Jay s

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A Collection Of Poems By: Jay S.

The Droplet: Vocaroo1.mp3

Audio for Poem

Here he is, En route to the drop While thousands of others bow Like samurai to their master; They all crouch beside him. Mother Earth gives the command Lights flashes before his eyes, Then the clamor which Scares the wits out of him, signals. And he is a leopard leaping. Down. Once and for all He gracefully glides in circles, On the path others have elegantly travelled. Although he is different. He goes, almost lackadaisically But none the less determined. Then, Splash!

The Nervous Student: The Nervous Student Poem Audio.mp3

Audio for Poem Ring! Ring! Ring! The gong sounds as children file out of classrooms‌ The nervous student, the hunchback of Notre Dame: Ignoring provocative lines from snickering peers. Hurried past one classroom, two, three, 'til he reached his destination. The teacher locked the door, keeping tardy students at bay. The nervous student: the invisible man Sifting through his binder for paper Hastily pulling his pencil from his pouch And scrawling the instructor’s instructions, hidden from view. The nervous student: the couch potato Avoiding eye contact with everyone. Anxiously waiting as names are being called up to the dreaded stage, The nervous student wonders why others enjoy this ghastly experience. The nervous student knows he's next, Following the teacher's commands in alphabetical order. '(Clapping) Alright, for our next presentation' -- Ring! Ring! Ring! A sigh of relief puffed out by the nervous student.

Piano Solo: Vocaroo3.mp3

Piano Solo Poem Audio

The conductor swiftly swishes his baton through the air and‌ Low notes rumble through, causing anticipation to stew. A soft, dulcet melody, then crescendo, louder‌ The melody springs in, elegant, ready to spin. A couple of measures here, a couple there, A brief pause tiptoes, quiet as a hare. Prestissimo says the page, as the pianists' hands become lightning Making notes undistinguishable, but slowly The original melody Steps back into the spotlight. The piano creates a chorus, A mixture of pitches and sounds Pierce the air with sharp, long-lasting notes. Diminuendo, the piano moves softer and softer Until the original melody steals the stage again. Suddenly, an incredibly accelerating piece of music Fill the pianist's heart with joy as The final, resonating tone enlightens the room.

Citation Page: Picture on the Cover Picture of the Droplet Picture of the Nervous Student Picture of Piano Hands

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