Cary Academy
A Random Collection of Poems The Flawless Book, Peace and War, Life and Death Ross Matton
Death. The Eternal Sleep. Heaven and Hell. The ultimate freedom. It is absolute. There is no way to stop it. Yet we cause it so often. We will never best nature in her game that is Life. Life. The world of the free and unrestrained. Rampant and wild, it grows on us. When one is born, we rejoice. When one passes, we mourn. Yet we end it so often. And we can’t best nature in her game. The Living. The very soul of our lives. Yet when they leave, we are bitter. We withdraw inside ourselves. But this does no good. Because we will never best nature in her game. The Dead. The Gone. The passed. They are gone forever. With no way to recover them, we mourn. Some have such an untimely end. Yet some live much longer than expected. But we will never best nature in her game.
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Peace and War: