Boro Park Buzz Sunday, November, 10 2013

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%RUR3DUN Sunday, November, 10 2013


Volume 1, Issue 8


Bi -Weekly



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LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Hi Everyone, Once again we’re pleased as punch to present you with a marvelous edition of Buzz Magazine, Brooklyn’s only frum publication delivered door to door! In this issue we feature not one but two controversial topics for discussion: The Pursuit of Happiness or the Quest for Wealth, and How Would You Label Yourself! After the flood of responses we received from our last edition, we’re looking forward to hearing from you all again in our diverse Cholent Pot section. Humorist Shiffy Fishman complains about her lack of zzz’s in the article Sleepless in Brooklyn, and Rabbi Zirkind expounds on Torah thoughts about Feeling New Within the Old. Along with current events, delicious recipes and an expose on the great tycoon and philanthropist Paul Reichmann a’h, you’re sure to enjoy this enlightening copy of The Buzz!


Sarah Gold

NY Buzz Magazine P.O. Box# 190811, Brooklyn, NY 11219

To Advertise Call: (718) 513-9885 (718) 435-3918 @nybuzzmagazine

2013 Flatbush Buzz. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without prior written permission of the Buzz Magazine. All readers are invited to send their opinions by letter to the editor. The advertiser agrees to hold harmless the publisher for publication of submitted copy. Buzz Magazine will not be responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right to refuse advertising or editorial copy that we feel does not fit our policy. Advertising claims or kashrus of any product or establishment are not the responsibility of the Buzz Magazine. The opinions of each writer do not reflect those of the publisher. The Buzz Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited submissions.


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cholent pot!

Dear Editor, Thank you for having the courage to address our terrible challenge by printing the article “The Plight of Agunos!� I am an aguna whose husband has categorically refused to give me a get. I am 33 years old, and I am waiting more than two years for him to relent. Until now, there has never been a frum publication with the gumption to highlight our tzaar. I applaud you for printing this controversial piece, and I hope it brings awareness to our community that there are many women like me who are suffering in silence, and waiting for our ex-husbands to give in. I know that it is wrong to force a man into giving a get, and I would never condone that kind of action. But maybe, with the new understanding of our situation that you have brought about, we will start to see some positive changes. Thank you! Judy T. Dear Editor, I was very upset to read about your article titled “The Plight of Agunos.� The Chofetz Chaim states that even when something is already public knowledge, it should not be publicized, for that is still considered loshon hara. In addition, I don’t think our frum publications should be siding with the NY Times against the Rabbonim in this case. Please be more careful with what you print in the future. P.N. Dear P.N, We at The Buzz sincerely apologize to anyone who took offense to the article, “The Plight of Agunos.� Of course, our thought behind publishing the article was not to vilify anyone chas v’shalom, but to bring to light a very disturbing, and often hidden, problem in our community. Without mentioning the names of any Rabbonim, or even the location where this particular incident took place, we attempted to address the challenge of many agunos who are suffering terribly while awaiting a get. It is inarguably sad that,

whether or not the Rabbonim acted al pi Torah, and whether or not their actions were warranted, the story resulted in a chilul Hashem. The article did not stand in judgment of the Rabbonim, or identify with the NY Times in charges against them, chas v’shalom. It merely lamented the plight of many agunos, and questioned what, in particular, constitutes force with regard to ‘beating the husband with a rod.’ We will certainly take greater care in the future, to avoid even the slightest trace of loshon hara. Sincerely, The Editor Dear Editor, This issue’s Insights and Ideas ‘15 ways to stay married for 35 years’ is the best marriage article I have ever read (I’m married for 24 years). I think the most important point is #10: Stop Thinking Temporarily. If only all young couples would go into marriage with this mindset! Thanks for a great read. Emailed Dear Editor, I just had to write in to your magazine to vent P\ IUXVWUDWLRQ , OLYH LQ )ODWEXVK DQG , Ă€QG WKH parking situation to be completely intolerable both there, and in Boro Park. I’ve noticed that many people who own driveways and garages are not even using them! Instead, these people are blocking other available spots that should be taken by those who don’t have a driveway! Have you noticed how many driveways remain empty in Brooklyn? Why are the owners of these spots SDUNLQJ LQ RWKHU SODFHV ZKHQ Ă€QGLQJ SDUNLQJ is hard enough for the rest of us without such inconsideration? If you own a driveway in Boro Park or Flatbush and you’re reading this, please be mindful of others. Park in your own driveway and let the rest of us take the remaining available SDUNLQJ VORWV 7KH\¡UH KDUG HQRXJK WR Ă€QG DV LW LV Yitzy P.

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Dear Editor, Is it me, or is the amount of homework kids have today just ridiculous? I don’t remember having this much homework as a kid. I remember having a chance to play outside for at least a little while before going to bed. But my girls in high school don’t have a minute to themselves. They’re absolutely swamped with homework, tests, projects and reports – often until midnight! Is this normal? Why aren’t the schools letting kids be kids? Are they afraid of what those girls will do if they’re given some free time to themselves? Is that why they just keep piling on more and more work, so that the kids are too busy to get into trouble? For my daughters, this is the reality they’ve been living with and it’s all they know. But for me, as an adult who still has fond memories of my adolescence spent talking on the phone, going shopping, and playing ball after school, I feel sorry for them. They’re missing out on what should be a carefree, innocent time in life. N.R.



Dear Editor, I don’t know if you can help me, but I’m desperate so I’m giving this a try. I really want to get married. I don’t know if you’ll print this letter or not, but I’m taking a chance and hoping someone will read it who can do something for me. I’m a 32 year old girl who’s JRQH RQ QXPHURXV GDWHV EXW , FDQ¡W VHHP WR Ă€QG P\ bashert. I’m stuck. I don’t know where else to turn. I’m pretty decent looking, I have a good job, and I don’t think I’m overly picky. I just haven’t clicked with the right boy yet. If anyone out there reads this letter, can you please write in to The Buzz and give me some advice? I feel like maybe I need to reassess what I’m looking for and totally change my attitude. But to do that, I need help. Any encouragement or positive feedback I get would make a tremendous difference for me. Thank you. Received by email

To send your comments to “the Cholent pot� please email:

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LABEL YOURSELF? By Chananya Weissman


oday, we all wear labels of one kind or another. Litvish, Yeshivish, Sefardish, Heimish, &KDVVLGLVK 8QDIÀOLDWHG ish, or a discombobulated combination of them all‌ The Gemara in Shabbos relates an amusing anecdote about two of our Sages that probably would be suppressed if it occurred today. R` Avya once visited Rava`s home while wearing muddy shoes. He sat on one of the beds while still wearing the shoes, and dirtied the bed. Annoyed by this breach of etiquette, Rava posed a complex question to R` Avya about the laws of Shabbos. The latter VXFFHVVIXOO\ UHFRQFLOHG WKH GLIÀFXOW\ and avoided being put to shame. Of course, if Rava really wished WR à XPPR[ KLV FROOHDJXH KH FRXOG have asked a much simpler question: What`s your hashkafa? We can only speculate as to the witty retort this would have engendered in Talmudic times. Nowadays, however, this question is asked with the greatest of seriousness, and numerous judgments about a person, both major and minor, are determined based on the reply. Indeed, if a potential shidduch survives this question, the SURVSHFW RI D ÀUVW GDWH MXPSV IURP inconceivable all the way up to highly unlikely. With so much hanging in the balance, it is no wonder that

many of us dread the inevitable demand to label ourselves. To wear an unfashionable label is to ride next to trouble on a one-lane highway. In today`s world of sound bites, snap MXGJPHQWV DQG LQVWDQW JUDWLÀFDWLRQ it can be a mistake beyond repair. To help alleviate the fear and confusion regarding this matter, I submit, as a public service, this elucidation of some of the more common labels, stereotypes, and generalizations. I reserve judgment on the accuracy and fairness of these perceptions, and assure the more sensitive readers that I mean to offend no one. The three most common labels among Jews who claim to observe the Torah (both Written and Oral) are Modern Orthodox, Yeshivish, and Chassidish. In the olden days ÀIWHHQ \HDUV DJR RU VR LW ZDV IDLUO\ simple. Modern Orthodox Jews saw themselves as synthesizing the spirituality of a Torah lifestyle with active participation in the world at large. Yeshivish Jews saw themselves as exclusively dedicated to Torah study and observance, with involvement in the world at large to be minimized, if not entirely shunned. Yeshivish Jews viewed Modern Orthodox Jews as people who did not value a true Torah lifestyle. Modern Orthodox Jews viewed Yeshivish Jews as unsophisticated types who were overly stringent about what


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butter they ingested, among other things. Obviously, marriage between the two was impossible. Chassidish Jews are a mysterious lot. Modern Orthodox Jews viewed them with a mixture of contempt and awe; foreign creatures, yet exotic. Their enthusiasm and passion, along

Those who wear black hats can marry anyone who wishes to marry someone who wears a black hat. with their lively dancing and their exotic dress, tantalized the Modern Orthodox, who wallowed in the pits of secularism. Chassidim quietly admired the worldly success of the Modern Orthodox. They could tolerate one another and mingle in limited venues, but marriage between the two was unthinkable. Yeshivish


LET’S DISCUSS IT It used to be that one wore a hat to accentuate the person beneath. Nowadays the hat is often viewed as WKH GHÀQLQJ IHDWXUH and the person an interchangeable part. Jews gravitated toward one group or the other, but could still marry only their own.

Then things became complicated. The Modern Orthodox took exception to the charges that they scorned halacha. We do not go to mixed dances, they claimed. We keep kosher in all its details, they claimed. We study Torah on the highest levels, they claimed. And just like that, a new label was born: Modern Orthodox Machmir or Right (as opposed to Meikil or Left). These Jews suffer from a rare form of schizophrenia, for to be Modern Orthodox is to be lax, and to be machmir is to be unduly strict. It really can be hard to be a Jew! Before the dust settled, a new hashkafa emerged: Black Hat Type! This is an interesting hashkafa. It used to be that one wore a hat to accentuate the person beneath. Nowadays the hat is often viewed as WKH GHĂ€QLQJ IHDWXUH DQG WKH SHUVRQ an interchangeable part. Therefore, many people wear a black hat to

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demonstrate that they believe in all the things that one who wears a black hat is supposed to believe in. But if one believes in all these things to the extent that he is a Black Hat Type, why does he not always wear the black hat? How else can we know that he is truly a Black Hat Type if he does not wear the black hat, and why would he want to leave room for doubt? The statement is thus selfcontradictory. Those who wear black hats can marry anyone who wishes to marry someone who wears a black hat. Those who are merely Black Hat Types can marry virtually no one. But they have only themselves to blame. The Modern Orthodox further factionalized, and some began calling themselves Centrists. They believed themselves to be balanced between the Leftists who shun Torah and the Rightists who fanaticize it. But like any high wire act, this one could not last long. The directions are always





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moving, and the center moves along with them. Today the center is said to be close to the right, and the Modern Orthodox are said to be disappearing. Chassidim evolve more slowly than the other groups, for better or for worse, but this turmoil has reached them as well. Nowadays some Chassidim align themselves with enemies of Israel, yet retain their stringencies with butter. Other Chassidim distinguish themselves from brethren whose ancestors lived

in different towns in Europe by adhering to such immediate external indicators as hat styles, brim styles and sock styles, to name a few. It is vitally important that they distinguish among themselves in this fashion, lest WKH\ QRW LPPHGLDWHO\ EH LGHQWLÀHG with their particular group. Should that happen they might discover that they have more important things in common than hats and socks, and their children might wish to marry one another. Heaven forbid!

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Still other Chassidim refer to themselves as With It. They can presumably marry all those who are not Without It. Then there are Charedim, who are more Yeshivish than the Yeshivish. They see themselves as preservers of the Torah. Some of the Modern Orthodox agree, and greatly admire them. But it is no longer clear which Modern Orthodox Jews admire the Charedim and which scorn them. Other Charedim are so sophisticated and worldly as to be nearly indistinguishable from Modern Orthodox Machmir Types, though they would never admit to such a thing. Some Charedim are actually very similar to the Chassidim who are Without It. Other Charedim call themselves Chardal, which is like Modern Orthodox Knitted Yarmulke Type - but with the Black Hat. I would go on, but this is making me dizzy. I have therefore decided that from now on I will avoid all labels and stereotypes, and try to take longer than ÀYH VHFRQGV WR GHFLGH ZKHWKHU RU QRW a particular Jew is my “type.” I see only a human being - in most cases a nice one - who loves our beautiful religion and desires to faithfully serve Hashem. Sometimes he fails and sometimes he succeeds. Just like the rest of us. Labels belong on clothing, not on human beings. If I wish to know what type of hat or shirt a person is wearing, I shall examine the label. If I wish to know what type of person is wearing it, I shall examine the person. There are, after all, only two types of observant Jews: those who seek conformity to various idealized stereotypes, and those who seek conformity to what Hashem wants of them as unique human beings. The only way to distinguish between these two types of Jews - to truly determine their values, character, personality, commitment to Judaism, political views, and so very much more - is to get to know them. It`s nice to meet you. Perhaps one day our children will be able to marry.





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here’s a famous quote: “Nothing is enough to the person for whom enough is too little.â€? Epicurus Sadly, in our capitalistic culture today, the two aspirations denoted in the above title--to me, sharply contrasting--are frequently confused. They can be (and have been) viewed as virtually identical. And if in fact happiness is conceived in monetary terms, then the more money gained, the more material objects acquired, the closer you are to reaching this most enviable of goals. Right? Hardly! As ironic as it may seem, materialistically pursuing happiness is doomed to fail. It’s a goal that can never be achieved. As will be explained shortly, almost by GHĂ€QLWLRQ LW¡V QRW HYHQ UHDFKDEOHever. On the other hand, if happiness is understood from a more spiritual perspective, it’s potentially well within your grasp. By “spiritual,â€? I’m envisioning this ideal state as emanating from a variety of non-materialistic attainments. This would include D IXOĂ€OOLQJ VHQVH RI EHORQJLQJ RU community with others and all of nature; the development of warm, supportive, mutually self-disclosing relationships; an unconditional love, respect, and acceptance of oneself that’s totally independent of environmental

circumstances; and an almost unassailable state of well-being (having little to do with personal health, and even less with material abundance). Once you experience contentment (not complacence) with your lot LQ OLIH QHLWKHU Ă€QDQFLDO DVVHWV QRU physical robustness are pivotal to such well-being. Your peace of mind, your overarching satisfaction with your existence (despite its inevitable ups-and-downs) is secured. So the calmness and cheer of what’s going on inside your head (i.e., the “buoyancyâ€? of your thoughts and feelings) far eclipse the turmoil, the gloom and doom, that may be taking place outside. And in your general acceptance of life you gain ultimate control over it. However much you might wish to see positive changes in the world, to bear witness to the betterment of humankind and society, you also DFFHSW WKDW \RXU DELOLW\ WR LQĂ XHQFH external events is limited. You do what you can, but you don’t anguish over the current state of affairs, or about the unalterable framework of mortal existence. What is, is good enough for you. Moreover, happiness as an enduring state of mind is (at least potentially) available at any time. It doesn’t need to be pursued (as, say, a luxury sports car, a bracelet from Tiffany’s, or tickets to the Super


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As ironic as it may seem, materialistically pursuing happiness is doomed to fail. It’s a goal that can never be achieved. Bowl). It’s nothing that requires questing after since, once you’ve come to wholly embrace yourself and the world around you, it already exists safely inside you. In fully espousing the world--with all its inequities, injustices, and suffering-your happiness is removed from harm’s way. Achieving such a state of acceptance is really the ultimate “gift� to yourself. And again, it’s not anything that requires being hunted down from the outside and then somehow “assimilated� from within. On the contrary, chasing happiness through the


LET’S DISCUSS IT acquisition of wealth, through amassing more and more things, is a fool’s pursuit. For once such material

VDWLVĂ€HG 0DWHULDOLVWLFDOO\ VHDUFKLQJ for happiness through accumulating wealth invariably cries out for more of the same. This incessant seeking for what FDQ QHYHU EH GHĂ€QLWLYHO\ DFKLHYHG explains why many millionaires-and especially, billionaires--can be so aggressive, so merciless, in their ongoing exploits to accrue more wealth. Addictively chasing incalculable riches, they end up inhuman and--to say the least-inhumane. Their bullheaded endeavors become ever more competitive, mercenary, ruthless, and meanspirited. Just as addicts typically require increasingly more of their “drug of choiceâ€? to get high, those who are already wealthy need ever greater wealth to feel--employing a phrase I regard as crucial--â€?good enough.â€? And because, as the philosopher Eric Hoffer put it, “You can never get enough of what you don’t really want,â€? the key to lasting happiness is never accessible to them. Having worked professionally with several multimillionaire malcontents, I can say that what they really craved were those things intrinsic to happiness laid out at the beginning of this article. The transient appetites are aroused, at a certain point highs that accompanied their wealth they become insatiable. Substituted accumulation were never much more for longer-term satisfactions, the than a hormonal rush anyway. And SOHDVXUHV DQG JUDWLĂ€FDWLRQV WKH\ \LHOG even though in the eyes of the world DUH PRUH RU OHVV Ă HHWLQJ ,Q DGGLWLRQ they were enormously successful, QR DPRXQW RI PRQH\ FDQ VXIĂ€FH ZKHQ continuing frustrations and sooner or later fortune-seeking itself insecurities gave testimony to the fact has become obsessive. When that that the blast of “feel goodâ€? chemicals critical line is crossed, the pursuit is their success yielded was all too easily no longer a means to some presumably exhausted. IXOĂ€OOLQJ HQG ,W LV WKH HQG Money can’t buy harmonious, And once, paradoxically, the IXOĂ€OOLQJ UHODWLRQVKLSV ZLWK RWKHUV goal has become the pursuit of the And it certainly doesn’t have the goal, you’re left in the self-defeating power to generate unconditional position of hunting down that which acceptance of yourself. For such can never be captured. Like an an internal embrace bears little unquenchable thirst, not the riches connection to your bank account. In but the lust for riches can never be fact, your monetary wealth, so far from

Money can’t buy harmonious, fulďŹ lling relationships with others. And it certainly doesn’t have the power to generate unconditional acceptance of yourself.

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securing this single most important relationship in your life, ends up making it all the more conditional. As long as you measure your self-worth in dollars and cents, it must rise or fall in accordance with the success (or failure) of your latest enterprise. Moreover, people with extreme ZHDOWK WHQG WR EH WLJKW Ă€VWHG almost miserly. Statistics repeatedly show that the very rich donate disproportionately less to charitable organizations than do members of the middle class. And how could this be otherwise when contributing substantial sums of money to worthy causes cannot but be experienced by them as reducing their personal worth-which they’ve learned to appraise Ă€QDQFLDOO\ +RZHYHU XQFRQVFLRXVO\ actually giving money away is precarious to their (monetarily-based) self-image. At last, compulsive efforts to somehow “purchaseâ€? happiness is akin to reaching out toward a greased object that, even if momentarily snatched, is downright impossible to hold onto. We are often seduced by ZKDW RXU VRFLHW\ W\SLFDOO\ GHĂ€QHV DV success (listen to enough commercials or read enough billboard ads and you’ll get an acute sense of how success is portrayed in the media), it’s easy enough to lose your way and zealously embark on a path incapable of providing any real sustenance. So, obsessively questing after wealth ultimately plants the seeds of later frustration and disappointment. If your appetite for riches, or a superluxurious lifestyle, is now threatening to become addictive, you may wish to reconsider whether pursuing such DIĂ XHQFH LV UHDOO\ D ZRUWK\ JRDO Remember, inevitably you have to “come downâ€? from what, frankly, may EH D WHUULĂ€F KLJK %XW LI LQVWHDG \RX devote yourself to becoming high on life--or rather, give up getting high for truly getting happy--a far more lasting state of well-being may await you.



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aul Reichmann was among the greatest land developers in history. Reichmann, who died Friday morning in Toronto at 83, was also among this country’s outstanding philanthropists. It is unlikely that those of my generation, raised in Toronto in the 1960s and 1970s, will see Reichmann’s like again. With uncommon audacity, persistence and real estate acumen, Reichmann reshaped the skylines of Toronto, New York and London. Reichmann is in the pantheon of the most extraordinary modern builders of urban landscapes, in company with master planners Georges-Eugène Haussmann (Paris), Robert Moses (New York State) and William Zeckendorf. His unlikely achievements include a cluster of a dozen or so his Olympia & York Developments Ltd. (O&Y) KHDG RIĂ€FHV LQ 'RQ 0LOOV D KDUELQJHU of today’s commonplace suburban RIĂ€FH SDUNV WKH WZLQ WRZHUV RI )LUVW Canadian Place, clad in white Quebec marble, in downtown Toronto; the World Financial Center complex in Manhattan; and the ensemble of stateRI WKH DUW RIĂ€FH WRZHUV LQ /RQGRQ¡V Canary Wharf district. Toronto had a 45-foot (13.7-metre) height restriction on new-building construction in place when

By: David Olive Reichmann erected First Canadian Place, then and now headquarters of the Bank of Montreal. At 72 stories and 1,165 feet (355 metres), First Canadian ZDV WKH WDOOHVW EDQN KHDG RIÀFH WRZHU in the world on its completion in 1975. To win approval for the daring project on the former site of the Toronto Star Building at King and Bay Sts., Reichmann met with David Crombie, newly elected mayor of a reform council, at least 12 times. And the O&Y staff worked in tandem with city planners to reach a compromise pleasing to each party. That model was replicated again in Lower Manhattan, where Reichmann ZRQ RYHU FLYLF RIÀFLDOV E\ RIIHULQJ WR develop the entire desolate Battery Park site and retire its mountain of debt. New York’s own locally prominent developers had each balked at taking the risk of building on more than a fraction of the site, much less occupying the desolate property with the four giant towers of O&Y’s World Financial Center. That same accommodating spirit, at a time when developers tended to bully their projects to completion, later had Reichmann negotiating at length with then-British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. He needed from Thatcher an extension to the Underground that would make viable his seemingly pie-in-the-sky

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notion of erecting outsized head RIĂ€FH WRZHUV IRU WKH ZRUOG¡V OHDGLQJ Ă€QDQFLDO LQVWLWXWLRQV 2QFH DJDLQ WKH site was a remote wasteland, known then as the Isle of Dogs and later as Canary Wharf. In New York City and London, 2 < HIIHFWLYHO\ UHORFDWHG WKH Ă€QDQFLDO GLVWULFWV RI WKH ZRUOG¡V WZR Ă€QDQFLDO capitals. New York’s money center shifted from a rundown Wall Street district to O&Y’s World Financial Center on the Hudson River shoreline. And British bankers defected from a decrepit City in central London to a complex of O&Y buildings initially deemed too far away from downtown and too big for British sensibilities. “Do they have to be quite so tall?â€? architecture critic Prince Charles asked Reichmann. As well he might have, as the proposed Canary Wharf towers, which ended up soaring above the Thames as Reichmann intended, broke the informal rule that no building could exceed St. Paul’s Cathedral in height. The attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, brought down the twin towers of the World Trade Center, of course. But O&Y’s neighboring World Financial Center’s four towers, headquarters for Merrill Lynch & Co., American Express Co. and the Wall Street Journal, among other prestigious



tenants, survived with minimal damage. That was due to advanced building techniques that were an O&Y hallmark, DQG WKH DODFULW\ RI FXUUHQW :7& RZQHU %URRNĂ€HOG Properties of Toronto in rapidly restoring one of the most valuable pieces of real estate in the world, now the most prominent feature of the Lower Manhattan skyline. Vos Iz Neias, the New York-based global news blog for Orthodox Jews, missed the point Oct. 25 with its headline, “Paul Reichmann, Considered to Be One of the World’s Richest, Passes Away.â€? The Reichmann family, of course, lost most of its immense fortune when its principal enterprise, O&Y — world-renowned among architects, rival developers, bankers, city planners and engineers — collapsed into bankruptcy in 1992. The privately held O&Y was the last to succumb in a North American recession that took down every major publicly traded land developer on the continent. Paul Reichmann was not particularly comfortable with riches. The Reichmanns seemed anxious to shed personal wealth. They were large-scale donors to the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and other non-denominational hospitals, as well as Jewish medical facilities, yeshivas and synagogues. In an interview with me in the late 1980s, Paul Reichmann invoked Maimonides’ preference that his students devote themselves to intellectual rather than commercial pursuits. There are enough crazies out there, the philosopher said, to tend to the material world. A bit sheepishly, Reichmann said, “I’m probably one of the crazies.â€? The low-key Reichmanns were for decades mistakenly LGHQWLĂ€HG LQ WKH SUHVV DV WKUHH P\VWHULRXV EURWKHUV ZKR KDG placed a most unpromising bet on the forlorn countryside of Don Mills Rd. and Eglinton Ave. E., and had won. With LWV FOXVWHU RI D GR]HQ RU VR KHDG RIĂ€FH EXLOGLQJV DW WKDW crossroads, O&Y broke into the big time. Its buildings shifted previously downtown business activity to what were then the wilds of North York. In fact, Paul entirely overshadowed his two brothers. Paul alone was the high-stakes gambler with a Cray supercomputer for a brain. What drove him was a desire to succeed, on a grand scale, where others had failed or, more often, had not tried. Like Warren Buffett, Reichmann could make exceeding complex computations in his head. A slight change in variables — an uptick in immigration, a 0.3-percent easing of interest rates, a logistics advance that had pallets of drywall arriving at work sites with 4-percent larger loads — altered revenue streams to a degree that Reichmann JUDVSHG ZLWKRXW EHQHĂ€W RI D FDOFXODWRU SHQ RU SDSHU Reichmann knew, for instance, the exact premium O&Y could charge tenants if Edward Durrell Stone — one of the invariably prestigious architects recruited by O&Y — could be persuaded to design First Canadian Place with vast expanses of space unobstructed by pillars; to indent



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At 72 stories and 1,165 feet, First Canadian was the tallest bank headoďŹƒce tower in the world on its completion in 1975.

the tower’s four edges to create an XQSUHFHGHQWHG HLJKW FRUQHU RIĂ€FHV SHU Ă RRU DQG WR LQVWDOO XQXVXDO double-decker elevator cars to hasten vertical commutes. By the mid-1980s, O&Y’s EXUJHRQLQJ SRUWIROLR RI SULPH RIĂ€FH space in North America’s leading cities was throwing off a Niagara RI FDVK Ă RZ 7KDW SURPSWHG Reichmann to stray into unwise LQYHVWPHQWV LQ RLO DQG JDV Ă€QDQFLDO services and even liquor (Hiram Walker Inc., maker of Canadian Club whisky). These were businesses beyond Reichmann’s ken. However, the torrent of rental income had to be reinvested somewhere, and there simply weren’t enough skylinealtering projects to consume all that cash at any given time. In the end, O&Y had the opposite problem, a crippling VKRUWDJH RI FDVK Ă RZ WULJJHUHG E\ D UHFHVVLRQ WKDW LQĂ LFWHG LWV most severe damage on real estate valuations and rental rates. O&Y’s notorious secrecy EDFNĂ€UHG RQ D FRPSDQ\ WKDW KDG always refused to show its books even to lead banker Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. In an epic blunder in the annals of Canadian banking, CIBC was as surprised as the 91 other world banks for which it was the lead on the O&Y account when it discovered, too late, that O&Y’s sudden drought of rental income rendered O&Y incapable of meeting its debt obligations. For a time after the bankruptcy, two of Reichmann’s nephews carried on with a comparatively modest property management business, but eventually they dropped from sight. Reichmann himself staged something of a recovery, buying back a portion of Canary Wharf from O&Y’s creditors. But he too faded from view in relocating to his project in Mexico City to build /DWLQ $PHULFD¡V WDOOHVW RIĂ€FH WRZHU

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As one would imagine, adjusting to his humbled circumstances was at times excruciating for Reichmann. After decades of turning dirt and money into landmark buildings, he no ORQJHU KDG WKH SRZHU DQG LQĂ XHQFH to, for instance, lure the acclaimed Cesar Pelli from his post as head of the Yale University architecture school to design O&Y’s World Trade Center. “Today,â€? Reichmann said in the mid-1990s, “if I visit one of my former buildings and the elevator is not working I feel my blood pressure rise until I remember I have nothing to do with this property anymore.â€? The splendor of Daniel Burnham’s PDJQLĂ€FHQW :RUOG¡V &ROXPELDQ Exposition of 1893 survives only in photographs, though it established Chicago as America’s capital of architectural innovation. For me, at least, the O&Y bankruptcy is almost a non-event, because the O&Y buildings and the big thinking behind them — a virtue not always credited to Canadians — remain, and are busily useful. And that was the point. Cesar Pelli’s playful cone- and pyramid-shaped hats on his four World Financial Center buildings are prominent in most postcard depictions of Gotham. And bowlerhatted London bankers now take the Underground’s Jubilee line — whose drawn-out construction helped tip O&Y into the abyss — to a Canary Wharf so popular that several more KHDG RIĂ€FH EXLOGLQJV KDYH EHHQ DGGHG to the campus since 1992. The centerpiece of the sprawling Thames-side development, however, is still the 50-storey One Canada Square. Reprinted from The Star




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Israeli students build groundbreaking solar house Between microwaves, heaters, EORZ GU\HUV DQG ODPSV LW¡V GLIĂ€FXOW to imagine a house that produces more energy than it consumes – but that’s exactly the type of home that

a group of Israeli students built that HDUQHG WKHP Ă€UVW SODFH LQ WKH ´HQHUJ\ balanceâ€? category in this year’s Solar Decathlon. The Solar Decathlon is a biennial competition created for college students to design and build an attractive, affordable, energyHIĂ€FLHQW VRODU SRZHUHG KRXVH ,Q

August, China’s Peking University welcomed 22 teams from schools across 13 countries to showcase their concepts. This year the event was co-sponsored by the Chinese National Energy Administration and the US Department of Energy, with additional support from private companies, many of which were Israeli. The Israeli team, made up of 30 students from different architectural, engineering, design and environmental programs across four institutions, built a four-room kiteshaped house around an open patio, “to stress the connection between the indoor and the outdoor spaces‌ to increase our awareness of the environment,â€? the team leader said. The house was built out of locally produced materials that thrive on solar energy and reusable gray water. ,W ZDV IRUWLĂ€HG ZLWK SDQHOV WKDW use sunshine to produce electricity, along with high-transparency glass skylights that were developed by an Israeli start-up. Sensors throughout the house controlled the temperature and the home had an external skeleton that could be disassembled

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and reassembled with ease. Overall, the Israeli team came in IRXUWK SODFH EXW WKH\ UDQNHG Ă€UVW LQ the energy balance category for homes that produce more energy than they consume, and second place in both the hot water production category and the architecture category. “With a quarter of the budget available to the other top contenders, ,VUDHO KDV IRU WKH Ă€UVW WLPH VKRZQ that it is possible to build a home with a negative energy balance. We believe that this accomplishment can have a major impact on the cleantech world, and not just in Israel.â€? The Israeli team’s house, which proves that going green is economical, could be good news for the future of affordable housing. $ FDPHUD Ă€W WR VZDOORZ revolutionizes medicine Imagine if you could shrink down to vitamin-size so you can take a fantastical journey through your buddy’s body. Thanks to Given Imaging, an Israeli medical tech company, this notion isn’t completely far-fetched.



NEWS & ANALYSIS Now there’s a camera in pill form you can swallow to give physicians a closer look inside you. 7KH Ă€UVW YHUVLRQ RI WKH ´3LOO&DPÂľ was developed in Israel in 2001 as a non-invasive, painless way

Parks Department Agrees To Address ‘Cohanim’ Issue Over-Hanging Branch Problem around Cemetery Brooklyn, NY - After touring the area Thursday with Councilman 'DYLG * *UHHQĂ€HOG DQG OHDGLQJ rabbis from local congregations, Brooklyn Parks Commissioner Kevin Jeffrey said the department will do its best to prune and cut back the over-grown branches and growth in order to accommodate the Cohanim walking or driving through the areas.

Katzberg, one of the Belze dayanim who is himself a Cohen. According to records, the area encountered the same problem last year due to the inordinate amount of sunlight the trees and the bushes in the area receive. Jeffrey said a preventative maintenance plan would be developed to prevent the problem from reoccurring. Mitt Romney: Obamacare Should Have Learned From 0DVV /DZ Mitt Romney has sharply rejected President Barack Obama’s comparisons between the Affordable Care Act and the 2006 Massachusetts law that was its blueprint. “In the years since the Massachusetts healthcare law went into effect nothing has changed my YLHZ WKDW D SODQ FUDIWHG WR Ă€W WKH unique circumstances of a single

for doctors to visualize the small bowel and diagnose gastrointestinal LUUHJXODULWLHV VXFK DV LURQ GHĂ€FLHQF\ anemia and Crohn’s disease. Since the success of PillCam SB, Given Imaging has expanded its product line to PillCams capable of examining the esophagus and colon. A traditional endoscopy involves inserting a rigid tube inside your body – this requires the patient to be sedated, something many people are wary of, and there’s a risk that the device could tear the stomach and esophageal lining. The PillCam doesn’t pose these dangers or discomfort. “With more than 2 million procedures conducted since the Ă€UVW JHQHUDWLRQ RI WKH SURGXFW ZDV introduced, PillCam SB has had a VLJQLĂ€FDQW LPSDFW RQ SDWLHQW FDUH LQ the U.S. and across the globe.â€? The PillCam’s precise image capturing helps doctors to clearly detect abnormalities and thereby make more accurate diagnoses. Sixty-two percent of patients with Crohn’s disease had their therapy changed after they used the PillCam as opposed to a more standard endoscopy.

Commissioner Jeffrey was contacted after a kol korah was issued by prominent rabbis including the Kalusburger Ruv Shlita that forbid Cohanim from walking on 20th Avenue and 21st Avenue. 6SHFLÀFDOO\ WKH LVVXH LV PRVW prevalent along Ocean Parkway just south of Congregation Yad Yosef and Congregation Beth Torah and along Bay Parkway near McDonald Avenue. Accompanying the Councilman and Commissioner along Ocean Parkway was Rabbi Ozeiri of Congregation Yad Yosef and Rabbi Azancot of Congregation Beth Torah, and present for the 20th Avenue and 21st Avenue tour was the Kalusburge Ruv Shlita accompanied by R’ Mechel Steinmets the Skvere Dayan, R’ Yitschok Stein the Kalusburge Rosh Bais Din and R’ Shiya Herschel


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state should not be grafted onto the entire country,� the 2012 Republican presidential candidate wrote on Facebook Wednesday. “Beyond that, had President Obama actually learned the lessons of Massachusetts healthcare, millions of Americans would not lose the insurance they were promised they could keep, millions more would not see their premiums skyrocket, and the installation of the program would not have been a frustrating


embarrassment.â€? The bitter critique came as Obama was in Boston to deliver a VSHHFK DERXW WKH Ă DZHG UROORXW RI the healthcare exchanges where people can buy insurance under the new law — saying challenges facing the launch of the Massachusetts law didn’t stop it from moving forward. “We are just going to keep on working at it,â€? Obama said. “We’re going to ride it out, just like you did here in Massachusetts.â€? Romney said the president had missed the point. “Health reform is best crafted by states with bipartisan support and input from its employers, as we did, without raising taxes, and by carefully phasing it in to avoid the type of disruptions we are seeing nationally,â€? he wrote. There are other differences between Obamacare and the Massachusetts law as well — including politics. Unlike the deep partisan divide that marked passage of the federal law, Massachusetts’ law -- which was signed by Romney, who was then governor -- had sweeping bipartisan support. Israel frees Palestinian prisoners Israel freed 26 Palestinian prisoners on Wednesday as part of

U.S.-brokered peace efforts, but said it was pressing on with plans to build more homes for Jewish settlers, in an apparent move to appease hardliners. It is the second of four planned releases of the longest-serving

Palestinian prisoners held by Israel in the coming months. N.Korea ‘making progress’ on ballistic missile that could strike US North Korea is making progress on an intercontinental ballistic PLVVLOH FDSDEOH RI GHOLYHULQJ D Ă€UVW

generation nuclear warhead to the continental United States, a leading US think-tank said Tuesday. Iran, Israel attended Middle East nuclear meeting: diplomats Iran, Israel and Arab states took part in a meeting two weeks ago about prospects for an international conference on banning nuclear weapons in the Middle East, diplomats said on Tuesday, a rare such gathering of regional adversaries.

They gave no details about the October 21-22 meeting in the Swiss village of Glion near Montreux. An

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,VUDHOL RIĂ€FLDO VDLG YDULRXV HQYR\V VHW out their national positions but Israel had no direct communication with Iranian and Arab delegates. An Arab diplomat told Reuters: “That they were there, the Israelis and Iran, is the main thing.â€? The discussions were also attended by representatives of the United States and some Arab states, the diplomat added, without naming them. Israel is widely believed to possess the Middle East’s only nuclear arsenal, drawing frequent condemnation by Arab countries and Iran, which say it threatens peace and security. 8 6 DQG ,VUDHOL RIĂ€FLDOV VHH Iran’s atomic activity as the main proliferation threat and say a nuclear arms-free zone in the Middle East is not feasible without a broad Arab,VUDHOL SHDFH DQG YHULĂ€DEOH OLPLWV RQ the Iranian nuclear program. Iran says it is enriching uranium only for civilian energy, not for potential nuclear weapons fuel as the West suspects. NJ mall shooting A 20-year-old man suspected of Ă€ULQJ PXOWLSOH VKRWV DQG FDXVLQJ D lockdown at New Jersey’s largest shopping mall has been found dead RI D VHOI LQĂ LFWHG ZRXQG DXWKRULWLHV

said Tuesday. Hundreds of law HQIRUFHPHQW RIÀFHUV FRQYHUJHG on the mall in Paramus NJ after witnesses said multiple shots were ÀUHG WKHUH





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recently was asked: How does RQH ÀQG WKH PRWLYDWLRQ DQG impetus to move forward in the moments of challenge and stagnation? My response began by emphasizing the depths of this

The motivation comes from spiritual force which pushes us to move forward through the greatest of challenges. question and its root. The nature RI OLIH FRXOG EH GHĂ€QHG ZLWK WKH equation “life equals movement times struggle,â€? which is to say at its core life is bound with struggles and challenges. This understanding is axiomatic from life experience. To live means to be active. Living is a

verb not a noun, in other words life is a journey where we constantly are moving from one experience to the next, from basic understanding to a GHHSHU RQH DQG IURP D VSHFLÀF WLPH and place to another. Yet this very process of awareness and change is replete with challenges and calls upon a deep power from within to motivate and create an impetus to push us to go to the next stage, (as we ÀQG LQ SK\VLFV WKH ODZ RI LQHUWLD OLIH as a whole is the law of inertia). The motivation comes from spiritual force (a spiritual gravitational pull) which pushes us to move forward through the greatest of challenges. It’s a sense of and a hope for a better future which allows us to overcome the current struggle by saying however dark it is, there is the sense of light at the end. The way we go about it is our conscious awareness of one stage, which leads and prepares for the next stage. Therefore the deeper our understanding of the experience, the more and better our tools become to make choices and decisions for the future. However, there are situations in life where this inner pull and motivation is dormant and remains subconscious to the point where we feel at best complacent and at worst despondent, melancholy and depressed. These experiences could be a result of a feeling of not being

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productive, not doing what we’d like of ourselves, feeling trapped in D GLIĂ€FXOW UHODWLRQVKLS WKH IHHOLQJ of never achieving anything, or the feeling of no self growth etc. But even one who doesn’t have a negative selfLPDJH FRXOG Ă€QG KLPVHOI VWXFN LQ WKH same place, such as when dealing with the redundancy and status quo of day to day life, which makes one feel stagnant and lacking in ambition and motivation. This struggle could be further augmented by the battle between the logical and rational approach verses the emotional and instinctive approach. Logic would dictate the accepting of reality in the situation. This is rationalized by saying “This is life,â€? “I can’t expect life to be easy,â€? “I have to accept reality,â€? etcetera. The emotional side dictates the feeling of injustice in the situation; this is expressed by “It’s not fair,â€? “Look at everyone else; they are all happy,â€? “Why do I have to go through this,â€? “I wish I could just be liberated,â€? etcetera. The result leaves a self identity crisis: “Am I being honest?â€? “Am I just running away?â€? and this fuels further distress. The answer lies in the power of “positivityâ€? and “objectivity.â€? Neither of the above approaches is coming from a positive point of view and thus remains subjective, in other words negativity



results in subjectivity whereas positivity is the soul of objectivity. Yet there is a misunderstanding of positivity most categorized it being optimistic, holding out hope that everything will turn out for the best, or seeing a silver lining. However true positivism is looking at the present, not the future, it’s seeing the situation from a totally different perspective. The true understanding of positivity is tapping in to a different state of consciousness where the inner and true self remains impervious to the goings on in and around the person. It is being able to separate the self from the situation while still being conscious of the situation (i.e. not running away). This is the state of consciousness where the person views the struggle as if from an outsider’s perspective i.e. objective, the person is fully aware of what he/she is feeling and what he/she wants yet they are not getting caught up within it. This could be compared to two rock climbers climbing a steep cliff. They both have the advantage of telling the other where to and not to climb, but and at the same time they both have the disadvantage of not being fully able to see for themselves where to go and how to move ahead. The same is true of ourselves. The subjective VLGH LV OLNH FOLPELQJ DORQH QRW EHLQJ DEOH WR ÀQG RXU SDWK The objective side is like being both climbers, which allows us to proceed with ambition and motivation.


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Bill De Blasio at the polling booth

%LOO 'H %ODVLR ZLWK )RUPHU Mayor Michael Bloomberg


At the Ken Thomas victory head qaurters

Celebrating a land slide victory the Mayor of NY City Bill De Blasio

At the Scott Stringer victory head qaurters

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The Satmar Rebbe Horav Hagaon Rabbi Aharon Teitelbaum Shlita At a Melave Malka in Marine Park -Bais Midrash Bais Mordechai D’Bertch

(Rabbi Zvi Elimelech Rokeach)

Guest speaker +RUDY /LSD *HOGZRUWK Yoeli Kar

Moishe Kessler



Yehuda Levine

Yoeli Kar David Nathan

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tudies have shown that when you’re sleep deprived, your brain has the functional capacity of a pile of limp noodles. And because I have D Ă€YH PRQWK ROG OLWWOH SULQFHVV ZKR doesn’t believe I need more than an hour and a half of sleep in a row, that would explain a lot. Like why I found a neat pile of folded laundry in the fridge. Or why I can’t remember the reason for calling someone as soon as ,¡YH Ă€QLVKHG GLDOLQJ 2U ZK\ , VHHP to have forgotten the names of every person I’ve ever known. “You know who I met yesterday? That know...what’s her name?...the one know, the thing (nouns also seem to elude me)... that we went to, what was it called...â€? “You mean your niece?â€? Desperation drove me to a book store. After hearing all my neighbors’ opinions, (and the opinion of the lady at the hosiery store) I decided WR JHW SURIHVVLRQDO KHOS , Ă€JXUHG someone who can write a book, without forgetting names and nouns, must be getting a full night’s sleep. Plus, they have all those initials after their names, so they’ve got to know something I don’t. There’s a whole section in the bookstore devoted to babies and parenting. Any question you’ve got regarding child rearing, there’s bound to be a book on it. And these are not just any books. These are

books that demand you read them. They have titles like “All you need to know about putting your baby to sleep!� and “Secrets to a happy, sleeping baby!�

I’m shaking my head back and forth like a deranged halfwit, my eyes are about to pop out of my head, and I’m still shushing and patting. After some mild confusion, moderate indecisiveness and intense mutterings to myself, I walked out with a book that promised to teach my child to put herself to sleep. What could be better than that? I already

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pictured placing a happy, gurgling baby into her crib who would then peacefully drift off to dreamland. Previously, I had been putting my baby to sleep via the rock, duck and Ă HH PHWKRG ZKHUHLQ , URFN P\ EDE\ to sleep, put her in her crib while holding my breath, duck out of sight DQG Ă HH WKH URRP RQ WLSWRH 7KLV LV D FRPSOLFDWHG Ă€QH WXQHG WHFKQLTXH that requires several repeats due to FUHDNLQJ Ă RRUERDUGV DQG LQWHUUXSWLQJ kids. I devoured the book in one sitting. I read “real lifeâ€? success stories about babies who, after being swaddled, slept six hours in a row. Or babies who slept through the whole night after just a few minutes of fussing. I felt a renewed sense of hope. I was determined. My baby had other ideas. It started with the swaddling. At the hospital the nurses make it look so simple. In truth, it was like trying to swaddle an octopus. I would get one corner of the blanket all wrapped and tucked and then an arm and a leg would come shooting out. No matter where I wrapped or tucked, limbs ZHUH SRSSLQJ RXW DQG Ă DLOLQJ DERXW Of course, my baby thought this was great fun. Then came the actual bedtime routine. I placed her in her crib and started shushing and patting which,



according to the book, should put my baby to sleep in a few minutes. She gave me a look, like ‘WHAT are you doing?’ and started twisting her head back and forth while letting out short puffs of aggrieved cries. She got louder and really, really annoyed and my shushing and patting grew to demented proportions. After 45 minutes of screaming KHU KHDG RII VKH Ă€QDOO\ IHOO asleep, but I was afraid to stop shushing and patting for fear of her waking up again! So I stood there, shushing and patting, not daring to move or breath. Then my kid burst into the room, wailing “MAAA-meeee!â€? Frantically I tried to continue shushing and patting while simultaneously waving the kid out of the room. “But, Maaa! He took my book!â€? I made my eyes wide and tried to tell my kid through eye language that if she-does-not-



immediately-fall-silent-andleave-she-will-be-in-deep-deeptrouble, all the while holding P\ Ă€QJHU LQ IURQW RI P\ PRXWK and shushing and patting. $SSDUHQWO\ NLGV DUH QRW Ă XHQW LQ eye language. “But, Maaa!â€? At this point I’m shaking my head back and forth like a deranged half-wit, my eyes are about to pop out of my head, and I’m still shushing and patting. Do I need to spell out how this story ends? Let’s just say that the book is now a very important part of our lives. It’s under the left leg of our wobbly Succah table. And my little princess? I have hope that one day soon, maybe when she hits her teen years, she’ll learn to sleep through the night. My new goal is to teach my kids eye language. ,¡OO VHH LI , FDQ Ă€QG D ERRN RQ that.



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Six Can Chicken Tortilla Soup “Delicious and EASY zesty soup recipe that uses only 6 canned ingredients! Serve over tortilla chips. Throw away the cans and no one will know that it is not from scratch!� 1 (15 ounce) can whole kernel corn, drained 2 (14.5 ounce) cans chicken broth 1 (10 ounce) can mushrooms 1 (15 ounce) can black beans 1 (10 ounce) can diced tomatoes,

drained 4 pieces of chicken breast, cut into chunks Salt, garlic powder and pepper to taste

Directions: Open the cans of corn, chicken broth, mushrooms, black beans, and diced tomatoes Pour everything into a large saucepan or stock pot. Add chicken breast chunks. Add enough water to cover. Add salt, garlic powder and pepper. Simmer over medium heat for about 1 hour.

Original recipe makes 6 servings:

Penne Arrabiata “One thing I learned in my years living in the Canarsie section of Brooklyn, NY was how to cook a good Italian meal. Here is a recipe I created after having this dish in a restaurant. Enjoy!â€? 1/2 cup olive oil, divided 6 cloves garlic, sliced WHDVSRRQ UHG SHSSHU Ă DNHV 1 (28 ounce) can diced tomatoes with garlic and olive oil 1/2 cup tomato sauce 1 bunch fresh basil, chopped

Original recipe makes 6 servings:



1 (12 ounce) package dried penne pasta 2 eggs 2 cups bread crumbs 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon pepper 1 pound thin chicken breast cutlets

Directions: Heat 1/4 cup of olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the garlic, and saute for a few minutes. Sprinkle LQ WKH UHG SHSSHU Ă DNHV DQG VDXWH IRU DQRWKHU PLQXWH 3RXU LQ WKH GLFHG WRPDWRHV DQG WRPDWR VDXFH DQG DGG the basil. Simmer for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile, bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add penne pasta, and cook for 8 minutes, or until tender. Drain. In a small bowl, whisk eggs with a fork. Place bread crumbs in a separate bowl. Stir the garlic powder, salt and pepper into the bread crumbs. Dip chicken cutlets into the egg, then press into the bread crumbs until completely coated. eat remaining olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Fry chicken for about 5 minutes per side, or until the coating is a nice dark brown color. Remove chicken, and cut into slices. Toss the chicken slices into the sauce, and simmer for about 10 minutes. Stir in the cooked penne, VLPPHU IRU D IHZ PRUH PLQXWHV WR VRDN XS WKH Ă DYRU WKHQ VHUYH

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Sweet, Sticky and Spicy Chicken “This chicken dish uses skinless boneless chicken breasts and tastes delicious. It’s great as an appetizer or as a main dish served with rice and a veggie.”

1 tablespoon brown sugar 2 tablespoons honey 1/4 cup soy sauce 2 teaspoons chopped fresh ginger root 2 teaspoons chopped garlic

2 tablespoons hot sauce Salt and pepper to taste 4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves - cut into 1/2 inch strips 1 tablespoon vegetable oil

Directions: Mix together brown sugar, honey, soy sauce, ginger, garlic and hot sauce in a small bowl. Lightly salt and pepper the chicken strips. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add chicken strips and brown on both sides, about 1 minute per side. Pour the sauce over the chicken. Simmer uncovered until the sauce thickens, 8 to 10 minutes.

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Original recipe makes 4 servings:





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