Flatbush Buzz #150 Mar 10 2019

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Brooklyn’s only Door to Door Magazine Flatbush - Marine Park - Boro Park

Bringing you the Buzz! on Savings & Events

Volume 6, Issue 150 March 10th 2019

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The Shmuz on the Parsha

Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier

They Don’t Make Anti Semites Like They Used To

(Parshas Vayikrah) Parshas Zachor “In the third year of his reign, he made a party for all of his officers and servants, the rulers of Paras and Madai, the Partamim and rulers in front of him.” – Esther 1:2 The Megillah opens with a description of Achashverosh’s vast empire, “He ruled over one hundred and twenty seven nations.” The common assumption is that he was in the height of his glory. However, Chazal tell us that shortly before this, he had ruled over an additional one hundred and nineteen nations. At this point in time, he was still a powerful ruler, but almost half of his kingdom had been taken from him. In his commentary on the Megillah, the Nesivos (Megilas Sisarim) explains that by all rights, Achashverosh should have been in mourning. He had just suffered a striking loss. He had been the ruler of the earth, and now his power and glory were stolen from him. Yet he was joyful and made a party because he understood the ways of HASHEM, and he had a sign from the heaven. Chazal tell us that throughout our long exile, HASHEM has kept the Jewish people scattered across the globe so that if an evil king would come to power and attempt to kill us, a portion of the nation would be living in other parts of the world not under his control. Never are all the Jews under one ruler. Yet that rule was clearly broken. When Achashverosh reigned over the entire world, every Jew alive had been under his sovereignty. Even now that he ruled over only half of the world, every Jew was still under his dominion. Whether he would keep or lose a province


seemed to have been based on whether Jews were living there. It was almost as if a laser beam were carving out his monarchy. If there were Jews in a region, it remained under his control. If not, it was taken from him. When the rebellion was finished, every Jew was still under his control. Achashverosh took this as a sign that HASHEM was delivering His people into his hands and therefore he was joyful and made a party. This concept becomes very difficult when we focus on who this man was. Achashverosh wasn’t the Pillsbury doughboy If you were to ask a school age child to describe Achashverosh, you would likely get an image of a short, roly-poly, fun loving guy who liked to drink – the Pillsbury doughboy. Chazal tell us that is not quite an accurate description. In fact, it couldn’t be more off-base. Rashi tells us that Achashverosh wasn’t born to nobility. He was an egodriven lout who kicked, clubbed, and clawed his way into power. His ambition was nothing short of world dominion, and he had recently achieved his dream – Emperor of the Earth. When the Megillah opens, his honor and glory have been ripped out from under his feet. How is it possible that he made a party? How could he possibly be filled with joy? The answer to this question comes from a better understanding of what actually drove this man. Achashverosh was evil In the first posuk of the Megillah, Rashi explains that Achashverosh was consistent – consistently wicked from To advertise, call 718-513-9885

the first verse until the very end. Make no mistake; this man hated the Jews as much as anyone in his times. But he knew why he hated the Jews: the Jews represented HASHEM, and he was engaged in a war against holiness. As an example, the Nesivos explains why the Megillah delineates the details of the party that Achashverosh threw. We are told about the tapestries on the walls, the food served, and what the guests drank. Why, nearly twenty five hundred years later, do we need to know that the golden benches were covered with butz and agraman? The Nesivos explains that this was all part of the plan. The focus of the party was the last seven days when the “people of Shushan” were invited. Shushan then was the center of Jewish life. Mordechai met with the Sanhedrin there daily. It was the epicenter of religious Jewry, and that was Achashverosh’s target. He invited the Jews to his palace to get them to sin. Everything in the party was focused towards that goal. The benches were covered with butz and argaman, wool and linen, which is shatnez. The tapestries on the walls were placed there to get the Torah sages of the generation distracted. Maybe their eye would be caught and they would look at something inappropriate. The food at this affair was “according to each man as he wished.” It was kosher by design. Achashverosh knew that if he forced the Jews to eat treif food, it wouldn’t be considered a transgression; he needed to get them to sin willingly. So each invitee was given a private waiter and could ask for exactly what he wanted. Achashverosh even eliminated the



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ancient Persian custom of forced drinking. At this party the drinking was done willingly. No one was forced. Achashverosh knew that if the Jews were drunk, there would be much less of a complaint against them. He did everything in his power to get them to sin in as an egregious manner as possible. He knew that if he got them to sin, they would be his for the taking. The farmer with the dirt, the farmer with the ditch When Haman came with his “plan” to kill the Jews, it wasn’t a difficult sell. Chazal give a parable: imagine two farmers with adjoining fields. One says to his friend, “I have this large pile of dirt in my field. Because of it, I can’t plow. You have a large ditch in your field. Because of it, you can’t plow. I would like to take my pile of dirt and put it in your ditch. For this, I will pay you handsomely.” The second farmer responds, “Pay me? You don’t have to pay me. I will gladly let you do it. You benefit, I benefit; there is no need to pay me. Go ahead with my blessings.” When Haman offered the ten thousand talents of silver to “pay for the killing of the Jews,” Achashverorsh’s response was, “The money is yours to keep. As to the Jews, do with them what you please.” He didn’t even accept the fortune of money being offered to him. The key to understanding this man is to recognize that as much as he was set on world conquest, he was engaged in an ideological war; a war against holiness, the Jews, and G-d. This seems to be the answer to the question. Granted Achashverosh had just recently suffered a great personal setback,

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the loss of half his empire. But he had been given something even sweeter – he was given the Jews. He had the ability to eliminate the ultimate source of holiness in the world – G-d’s people – and therefore he was joyful and celebrated. This man was a real AntiSemite. They don’t make Anti- Semites like they used to This concept is eye opening because for thousands of years, everyone has hated the Jews, yet the vast majority of our modern Anti-Semites couldn’t tell you why. If you were to ask one of them, “Why do you hate the Jews? You would likely see him take on the glassy-eyed look of the semi-conscious. “Why? Why do I hate the Jew? I hate him so much that I would drink his blood!” His hatred is quite clear, based on his fury and drive. But what is his reason? Your run-of-the-mill Anti-Semite can’t answer the question intelligently. Once upon a time, the Jews faced a different sort of enemy, men who hated them and could tell you why. “I hate the Jew because he represents everything holy. I hate the Jew because he stands for everything good. He has introduced conscience to mankind. But more than anything, I hate the Jew because he represents G-d.” Such a man was Achashverosh, and such men were common in earlier times. It is ironic that through the eyes of our enemies, we can come to understand the significance of the Jew, and the pivotal role that he plays in world history – that of G-d’s Chosen People. May HASHEM quickly redeem us, and may we regain our unique status of the Exalted Nation. Rabbi Shafier is the founder of the Shmuz.com – The Shmuz is an engaging, motivating shiur that deals with real life issues. All of the Shmuzin are available free of charge at www. theShmuz.com or on the Shmuz App for iphone or Android. Simply text the word “TheShmuz” to the number 313131 and a link will be sent to your phone to download the App. Att: Past issues may have inadvertently Sheimos, Please disgard this Magazine accordingly in geniza Thank You.


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Belgium’s AntiJewish Parade Float by Dr. Yvette Alt Miller


he Belgian city of Aalst is only a short drive from the gleaming modern towers that house the European Union in central Brussels. But on Sunday, the picturesque town seemed to belong to a previous era, as a grotesque anti-Semitic parade float promenaded through the center of town, looking like something out of the Middle Ages or Nazi times. The float depicted two huge, snarling Orthodox Jews with huge hook noses and beards, wearing shtreimels (the fur hats worn by some Hassidic Jews), standing amid gold coins and bags of money, One of the Jews has a rat on his shoulder. In the back is a synagogue with a mezuzah on the doorway. The title of the float was “Sabbath Year.” A small group of locals was behind the float. The group calls themselves Vismooil’n and is made up of seemingly ordinary Belgians, including one former worker in the Department of Education. Each year, they create an elaborate carnival float. This year, they explained to journalists, they were worried about money, so they decided to express their economic anxiety by turning to ageold anti-Jewish stereotypes of Jews and money. This isn’t the first time that Aalst’s annual carnival has featured extreme anti-Jewish floats. In 2013, a different community group designed an elaborate


float featuring people dressed as Nazis and Hassidic Jews, standing on a train car like the type that brought Jews to their deaths during World War II. A poster on the float showed local politicians dressed up as Nazis holding canisters of Zyklon B, the poison used to murder Jews in gas chambers. The day after the parade, condemnations poured in. Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs, the Chief Rabbi of the Netherlands, criticized the float for containing “anti-Semitic caricatures from 1939.” The main Jewish communal groups in Belgium complained to the federal anti-racism office: “In a democracy like Belgium, there is no room for such things, carnival or not.” The organizers of the parade apologized for the float. Yet the fact remains that scores of people could look at these floats - workers could spend hours creating them, they could go home and describe them to their families, parade committees could review and approve the floats - and no one ever seemed to recognize that their expressions To advertise, call 718-513-9885

of venal hatred towards Jews was a problem. When I read about the parade in Aalst, I was sitting next to my young son. “What is that?” he asked, leaning into my computer for a closer look. My heart sank; I shut my computer and suggested we play a game instead. “Were they Jews?” my son asked a little while later. I tried to explain that the grotesque caricatures were what some people thought Jews look like. My stomach tightened in a knot. My son is named after his great-grandmother, who fled Nazi Europe in the 1930s. She used to tell me about the raw hatred she’d experienced growing up in Vienna. It used to seem so far away. I couldn’t imagine experiencing such intense hatred. Yet in the past few years, these hostile attitudes towards Jews have resurfaced. Belgium is a case in point. In 2014, Belgian authorities ruled that a Turkishrun cafe in the city of Liege had to remove a sign saying that dogs were allowed in the restaurant but Jews were not. That same year a Belgian doctor in Antwerp refused to treat an elderly Jewish woman for a fractured rib; he advised her to “go to Gaza” instead. A 2018 poll found that well over half of Belgian Jews report having been harassed for being Jewish. Anti-Jewish feeling is rising across Europe and beyond. Britain, the United States and Canada have all seen record levels of anti-Jewish attacks in recent


The grotesquely anti-Semitic float in Belgium reflects growing anti-Jewish feeling.


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years. On a recent visit to London, a woman on the underground train stared at my son’s kippah and then said to her husband in a loud stage whisper, “That’s why I support Corbyn”, referring to the leader of Britain’s Labour party who has been widely accused of being anti-Semitic and allowing anti-Semitism to flourish in his party. The outrageous float in Aalst isn’t a wakeup call; it’s more like an alarm we’re hearing after hitting the snooze button a hundred times. In too many quarters, it’s become acceptable to make fun of Jews or to express blatant anti-Semitism. We’re far from the hell in which my grandmother found herself, but all these years later, one insight she used to share seems crucial. When my grandmother was a child, Jews were so demonized that even Jews themselves had internalized their hatred. She recalls being ashamed of being a Jew and feeling that it was natural that others would think less of her if they knew she was Jewish. We Jews cannot be cowed; we must not be ashamed. When we see outrageous example of Jew-hatred, it’s our duty to protest and demand a change, and stand up for ourselves with pride and strength.

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Attention: Buzz last issue #147 it was brought to our attention that on page 16 a photo of a shul with the name of hashem was displayed, we were guided by Rabbonim to let our reader know about it and please place in shaimos. -We apologize for the inconvenience

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Bella Abramovna & the Jewish People’s University by Dr. Yvette Alt Miller

This Soviet mathematician founded an underground Jewish university and was likely assassinated by the KGB.


hen Bella Abramovna, a young Jewish girl in the Soviet Union, was six, someone gave her a middle school math book. It was a huge volume with thousands of mathematical problems. Bella had solved them all within a month. Bella lived with her mother in World War II-era Moscow. When she was just a child her father died fighting Hitler. Although Jewish education and religious rituals were banned in the Soviet Union, Bella grew up with a clear knowledge


of her Jewish identity. When she was young, this meant speaking Yiddish with her family and later her husband and enjoying Jewish folk tunes. As Bella grew up, she was reminded of her Jewishness another way: through relentless prejudice and insults. Faced with crippling antiSemitism, Bella decided to fight back, defying the Soviet Union’s repression of its Jews. She is one of Russian Jewry’s greatest heroes; her remarkable life deserves to be remembered. After Stalin’s death in 1953, the USSR’s Jews enjoyed a brief period of tolerance. It was during this time, in 1955, that Bella graduated high school and decided to To advertise, call 718-513-9885

study both math and music in university. A gifted mathematician and musician, Bella was accepted to the prestigious Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow State University and the renowned Gnessinykh Musical Institute. She flourished, writing mathematical papers and emerging as a major thinker. She met her husband Ilya Muchnik in 1960 when they both attended a seminar on the use of math in music. He later recalled that “we wandered through university corridors and discussed various possibilities of computer-generated music.” But it wasn’t Ilya’s intellectual prowess that drew Bella to him; she enjoyed

the freedom that came from spending time with another Jewish student. “She suddenly understood that with me she could sit, listen and understand songs that were of great interest to her. Computer capabilities concerned her little. She just immersed herself in Jewish folk melody,” Ilya later recalled. The two married the following year and settled in a heavily Jewish suburb outside of Moscow where all their neighbors spoke Yiddish like them. Bella worked on her Ph.D., publishing major breakthroughs in mathematics, and gave birth to her daughter Masha. Since there were no universities in their little suburb, a neighbor started teaching math to adults and Bella volunteered her time teaching. Once Masha was born, Bella turned her attention to tutoring young children in math instead, instructing them and also tutoring students for the entrance exams to the math departments in Russia’s prestigious universities. This tutoring gave Bella a close up view of the doors that were fast slamming shut in the faces of the Soviet Union’s Jews. Schools like Moscow State University, where Bella had studied, were now only admitting a tiny handful of Jews. Jews who wished to study math and other subjects could only do so by applying to far-flung universities in Siberia; many gave up on their dreams of university-level study altogether. Bella was friends with the Russian Jewish researcher Boris Kanevsky, who was documenting this discrimination. He described the plight of Russian Jewish students as “Intellectual Genocide”: an entire generation of Jewish students was being denied an education and any outlet for their intellectual potential. In the 1970s, Bella and Ilya divorced and Bella and her daughter Masha moved into a small two-room apartment in Moscow. Faced with intense antiJewish discrimination all around her, Bella decided to do something to fight back. In 1978, she defied the Soviet authorities and announced to Moscow’s Jewish population that for the first time in a generation, Jewish children would be able to study high-level, college math. She opened a clandestine school in her home and proudly named it The Jewish People’s University. It was an incredibly risky move. The Soviet authorities were ruthless in

finding and punishing expressions of Jewish identity. Everything not controlled by the USSR was subject to sudden closure. Bella - as well as the Jewish students she instructed and the Jewish mathematicians she recruited to teach - were running a grave risk by studying outside of established universities. Nevertheless, Jews flocked to her Jewish “university”. The school opened in 1978 with 14 students and two lecturers. Within the first month, 30 students were attending classes. By the end of 1979, there were 110 students. Bella’s apartment was so tiny that the large chalkboard she bought for lessons had to be brought in through a

Bella’s death bore all the hallmarks of a KGB hit and nobody dared to speak at her funeral. To advertise, call 718-513-9885

window as it wouldn’t fit up the rickety staircase to her home. Bella quickly realized that if she was to teach all the Jewish students in Moscow who were hungry to learn, she’d have to expand into different premises. She arranged for classes to be given on the weekends in local universities when their lecture halls were empty. She personally would stop by the lectures, delivering handmade sandwiches to students and teachers. Mathematician Andrei Zelevinsky taught at Bella’s “university” and he later recalled that “her warmth, kindness, and optimism immediately made one predisposed towards her and feel at ease with her. She showed motherly affection

to the Jewish People’s University’s students and... evoked equally warm feelings in response. The organization of the Jewish People’s University demanded of her great courage and resolve...but there was no sign of self-importance or ‘showing off’.” For a few years, the Jewish People’s University flourished. Andrei Zeelvinsky reminisced: “Bella Abramovna’s…idea was humane and simple: attempt to at least partially restore fairness by offering students who were seriously interested in mathematics the possibility of receiving that fundamental mathematical education which the administrators of (Moscow State University, which severely limited the number of Jewish


into KGB headquarters again and again, charged with operating a Jewish People’s University outside of the law. Bella calmly explained her activities over and over, insisting that she was merely providing lessons for students and had done nothing wrong. Her final interrogation came on September 24, 1982. After being released from KGB headquarters, Bella went to visit her mother. She left her mother’s Moscow apartment at around 11 o’clock at night and was walking home along a quiet street when a car passed her slowly by. It seemed that the people inside were staring at her, perhaps to identify her. Soon after that a speeding truck barreled down the quiet lane, hitting Bella. As she lay in a heap on the ground, another car drove up to her lifeless body, paused beside her, then drove off. Almost immediately, an ambulance came and took Bella to the morgue. She was 44 years old. Bella was buried the next day. Her death bore all the hallmarks of a KGB hit and nobody dared to speak at her funeral. Bella Abramovna (she was also sometimes

called Bella Subbotovskaya) was a famous mathematician, yet in death few people had the courage to speak up for her memory. One mourner, Katherine Tylevich, recalled the fear that marked Bella’s burial: “Her funeral was a silent one. Amidst (Bella) Subbotovskaya’s students, colleagues, friends, family, and admirers, stood several unwelcome guests - several members of the KGB. Nobody volunteered to eulogize her; nobody made a sound except for her mother. The elderly Rebecca Yevseyevna (Bella’s mother) finally cried out: ‘Why won’t anybody pronounce one word!?’ Bella’s...husband quickly escorted the aged woman out of the funeral home.” Bella Abramovna is today remembered as a pioneering mathematician for her work on logic and computational complexity theory. In addition to her research, she deserves to be remembered as a forgotten Jewish hero, too. Her Jewish People’s University enriched the lives of hundreds of Jewish students. Her example of courage and bravery in the face of antiSemitism can inspire us all today.

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students admitted) deprived them.” From the very beginning, the school was infiltrated by KGB agents. Bella gave stern instructions: only math could ever be discussed. She hoped that by avoiding any political conversation the authorities would leave her students and instructors alone. For five years the KGB waited, biding their time, allowing classes to continue. Hundreds of students passed through the “university” in that time. They received no official degrees, but an education that they never could have otherwise hoped for. For a generation of students, Bella’s Jewish People’s University was their only way to avoid the “intellectual genocide” that encompassed generations of Jewish students in the Soviet Union who were denied access to higher education. In 1982, the KGB finally moved against the school. Two of the teacher’s Bella had recruited were arrested and accused of working against the state. Soon, Bella herself was called into KGB headquarters. She gave a statement about her activities and was released. Over the next few days she was called




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The Trap of Wanting It All

by Rabbi Shraga Simmons

Status-seeking underlies Haman’s intense hatred of the Jews.


aman, the villain of the Purim story, lived a thousand years after the Torah was written. Yet with timeless vision, the Talmud (Chulin 139b) asks: Where is Haman’s name hinted in the Torah? The Sages cite Genesis 3:11, where God confronts Adam in the Garden: “Did you eat from this (hamin) forbidden tree?” This is more than just clever wordplay. The deeper connection between Adam and Haman, explains Rabbi Shmuel Eidels (16th century Maharsha) is that both Adam and Haman lacked only one thing – and it drove them over the edge. What was Adam’s “one thing”? Adam was given free reign in the Garden of Eden; the entire world was


created for him alone. G-d designated only the Tree of Knowledge off limits – His way of drawing a line, of making clear to humanity: You are not G-d. There is only one God. Adam obsessed about that “one thing.” So when the Snake suggested that eating from the Tree would transform “human” into “deity,” Adam challenged God and ate from the tree. Fast forward to Haman, Prime Minister of a 127-country global empire, who fancied himself as a supreme being. Everyone bowed to Haman. Except for one. Mordechai the Jew. Haman had everything – power, privilege, and prestige. Yet upon seeing Mordechai refusing to kowtow, Haman became enraged. “None of this power means anything to me, as long as I see Mordechai the Jew sitting at the king’s To advertise, call 718-513-9885

gate” (Esther 5:13). Haman’s ego was in need of constant validation and he could not bear such rejection. Tormented, he vowed to destroy the Jewish people – every man, woman and child. What is the root of Haman’s vicious reaction? Ultimately, the single factor impeding every megalomaniac’s quest for global domination is G-d. Mordechai, as leader of the Jewish people – representatives of monotheism – embodied the “one thing” that drove Haman crazy. To silence this truth, Haman obsessively targeted Mordechai and the Jews. He built a gallows 80 feet high that could be seen throughout all of Shushan. More than simply hanging Mordechai, this was to be the ultimate statement of victory over the Jewish ideal. Then,

everyone would acknowledge Haman’s unparalleled superiority. His narcissistic ego could accept nothing less.

The Trap of Status-Seeking Psychologists tell us that every person has a “realistic level” of importance and status – at home, at work, and in the community. Artificially raising that level with delusions of grandeur is unsustainable. Inevitably, reality hits, we fail to live up to that skewed level of importance and our self-esteem plummets. As with Adam, the first step in emotional health is to know that every human is finite; only God is eternal. The closer relationship one has with G-d, the more realistic we become about our own fallibility and mortality. Moses was called the “most humble” because when he stood before G-d he knew his place. The Talmud likens arrogance to idol worship; both push away the presence of G-d. When a person knows his place and is realistic about his role in the greater scheme of things, his self-esteem is realistic, balanced and healthy. One who places “self above G-d” is doomed to failure. It’s no wonder that Haman the megalomaniac was hanged on the very gallows he’d prepared for Mordechai the Jew.


The primary currency of Western society is status, and by our association with various people and things, our status is always rising or falling.

Status: The Currency of Today The spirit of Amalek is hauntingly relevant for us today. The primary currency of Western society is status, and by our association with various people and things, our status is always rising or falling. The pursuit of status raises an existential question: Is it better to look good or to be good? We confront this question every time we use social media. Are we sharing a genuine depiction of the reality of our lives, or do we post only those items that gain us status – i.e., an inflated version of “looking good” that we falsely project ourselves to be? It’s a vicious cycle. In order to constantly prop up an inflated ego, we seek adulation in the form of “likes,” retweets, and endless stream of validation. The Talmud (Avot 4:21) asserts that “status-seeking removes a person from the

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world.” When self-esteem depends on adulation from others, linked to external circumstances beyond our control, it is a losing proposition. Rebbetzin S. Feldbrand explains: When we worry about being accepted by others, we judge ourselves by the opinions of those whose moods, attitudes, and values are constantly changing. We place our happiness in the hands of people who themselves worry about how others judge them. We constantly invest great amounts of energy into pleasing first one person, then another. We try to be one person in the morning, another during the day, and yet another at night. Sometimes, under pressure from others, we act in opposition to our true inner nature – leaving us empty and degraded. Inevitably, we can never win this game. Someone will always have more status than us. While physical desires have a saturation point, the desire for honor is based on falsehood and illusion. No amount will ever be fully satisfying. When an honor-seeker lacks the approval just one person, he feels bereft. So despite all the status and power, as long as Mordechai the Jew refused to bow, Haman was unsatisfied. That is why Haman’s wife Zeresh tells him

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(Esther 6:13): “If that’s your attitude, you are destined to fail.” You will never have everything, because when it comes to honor, appetite is insatiable.

The Jewish Mission Today When the battle was finally over, the Jewish nation emerged victorious. It was a time of true Jewish unity, a dramatic reversal of the description Haman used to denounce the Jews as “a nation scattered and split” (Esther 3:8). Jewish division and strife is what fueled Haman’s confidence; thus prior to her risky unannounced visit to the king, Esther told Mordechai to “assemble all the Jews” (Esther 4:16) – i.e.

we will succeed in counteracting Haman only if the Jews come together in unity. This idea of a shared destiny was formalized in the Purim traditions (Esther 9:22). We send Mishloach Manot, gifts of food one to another, to engrain in us the message: To prevail, we must unite together. The primary path to Jewish unity is Torah study, which facilitates the sharing of our unique inspirational message with the world. Indeed, in wake of the Jewish victory over Haman, the Megillah reports that “the Jews had light” (Esther 8:16). This, the Talmud (Megilla 16b) explains, is the

light of Torah, the guidepost for every generation of Jews. Having witnessed the degradation of Haman – a genocidal madman bent on world domination – the Jews in Persia accepted the Torah anew. They understood with renewed clarity that Torah stands as a bulwark against the corrupt drive for “status at all costs.” Haman’s plan was thwarted because Mordechai the Jew would not budge from his stiff-necked loyalty to the monotheistic message. In the process, he saved humanity from barbarism. As it was true and relevant back then, we Jews believe, so it is today.



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Attention All Neck, Shoulder & Rotator Cuff Pain Sufferers …



id you know you can eliminate your Shoulder, Neck or Rotator Cuff pain right now without another cortisone injection, or waiting for hours at your doctor’s office for another referral to a specialist or test?

7. Get dressed?

WAIT! This is a huge shortcut during the holiday weeks because you are too busy to wait for relief.

During the month of February, we will be offering FREE trials of our Deep Muscle Stimulation Therapy to our friends and neighbors.

End your pain right now so you can enjoy the holidays without feeling frustrated, tired and grumpy. Even if the MRI says your rotator cuff is partially torn you can avoid surgery and return to full function… It’s 100% Free for a Limited Time This February Only! This NEW TECHNOLOGY can help you even if your MRI says your rotator cuff is partially torn—and it’s safe to use and non invasive! Helping you to return to full function… It’s called DEEP MUSCLE STIMULATION FIRST. Stop and take the next 30 seconds to know if this can help just by answering 7 quick questions. “JUST A QUICK CHECKSHEET IN YOUR MIND” while you test your shoulder movement. By the time you finish reading the questions you will immediately see if this amazing technology can help you… Do You Have Shoulder Pain When You: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Reach up high? Lift something heavy? Reach behind your back? Sleep at night? Reach into the back seat? Do work around the house or yard?

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and other publications. If you want to get a spot, be sure to call now!

HOW MUCH WILL THE TRIAL COST? IT’S FREE! We have limited spots available & space will fill up fast, so register now to avoid missing out. Call 917-746-2705 now!

Here at ALLCARE PAIN ELIMINATION FOR LIFE, we are excited and proud to offer you the latest technological advance for pain relief—Deep Muscle Stimulation, pain-free fast-acting treatment that works. This safe, effective, fast-acting, non-invasive treatment effectively treats pain and muscle trigger points associated with a wide variety of both chronic and acute conditions targeting your neck, shoulder and rotator cuff pain. Deep Muscle Stimulation uses percussion and mechanical vibrations to reach deep into the muscle tissue to stimulate the muscle and turn off the nerve pain signals that are causing your muscle pain. Deep Muscle Stimulation is clinically proven to: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

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So How Do I Claim My Spot? Call our office at 917-746-2705 We only have 10 spots available in February and this will be going out in our Newsletter

Dr. Ofir Isaac PT, MS, DPT

Chronic Pain Diagnostic Specialist Owner & Clinical Director Hi my name is Dr. Ofir Isaac a Shoulder Specialist and Pain and Injury Consultant, and I guarantee that this procedure will work for you on the spot. www.AllCarePT.com. Where? Allcare Pain Elimination For Life, at 1213 Ave P right here In Midwood, Brooklyn. It’s my passion to empower patients like you to eliminate their chronic pain through our unique “Active” Neuroscience Based Approach To Pain.

The Bride who Visited a Hospital on her Wedding Day by Adam Ross

Yael Levy used her wedding day for an incredible act of kindness.


t’s not the way you’d expect a bride to spend the biggest day of her life, but Yael Levy (33), says her detour to the Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikvah on the way to her wedding is an experience she’ll never forget. Parking outside the hospital, glittering in a stunning white dress, with her makeup, hair and smile turning the heads of dozens of patients, visitors and hospital workers, Yael graced her way through the hospital reception hall towards the elevator amid a flurry of selfies and Instagram updates. The patient she had come to visit on the 7th floor was 27-yearold Hillel Elazar who had suffered from medical complications his whole life. Yael, originally from Jerusalem, was a


physiotherapist and Hillel had been one of her patients who she visited daily. Hillel became like a brother to her. Six months later he would pass away.

Meet Hillel Elazar

Hillel Elazar was born with Vater syndrome, a rare condition that affects 1 in 30,000 children with serious abnormalities affecting much of his digestive and respiratory systems. Since his family could not provide the care he needed, at the age of 9 he was fostered by Benjamin and Orly Ben-Perach who had opened their home to five children with serious medical needs. At the BenPerach’s Yael was first introduced to Hillel over 10 years ago. “He was 16 when I first met him,” Yael told Aish.com, “and despite having so many

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medical professionals in his life, he welcomed me into his life with a smile like I was his older sister.” “We had a great relationship. Even though he had a debilitating physical condition, he was a fun, happy boy, always positive and he was great company.” “He ate through a tube, needed apparatus to breathe with and was limited according to temperature outside as to when he could go out or not, he had many reasons to be depressed,” Yael said, “but when I think about Hillel, I remember his smile and how he really lived his life. He studied in a yeshiva, he wrote songs and made jokes and even volunteered with children who had special needs.”

Finding Mr. Right

At the age of 32, having dated for over 10 years, Yael’s prayers were finally

answered when she met her future husband Elad Levy (33) also from Jerusalem. As things started to become serious she made sure to introduce him to Hillel. “Hillel knew how much I wanted to get married and he had been praying for me to find happiness for years,” she says. “Now the day had finally arrived, what I wanted was to bless him,” referring to the Jewish custom of brides and grooms to bestow blessings to others on the day of their wedding. But the week before Yael and Elad’s wedding, Hillel had collapsed at another family celebration after one of his breathing tubes became detached and was hospitalized for several weeks. “I wanted to show him how important he was and visit him on the day itself.”

The Big Day

Afraid she might be convinced of doing something more practical, she told only a few friends and family and made sure to leave a spare hour in her preparations. “It was a little surreal arriving at a hospital totally made up and in my wedding dress,” Yael said, ”but when I went into his room, he was so happy to see me. I had told him I would come, but he told me didn’t believed it would actually happen.” “I went with a few friends and a crowd of people gathered around Hillel’s room to see what was going on. We took pictures, and we gave each other blessings. There was an incredible energy in those few minutes and he sent me some amazing messages afterwards explaining how special he felt.” “On your wedding day, you can do so much to lift people. I could have taken a few hours to go to the Western Wall, but I just felt that this is what I had to do. If I could relive the day,” she said, “I would have done more.” In fact, seeing the impact of her visit on Hillel, she actually drove to a nearby home for the elderly where she also treated patients, only to find when she arrived that most of the residents were sleeping!

There was an incredible energy in those few minutes and he sent me some amazing messages afterwards explaining how special he felt.” “A bride on her wedding day has such power to bring happiness to people’s lives” Hillel’s foster father Benjamin BenPerach said. “Words can’t really explain how much that visit meant to Hillel. He literally told everyone who came to see him about it. Precisely when you’d expect her to be organizing her own day she made a decision to do something so special for another person.” Ben-Perach said, “I want other bride’s to be inspired by this act of kindness. You have the power of queen. It’s an To advertise, call 718-513-9885

unbelievable power you have for one day and it can bring such happiness.” The significance of Yael’s wedding day visit sank in when Hillel passed away following an infection last summer. “It was a shock to his family and friends,” Yael said. “Even though he had so many complications, he didn’t live like an ill person. He knew how to live life; he was such a positive person.” Looking back at how she spent her wedding day almost a year later she said, “It is one of my most treasured memories.”



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By: Dr. Ofir Isaac PT, MS, DPT

ENOUGH Cortisone Injections, Gel Shots, Orthopedic Consults and MRI’s? ENOUGH popping ibuprofen like candy just to get make it through your daily activities? ENOUGH worrying that you’ll never be able to stay active with your child or chase after your grandchild fearing your joint or muscle pain will act up and cripple you again?

BEFORE YOU GIVE UP EVERYTHING YOU LOVE IN YOUR LIFE Just because “everyone” says there’s no solution but surgery or resting the joint forever…

CONTINUE READING FOR THE REAL HEALTH FACTS And enjoy an active, mobile and independent life without pain or limits…

4 SAY “NO” TO THE PILLS… Because they mask the real symptoms and STOP the joint and tissue from truly healing 4 STOP THE “LET ME JUST REST” TORTURE… Begin to mobilize the hard tissue (joints, ligaments and cartilage) while you release the soft tissue (nerves, muscle and fascia) so you can finally feel happier and get back to normal… 4 KEEP EXERCISING WITH BONE ON BONE ARTHRITIS OR ROTATOR CUFF TEARS… Because you are not your MRI or XRAY findings, You are a connected body of tissues that need real healing, and you need this treatment no matter what your doctor said to scare you into surgery… 4 ARTHROSCOPIC SURGERY FOR MENISCAL TEARS AND INJECTIONS FOR FROZEN SHOULDERS BECOME YESTERDAYS NEWS WITH THIS NEW BREAKTHROUGH “NON SURGICAL SCALPEL”… High Powered Class IV deep tissue laser technology is a game changer that skeptical Orthopedists are now agreeing to try live demos in their office, with their shoulder, knee, and ankle patients! 4 PLANTAR FASCIITIS, CHRONIC HEEL SPUR, ACHILLES TENDINITIS AND SHOULDER IMPINGEMENT PAIN “MELT” AWAY IN 4–6 SESSIONS GUARANTEED… A secret weapon for tissue recovery and joint regeneration only used by professional football players and high performance athletes, finally available right here at ALLCARE PAIN ELIMINATION FOR LIFE 4 IS CORTISONE REALLY UNSAFE FOR ARTHRITIS?… Of course it is, but the risks are destruction of good cartilage, thinning of nearby bone (osteoporosis) and even tendon rupturing and weakening … CLASS IV LASER is the “new injection with all the benefits and none of the risks”

DID YOU KNOW? 92% of your pain is not caused by your bone or muscle? It’s actually the wirelike tissue called peripheral nerves that are trapped and irritated between the bones and muscles. Hi powered CLASS IV deep tissue laser therapy uses a clinically proven science called photo bio stimulation by stimulating the inner membrane of the cells in your deepest tissues not even cortisone can reach. There is a photochemical response that changes the metabolism, removing toxins and waste from chronic arthritic joint and worn out tendons and ligaments to promote healing from within.

FREE DEEP TISSUE LASER SESSION For the Month of February and March to All New Patients Who Are Set on Avoiding that Next Cortisone Shot! We are Having Amazing Success with Arthritic Joints and Rotator Cuff Injuries and Can Help Solve Any Joint Injury Instantly without the Side Effects! CLAIM YOUR 1 FREE LASER THERAPY TRIAL! Call now 718-215-9519 and leave your name and number after the message and Dr. Isaac will see if you qualify to attend. Don’t delay—come see for yourself why this is indeed the NON SURGICAL SCALPEL FOR JOINTS MUSCLES LIGAMENTS! Call Now!

Learn the facts of REAL JOINT AND MUSCLE HEALTH from a Non-Surgical Pain Elimination Specialist, world renowned expert and MYTH-BUSTER! Dr. Ofir Isaac, Consultant Physiotherapist to Stem Cell Regenerative Orthopedists and Interventional Pain Management Physicians. Dr. Isaac is a thought leader in the controversial world of minimally invasive and non-surgical procedures called PRP and PROLOTHERAPY. Dr. Isaac. Let him show you how to SHRUG OFF your medical miseries by exposing you to breakthroughs in NON SURGICAL PAIN ELIMINATION TECHNOLOGIES using CLASS IV deep tissue medical laser therapy… and shine a light on the future of these tools to help people avoid elective total knee replacements and rotator cuff surgeries. DOCTOR ISAAC is OFFERING a FREE DEEP TISSUE LASER SESSION at ALLCARE PAIN ELIMINATION FOR LIFE at 1213 AVE. P, BROOKLYN, NY 11229

Dr. Ofir Isaac PT, MS, DPT

Chronic Pain Diagnostic Specialist Owner & Clinical Director Hi my name is Dr. Ofir Isaac, Pain and Injury Consultant and Spine Specialist, and I guarantee that this procedure will work for you on the spot. www.AllCarePT.com Where? Allcare Pain Elimination For Life, at 1213 Ave P right here In Midwood, Brooklyn. It’s my passion to empower patients like you to eliminate their chronic pain through our unique “Active” Neuroscience Based Approach To Pain.

Quick and Fun Purim Recipes by Elizabeth Kurtz

Liven up your festive meal with these savory and colorful dishes. My festive Purim meal is always filled with fun foods. Colorful, stuffed, boozy or upside-down type recipes are great ways to incorporate the themes of Purim into your meal. I love these because they have savory and complex flavors that are not too sweet (after all the candy munching during the day, we need some real food with flavor) and they also can be made a day or two


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Persian Spiced Stuffed Peppers Serves 8 – 10 16 mini sweet bell peppers 1 tablespoon canola oil 1 ½ pound lean ground beef or lamb 1 medium sweet onion, such as Vidalia, diced 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped 1/3 cup crushed tomatoes 1 teaspoon paprika 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves or nutmeg ½ teaspoon cinnamon ½ teaspoon cumin ¼ teaspoon smoked paprika 1 teaspoon kosher salt 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper ¼ cup chopped flat leaf parsley Gremolata, optional 2 teaspoons olive oil 1 cup panko crumbs 2 cloves garlic, minced Zest of 1 lemon 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice ½ - 1 teaspoon kosher salt ¼ teaspoon black pepper 3 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley Preheat oven to 400°F. Cut the bell peppers in half top to bottom and remove the seeds and ribs. Set aside. In a medium skillet, heat oil. Add onion, garlic and ground beef and cook until browned about 6 to 8 minutes. Drain any excess fat from the meat and return the skillet from the heat. Add tomatoes, paprika, cloves, cinnamon, cumin, paprika, salt and pepper. Cook for 3 minutes. Add parsley and remove from heat. Grease a 9-by-13-by-2-inch baking dish and place the bell peppers cut-side up. Evenly divide the beef mixture among the pepper halves. Cover the dish with foil and bake for 20 minutes. Make the gremolata: In a large sauté pan, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add panko and garlic and cook over medium heat, until garlic is soft and panko is toasty, about 3 – 5 minutes. Add lemon zest, juice, salt, pepper and parsley and cook an additional minute so that the juices are absorbed. Remove peppers from the oven and uncover. Sprinkle with gremolata and bake, uncovered, for another 5 minutes. To advertise, call 718-513-9885


Rainbow Roasted Vegetables with Balsamic Glaze Serves 8 2 red bell peppers, stemmed and seeded, cut into 1 1/2-inch-thick rounds 2 medium carrots, cut into 1 1/2 -inch pieces 2 medium parsnips. cut into 1 1/12-inch pieces 2 cups broccoli florets, cut into 2-inch florets (fresh or frozen, very dried) 2 cups cauliflower, cut into 2-inch florets (fresh or frozen, very dried) ½ teaspoon garlic powder ½ teaspoon onion powder ½ teaspoon dried thyme, or fresh 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper Balsamic Glaze 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar 1 tablespoon sugar Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F and place a rack in the center of the oven. Arrange the peppers, carrots, parsnips, broccoli and cauliflower in rows to create a rainbow of colors on a large baking sheet. Scatter onion powder, garlic powder, and thyme over the vegetables and drizzle with the oil. Season generously with salt and pepper. Roast until the vegetables are tender and cooked through, about 30 minutes. Make the balsamic glaze: In a small saucepan, combine the vinegar and sugar and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat to a simmer and cook until syrupy and reduced to 1/4 cup, 8 to 10 minutes. Drizzle the Balsamic Glaze over the vegetables and serve.


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Minute Steak with Sweet Creamy Mushroom Marsala Sauce Serves 12 3 tablespoons unsalted margarine, plus more if needed 3 lb. Minute Steak, split, use both pieces Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 1/2 cups sliced cremini, button, or wild mushrooms, or a mixture 1/2 cup diced yellow onion 3 cloves garlic, chopped 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 1 cup soymilk, almond milk or non-dairy creamer 2/3 cup chicken broth 1/2 cup Marsala wine or Madeira wine 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce (non-fish type) 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley, plus more for garnish Heat margarine in a large skillet set over medium-high heat. Sprinkle the minute steaks with salt and pepper and sear on

both sides, about 3 minutes per side for medium rare (meat will finish cooking in the oven, so just brown it now). Remove from pan and place in oven-safe dish. Heat the same skillet over medium heat. Add the mushrooms, onions and garlic and cook until the onions are translucent and the mushrooms “weep,” or release water, about 5 minutes. Then add the flour, 1 ½ teaspoons kosher salt, 1/2 teaspoon pepper and the mustard, and stir to combine. Add the soymilk, broth, Marsala wine and Worcestershire. Mix in the pan to combine. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer and cook until thickened, 4 to 5 minutes. Stir in the parsley and season with salt and pepper. Pour sauce over meat. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Cook for 12 minutes or until meat is cooked through. Slice meat and serve warm with sauce.

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Any Type of Fruit Upside Down Cake Any Type of Fruit Upside Down Cake Serves 12 1/2 cup packed light brown sugar 5 tablespoons margarine, melted 2 peaches, pitted, peeled and sliced 1/2-inch thick, fresh or frozen (or other fruit, like pineapple, apples, pears, plums 1 cup blueberries, fresh or frozen 1 cup granulated sugar 1/2 cup (1 stick) margarine/butter, at room temperature 4 ounces Tofutti Cream Cheese or dairy cream cheese, at room temperature 1 1/3 cups all-purpose flour 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 large eggs 2/3 cup soymilk, non-dairy creamer or milk 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F and place a rack in the center of the oven. Grease the sides of a 9-by-3-inch round cake or bundt pan or upside-down cake pan – pan with removable bottom. Sprinkle the brown sugar in the pan and pour in the melted margarine or butter. Top with the peaches and blueberries and set aside. In a mixer, beat the sugar with the room temperature margarine/butter on medium speed until fluffy, then increase to high speed for 3 to 5 minutes. Turn off the mixer, add the Tofutti cream cheese ,and then mix on medium speed. In a medium bowl, whisk to combine the flour, baking powder and salt. Turn the mixer off and add the eggs, then mix on low speed to beat in the eggs. Add the flour mixture slowly, then add the soymilk and vanilla extract and mix until combined. Spread the batter over the fruit and transfer to the oven. Bake 1 hour, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Transfer the pan to a wire rack to cool for 5 minutes, then run a knife around the sides to loosen the cake and invert onto a plate. Let cool and serve.


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Illustrated by Chana Eisenstein

If so, I will wait by his home early in the morning so that I shall be able to meet him.

The rest of the time, he’s occupied with answering questions in halachah and with writing his seforim. He has no time to meet with people. Yidden can meet him on Shabbos, and even then he has an extremely busy schedule. Early the next morning…

Can I speak now with the Rambam? No, he has already left, riding his horse to the palace of the sultan.

I will return late at night when he’s already finished his work. Late that night…

Ah, the last sick man has left… Can I enter now?

Just a minute, let me see.


Illustrated by Chana Eisenstein I apologize, but it seems that the Rambam has already gone to sleep. His intense work schedule exhausts him.

When I arrive early, he’s already on his way; when I come late, he’s already gone to sleep. My bad mazel follows me wherever I go…

I have no mazel in my life… Even in my quest to meet the Rambam, I’m unsuccessful. Wait — I have a plan! The next day, at the Rambam’s clinic… Reb Yid, what is your illness?

Lie down on that bed. The Rambam will arrive later in the afternoon.

I don’t know. I would like the Rambam to examine me…


Illustrated by Chana Eisenstein

I won’t reveal to the Rambam why I have come. Let’s see if he will succeed in discovering that I am in perfect health…

That afternoon…

Your stomach is not functioning properly. You must alter your diet according to my instructions.

What did he record for me? He didn’t even examine me!

Let me see…


This is what he wrote: The sickness — poverty. The medicine — 400 dinars… Yes, it is true. The Rambam possesses incredible wisdom.


Illustrated by Chana Eisenstein According to the prescription, I must now give you 400 dinars from the Rambam’s tzedakah money.

No! I will not accept any presents from people. The passuk says, “Those who despise gifts will live.” Thank you very much. That night… He refused to accept the money. He just thanked me and left.

The famous Ibn Ezra?! He looks like a destitute pauper!

My heart tells me that that was the great Jewish sage Rav Avrohom Ibn Ezra. Word has reached me of his journey to Egypt.

Yes, yes. He refuses to accept tzedakah from people. I would like him to be my guest and eat his meals at my home, for the duration of his stay in Cairo.

To be continued...


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