Byron Community College Term 2 Course Program 2021

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Sustainability ANIMALS - INTEGRATED PRODUCTION SYSTEMS - PDC with Sharon Gibson Learn how to incorporate animals into the design of your garden or food production system to increase its overall abundance, simplify management and optimise the health and productivity of your chickens, cows and other animals. This workshop includes a field trip exploring local animal production systems where we can experience successful integrative animal systems that can be implemented at various scales from the backyard to commercial. Fri, 30 Apr | 9 am - 5 pm Mullum Concession: $89 Full Fee: $99



Explore some of the latest innovations in green building techniques and materials, site layout, biophilic design, home ecology, house and village design, including tiny houses. Learn how to apply design methods to preserve foods, generate energy and heat, provide domestic drinking water, treat grey and black water, composting toilets and more. Sat, 1 May | 9 am - 5 pm Mullum Concession: $89 Full Fee: $99


WATER - SYSTEMS FOR THE HOME AND LANDSCAPE - PDC with James Nash Learn how to work with water in the landscape, exploring theoretical and practical examples of water harvesting, catching, storing and irrigation, changing our mindset from draining to ‘sponging’ water INTO the landscape. We will investigate and visit a range of local and global examples of swales, keylines, earthworks, wicking beds, dams, aquaponics and water biofiltration methods. Sun, 2 May | 9 am - 5 pm Byron Concession: $89 Full Fee: $99

ECOLOGY - WEEDS, PESTS AND DISEASES IN THE GARDEN PDC with Joey Venables Learn to identify and control a range of common weeds, pests and diseases of food crops through holistic, ecologically sensitive management techniques. This course will build an appreciation of the importance of soil management to nurture crop health for natural pest and disease resistance. Fri, 28 May | 9 am - 5 pm Mullum Concession: $89 Full Fee: $99

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