Where the road takes you By: Anna L
Higher and higher Up up up I go Higher and higher I fly Gripping the chain I can almost touch the sky I'm flying with the birds I'm higher than the mountains I love it way up here And never want to leave I want be above the tree tops I want to dance in the clouds I want to play in the sun And I never want to come down As I slowly stop my leg I began to come down k I'm slowing down Falling now I'm on the ground again But I can always fly back up I leap off the seat And finally let go of the chain I look up at the sky I see the trees I was above I see the clouds that I danced on I see the sun that I played in And I whisper quietly "see you next time"
Liquid Gold
Liquid Gold When the water rushes over The chilled hard sand The grains hurdle and flip As the water creeps inch by inch The water climbs away But all the sand still tries to stay The shells try to grasp the land But they just end up sneaking away The little pieces of the gold shimmering in the light But soon the black specks will be gleaming though out the long night Is this the real liquid gold?
Leaves Yellow, orange, brown, and red Falling to the ground Falling, falling, falling Drifting down from up high Floating to the ground Falling, falling, falling Spinning, turning, twisting Drifting down Falling, falling, falling A blanket covers the ground Warming the dirt No more leaves to fall now
Picture citations [Image.] http://www.superbwallpapers.com/digital-art/autumn-leaves-23768/. 10/7/2014. Web. [Image.] http://www.superbwallpapers.com/digital-art/autumn-leaves-23768/. 10/7/2014. Web. [Image.] http://www.highgraphic.com/gold-sand/. 10/7/2014. Web. [Image.] http://www.pinterest.com/pin/159737118007096224/. 10/7/2014. Web. Title page image was created in power point by Anna Lane