Essay About Diversity

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America's workforce is continuously changing. Businesses today hire and retain culturally diverse employees to compete in the globalize market. Companies are developing ways to tap into and capitalize upon the talents of their workforces. They are discovering how to value the diversity of their workforces and the potential that diversity brings in flexibility, ingenuity and problem solving are helping them achieve their goals. Diversity can be differences in age, gender, ethnicity, and religion. Having such adiverse workforce can be very challenging. (1) Today's workforce is very diverse in respect to age. Before, corporate Americaconsisted of workers ranging from twenty one up to late thirties to early forties. Now, more content...

A hostile environment with respect tosexual harassment occurs when such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work. In addition, a hostile environment occurs when unwelcome sexually harassing conduct is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it affects a person's ability to participate in or benefit from employment activity, or creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive environment. The second type of sexual harassment is "quid pro quo". Quid pro quo includes unwanted sexual statements, unwanted personal attention, and unwanted physical or sexual advances. Unwanted sexual statements could include jokes that were sexual in nature. Unwanted personal attention could include letters, phone calls, or emails. While unwanted physical advances could include hugging, kissing, or touching. Since most women in the workforce are mothers, some companies now have their own day care centers to accommodate mothers who occasionally bring their children to work. Companies' also now offer maternity leave to pregnant women. Some mothers, thanks to technology, are working from home to b with their family. They connect to their corporate network via modem or high speed connection, e.g., cable or DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) using VPN (Virtual Private Network). But having women in the workforce especially in marketing and

Essay about Diversity
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Diversity Reflection Essay

Diversity Reflection


The purpose of this paper is to reflect upon the diverse experiences that I have had in my personal and professional life. Fortunately, I have had a large mix of diverse friends and experiences in my life. This paper will discuss those diversities as well as the plan to expand on my current knowledge.

Keywords: Diversity, culture, differences

Growing up I always had the opportunity to interact with diverse groups. My father is a retired master sergeant of the United States Army. He is African–American and was born and raised Baptist in Kentucky. He married my mother who is South Korean and Buddhist. I spent the first three years of my life living in South Korea where my father was stationed. more content...

It is always helpful to have some type of knowledge in case you meet or begin working with a person who is a member of a diverse group. If ever I encounter someone whose diversity I am not familiar with, I ask him or her questions to learn more. I do my best not to offend them by asking general questions and let them lead the conversation. I usually start off by asking where a person is from and go from there. I make it a point to let them know that I am always interested in learning about diverse groups so that they know I am curious about their culture. One of my favorite past times is going to festivals. This is a great way for me to learn about diverse groups. I only knew what textbooks taught me about Native Americans but when I moved to Oklahoma three years ago, I learned a lot more than I had ever learned before! I was able to visit the Museum of the Great Plains, attend Indian festivals, and make friends with Native Americans. Tasting, seeing, and interacting with them made the learning experience much richer than any book could have.

Not only do I support groups of diverse ethnic backgrounds, I also try to learn more about different religions, disabilities, and social diversities. I have visited the local Jewish Education Alliance several times in Savannah, GA and I was privileged enough to be able to tour the Jewish synagogue a few years ago. People with

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Diversity In The Community

This article is about how several student organizations coordinated to host a gathering sharing their culture and providing students with resources to help them be more successful in their college careers.

The "gatheration" had food and activities for everyone to participate in. The goal of the event was to familiarize students with the campus while sharing Native American culture. This event helps promote inclusion in the community and builds a network of resources.

Sources cited in this article include Sky Wildcat (president of the Native AmericanStudent Association), Donella Moncooyea (president of Alpha Pi , Omega), and Jacob Chavez (member of the Phi Sigma Nu fraternity) Questions: What types of activities do the organizations do to volunteer in the community? How more content...

The reason I believe this story relates to this week's presentation is because it is a story about student organizations that actively participates in the community. The article speaks about topics of inclusion, community involvement and volunteering. Each of the people quoted also put emphasis on networking and providing students with the support and resources needed to be successful after

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I would like to consider my cultural heritage as diverse, but this is far from reality. Over the years as I matured through my teenage years, I was exposed to different cultures by life experiences and travel. I struggled to create both a personal and cultural identity while trying to adjust to my sight loss and with the support of my family I traveled overseas to experience other cultures for the first time. My family opened up their home to a foreign exchange program in turn allowing me the opportunity to travel over to Europe at the age of 16 years old. This opportunity started the slow progression of experiences that would open my mind to others who are unlike myself, especially traveling to a strange place and feeling different more content...

His skilled laboring values influenced my father to work with his hands as a hobby, not as a vocation. My father seems to possess both the values of education and skilled work. On the other hand, my mother's parents did not encourage higher education. My mother stated, "In the 1950's and 60's, women were not expected to attend college". Although this was a strong value for society at that time, my mother encouraged education on her children. My mother's talent in sewing and entrepreneurship from the family–owned hardware store influenced her to start a wedding apparel business.

My paternal Irish heritage combined with my English/Native American maternal side generally includes small size families. The largest family size is 3 children on the paternal side and my immediate family comprises of a sister and myself. The general role of the family throughout the generations incorporate the male working outside of the home with the female working as the stay at home mother. My sister is married with 3 young children and changed her roles within the past 7 years as a working wife with no children to a nurse manager on sabbatical until her children start school. Her husband and their cultural heritage are much different than ours. They have a very large Irish family with 6 children and were brought up with a nanny while the parents worked long hours and engaged in social elite functions. My sister adjusted

Essay about Cultural Diversity Autobiography
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Diversity in the Classroom Essay examples

I believe it is important to first analyze the word diversity when examining the need for diversity within a classroom. According to Webster's New Pocket Dictionary, diversity means variety, a number of different kinds. I often discuss and read about diversity in terms of cultural backgrounds; the unification of histories and stories from people from all over the world. Although, I believe that in a higher–educational setting, diversity can also be discussed as the acceptance of the various minds within a classroom. I believe that it is important to recognize the thoughts and experiences of others in a learning environment. Collectively, students learn from teachers, teachers learn from students, and students learn from their peers. more content...

In higher education, this relationship should not exist. In a school like Columbia, where the faculty is still active within their field of study, students should be seen as equal participants within that field. A teacher may have more familiarity, but a student's experience should not be compromised within the learning environment. That is why diversity is important within the classroom. An acknowledgement of diversity allows for students and teachers to feel free to question and observe the learning at hand. In a media arts/liberal education, this type of learning should be foundational in order to achieve supposed goals promised to the student when he or she applied. In a recent class I took at Columbia, I found that diversity was forgotten. The class consisted of students from various racial and ethnic backgrounds, each with a story different from my own. The class often had conversations about race, ethnicity and racism throughout the world. Each discussion was played out by the students, while the teacher acted as the mediator. After each debate, the teacher would finalize the argument. Often with an opinionated statement, that I believe could be further questioned. Although, there was never chance to examine the response and students were encouraged to accept the answer as correct. I believe in this situation, diversity was overlooked. The classroom was physically diverse, in race, Get more content

Cultural Diversity in America Essay

America is greatly influenced and enhanced by the many versatile cultures which inhabit it. Cultural diversity has added to our economy in such a way that it brings innovated ideas and contact structures throughout the world. International cuisines have come to America through subcultures, have expanded the food industry, and have allowed English Americans to try new foods and flavors. Immigrants have brought with them religious values that greatly differ and vary from those at which were natural in the main stream American culture. The educational development through foreign nationals has led America, as a nation, to excel and be deemed one of the most intelligent nations in the world! Consequently, the subcultures have kept more content...

Foreign nationals bring with them the tastes and delights from their own country. Presently, Americans have such a wide selection of foods to choose from including but not limited to Mexican, Chinese, Italian, Greek, Thai, and Japanese. In the agricultural industry, researchers have taken domestic plants and bred them with international plants to create a more desirable embryonic plant which grows to have only the best characteristics of the two plants. This idealistic technology wouldn't have been deemed possible if it wasn't subject to the vast array of cultural diversity to challenge the standard characteristics of domestic vegetations. Along with any nation in the world, comes a variety of religions. The English founded this nation on Christianity; however, numerous people today denounce this monotheistic belief and instead have put their faith in beliefs brought to this country by foreigners. This assorted variety allows believers to choose a religion which better suits their beliefs and practices, and gives individuals a choice on spiritual fulfillment in their lives. These religious beliefs combined with the democratic state of the nation have led to public displays of religious celebration in America. Ramadan, Yom Kippur, Kwanzaa, Christmas, Cinco de Mayo, and Hanukkah have been a few of the celebrations brought to America via immigrants. Some of the most celebrated and famous revels include St. Patrick's Day and Mardi Gras (see Figure 1 and

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Like it or not, there has always been diversity among students in the classroom. It is the fact that each and every student is unique. From every circumstance, students bring a varying set of values, perspectives, and beliefs to the learning environment. Understanding the character of students is important in order to become a competent teacher. In fact, teachers should be aware and recognize students, as unique individuals, all acquire information differently than others. Some of these differences are due to developmental variations in cognitive, physical, intellectual, moral, emotional, and social changes caused by maturation and experience. And this reality of classroom conditions makes instruction much more challenging for teachers more content...

Among their interest in the education of ethnic–minority Deaf college students, they are best known for their notable achievements in addressing various aspects in education of the Deaf. For example, Dr. Ila Parasnis has not only published and presented her works at different conferences but she has also edited several books on cultural identity and diversity in Deaf Education. As for Dr. Susan D. Fischer's accomplishments, it mainly lies in the publication of 28 different citations in several journals as well as chapters in books that relate to the cultural diversity for deaf education (Author Detail). With all this in mind, it is clear that these professors have studied and gained in–depth knowledge for many years about the field of Deaf Education that they are able to speak about issues relating to the field as authoritative and credible figures.

Now, the authors have stated three main points in this article regarding improvements to the education of ethnic–minority Deaf college students. First, the authors emphasize the importance of diversity in the work force so that students can make their own decisions in choosing their own role models. This article states that "role models are both essential and critical. They serve several purposes: (1) We talk about the importance of cultural diversity, but having that kind of representation on campus demonstrates a real commitment on

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3. Using one (or more) of the methods you outlined in Question 1, describe the range of services and agencies that exist within your local community to support diversity.Sheffield City Council are introducing a range of projects to empower residents, to improve social justice, a fair deal for all communities, equality of opportunity and to get things right first time for the customers and to be a city where everyone can achieve their full potential

North East Community Assembly Plan for Southey Ward for 2011–13

Using funding from this year's ward budgets we will pay for п‚

·Community Chest and small grant funding for local voluntary, community and faith organisations – up to ВЈ10,000 is available this year due to the devolved small grants budget allocation п‚·Funding for community festivals and Christmas switch–on events

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Southey ward will benefit from projects which have been proposed for the Assembly area as a whole п‚·Sponsorship for 5 Alive newsletter to cover the ward – but there is no funding

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Intellectual Diversity In Liberal Arts

Traditional Diversity

At UC–Berkeley, the course description for "Politics and Poetics" (Fall Course 2002) stated that "conservative thinkers are encouraged to seek other sections." (SAF 1). Though the instructor later apologized for the description, this is the sort of encouragement conservative–minded students are greeted with many times during their college experience. It is said that in class, students are taught that their country and Western culture in general is tainted by racism, sexism, and oppression (Stearn 2).

Outside class, students are forced into consciousness–raising exercises that heighten tensions and bolster radical pressure groups (Stearn 2). For example, at Brown University, an organized coalition more content...

The hope for cultural improvement in problem areas, even on a global scale, lies primarily in the critical forums of our nation's classrooms, where young, motivated minds are preparing to jump into the world with both feet. Because academic success is measured not only by what is learned, but also by what is taught, it is imperative that all perspectives be provided (Fish 3). 'Intellectual diversity' is used to describe those differing perspectives. Once used to portray an educational tradition that celebrates and nurtures human freedom, it is now used to name exactly what is lacking in Liberal Arts programs today.

Further immersed in this controversy, the word liberal in liberal arts has been embraced by both ends of the political spectrum, and can scarcely be uttered without turning the conversation into a verbal duel between conservative reformists on one side, and liberal traditionalist on the other. However clear we present the term, the thrust and parry continues as the nation's leading academia and political activists attempt to separate liberal education from an education that indoctrinates students in the values of political liberalism (Horowitz, In Defense, 3).

For the sake of clarity, two distinct 'sides' prevail within our higher education system today. Although the terms "Republican" and "Democrat" (referred to herein in as liberal and conservative) may seem inappropriate in the context of academic pursuits, they serve an advantage here

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Diversity in classrooms can open student's minds to all the world has to offer. At times diversity and understanding of culture, deviant experiences and perspectives can be difficult to fulfill, but with appropriate strategies and resources, it can lead students gaining a high level of respect for those unlike them, preferably than a judgmental and prejudiced view. Diversity has broad ranges of spectrums. Students from all across the continent; students from political refugees, indigenous Americans, and immigrants bring theirculture and linguistic skills to American classrooms. Students do not only bring their cultures and linguistic skills, but they bring their ethnics, talents, and skills. In addition, their age and gender are more content...

Every student and teacher has a cultural identity. Their cultural identity is defined by their beliefs, values and behaviors. Their cultures can be different among others, which creates diversity. Classrooms full of students and teachers with different backgrounds can be beneficial for students and teachers themselves. By exploring and accepting many differences and cultures of people among them, they are taught to understand cultural differences, they from a strong sense of their own cultural identity. Once students and teachers are aware of cultural differences, they become aware of racism and can fight to eradiate it. Through their unbiased understanding of the differences between cultures and races, they are able to come to a point of acceptance of themselves and others. If you noticed in my previous paragraph, I mentioned the different types of diversity. Diversity emphasizes how different students and teachers are, but when explored in a classroom, can be used to reveal our similarities. Once students and teachers grasp the concept of diversity, displayed through everyday interactions with diverse groups of students and teachers, racism begins to disappear. In addition, positive sense of self can be developed once students and teachers have an understanding of their own uniqueness through experiences and understanding of diversity. Once teachers and students

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Diversity in the Classroom Essay

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