Summary/Personna Target Group 65-70 Years
Grandma Brenda 68 years
Dave Coupland 68 years
+ Traditional + Neat + Organised + Immaculatetv + Loving
+ Tough + Funny + Anti-social + Sarcastic + Resourceful
We’re looking at this particular age group. Between comparing the two types of people we have, it is hard to get a share of similarities between the two. They have different characteristics, so they represent two different types of people within this age group. But, from trying to link what similarities there are, we’re looking at a target group that is family orientated, organised, and they may have some form of structure to their daily lives. We have come up with this, because they are in their early stages of retirement, and they will have been in a working environment for most of their lives. Because of this, they may want to busy themselves, have small jobs to do and may want to be as helpful as possible. They may want to be with only a few close friends or family. They may also have a lot of stories to tell, due to their long lives. They were both born during WWII, so between that time era and now, they may have become both wise and knowledgeable.
Ruben Nascimento [Y2] Graphic Communications | Sustainable me!