Boro Park Buzz #149 feb 17 2019

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Volume 6, Issue 149 February 17th 2019

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The Shmuz on the Parsha

Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier

For the Love of Money

Parshas Ki Sisa “Moshe returned to HASHEM and said, “Please! This people has committed a grave sin and made themselves a god of gold.” – Shemos 32:31 When Moshe Rabbenu comes down from Har Sinai When Moshe Rabbeinu came down from Har Sinai, he found a very different scene than the one he left forty days earlier. A segment of the Jewish nation, in rebellion against HASHEM, had formed a golden calf and was worshiping it. The rest of the nation stood by and didn’t protest. In context, this was such an egregious act that HASHEM threatened to destroy the entire nation. Rashi explains that during the process of asking for forgiveness, Moshe Rabbeinu said to HASHEM, “You caused this. You gave the Jewish people gold and silver; they left Mitzraim with great riches. Isn’t it obvious that they would come to sin?” This Rashi seems difficult to understand when we focus on who these people were and where this was taking place. The Klal Yisroel was living in the desert. They neither worked for a living nor had any use for money. All of their needs were taken care of. They ate Mon that was delivered to their tents daily. They drank water from the Be’er, the rock that followed them in their journeys. Their clothes were washed by the Clouds of Glory, and their shoes never wore out. They didn’t need money and couldn’t use it. How could it become their downfall?


The real danger of wealth The answer to this question is based on understanding why the Misilas Yesharim calls wealth one of the great tests of man. Materialism and self-indulgence are the risks of affluence, but an even greater danger is that wealth can lead a person to view himself as different than everyone else. “There are regular people, but I am different because I am rich. The world is full of people, but I am in a different category. I am a rich man.” With this also comes a sense of selfsufficiency and arrogance. “I am a wealthy man, so I don’t need anyone. I don’t need my children. I don’t need my wife. In fact… I am so wealthy that I don’t really need HASHEM.” The danger of wealth is the sense of being a rich man This seems to be the answer to this Rashi. Granted the Jewish people living in the desert needed nothing and could do nothing with their money, but the real risk of wealth is the sense of superiority that comes along with it. In their minds, they were now rich. As rich men, they were significant, important, too big to be dependent upon anyone, and this feeling was the root cause of their rebellion against HASHEM. Who were these people? This concept becomes a tremendous chiddush when we take into account that these individuals were on a higher level than any other generation in the history of mankind. They had been slaves in Mitzraim and were freed. They had lived through the entire process of the To advertise, call 718-513-9885

Maakos and splitting of the Yam Suf. They watched as HASHEM showed total dominion over every facet of nature. But more than all of this, they had only recently stood at the foot of Har Sinai when HASHEM opened up the heavens and the earth and revealed the greatest secrets of Creation. They had seen and experienced HASHEM more clearly than did the greatest Naviim, which tells us that they knew exactly why they were created and how passing and insignificant is a person’s station in this world. And yet Moshe Rabbeinu compared their being wealthy to such a difficult test that it would be like putting a young man on the doorstep of sin. This is highly illustrative of the inner workings of the human. HASHEM created deep within our hearts many needs and desires. One of these is the need for honor and prestige. The drive for Kavod is one of the strongest forces in man. Often we are unaware of its existence until a given situation brings it to the fore. While the Klal Yisroel were then living in the ultimate Kollel community, money still had value to them – not in what it could buy, but in its more alluring sense, in the associated feeling of power and importance that it brought. They were now rich people, and that sense is so dangerous that it can destroy even the greatest of men. For that reason, Moshe said to HASHEM, “You caused this. The gold and the silver that You gave them brought them to sin.” Living in our age This concept has particular relevance in our day and age. Never in the history of mankind have so many enjoyed such

wealth. On some level, each of us has the opportunity of “one day being rich.” As with many life situations, prosperity can be either a blessing or a curse. If a person changes because he is now a rich man, he needs more, he feels that he deserves only the best, and he won’t be satisfied with what everyone else gets by with. That sense of superiority will turn him against his Creator, and the very wealth that he acquired will be the source of his ruin. For eternity, he will regret having been given that test – which he failed. However, if a person remains aware that he was granted wealth for a purpose – that he is not the owner of it, but rather its custodian, duly charged with its proper use – then he can use it as a tool to help him accomplish his purpose in existence. His wealth will then be a true bracha that he enjoys in this world, and for eternity, he will enjoy that which he accomplished with it. Rabbi Shafier is the founder of the – The Shmuz is an engaging, motivating shiur that deals with real life issues. All of the Shmuzin are available free of charge at www. or on the Shmuz App for iphone or Android. Simply text the word “TheShmuz” to the number 313131 and a link will be sent to your phone to download the App. Att: Past issues may have inadvertently Sheimos, Please disgard this Magazine accordingly in geniza Thank You.

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Shabbos Cures My Loneliness by Kylie Ora Lobell


half of all Americans feel lonely, and younger Americans – those born between the mid-1990s and early 2000s – feel the loneliest. Another study showed that Americans are socializing less than ever; a third say they have never even spoken to their neighbors. When we don’t socialize with those a few feet away from us, and we instead rely on our mobile devices for interaction, we’re not satisfying the human need for real, face-to-face socialization. Anyone who’s ever kvetched over drinks with a good girlfriend or gotten a coffee with a colleague knows how important it is to talk to people in real life. Thankfully, the Jewish people have Shabbat. One day a week, we get to put away our phones, go out to synagogue, chat over kiddush, eat at the homes of families, friends and neighbors, and get that real facetime in. This social interaction has transformed my life. During the week, because I’m a remote worker, I only have real life conversations with my husband and maybe two other people on a daily basis. I’m guessing that most people rarely have real life social interactions every day outside of their family time and work hours. One study showed that people who meet with family and friends at least three times per week experience lower levels To advertise, call 718-513-9885

In today’s lonely world, Shabbat keeps us connected. of depressive symptoms than those who meet up once every few months or less frequently. The study also revealed that face-to-face social interaction is especially critical to the aging population. This is one of the reasons why I love Shabbat. It not only gets people out of their bubbles they’re in on a weekday basis, it can also bring together Jews of all kinds. I meet toddlers, 90-year-olds, Baby Boomers, and teenagers. I chat with middle-aged mothers about my favorite music from the 1970s and their teenage children about applying to college. I learn how amazing it is to be a new mother from women my age, marriage advice from older couples, and what it’s like to be a rabbi from, well, rabbis I know. Shabbat is in many ways a throwback to what life once was: simpler. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s important to stay grounded and return to how it once was. I’m incredibly thankful I have Shabbat. It makes me feel less lonely, more connected, and like I’m part of something much bigger, and much greater, than myself.



efore I converted to Judaism, I led a lonely life. Though I was surrounded by friends, they were often busy, and our conversations were stifled by our ever-present mobile devices. I’d be out with them at lunch and their phone would go off, or mine would, and we’d suddenly be trapped by the updates on our Facebook timelines instead of conversing with one another. Once mobile devices became prevalent everywhere, I lost that much of the magic of connecting to someone and feeling the joy of relating to a friend. When I started my Orthodox conversion process, I learned that I couldn’t use my phone or any other devices on Shabbat. For 25 hours, I’d have to go without it. I’d also be going out to lunches and dinners, often with people I didn’t know, or inviting virtual strangers over to my house. There were some awkward moments, frustrating times that we couldn’t Google for an answer to a question we were discussing, or moments of silence that we filled with talk about mundane topics like the weather. But overall, I got back that magic back. I was having meaningful interactions with people again. Though the world is more connected than ever, we are also lonelier than ever. According to a 2018 Cigna study, nearly

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Bagels on the Bayou A Visit to New Orleans by Dan Fellner NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana – A “poboy shrimp” sandwich, chicken jambalaya, and red beans and rice with sausage aren’t items you’ll typically find on the menu at an authentic kosher delicatessen. But at the Kosher Cajun Deli and Grocery in Metairie, Louisiana, a suburb of New Orleans, these are popular dishes, along with more traditional deli staples like corned beef, chopped liver, potato knishes and bagels and lox. Welcome to Jewish life in a city known as “The Big Easy,” where Jews have carved out their own colorful and unique traditions and thrived for centuries in the Deep South, a part of America where many other Jewish communities have struggled to maintain their religious and cultural identity.


Indeed, the New Orleans metropolitan area is home to nine working congregations and about 11,000 Jews, a number that has tripled since Hurricane Katrina decimated the city in 2005. I recently spent a weekend in this city of about 1.4 million people, before boarding the American Duchess, an old-fashioned paddlewheel boat for a week-long cruise on the Lower Mississippi River. Before boarding the Duchess, I had a wonderful lunch at the Cajun Deli in Metairie with the restaurant’s founder and owner Joel Brown, walked from New Orleans’ famous French Quarter to visit the city’s oldest functioning synagogue, and spoke with Arnie Fielkow, the CEO and president of the Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans. To advertise, call 718-513-9885

Fielkow, a former two-term New Orleans city councilman and executive vice president with the New Orleans Saints football team, assumed the reigns of the Jewish Federation in 2017. Fielkow told me he is especially proud of the role the Federation has played in helping to rebuild the Jewish community since Katrina -- one of the worst natural disasters in U.S. history -- ravaged the city more than 13 years ago. Before the storm hit, about 10,000 Jews lived in New Orleans. Fielkow says that number shrunk dramatically – down to about 3,000 – 4,000 – in the years following Katrina. But now, thanks in part to several Federation initiatives, the Jewish population has actually swelled to about 11,000, higher than pre-Katrina

Saving Torah scrolls during Katrina

levels. “Since Katrina, we’ve added a lot of younger Jewish people that came to either help with the rebuilding process, or to enter one of the new fields that have grown since Katrina,” says Fielkow. “It’s very much a hybrid of new and old and it’s an exciting community to be a part of.” Fielkow says one of his priorities has been to further enhance relations with the city’s large African-American population, which comprises about two-thirds of its residents. He says Jews have a “very close connection” with the city’s African-American residents, dating back to the civil rights movement of the 1960s. He adds that due to the city’s rich diversity, Jews have encountered little anti-Semitism. “We’re not a traditional deep-South city,” he says. “New Orleans is unique in that it has a French and Spanish background to it. It has a Cajun and Creole connection to it. It’s very different from a Montgomery or a Birmingham (Alabama) or one of the more traditionally thoughtof Southern cities. In our community, we have a great tolerance and a great diversity and get along very well together.” The first Jews arrived here in 1757, only

a few decades after the city was founded. The Jewish population started to grow after the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, with most settlers arriving from the Alsace region of France. Jews became successful merchants and active in politics. In fact, Louisiana elected a Jewish lieutenant governor and attorney general in the 1850s. Most Jews in 19th century New Orleans, however, were not religious and intermarriage with the local Catholic population was commonplace. In the 19th and 20th centuries, Jews opened successful retail stores in the downtown part of the city and synagogues were constructed to meet the religious needs of the growing community. One of the synagogues, Anshe Sfard, was founded by Hasidic Jews from Lithuania in the mid-1920s and still exists as a Modern Orthodox congregation. It’s the only synagogue within walking distance of downtown New Orleans. With a beautiful exterior marked with triple-arched Neo-Byzantine doors, Anshe Sfard has been designated a National Historic Landmark. While the synagogue was forced to close for several months after Katrina, its Torah scrolls were saved. Visitors are welcome for Shabbat services Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. To advertise, call 718-513-9885

New Orleans is home to a unique and surprisingly vibrant Jewish community. Many of New Orleans’ Jews have recently moved to a western suburb called Metairie, which is home to a Jewish Community Center, two Jewish schools and several congregations. It’s also where Joel Brown, who was born and raised in New Orleans, decided 30 years ago to open a kosher grocery store, which has since expanded to a restaurant and


Judaica shop. At the time, there were no kosher restaurants in the city and Brown saw a business opportunity which has “grown beyond my wildest dreams.” Today, the Kosher Cajun Deli and Grocery has become a central meeting place for the Jewish community and a popular attraction for out-of-town visitors – both Jews and non-Jews alike. Like any astute businessman, Brown was looking for a way to give his restaurant a unique twist. That’s why he decided to add to the menu kosher dishes called “New Orleans Favorites.” “Visitors coming from all over the country would say, ‘We have great New York deli. We want something different. We want your specialty foods that New Orleans is known for,’” says Brown. So Brown now serves such dishes as chicken and sausage jambalaya (made with kosher chicken and beef sausage), red beans and rice, and a popular local specialty called a “po-boy” sandwich. “It is Alaskan pollock fish that is formed like shrimp,” he says. “We bread it with different seasonings, we fry it, put it on a toasted sub-roll with an excellent

The Anshe Sfard Orthodox Synagogue, designated a National Historic Landmark (Photo: Dan Fellner)

cocktail sauce. And it’s very, very popular.” All of the meat Brown serves is Glatt Kosher under the supervision of a rabbi with the Louisiana Kashrut Committee. Brown has also carved out a niche as a leading supplier of kosher foods to conventions and the many cruise ships that depart out of New Orleans. New Orleans has a reputation as a party town with a wild nightlife. But for Jewish visitors, it offers much more – a chance to experience a growing and

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vibrant Jewish community in a place many wouldn’t expect to find one. Adds Fielkow, who moved with his family to New Orleans in 2000: “We were Yankees from the Midwest and immediately fell in love with everything about New Orleans – its food, its music, its architecture, but most importantly, its people. I think this is the greatest city in the world and I urge everyone to come down and enjoy the hospitality.”



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Mommy, I’m Bored! by Emuna Braverman

Your child does not need to be entertained every second.


hen my children were young they loved listening to a song about a father who doesn’t heed his friend’s advice and takes his kids to a store. What ensues is a litany of demands and a cacophony of noise until the poor, harassed parent capitulates and buys his children what they request. The punch line of the song is that an hour after return home from this shopping adventure, all the children complain that they are bored! The song is humorous (and painful) for both parents and children because it strikes a chord. We’ve all been there. What interests me is not the idea of children kvetching about being bored, but our reaction. If we look around at the world today, it seems that parents are terrified of the notion. Kids are programmed from morning until night, rushing from school to after-school sports and dance and music lessons. Mini-vans have built-in DVD players so on a long ride kids can watch a movie instead of risking boredom (or fighting with each other in the back seat which was many a child’s activity of choice in earlier days). Restaurants have iPads at the tables to keep the young ones occupied. And even my little 18-month-old granddaughter likes to sit with someone’s phone and swipe through the pictures. It’s cute now but it won’t always be… Whose needs are being served here?


Why the frantic compulsion to fill every minute? I think it’s all fear-based, with perhaps two main fears at the core. I’m not saying these are irrational fears but perhaps they are fears that we need to face and accept and move through. The first is the fear that if our children are bored, they will turn to us for entertainment. This is a terrifying concept for most parents. Not only do we not feel up to the task but we also feel that we have so many other things on our plate that we don’t have time to provide entertain to our children. The first fear I am sympathetic to; we are not all creative, we can’t always think of exciting projects and games and don’t get me started on the possible mess. But having said that, I am less empathic to the second argument. Yes we are all busy. But spending unstructured time with our children is part of our job description, part of how we bond with them, part of how we create memories that endure. When our children are bored and turn to us, this is our opportunity to listen, to pay attention, to finally get that quality time we claim to want. That’s from the adult perspective. From the children’s perspective, although initially they may fuss about their lack of access to the computer or the television or some other device, if we stand our ground, if we refuse in any way to provide entertainment (because we To advertise, call 718-513-9885

genuinely are busy or because we think this is the better choice in the situation) they will ultimately entertain themselves. And discover hidden reserves of creativity in the process. Countless “shows” have been created out of unscheduled afternoons, countless performances have occurred in our backyard. Apparently Lin-Manuel Miranda, the creator of the successful Broadway show “Hamilton” claims that he drew his inspiration from his bored times in his childhood bedroom. We may rationalize or truly believe that we are helping our children by keeping them too busy to every be bored but I think we are stunting their growth and inhibiting their ability to develop tools to entertain themselves, to learn about the world, to create literature or new technology or even just daydream. Believe me; I am empathic to the sinking feeling parents experience when we hear those words. But once we recognize that it’s in their best interests, that it’s not only not our obligation to entertain them but that it’s not even good for them if we do, we can confidently assert that we are not their camp counselors and walk away. And then we can quietly tip toe back down the hall a few minutes later to see or hear them making their own plans and creating their own entertainment.


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Song of Passaic by Alter Yisrael Shimon Feuerman


In my New Jersey town, Torah comes before bread.

hen I was 6 years old, my father told me a story about a duck. How can you tell if an animal is a treyfah, unfit, unkosher for slaughter? You can see if it limps. If the animal limps, it is sick and a treyfah. But what about a katchke, a duck? A duck’s normal gait is to waddle. So you must put the duck in a stream. If it goes with the flow, downstream, one cannot tell. But if the duck fights the current and swims upstream, then you know the animal is kosher. This, my father said, is also the sign of


a Jew; a Jew swims against the current. Today, for me, this parable pertains to Passaic, the New Jersey town in which I live. Passaic is seven miles upriver from Newark, which 70 years ago was a Jewish stronghold immortalized by Phillip Roth. In his early masterpiece, Goodbye, Columbus, the Patimkins and their like from Newark went downstream, to Livingston and Verona, toward success – but, from a religious point of view, unexceptionalism and assimilation. Upriver, in Passaic, however, Torah was put before bread, before material success. The yeshiva – Yeshiva Gedola of Passaic, as it is officially known – was To advertise, call 718-513-9885

established in 1973. Headed by Rabbi Meir Stern, the school both anchored the neighborhood and stimulated its rapid growth. This phenomenon, this oddity, this mixed-up order of sequence – Torah first, then bread – colors the nature of the community. Passaic is not a place where religion is relegated to tottering grandfathers in skullcaps and with snuffboxes who loiter in the synagogues lamenting the loss of Jerusalem. Rather, it is a place where, instead of men in gray flannel suits lunging for the 7:54 to the city, you will see men in their prime, engaged in religious practice and the study of Talmud

Hatzolah Of Passaic / Clifton Ambulance Dedication at high noon and every other hour of the day. In this town, the bais medrash, the shul, never closes – it stands as a visible reminder of the eternal Jewish God. I did not always appreciate this about Passaic. On the contrary, when I came to this town almost 20 years ago, I was struck by its relative ugliness, compared with, say, another nearby Jewish community in northern New Jersey, Teaneck. Inside, I ridiculed its provinciality, its bedroomsize aspirations and (what seemed to me) pint-size expectations. The main strip of Passaic is particularly ghastly with twostory walk-ups and storefronts, a faded Dairy Queen, an abandoned dry cleaners, and not a tree nor shrub anywhere. Passaic even had a vaguely communist feel – as if it had been ordained that every citizen would be given a 30-year mortgage and own a small plot of land to grow green vegetables and potatoes. My wife, a novelist, joked that if she achieved the Holy Grail in fiction, say getting a story published in The New Yorker, nobody would ever know because no one in this town reads that magazine. But slowly, almost against my will, Sabbath by Sabbath, Passaic worked its magic. Already by Friday late afternoon, things get quiet on the main street. By candle-lighting, when shul calls the faithful, the men in their dark suits and fedoras are lit up by the green glow of traffic lights and the fluorescent flicker of latenight gas stations. Some do not merely go to services, they go to study or to hear a complicated discourse from the rabbi. And it is the women, unseen, at home, who not only do not object, they make it happen. In the words of the Talmud, they urge their sons to synagogue and wait patiently for their husbands to return from the house of study. In my corner of Passaic,

on Sabbath mornings just after sunrise, the Torah is read. A small group sits around Chaim, a man with the body and gait of a fair-size bear and the high handsome forehead of the wise and kind. Next to Chaim, the books are piled high. Maimonides, Nachmanides, the Ran, the Rosh, the medieval explicators of the Talmud. With the humility of a day laborer and the visage of a man who obeys God (he is not a rabbi) he will patiently “report” to you on the clash of the “giants” on the issue of circumcision: Are only Jewish descendants of Abraham part of the circumcision covenant or are also other children of Abraham part of the agreement as well? The respective verses in Genesis and Leviticus seem to contradict each other. After everything has been thrown into the air, he will bring down the rulings of the Shulchan Aruch and the later sages and reconcile them with more proofs, passages, and precedents. It isn’t easy work, to grind out the law, and the discussion can go for an hour and a half or more. Time itself seems folded into the eternal present on Sabbath morning. Nobody seems impatient or in a hurry to go anywhere, even as it all takes

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The odd thing is that not all of the Passaic people grew up with Torah. place before anyone’s had a proper meal. How did this group and many other groups in Passaic just like this one come to be? While many people love to hear and study the stories of the Bible and most like to hear a good sermon, this “muscular” Torah of Chaim and these other groups is different. From what underground tribal river does hunger for this kind of Torah come? The odd thing is that not all of the Passaic people grew up with Torah. On



among them were very far from learned. What’s more, they, as first-generation Americans, were consumed by the need to put bread on the table. Shul was strictly for services, and then the doors were closed. In these communities, bread was first, way before Torah. And certainly “Chaim’s Torah” – the Torah of “hairsplitting” – was as far from them as the moon. As for me, even as I was used to pilpul, the hairsplitting Talmudic discourse from the yeshiva learning of my youth, I found the lessons too complicated, too dissociated from real life. I ran away from the words written on parchment to words that were written on soul; this is how I became a psychotherapist. Yet, in Passaic I saw over time how people would come to shul, to Chaim’s group and many others, as if they were going to the town well to draw from the waters of the Torah, to study again and again. Chaim, an actuary by trade, believes in his soul that Toyreh is di beste skhoyreh, Torah is the best merchandise, and so the words that come from his soul also enter ours. In a way, he made me into a baal teshuvah, too. After the destruction of the second temple in 70 CE, and for the next 20 centuries till today, Jews, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, lived dispersed among the nations, sometimes

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bereft of possessions and dignity. Yet we took with us the key to our existence as a people: our ability to be present with our God and the vitality to interpret and observe the law that Moses handed down to us at Sinai. It is a covenant with God that has enabled a weak and homeless people to survive the great empires of Egypt, Babylon, the czars, the Crusades, and the endless temptations of the honeyed fleshpots of France and America, and has caused our sacred books to sway half the world. There is not much to say about Passaic from a secular narrative; in fact, I have dubbed it “Prosaic” for its shopping malls and service stations, its comatose Jersey sprawl, but in the realm of religion, there is excitement and unique life here. When I walk the empty streets on Sabbath morning, one can feel that the culture of study predominates. Behold the days are coming when I will send a famine to the land, but the people will not hunger for bread nor will they thirst for water, but rather they will hunger to hear the word of God. Poetry, metaphor perhaps in most places, but in Passaic, the tide goes upstream, the hunger for Torah comes before bread.


the contrary, Passaic has a bit of a name as a place for baalei teshuvah, people who have “returned” to the faith. I could count more than a handful of them as “Russians” from the former Soviet Union. Refuseniks in a different sense, they had said nyet to a lot: They had rejected the secularism of their parents, their country. My chevrusa Moishe, my study partner, too, had said no. His father was in the movie business in Canada – a very Jewish Jew, but a distinctly nonreligious one. Among the residents in Passaic are children or descendants of the greats of American showbiz and theater, the likes of Hammerstein and the folksinger Oscar Brand and others. The places in which I lived as a child – Atlanta, Montreal, Queens – were older Jewish communities, formed around a natural or economic resource: a lake, a harbor, a river, or an industrialized city. At first, the struggle for bread had to predominate. Then, as that struggle was gradually won, a community developed, a shoikhet was hired, and a rabbi; a proper mikveh was built, and the study hall or small Talmud Torah might in time become a full yeshiva. Many of my friends’ parents, were ibbergeblibener, survivors of the Holocaust. They had been teenagers during the war and because their education was disrupted, even the pious


By: Dr. Ofir Isaac PT, MS, DPT

ENOUGH Cortisone Injections, Gel Shots, Orthopedic Consults and MRI’s? ENOUGH popping ibuprofen like candy just to get make it through your daily activities? ENOUGH worrying that you’ll never be able to stay active with your child or chase after your grandchild fearing your joint or muscle pain will act up and cripple you again?

BEFORE YOU GIVE UP EVERYTHING YOU LOVE IN YOUR LIFE Just because “everyone” says there’s no solution but surgery or resting the joint forever…

CONTINUE READING FOR THE REAL HEALTH FACTS And enjoy an active, mobile and independent life without pain or limits…

4 SAY “NO” TO THE PILLS… Because they mask the real symptoms and STOP the joint and tissue from truly healing 4 STOP THE “LET ME JUST REST” TORTURE… Begin to mobilize the hard tissue (joints, ligaments and cartilage) while you release the soft tissue (nerves, muscle and fascia) so you can finally feel happier and get back to normal… 4 KEEP EXERCISING WITH BONE ON BONE ARTHRITIS OR ROTATOR CUFF TEARS… Because you are not your MRI or XRAY findings, You are a connected body of tissues that need real healing, and you need this treatment no matter what your doctor said to scare you into surgery… 4 ARTHROSCOPIC SURGERY FOR MENISCAL TEARS AND INJECTIONS FOR FROZEN SHOULDERS BECOME YESTERDAYS NEWS WITH THIS NEW BREAKTHROUGH “NON SURGICAL SCALPEL”… High Powered Class IV deep tissue laser technology is a game changer that skeptical Orthopedists are now agreeing to try live demos in their office, with their shoulder, knee, and ankle patients! 4 PLANTAR FASCIITIS, CHRONIC HEEL SPUR, ACHILLES TENDINITIS AND SHOULDER IMPINGEMENT PAIN “MELT” AWAY IN 4–6 SESSIONS GUARANTEED… A secret weapon for tissue recovery and joint regeneration only used by professional football players and high performance athletes, finally available right here at ALLCARE PAIN ELIMINATION FOR LIFE 4 IS CORTISONE REALLY UNSAFE FOR ARTHRITIS?… Of course it is, but the risks are destruction of good cartilage, thinning of nearby bone (osteoporosis) and even tendon rupturing and weakening … CLASS IV LASER is the “new injection with all the benefits and none of the risks”

DID YOU KNOW? 92% of your pain is not caused by your bone or muscle? It’s actually the wirelike tissue called peripheral nerves that are trapped and irritated between the bones and muscles. Hi powered CLASS IV deep tissue laser therapy uses a clinically proven science called photo bio stimulation by stimulating the inner membrane of the cells in your deepest tissues not even cortisone can reach. There is a photochemical response that changes the metabolism, removing toxins and waste from chronic arthritic joint and worn out tendons and ligaments to promote healing from within.

FREE DEEP TISSUE LASER SESSION For the Month of February and March to All New Patients Who Are Set on Avoiding that Next Cortisone Shot! We are Having Amazing Success with Arthritic Joints and Rotator Cuff Injuries and Can Help Solve Any Joint Injury Instantly without the Side Effects! CLAIM YOUR 1 FREE LASER THERAPY TRIAL! Call now 718-215-9519 and leave your name and number after the message and Dr. Isaac will see if you qualify to attend. Don’t delay—come see for yourself why this is indeed the NON SURGICAL SCALPEL FOR JOINTS MUSCLES LIGAMENTS! Call Now!

Learn the facts of REAL JOINT AND MUSCLE HEALTH from a Non-Surgical Pain Elimination Specialist, world renowned expert and MYTH-BUSTER! Dr. Ofir Isaac, Consultant Physiotherapist to Stem Cell Regenerative Orthopedists and Interventional Pain Management Physicians. Dr. Isaac is a thought leader in the controversial world of minimally invasive and non-surgical procedures called PRP and PROLOTHERAPY. Dr. Isaac. Let him show you how to SHRUG OFF your medical miseries by exposing you to breakthroughs in NON SURGICAL PAIN ELIMINATION TECHNOLOGIES using CLASS IV deep tissue medical laser therapy… and shine a light on the future of these tools to help people avoid elective total knee replacements and rotator cuff surgeries. DOCTOR ISAAC is OFFERING a FREE DEEP TISSUE LASER SESSION at ALLCARE PAIN ELIMINATION FOR LIFE at 1213 AVE. P, BROOKLYN, NY 11229

Dr. Ofir Isaac PT, MS, DPT

Chronic Pain Diagnostic Specialist Owner & Clinical Director Hi my name is Dr. Ofir Isaac, Pain and Injury Consultant and Spine Specialist, and I guarantee that this procedure will work for you on the spot. Where? Allcare Pain Elimination For Life, at 1213 Ave P right here In Midwood, Brooklyn. It’s my passion to empower patients like you to eliminate their chronic pain through our unique “Active” Neuroscience Based Approach To Pain.

Kosher Creative by Netivot HaTorah Day School

An innovative kosher cookbook, from our families to yours. Just when you thought there was no room for another kosher cookbook on your shelf comes this innovative one titled “gatherings” from Netivot HaTorah Day School in Toronto. As they say in their introduction, “To know a community is to eat its food.” Our community is as diverse as the dishes they inspire and united in our desire to taste them all. Here are a few tempting samples.


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Thai Mango Salad Dressing 1 Tbs rice vinegar 1 Tbs lime juice 1 Tbs honey 2 Tbs sugar 1 tsp lime zest, finely grated 1/4 tsp hot pepper flakes 3 Tbs vegetable oil 1 Tbs sesame oil 1/3 cup fresh coriander, chopped (optional) 3/4 tsp salt 3/4 tsp pepper Salad

In a large bowl, whisk together rice vinegar, lime juice, honey, sugar, lime zest and hot pepper flakes. Whisking constantly, drizzle in vegetable and sesame oils until well combined. Stir in coriander, salt and pepper. Add mangoes, peppers and onion. Gently toss until well combined. Place a leaf of lettuce on a salad plate. Spoon a serving of salad in the centre of the lettuce leaf.

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2 mangoes, just barely ripe, julienned 1 red pepper, julienned 1 green pepper, julienned 1 red onion, thinly sliced 6 Boston lettuce or radicchio leaves

Moroccan peanut and Tomato Soup 1 onion, finely chopped 4 cloves of garlic, minced 2 Tbs margarine 1 (28oz) can tomatoes, crushed or diced 1 cup peanut butter 1/4 cup ketchup 1/4 cup vinegar 2 Tbs chili powder 1 tsp cumin 1 tsp black pepper 1 tsp hot pepper sauce 1 tsp mustard powder 1 tsp parsley flakes (optional) 2 cups water In a large pot, saute onion and garlic in margarine until translucent. Add remaining ingredients, except water. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, being careful not to burn the mixture. Add water slowly. Reduce heat to simmer and cook uncovered for 10-15 minutes. Stir occasionally. 32

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Terra Chip Chicken 1/2 cup all purpose flour 1 Tbs garlic powder 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 tsp pepper 6 chicken breasts, boneless skinless 1 egg 1 Tbs Dijon mustard 1 tsp lemon juice 1 tsp lemon and herb spice 1 (170g) bag Terra Chips, crushed 1/3 cup margarine Preheat oven to 350F

In a small bowl, combine flour, garlic powder, salt and pepper. Dredge chicken breasts in mixture, set aside. In another small bowl, beat egg, mustard, lemon juice and lemon and herb spice together. Set aside. Place crushed chips in a large bowl. Dip chicken first in egg mixture then in crushed terra chips. Place chicken breasts in roasting pan. In a small saucepan, melt margarine. Drizzle on top of chicken. Place roasting pan, uncovered, in oven. Bake for 30-45 minutes.

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Simply Sensational Chocolate Cake 2 cups sugar 1 3/4 cups all purpose flour 3/4 cocoa powder 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 tsp salt 2 eggs 1 cup soy milk (or 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup soy milk) 2 tsp vanilla 1/2 oil 1 cup boiling water Glaze 2 cups icing sugar 2 Tbs corn syrup 3-4 Tbs pareve milk 1oz semi sweet chocolate, melted Preheat oven to 350F In a large mixing bowl, combine sugar, flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Mix by hand. Add eggs, milk, vanilla and oil. Mix. Add boiling water and continue mixing. Batter will be loose. Pour into a greased and floured bundt pan . Bake for 30-35 minutes until toothpick comes out clean. Cool. In another bowl, stir sugar, syrup and milk until smooth. Turn cake onto a baking sheet, pour glaze over cake to cover completely. Drizzle melted chocolate over cake. Transfer cake to a serving platter


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Illustrated by Chana Eisenstein Splendid!

Reb Moshe, you can go pack your bags and leave immediately! The king has a new physician!

Well said! This was the condition of the deal. Reb Moshe, you failed and from this day, Doctor Elbai will be my personal physician. Can I first ascertain that he can truly see?


Abdul, what am I holding in my hand?

Sure! It’s red!

A handkerchief.

Correct. Can you tell me what color it is?


Illustrated by Chana Eisenstein Correct! This person was not born blind! It’s very possible that he was never blind at all!

This person was not blind from birth! How does he know the color red? If he was blind, he was never taught any colors!

A pair of swindlers!

It’s only because I’m in a good disposition now that I won’t kill you immediately!

My face is flushing as red as the handkerchief… Doctor Elbai, leave my palace at once! And don’t dare step foot in this city again! And you! If I will hear one more word from you against Reb Moshe, I will have you hung in the town square!

For a short while, the harassment against Reb Moshe ceased. The Rambam was able to sit and learn Torah peacefully. The holy Torah is our consolation! Whoever learns the holy Torah will be protected from all evil!


Illustrated by Chana Eisenstein The Rambam’s reputation spread far and wide… Reb Moshe ben Maimon answered so well!

In Yemen, they added a special tefillah for the Rambam when they said Kaddish.

He illuminates the sugya with his brilliant insights! We must express our gratitude to him that he finds the time to answer our queries from Mitzrayim all the way to us in France.

“…U’vchayei d’rabeinu Moshe ben Maimon ba’agala u’vizman kariv v’imru amen!”


At the same time, in Morocco, the great tzaddik and sage Reb Avrohom ben Ezra, known as the holy Ibn Ezra, embarked upon a journey.

Oy, the holy Torah! It’s my entire life!

Reb Avrohom, we must stop somewhere and find something to eat. Also, the money that you’ve given me for the journey is only enough to last one day.

You’re right. But right now it’s all I have. Let’s travel on and Hashem will surely not forsake us.


Illustrated by Chana Eisenstein Where are we headed to? I thought of an idea. You’ve certainly heard of the Rambam, the young sage whose name is renowned throughout the entire Jewish world. I will pay him a visit. Perhaps he will be able to help me out of my poverty-stricken life.

In Mitzrayim…

Good idea! Horse, giddyap! Take us to the port city!

Ah, here I see a Jewish face.

Reb Yid, where can I find the Rambam?

Shalom aleichem! Who doesn’t want to meet the Rambam? Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible. He is the personal physician of the sultan, and also serves as the doctor of the multitudes flocking to him from all across the globe.


To be continued...

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