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your lounge. PG
IN THE NEW WORLD, WE HAVE had to make a slight tweek to Around Town. Around Home This Week will now give you things to do without leaving the comfort of your own couch. First up, a spot of culture. I haven’t seen this before – been too busy clubbing and pubbing (Ahh, those were the days!), but it’s been around
since 2016. Some of the world’s biggest museums and art galleries open up their collections via Google Arts and Culture. There are over 2,000 galleries, and goodness knows how many collections of some of the most famous artworks ever on the planet. Visiting the Louvre might not be possible from here (they have their own site), but try out the top hits this month - The British Museum in London allows virtual tours of the Great Court, where you can discover the ancient Rosett a Stone and Egyptian mummies. Walk the famous spiral staircase of the Guggenheim Museum of New York, and discover works of art from the Impressionist, PostImpressionist, Modern and Contemporary eras. The Musée d’Orsay in Paris for classic artworks from Monet, Cézanne and Gauguin; and in Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam you walk the hallways to see the masterworks from Rembrandt and Vermeer. It’s not just artworks here. You can “stroll” outside through some of world’s best national parks, gardens and cultural heritage sites; take in some opera, listen in to some outdoor concerts. In fact, I spent a day just looking at what you can look at, so this is defi nitely a site to permanently bookmark. Australia’s Zoos have begun live-streaming their enclosures for public viewing. You might need to time your voyeuristic visits, as sometimes it all looks prett y empty, but you get a chance to look into the daily lives of lions, tigers, bears, monkeys, even penguins and giraff es. Zoos Victoria has even given viewers the chance to check out the newborn snow leopard cubs. Podcasts are everywhere – so many you need a big search engine just to locate them. But they are worth locating and tuning in. All the Australian and international commercial networks create podcasts as do ABC, SBS, BBC and other public broadcasters. Coronacast hosted by the ABC’s Dr Norman Swan probably ranks #1 at the moment, but for something lighter try The Eleventh, about the dismissal of the Whitlam government in 1975; The Joe Rogan Experience hosted by American comedian Joe Rogan; History Extra featuring BBC broadcaster Melvyn Bragg; Force Material for all the Star Wars tragics, hosted by Rohan Williams and Baz McAlister; or a laugh with Judith Lucy’s Overwhelmed and Dying. If exercising at home to a bit of dance music is more your thing, Boogie at Home is a free live online dance class, hosted by Born to Boogie Dance Connection. D-Nice’s Homeschool Playlist on Spotify might set the moves in motion; or check out the well named Social Distancing Festival, drawing various live streaming performances together in one place.
STOLEN TRAILER & HUSTLER MOWER Stolen from The Manse Road, Myocum. Thursday 12th March, 1pm. Major Golf Buggy Tilt Tray Trailer and Hustler Fastrak 54" rideon Mower. Reward off ered. Call Andrew on 0412 005 007
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BYRON BAZAAR 2 REPORT BASED ON BYRON MAIN BEACH | For live surf cams log onto coastalwatch.com 1-2ft ESE 1-2ft ESE 3 ENE 19 N 9 NNW 14 N 7 NNE 9 NE 10:42AM 4:21 PM 5:43 AM 12:28 PM 6:37 AM 1-2ft ESE 1-2ft ESE 1-3ft ESE 2+ft ESE 2+ft ESE 1-2ft ESE TIDE WIND WAVES 11:52 AM 1:13 PM5:05 AM 6 NNE 19 NNW