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Poetry Compilation Jack H http://dekstopwallpaper.net/sunflower-landscape-wallpapers-hd-wallpapers/

Sun http://www.mrwallpaper.com/sunny-day-landscape-wallpaper/ The sky turned dark and stormy as if it was angry, The wind took a deep breath and blew the leaves off the trees, The air turned cold as if it was winter, The sky started crying, soaking the grass and trees, The ground began to tremble and shake, The lightning reached down, and touched a tree, The tree was startled and fell to the ground, Branches jumped off the trees and started flying around, Soon the sky stopped crying, the branches stopped flying, The sun stopped hiding behind the clouds, and lit up the sky with happiness, The air turned warm and the sky turned sunny, The birds chirped songs like they had never before, The air was filled with happiness and the sun began to smile!

Prey http://www.resurrectisis.org/S1WebPage.htm The snake slithered out of his hole, It was early in the morning, Not a thing was stirring,

The snake stayed low, Hiding his body, Peeking through the grass, Waiting for his prey,

A sound came from his left, He inched forward, Not making a sound,

He waited, For the perfect moment, When his prey, Would come,

Then he darted forward, Catching his prey, With his teeth,

Regretting, What he had done,

He gently put down his prey, And quietly slithered away.

Candy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candy_corn White, orange, yellow, Mountains, Dyed in color,

Red, Twisty vines, Filled with flavor,

Brown, Chocolaty bricks, That dissolve in your mouth,

Candy, Shaped like rocks, That you can hear sizzling on your tongue,

Colorful, Rainbow circles, Sweet, sour, and chewy,

What more could you ask for, On a perfect Halloween.

Link to Sun: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1qZNHft6BTV Link to Prey: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0WYF4wi3rJp Link to Candy: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0c6yaar8rik

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