Versjon 1, 12-2-2016
COPYRIHT Copyright of all published material including photographs, drawings and images in this document remains vested in Byggutengrenser, HeidelbergCement, Dr.techn. Olav Olsen, Fishfarming Innovation and the third party contributors as appropriate. Accordingly, neither the whole nor any part of this document shall be reproduced in any form nor used in any manner without express prior permission and applicable acknowledgements. No trademark, copyright or other notice shall be altered or removed from any production.
DISCLAIMER This presentation includes and is based, inter alia, on information and statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ. These statements and this presentation are based on current expectations, estimates and projections as well as engineering judgement, best practice experience and evaluation of global economic conditions, that are subject to uncertainties. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expectations include, among others, economic and market conditions in the geographic areas and industries that may be relevant for the product described in this presentation. Although Byggutengrenser, Dr.techn. Olav Olsen, HeidelbergCement and Fishfarming Innovation believe that its expectations and the presentation are based upon reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurance that those expectations will be achieved or that actual results will be set out in the presentation. Byggutengrenser, Dr.techn. Olav Olsen, HeidelbergCement and Fishfarming Innovation are making no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the presentation, and will not have any liability to you or any other persons resulting from your use.
ILLUSTRATIONS All illustrations in this pamphlet are made by the group, except the large shell structure shown in the middle of page 8. That structure, Centro Ovale Concrete Shell in Chiasso, Switzerland, is designed by Aurelio Muttoni. Some of the illustrations, as indicated in the text, are made in a project paid by Marine Harvest.
Contact information: Tor Ole Olsen
Per Helge Pedersen
Jan Eldegard
Jan Eldegard
Phone: 0047 9510 1473 Dr.techn.Olav Olsen
Phone: 0047 9060 1543 Fishfarming Innovation
Phone: 0047 9117 9109 Byggutengrenser
Phone: 0047 9117 9109 HeidelbergCement
COMBINING KNOWLEDGE FOR A GREATER FISH FARMING The world is demanding more healthy and sustainable food. Consumers around the world do not get there needs met, particularly the amount of fish and omega nutrients. Norway is considered the leading country in the world within the fish farming industry, with salmon being the second largest national export product. The Norwegian Government wish to produce five times the amount of farmed fish within 2050. To achieve this goal, new technology needs to be incorporated into the industry. However, the industry is looking at immense environmental challenges that restrict expansion of fish farming used with the current technology. One of the two main environmental challenges is the increasing population of sea lice occupying the waters within the farming populations, as well as the increasing growth of lice in the surrounding waters infiltration the wild salmon and trout. The second main challenge is the genetic influence escaping salmon has on the wild sea populations of salmon and trout. With these challenges, the industry is now in need of a leap into new technology to meet the Governments goals of increasing the export of farmed salmon. Is it possible that the building and construction industry can contribute to the solution of solving the challenges the fish farming industry is facing? It is our belief that by combining the best from these two industries, the outcome will contribute to the solution.
SEA LICE AND SICKNESS Parasites such as sea lice are an increasing threat to the reputation of the Norwegian salmon industry. The growth in the lice population is closely connected to the increasing amount of farmed fish. The lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis, has ten life cycle stages. The ability to undergo a cycle change is dependent of fish mucous. When the sea lice encounter a salmon they adhere themselves to the skin, fins and gills of the fish. The salmon farms are an ideal inhabitant for the sea lice, and during the adherent period, they feed off the skin, blood and mucous, giving the fish open wounds. The lice also works as a vector for diseases existing in the fish farms, that then are transmitted into the wild salmon colonies. The lice populations along the coastline are growing and therefore the problems connected to the parasite expand. Now there is a documented trend of increasing lice on both the farmed and wild fish. The allowed amount of lice per fish is strictly regulated by the Norwegian Government. Therefore, the increasing lice contamination in the farms lead to slaughtering and financial loss of all the infected salmon, as well as an environmental risk for the wild salmon and trout population.
Every year, millions of farmed salmon escape from the nets. This is due to extreme weather conditions or other unfortunate events. The memo posts consists of two layered nets that can develop wholes without exposing it to excessive force. When escape incidents occur, there is a large environmental impact on the surrounding waters. Escaped farmed salmon increase the competition on the food resources, increase the sea lice population and the mating competition. Another alarming aspect of escaping salmon is how the fish contaminate the wild species with diseases that originate from the farming populations.
Sludge, chemicals and excrements from the fish in the farming nets pollute the surroundings waters. The waste product originate from fish feces, fish-feed and chemicals used for treatments against sea lice and sickness. The installations along the coast mainly generate fat and volatile suspended fish stool that lead to eutrophication of the sea soil underneath the fishnets. Sludge contains large amounts of nutrients that may be recycled and utilized as biofuel and as phosphoric source for production of fish-feed. As an example sludge can be used as energy source for production of cement hence reducing the use of fossil energy.
“The main objective with closed cage fish farms is that they have the ability to prohibit the sea lice from infecting farmed - and wild salmon.
DEMAND OF EXPANDING. HOW TO MEET THE GOAL. Marine rigid constructions have the ability to expand the quantity of farmed fish and reduce the amount of negative environmental influence. The Norwegian Government has issued their view on the necessary expansion of the fish farming industry in Norway, in Report No. 16 to the Storting. Worldwide fish farming has the strongest growth in food production and Norway’s goal is to be leading this trend. In the report, it is stated that the national objective is to produce 5.5 million tonnes of farmed salmon within 2050. This is five times the amount produced in 2014. To be able to reach this goal a leap into a new technological field is necessary.
CLOSED CAGE FARMING The main objective of closed cage fish farms is that they have the ability to prohibit the sea lice from infecting farmed- and wild salmon. This developed structure also enables the opportunity of having regulated water temperatures and oxygen levels. By creating a closed environment for the farmed fish, it is possible to control and develop effective environmental factors in the fish farms. The waste products from sludge, food and medicine will be controlled and accumulated through filters, and then recycled as bioenergy and source for proteins from algeas for production of fish-feed. There is a clear health benefit for the fish with the closed cage. Experiments show that there is a reduction from 20% fat to 10%, if a closed cage with the right environment standards is used. The material of the cage varies from rigid concrete, composite, steel to thin lined clothing covered structures. A rigid concrete structure has also the ability to reduce the environmental risk off escaping farmed fish due to a higher safety level.
THE FLOATING FISH FARMING CITY An expansion of the rigid concrete structure is to develop a floating fish farming city. The concept is to establish a floating structure that enfolds the required components to undergo controlled and sustainable fish farming. The personnel on the farm are stationed on a stable and rigid structure that enables an increase in Health, Environment and Safety at work. Recycled sludge and other waste products produce biofuel and phosphorus food nutrients. The concrete based frame has a durability to last for 100 years and can withstand immense forces relative to other thin materials. This opens up for the possibility of placing fish farms further from the coastline where the weather is windier and where the waves are greater.
CONCRETE STRUCTURES – EFFICIENCY THROUGH DECADES BUILDING THE FUTURE WITH SHELL TECHNOLOGY Reinforced posttensioned concrete shell structures have the opportunity to establish a whole new era in the fish farming industry. Developing a rigid concrete frame around the fish farm will contribute to an increase in stability in the walls that will prevent escaping fish during extreme weather conditions. The structure can be designed as an open or a closed frame. Combining an open concrete structure with the traditional fish farming nets will open for new opportunities that will benefit the industry. This concrete structure establishes, as mentioned in the previous section, a safer environment for the industrial workers. By installing a water pump in the closed concrete structure, water can be pumped from 25- 30 meters below sea level, a level where the sea lice population is close to non-existing, therefore the lice percentage in the farms will decrease immensely. This design thinking is taken from Norwegian experience from the platforms in the oil and gas industry.
EXTENSIVE USE DEMONSTRATES THE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE Concrete shell technology revolutionized the offshore projects. The competence gained from the offshore concrete platforms for the oil and gas industry can be useful for other applications. The ability to reinforce a thin plated structure and still maintain the immense strength necessary for the weather conditions that these platforms are exposed to demonstrates the capacity of the reinforced concrete platforms.
The shell structure requires minimal maintenance and repair compared to net-based fish farming. Concrete is particularly durable and it is built to last more than 100 years. When considering the fish farming city, the functions and service units may change throughout the years, without the need to develop a new concrete shell. Also recycling the concrete at the end of the lifetime provides a sustainable circle of life.
ILLUSTATION OF THE STRENGTH The evolution of the oil and gas platforms is to design a shell structure that has optimal stiffness and dynamic characteristics. With the environmental forces from the extreme weather conditions, the marine structures need to be designed with the ability to withhold immense forces, how is this possible? Inspiration came from the strength of a simple eggshell. How can the thin eggshell be able to resist the large scaled forces it can withhold?
The hydrostatic and hydrodynamic disciplines need to be included in the design process. In addition, the marine structure is typically a shell structure that needs to be able to provide buoyancy. Shell structures are efficient for distributed loads such as hydrostatic pressure, and therefore light, but they require special skills to design. The oil platforms are exposed to waves from all directions, and ballasting may have hundreds of different phases. In addition, the general shell element has ten stress resultants. This calls for efficient programs that handle the logistic as well as performs sectional design and code checking. Recent development is to include non-linear response. The results of such an approach is often very different from the results of the linear analysis. This program, ShellDesign, is therefore a tool for safer and more economical design that also enables the structures to be built with a thinner shell than ever seen before.
CONCEPT The first prototype design that resembles a sea-based closed system for fish farming. The structure was designed for Marine Harvest, for 200 000 kg of fish and the geographic localization was right outside the smolt production facility in Masfjorden, Norway. The prototype illustrates a promising future for the closed concrete fish farming. After considering different materials and geometry, the concept phase landed on a circular concrete structure built up of a lower dome and a circular caisson. In operation the water volume inside the structure is 4000 m3, accommodating the 200 000 kg of fish. Key figures
Outer diameter
34.5 [m]
Wall thickness
250/150 [mm]
Volume of water
4000 [m3]
Volume of concrete
970 [m3]
Operational displacement 7350 [t]
FUNCTIONS AND GEOMETRY The caisson consists of an outer and inner wall, radial walls, and bottom and top slabs. The radial walls divide the caisson into 24 symmetrical cells where the cells are connected to each other through ballast compartments. This cell structure ensures buoyancy and hydrostatic stability in all design phases, the structure was even designed to lift the fish tank out of water.
CONTAINED POST SMOLT PRODUCTION WHY THE DESIGN IS PREFERABLE The water level inside the tank corresponds to the water level outside of the tank. The structure has a draft of 9.95 m with 2.4 m freeboard. The design enables the closed fish tank to be emptied for water between each production cycle, therefore cleaning and disinfection is a simple procedure. Floating capacity, in case of accidents, is maintained through the cell structure described above. In case of accidents that damage the outer wall due to e.g. ship collisions, the structure will remain floating and stable as long as damage is limited to two cell compartments. In case of additional weight due to e.g. dead fish, this can be compensated for by reducing the amount of ballast water. A roof is designed to cover the water surface of the tank, this prohibits sun illumination and contamination from birds. The arrangement that was used on the prototype was a roof made of steel trusses covering the tank.
FISH FARMING INNOVATION CONCEPT How will a closed fish farm affect the fish and their environmental health compared to the traditional net design? This concept was based on building a prototype for experimental use, and to get documented results on the farmed fishes health. The construction is supposed to be placed in Smøla, which is located in Møre og Romsdal. Throughout the testing phase, the technical aspects of the experiment will also be evaluated. Key figures
Outer diameter
16.0 [m]
Wall thickness
100 [mm]
Volume of water
1000 [m3]
Volume of concrete
100 [m3]
FUNCTIONS AND GEOMETRY The structural geometry of the tank illustrates how the knowledge from other marine structures can be imbedded into fish farming. By using shell design from the oil and gas industry, the prototype is constructed with a shell structure with only 100 mm thick walls. Considering the span of the cylinder being 16 m, and the environmental forces that marine constructions undergo, this geometry is remarkable.
The company FishfarmingInnovation (FFI) is owned by PHP Innovation (60 %) and the contractor Betonmast (40 %). The background for the establishment is the wish to develop a new generation method of fishfarming. A system is developed for closed farming in concrete shell structures. Emphasis is on making the fishfarming the most environmentally friendly amongst the types of farming.
By employing modern concretes and modern production methods the fishfarming structure will be cost effective. The structure may be designed for harsh environments.
In addition to the tank structure where the fish will live and develop, a floating production facility will be developed for supporting one or several tank structures. This will greatly and positively influence the whole production system, including health, safety and environment.
A cluster of specialists is established within the various disciplines, including concrete structures in the marine environment, and the research facilities at Sintef and NTNU, in Norway. By the knowledge of new materials advanced recepies for the concrete in the new fishfarming structures are developed.
The tanks will be equiped with the most modern equipment to endure good living and growing conditions for the fish. The health of the fish is given highest priority in developing the new FFIsystem for aquaculture.
FISH FARMING INNOVATION WHY THE DESIGN IS PREFERABLE The buoyancy is maintained with the structural beams being filled with expanded polystyrene (EPS). The tank is designed for the hydrostatic pressures that occur through variable phases. This includes different water levels inside the tank and altering combinations of wave forces. The prototype is to be built during 2016. By building a prototype such as this one, for this purpose, the results from the experiments will indicate if it is desirable to continue developing this type of closed concrete fish tanks.
Basis for comparing profitability of closed concrete tanks with open nets Not surprisingly, the capital cost of a closed concrete tank is higher compared to a net-cage. However, the cost of the licence of a closed system should be significantly less than for an open system, however this is a political issue. The durability of a closed concrete tank is significantly better than a net, the lifetime of the closed tank will be many times that of a net. Including the different depreciations, the cost of producing 1 kg of salmon is not so different for the two systems, the cost of de-licing counteracts the depreciation.
The fish density of closed systems may be 2-3 times compared to open systems. It’s also estimated that the quality and selling price of the salmon may be higher when grown in a closed system. The cost difference of having to move nets to new locations, shut down time between production-cycles and other environmental effects will influence the total picture. The risk of escaping salmon has also a cost for open systems. Please take contact for a concrete discussion on costs and savings.