Flatbush Buzz #145 January 13 2019

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Volume 6, Issue 145 January 13th 2019

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FLATBUSH IV Tuesday, January 15

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FLATBUSH V Wednesday, January 16 At the home of

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The Shmuz on the Parsha

Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier

Parshas B’Shalach

People Believe What They Want to Believe “And Moshe stretched out his hand over the sea, and HASHEM moved the sea with a strong eastern wind all the night, and He turned the sea to damp land and the water split.” — Shemos 14:21 Mitzrayim, the nation that bragged that no slave had ever escaped its land, stood by helplessly as the Chosen Nation triumphantly left. The Jewish people, now some three million strong, marched through the desert surrounded on all sides by clouds that protected them and led by a pillar of cloud that lit up the night as if it was day. Yet even at this moment, Pharaoh sent spies along to follow them. After three days, his agents reported back that the Jews had veered off course. Pharaoh called out to his people, “Let us reclaim that which is ours,” and he led them in pursuit. When the Mitzrim arrived on the scene, the Jews were camped out against the Yam Suf. With their backs against the sea and no place to move, it seemed certain that the Mitzrim would recapture them. At that moment, the cloud of fire that led the Jews through the desert moved to the back of the camp and stopped the Mitzrim from advancing. That entire night, both camps stood in their places, separated by the Clouds of Glory. The Ramban tells us that during the night, an eastern wind began to blow. This was the wind that split the sea. At


first, it made small indentations in the sea, but as the night wore on, the wind became stronger, and those small indentations grew in size and depth until the sea itself was split into twelve distinct pathways – ready for each Shevet to cross in its own channel. The Ramban explains that HASHEM split the sea specifically with an eastern wind “so that it would appear as if the wind split the sea into partitions.” Even though the wind can’t possibly split the sea, much less split it into twelve separate partitions, nevertheless, because of their great desire to harm the Jews, the Mitzrim “pegged it on a natural cause.” It was just the wind, nothing more. How could the Mitzrim possibly believe the wind split the sea? This Ramban is very difficult to understand. How could the Mitzrim possibly pin the splitting of the sea on the wind? They were intelligent, thinking people. They, as everyone else, clearly understood that it couldn’t possibly be a natural occurrence. How is it possible that they accepted this sham – that the wind split the sea? Understanding free will The answer to this question is predicated upon understanding the concept of free will. Free will doesn’t mean a theoretical ability to do good or bad. It is the practical ability where either side is possible. When a person can just as easily turn to the bad as to the good, then it is his decision to choose. As an illustration, do you have free will

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to put your hand in a fire? In theory, you do. You could do it. But you never would. It is damaging. It is foolish. So, while in theory you have free will to do it, on a practical level, you don’t. Creating man Chazal tell us that HASHEM created man to give him the opportunity to shape himself into what he would be for eternity. That molding of the person is accomplished by choosing that which is good and proper and avoiding that which is wrong and evil. By making these choices, man is given the ability to form himself. To give man an even playing field, HASHEM took the sechel – that pure, brilliant part of me – and inserted it into a body filled with drives, passions, and hungers. Now the two parts of me are integrated. I don’t want only what is good and proper and noble. I also desire and hunger for many other things. My choice of doing only good is no longer so simple. However, if HASHEM created man only out of these two parts – the sechel and the guf – the purpose of creation would never have been met. The wisdom of man is so great that it would be almost impossible for him to sin. Since every sin damages me and every mitzvah makes me into a bigger, better person, my natural intelligence wouldn’t allow me to sin, no matter how tempted I might be. I would clearly recognize it as damaging to me. Much like putting my hand into a fire, in theory I would have free will to do it, but on a practical level, I wouldn’t.

Imagination – its role and function Therefore, HASHEM added one more component to the human: imagination. Imagination is the creative ability to form a mental picture and sense it so vividly, so graphically, it is as if it is real. Ask anyone who has ever cried while reading a novel whether imagination isn’t a powerful force. Now armed with this force, man can create fanciful worlds at his will and actually believe them. If man wishes to turn to evil, he can create rationales to make these ways sound noble and proper – at least enough to fool himself. Armed with imagination, man truly has free will. If he wishes he can do what is right, or if he wishes, he can turn to wickedness, and even his brilliant intellect won’t prevent him. With imagination, he is capable of creating entire philosophies to explain how the behavior he desires is righteous, correct, and appropriate. Now man has free will.

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People believe what they want to believe The reality is that people don’t necessarily believe that which is factual, proven and true; they believe what they want to believe. And while there are countless examples of this, one of the greatest manifestations is the Mitzrim following the Jews into the Yam. Despite living through the makkos, despite seeing the Yam split into sections, they didn’t believe it was a miracle. They attributed it to the wind because that is what they wanted to believe. Understanding this can help us comprehend how people can stare at things so obvious and true and yet deny their very existence. There are many reasons why a person might not want to accept what his mind tells him is true. He has to be able to put away all other issues and focus on this one question: what do I think is the truth? Forget the consequences. Forget my agenda. Is there a Creator of this world? Logic will bring them to see the hand of Hashem. However, if he isn’t honest, then nothing in the world will convince him, not the greatest miracles, and not even the splitting of the Yam Suf itself.

Rabbi Shafier is the founder of the Shmuz.com – The Shmuz is an engaging, motivating shiur that deals with real life issues. All of the Shmuzin are available free of charge at www. theShmuz.com or on the Shmuz App for iphone or Android. Simply text the word “TheShmuz” to the number 313131 and a link will be sent to your phone to download the App.


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The Cape Town Water Crisis and Hating Israel by Rabbi Benjamin Blech

Demonstrating the irrationality of hatred, Cape Town rejected Israel’s offer to help forestall their crisis.


erhaps the most amazing thing about anti-Semitism and the world’s hatred of Israel is illustrated by Cape Town’s frightening water crisis. Cape Town is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Until just recently it was also one of the most popular tourist destinations in South Africa, responsible for almost 10 percent of the country’s $33 billion economic output. But the city is now facing a crisis of unimaginable proportion. The sources of water have dried up and the water taps will soon have to be shut off completely. Current estimates put that day – now called “Day Zero” – sometime in midApril. As of now, there is water rationing previously unheard-of in modern civilized cities. People are urged not to flush toilets, to shower and bathe infrequently


with minimal water, and walking around with unwashed hair is considered a sign of national patriotism. The government admits they are facing a probable total collapse of their economy, their infrastructure, and their way of life. Cape Town has been aware of this threat for some time – and they also had an easily accessible solution. Israel is a country which achieved the scientific know-how to make its desert bloom, its minimal water supply to suffice for its needs, and the desalination of seawater for everyday purposes a reality. Israel has learned how to recycle about 85 percent of its water and has achieved what many considered impossible: making water readily accessible to all of its inhabitants. As soon as Israel became aware of Cape Town’s water problem, without any hesitancy it volunteered assistance, making clear their ability and willingness To advertise, call 718-513-9885

to help. Former Israeli Ambassador to South Africa Arthur Lenk, current Ambassador Lior Keinan, and Israel’s economic attaches to South Africa all made repeated overtures to the relevant bodies to assist with the Cape Town water crisis. Scientists were prepared to share their knowledge. Volunteers were ready to come to implement them. Organizations were ready to help in the planning and even in the financing for what was required to prevent Day Zero from becoming a reality. But the governing body of Cape Town sides with the Palestinians. That makes Israelis the enemy. And that allowed hatred to trump sanity and enmity to prefer calamity over offered salvation. Harry Emerson Fosdick put it well when he famously said, “Hating people is like burning down your own house to get rid of a rat.”

Where Taste Meets Elegance

In the early part of 2016, when it already became clear that parts of South Africa would be facing one of the most severe droughts in its history, an important conference was called to make plans for the initiation and implementation of specific programs to prevent catastrophe. Listed on the program as one of the delegates was Israel’s ambassador to South Africa, Arthur Lenk, who had already spent considerable effort in educating and

between the Arabs and the Israelis, between those consumed by a hatred and those anxious to extend a hand of help and of friendship to even the bitterest of enemies. I find it significant that the Cape Town crisis revolves around water. Water has special meaning in Jewish tradition. It is so essential to life that it is the most frequently used metaphor in Judaism for Torah itself. Water and Torah are both indispensable



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assisting the region wherever possible. No sooner did this become public than Prof Lorenzo Fioramonti of the University of Pretoria, withdrew his participation. That was immediately followed by the BDS movement successfully lobbying the South African government to entirely cancel the water conference due to Israel’s participation. Thanks to the growing influence of the increasing Muslim population and the leadership of the pro-jihad President Jacob Zuma aligned with the BDS, South Africans rejoiced at their ability to “tell off the Israelis” and to deny Israel the ability to claim credit for any humanitarian aid. It is hard to imagine how much joy there must be today for a people to know that soon they are destined to helplessly watch their citizens die of thirst rather than accept aid from “those accursed Jews.” It is a story of tragedy in South Africa – but it is more than that as well. It is a paradigm of the conflict between the world and the Jews, To advertise, call 718-513-9885

for survival. When the Jews who left Egypt were in the desert of Sinai they could not, the Torah tells us, go three days without water. For that reason the sages instituted the public reading of the Torah on the Sabbath, Mondays and Thursdays – so no Jew would ever go three days bereft of the life-giving words of Hashem’s gift to human kind. We are the people of the book. Our role, as those designated to become – in the words of Isaiah – “a light unto the nations”, is to bring to the world the blessings of the Almighty’s spiritual waters. And yet, people thirsting for meaning in their lives and for purpose to their existence, prefer to reject us, even at the cost of their own survival. Here is a profound example for the irrationality of hatred. As my heart goes out to the victims, I have one great hope: If only the crisis of Cape Town could open the eyes of Israel haters to how much they have to gain if they would but choose peace over war, life over death and mutual blessings over eternal strife and conflict.


I find it significant that the Cape Town crisis revolves around water. Water has special meaning in Jewish tradition.

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Banning Shechita in Europe by Dr. Yvette Alt Miller

It’s a veiled way of saying that Jews and other minorities are no longer welcome.


ostility towards kosher meat is growing alarmingly throughout Europe. Britain’s popular Daily Mail newspaper carried this incendiary headline: “Meat from cattle slaughtered in ‘cruel’ kosher method is in your...burger”. The paper warned, “Beef and lamb from animals killed in ‘cruel’ ritual ceremonies are being sold in mainstream butchers, restaurants and supermarkets across Britain”, as if kosher meat was somehow repugnant and the Jews who eat it menacing and dangerous. Across Europe, such attitudes are increasingly common. The British Veterinary Association, the Royal Society for the Protection of Animals, the group Compassion in World Farming and other organizations have all cast kosher meat


production as uniquely cruel, and made banning kosher slaughter (as well as Islamic slaughter, called dhabihah) top priorities: they’ve organized petitions, slandered kosher food in letters to newspapers and journals, and run inflammatory advertisements. Spurious attacks on kosher and Islamically slaughtered meat are whipping up prejudice across Europe, explains Shimon Cohen, campaign director of Shechita UK, an organization in Britain that educates the public about kosher slaughter, in an exclusive Aish. com interview. The relentless drumbeat of negative press is turning people against kosher food: one 2013 poll found that fully 45% of Britons were in favor of banning kosher meat outright. Ironically, given all the smears being made about the kosher method of killing animals for food, shechita is among the

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most humane. In shechita, only animals that are healthy and uninjured are used for food. A specially trained butcher called a shochet, who has trained extensively, makes a rapid incision with an instrument that is surgically sharp across an animal’s neck, severing all the major blood vessels and structures in one instantaneous moment. This causes the animal to become unconscious immediately and results in a quick, near-painless death. Only one animal at a time is killed, and no animals are ever allowed to witness the death of another living being. Slaughtering animals is never a pleasant topic, but the kosher method ensures that the Jewish injunction tza’ar ba’alei chayim, the prohibition to cause pain to animals, is preserved. In many western countries today, non-kosher slaughter is preceded by “stunning”, a brutal method that was

originally developed to facilitate the killing of large numbers of animals at once, in factory-like conditions. According to Britain’s Royal Society for the Protection of Animals (RSPCA), most stunning – particularly of cattle – involves “A gun fir(ing) a metal bolt into the brain of the animal”. For poultry, the RSPCA, explains, stunning is done differently: “Birds are hung upside down by their legs on metal shackles along a moving conveyor belt. They move along the production line to a stunning water bath; when the bird’s head makes contact with the water, an electrical circuit between the water bath and shackle is completed, which stuns the bird. The conveyor belt then moves the birds to a mechanical neck cutter, which cuts the major blood vessels in the neck.” Incredibly, despite this gruesome nature of non-kosher slaughter, it is kosher slaughter that’s being cast as cruel. In 2014 the head of Britain’s RSPCA called for the immediate ban of kosher (and Islamic) slaughter on animal rights grounds, calling the ban of kosher meat “one of the most important issues on our radar”, insisting the only humane way to kill animals is to first brutally “stun” them. (Some Muslim authorities allow animals to be stunned before being killed; as kosher laws mandate that animals cannot be injured before they are slaughtered for food, stunning is not allowed in kosher food.) Jewish authorities maintain that kosher shechita – in which a cut to the animal’s neck renders instantaneous unconsciousness – effectively stuns animals. Nevertheless, the slanderous and dangerous claim that kosher slaughter is somehow barbaric has been widely adopted Europe; many are working to ban kosher shechita outright. Switzerland was the first European nation to ban kosher slaughter, in 1894, in a campaign that was seen at the time as a clear message that the country’s Jews were not welcome. In 1929, Norway banned kosher slaughter amida highlycharged, anti-Semitic debate. When the Nazis came to power in Germany in 1933, one of their first acts was banning kosher slaughter. Today, many European countries are attacking kosher slaughter once again. “There is growing attention towards Muslim communities in Europe” explains

Shimon Cohen from Shechita UK. “One way to curtail Muslim communities without sounding like a racist is to attack ritual slaughter.” Just as Switzerland sent a clear message that its Jewish minority was not welcome when they banned kosher slaughter over a century ago, activists and lawmakers across Europe today are sending a similar message of unwelcome to Muslims today by seeking to ban religious slaughter methods. Jews in Europe are “collateral damage,” Mr. Cohen explains.

“stunned” before slaughter, rendering Jewish shechita illegal. Two of Belgium’s regions have recently voted to ban both kosher and halal slaughter, starting in 2019. “This decision, in the heart of Western Europe and the center of the European Union, sends a terrible message to Jewish communities throughout our continent that Jews are unwanted,” explained Moshe Kantor, President of the European Jewish Congress. “It attacks the very core of our culture and religious practice and

“This decision, in the heart of Western Europe and the center of the European Union, sends a terrible message to Jewish communities throughout our continent that Jews are unwanted,” In 2013, Poland introduced a ban on kosher and halal slaughter. After the Union of Jewish Religious Communities challenged the ban in court, it was struck down in 2015 on the grounds of ensuring religious freedom. In 2014, Denmark’s government banned kosher and halal slaughter, as well as the production of kosher and halal meat, after years of campaigning from activists. Then Minister for Agriculture and Food Dan Jorgensen told Danish TV that “animal rights come before religion”. Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar at the time accused those who attack kosher slaughter of being anti-Semitic and “trying to fight Judaism” by demonizing kosher food and Jews. Sweden has banned the kosher slaughter of cows ever since the Nazi era, in 1937, but the ban did not extend to chickens until 1988. That year, it was mandated that birds be electrically To advertise, call 718-513-9885

our status as equal citizens….” In Britain, the far-right UK Independence Party has called for a complete ban on kosher (and Islamic) slaughter of meat in Britain. The party isn’t generally seen as concerned with animal welfare – it wants to reintroduce fox hunting in Britain – but they’ve run a campaign painting Jews as cruel and willing to disregard the “ethical treatment of animals”. In the Netherlands, the Animal Rights Party, which has five seats in parliament and has long called for bans on kosher slaughter, has vowed to introduce legislation banning kosher and Islamic slaughter again this year. The issue seems to be largely symbolic: only one shochet works in the entire country, but his slaughtering methods are being described as unethical and “cruel” in public debates. As more politicians and activists claim that kosher slaughter is “barbaric”,


Attempts to ban kosher slaughter in other countries continue to gain momentum. millions of people across Europe are learning to equate Jewish religious practice with spurious charges of animal cruelty. “It’s not about animal welfare; it’s a population control issue,” says Shimon Cohen of Shechita UK, as he prepares to help challenge yet more proposed bans on shechita in Europe. Increasingly, calls to ban shechita seem to be a coded way of saying that Jews and other minorities are not welcome in Europe. Here are three actions we can all take to help safeguard kosher slaughter in Europe and beyond. Speak up! When you see shechita slandered in news or other media, write to the editor pointing out why their words are damaging or wrong. When you hear people disparage kosher slaughter, take


time to set the record straight. Let lawmakers know how you feel. Give your local representatives a call to let them know about your support for laws guaranteeing shechita. Phone calls or letters from constituents can have a big impact, showing lawmakers that many of their constituents want shechita to remain legal. Purchase kosher meat. As a sign of solidarity, make the decision to go kosher in your meat buying, ensuring a robust market for kosher meat and other products. January 3, 2019 Update: On January 1, 2019, a ban on kosher slaughter went into effect in parts of Belgium, primarily in northern Flemishspeaking areas, after local government bodies passed legislation mandating animals must be stunned before being killed. A similar law is due to take effect in the remainder of Belgium in September 2019. Belgium is home to a flourishing Jewish community, but local residents fear this could whip up anti-Jewish feeling and harm Jewish life in the area. “To have the government interfere in

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this way is damaging to the reputation of the Jewish people as a community,” explains Rabbi Menachem Margolin, a Belgian Jew who heads the European Jewish Association. “It implies that we as a group are irresponsible with the welfare of animals and need government supervision which is, of course, a very negative view of us.” Attempts to ban kosher slaughter in other countries continue to gain momentum. In the Netherlands, both Jewish and Muslim groups signed an agreement with the Government regulating religious slaughter. One provision is that Jews in the Netherlands only slaughter enough kosher animals for local consumption. (The entire country employs only one shochet, who works for one afternoon a week.) Still, the Dutch animal welfare party submitted draft legislation in March 2018 to ban all slaughter done without stunning. Local Jews are fighting back. In Belgium, a group is challenging the current ban on shechita in court. But as kosher slaughter is demonized ever more, changing the public’s perception of kosher slaughter might prove difficult.


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By: Dr. Ofir Isaac PT, MS, DPT

ENOUGH Cortisone Injections, Gel Shots, Orthopedic Consults and MRI’s? ENOUGH popping ibuprofen like candy just to get make it through your daily activities? ENOUGH worrying that you’ll never be able to stay active with your child or chase after your grandchild fearing your joint or muscle pain will act up and cripple you again?

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Some Healthier Shabbat Options by Elizabeth Kurtz These recipes are flavorful, wholesome and even easier to make than the less nutritious version you’re used to. After many attempts and weeks of “What’s kale? Can we have regular chips?” I have mastered some kugels, side dishes, and lighter dessert alternatives to please everyone. These recipes are flavorful, filled with color for a beautiful presentation, wholesome and even easier to make than the less nutritious version you may be used to! Give them a try and let me know how they go over next Shabbos in your home.


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Super Simple and Tasty Teriyaki Salmon Healthy Style Serves 4 Many people buy teriyaki or barbeque sauce and yes, that’s an option. I like this homemade version because its not only quick, but I like controlling the flavors, and quantities of sugar and sodium. Use both fresh garlic and ginger in this or double the amount in frozen cubes. 1 tablespoon sesame oil ¼ cup low-sodium soy sauce ½ tablespoon Dijon mustard 1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup 1 teaspoon minced fresh garlic 1 teaspoon minced fresh ginger 4 pieces salmon fillet 2 tablespoons toasted sesame seeds Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or aluminum foil. Preheat oven to 400°F. Whisk sesame oil, soy sauce, mustard, honey, garlic and ginger. Sprinkle with sesame seeds. Place salmon on baking sheet. Brush with teriyaki sauce to fully coat salmon. Bake for 10 minutes. With a spoon scoop up any sauce and drizzle over salmon. Bake for an additional 10 minutes. Serve warm or at room temperature. To advertise, call 718-513-9885


Cauliflower Rice and Kale Serves 4-6

Fresh cilantro, to garnish

Photo by Tasting Page

Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a medium skillet over medium heat.

Cauliflower rice is a great vegetable side dish that often serves as an alternative to a starchy side dish. Cauliflower rice comes both fresh and in the frozen section of most markets. 2 to 3 tablespoons olive oil or coconut oil, divided 1/2 leek, chopped 1 package store bought cauliflower rice 1/2 bunch kale, chopped 1 teaspoon kosher salt 1 teaspoon curry powder Crushed red pepper flakes (optional)


Add leeks and sauté until it turns translucent and golden, about 5 minutes. Add the cauliflower rice and sauté for 2–3 minutes, or until it starts to cook. Then add in the chopped kale, curry and red pepper flakes and continue to sauté for another 4–5 minutes, or until the vegetables are cooked through. Add salt and drizzle with remaining olive oil. Serve warm.

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Sweet Potato Bake 1/4 cup soy milk (if too thick can add a bit more) 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup nuts, optional

Serves 8 Photo by Not too Delicious

Preheat oven to 400°F. This delicious side dish has reduced eggs, oil, and flour. It’s denser than the traditional version but sweet and just as creamy and satiating. This recipe can be made in muffin cups for individual servings too. 2 large sweet potatoes 1 tablespoon canola oil 1 egg 1/4 cup flour (whole wheat is great, almond, oat and quinoa work well too) 3 tablespoon maple syrup 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Poke holes in a few places on potatoes, Drizzle olive oil over them, Wrap in foil place on a baking sheet. Bake for 1 hour, until super soft. Cool potatoes then remove skin and place potato flesh in a medium bowl. Mash potatoes and add egg, flour, maple syrup, vanilla and soy milk. Lower oven temperature to 350°F. Grease a pie plate or an 8x8 inch baking dish with non-stick cooking spray. Pour potato mixture into pan. Drizzle cinnamon and nuts on top and bake about 30 minutes. Serve warm.

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Chocolate Brownies with Sweet Potato Makes 12-16 Photo by Wide Open Eats These are delicious and do not tasty like “healthy” option brownies. They are rich and dense and super moist. I make these for gluten free guests too by substituting potato starch or almond flour for the all-purpose flour. 1 cup almond butter or peanut butter ¾ cup sweet potato puree (alternatively, you can use prune puree or date puree) 1 teaspoon vanilla extract ¼ cup plus 2 tablespoons flour (any type) ½ cup mini chocolate chips, plus more for garnish ⅔ cup sugar ¼ cup plus 2 tablespoons cocoa powder 1 ½ teaspoons baking soda ⅛ teaspoon salt Whipped Cream, optional 1 (15 ounce) can (full fat coconut milk), REFRIGERATED OVERNIGHT 1 tablespoon powdered sugar ½ teaspoon vanilla extract ¾ teaspoon cinnamon For the brownies: Preheat oven


to 325°F. Line an 8-inch pan with parchment paper or grease well. Gently warm almond butter until easy to stir. In a large bowl, whisk the sweet potato puree, almond butter, and vanilla. In a separate bowl, stir flour, chips, sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda, and salt. Pour dry ingredients into wet ingredients and mix gently. Pour into prepared pan and smooth top. Bake in center of oven for 20 minutes. Brownies will look a little undercooked, but will firm up when cooled or refrigerate a few minutes to set after cooled. Do not overcook. For the Whipped Cream, optional: Chill a metal bowl and beaters from an electric mixer. Make sure can of coconut milk has been placed in the refrigerator overnight or longer. Open can and scoop out congealed thick cream, discard any watery parts. Place cream in chilled metal bowl. Beat on high until soft peaks. Add powdered sugar, vanilla and cinnamon and blend to desired consistency.

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Why One Muslim Was Buried in a Jewish Cemetery by Dr. Yvette Alt Miller

Punishing Arabs for helping Jews.


fter Alan Kirsh, an Arab resident of Jerusalem, died in a tragic traffic accident on November 4, 2018, his grieving family swiftly made plans for his funeral. Instead, they were told that Mr. Kirsh could not be buried in a Muslim cemetery. His crime? Selling property to a Jew. Local imams maintained that years earlier, he’d been accused of selling property to Jews, and that rendered him persona non grata. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Ekrima Said Sabi, referred to a 1935 fatwa, or Muslim religious ruling, issued by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem at that time, which declared “anyone who sells a home or land to Jews will not receive a Muslim burial.” The Mufti who originated that ruling was Amin al-Husseini, a notorious Nazi and anti-Semite who spent most of World War II as an official guest of Adolf Hitler in Berlin. When he learned of a plan in 1943 to save some European Jewish children and send them to safety in Palestine in order to appease the Red Cross, he asked his German hosts to have the children murdered in Poland instead. al-Husseini’s repugnant views continue today with the present Grand Mufti’s own fatwa, announcing “Whoever sells to the Jews in Jerusalem is not a member of the Muslim nation, we will not accept his repentance and he will not be buried in the Muslim’s cemetery.” The Kirsh family appealed to bury


their relative anyway but were rebuffed, first at Muslim cemeteries in Jerusalem and then in Ramallah. Employees at the Zionist organization Im Tirzu learned of the Kirsh family’s plight and approached the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, Aryeh Stern, to see if he could help. Rabbi Stern decided that Alan Kirsh should be given a final resting place in a Jewish cemetery as a “righteous gentile.” He was interred in Har HaMenuchot cemetery in Jerusalem last week. “Since the Muslims will not bury him, we must correct the distortion of justice, that results in unjust humiliation of a man whose only sin was being prepared to sell land to Jews,” Rabbi Stern explained. “It is incumbent on us to honor a righteous gentile, and in this case a person who showed good will and was willing to take risks for” Jews in Israel today. Alan Kirsh isn’t the only Arab in Israel today to be persecuted because he dared to do business with or to help Jews. In November 2018, the Palestinian Authority’s Police Commander in Hebron, Col. Ahmed Abu al-Rub, was suspended by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas

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after he got out of his car to talk to Israeli soldiers whose truck had broken down in the middle of the road. According to eyewitnesses, Col al-Rub was driving in a convoy with Palestinian officials when they found the road blocked by an Israeli army truck. Col. al-Rub got out of his car and asked what the matter was. When Israeli soldiers explained they had a flat tire, Col. al-Rub knelt down to take a look. That act of common humanity was enough to cost him his job. Some locals took photos of the police commander and circulated them on social media, excoriating him for appearing to help Israelis. Hamas, the terrorist organization that governs Gaza, issued a statement mocking Col. alRub, apparently sealing his fate. He was removed from duty and replaced with his deputy commander – for the “crime” of speaking civilly to Israelis and helping them figure out how to fix a broken down truck. The world needs more people like Col. Ahmed Abu al-Rub and Alan Kirsh, people who refuse to bow to hatred and aren’t afraid to reach out to others who may be different from them. .




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Illustrated by Chana Eisenstein In Fustat, Egypt (later part of Cairo)…

I hope the Rambam will be able to receive me today. I hope so too. The doctor in Syria told me that only the Rambam will be able to cure me.

Tell me, Chananel, how did the Rambam become so proficient in the medical field?

He learned everything that the holy Chazal taught us and also studied many medical textbooks. And that’s how he earned a livelihood to support his family and to be able to learn Torah. Gamliel, you are reminding me of a story that my father told me…

Is it enough to read and study from books? Don’t you have to practice by experienced doctors? Gladly! I will try to tell it as well as my father did, so that you can feel as if you are experiencing the story yourself…

So tell it to me…


Illustrated by Chana Eisenstein When the Rambam finished studying the medical textbooks, he wanted to make his rounds by famous doctors, to learn from them…

Chazal tell us that “you cannot compare hearing to seeing.” It isn’t enough to learn from books, I must also go to doctors and see with my own eyes how to heal sick people. But to every doctor he turned to…

Doctor, can I stay here for a month and learn the medical profession?

And by yet other doctors…

I don’t accept any Jews! Leave immediately and don’t return!

I will never do that.

I apologize, but I only accept members of my religion. If you convert, I will accept you and teach you all that you desire.


If so, I cannot help you.

Illustrated by Chana Eisenstein How can I help you?

I will have to come up with an underhanded tactic to be able to get the training I need. I will disguise myself as an Arab and pretend that I am mute, so that the doctor will not be able to force me to say that I believe in his religion. I understand. Yes, I need an assistant. I will pay you the token sum of one dinar a month if you will come assist me several hours every day.

Wonderful! Now I’ll be able to watch as he works and learn the medical profession.

That’s how the Rambam became the assistant for the most famous doctor in the country. Mix these two liquids together, and it will be a powerful medication.


Illustrated by Chana Eisenstein Several months went by…

This is my only child! He was a happy, healthy child. He’s suffering from terrible headaches the past few weeks.

We will have to operate. I will prepare the sedatives to put him to sleep.

Ah! I found the problem! A large worm in his brain!

It’s not simple at all! The brain is a very delicate organ. If I touch any part of his brain with the tweezers, it can cause much damage.

I am ready to pay whatever price you demand, if you can heal my child.

What’s the problem? Remove it with tweezers and all will be okay!

I have an idea…

That’s terrible! What can be done?

To be continued...


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