how somebody could feel responsible for their loved one's death having allowed doctors to euthanise him or her. Furthermore, if assisted suicide becomes widely accepted, there will undoubtedly be a lot more people dying this way. In Holland, for example, where laws against assisted suicide are largely ignored and rarely enforced, "25,300 cases of assisted suicide occur each year... This represents 19.4% of all deaths,"

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Mercy Killing

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