Boro Park Buzz #165 Dec 2nd 2019

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Volume 7, Issue 165 Dec 2nd. 23TH 2019

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The Shmuz on the Parsha

Parshas Toldos “And Yaakov approached Yitzchak his father, and Yitzchak felt him, and said, `The voice is the voice of Yaakov, and the hands are the hands of Aysav.’” — Bereishis 27:22 To “trick” Yitzchak into giving him the bracha, Yaakov donned Aysav’s clothing, put the skin of an animal on his arms and neck to simulate the hairiness of Aysav, and went in to his father to receive the blessing. As they were twins, the subterfuge was almost perfect, and it seemed as if Yaakov had succeeded. For all intents and purposes, he appeared as Aysav, spoke as Aysav, and presented himself as his twin. Yet something made Yitzchak suspicious, and he said the famous words: “The voice is the voice of Yaakov, and the hands are the hands of Aysav.” Rashi explains what tipped Yitzchak off. Yaakov used the equivalent of the word “please,” as in “Please, my father, get up. Please, my father, take this.” These were words that Aysav would never utter. Therefore, Yitzchak suspected that it wasn’t Aysav, but rather Yaakov, and he asked to “feel” the person in front of him to determine which of the brothers it was. This Rashi is very difficult to understand when we take into account Aysav’s relationship with his father.

No one fulfilled Kibud Av as Aysav did Aysav had genuine respect and reverence for his father—in fact, he loved him. The Medrash Rabbah that, “In the course of human history, no man ever treated his father with the respect that Aysav treated his father. So how is it possible that he was gruff and rude to a man who he loved and adored? The answer to this question lies in understanding human nature.

The force of habit

We are engaged in thousands of interactions, choices, and decisions each day. Unlike an animal, which is preprogrammed


to perform in a particular manner, the human has free will — free will to choose how he will respond, react, and deal with every situation. If every one of his decisions was a conscious choice that had to be thought out, he would spend his entire day just making them. A man is approaching. Do I smile and nod or do I look the other way? He’s looking at me, do I turn my head to respond or do I look out at the trees? When he asks me how my day is, does he expect a detailed inventory of actions or does he mean it in a casual manner?” To allow us to function productively, HASHEM gave us the power of habit. Habit allows us to respond almost unconsciously to the thousands of choices that we are constantly engaged in. As a result, we can talk and eat dinner at the same time. We can drive a car, watch the traffic, change lanes, and hold a conversation. Most of the actions we engage in are done on auto-pilot. We don’t have to think about them. We have done them before, created our patterns of action and reaction, so now we can just go about our business without having to use up our conscious minds on rote activities. Habit governs and controls most of the actions and choices of our day. This force is a double-edged sword. It can allow us to accomplish worlds more because of it, but it costs us in the sense that bad habits and poor reactions can lock us into behaviors and responses that don’t accurately represent our will. We’re just stuck with them because of the ruts that we have created. This seems to be the answer to Rashi. There is no question that Aysav deeply respected his father. But Aysav was gruff. His operating mode was curt and rude. Those were the habits that he developed, the manner in which he acted, the patterns that he etched into his soul. Even when he was in a situation of serving a man that he greatly respected, his years of mechanized routine surfaced, and he spoke the way that he usually spoke. When Yaakov impersonated Aysav and used polite terms, it was out of

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Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier

character. Yitzchak noticed something out of synch. This wasn’t the Aysav that he had known for so many years. This concept is very applicable in our lives on a number of fronts.

I love him, but can’t live with him

It may well be that we respect our parents, love our siblings, and are deeply attached to our spouses, but unless a person consciously works on his word choices, reactions, and responses, he may well be putting on a façade — presenting an image to others that doesn’t accurately reflect how he feels. The message he may be giving is very different from his inner condition. One of the saddest expressions uttered in a troubled marriage is: “I love him, but can’t live with him.” Often times, it isn’t that the man is a selfish lout or a creep. It is simply that he has remained with the bad habits of being unpolished. “Please,” thank you,” and “excuse me” are lacking from his vocabulary. This can make all the difference in the world between a person who is pleasant to be around — or not. The most amazing part is that these expressions don’t always represent who the person is and how he feels, but the little niceties of life are the grease that smoothes the wheels of social interactions. While middos are the essence of a person, social graces often speak louder than feelings to those who actually live with him. By training our tongues in these social conventions, we give off a persona that matches our inner condition, and those

we interact with get to experience the considerate, caring person that we are. For more on this topic please listen to Shmuz #154- Marriage a Work in Progress- Part II Att: Past issues may have inadvertently Sheimos, Please disgard this Magazine accordingly in geniza Thank You.

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The Talmudic Formula for Success I made my fortune but didn’t feel successful. What was missing? by Bob Diener


fter practicing corporate and securities law for a couple of years at one of the largest law firms in the world, I decided to pursue my entrepreneurial passions and start a travel business. I worked hard and had a passion to succeed. My dream was to have enough annual profits to sell the company and have enough funds from the sale to retire and do whatever I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Buy a nice condo, fancy sports car, travel and more. When we exceeded that annual profit goal, I sold the company and moved back to Florida where I grew up to enjoy life. I thought I reached a level of great success, but six months later I was so bored. I didn’t feel successful. I felt a lot was missing. I started looking for answers. I remembered learning from my paternal grandfather, Juda Diener, that the best place to search for answers to life’s tough questions is the Talmud. I watched him study Talmud every day. As a witness of the Holocaust, he believed the way to


win the war against those determined to destroy the Jewish people is to educate our people on our great traditions and sacred texts. Only when we understand and appreciate our great heritage and resources will we fight to preserve them. He gave away most of his fortune to starting Jewish Day schools. He believed that the Talmud was the backbone of Judaism and that if he could get thousands of people studying Talmud regularly it would make them much more committed to preserving Judaism. Along with Rabbi Pinchas Teitz, one of the top leaders and scholars at the time, they came up with the brilliant idea back in the fifties of broadcasting a page of Talmud every week on New York radio. There was no Internet then; the major place people went for news was the radio. This program was so successful that is lasted for 36 years. I later spent several years in Jewish Day School studying Talmud and was always impressed at the deep level of wisdom it contained. I knew the Talmud was

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the right place to figure out what I was missing. Did I really achieve success? Webster’s dictionary defines success as the fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame. What was Judaism’s definition for success? The Talmudic Formula Judaism’s formula for success in life can be found in the tractate of Shabbat, 31a. It is a rabbinical discussion of the questions one is asked at the end of one’s days in the heavenly court. The scholars discuss the ultimate questions asked as a way of explaining what is most important in life and to determine how one can measure the success of one’s life. 1. Were you honest in your business dealings? The first question we are asked is whether or not we were honest in business. Judaism places an emphasis on one’s character and teaches that the most important thing one can do in his life is be honest, especially when the temptation is to do the opposite.

It is not achieving wealth as Webster’s dictionary defines success, but how that wealth was obtained that defines success. If it was obtained dishonestly, it is meaningless. “Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than a rich man who is crooked in his ways” (Proverbs 28:6). Judaism measures success by asking did we keep our promises, have personal integrity and put honesty above profit? When tempted with profitable but ethically questionable deals, I always think about this first question and pass on the deal. 2. Did you set aside regular time to study? Without regular study, we lose focus and often go down the wrong path. With regular study, we can continue to improve, utilize the brain

3. Did you build a family and support the education of the next generation? Success is not just what we have done personally, but what we have done to pass on Jewish values and wisdom to the next generation. Did you have children and raise them to continue the mission of improving the world around us? Whether you had your own children or not, did you make sure your community has the resources to provide a Jewish education for the children in your community? I decided it was time to get serious about finding a mate and raising a family. I changed my whole approach towards dating and stopped wasting time dating anyone that didn’t share my values. I looked for a spouse

world around you better? Success is not just achieving wealth but how we used that wealth. Did we use it only for ourselves or did we use it to help others and improve our community? I try to take this this seriously. I realized my pursuit and accumulation of wealth was not in and of itself success. Something was missing. When we have wealth, we become a steward of that wealth. It is just as difficult to find the right places to give our wealth as it is to earn the wealth. But success only comes from the complete package. Earning it without spending it right is not success. Earning it and working hard to find the best use of that wealth is how we become successful. I decided to make sure I did something every day to improve our world. I set up a foundation and regularly donated a portion of my

Without regular study, we lose focus and often go down the wrong path. With regular study, we can continue to improve, utilize the brain and talents our Creator has given us to the fullest. and talents our Creator has given us to the fullest. We need to constantly evaluate where we are in life and strive to improve. Without setting a regular time, we probably won’t do it – hence the question is whether we set up “regular” time to study. This means we made it a priority. Did you strive to improve or are you just status quo? Did you implement the things you learned? After studying this piece of Talmud, I started devoting one hour every week to study. I closed my door and studied for a hour with either a rabbi or study group. I since expanded this to almost daily study with my kids. I’m amazed how much more fulfilled I am after an hour of study. But we need to make it a priority and do it regularly, regardless of how busy we are.

that wanted a large family, a Jewish home, understood the importance of a Jewish education and wanted to be involved in the community. I looked for a spouse that had the qualities I wanted to pass on to my children: honesty, integrity, warmth, empathy, humility, humor, a concern for others and more. I was very fortunate to find a spouse that has these qualities. We’re both heavily involved in Jewish education, the Jewish community and philanthropy, and have been having fun together since our first date over 21 years ago. 4. Did you do your part to improve the world around you to lead to the ultimate redemption – Tikun Olam? When you look back at your life, what did you contribute to make the

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income. I became involved in the community. I found the organizations I believed were making the biggest impact on improving our local Jewish community, the State of Israel, keeping the U.S. behind Israel, educating our children, helping children with special needs and providing for the needy. I actively volunteered my time to help make organizations more efficient with the business skills I had. I encouraged and recruited others to give and become active. These questions have become my guiding light. Why not ask yourself these questions now and make sure you have the right answers when you get to heavenly court?



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Ways to Give Thanks this


A special time for us to say thank You for all the little and big miracles in


was sitting in a taxi on my way to Jerusalem. The traffic was growing slower, and I began to worry that I would be late for my clients. It was my first year working as a family therapist, and I had begged my supervisor not to assign me any Hebrew speaking clients. My Hebrew was decent but definitely not good enough to understand the necessary emotional nuances in therapy sessions. The couple that I was about to meet was the one exception on my Englishspeaking client list, and I was really struggling with them. Every time I met with them they would begin fighting in rapid Hebrew as soon as they sat down. I couldn’t understand a word they were saying. My cell phone rang as the taxi inched its way forward on the road. It was my supervisor. “Can you please just assign them to another therapist who can actually understand what they’re saying?” I pleaded with her. “You can do it. Your Hebrew is good enough. You just need to be a little more confident. Don’t give up so easily.” Her voice sounded a million miles away as I glanced anxiously out the window and hung up the phone. The taxi driver looked at me in his rearview mirror. “Giveret, what’s wrong? Did you forget to say thank You to Hashem today?”

by Sara Debbie Gutfreund


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I stared at his bare head and glittering Chai necklace. What was he talking about? “Do you think that today is just another day? Do you think He made these beautiful mountains with this sun setting into them for you to look out the window and frown at the wonders of the Creator? What happened?” At first I was so surprised, I couldn’t speak. But then I decided to tell him in my halting Hebrew about my clients. “I had a marriage like that too. We were always fighting. I can’t even remember what we used to fight about. But always fighting. And Giveret, I will tell you why. Because we didn’t know how to say thank you. Not to Hashem. Not to each other. I’m divorced three years now, but it didn’t have to be this way.” I didn’t know what to say. “I’m sorry,” I finally answered. This seemed to be the wrong response because the driver began yelling. “No Giveret, don’t be sorry! It doesn’t help to be sorry. Help them. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and help them. Here take this.” The driver turned around and gave me a tiny blue key chain that had the words “Thank You” written on it in Hebrew. “I can’t take this,” I said, trying to give it back to him. “Take it! Give it to them.” “No, you don’t understand. A therapist can’t give gifts to her clients. It doesn’t work that way.” But he waved his hand in protest as we pulled up to the office building. “Remember what I said, Giveret. The Creator doesn’t make mistakes. Don’t forget. Today is not just another day.” Hesitantly, I slipped the keychain into my pocket and braced myself for the coming session. As soon as the couple sat down, they started to argue. I wasn’t even sure that they knew that I was there. After a few minutes, I finally spoke up. “I don’t understand a word you guys are saying.” The husband stopped yelling in midsentence as they turned to face me. “Which part didn’t you understand?” the wife asked. “All of it. Since you walked into the office. I don’t even know what you’re arguing about.” They stared at me in silence. I was so embarrassed. The room began to feel like

it was closing in on me. Maybe I should have kept quiet. “Have you tried thanking each other for the little things?” I stammered in my American- accented Hebrew. The husband erupted. “That’s the stupidest thing I ever heard. Now I believe you. You haven’t heard anything we said. Our problems aren’t going to go away from thanking each other! Besides what do I have to thank her for?” I wanted to sink into my chair, but then the wife looked at her husband with a half -smile. “Hold on, maybe there is something here. It’s true we don’t say thank you. Maybe we can try.” I pulled out the key chain from the cab driver. The husband reached for it and cradled the tiny blue letters in his hand. “Thank you,” he read out loud, and for the first time he smiled, putting the keychain inside his pocket. Sometimes I wonder where that tiny keychain is today. And I often think about the cab driver’s words. Today is not just another day. Say thank You. This sky. This sun. This gift of gratitude. It was made just for you.

Chanukah & Giving Thanks Chanukah is a special time for us to say thank You for all the little and big miracles in our lives. When we look into the beautiful, pure flames of the candles we remember that no day is just another day. There are blessings around all of us every moment, just waiting for us to notice them. This year during Chanukah, consider the following three ways to say thank you. (And not only on Thanksgiving.)

1. Write a letter.

In a recent experiment, people were asked to write a short paragraph about someone who had transformed their lives. After they wrote the paragraph, the experimenter handed them a phone and told them to call the person that they just wrote about and read them what they had just written. Some of them didn’t know the number. Some people went to cemeteries to read their letter at the gravesite To advertise, call 718-513-9885

of the person they hoped could hear their appreciation. Others reached the person they wrote about and broke down crying as they read their words out loud. Across the board, the participants’ happiness levels rose by as much as 20 percent just from this exercise. So try writing a short Chanukah card or email to someone that changed your life. It’s best if you send it, but even just writing it reminds us how blessed we are to have inspiring people in our lives.

2. Keep a gratitude journal. On each day of Chanukah, write down three new things that you are grateful for each day. This trains our brains to search for the positive in our lives. After a month of keeping a gratitude journal, people begin to think more optimistically and clearly. They stop constantly scanning the environment for the negative, and they notice others’ strengths instead of their weaknesses. The half hour after lighting the candles is a special time for thinking about the new blessings of today. Share them with your family as you sit around the menorah. We look into the flames shining with hope, and we remember our own ability to turn darkness into light.

3. Act gratefully.

Do one small act of kindness each day of Chanukah. Open a door for someone. Leave a note somewhere that will make someone smile. Pay for the person’s coffee who is behind you in line. Take a coat you never wear and give it to someone on the street. Give an anonymous donation. Smile. Send a Chanukah gift to someone who needs it. These small actions increase our own feelings of gratitude and create a chain of kindness. And like the tiny, blue keychain, we never know how far our gratitude will go. Take this gift and pass it on.


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Healthy Spices to Ward Off Winter Chills.


Gitta Bixenspanner n.d.

ith winter well on its way, cold and damp weather assailing us from every side; we need to ward off cold and sniffles with warming spices. The right spices can enhance your health manifold and help you coast through the harsh winter months in North America or elsewhere with your health intact. Whether in a hearty soup, a cut of meat, or a warm cup of tea spices not only add flavor to your food and drinks, but they also have ample health benefits. There is a spice out there to address any ailment you may have and it would be advisable to try these before going for chemical medicines. Read of the benefits of GARLIC, TURMERIC, CINNAMON Garlic Feel a cold coming on? Treat it with generous amounts of

garlic. Peel garlic and crush let it sit and develop a pool of the healthy illness fighting compound allycin , throw it into your soups or stews or any dish that you are preparing and that will help soothe your cold as well as lowering and regulating cholesterol levels. Alternatively, make it into a tea. For extra taste add a little honey and lemon juice for a more palatable drink Suffering from digestive issues, or low blood sugar for instance, cinnamon and/ or ginger can soothe your stomach and regulate your blood sugar. Need to fight an inflammation? Try Turmeric the amazing anti- inflammatory super spice that can reduce inflammation and nurse you back to health. Struggling with insomnia? Nutmeg can help with that. Here are some suggestions of how to incorporate these spices into your diet.

Heart Healthy Garlic Salmon. Garlic is well known for its heart healing properties as it helps to fight high cholesterol as well as colds and Adding garlic to your meal can be a great way to destroy your breath while helping to keep your heart in check. Salmon is another heart healthy food so having the two paired together makes for an easy dish that is as good for you as it is tasty. Ingredients 4 salmon fillets 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp sugar 1 Tbs mayonnaise 4 cloves crushed garlic 2 Tbs oil 1 onion thinly sliced 1/2 red pepper sliced

12 cherry tomatoes halved 1 tsp salt Black pepper to taste Directions Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spice your salmon fillet with salt and some sugar to give it some taste. Let it stand for 20 minutes. Heat oil in a skillet, add onions and fry until translucent about 8 minutes. Toss in the sliced peppers and halved cherry tomatoes and cook for five minutes until slightly soft. Remove from stove. Rinse salmon under running water. In a small bowl mix mayonnaise with crushed garlic salt and pepper to taste and smear on the salmon. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes, spread onion and pepper mixture over salmon and bake an

additional 10 minutes. Serve hot or cold. Preparation 10 minutes Serves 4 Turmeric- is a very powerful spice amongst its many benefits is the fact that it contains the powerful antioxidant curcumin, which has been shown to protect the body against cancer and may even increase our lifespan. Where to use it? Add it to scrambled eggs and frittatas. Toss it with roasted vegetables. Add it to rice to add a nice color. Toss some into chicken soup to enhance the color. \Mix with other spices and smear over fish or poultry.

Creamy Curried Cauliflower Soup This soup is delicious and it takes minutes to make with the versatile nutritious cauliflower. Ingredients 2 Tbs extra-virgin olive oil, plus more to serve 2 medium white onions, thinly sliced 1/2 tsp kosher salt, plus more to season 4 cloves garlic, minced 1 large package frozen cauliflower 4 1/2 cups low-sodium vegetable broth or water 1/2 tsp ground coriander 1/2 tsp ground turmeric 1 1/4 flat tsp ground cumin 1 cup coconut milk Freshly ground black pepper, to taste 1/4 cup roasted cashew halves, for garnish (optional)

Directions Heat oil in a large pot over medium heat until shimmering. Cook the onions and 1/4 teaspoon salt until onions are soft and translucent, 10 minutes. Reduce heat to low, add garlic, and cook for 4 additional minutes. Add cauliflower, broth or water, coriander, turmeric, cumin, and remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, and then reduce the heat to low. Simmer until cauliflower is fork-tender, about 15 minutes. PurĂŠe the soup with a blender stick or in a blender until smooth. If using a blender return the soup to the soup pot. Stir in the coconut milk and warm the soup. Taste and adjust spices to your taste. To serve, ladle the soup into bowls and garnish with a handful of toasted cashews, sprinkle of red pepper flakes, or ground pepper to taste. Preparation 15 minutes

Healthy Cauliflower Pilaf This dish is a special dish that is often served at weddings or special occasions. It makes a very festive side dish a great accompaniment for fish, meat or poultry. Ingredients 2 large bags frozen cauliflower (5lbs in all) 2 Tbs extra-virgin olive oil Salt and freshly ground pepper 1/2 cup pine nuts 1 large onion, finely chopped 1 tsp ground turmeric 1 1/2 cups basmati rice 1/2 cup dried cranberries 1/4 cup chopped cilantro 3 Tbs oil or transfat free margarine 1/2 tsp smoked paprika (optional) Directions Preheat the oven to 425°. Separate frozen cauliflower into florets. On a large, rimmed baking sheet, toss 1/2 the florets with 3 tablespoons of the oil and season with salt and pepper. Roast the cauliflower for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until golden in spots and tender. Meanwhile, bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Add the other 1/2

of the cauliflower florets and cook until tender, about 15 minutes. Drain and pat dry. Spread the pine nuts in a pie plate and toast until golden, about 5 minutes. In a large, deep skillet, heat the remaining 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Add the onion and cook over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, until softened and just beginning to brown, about 10 minutes. Add the turmeric and rice and stir to coat. Stir in the chicken broth and 1/2 teaspoon of salt and bring to a boil. Cover tightly and cook over low heat until the broth is absorbed and the rice is tender, about 20 minutes. Transfer the rice to a large bowl. Fold in the roasted cauliflower, toasted pine nuts, cranberries and cilantro. Spoon the rice into a 9x13 dish and press lightly on the top. Arrange the boiled cauliflower florets on top. In a small bowl, combine the melted butter and paprika. Brush half of the oil mixture over the cauliflower and bake for about 15 minutes, until heated through. Preheat the broiler. Brush the cauliflower with the remaining oil and broil, 6 inches from the heat, until lightly browned, about 5 minutes. Serve hot or warm. Preparation 15 minutes Serves 10-12

Brown Rice Pilaf with Chickpeas & Spinach This recipe represents a balanced meal all in one dish. Whole grains, protein-packed chickpeas and vitamin rich spinach offer endless health benefits, while onions sauteed in cumin and paprika provide all the flavor. Rice pilaf is a great substitute for heavier pastas and absorbs any flavor of the ingredients it’s combined with. And if a box of the whole rice pilaf is hard to find, use brown rice to still keep the calories low and the whole grains high. Ingredients • 1 box whole rice pilaf • 1 Tsp olive oil • 1¼ cups chopped white onion • 3 cloves garlic, minced • ½ teaspoon ground cumin • ½ teaspoon paprika • ½ tsp turmeric • ¼ tsp salt • 1 Tbs tomato paste • 1 (15-oz.) can chickpeas, rinsed and drained • 1 (10-oz.) package frozen spinach, rinsed and drained • 1 cup chicken stock • ¼ tsp black pepper Directions Begin by cooking the whole rice pilaf according to the directions on the box. While the rice pilaf cooks, heat 1 Tbs olive oil in saucepan over medium heat. Add the chopped white 28

onion. Stir in the minced garlic, ground cumin, paprika, turmeric, salt and tomato paste. Cook for 1 to 2 minutes, stirring constantly until the tomato paste darkens in color. Add the chickpeas and chicken stock. Cover the pan and reduce the heat to low. Let simmer for 10 minutes. Stir in the cooked spinach and black pepper. Let simmer until spinach is warm. Transfer the cooked rice pilaf to a bowl, using a fork to fluff it. Fold the chickpea mixture into the rice pilaf and serve warm. Preparation 20 minutes Serves 4 Cinnamon- The antioxidants in cinnamon have antiinflammatory effects, which may help lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, brain function decline, and more. Cinnamon is also known to have an anti-diabetic effect. It helps lower blood sugar levels and also can improve sensitivity to the hormone insulin, which is the vital hormone needed for keeping blood sugar levels balanced. Furthermore, cinnamon pairs well with lots of foods and delivers a delicious taste and a divine aroma to the whole house.

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Light and Fluffy Buckwheat Pancakes These delicious easy to make light and fluffy pancakes are traditionally used for a more elaborate Sunday brunch, or lunch. It is quite suitable for a dairy supper. Watch the kids devour them in minutes even before it makes it to the table. Ingredients

1 Tbs oil, or as needed

Directions Whisk buckwheat flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and baking soda together in a bowl. Beat buttermilk, egg, and vanilla extract together in another bowl. Pour flour mixture into buttermilk 1 cup buckwheat flour OR whole wheat pastry flour mixture; whisk until batter is thick and smooth. 1 1/2 cup honey Let batter rest for 5 minutes until bubbles form and batter relaxes. 1/2 tsp cinnamon Heat oil on a griddle over medium heat. Drop batter 1 tsp baking powder by large spoonfuls onto the griddle and cook until 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp baking soda bubbles form and the edges are dry, 3 to 4 minutes. 1 1/4 cups buttermilk (to make butter milk mix 1 Flip and cook until browned on the other side, 2 to 3 cup milk and 3 Tbs lemon juice) you can use regular minutes. Repeat with remaining batter. Preparation 10 minutes milk or Coconut milk Serves 4 1 large egg, beaten 1 tsp vanilla extract

KNEE PAIN? Can’t Walk? Can’t Get Up? Night Pain? Bone-on-Bone Arthritis? Told you need a Knee Replacement?

WANT TO END THE PAIN? Interested in Non-Surgical Relief? No Surgery, No Shots, No Braces, No Pills … Just our Unique Process Utilizing Deep Muscle Stimulation Technology! Ofir Isaac, PT, MS, DPT, has specialized in problem joints and knees for over 20 years. He has designed and perfected non-invasive joint and knee manipulation techniques that releases the limitations of your muscles and joints, realigns your knee which immediately brings relief, and helps people of all ages return to their normal lives. There are no shots, no braces and no pills…only Dr. Isaac’s unique process utilizing deep muscle stimulation technology.

Conveniently located at Allcare Pain Elimination For Life at 1213 Ave. P in Midwood, Brooklyn.

Call us today to learn more about Deep Muscle Stimulation Technology: 347-836-6474

Dr. Isaac’s innovative technology-assisted knee manipulation/ mobilization procedure has helped many people just like yourself who were about to have knee surgery and then walked away pain-free. His methods have caught the attention of top medical reporters and media outlets and has been featured on NBC news.

Dr. Ofir Isaac PT, MS, DPT

Chronic Pain Diagnostic Specialist Owner & Clinical Director



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KNEE PAIN ARTHRITIS RELIEF Did You Know Doctors Make These Common Mistakes Using Xray or MRI To Diagnose Bone-On-Bone Arthritis? This One Thing Can Lead You To Freedom From Knee PATIENTS WITHIN THE LAST 5 YEARS HAVE CALLED Pain and Save You From A Knee Replacement… ME PERSONALLY TO CONSULT ME FOR A SECOND OPINION TO HAVING KNEE SURGERY BECAUSE MY You feel frustrated and sick and tired of feeling like PROPRIETARY SYSTEM GETS RESULTS … you are in your 90’s when you are trying to enjoy your early retirement. Now you’re walking down the NO THIS IS NOT STEM CELLS! stairs sideways step-by-step like a baby afraid your knee will buckle. Popping Solgar No.7 vitamins and Stem cells cost $5,000 and get zero results, because Glucosamine pills for breakfast, has you feeling there is zero proof that they work. Don’t do it! frustrated, because the gel shots, the braces and the NO NOT PRP SHOTS! icy hot and Physical Therapy is making things worse. The pain is so bad that the sleeping is getting harder. 9 Taking blood and spinning it in a centrifuge may look haunting words from the knee specialist you saw echo really scientific but there is zero proof that these $1,000 in your head “Maybe you should consider the knee injections can heal your arthritis. PRP works for other issues just not arthritis. I know because I spent the replacement surgery soon…” last 3 years being mentored by the top Sports Medicine WAIT! DON’T GIVE UP… NEVER GIVE UP PRP and STEM CELL experts in the country and I saw HERE’S WHY… with my own eyes what works and here it is… READ THE I agree with you and it’s not your fault that the old NEXT FEW LINES BELOW. fashioned way of treating knee arthritis with the same old rooster shots (hyaluronic acid injection) FAILED YOU—just a short term bandaid! Yes, even if they tell you they use ultrasound guided and fluoroscopic precision xrays to put the injection in the exact place where the bone is touching bone, it’s still the same old placebo potion delivered in a fancier way. Ok…it helps for some, but for you it was a waste of time… am I right?


Functional electrical stimulation of gluteus medius have shown that once the muscle is turned on the hip levels out and unpinches the inside of the knee during walking. Unicompartmental arthritis is what doctors call the pain on the inner part of your knee and worn out meniscus. This is exactly what we attempt to decompress using this derotation method. During the derotation, we use a tool called deep muscle stimulator to break up the scar tissue in the inner knee while the hip is stretched and derotated. And let me tell you it works and it lasts. Call the number below to learn more and listen to people giving their real testimonials our non-surgical knee realignment technologies! 4 FREE Second Opinion Phone Consultation with a Leading Expert In Bone-On-Bone Arthritis

AND 4 FREE Leg Scan With Live Explanation of The Findings

Forget what you just read! Let’s focus on the next few 4 FREE Knee Derotation And Realignment Technology Session lines below… Your hip is like the axle of a car, your knee a shock LIMITED TIME OFFERS (MUST QUALIFY) absorber and your foot the tires… make a mental image, close your eyes so you can picture it now.

CALL TODAY … 646-969-3711

Can you drive a car with a flat tire? Yes, sure you can, but you know after sometime what will happen is the shock from the street will destroy the shock absorbers between the axle and the tire, as the car rolls over the I want to ask you a really BIG question…ok? Do you pot holes… really think that there is science backing the theory of Can you drive a car with a misaligned axle? Sure you can gel shots? Your answer was “I dunno”! The only thing but after sometime the car starts to pull in one direction that is backing those shots, is science that Medicare and the shock absorber begins to wear out. pays some money for the doctor’s appointment to examine you! Those shots cost $500 to you! These THAT’S YOUR KNEE! IT’S A SHOCK shots are as guaranteed as hitting the lottery! ABSORBER!


VITAMINS DON’T WORK AND HERE’S KNEE DEROTATION AND REALIGNMENT TECHNOLOGY WHY… uses a non-radiation-based laser scanner that instantly analyzes your hip, knee and ankle alignment looking Do you really think that glucosamine will reach your for the exact misalignment angle. Traditional xrays joint? Honestly, you are swallowing a water pill and you look only at the knee joint and don’t take the hip and need to know that there is a huge placebo effect. ankle into account causing Doctors to misjudge what is OK THIS IS A PROMISE OF A REAL really the true cause of the bone-on-bone in your knee. SCIENTIFIC SOLUTION NOT A WATER Whether it’s your hip, or your foot and ankle, our scanner shows us the exact measurements telling us how to PILL… derotate your hip—based on kinesiology (the science I agree with you that the Traditional Physical Therapy of muscles, bones and nerves). A few centimeters of DID NOT WORK! Actually it worsened your condition derotation will decompress and realign your hip, turning especially when you were told to ride the bike, right? on a critical small muscle deep in the buttock called SO WHAT! COME ON I AM A DOCTOR OF PHYSICAL the short rotator. We do this while we gently pull your THERAPY AND I AM TELLING YOU THAT TRADITIONAL hip with a decompression pulley device. Simply put, we activate your weak unused hip muscle. THERAPY JUST WON’T WORK! I DO KNOW WHAT WORKS. ACTUALLY 387 REAL Arthritis Research and Therapy 18 Article 255

Dr. Ofir Isaac PT, MS, DPT

Chronic Pain Diagnostic Specialist Owner & Clinical Director Hi my name is Dr. Ofir Isaac a Knee Specialist and Pain and Injury Consultant, and I guarantee that this procedure will work for you on the spot. Where? Allcare Pain Elimination For Life, at 1213 Ave P right here In Midwood, Brooklyn. It’s my passion to empower patients like you to eliminate their chronic pain through our unique “Active” Neuroscience Based Approach To Pain.

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Greetings from the Land of Israel! Subject:

With HaShem’s help, we s tand upon the threshold of the printing of

“Responsa of the Medrash”

a new sefer containing 1,985 ques tions and answers culled from all of Medrash Rabbah, and thus spanning the entire Chumash! To date, the sefer’s author has printed four seforim, several editions of each one. All four have been warmly accepted in the world of the yeshivot and by all s treams of Torahfaithful Jewry. In addition, talmudei Torah continue to purchase many copies, in order to award them as prizes to s tudents. The names of these seforim: 1. Ahavas Torah (Love of the Torah) 2. Anava V’Shalom (Humility & Peace) 3. Shinun HaParashah (Review of the Weekly Torah Portion) 4. Va’Yipallel Pinchas (And Pinchas Prayed) 5. Michalkail Chaim (He Sustains Life). Thousands learn these seforim and are greatly propelled forward in Torah, fear of Heaven, and refinement of character. As a result of the new sefer, too, in which, in exchange for donations of one thousand shekels, donors will see printed in the sefer a dedication to one of their friends or loved ones, readers will surely be drawn upwards in wisdom and kedusha. All who would like to join this project and be a partner in the extremely important mitzvah that is entailed in it (See the sefer, “Pela Yo-aitz” – the Subject of “Dfus” i.e. “Printing” – and so, too, Part Two of the sefer, “Shmiras HaLashon,” about how marvelous is the mitzvah of helping to print sifrei kodesh) are asked to provide the needed information (name, date of death, if relevant) as soon as possible, so we can print the dedication and memorialize the departed friend, spouse or relative. So, too, dedications can be for the sake of someone who has not yet found his shidduch, or, for example, for the sake of gaining a good livelihood, or for the cure and recovery of someone who is ill.

As noted, the cos t of one dedication is



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