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THIS WEEKEND IS BOUND TO BE BIG! ON Saturday Venus moves into the intellectual and communicative realm of Gemini. Due to Venus’ eight weeks retrograde stint in the sign of the Twins she takes until early August until she moves on into Cancer. Therefore there is heaps of time to socialise, connect and adapt new ideas. Due to a Mercury/Neptune conjunction also on Saturday, current objectives might be noble and creative (the good twin), or conjured up to provide a smoke-screen in order to hide facts (the bad twin). Mars und Saturn are united (was exact 1st of April) in innovative Aquarius, and Venus is in agreeable trine to the pair. They are cooperative and inspired to share responsibility because they have shared values. On Sunday the first exact fusion of Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn occurs. This powerful transit is with us for the whole year. Jupiter in Capricorn is on a mission to bring light into power structures and hierarchies of society, business and the legal systems. He expresses the ‘Zeitgeist’, which is the prevailing mindset of our time. Big stuff can happen; revelations and obsessions may amp up the pressure for many people, in particular if you have planets between 23 and 25 degrees in Capricorn, Aries, Cancer or Libra. The last time Jupiter joined Pluto was in late 2007 in fiery Sagittarius. Leading up to the Full Moon in Libra (Wednesday) intensity and struggle may be felt by many. This Super Moon is under the influence of an upsetting Mars/Uranus square. The quest is to find innovative and revolutionary solutions. Thinking outside the box is a must! Mercury in Pisces is onto it while he is sextile to Jupiter and Pluto’s union. Use your intuition as GPS to navigate during the Full Moon time. Daylight Saving ends Sunday morning so turn your clock one hour backward. For the bigger picture read your Sun, Moon and Rising signs. A Tarot card is drawn for each astrological sign.
g ARIES The Justice Tarot card is also called ‘Adjustment’. This week your challenge is to fine-tune your actions and reactions to every moment, instead of falling into impulsive or compulsive habitual responses. An effort in this way brings more harmony and balance, especially around the Full Moon time.
h TAURUS Taurus is known for their loyalty and aversion to change, but with the 8 of Cups drawn, it looks like you have been over-investing energy into a mission that now needs to be abandoned. Instinctively you know that you are drained, but it may still be hard to let it go…
i GEMINI The Knight of Disks symbolises a typically overworked and underpaid person. With Venus in your sign for months you have plenty of time to think about what you value and in which area of your life you undervalue your own work. Maybe settling for small gains is an old habit?
j CANCER The Lovers Tarot card is the quintessential quest for a loving, sustainable and longterm, viable relationship. This bond is a unique creation between two people who, at times, have different wants, needs and preferences. This week you may find a way to bridge oppositions or polarities and allow more personal space.
k LEO With the 3 of Disks drawn you are bound to find a sweet spot in your work situation this week. It is very inspiring and invigorating when the boundary between fun and work starts to blur. Your enthusiasm and how you fully apply yourself bring great results, while encouraging others to do the same.
l VIRGO The 2 of Wands symbolises a power struggle which may erupt with another person, but there is potential that it may also implode in yourself. Either way it takes a lot of your energy and it can shake you to the bone. Be mindful about how you react when you are out of inner balance…
a LIBRA The 5 of Wands is drawn for the second consecutive week. If you experience a prolonged period of worry, stress or hardship it is extremely important to be kind and caring towards yourself, in exactly the same way as you would be there for your best friend, in particular around the Full Moon time.
b SCORPIO The Princess of Swords is the archetype of a free spirit. With her by your side you don’t mind standing up, speaking up or even engaging in a battle of wills. Nevertheless it is important to choose carefully, practically and strategically where to invest your energy so totally.
c SAGITTARIUS The 5 of Swords represents a mentally and emotionally challenging time. You might feel a lot of inner pressure because your strong sense of personal freedom or integrity is disputed by someone dear to you. Take time to sort things out carefully because you might have an overreaction due to old fears and memories.
d CAPRICORN The Queen of Disks symbolises the mature, feminine earth mother. With her by your side you are only interested in change if long-term advancement is secured. The Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in your sign helps you to sort out what is valuable, necessary, over the top or has to be abandoned.
e AQUARIUS With the 3 of Cups drawn this is a week for sharing, caring and networking. Enjoyable relationships nourish your soul and might even help you to connect with the right business people to advance one of your pet projects. The support you give comes back to you in many different ways.
f PISCES The Queen of Cups encourages you to trust your inner knowing of what is true for you. When in doubt find a beautiful, natural place and allow deep communion with nature. The sense of oneness you experience helps you to clear the mind and find inner alignment.
Astrology and Tarot Forecast consultations by Gisela FOR AN APPOINTMENT: giselasunshine@gmail.com.au or text 0431 894 408