Boro Park Buzz #155 May 12 2019

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Boro Park

Brooklyn’s only Door to Door Magazine - Flatbush - Marine Park - Boro Park -

Volume 7, Issue 155 May12th 2019







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The Shmuz on the Parsha

Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier


Holiness is Natural “You shall be holy, for holy am I your G-d.” Vayikrah 19:2 In this one sweeping statement the Torah assigns to us a mitzvah that seems well beyond our capacity – be holy. Even more perplexing this isn’t relegated only to the elite, or to the most pious. Rather, every Jew is commanded to be sacred. This presents a number of problems. The first is that the mitzvah is extremely vague. If the Torah tells us to put on tefilin, it is clearly defined action, to be done with a particular object, at a specific time. But what does it mean to be “holy?” How does one define it? And how does attain this lofty state? If this isn’t problematic enough, the basis of comparison makes it infinitely more difficult to understand. “You shall be holy, because I your G-d am holy.” In what manner, form or fashion can man’s holiness be compared to HASHEM’s? In attempting to explain this mitzvah, the Ramban defines it as a general guideline against gluttony. He explains that the Torah permits pleasurable activities. One is allowed to eat many types of food. One may drink intoxicating beverages. A husband and wife are permitted to be together. As a result a person may become immersed in pleasures. This mitzvah is a general guideline to use indulgences properly, keep them in check— using them guardedly, judiciously. While this Ramban is illustrative, he doesn’t seem shed much light on the issue. Controlling one’s desires is a fine concept, but how does that make a person sacred? It


might stop him from become a hedonist, but, it won’t make him holy.

The nature of man

The answer to this question is based on a more focused understanding of human nature: The Chovos Ha’Levovos (Sha’ar Avodas Elokim) explains that HASHEM put into man two distinct components. The Nefesh Ha’Sichli, intellectual soul or neshama, and the Nefesh Ha’Bahami—the animal soul. The neshama comes from the upper worlds, and similar to the angels, only craves that which is good, right and proper. It deeply desires to be close to HASHEM. Its very essence strives for perfection. The animal soul contains all of the drives that man needs to keep himself alive. Imprinted into it are the drives for food and drink, rest and shelter and all the other physical needs of man. These two parts are diametrically opposed and are constantly battling for control of man. Each one cries out for it’s fulfillment, each one demands its needs. And, either one grows or shrinks based on usage. Much like a muscle that with use becomes strong and with disuse atrophies, each part becomes stronger or weaker, based on how often it is allowed control. If man harnesses his desires, they become weaker and his pure intellect comes to the fore, eventually ruling over his animal soul. If he regularly gives in to his base desires, they become stronger and eventually dominant, till they govern over his neshama.

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A pull to holiness

This seems to be the answer to the question on the Ramban. Within man, HASHEM implanted a Neshma so pure, that it pulls him to greatness. Its only desire is to be as much like HASHEM as it can be. HASHEM is perfect. HASHEM is holy. And so, Man’s nishama pulls to be perfect, to be as holy as much as a human can be. The difficulty with man reaching this state, is that his animal soul tugs him towards everything temporal and passing. Its desires are immediate and mundane –the opposite of all that is holy and sublime. The more that man gives into these desires, the stronger their pull on him. If left unchecked, they would turn him into an animal in the form of a man. The Torah is teaching us that being holy isn’t foreign to us—quite the opposite, it’s part of our very nature. Half of of our personality only wishes for that which is elevated and proper. If we listen to that side, we will be holy. It’s instinctive. The difficulty is that there is another half of us that makes blocks us from reaching that state. To grow, we have to resist its call, and stand up against its pull. Each of the mitzvahs guides us towards perfection. Do this and your nishama will shine. Don’t do this, as it will sully you, making it more difficult for you to actualize your potential.

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People believe what they want to believe

The result of this is that people don’t believe that which is factual, proven and true; they believe what they want to believe. And, one of the greatest manifestations of this is the Egyptians following the Jews to their death. Despite living through the makkos, despite seeing the sea split into twelve sections, they didn’t believe it was a miracle. They attributed it to the wind because that is what they wanted to believe. We see a parallel to this in our day, when educated people claim that the world just evolved. No Creator. No Plan. No purpose. All of the complexity of this vast world just happened. You might wonder how anyone could be so blind. The answer is quite simple—I don’t want to accept G-d. If G-d exists then someone is in charge. If G-d exists then there are rules. Things I have to do, things I can’t do. That makes me uncomfortable. I am just much more at ease with denying the whole thing. For a person to see the truth, he must put away his bias and ask himself what do I honestly think? Forget the consequences. Forget my agenda. What does logic dictate? In that framework, a person will see the Creator as clear as day. However, if he doesn’t want to see the truth, nothing in the world will convince him, not the greatest miracles, and not even the splitting of the sea itself. He is capable of believing exactly what he wants to believe.

Rabbi Shafier is the founder of the – The Shmuz is an engaging, motivating shiur that deals with real life issues. All of the Shmuzin are available free of charge at www. or on the Shmuz App for iphone or Android. Simply text the word “TheShmuz” to the number 313131 and a link will be sent to your phone to download the App. Att: Past issues may have inadvertently Sheimos, Please disgard this Magazine accordingly in geniza Thank You.


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By: Dr. Ofir Isaac PT, MS, DPT

ENOUGH Cortisone Injections, Gel Shots, Orthopedic Consults and MRI’s? ENOUGH popping ibuprofen like candy just to get make it through your daily activities? ENOUGH worrying that you’ll never be able to stay active with your child or chase after your grandchild fearing your joint or muscle pain will act up and cripple you again?

BEFORE YOU GIVE UP EVERYTHING YOU LOVE IN YOUR LIFE Just because “everyone” says there’s no solution but surgery or resting the joint forever…

CONTINUE READING FOR THE REAL HEALTH FACTS And enjoy an active, mobile and independent life without pain or limits…

4 SAY “NO” TO THE PILLS… Because they mask the real symptoms and STOP the joint and tissue from truly healing 4 STOP THE “LET ME JUST REST” TORTURE… Begin to mobilize the hard tissue (joints, ligaments and cartilage) while you release the soft tissue (nerves, muscle and fascia) so you can finally feel happier and get back to normal… 4 KEEP EXERCISING WITH BONE ON BONE ARTHRITIS OR ROTATOR CUFF TEARS… Because you are not your MRI or XRAY findings, You are a connected body of tissues that need real healing, and you need this treatment no matter what your doctor said to scare you into surgery… 4 ARTHROSCOPIC SURGERY FOR MENISCAL TEARS AND INJECTIONS FOR FROZEN SHOULDERS BECOME YESTERDAYS NEWS WITH THIS NEW BREAKTHROUGH “NON SURGICAL SCALPEL”… High Powered Class IV deep tissue laser technology is a game changer that skeptical Orthopedists are now agreeing to try live demos in their office, with their shoulder, knee, and ankle patients! 4 PLANTAR FASCIITIS, CHRONIC HEEL SPUR, ACHILLES TENDINITIS AND SHOULDER IMPINGEMENT PAIN “MELT” AWAY IN 4–6 SESSIONS GUARANTEED… A secret weapon for tissue recovery and joint regeneration only used by professional football players and high performance athletes, finally available right here at ALLCARE PAIN ELIMINATION FOR LIFE 4 IS CORTISONE REALLY UNSAFE FOR ARTHRITIS?… Of course it is, but the risks are destruction of good cartilage, thinning of nearby bone (osteoporosis) and even tendon rupturing and weakening … CLASS IV LASER is the “new injection with all the benefits and none of the risks”

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Dr. Ofir Isaac PT, MS, DPT

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WANT TO END THE PAIN? Interested in Non-Surgical Relief? No Surgery, No Shots, No Braces, No Pills … Just our Unique Process Utilizing Deep Muscle Stimulation Technology! Ofir Isaac, PT, MS, DPT, has specialized in problem joints and knees for over 20 years. He has designed and perfected non-invasive joint and knee manipulation techniques that releases the limitations of your muscles and joints, realigns your knee which immediately brings relief, and helps people of all ages return to their normal lives. There are no shots, no braces and no pills…only Dr. Isaac’s unique process utilizing deep muscle stimulation technology.

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A Nazi in the Family by Derek Niemann

Three years ago I discovered that my grandfather was a member of the SS and arrested for crimes against humanity


ate last year, I read an interview with a rabbi in my university city of Manchester, in which he said that things were so bad he could not see himself ending his days in Britain. I wanted to cry – how could this be happening in my own country? His words had a special resonance for me – at the time I was finishing a book about my own grandfather – an active perpetrator in the Holocaust.


My German grandfather died before I was born. My father told me that his father, Karl Niemann, was “a bank clerk, a pen-pusher.” He also told me that he was a member of the Nazi party. Out of shame, I kept that from my Jewish friends. Three years ago while my wife prepared for a conference in Berlin a far more terrible revelation came. I decided to join her in the German capital for a short vacation. I asked my dad where he had lived during the

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war. I would look it up, maybe take some photos of the house for him. I checked online for any information about the street itself. While I was searching a page came up bearing the words: SS Hauptsturmführer Karl Niemann… crimes against humanity… use of slave labor. I was to discover that in May 1945 my grandfather was arrested in the Alps by American soldiers and imprisoned in former POW camps

for three years. My family closed that sordid chapter in their lives and never spoke about it again. But as a 50-year-old writer, I had a compulsion to dig into this new-found truth and to write about it. I trawled archives, went to concentration camps, spoke to Holocaust historians and relatives and began to piece together the story – not just of Karl Niemann, but also that of my family, who had been living a life in Berlin that was both bizarre and frighteningly ordinary. My dad had vivid recollections of a childhood in which he saw much but understood little. During the war, his father was always going on ‘business trips’. No sooner was he back than he was preparing to go off again. The reality was that he was an overseer of slave labor and the factories he was visiting were the likes of Auschwitz, Dachau, Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen. SS officers requisitioned inmates to do odd jobs around the house.

My dad remembered men wearing “dirty grey striped uniforms, with ‘Jude’ written on the back”. They brought furniture, mended clothes, made bunk beds and an air raid shelter in the garden. His mother gave them coffee and cake. They told her they liked coming to her house. The children played in bomb craters: it was a million miles from the murderous regime in which their father was a working participant. Karl pictured in his Nazi Party uniform with wife Minna, 1933.Karl pictured in his Nazi Party uniform with wife Minna, 1933. Just how much did my grandfather know of the Holocaust and what was his involvement? In the last weeks of the war, he was one of four officers ordered to relocate with their families from Berlin to the Alps. The entourage stopped for two or three nights at Dachau on the way and my dad recalled overhearing a heated conversation between his parents

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as they looked out over a low building with a tall smoking chimney. His mother said: “You know what they’re doing there? They’re killing the Jews and burning their bodies.” His father was emphatic: “No, they wouldn’t do that,” he insisted. There is simply too much contrary evidence for his denial to be credible. At his tribunal in 1948, the prosecution lacked incriminating papers that were being used at the time to help hang Karl’s boss, Oswald Pohl, the overall controller of concentration camps. Auditor Karl Niemann had produced accounts for the year 1942, in which he bemoaned the ‘loss’ of 8,000 workers from Majdanek. Eight thousand Jews had been taken out and shot – and Karl had written down the exact date of their killing. He claimed he had never been to Auschwitz – yet it was the SS’s second biggest ‘factory’ and a Holocaust historian told me that it was inconceivable that he would never have visited it. And how could he have gone to camp after camp, and not seen all the signs of torture, the skeletal figures, breathed the smell of death? My grandfather found inmates to testify on his behalf that he had not physically abused anyone. What of the passive acceptance that allowed him to work for the SS for 10 years? Most disturbing of all were the comments from the presiding judge

My grandfather oversaw slave labor and the factories he visited were the likes of Auschwitz, Dachau, Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen. that Karl Niemann, presented with the facts, showed no sign of contrition for his part in the enslavement and brutal treatment of innocent people. It was hard to be objective. There were times when I hated my grandfather. There was a brief window – when I discovered that he had been working deals with the Gestapo to have inmates released – that I thought he might have been another Oskar Schindler. But in the end, I accept he was a flawed individual and look elsewhere for positives. And there are positives to come out of this dreadful story. There is my family’s reaction to the book’s publication, most notably my uncle, still living in Germany, who read a draft and told me: “I find this hard, but it is true, and you must tell it all.” A guiding light has been one Bernhard Gelderblom, whose own father died an unrepentant perpetrator. Bernhard has dedicated his retirement to teaching children in

local towns and villages about the lives of Jewish communities before the Nazis came. He inspired people in these places to restore Jewish cemeteries smashed during Kristallnacht. Throughout this process, I have been shaken, not by hostility, but by kindness. It seems that those closest to the Holocaust are girdled with compassion. Archivists have looked into my heart and said in soft voices: “It’s not your fault.” A lady who had lost family at Auschwitz even said: “Your grandfather probably couldn’t help it.” Kind words indeed, but for the sake of truth, I must value honesty above everything. As Holocaust survivors pass away, I understand that I and others in my position have a role. As the grandson of a Nazi criminal, I can say to young people, this is what has happened, but I do not share my grandfather’s beliefs, I do not agree with what he has done. In the weeks since my book was published, I have found others who have been given a similar legacy to me and also want to carry a torch against hatred and bigotry. I was deeply moved to be asked by to write this article. The fact that it is possible speaks volumes for the willingness of good people, regardless of faith, to find understanding and common humanity.



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Internal Spring Cleaning W

Cleaning our digestive system after all its hard work during Passover GITTA BIXENSPANNER


ith Passover behind us, after we have thoroughly cleaned our homes inside and out, it is time for an internal cleansing. It is very beneficial to rid ourselves of all the excesses of the Yom Tov diet, which consisted of matzah, unrestrained amounts of potatoes, eggs, sugar, fried and fatty foods, and meat at every meal. It is imperative that we give our system a bit of a rest of all the hard work it was subjected to over the holidays. Most people complained of the weight gain along with other symptoms like bloating and constipation.

Where does one begin?

Any cleansing program should begin in the colon, the last portion of the digestive system. The Rambam (Maimonides), who lived about 1000 years ago and was one of the greatest doctors in ancient times,

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advocated taking care of our colon as a first step to health and vitality. Our widespread colon problems begin with our unhealthy Western diet that is deficient in plant fibers. Fiber is indispensable in maintaining a healthy colon. A person with a healthy colon should be able to have minimally one bowel movement per day, if not two or three. With the help of fiber, elimination should be complete, fast and easy.

Why do a colon cleanse?

The colon’s job is to compact the chime, absorb water, and receive B-vitamins produced by healthy intestinal bacteria. One of the most renowned nutrition experts in the world, Dr. Bernard Jensen, D.C., Ph.D., author of many popular health books, states: “In the 50 years I’ve spent helping people to overcome illness, disability and disease, it has become crystal clear that poor bowel management lies at the root of most people’s health problems. In treating over 300,000 patients, it is the bowel that invariably

has to be cared for first before any effective healing can take place.” (Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management,) Our colon functions like a sewer system in a large city. Just imagine for a second what would happen if your local sewers became clogged by some debris. Within a short time the whole neighborhood would be filled with filth and an unbearable stench. This same process occurs in our bodies when the elimination system is not functioning properly. When the colon is clean and healthy, our excrement should not have an unpleasant odor and we experience an overall wellbeing. When it is congested with stagnant waste, poisons back up into the system and pollute the inner environment.

What would be a good first step?

Dietary fiber plays a crucial role in the proper function and maintenance of the colon. “Increasing the amount of fiber in the diet may reduce symptoms of constipation, diarrhea among other

intestinal ailments such as fogginess, chronic fatigue and other symptoms, Fiber keeps stool soft and lowers pressure inside the colon so that bowel contents can move through easily. The American Dietetic Association recommends 20 to 35 grams of fiber each day.” (National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse part of the National Institutes of Health)

Suggestions for a high fiber diet

Start your day with a glass of warm water and juice of 1/2 lemon. Breakfast: Eat fruits or a high fiber cereal like All Bran or cooked oatmeal sprinkled with ground flaxseeds. Lunch: Green salad with a generous amount of sprouts and any other vegetable available Snack: Fruits or natural nuts (unsweetened, unsalted) Dinner: Combine one choice of grain (rice, millet, corn, quinoa) with a legume (beans of any kind, chick peas, lentils, split peas red, yellow, green)

Chickpea corn salad This recipe is delicious and very high in fiber 1 cup chickpeas soaked overnight and cooked 1 cup string beans cooked al dente (not very soft) 1 cup raw corn kernels 1 handful baby tomatoes 1 small sliced red onions 1 can sliced hearts of palm Mix all ingredients well

Add: Salt to taste 3 tsp lemon juice 1 Tbs mayonnaise (optional) or olive oil Preparation: 30 minutes Serves 6

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Vegetarian chili This dish was a real hit, especially with men who like spicy foods 1 lb kidney beans soaked overnight. 1 medium onion diced 2 cloves garlic 1 red pepper cut in strips 1 yellow pepper cut in strips 1/2 lb. string beans 2 corns on the cob kernels. 1 hot jalapeno pepper (optional, great for those that like hot stuff!) 1 Tbs Tamari sauce Cook soaked beans in salt water till they are soft but not mushy, about 2 1/2 hours In another saucepan, steam fry onions and garlic in water adding some Tamari sauce for taste and color. When onions are translucent add other vegetables, stir fry for about 20 minutes. Add the beans with their liquid, adjusting taste with HERBAMARE or sea salt and garlic powder. Preparation time:20 minutes Cooking time 3 hours Serves 6


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Apple crisp This simple apple crisp is high in fiber and a good dessert anytime but I serve it especially Friday nights. 5-6 apples baking apples, peeled and chopped 2 Tbs lemon Cinnamon to taste 3/4 cup maple syrup 1/2 cup whole wheat flour 1/2 cup oatmeal 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup chopped walnuts Distribute apples evenly in a lightly greased 8x8 baking pan. Pour maple syrup over the apples and then sprinkle cinnamon over it all, along with lemon juice to avoid apples getting dark. In a bowl, mix together flour and oatmeal. Add the applesauce, nuts, brown sugar, and mix until the flour is just moistened. Spread this mixture onto apples. Bake in the oven at 375 degrees for about 35 minutes. Let it cool a few minutes and serve hot or cold. Preparation time 30 minutes Serves 8


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