3 minute read

This week's review TITLE: The Great Questions of Tomorrow AUTHOR: David Rothkopf NUMBER OF PAGES: 107 LISTENING TIME: 3 hours 6 minutes PRICE: $19.99 WHAT IT'S ABOUT: This is a book in a series put together by TED books – called “small books, big ideas”. As the title indicates, each chapter is focussed on a big question – such as “Who am I?”; “Who are we?”; “Who rules?”; “What is money?”. Before you roll your eyes, each of these is then broken down into a number of smaller, bite sized, and more approachable and relevant chunks. The style is designed to get you thinking about the world by pondering the important questions of our times – rather than seeking to provide complete answers. WHO IT'S FOR: Everyone interested in how (Western) societies operate, and how we set and play by the rules that inevitably govern us. And of course, how and why we might want to improve those rules. WHY YOU SHOULD READ IT: This is not a new release – actually being published for the first time in 2017. Like all the books in the series it is easy to pick up, easy to flip through, and full of interesting though sometimes complex ideas. With the (actually NOT) unprecedented displacement caused by the Coronavirus, it is good to remind ourselves that events such as this have happened before – and humans have always found a way forward. NOTABLE QUOTE: “We are on the cusp of a sweeping revolution that will change every facet of our lives. In this pivotal moment, what are the great questions we need to ask to navigate our way forward in this complex future?”

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