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Ups and Downs Rishi G

[Image.] http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2288/2233068067_7c6d3f6be2_z.jpg. 14 September 2014. Web.

Time Flies Faster than You Think (Recording: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1EjF5fzjRh5)

Life is a 90-year voyage, That is replete with adventure, And brimming with difficulties That are trying to derail you. But instead of letting your troubles halt you like a dead end, Go right through them. Strive for as much as you can, Travel as far as you can, And have as much fun as you can. Because time flies faster than you think.

[Image.] http://www.terratechlogistics.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/boeing-airplane-widescreenwallpaper.jpg. 14 September 2014. Web.

If I was still at the Age of Four (Recording: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0ZVa9wqgKpm)

If I was still at the age of four, I would experience fun galore. And I would do whatever I please, With my punishment being nothing more than a gentle breeze. I would find entertainment in anything, Even if it's just a red string. I wouldn't have a single assignment, And I'd never have to deal with a chastisement. If I was still at the age of four, I'd have no problems, that's for sure.

[Image.] http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_wlYDdZEKUec/TPcbULSXl7I/AAAAAAAAA0Y/6ZMP308NMw0/s1600/number 4.jpg. 14 September 2014. Web.

Dear Football (Recording: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1SyllMa0H5g)

Dear Football, You brighten up my Sundays, You've taught me how to be a good sport, You give me a break After a long day at school. You are one of the greatest pastimes That this world has ever known. But still, People fight over you, People get angry over you, People bet their money over you, And people cry in public bathrooms over you, As if you are the world. You unite and sever people simultaneously. Though you have helped many people become friends, You have also caused people to become enemies. But in the end, Everyone loves you for all of your fun, Even after all of the harm That you've done.

[Image.] http://3.bp.blogspot.com/dsQ8D2Qz24A/TeDkYMXcMwI/AAAAAAAAAVE/XIObGtMzK9I/s1600/football%2Bamericain.jpg. 14 September 2014. Web.

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