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BIG STUFF IS HAPPENING THIS WEEK! On Friday, the day of the Autumn Equinox, Mars’ union with giant Jupiter in Capricorn is exact. This is a very businesslike and entrepreneurial moment in time and almost anything seems possible; a great amount of courage and ambition is available. If an opportunity opens up, go with it but make sure you stay grounded in practical considerations. Simultaneously the Sun moves into fiery and excitable Aries, ready for inspired action. And as if that is not enough, Mars unites with Pluto on Monday while Venus forms a sextile with Neptune. This is a very intense day; obsession, deep emotions and longings may become overwhelming. Hard physical work or sports may be therapeutic, but don’t take it too far! Also on Sunday Saturn moves into inventive and socially-oriented Aquarius, for the first time since 1994! Here Saturn stands for disciplined restructuring of all the parts of society that have proved to be out of date, and his goal is innovation that assists the whole of humanity, not just an elite group. Globally and personally there may be more tolerance for people and ideas that don’t fit the old norm, and thinking outside the box finds more mainstream acceptance. Saturn in Aquarius favours an intellectual and emotionally-detached point of view, while holding up the banner for reform. From now until the end of June we get a taste of what he is suggesting, but then he retreats back into Capricorn until the end of this year. Saturn takes until March 2023 to traverse Aquarius. For the bigger picture read your Sun, Moon and Rising signs. A Tarot card is drawn for each astrological sign.
Astrology and Tarot Forecast consultations by Gisela FOR AN APPOINTMENT: giselasunshine@gmail.com.au or text 0431 894 408
g ARIES With the Princess of Cups drawn you might feel quite sensitive, protective or even vulnerable this week. What if you don’t fight it, but rather enjoy it? Allow yourself the freedom to be tender and express your truthful feelings. It’s like thinking with your heart…
h TAURUS The 8 of Wands symbolises lively action and quick reaction. You might be receiving good news or realising an opportunity right in front of you and you have to seize the moment to make it work for you. Don’t waste any time sitting on the fence, and try to be very precise in your communications.
i GEMINI The Ace of Swords harbours the gift of great clarity. Sometimes when you think too much about a pressing issue you just get more confused and doubtful. Not this time! Your knowingness comes from deep within and as you follow your gutfeeling things become crystal clear. Great insights might be gained this week.
j CANCER The Star Tarot card offers great inspiration and faith in a fruitful future. Trust your abilities, count your blessings and amp up your creative output. Your endeavour must be bringing you lots of joy otherwise there won’t be a good flow of productivity. Think quality not quantity.
k LEO The Temperance Tarot card appears as a reminder that there are many shades, many colours, not just black and white. Can you be an alchemist, someone skilled in tempering, blending and harmonising? As you find the common thread in seeming polarities you find a new perspective and understanding of your reality.
l VIRGO The World Tarot card symbolises a breath of fresh air and excitement about new beginnings. This is the time to set yourself free from old limitations and to welcome your true, individual path. From this place you don’t ask yourself, what you should do; you concentrate on what you WANT to do, and you go for it.
a LIBRA The 6 of Wands represents victory and success. For the fair-minded Libran this means being acknowledged and recognised for creating a win-win situation. Anything else would leave you unsatisfied. This week your great negotiation skills, combined with patience and insight into the needs of your opponent guarantee a great outcome.
b SCORPIO The Judgement Tarot card nudges you to remember that for a true understanding and fair appraisal of a situation, you have to go beyond your emotional reaction and take a higher perspective. From there you may awaken to new, interesting possibilities, which give you more choice than those you are currently invested in.
c SAGITTARIUS The Lovers Tarot card is all about the art and craft of relating. This week the connection to your inner lover and/or the quality of your intimate love relationship comes up for revision. The basic questions are how to stay true to yourself and how to bridge apparent polarities, oppositions or paradoxes with your partner.
d CAPRICORN When the Death Tarot card appears you are in for profound change! A phase of your life comes to an end whether you like it or not, and the sooner you visualise the new goals for this innovative chapter in your life the more efficient and successful you can be.
e AQUARIUS The Justice Tarot card, in synchronicity with Saturn moving into your sign, inspires you to bring more clarity balance and simplicity into your life. Clutter and chaos create confusion and this week could be the perfect time to go ‘zen’ on all levels.
f PISCES With Sun, Mercury and Neptune in your sign and the Magician Tarot card drawn this the time to make your creative or romantic dreams come true. The ability to create magical results comes with applying yourself whole-heartedly while staying centred, focused and resourceful, in particular in the way you communicate.