Ethan n

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Sky is the Limit By Ethan N.

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Rain /i/s1dV9heVQCbk

The clouds turn to a dark grey. Droplets of blue fall from the sky. These bring water to the world

Without rain There would be a constant drought All vegetation would die, Production and mining would be halted, No Progress would be made in anything Only the search for non-existent water All living things would slowly die. Every Tongue would cry for mercy, There would be none.

Yet around me I see water being wasted, No one sees how useful it is. Sure there would be no hurricanes, no blizzards, and no flooding But, that is a small price to pay considering its usefulness

Click here for audio i/s1pbkSMUUo0h

The Balloon

Oh balloon

Oh balloon

Your color was a deep maroon

I remember when I took you too the lagoon

The color of an unripe chestnut

I remember our little trot

Or a mud made hut

And I remember that it was hot

Oh balloon

Oh balloon

I bought you at birthday hut this June

That sweaty at day half past noon

The prices there are so high

No help to you could be aided

Like you they rise up into the sky

Because, you were already deflated

Oh balloon

Oh balloon

You could have gone up to the moon

Why did you have to die so soon

The Moon is as white as a piece of cake And its reflection shines on every lake

Ode to Code Code is everything in the digital age. Smartphones, Computers, Gaming Systems, and GPSs From the basic print function line to the internet All of these cannot exist without code.

Click here for Audio /s1XlIIwkFbHi

Code has only been around for less than a century Yet it seems as if every technological advancement before code led to its invention And every technological advancement after it proved its usefulness Without code much would be different.

All those raw_inputs, ifs, elifs, and elses They bring joy to me as I write and write, program after program

Click Here for Audio s10ZONkSkzzx

Kid in a Party Shop There was a boy, That wanted a toy. He looked for a store, As he went out the door

There was a boy, That searched through all of Ruma, Illinois. When he was about to give up whole-hearty, He saw a shop with goods for a party

There was a boy, He had a plan he wanted to deploy. He saw a man and said “Good Afternoon”, And then the man showed showed the boy where he could buy a balloon.

There was a boy, He wanted to make sure didn’t have a decoy. He didn’t want the balloon to be fake, Not even the smallest flake.

There was a boy, He was filled with joy. His balloon was his new friend, And he thought their adventures would never end.

Cloud Picture: Rain Picture: Deflated Balloon Picture: Code Picture: Party Shop:

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