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This week's review TITLE: Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart AUTHOR: Gordon Livingston, M.D. NUMBER OF PAGES: 168 READING TIME: 3 hours 12 minutes PRICE: $11.99 WHAT IT'S ABOUT: Dr. Gordon Livingston (I presume!) was a military surgeon in the Vietnam War, who returned from that experience to begin work as a psychiatrist. Listening to people talk about their troubled lives, he built up a bank of ideas on what seems to work, and what doesn’t – what makes people happy and unhappy. He has distilled his life’s work into “Thirty True Things You Need To Know Now”, which form the chapters of this book. His key message is that we are what we do. Because most of us are more likely to talk about the changes required than to implement steps towards making those changes, we get caught doing the same things and expecting diff erent results. Anxieties, phobias, depression, feelings of hopelessness and suicidal thoughts are the result. WHO IT'S FOR: I guarantee there will be at least one chapter in here that discusses a recognisable trait that could do with a tweak. It provides some tools to help us take control - to understand that our diffi culties are caused by bad choices, and that we can learn to make bett er choices and to choose a diff erent path. WHY YOU SHOULD READ IT: The chapters are short and succinct essays, each covering one small idea, both anecdotally and theoretically. Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart off ers solace, guidance and hope to everyone ready to become the person they'd most like to be. NOTABLE QUOTES: “The good news is that we have eff ective treatments for the symptoms of depression; the bad news is that medication will not make you happy. Happiness is not simply the absence of despair. It is an affi rmative state in which our lives have both meaning and pleasure.”
3. STONE & WOOD BREWERY Drop into local independent brewery Stone & Wood for a beer, lunch or a tour, and learn about their approach to brewing and conscious business. stoneandwood.com.au

4. B-LINE AUTO Your local auto parts store. Lots of parts and friendly service. Mon-Fri 7:30am-5pm. b-lineauto.com.au 02 6686 0588.
5. C&C KITCHENS & BATHROOMS Custom quality at aff ordable prices. Showroom open Mon-Thu 9 to 5 (4pm Fridays). 02 6608 0522 cckitchens.com.au
6. SOLE BROS Largest range of Birkenstock’s in Byron Bay! Quality footwear and accessories for ladies and gents. @solebrosbyronbay
10. RUGGED LUXURY Handcraft ed Australian made leather luggage & accessories. Leather and Craft Supplies. 0401 203 603 ruggedluxury.com
11. BYRON FARMERS MARKET Byron Farmers Market has the freshest range of locally grown produce direct from our farmers every Thursday 7-11am at the Cavanbah Centre, along with great coff ee, live music and free parking.