Monopoly the Game of Luck By: Colin Z
When roll that 3 you will have to pay the price.
Monopoly is a fantastic game.
You sometimes roll a double,
Lots of luck is involved to win,
But other times you might be in deep, deep trouble. Monopoly the game of luck.
If you’re lucky let them spin. You may play as the plane, Or you might prefer the train. Monopoly a trading card game. Is a game followed by a set rules? Don’t buy a property and you’ve just become a fool. All day long you build, build, and build. When someone stays at your hotel you will be thrilled. Monopoly is a game of rolling the dice,
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There is Always Tomorrow
Tomorrow I could have the corn flakes I wanted,
Today was a miserable day.
I could have delicious burgers from Burger-Fi,
I was out of Corn Flakes in the morning, I got a flat tire on the way to work, There were out of my favorite burgers at Burger-Fi, And when I got home the energy drained from my body.
I could to do whatever I wanted to do. I could quit my job and go to the moon, But, I have to wait until tomorrow.
I felt like my luck has drained from my too. I felt like I had lost my soul. Could this day get any worse? Then I thought to myself there is always tomorrow. Today might have been a bad day but, there is always tomorrow.
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Where your imagination taunts you,
Dreams soar high in the sky like eagle flying high and proud.
These dreams are a horror to your mind.
Dreams are a fantasy powered by your imagination.
Dreams can be gentle,
Dreams can be during the day, Leading you to magical world that is too good to be true.
Where your mind becomes happy, You become relaxed and calm. Some dreams are good dreams and others are not, But all dreams soar high in the sky.
Dreams can be during the night, Where your imagination soars in the sky, Leading you to happiest moments. Dreams can be nightmares,
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Citations Monopoly Man: Keep Calm: Dare to Dream: Monopoly Dice: 2272/2434961250_e4242b21 f0_m.jpg