Mesha m

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A Nutshell

Pain greater than no other Happiness spreading warmth like hot chocolate Winning feeling like your heart leaped out of your throat Tears like hot acid rolling down your cheek

Love that seems like it will last forever Heartbreak piercing your heart like knives

Togetherness as a team almost like family Loneliness due to seclusion

Friends that bring you up Enemies that bring you down Hunger feeling like your insides are eating your insides Greed bringing out that evil twin of yours

The real people who show you how they feel about you right away The fake people who smile in your face but when you’re gone stab you in the back Peace that never seems to last War that goes on and on

No one caring about society Making a difference is the key Life in a nutshell

You Never Know nothing will be the same.wav

Drifting away slowly in to a quiet peaceful oblivion

All parts of reality vanish into a twisted dream Feels like dust filling my eyes or are those tears Definitely tears I become a waterfall down on one knee I ponder why it must be me Parts of me are fading away My mind is clouded Sweet agony has struck again Consumed by the dark In a blaze I see my dreams, future accomplishments, life disappear My wings have been cut off there is nowhere to fly away now I descend slowly to cold unremorseful ground The dread, fear, and anguish creeping slowly in my soul Shackles restraining me from escape Knowledge that after this nothing will be the same

Why? why.aup

I feel alive Colorful images in my mind

Painting every step of the path in my mind Smiling gliding across the floor An Entrance to a different world Where I can make it mine I can have the things I want No one can judge me What I say and do is kept a secret I can have my guilty pleasures without interruptions Pretend I’m friends with famous people Daydream about what it would be like to be perfect Although I know I’ll eventually have to go back Slip out of the world back to reality Cold reality where dreams and promises are broken Where almost nothing is sacred Just chaos Dancing why can’t it last forever?

Citations A Nutshell: =lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=2_ozVOS9LoX7yATKtYFg&sqi=2&ved=0CAYQ_A UoAQ

Seclusion: ce=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=MfgzVOrbG86lyATGzYHQBA&ved=0CAYQ_AU oAQ#tbm=isch&q=seclusion&facrc=_&imgdii=_& f%252F2014%252F249%252Fa%252Fc%252Fhollow_seclusion_by_elestrenn %252Fhollow-seclusion-

Dancer: urce=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=eHU0VJTaKJGMNqipgrgN&sqi=2&ved=0CA YQ_AUoAQ#imgdii=_

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