Observations from a Sensible, Yet Slightly Dark Personality By: Eddie S
Holiday Click for Audio
Holidays can mean different things. It can be A day of celebration. It could just be a day off from work When we think of holidays We think of gifts and loud laughter. But holidays can just be A day of resting A day all to yourself A stay-cation. There might be no Gifts, candy, loud laughter And music. It might just be A rainy day. And you just sit By yourself, Maybe by a fire. As you just relax maybe with a book Or maybe you turn on the TV And watch your favorite show Or maybe you can just sleep in. I like those kinds of holidays.
Raven Click for Audio It's piercing eyes Like red hot candies They illuminate the fog. Like headlights on a car Red, evil headlights On that jet black car. The raven makes no sound As it flies, silently And cunningly Through the black night. It's color matches the sky. There's one And suddenly There's hundreds All in perfect formation. They glide, without a sound, through the sky Not always at night Sometimes in the daytime When the clouds are gray Like a wolf's ragged fur. A single, black feather Drops from the sky And dances with the air Before gently touching down On the ground. Like a small snowflake It makes no sound As it lands. The feather is like the raven Making no sound And being quite cunning. The ravens are the face Of the night we call All Hallows Eve.
They guard the gate Of that one house That no child has the bravery to enter. Suddenly, below the chilling, gray sky A single raven calls And then another Until all one hundred of them Are calling. The sound fills the daytime And the nighttime. Like an eerie howl of a wolf The piercing sound echoes For miles. Their silky black wings The majestic kings of the avian world Bring the ravens slowly to the ground Like gently falling snowflakes. Not unlike the feather The ravens touch the ground Silently.
Me Click for Audio I'm not the kind of person Who sits in front of the TV All day long And watches football I'm more of a doer, Not a spectator. I'm not the kind of person Who talks about sports 24/7 And judges a person If they're not good at sports. I look at the person That they are on the inside. I couldn't care less About athleticism. I'm not the kind of person Who just lets people Get in my head And let them put me down. I can be defiant if I want to. I can stand up For myself. In those situations, If it doesn't involve an adult Respect is not as important. I care about Getting my point across. If it involves an adult, Obviously I'm not as defiant. I am respectful to adults. I do not lie to them. I do not talk back. That isn't how you treat adults. You treat them with the
Respect they deserve. One last thing about me Is I am focused. If I need to perform a task Nothing is getting in the way of it. Especially school related. I am focused in school And in every other aspect Of my life. I'm not perfect. I'm human. But at least I can point out my strengths.
Citations http://www.bookdrum.com/books/matil da/9780142410370/bookmarks-226240.html http://www.nps.gov/sagu/naturescien ce/common-raven.htm