6 minute read
Early Childhood
Bonfire Buddies New!
Come down to Fischer Farm to spend an evening around the fire with Mrs. B! We’ll roast marshmallows, sing songs, and hear some great campfire stories. Each child must be accompanied by a guardian. Min 5 | Max 20. LS
Toddlers & Tadpoles New!
They’re wiggly, weird, and wild. They’re the amphibians that live in Illinois. During this program, we’ll learn about life cycles, ecosystems, and wetlands, all while hunting for the amphibians that live in the waters around us. When we’re done with our search, we’ll get to meet some real frogs and salamanders from the nature nook! Min 6 | Max 20. LS
Bug Safari New!
Discover all the creepy crawlies you can catch at Fischer Farm! We’ll arm ourselves with the tools we need and then search everywhere–from ponds and woodlands to grass and prairies–for the critters that hide all over the outdoors. Then we’ll get a chance to talk about the creatures we catch before we release them back into the wild. Min 6 | Max 20. LS
Scales & Tales New!
Interested in slithery snakes? In this program, we’ll find out all about the super snakes that live in Illinois. We’ll talk about their habitats, learn a snaky song, hear a story, and even meet a real live snake! Min 6 | Max 20. LS
Program Bonfire Buddies Toddlers & Tadpoles Bug Safari Scales & Tales
Ages Day/Date 3-6 Sa, 06/11
Location 7:00-7:45P Fischer Farm 3-7 Fr, 06/24 10:00-10:45A Fischer Farm 3-6 Sa, 07/16 2:00-2:45A Fischer Farm 3-6 Sa, 08/13 2:00-2:45A Kremples Park
Activity # Res | NR 505115-01 $5 | $7 505115-02 $5 | $7 505115-03 $5 | $7 505115-04 $5 | $7
Tot Camp
This camp offers a caring and gentle introduction to the camp experience where each week is centered on an exciting theme. Our smallest campers enjoy nature exploration, vegetable gardening in our raised garden beds, water play on hot days, and visit our splash pad. The children will also play games, sing, dance, get messy with sensory craft projects, hear stories, and have healthy snacks. Plenty of indoor play will also take place in the Deer Grove Leisure Center. The counselor-to-camper ratio is 1:6. Min 6 | Max 24. LS
Sunshine Camp
Campers enjoy nature exploration, vegetable gardening in our raised garden beds, daily visits to our Splash Pad, guest speakers, sports, camp songs, and plenty of time to climb on our playground equipment. Camp fosters growth, independence, and develops friendships. Each week is centered on an exciting theme. The counselor-to-camper ratio is 1:6. Min 6 | Max 24. LS

Camp Meet & Greet
A special Meet & Greet for Tot and Sunshine campers will be on June 2, at 5:30P.
Program Ages Day/Date Time Location Activity # Res | NR
Tot Camp Tot Camp Tot Camp Tot Camp 2 Mo,We,Fr, 06/06--6/17 9:00-11:15A Nursery Room 505202-01 $150 | $175 2 Mo,We,Fr, 06/20-07/01 9:00-11:15A Nursery Room 505202-02 $150 | $175 2 Mo,We,Fr, 07/06-07/15 9:00-11:15A Nursery Room 505202-03 $130 | $155 2 Mo,We,Fr, 07/18-07/29 9:00-11:15A Nursery Room 505202-04 $150 | $175
Tot Camp
2 Mo,We,Fr, 08/01-08/12 9:00-11:15A Nursery Room 505202-05 $150 | $175 Sunshine Camp 3-5 Mo,We,Fr, 06/06--6/17 9:00A-12:00P Tiny Tot Room 505201-01 $185 | $200 Sunshine Camp 3-5 Mo,We,Fr, 06/20-07/01 9:00A-12:00P Tiny Tot Room 505201-03 $185 | $200 Sunshine Camp 3-5 Mo,We,Fr, 07/06-07/15 9:00A-12:00P Tiny Tot Room 505201-05 $165 | $180 Sunshine Camp 3-5 Mo,We,Fr, 07/18-07/29 9:00A-12:00P Tiny Tot Room 505201-07 $185 | $200 Sunshine Camp 3-5 Mo,We,Fr, 08/01-08/12 9:00A-12:00P Tiny Tot Room 505201-09 $185 | $200 Sunshine Camp 3-5 Tu,Th, 06/07-06/16 9:00A-12:00P Tiny Tot Room 505201-02 $130 | $150 Sunshine Camp 3-5 Tu,Th, 06/21-06/30 9:00A-12:00P Tiny Tot Room 505201-04 $130 | $150 Sunshine Camp 3-5 Tu,Th, 07/05-07/14 9:00A-12:00P Tiny Tot Room 505201-06 $130 | $150 Sunshine Camp 3-5 Tu,Th, 07/19-07/28 9:00A-12:00P Tiny Tot Room 505201-08 $130 | $150 Sunshine Camp 3-5 Tu,Th, 08/02-08/11 9:00A-12:00P Tiny Tot Room 505201-10 $130 | $150
Tiny Tot Preschool
Tour the classroom and meet the teachers this summer. Please contact Lead Preschool Teacher Cindy Banaszynski at (630) 766-7015, ext. 117, to schedule an appointment and learn all about the curriculum and classroom activities. Child must be age appropriate by Sept 1, 2022. Space is limited; please register early so you can secure your preferred class time. A $50 non-refundable deposit will reserve your space. You may make a full payment at registration, or you may choose to make monthly payments. Payments will be due on the following dates: Sept. 1, Oct. 1, Nov. 1, Dec. 1, Jan. 4, Feb. 1.
Tiny Tot Preschool Ages 3-4
This program is designed to mentally, physically, and emotionally prepare your child to make the transition to the Preschool 4’s program. Our currriculum introduces children to colors, numbers, shapes, and concepts through a variety of activities. The children explore learning centers that reinforce weekly concepts and themes. Circle time features interactive songs, flannel board stories, and an interactive calendar and weather activities. Children develop large motor skills during gym time and while connecting with nature outside of our classroom in our play lot, sandbox, and children’s garden. Instructor: Mrs. Cindy Banaszynski. Min 10 | Max 25. LS
Tiny Tot Preschool Ages 4-5
This program prepares your child cognitively, socially, emotionally, and physically for making the transition to kindergarten. Our curriculum, based on Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards, emphasizes self discovery, teamwork, and independent thinking. Children are introduced to language arts, literacy, math, social studies, science, and nature exploration through a variety of learning centers and hands-on activities. Our professional and experienced teachers foster a nurturing environment that addresses the individual needs of each child. Our well-rounded program includes local field trips, guest speakers, nature exploration, and special activities such as raising baby chicks, spring planting, and a graduation ceremony. Min 10 | Max 25. Instructor: Mrs. Cindy Banaszynski. LS

Tot School Program Ages 2-3
This program prepares your child for the preschool experience! Our integrated, yearly curriculum focuses on social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development with activities including circle time and exposure to colors, shapes, numbers, and letters. Children are introduced to a variety of learning centers such as dramatic play, senses, literacy, music, blocks, puzzles, and nature exploration. A snack, gym time, and play in our outdoor classroom are also included. Children must be the appropriate age by September 1, 2022. Being toilet trained is not required. Staff do not change diapers. Min 6 | Max 15. Instructor: Eileen Kubica. LS
Tot School Primer Ages 1.5-2.5
This class prepares your child for Tot School. Help your child get ready for the classroom in this semi-structured environment in which children enjoy arts and crafts, games, stories, and motor activities with a caring adult. Each class day includes circle time and group play. A parent/caregiver must attend class. Min 4 | Max 15. LS
Program Ages Day/Date Time Location
Tiny Tot Preschool Tiny Tot Preschool 3-4 Tu,Th, 08/23-5/25 9:00-11:30A Tiny Tot Room 4-5 Mo,We,Fr, 08/22-05/26 9:00-11:30A Tiny Tot Room
Tiny Tot Preschool
3-5 Mo,We,Fr, 08/22-05/26 12:30-3:00P Tiny Tot Room Tot School Program 2-3 Tu,Th, 09/06-12/08 9:15-11:15A Nursery Room Tot School Primer 1.5-2.5 We, 09/14-10/19 9:15-10:15A Nursery Room
Activity # Res | NR 605503-01 $775 | $875 605500-01 $875 | $975 605500-02 $875 | $975 605406-01 $375 | $400 605416-01 $60 | $80