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Poetry Compilation

Kate S.

Back Handspring http://vocaroo.com/i/s18IC7eGJOwi I look down the long dark runway All eyes on me I wait, I wait, I wait It is my time to shine I lift on to the top of my toes I begin to bound into a long lunge forward I fly through the air, reaching for the ground to land safely on my hands I swivel my legs over my body to get the momentum going My heart races now My hair is in my face It is time There can be no hesitation My feet pound to the ground now I fling my hands gracefully up to my head and begin to sling them back down to my waist I swing them back up once more But this time my feet must leave the ground I have reached the scariest part I try to make sure my back does not arch too much My toes are pointed My hands are by my head My legs stay straight Now I am off the ground I am in the air soaring Boom! My hands touch down, both perfectly facing forward As I end, my legs are straight I thrust my legs over my head I stand up straight with a smile Now that is how you do a round off back handspring

Ice cream http://vocaroo.com/i/s0rh4wC4YJOR "You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream!" There is something very wrong with this statement Who wants ice cream if they don’t even know what flavor it is? And if toppings are involved… Who wants ice cream that fell on the ground into a mud pile? And plus what if you are allergic to dairy? I would not be screaming "you scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream" then If I could choose, I would want mine to be cake batter ice cream And for toppings: Oreos, hot fudge, sprinkles, and Butterfingers Oh… and about those sprinkles Make them rainbow, PLEASE! So if you want some nasty, disgusting, outrageous, terrible ice cream with no toppings Well then you go ahead and say "You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream" But now when you hear that phrase I bet you’re going to think a little differently


Romper http://vocaroo.com/i/s0rh4wC4YJOR Bells chime as I excitedly storm in Looking around the room to see pure glory Shoes, hats, shorts, tops, dresses, rompers, purses, and so much more! All of it so exciting in vibrant colors But then I spot it‌ What I have been looking for The pink long sleeved romper with open shoulders and gold buttons I run over to it to try to find my size I search vigorously through them Searching for that one perfect romper But there is a problem Where is my size? How could it be? This romper is just for me I ask the cashier if she could please go look in the back She comes back only to say "I am sorry the romper is out of stock" I say "would you mind checking one more time?" But as she is gone I happen to see another perfect romper Just for me Oh! And look at that purple one! Here we go again

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