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Table of Content about us board of Directors Our Journey Our Vision Our Mission Our Value History Expansion House of Trusted Brands
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about us Suriwong offers the widest range of quality materials and products from everyday core essentials to the latest sustainable innovations - Suriwong’s friendly and knowledgeable staff continue to provide the highest levels of customer service. The Suriwong Groups of companies today is one of the major importers, exporters and wholesalers of agricultural and industrial hardware as well as automotive and building products in Malaysia. Their vision has been consistent throughout their existence – to establish Business Beyond Boundaries and products that are safe for you and the earth - but their history goes way back into the 1980s. Back in 1980, the late Mr Tan CY realized that there was a need for high quality products in Malaysia that would make the job of farmers, factories and builders easier. He decided that there was a need to build a channel of trade with well known and world class foreign manufacturers and brands. His vision took concrete form, and the Hup Hong
Trading Co. was born as a partnership with Thai operators. For two decades the company catered to the needs of the Malaysian market. Then in 2001, their history, inheritance, know-how and continuing vision to provide the best modern and environment friendly building materials from responsible manufacturers led to the birth of Suriwong Trading SB. They started operating out of two double story shop lots at Tandop in Alor Star. Their employees at the beginning of this new venture numbered two, but they had felt a void in the market and were convinced that they could make a difference. The company’s convictions were soon proved right. Suppliers began
to seek them on the basis of their reputation as a Green company, to promote and market their products. Customers began to trust them and recognized the quality of the products they supplied for their buildings, farms and factories. Within two years, their business was growing and to meet the scaling demands, they expanded their RIÂżFHV LQ WR IRXU GRXEOH VWRU\ lots at Jalan Putra. Their business continued to thrive, and soon they were an energetic and friendly team of four: an able administrator, a tireless warehouse assistant and two savvy sales and marketing representatives that were bringing hardware tools and chemicals to the Malaysian market.
board of Directors
Mrs. Tan
Simon Kang Simon Kang major in electrical engineer but keen in Business Development and command a good skills in Marketing and Sales. DARE to DREAM ! + Dare to dream BIG ! His commitment in striving for the best and his leadership has brought the company to new height every year.
Jason Tan direct and supportive! He came in slow and steady with challenging mission and vision towards the future of the company. Dare to Believe. Believe in the strength of the company and always believe that we can make a difference in the society.
Our Journey 2001
The Company started to the needs of the Malaysian market. Suriwong Trading SB was established.
Suriwong Trading was established. Office location in Tandop.
2003 Offices expended at Jalan putra.
Dec: Merging of Hup Hong Trading co with Suriwong Trading
A network o f top suppliers connected w ith us a nd w ithin four years Shera distributorship started promoting eco b uilding material.
2010 Established at Puchong Industrial Park.
Beger distributorship Suriwong moved to a new building warehouse cum office and showroom at Sri Mergong Industrial park. An additional branch office and showroom set up at kelana Jaya,Selagor to provide greater access for customers.
2011 Incorporation of SRW Investment SB A new warehouse cum office at the Subang
Established Suriwong Fiber to cater new and different market. Incorporate of Suriwong fiber
Apr: Start doing business
Incorporation of Suriwong with only 2 workforce.
2012 Additional warehouse at BK Industrial Park, Kedah
Our Vison Our energetic team made of products specialist equipped with strong product knowledge WKDW SDUWLFLSDWH LQ SURGXFW VSHFL多FDWLRQ DQG supervision during installation. The supports and synergies from our clients will further enhance the performance of the products. The strong believe in environmental friendly products has received recognition from our clients and suppliers who are willing to work together with us towards a greener future. Our insistence and acceptance to green products has made us stand out among the building material trading businesses.
Our Value To be the preferred vendor and leading supplier of lumber, building materials and professional services to the building industry in the Malaysia. At Suriwong, our customers, employees and suppliers are the reasons for our success. In our dealings with them, we practice the following values: Quality: We strive to offer superior products and consistent excellence. Integrity: Our word is our bond and we keep our promise. Customer and Stakeholder: Everyone shoud be treated with dignity and respect. We serve to satisfy our customers and to maximize value to our stakeholders.
Our Mission To provide responsive, reliable, robust, durable, ÀH[LEOH DQG DIIRUGDEOH VXSSRUW VHUYLFHV WR PHHW our clients’ requirements today and tomorrow, in peace and war. To provide consistent high quality building PDWHULDOV LQ WKH PRVW HI¿FLHQW DQG HQYLURQPHQW friendly manner, and maximize value for all stakeholders. To partner and co-ordinate smartly with all interested parties, developing fair solutions that produce best value services to meet the needs of our customers. To provide a safe and highlyproductive working environment that will attract and retain the required professional talent and skills.
Together, we are Suriwong
History Expansion Back in 1980, the late Mr Tan CY realized that there was a need for high quality products in Malaysia that would make the job of farmers, factories and builders easier. He decided that there was a need to build a channel of trade with well known and world class foreign manufacturers and brands. His vision took concrete form, and the Hup Hong Trading Co. was born as a partnership with Thai operators. As Suriwong repertoire grew, our team gathered experience points and became enriched with strong product knowledge. Our product specialists played DQ DFWLYH UROH LQ WKH VSHFL多FDWLRQV DQG VXSHUYLVLRQ RI products while they were being installed, and that has continued to be our work ethic. In all this time, the Suriwong group of companies that started as a small trading company has become the sole distributor of a number of products and brands in Malaysia, such as Bosny spray paints, Compass industrial abrasives, Morrita reinforced resinoid grinding and cutting wheels, and Sanwa brass waterworks.
Awards & Achievements 2019 - Exp Ranks 6Th Among Mep Giants 2010 - Creative Engineering By Exp Leads To Grand Award Exp Shows Strong In Enr Rankings Exp Energy Services Is Recognized By Imperial Oil For Second Year In A Row 2011 - Innovative, Bold And Proactive - Quebec City Team Wins A Visionary Award 2012 - Exp Wins Prestigious Aia Award For St. Louis Icon <HK 6WXGHQW &HQWHU $GGLWLRQ :LQV 6SHFLDO $FKLHYHPHQW $ZDUG
With a strong footprint in timber and building materials, Suriwong has branches across Peninsular Malaysia, acts as a onestop centre for builders and tradesmen stocking an extensive range of timber products, building supplies, plumbing, sheet material, doors, frame and truss, hardware, tools, paint and accessories.
House of Trusted Brands Believing in the modern and innovative building material that will benefit the users and the environment, we insisted in offering good quality and environmental friendly product during our brands selections.
It was established in the UK in the 1960s and since then has been well known for its reliability and high quality. At 1985, it has been relocated to Thailand until now. Today, “ORBIT” becomes a common name for hose clips, and ORBIT hose clips are widely exported to many countries on various continents and are accepted as a competitive, high quality product.
The Solex Company was formed in 1978 by a group of Thai entrepreneurs who wished to provide the Thai market with its own home-grown products. Until now, the capacity of Solex factory is one of the largest in South East Asia, and exporting products to worldwide. Solex brand products have also expanded from the simplest but most effective padlocks to the most sophisticated, computercoded car security systems.
RJ LONDON CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES CO., LTD established in 1970’s, since then Bosny has made its name in various countries including Southeast Asia, the Far East, the Middle East, African countries, European countries and several countries in American Continent. It is the largest spray paint manufacturer in South East Asia. Suriwong is the sole distributor of Bosny for Malaysia market.
SANWA is one of the quality brass waterwork brand produced by Chindasook Group of companies from Thailand. The group of companies has been been established since half century ago. SANWA is produced under the aim to bring high quality brass waterwork product to comply with international standard. Suriwong is the recognized sole distributor of SANWA products in Malaysia market.
Fastenic products are extensively used for connection applications within the construction, engineering and manufacturing industries. For over 40 years, Fastenic offer their customers highly engineered anchoring products for precast concrete elements and Fastenic is considered one of the most successful concrete and façade anchoring suppliers in Thailand.
With modest beginnings in India in 1923, today, Berger Paints India Limited is the second largest paint company in the country with a consistent track record of being one of the fastest growing paint companies. Committed to being a responsible corporate citizen, Berger proactively pursues strategies both within and without that bring multiple societal and environmental benefits to all stakeholders.
Strudyna, also known as Structural Dynamics Co., Ltd, is a renowned engineering and manufacturer of Stainless Steel Tensile Components for facade structures, with offices and fabrication facilities in the UK, Australia and Thailand, and manufacturing facilities in Thailand. The drive behind the Structural Dynamics (Strudyna) development is the emphasis on the “SAOD theory”, or “Strictly Architectural Oriented Design” theory. It’s a simple idea: have the correct fitting in the correct structural scenario.
B&B Solimac was established since 1980 (previously was known as other name). They later joint-ventured with a Japan Noritake Coated Abrasive, forming another company to produce various kind of abrasive products, and produce “COMPASS” brand. Today, Suriwong Trading Sdn Bhd is sole distributor for “Compass” brand abrasive for Malaysia market.
Orchid is customer preferred manufacturer and exporter of high quality agriculture nets, agriculture and agriculture shade nets. These are designed for providing proper protection to different plants and few agriculture crops from pests and harsh climate condition.
Fulong Industry Co., Ltd. has been established since 1980, and is a leading manufacturer of High Quality Reinforced Resinoid (Resin Bond) Grinding Wheel and Cutting Wheel in Thailand. Suriwong is the sole distributor of one of their trademark product - “Morrita”.
Shera was founded with the aim of producing fibre cement roofing under the brand “Ha Huang” (meaning ‘five circles’ in Thai), which served as the solid foundation and the source for nurturing the commitment, inspiration and skills among staff from generation to generations.
Recognition as one of the industry premier building material supplier, with a growing reputation for versatility, HI多FLHQF\ DQG LPSHFFDEOH professionalism, in the short period since inception, Suriwong has become to embody the true meaning of its name: The Quality Building Materials Supplier.
House of Trusted Brand we are proud to be the SOLE DISTRIBUTOR of an internationally recognised eco-friendly VXVWDLQDEOH FHOOXORVH 多EUH FHPHQW SURGXFWV SHERA. Since 2007, we started blank into the market and brought the brand to a very successful recognition within Malaysia and neighbouring country. We have established a strong network of agents and dealers throughout Malaysia from North to South and East to West. Our commitment to deliver the best service in marketing the products and provide our best support in technical term to ensure the application of the products is safe and sound and most of all, sustainable!
Suriwong will provide the highest level of satisfaction for the mutual EHQHÂżW RI FXVWRPHUV DQG manufacturers, along with committing to a favorable return for everyone in the business relationship. This will be achieved WKURXJK ÂżQDQFLDO LQWHJULW\ employee education, proactive communications, utilization of technology and interchange of ideas for mutual improvement.
made from plant cellulose. This products arewidely used in furniture industry, interior 多WRXW DQG DXWRPRWLYH LQGXVWU\ HQG XVHU includes, PROTON, HONDA,TOYOTA, PRODUA and etc.
SURIWONG Lot 79 & 80, Lorong Perak 22, Sri Mergong Industrial Park, 05150 Alor Star, Kedah, Malaysia. Phone: +604 7336 567 | Fax: +604 7311 220 info@suriwong.com.my www.suriwong.com.my