The Life of Many By: Erika R.
True Friend I have been lured into those dark places and wish to never go back, Your words of hatred are like a heart attack. Dark and scary, full of hate, Now I see clearly, you used me as bait. Blaming me for all of your silly lies, I dread for the next day, for the sun to rise. Scared that everyone will hate me because of what was said, Standing there awkwardly, cheeks turned brick red. Now I have to pay for your actions, Praying to God that I will end up with some satisfaction. Standing there, told that I was lying, But you know what, inside I was smiling. Through all of this mess, I have learned from the best. You were never, ever a true friend.
Tests Every day and every night, I have to study for a test. And if I may and if I might, Have some time to confess. Most of the time but not all of the time, I don’t study for that test. Then it is just another mountain to climb, My grade, not the best. Now I have learned from my mistakes, Not studying for that test. I am older and life is not fun and cakes, Now you try, be my guest.
Camp Merri-Mac The hour drive is long and suspenseful, Feelings of joy and sorrow are rushing through your heart, Trying to get that last bit of cell phone time in, Listening to all of the music that your tiny ears can take, The twelfth time this route has been taken, Wondering what cabin you are going to be in, If your friends are going to be there again, Finally, you pull up and you do not want to stay, Your cell phone, music, and communication, gone, The scent that you smell that you can never replace, And then you realize that you are a Merri-Mac girl, Flashbacks, memories all come to mind, Riding a horse, shooting a rifle, all for the first time, You realize that you belong here, that summer would not be the same, The Mike, signing in, rushing to find out who is there, The tribe jerseys all flood around you, Crying of joy that your friends love and have missed you, Then comes the time where you've already settled in, And your parents are asked to leave, You have no emotions and suddenly have the urge to go back home, To see your pets, your friends, your comfortable place that you never leave, But you realize that it is time for your parents to leave, Crying of sorrow begins and friends rush to comfort you, You are left there, alone, but then someone says, "It's camp time and you are going to have a blast with us".
War War, blood, terror, that is all I see, People who are blind, staring at me, Beautiful people who still have to mend, Wandering, hobbling, fighting to the end, I have no idea who or what would have caused this, These people have given their loved one's their one last kiss, Guns, people, death, destruction, Now that people are gone, there will be no reproduction, The people take lives from us like it is a gift shop, The war in this country has got to stop.
Dreams We all have dreams, hopes, wishes, Some will come true and some will not, Becoming a princess and living in a fantasy, Having the perfect basketball shot. Although reality must be accepted, We have to keep our dreams alive, And never give up on what we thrive for, Even if you still want what you wanted at five.
Image Citations: Front Cover- True Friend- Test- Camp Merri-Mac- Camp Merri-Mac for Girls Camp Minder War- Dreams-